To cite gdalcubes in publications use:
Appel M, Pebesma E (2019). “On-Demand Processing of Data Cubes from Satellite Image Collections with the gdalcubes Library.” Data, 4(3).
Appel M, Pebesma E, Mohr M (2021). “Cloud-based processing of satellite image collections in R using STAC, COGs, and on-demand data cubes.” Blog post on,
Corresponding BibTeX entries:
@Article{, title = {On-Demand Processing of Data Cubes from Satellite Image Collections with the gdalcubes Library}, author = {Marius Appel and Edzer Pebesma}, year = {2019}, journal = {Data}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, url = {}, article-number = {92}, }
@Misc{, title = {Cloud-based processing of satellite image collections in R using STAC, COGs, and on-demand data cubes}, author = {Marius Appel and Edzer Pebesma and Matthias Mohr}, year = {2021}, note = {Blog post on}, url = {}, }