EpiCurves: epicurves in ggplot with ggsurveillance

Epi Curve examples

This vignette is still work in progress. But the examples are hopefully already helpful and inspiring.

Ebola Outbreak in Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo 1995

ggplot(outbreaks::ebola_kikwit_1995, aes(x = date, weight = onset)) +
  geom_epicurve(date_resolution = "week") +
  scale_x_date(date_breaks = "2 weeks", date_labels = "%V'%g", name = "week") +
  scale_y_cases_5er() +

SARS Outbreak in Canada 2003

outbreaks::sars_canada_2003 |>
  pivot_longer(starts_with("cases"), names_prefix = "cases_", names_to = "origin") |>
  ggplot(aes(x = date, weight = value, fill = origin)) +
  geom_epicurve(date_resolution = "week") +
  scale_y_cases_5er() +

Influenza Data from Germany 2020-2025

influenza_germany |>
  # Keep Age Groups 00-14, 15-59, 60+
  filter(AgeGroup != "00+") |>
  # Calc Influenza Seasons
  align_dates_seasonal(dates_from = ReportingWeek) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = ReportingWeek, weight = Cases, fill = season)) + # , weight = Cases
  geom_vline_year(color = "grey50") +
  geom_epicurve(color = NA, stat = "bin_date", date_resolution = "week") +
  scale_y_cases_5er() +


influenza_germany |>
  # Calc Influenza Seasons
  align_dates_seasonal(dates_from = ReportingWeek) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = ReportingWeek, weight = Cases, color = AgeGroup)) + # , weight = Cases
  geom_line(stat = "bin_date", date_resolution = "month") +
  scale_y_cases_5er() +
  facet_wrap(~AgeGroup) +