pmxcode 0.2.0
- Allow users to define parameter on linear, log, or logit scale
- For mrgsolve models, allow users to switch between random
variability and posthoc estimates of variability
- UI refactoring using bslib
- Fixes typos in M3 method code
pmxcode 0.1.4
- Bug fixes in M3 method coding and app crash with certain model
pmxcode 0.1.3
- Bug fixes with target-mediated elimination
pmxcode 0.1.2
- Bug fixes with logit variability model
- Update UI to bslib
pmxcode 0.1.1
- Bug fixes in transit compartment absorption model code for
- Bug fixes for default NONMEM $TABLE variables
pmxcode 0.1
- First release supporting creation of new models for NONMEM and