The activAnalyzer package was primarily built for working through a Shiny app. The procedure for using the app is explained in the related user’s guide. The functions used in this app can also be used to analyze data outside the app, as shown below.
data = mydata_with_wear_marks,
metric = "vm",
zoom_from = "16:00:00",
zoom_to = "18:00:00"
metric = "vm",
valid_wear_time_start = "00:00:00",
valid_wear_time_end = "23:59:59"
metric = "vm",
valid_wear_time_start = "07:00:00",
valid_wear_time_end = "22:00:00"
metric = "vm",
zoom_from = "13:00:00",
zoom_to = "16:30:00"
minimum_wear_time_for_analysis = 10,
start_day_analysis = "00:00:00",
end_day_analysis = "23:59:00",
metrics = "volume",
epoch_label = "60s"
) + theme(plot.margin = margin(1, 1, 1, 1, "cm"))
results_summary_means = mean_results,
results_summary_medians = median_results,
metrics = "volume",
epoch_label = "60s"
Metric | Daily mean | median |
Number of valid days | 5 |
Wear time (min) | 767.8 (12:47:48) | 770.0 (12:50:00) |
Axis 1 total counts | 513108.6 | 359125.0 |
VM total counts | 970344.6 | 806592.1 |
Axis 1 mean (counts/min) | 686.7 | 498.8 |
VM mean (counts/min) | 1290.6 | 1047.5 |
SED time (min) | 283.0 (04:43:00) | 292.0 (04:52:00) |
LPA time (min) | 391.8 (06:31:48) | 407.0 (06:47:00) |
MPA time (min) | 57.8 (00:57:48) | 51.0 (00:51:00) |
VPA time (min) | 35.2 (00:35:12) | 4.0 (00:04:00) |
MVPA time (min) | 93.0 (01:33:00) | 77.0 (01:17:00) |
SED wear time proportion (%) | 36.9 | 40.0 |
LPA wear time proportion (%) | 50.6 | 50.2 |
MPA wear time proportion (%) | 7.6 | 7.1 |
VPA wear time proportion (%) | 4.9 | 0.6 |
MVPA wear time proportion (%) | 12.4 | 10.7 |
Ratio MVPA / SED | 0.33 | 0.27 |
Total MVPA MET-hr | 8.63 | 5.56 |
Total kcal | 1730.04 | 1548.93 |
PAL | 1.99 | 1.78 |
Total steps | 14869 | 14056 |
g_pal <- create_fig_pal(score = mean_results[["pal"]], "en") + theme(plot.margin = margin(2, 1, 0.5, 1, "cm"))
# Steps
g_steps <- create_fig_steps(score = mean_results[["total_steps"]], "en") + theme(plot.margin = margin(0, 1, 0.5, 1, "cm"))
g_mvpa <- create_fig_mvpa(score = mean_results[["minutes_MVPA"]], "en") + theme(plot.margin = margin(0, 1, 0, 1, "cm"))
g_sed <- create_fig_sed(score = mean_results[["minutes_SED"]], "en") + theme(plot.margin = margin(0, 1, 0, 1, "cm"))
# MVPA/SED ratio
g_ratio <- create_fig_ratio_mvpa_sed(score = mean_results[["ratio_mvpa_sed"]], "en") + theme(plot.margin = margin(0, 1, 1, 1, "cm"))
# Whole figure
(g_pal + theme(legend.position = "top")) / g_steps / (g_mvpa | g_sed | g_ratio) +
plot_layout(heights = c(0.8, 0.7, 1.5)) & theme(legend.justification = "center")
minimum_wear_time_for_analysis = 10,
start_day_analysis = "00:00:00",
end_day_analysis = "23:59:00",
metrics = "step_acc",
epoch_label = "60s"
) + theme(plot.margin = margin(1, 1, 1, 1, "cm"))
results_summary_means = mean_results,
results_summary_medians = median_results,
metrics = "step_acc",
epoch_label = "60s"
Metric | Daily mean | median |
Number of valid days | 5 |
Max step acc. 60 min (steps/min) | 57.85 | 50.90 |
Max step acc. 30 min (steps/min) | 70.05 | 71.63 |
Max step acc. 20 min (steps/min) | 74.29 | 83.05 |
Max step acc. 5 min (steps/min) | 95.20 | 112.80 |
Max step acc. 1 min (steps/min) | 109.00 | 118.00 |
Peak step acc. 60 min (steps/min) | 74.60 | 70.88 |
Peak step acc. 30 min (steps/min) | 86.60 | 86.73 |
Peak step acc. 20 min (steps/min) | 91.75 | 97.70 |
Peak step acc. 5 min (steps/min) | 105.24 | 117.20 |
Peak step acc. 1 min (steps/min) | 109.00 | 118.00 |
minimum_wear_time_for_analysis = 10,
start_day_analysis = "00:00:00",
end_day_analysis = "23:59:00",
metrics = "int_distri",
epoch_label = "60s"
) + theme(plot.margin = margin(1, 1, 1, 1, "cm"))
results_summary_means = mean_results,
results_summary_medians = median_results,
metrics = "int_distri",
epoch_label = "60s"
Metric | Daily mean | median |
Number of valid days | 5 |
Intensity gradient | -1.51 | -1.36 |
M1/3 (counts/60s) | 229.9 | 200.9 |
M120 (counts/60s) | 3089.0 | 2064.0 |
M60 (counts/60s) | 4040.2 | 3054.7 |
M30 (counts/60s) | 4978.6 | 4721.2 |
M15 (counts/60s) | 5730.7 | 5763.9 |
M5 (counts/60s) | 6558.7 | 6160.1 |
p1 <- accum_metrics_sed$p_alpha + guides(color = "none", fill = "none")
p2 <- accum_metrics_sed$p_MBD + guides(color = "none", fill = "none")
p3 <- accum_metrics_sed$p_UBD
p4 <- accum_metrics_sed$p_gini
(p1 | p2) / (p3 | p4) + plot_layout(guides = "collect") & theme(legend.position = 'bottom')
p1 <- accum_metrics_pa$p_alpha + guides(color = "none", fill = "none")
p2 <- accum_metrics_pa$p_MBD + guides(color = "none", fill = "none")
p3 <- accum_metrics_pa$p_UBD
p4 <- accum_metrics_pa$p_gini
(p1 | p2) / (p3 | p4) + plot_layout(guides = "collect") & theme(legend.position = 'bottom')