#!/usr/bin/perl -s ######################################################################### # # TTYtter v1.1 (c)2007-2010 cameron kaiser (and contributors). # all rights reserved. # http://www.floodgap.com/software/ttytter/ # # distributed under the floodgap free software license # http://www.floodgap.com/software/ffsl/ # # After all, we're flesh and blood. -- Oingo Boingo # If someone writes an app and no one uses it, does his code run? -- me # ######################################################################### require 5.005; BEGIN { # ONLY STUFF THAT MUST RUN BEFORE INITIALIZATION GOES HERE! # THIS FUNCTION HAS GOTTEN TOO DAMN CLUTTERED! # @INC = (); # wreck intentionally for testing $ENV{'PERL_SIGNALS'} = 'unsafe'; $command_line = $0; $0 = "TTYtter"; $TTYtter_VERSION = "1.1"; $TTYtter_PATCH_VERSION = 9; $TTYtter_RC_NUMBER = 0; # non-zero for release candidate # this is kludgy, yes. $LANG = $ENV{'LANG'} || $ENV{'GDM_LANG'} || $ENV{'LC_CTYPE'} || $ENV{'ALL'}; $my_version_string = "${TTYtter_VERSION}.${TTYtter_PATCH_VERSION}"; (warn ("$my_version_string\n"), exit) if ($version); $space_pad = " " x 1024; # for multi-module extension handling $multi_module_mode = 0; $multi_module_context = 0; undef %master_store; $padded_patch_version = substr($TTYtter_PATCH_VERSION . " ", 0, 2); #createliurl updateliurl delliurl getliurl getlisurl #statusliurl followliurl leaveliurl %opts_boolean = map { $_ => 1 } qw( ansi noansi verbose superverbose ttytteristas noprompt seven silent hold daemon script anonymous readline ssl newline vcheck verify noratelimit notrack nonewrts synch exception_is_maskable mentions simplestart freezebug location oldstatus readlinerepaint nocounter notifyquiet ); %opts_sync = map { $_ => 1 } qw( ansi pause dmpause ttytteristas verbose superverbose url rlurl dmurl newline wrap notimeline queryurl trendurl track colourprompt colourme notrack colourdm colourreply colourwarn coloursearch idurl notifies filter colourdefault backload searchhits ); %opts_urls = map {$_ => 1} qw( url dmurl uurl rurl wurl frurl rlurl update shorturl apibase queryurl trendurl idurl delurl dmdelurl favsurl myfavsurl favurl favdelurl rtsofmeurl followurl leaveurl dmupdate xauthurl credurl blockurl blockdelurl ); %opts_secret = map { $_ => 1} qw( superverbose ttytteristas ); %opts_can_set = map { $_ => 1 } qw( url pause dmurl dmpause superverbose ansi verbose update uurl rurl wurl avatar ttytteristas frurl track rlurl noprompt shorturl newline wrap verify autosplit notimeline queryurl trendurl colourprompt colourme colourdm colourreply colourwarn coloursearch idurl urlopen delurl notrack dmdelurl favsurl myfavsurl favurl favdelurl slowpost notifies filter colourdefault rtsofmeurl followurl leaveurl dmupdate mentions backload lat long location searchhits blockurl blockdelurl nocounter linelength ); %opts_others = map { $_ => 1 } qw( lynx curl seven silent maxhist noansi lib hold status daemon timestamp twarg user anonymous script readline leader ssl rc norc vcheck apibase notifytype olib exts nonewrts synch runcommand authtype oauthkey oauthsecret tokenkey tokensecret xauthurl credurl keyf readlinerepaint oldstatus simplestart freezebug exception_is_maskable ); %valid = (%opts_can_set, %opts_others); $rc = (defined($rc) && length($rc)) ? $rc : ""; unless ($norc) { my $rcf = ($rc =~ m#^/#) ? $rc : "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ttytterrc${rc}"; if (open(W, $rcf)) { while() { chomp; next if (/^\s*$/ || /^#/); s/^-//; ($key, $value) = split(/\=/, $_, 2); if ($key eq 'rc') { warn "** that's stupid, setting rc in an rc file\n"; } elsif ($key eq 'norc') { warn "** that's dumb, using norc in an rc file\n"; } elsif (length $$key) { ; # carry on } elsif ($valid{$key} && !length($$key)) { $$key = $value; } elsif ($key =~ /^extpref_/) { $$key = $value; } elsif (!$valid{$key}) { warn "** setting $key not supported in this version\n"; } } close(W); } elsif (length($rc)) { die("couldn't access rc file $rcf: $!\n". "to use defaults, use -norc or don't specify the -rc option.\n\n"); } } $seven ||= 0; $lib ||= ""; $parent = $$; $script = 1 if (length($runcommand)); $supreturnto = $verbose + 0; # defaults that our lib can override $last_id = 0; $last_dm = 0; # a correct fix for -daemon would make this unlimited, but this # is good enough for now. $print_max ||= ($daemon) ? 999999 : 250; # shiver $suspend_output = -1; # try to find an OAuth keyfile if we haven't specified key+secret # no worries if this fails; we could be Basic Auth, after all if (!length($oauthkey) && !length($oauthsecret) && !length($tokenkey) && !length($tokensecret)) { my $keybuf = ''; my $whine = (length($keyf)) ? 1 : 0; $keyf ||= "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ttytterkey"; $keyf = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ttytterkey${keyf}" if ($keyf !~ m#/#); if(open(W, $keyf)) { while() { chomp; s/\s+//g; $keybuf .= $_; } close(W); my (@pairs) = split(/\&/, $keybuf); foreach(@pairs) { my (@pair) = split(/\=/, $_, 2); $oauthkey = $pair[1] if ($pair[0] eq 'ck'); $oauthsecret = $pair[1] if ($pair[0] eq 'cs'); $tokenkey = $pair[1] if ($pair[0] eq 'at'); $tokensecret = $pair[1] if ($pair[0] eq 'ats'); } die("** tried to load OAuth tokens from $keyf\n". " but it seems corrupt or incomplete. please see the documentation,\n". " or delete the file so that we can try making your keyfile again.\n") if ((!length($oauthkey) || !length($oauthsecret) || !length($tokenkey) || !length($tokensecret))); } else { die("** couldn't open keyfile $keyf: $!\n") if ($whine); $keyf = ''; # i.e., we loaded nothing from a key file } } # try to init Term::ReadLine if it was requested # (shakes fist at @br3nda, it's all her fault) %readline_completion = (); if ($readline) { die( "you can't use -silent and -readline together. pick one.\n") if ($silent || $script); $ENV{"PERL_RL"} = "TTYtter" if (!length($ENV{'PERL_RL'})); eval 'use Term::ReadLine; $termrl = new Term::ReadLine ("TTYtter", \*STDIN, \*STDOUT)' || die( "$@\nthis perl doesn't have ReadLine. don't use -readline.\n"); $stdout = $termrl->OUT || \*STDOUT; $stdin = $termrl->IN || \*STDIN; $readline = '' if ($readline eq '1'); $readline =~ s/^"//; # for optimizer $readline =~ s/"$//; #$termrl->Attribs()->{'autohistory'} = undef; # not yet (%readline_completion) = map {$_ => 1} split(/\s+/, $readline); %original_readline = %readline_completion; # readline repaint can't be tested here. we cache our # result later. } else { $stdout = \*STDOUT; $stdin = \*STDIN; } $wrapseq = 0; $lastlinelength = -1; print $stdout "$leader\n" if (length($leader)); # state information $lasttwit = ''; $lastpostid = 0; # stub namespace for multimodules and (eventually) state saving undef %store; $store = \%store; die( "** -olib and -lib are now deleted in favour of multi-module extensions.\n". "** if your extension is multi-module aware, add it to -exts instead.\n") if ((length($olib) || length($lib))); $pack_magic = ($] < 5.006) ? '' : "U0"; $utf8_encode = sub { ; }; $utf8_decode = sub { ; }; unless ($seven) { eval 'use utf8;binmode($stdin,":utf8");binmode($stdout,":utf8");return 1' || die("$@\nthis perl doesn't fully support UTF-8. use -seven.\n"); # this is for the prinput utf8 validator. # adapted from http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-utf8/2003-03/msg00087.html # eventually this will be removed when 5.6.x support is removed, # and Perl will do the UTF-8 validation for us. $badutf8='[\x00-\x7f][\x80-\xbf]+|^[\x80-\xbf]+|'. '[\xc0-\xdf][\x00-\x7f\xc0-\xff]|'. '[\xc0-\xdf][\x80-\xbf]{2}|'. '[\xe0-\xef][\x80-\xbf]{0,1}[\x00-\x7f\xc0-\xff]|'. '[\xe0-\xef][\x80-\xbf]{3}|'. '[\xf0-\xf7][\x80-\xbf]{0,2}[\x00-\x7f\xc0-\xff]|'. '[\xf0-\xf7][\x80-\xbf]{4}|'. '[\xf8-\xfb][\x80-\xbf]{0,3}[\x00-\x7f\xc0-\xff]|'. '[\xf8-\xfb][\x80-\xbf]{5}|'. '[\xfc-\xfd][\x80-\xbf]{0,4}[\x00-\x7f\xc0-\xff]|'. '\xed[\xa0-\xbf][\x80-\xbf]|'. '\xef\xbf[\xbe-\xbf]|'. '[\xf0-\xf7][\x8f,\x9f,\xaf,\xbf]\xbf[\xbe-\xbf]|'. '\xfe|\xff|'. '[\xc0-\xc1][\x80-\xbf]|'. '\xe0[\x80-\x9f][\x80-\xbf]|'. '\xf0[\x80-\x8f][\x80-\xbf]{2}|'. '\xf8[\x80-\x87][\x80-\xbf]{3}|'. '\xfc[\x80-\x83][\x80-\xbf]{4}'; # gah! eval <<'EOF'; $utf8_encode = sub { utf8::encode(shift); }; $utf8_decode = sub { utf8::decode(shift); }; EOF } $wraptime = sub { my $x = shift; return ($x, $x); }; if ($timestamp) { my $fail = "-- can't use custom timestamps.\nspecify -timestamp by itself to use Twitter's without module.\n"; if (length($timestamp) > 1) { # pattern specified eval 'use Date::Parse;return 1' || die("$@\nno Date::Parse $fail"); eval 'use Date::Format;return 1' || die("$@\nno Date::Format $fail"); $timestamp = "%Y-%m-%d %k:%M:%S" if ($timestamp eq "default" || $timestamp eq "def"); eval <<'EOF'; $wraptime = sub { my $time = str2time(shift); return ($time, time2str($timestamp, $time)); }; EOF } } } END { &killkid unless ($in_backticks); # this is disgusting } #### COMMON STARTUP #### # do we have POSIX::Termios? (usually we do) eval 'use POSIX; $termios = new POSIX::Termios;'; print $stdout "-- termios test: $termios\n" if ($verbose); # wrap warning die( "** dude, what the hell kind of terminal can't handle a 5 character line?\n") if ($wrap > 1 && $wrap < 5); print $stdout "** warning: prompts not wrapped for wrap < 70\n" if ($wrap > 1 && $wrap < 70); # reject stupid combinations die("you can't use automatic ratelimits with -noratelimit.\nuse -pause=#sec\n") if ($noratelimit && $pause eq 'auto'); die("you can't use -synch with -script or -daemon.\n") if ($synch && ($script || $daemon)); die("-script and -daemon cannot be used together.\n") if ($script && $daemon); # set up menu codes $is_background = 0; $alphabet = "abcdefghijkLmnopqrstuvwxyz"; %store_hash = (); $mini_split = 250; # i.e., 10 tweets for the mini-menu (/th) # leaving 50 tweets for the foreground temporary menus $tweet_counter = 0; %dm_store_hash = (); $dm_counter = 0; # set up threading management $in_reply_to = 0; $expected_tweet_ref = undef; # interpret -script at this level if ($script) { $noansi = $noprompt = 1; $silent = ($verbose) ? 0 : 1; $pause = $vcheck = $slowpost = $verify = 0; } ### now instantiate the TTYtter dynamic API ### ### based off the defaults later in script. #### # first we need to load any extensions specified by -exts # this is the multi-module aware extensions loader that will replace -lib # and -olib. if (length($exts) && $exts ne '0') { $multi_module_mode = -1; # mark as loader stage print "** attempting to load extensions\n" unless ($silent); # unescape \, $j=0; $xstring = "ESCAPED_STRING"; while($exts =~ /$xstring$j/) { $j++; } $xstring .= $j; $exts =~ s/\\,/$xstring/g; foreach $file (split(/,/, $exts)) { #TODO # wildcards? $file =~ s/$xstring/,/g; print "** loading $file\n" unless ($silent); die("** sorry, you cannot load the same extension twice.\n") if ($master_store->{$file}->{'loaded'}); # prepare its working space in $store and load the module $master_store->{$file} = { 'loaded' => 1 }; $store = \%{ $master_store->{$file} }; $EM_DONT_CARE = 0; $EM_SCRIPT_ON = 1; $EM_SCRIPT_OFF = -1; $extension_mode = $EM_DONT_CARE; die("** file not found: $!\n") if (! -r "$file"); require $file; # and die if bad die("** failed to load: $@\n") if ($@); # check type of extension (interactive or non-interactive). if # we are in the wrong mode, bail out. if ($extension_mode) { die( "** this extension requires -script. this may conflict with other extensions\n". " you are loading, which may have their own requirements.\n") if ($extension_mode == $EM_SCRIPT_ON && !$script); die( "** this extension cannot work with -script. this may conflict with other\n". " extensions you are loading, which may have their own requirements.\n") if ($extension_mode == $EM_SCRIPT_OFF && $script); } # pick off all the subroutine references it makes for storage # in an array to iterate and chain over later. # these methods are multi-module safe foreach $arry (qw( handle exception tweettype conclude dmhandle dmconclude heartbeat precommand prepost postpost addaction shutdown)) { if (defined($$arry)) { $aarry = "m_$arry"; push(@$aarry, [ $file, $$arry ]); undef $$arry; } } # these methods are NOT multi-module safe # if a extension already hooked one of # these and another extension tries to hook it, fatal error. foreach $arry (qw( getpassword prompt main autocompletion)) { if (defined($$arry)) { $sarry = "l_$arry"; if (defined($$sarry)) { die( "** double hook of unsafe method \"$arry\" -- you cannot use this extension\n". " with the other extensions you are loading. see the documentation.\n"); } $$sarry = $$arry; undef $$arry; } } # these methods are deprecated foreach $arry (qw(console choosecolour authenticate)) { if (defined($$arry)) { die( "** method \"$arry\" is no longer supported in this version. you must\n". " update this extension for this version of TTYtter.\n"); } } } # success! enable multi-module support in the TTYtter API and then # dispatch calls through the multi-module system instead. $multi_module_mode = 1; # mark as completed loader $handle = \&multihandle; $exception = \&multiexception; $tweettype = \&multitweettype; $conclude = \&multiconclude; $dmhandle = \&multidmhandle; $dmconclude = \&multidmconclude; $heartbeat = \&multiheartbeat; $precommand = \&multiprecommand; $prepost = \&multiprepost; $postpost = \&multipostpost; $addaction = \&multiaddaction; $shutdown = \&multishutdown; } else { # the old API single-end-point system $multi_module_mode = 0; # not executing multi module endpoints $handle = \&defaulthandle; $exception = \&defaultexception; $tweettype = \&defaulttweettype; $conclude = \&defaultconclude; $dmhandle = \&defaultdmhandle; $dmconclude = \&defaultdmconclude; $heartbeat = \&defaultheartbeat; $precommand = \&defaultprecommand; $prepost = \&defaultprepost; $postpost = \&defaultpostpost; $addaction = \&defaultaddaction; $shutdown = \&defaultshutdown; } # unsafe methods use the single-end-point $prompt = $l_prompt || \&defaultprompt; $main = $l_main || \&defaultmain; $getpassword = $l_getpassword || \&defaultgetpassword; # $autocompletion is special: if ($termrl) { $termrl->Attribs()->{'completion_function'} = $l_autocompletion || \&defaultautocompletion; } # validate the notify method the user chose, if any. # we can't do this in BEGIN, because it may not be instantiated yet, # and we have to do it after loading modules because it might be in one. @notifytypes = (); if (length($notifytype) && $notifytype ne '0' && $notifytype ne '1' && !$status) { # NOT $script! scripts have a use case for notifiers! %dupenet = (); foreach $nt (split(/,/, $notifytype)) { $fnt="notifier_${nt}"; (warn("** duplicate notification $nt was ignored\n"), next) if ($dupenet{$fnt}); eval 'return &$fnt(undef)' || die("** invalid notification framework $nt: $@\n"); $dupenet{$fnt}=1; } @notifytypes = keys %dupenet; # warning if someone didn't tell us what notifies they wanted. warn "-- warning: you specified -notifytype, but no -notifies\n" if (!$silent && !length($notifies)); } # set up track tags if (length($tquery) && $tquery ne '0') { my $xtquery = &tracktags_tqueryurlify($tquery); die("** custom tquery is over 140 length: $xtquery\n") if (length($xtquery) > 139); @trackstrings = ($xtquery); } else { &tracktags_makearray; } # compile filter exit(1) if (!&filter_compile); # finally, compile notifies. we do this regardless of notifytype, so that # an extension can look at it if it wants to. ¬ify_compile; # check that we are using a sensible authtype, based on our guessed user agent $authtype ||= "oauth"; die("** supported authtypes are basic, oauth and xauth only.\n") if ($authtype ne 'basic' && $authtype ne 'xauth' && $authtype ne 'oauth'); if ($authtype eq 'xauth' && !$anonymous) { if (!$ssl && $apibase !~ /^https/i) { print $stdout "** xAuth requires -ssl. specifying this for you, or use -authtype=basic.\n"; $ssl = 1; } } if ($termrl) { $streamout = $stdout; # this is just simpler instead of dupping warn(<<"EOF") if ($] < 5.006); *********************************************************** ** -readline may not function correctly on Perls < 5.6.0 ** *********************************************************** EOF print $stdout "-- readline using ".$termrl->ReadLine."\n"; } else { # dup $stdout for benefit of various other scripts open(DUPSTDOUT, ">&STDOUT") || warn("** warning: could not dup $stdout: $!\n"); binmode(DUPSTDOUT, ":utf8") unless ($seven); $streamout = \*DUPSTDOUT; } if ($silent) { close($stdout); open($stdout, ">>/dev/null"); # KLUUUUUUUDGE } # after this point, die() may cause problems # initialize our route back out so background can talk to foreground pipe(W, P) || die("pipe() error [or your Perl doesn't support it]: $!\n"); select(P); $|++; binmode(P, ":utf8") unless ($seven); binmode(W, ":utf8") unless ($seven); # default command line options $anonymous ||= 0; undef $user if ($anonymous); print $stdout "-- using SSL for default URLs.\n" if ($ssl); $http_proto = ($ssl) ? 'https' : 'http'; $lat ||= undef; $long ||= undef; $location ||= 0; $linelength ||= 140; $apibase ||= "${http_proto}://api.twitter.com/1"; $nonewrts ||= 0; $backload ||= 30; $searchhits ||= 20; $url ||= ($anonymous) ? "${apibase}/statuses/public_timeline.json" : ($nonewrts) ? "${apibase}/statuses/friends_timeline.json" : "${apibase}/statuses/home_timeline.json"; $xauthurl ||= "${http_proto}://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token"; $credurl ||= "${apibase}/account/verify_credentials.json"; $update ||= "${apibase}/statuses/update.json"; $rurl ||= "${apibase}/statuses/mentions.json"; $uurl ||= "${apibase}/statuses/user_timeline.json"; $idurl ||= "${apibase}/statuses/show"; $delurl ||= "${apibase}/statuses/destroy"; $rtsofmeurl ||= "${apibase}/statuses/retweets_of_me.json"; $wurl ||= "${apibase}/users/show.json"; $frurl ||= "${apibase}/friendships/exists.json"; $followurl ||= "${apibase}/friendships/create"; $leaveurl ||= "${apibase}/friendships/destroy"; $blockurl ||= "${apibase}/blocks/create.json"; $blockdelurl ||= "${apibase}/blocks/destroy.json"; $rlurl ||= "${apibase}/account/rate_limit_status.json"; $dmurl ||= "${apibase}/direct_messages.json"; $dmupdate ||= "${apibase}/direct_messages/new.json"; $dmdelurl ||= "${apibase}/direct_messages/destroy"; $favsurl ||= "${apibase}/favorites"; $myfavsurl ||= "${apibase}/favorites.json"; $favurl ||= "${apibase}/favorites/create"; $favdelurl ||= "${apibase}/favorites/destroy"; $queryurl ||= "http://search.twitter.com/search.json"; $trendurl ||= "http://api.twitter.com/1/trends/current.json"; # pick ONE! #$shorturl ||= "http://api.tr.im/v1/trim_simple?url="; $shorturl ||= "http://is.gd/api.php?longurl="; # figure out the domain to stop shortener loops &generate_shortdomain; $pause = (($anonymous) ? 120 : "auto") if (!defined $pause); # NOT ||= ... zero is a VALID value! $superverbose ||= 0; $avatar ||= ""; $urlopen ||= 'echo %U'; $hold ||= 0; $daemon ||= 0; $maxhist ||= 19; $timestamp ||= 0; $noprompt ||= 0; $slowpost ||= 0; $twarg ||= undef; $verbose ||= $superverbose; $dmpause = 4 if (!defined $dmpause); # NOT ||= ... zero is a VALID value! $dmpause = 0 if ($anonymous); $dmpause = 0 if ($pause eq '0'); $ansi = ($noansi) ? 0 : (($ansi || $ENV{'TERM'} eq 'ansi' || $ENV{'TERM'} eq 'xterm-color') ? 1 : 0); # synch overrides these options. if ($synch) { $pause = 0; $dmpause = ($dmpause) ? 1 : 0; } $dmcount = $dmpause; $lastshort = undef; # ANSI sequences $colourprompt ||= "CYAN"; $colourme ||= "YELLOW"; $colourdm ||= "GREEN"; $colourreply ||= "RED"; $colourwarn ||= "MAGENTA"; $coloursearch ||= "CYAN"; $colourdefault ||= "OFF"; $ESC = pack("C", 27); $BEL = pack("C", 7); &generate_ansi; # to force unambiguous bareword interpretation $true = 'true'; sub true { return 'true'; } $false = 'false'; sub false { return 'false'; } $null = undef; sub null { return undef; } select($stdout); $|++; # figure out what our user agent should be if ($lynx) { if (length($lynx) > 1 && -x "/$lynx") { $wend = $lynx; print $stdout "Lynx forced to $wend\n"; } else { $wend = &wherecheck("trying to find Lynx", "lynx", "specify -curl to use curl instead, or just let TTYtter autodetect stuff.\n"); } } else { if (length($curl) > 1 && -x "/$curl") { $wend = $curl; print $stdout "cURL forced to $wend\n"; } else { $wend = (($curl) ? &wherecheck("trying to find cURL", "curl", "specify -lynx to use Lynx instead, or just let TTYtter autodetect stuff.\n") : &wherecheck("trying to find cURL", "curl")); if (!$curl && !length($wend)) { $wend = &wherecheck("failed. trying to find Lynx", "lynx", "you must have either Lynx or cURL installed to use TTYtter.\n") if (!length($wend)); $lynx = 1; } else { $curl = 1; } } } $baseagent = $wend; # whoops, no Lynx here if we are not using Basic Auth die( "sorry, OAuth and xAuth are not currently supported with Lynx.\n". "you must use SSL cURL, or specify -authtype=basic.\n") if ($lynx && $authtype ne 'basic' && !$anonymous); # create and cache the logic for our selected user agent if ($lynx) { $simple_agent = "$baseagent -nostatus -source"; @wend = ('-nostatus'); @wind = (@wend, '-source'); # GET agent @wend = (@wend, '-post_data'); # POST agent # we don't need to have the request signed by Lynx right now; # it doesn't know how to pass custom headers. so this is simpler. $stringify_args = sub { my $basecom = shift; my $resource = shift; my $data = shift; my $dont_do_auth = shift; my $k = join("\n", @_); # if resource is an arrayref, then it's a GET with URL # and args (mostly generated by &grabjson) $resource = join('?', @{ $resource }) if (ref($resource) eq 'ARRAY'); die("wow, we have a bug: Lynx only works with Basic Auth\n") if ($authtype ne 'basic' && !$dont_do_auth); $k = "-auth=".$mytoken.':'.$mytokensecret."\n".$k unless ($dont_do_auth); $k .= "\n"; $basecom = "$basecom \"$resource\" -"; return ($basecom, $k, $data); }; } else { $simple_agent = "$baseagent -s -m 20"; @wend = ('-s', '-m', '20', '-H', 'Expect:'); @wind = @wend; $stringify_args = sub { my $basecom = shift; my $resource = shift; my $data = shift; my $dont_do_auth = shift; my $p; my $l = ''; foreach $p (@_) { if ($p =~ /^-/) { $l .= "\n" if (length($l)); $l .= "$p "; next; } $l .= $p; } $l .= "\n"; # sign our request (Basic Auth or oAuth) unless ($dont_do_auth) { if ($authtype eq 'basic') { $l .= "-u ".$mytoken.":".$mytokensecret."\n"; } else { my $nonce; my $timestamp; my $sig; my $header; my $ttoken = (length($mytoken) ? (' oauth_token=\\"'.$mytoken.'\\",') : ''); ($timestamp, $nonce, $sig) = &signrequest( $resource, $data); $header = <<"EOF"; -H "Authorization: OAuth oauth_nonce=\\"$nonce\\", oauth_signature_method=\\"HMAC-SHA1\\", oauth_timestamp=\\"$timestamp\\", oauth_consumer_key=\\"$oauthkey\\", oauth_signature=\\"$sig\\",$ttoken oauth_version=\\"1.0\\"" EOF print $stdout $header if ($superverbose); $l .= $header; } } # if resource is an arrayref, then it's a GET with URL # and args (mostly generated by &grabjson) $resource = join('?', @{ $resource }) if (ref($resource) eq 'ARRAY'); $l .= "url = \"$resource\"\n"; $l .= "data = \"$data\"\n" if length($data); return ("$basecom -K -", $l, undef); }; } # update check if ($vcheck && !length($status)) { $vs = &updatecheck; } else { $vs = "-- no version check performed (use /vcheck, or -vcheck to check on startup)\n" unless ($script || $status); } print $stdout $vs; # and then again when client starts up ## make sure we have all the authentication pieces we need for the ## chosen method (authtoken handles this for Basic Auth and xAuth; ## this is where we validate OAuth) # if we use OAuth, then don't use any Basic Auth credentials we gave # unless we specifically say -authtype=basic or xauth if ($authtype eq 'oauth' && length($user)) { print "** warning: -user is ignored when -authtype=oauth (default)\n"; $user = undef; } $whoami = (split(/\:/, $user, 2))[0] unless ($anonymous || !length($user)); unless ($anonymous) { # if we are using Basic Auth or xAuth, ignore any user token we may have in # our keyfile if ($authtype eq 'basic' || $authtype eq 'xauth') { $tokenkey = undef; $tokensecret = undef; } # but if we are using OAuth, and we have no tokens or app key/secret, stop now elsif ($authtype eq 'oauth' && !length($keyf)) { # bad keyfiles caught early if (!length($oauthkey) && !length($oauthsecret) && !length($tokenkey) && !length($tokensecret)) { if ($script) { print $streamout <<"EOF"; AUTHENTICATION FAILURE YOU NEED TO GET AN OAuth KEY, or use -authtype=basic (run TTYtter without -script or -runcommand for help) EOF exit; } # friendly installer if (!length($ENV{'HOME'})) { print $streamout <<"EOF"; Can't run the OAuth keyfile assistant without the HOME environment variable! (is this a cron job gone bad? if so, try using -keyf=...) EOF exit; } $keyf = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ttytterkey"; print $stdout <<'EOF'; ++-------------------------------------------------------------------++ || WELCOME TO TTYtter: let's get you set up with an OAuth keyfile! || ++-------------------------------------------------------------------++ Twitter now requires all applications authenticating to it use OAuth, a more complex authentication system that uses tokens and keys instead of screen names and passwords. To use TTYtter with this Twitter account, you will need your own app key and access token. This requires a browser. The app key/secret and user access token/secret go into a keyfile and act as your credentials; instead of using -user, you use -keyf. THIS KEYFILE NEVER EXPIRES. YOU ONLY NEED TO DO THIS ONCE FOR EACH ACCOUNT. If you DON'T want to use OAuth with TTYtter, PRESS CTRL-C now. Restart TTYtter with -authtype=basic to use a username and password. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT FOR STATUSNET, BUT WILL NOT WORK WITH TWITTER! If you need help with this, talk to @ttytter or E-mail ckaiser@floodgap.com. EOF print <<"EOF"; Otherwise, this wizard will create a keyfile $keyf for you. Press ENTER/RETURN to begin the process. EOF $j = ; print $stdout <<"EOF"; Start your browser. 1. Log in to https://twitter.com/ with your desired account. 2. Go to this URL (all one line). You must be logged into Twitter FIRST! http://dev.twitter.com/apps/key_exchange?oauth_consumer_key=XtbRXaQpPdfssFwdUmeYw 3. Twitter will confirm. Click Authorize, and accept the terms of service. EOF if (-e $keyf || !open(W, ">$keyf")) { print $stdout <<"EOF"; 4. Copy the entire string you get back into a file (by default ~/.ttytterkey). (For multiple key files for multiple accounts, use a different filename and tell TTYtter where the key is using -keyf=... .) Then restart TTYtter with your changes. EOF exit; } print $stdout <<"EOF"; 4. Copy the entire string you get back. -- Paste it into this terminal, then hit ENTER and CTRL-D to write it --------- EOF while() { print W $_; } close(W); print $stdout <<"EOF"; -- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Written new key file $keyf Now, restart TTYtter to use this keyfile -- it will use this one by default. (For multiple key files with multiple accounts, manually write them to other filenames, and tell TTYtter where the key is using -keyf=... . You can just use a text editor for that.) EOF chmod(0600, $keyf) || print $stdout "Warning: could not change permissions on $keyf : $@\n"; exit; } my $error = undef; my $k; foreach $k (qw(oauthkey oauthsecret tokenkey tokensecret)) { $error .= "** you need to specify -$k\n" if (!length($$k)); } if (length($error)) { print $stdout <<"EOF"; you are missing portions of the OAuth sequence. either create a keyfile and point to it with -keyf=... or add these missing pieces: $error then restart TTYtter, or use -authtype=basic, or =xauth for supported keys. EOF exit; } } # now, get a token (either from Basic Auth, the keyfile, or xAuth) ($mytoken, $mytokensecret) = &authtoken; } # unless anonymous # initial login tests and command line controls $phase = 0; $didhold = $hold; $hold = -1 if ($hold == 1 && !$script); $credentials = ''; $status = pack("U0C*", unpack("C*", $status)) unless ($seven || !length($status) || $LANG =~ /8859/); # kludgy also chomp($status = ) if ($status eq '-' && !$oldstatus); for(;;) { $rv = 0; die( "sorry, you can't tweet anonymously. use an authenticated username.\n") if ($anonymous && length($status)); die( "sorry, status too long: reduce by @{[ length($status)-$linelength ]} chars, ". "or use -autosplit={word,char,cut}.\n") if (length($status) > $linelength && !$autosplit); ($status, $next) = &csplit($status, ($autosplit eq 'char' || $autosplit eq 'cut') ? 1 : 0) if (!length($next)); if ($autosplit eq 'cut' && length($next)) { print "-- warning: input autotrimmed to $linelength bytes\n"; $next = ""; } if (!$anonymous && !length($whoami) && !length($status)) { # we must be using OAuth tokens without xAuth. we'll need # to get our screen name from Twitter. we DON'T need this # if we're just posting with -status. print "(checking credentials) "; $data = $credentials = &backticks($baseagent, '/dev/null', undef, $credurl, undef, $anonymous, @wind); $rv = $? || &is_fail_whale($data) || &is_json_error($data); } if (!$rv && length($status) && $phase) { print "post attempt "; $rv = &updatest($status, 0); } else { unless ($rv) { print "test-login "; $data = &backticks($baseagent, '/dev/null', undef, $url, undef, $anonymous, @wind); $rv = $?; } } if ($rv || &is_fail_whale($data) || &is_json_error($data)) { if (&is_fail_whale($data)) { print "FAILED -- Fail Whale detected\n"; } elsif ($x = &is_json_error($data)) { print "FAILED!\n*** server reports: \"$x\"\n"; print "check your password or configuration.\n"; } else { $x = $rv >> 8; print "FAILED. ($x) bad password, login or URL? server down?\n"; } print "access failure on: "; print (($phase) ? $update : $url); print "\n"; print "--- data received ($hold) ---\n$data\n--- data received ($hold) ---\n" if ($superverbose); if ($hold && --$hold) { print "trying again in 1 minute, or kill process now.\n\n"; sleep 60; next; } if ($didhold) { print "giving up after $didhold tries.\n"; } else { print "to automatically wait for a connect, use -hold.\n"; } exit(1); } if ($status && !$phase) { print "SUCCEEDED!\n"; $phase++; next; } if (length($next)) { print "SUCCEEDED!\n(autosplit) "; $status = $next; $next = ""; next; } last; } print "SUCCEEDED!\n"; exit(0) if (length($status)); if (length($credentials)) { print "-- processing credentials: "; $my_json_ref = &parsejson($credentials); $whoami = $my_json_ref->{'screen_name'}; if (!length($whoami)) { print "FAILED!\nis your account suspended, or wrong token?\n"; exit; } print "logged in as $whoami\n"; $credlog = "-- you are logged in as $whoami\n"; } #### BOT/DAEMON MODE STARTUP #### $last_rate_limit = undef; $rate_limit_left = undef; $rate_limit_rate = undef; $rate_limit_next = 0; $effpause = 0; # for both daemon and background if ($daemon) { if (!$pause) { print $stdout "*** kind of stupid to run daemon with pause=0\n"; exit 1; } if ($child = fork()) { print $stdout "*** detached daemon released. pid = $child\n"; kill 15, $$; exit 0; } elsif (!defined($child)) { print $stdout "*** fork() failed: $!\n"; exit 1; } else { # using our regular MONITOR select() loop won't work, because # STDIN is almost always "ready." so we use a blunter, # simpler one. $parent = 0; $dmcount = 1 if ($dmpause); # force fetch for(;;) { &$heartbeat; &update_effpause; &refresh(0); if ($dmpause) { if (!--$dmcount) { &dmrefresh(0); $dmcount = $dmpause; } } sleep ($effpause || 0+$pause || 60); } } die("uncaught fork() exception\n"); } #### INTERACTIVE MODE and CONSOLE STARTUP #### unless ($simplestart) { print <<"EOF"; ###################################################### +oo=========oo+ ${EM}TTYtter ${TTYtter_VERSION}.${padded_patch_version} (c)2010 cameron kaiser${OFF} @ @ EOF $e = <<'EOF'; ${EM}all rights reserved.${OFF} +oo= =====oo+ ${EM}http://www.floodgap.com/software/ttytter/${OFF} ${GREEN}a==:${OFF} ooo ${GREEN}.++o++.${OFF} ${GREEN}..o**O${OFF} freeware under the floodgap free software license. ${GREEN}+++${OFF} :O${GREEN}:::::${OFF} http://www.floodgap.com/software/ffsl/ ${GREEN}+**O++${OFF} # ${GREEN}:ooa${OFF} #+$$AB=. ${EM}tweet me: http://twitter.com/ttytter${OFF} #;;${YELLOW}ooo${OFF};; ${EM}tell me: ckaiser@floodgap.com${OFF} #+a;+++;O ###################################################### ,$B.${RED}*o***${OFF} O$, # a=o${RED}$*O*O*$${OFF}o=a # when ready, hit RETURN/ENTER for a prompt. @${RED}$$$$$${OFF}@ # type /help for commands or /quit to quit. @${RED}o${OFF}@o@${RED}o${OFF}@ # starting background monitoring process. @=@ @=@ # EOF $e =~ s/\$\{([A-Z]+)\}/${$1}/eg; print $stdout $e; } else { print <<"EOF"; TTYtter ${TTYtter_VERSION}.${padded_patch_version} (c)2010 cameron kaiser all rights reserved. freeware under the floodgap free software license. http://www.floodgap.com/software/ffsl/ tweet me: http://twitter.com/ttytter * tell me: ckaiser\@floodgap.com type /help for commands or /quit to quit. starting background monitoring process. EOF } if ($superverbose) { print $stdout "-- OMGSUPERVERBOSITYSPAM enabled.\n\n"; } else { print $stdout "-- verbosity enabled.\n\n" if ($verbose); } sleep 3 unless ($silent); # these three functions are outside of the usual API assertions for clarity. # they represent the main loop, which by default is the interactive console. # the main loop can be redefined. sub defaultprompt { my $rv = ($noprompt) ? "" : "TTYtter> "; my $rvl = ($noprompt) ? 0 : 9; return ($rv, $rvl) if (shift); $wrapseq = 0; print $stdout "${CCprompt}$rv${OFF}" unless ($termrl); } sub defaultaddaction { return 0; } sub defaultmain { if (length($runcommand)) { &prinput($runcommand); &sync_n_quit; } @history = (); print C "rsga---------------\n"; $dont_use_counter = $nocounter; eval '$termrl->hook_no_counter'; if ($termrl) { while(defined ($_ = $termrl->readline((&$prompt(1))[0]))) { kill 30, $child; # suppress output $rv = &prinput($_); kill 31, $child; # resume output last if ($rv < 0); &sync_console unless (!$rv || !$synch); if ($dont_use_counter ne $nocounter) { # only if we have to -- this is expensive $dont_use_counter = $nocounter; eval '$termrl->hook_no_counter' } } } else { &$prompt; while(<>) { #not stdin so we can read from script files kill 30, $child; # suppress output $rv = &prinput($_); kill 31, $child; # resume output last if ($rv < 0); &sync_console unless (!$rv || !$synch); &$prompt; } &sync_n_quit if ($script); } } $SIG{'PIPE'} = $SIG{'BREAK'} = $SIG{'INT'} = \&end_me; $SIG{'USR1'} = $SIG{'PWR'} = $SIG{'XCPU'} = \&repaint; sub send_repaint { unless ($wrapseq){ return; } $wrapseq = 0; return if ($daemon); if ($child) { # we are the parent, call our repaint &repaint; } else { # we are not the parent, call the parent to repaint itself kill 30, $parent; # send SIGUSR1 } } sub repaint { # try to speed this up, since we do it a lot. $wrapseq = 0; return &$repaintcache if ($repaintcache) ; # cache our repaint function (no-op or redisplay) $repaintcache = sub { ; }; # no-op return unless ($termrl && ($termrl->Features()->{'canRepaint'} || $readlinerepaint)); return if ($daemon); $termrl->redisplay; $repaintcache = sub { $termrl->redisplay; }; } sub send_removereadline { # this just stubs into its own removereadline return &$removereadlinecache if ($removereadlinecache); $removereadlinecache = sub { ; }; return unless ($termrl && $termrl->Features()->{'canRemoveReadline'}); return if ($daemon); $termrl->removereadline; $removereadlinecache = sub { $termrl->removereadline; }; } # start the background process # this has to be last or the background process can't see the full API if ($child = open(C, "|-")) { close(P); binmode(C, ":utf8") unless ($seven); } else { close(W); goto MONITOR; } eval'$termrl->hook_background_control' if ($termrl); select(C); $|++; select($stdout); # handshake for synchronicity mode, if we want it. if ($synch) { # we will get two replies for this. print C "synm---------------\n"; &thump; # the second will be cleared by the console } # start the &$main; # loop until we quit and then we'll &sync_n_quit if ($script); # else exit; #### command processor #### sub prinput { my $i; local($_) = shift; # bleh # validate this string if we are in UTF-8 mode unless ($seven) { $probe = $_; &$utf8_encode($probe); die("utf8 doesn't work right in this perl. run with -seven.\n") if (&ulength($probe) < length($_)); # should be at least as big if ($probe =~ /($badutf8)/) { print $stdout "*** invalid UTF-8: partial delete of a wide character?\n"; print $stdout "*** ignoring this string\n"; return 0; } } $in_reply_to = 0; chomp; $_ = &$precommand($_); s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; my $cfc = 0; $cfc++ while (s/\033\[[0-9]?[ABCD]// || s/.[\177]// || s/.[\010]// || s/[\000-\037\177]//); if ($cfc) { $history[0] = $_; print $stdout "*** filtered control characters; now \"$_\"\n"; print $stdout "*** use %% for truncated version, or append to %%.\n"; return 0; } if (/^$/) { return 1; } if (!$slowpost && !$verify && # we assume you know what you're doing! ($_ eq 'h' || $_ eq 'help' || $_ eq 'quit' || $_ eq 'q' || /^TTYtter>/ || $_ eq 'ls' || $_ eq 'exit')) { &add_history($_); unless ($_ eq 'exit' || /^TTYtter>/) { print $stdout "*** did you mean /$_ ?\n"; print $stdout "*** to send this as a command, type /%%\n"; } else { print $stdout "*** did you really mean to tweet \"$_\"?\n"; } print $stdout "*** to tweet it anyway, type %%\n"; return 0; } if (/^\%(\%|-\d+):p$/) { my $x = $1; if ($x eq '%') { print $stdout "=> \"$history[0]\"\n"; } else { $x += 0; if (!$x || $x < -(scalar(@history))) { print $stdout "*** illegal index\n"; } else { print $stdout "=> \"$history[-($x + 1)]\"\n"; } } return 0; } # handle history substitution (including /%%, %%--, etc.) $i = 0; # flag if (/^\%(\%|-\d+)(--|-\d+)?/) { ($i, $proband, $r, $s) = &sub_helper($1, $2); return 0 if (!$i); s/^\%${r}${s}/$proband/; } if (/[^\\]\%(\%|-\d+)(--|-\d+)?$/) { ($i, $proband, $r, $s) = &sub_helper($1, $2); return 0 if (!$i); s/\%${r}${s}$/$proband/; } # handle variables second, in case they got in history somehow ... $i = 1 if (s/^\%URL\%/$urlshort/ || s/\%URL\%$/$urlshort/); $i = 1 if (s/^\%RT\%/$retweet/ || s/\%RT\%$/$retweet/); # and escaped history s/^\\\%/%/; if ($i) { print $stdout "(expanded to \"$_\")\n" ; $in_reply_to = $expected_tweet_ref->{'id_str'} || 0 if (defined $expected_tweet_ref && ref($expected_tweet_ref) eq 'HASH'); } else { $expected_tweet_ref = undef; } return 0 unless length; # actually possible to happen # with control char filters and history. &add_history($_); # handle history display if ($_ eq '/history' || $_ eq '/h') { for ($i = scalar(@history); $i >= 1; $i--) { print $stdout "\t$i\t$history[($i-1)]\n"; } return 0; } my $slash_first = ($_ =~ m#^/#); return -1 if ($_ eq '/quit' || $_ eq '/q' || $_ eq '/bye' || $_ eq '/exit'); return 0 if (scalar(&$addaction($_))); # add commands here #TODO # expand into a DMdumper sometime if (m#^/zipet (...)#) { $k = &get_dm($1); warn "$k->{'sender'}->{'screen_name'} said $k->{'text'}\n"; return 0; } if (m#^/du(mp)? ([zZ]?[a-zA-Z][0-9])$#) { my $code = lc($2); my $tweet = &get_tweet($code); my $k; my $sn; my $id; my @superfields = ( [ "user", "screen_name" ], # must always be first [ "retweeted_status", "id_str" ], [ "user", "geo_enabled" ], ); my $superfield; if (!defined($tweet)) { print $stdout "-- no such tweet (yet?): $code\n"; return 0; } foreach $superfield (@superfields) { my $sfn = join('->', @{ $superfield }); my $sfk = "{'" . join("'}->{'", @{ $superfield }) . "'}"; my $sfv; eval "\$sfv = &descape(\$tweet->$sfk);"; print $stdout substr("$sfn ", 0, 25). " $sfv\n"; $sn = $sfv if (!length($sn) && length($sfv)); } # geo is special print $stdout "geo->coordinates (" . join(', ', @{ $tweet->{'geo'}->{'coordinates'} }) . ")\n"; foreach $k (sort keys %{ $tweet }) { next if (ref($tweet->{$k})); print $stdout substr("$k ", 0, 25) . " " . &descape($tweet->{$k}) . "\n"; } # include a URL to the tweet per @augmentedfourth $urlshort = "${http_proto}://twitter.com/$sn/statuses/$tweet->{'id_str'}"; print $stdout "-- %URL% is now $urlshort (/short to shorten)\n"; return 0; } # evaluator if (m#^/ev(al)? (.+)$#) { $k = eval $2; print $stdout "==> $k $@\n"; return 0; } # version check if (m#^/v(ersion)?check$# || m#^/u(pdate)?check$#) { print $stdout &updatecheck; return 0; } # url shortener routine if (($_ eq '/sh' || $_ eq '/short') && length($urlshort)) { $_ = "/short $urlshort"; print $stdout "*** assuming you meant %URL%: $_\n"; # and fall through to ... } if (m#^/sh(ort)? (https?|gopher)(://[^ ]+)#) { my $url = $2 . $3; print $stdout "*** shortened to: @{[ (&urlshorten($url) || 'FAILED -- %% to retry') ]}\n"; return 0; } # getter for internal value settings if (/^\/r(ate)?l(imit)?$/) { $_ = '/print rate_limit_rate'; # and fall through to ... } if (/^\/p(rint)? ?([^ ]*)/) { my $key = $2; if (!length($key)) { foreach $key (sort keys %opts_can_set) { print $stdout "*** $key => $$key\n" if (!$opts_secret{$key}); } return 0; } if ($valid{$key} || $key eq 'effpause' || $key eq 'rate_limit_rate' || $key eq 'rate_limit_left') { my $value = &getvariable($key); print $stdout "*** "; print $stdout "(read-only value) " if (!$opts_can_set{$key}); print $stdout "$key => $value\n"; # I don't see a need for these in &getvariable, so they are # not currently supported. whine if you disagree. } elsif ($key eq 'tabcomp') { if ($termrl) { &generate_otabcomp; } else { print $stdout "*** readline isn't on\n"; } } elsif ($key eq 'ntabcomp') { # sigh if ($termrl) { print $stdout "*** new TAB-comp entries: "; $did_print = 0; foreach(keys %readline_completion) { next if ($original_readline{$_}); $did_print = 1; print $stdout "$_ "; } print $stdout "(none)" if (!$did_print); print $stdout "\n"; } else { print $stdout "*** readline isn't on\n"; } } else { print "*** not a valid option or setting: $key\n"; } return 0; } if ($_ eq '/verbose' || $_ eq '/ve') { $verbose ^= 1; $_ = "/set verbose $verbose"; print $stdout "-- verbosity.\n" if ($verbose); # and fall through to set } # search api integration (originally based on @kellyterryjones', # @vielmetti's and @br3nda's patches) if (/^\/se(arch)? (.+)\s*$/) { my $kw = $2; $kw =~ s/([^ a-z0-9A-Z_])/&uhex($1)/eg; $kw =~ s/\s+/+/g; $kw = "q=$kw" if ($kw !~ /^q=/); $kw .= "&rpp=$searchhits"; my $r = &grabjson("$queryurl?$kw", 0, 1); if (defined($r) && ref($r) eq 'ARRAY' && scalar(@{ $r })) { my ($crap, $art) = &tdisplay($r, 'search'); unless ($timestamp) { my ($time, $ts1) = &$wraptime( $r->[(&min($print_max,scalar(@{ $r }))-1)]->{'created_at'}); my ($time, $ts2) = &$wraptime($art->{'created_at'}); print $stdout "-- results cover $ts1 thru $ts2\n"; } } else { print $stdout "-- sorry, no results were found.\n"; } &$conclude; return 0; } if ($_ eq '/notrack') { # special case print $stdout "*** all tracking keywords cancelled\n"; $track = ''; &setvariable('track', $track, 1); return 0; } if (s/^\/troff\s+// && s/\s*// && length) { # remove it from array, regenerate $track, call tracktags_makearray # and then sync my $k; my $l = ''; my $q = 0; my %w; my (@ptags) = split(/\s+/, $_); # filter duplicates and merge quoted strings (again) # but this time we're building up a hash for fast searches foreach $k (@ptags) { if ($q && $k =~ /"$/) { # this has to be first $l .= " $k"; $q = 0; } elsif ($k =~ /^"/ || $q) { $l .= (length($l)) ? " $k" : $k; $q = 1; next; } else { $l = $k; } next if ($w{$l}); # ignore silently here $w{$l} = 1; $l = ''; } print $stdout "-- warning: syntax error, missing quote?\n" if ($q); # now filter out of @tracktags @ptags = (); foreach $k (@tracktags) { push (@ptags, $k) unless ($w{$k}); } unless (scalar(@ptags) < scalar(@tracktags)) { print $stdout "-- sorry, no track terms matched.\n"; print $stdout (length($track) ? "-- you are tracking: $track\n" : "-- (maybe because you're not tracking anything?)\n"); return 0; } print $stdout "*** ok, filtered @{[ keys(%w) ]}\n"; $track = join(' ', @ptags); &setvariable('track', $track, 1); return 0; } if ($_ eq '/tre' || $_ eq '/trends') { my $t; my $r = &grabjson("$trendurl", 0, 1); #{"as_of":1237580149,"trends":{"2009-03-20 20:15:49":[{"query":"#sxsw OR SXSW", if (defined($r) && ref($r) eq 'HASH' && ($t = $r->{'trends'})){ my $i; my $j; print $stdout "${EM}<<< TRENDING TOPICS >>>${OFF}\n"; # this is moderate paranoia foreach $i (keys %{ $t }) { foreach $j (@{ $t->{$i} }) { my $k = &descape($j->{'query'}); print $stdout "/search $k\n"; $k =~ s/\sOR\s/ /g; print $stdout "/tron $k\n"; } } print $stdout "${EM}<<< TRENDING TOPICS >>>${OFF}\n"; } else { print $stdout "-- sorry, trends not available.\n"; } return 0; } 1 if (s/^\/#([^\s]+)/\/tron #\1/); # /# command falls through to tron if (s/^\/tron\s+// && s/\s*$// && length) { $track .= " " if (length($track)); $_ = "/set track ${track}$_"; # fall through to set } if (/^\/track ([^ ]+)/) { s#^/#/set #; # and fall through to set } # setter for internal value settings # shortcut for boolean settings if (/^\/s(et)? ([^ ]+)\s*$/) { $key = $2; $_ = "/set $key 1" if($opts_boolean{$key} && $opts_can_set{$key}); # fall through to three argument version } if (/^\/uns(et)? ([^ ]+)\s*$/) { $key = $2; if ($opts_can_set{$key} && $opts_boolean{$key}) { &setvariable($key, 0, 1); return 0; } &setvariable($key, undef, 1); return 0; } # stubs out to set variable if (/^\/s(et)? ([^ ]+) (.+)\s*$/) { $key = $2; $value = $3; &setvariable($key, $value, 1); return 0; } # shell escape if (s/^\/\!// && s/\s*$// && length) { system("$_"); $x = $? >> 8; print $stdout "*** exited with $x\n" if ($x); return 0; } if ($_ eq '/help' || $_ eq '/?') { print <<'EOF'; *** BASIC COMMANDS: :a$AAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAA$a, ================== +@A:. .:B@+ ANYTHING WITHOUT /refresh =@B HELP!!! HELP!!! B@= A LEADING / IS grabs the newest :a$Ao oA$a, SENT AS A TWEET! tweets right ;AAA$a; :a$AAAAAAAAAAA; ================== away (or tells :AOaaao:, .:oA*:. JUST TYPE TO TALK! you if there .;=$$$OBO***+ .+aaaa$: is nothing new) :*; :***O@Aaaa*o, ============ by thumping .+++++: o#o REMEMBER!! the background :OOOOOOA*:::, =@o ,:::::. ============ process. .+++++++++: =@*.....=a$OOOB#; MANY COMMANDS, AND =@OoO@BAAA#@$o, ALL TWEETS ARE /again =@o .+aaaaa: --ASYNCHRONOUS-- displays most recent =@Aaaaaaaaaa*o*a;, and might not always tweets, both old and =@$++=++++++:,;+aA: respond new. ,+$@*.=O+ ...oO; oAo+. immediately! ,+o$OO=.+aA#####Oa;.*OO$o+. /dm and /dmagain for DMs. +Ba::;oaa*$Aa=aA$*aa=;::$B: ,===O@BOOOOOOOOO#@$===, /replies o@BOOOOOOOOO#@+ shows replies and mentions. o@BOB@B$B@BO#@+ o@*.a@o a@o.$@+ /quit resumes your boring life. o@B$B@o a@A$#@+ EOF &linein("PRESS RETURN/ENTER>"); print <<"EOF"; +- MORE COMMANDS -+ -=-=- USER STUFF -=-=- | | /whois username displays info about username | See the TTYtter | /again username views their most recent tweets | home page for | /wagain username combines them all | complete list | /follow username follow a username | | /leave username stop following a username +-----------------+ /dm username message send a username a DM +--- TWEET AND DM SELECTION -------------------------------------------------+ | all DMs and tweets have menu codes (letters + number, d for DMs). example: | | a5> Send me Dr Pepper http://www.floodgap.com/TTYtter | | [DM da0][ttytter/Sun Jan 32 1969] I think you are cute | | /reply a5 message replies to tweet a5 | | example: /reply a5 I also like Dr Pepper | | becomes \@ttytter I also like Dr Pepper (and is threaded) | | /thread a5 if a5 is part of a thread (the username | | has a \@) then show all posts up to that | | /url a5 opens all URLs in tweet a5 | | Mac OS X users, do first: /set urlopen open %U | | Dummy terminal users, try /set urlopen lynx -dump %U | more | | /delete a5 deletes tweet a5, if it's your tweet | | /rt a5 retweets tweet a5: RT \@tytter: Send me...| +-- Abbreviations: /re, /th, /url, /del --- menu codes wrap around at end ---+ =====> /reply, /delete and /url work for direct message menu codes too! <===== EOF &linein("PRESS RETURN/ENTER>"); print <<"EOF"; Use /set to turn on options or set them at runtime. There is a BIG LIST! >> EXAMPLE: WANT ANSI? /set ansi 1 or use the -ansi command line option. WANT TO VERIFY YOUR TWEETS BEFORE POSTING? /set verify 1 or use the -verify command line option. For more, like readline support, UTF-8, SSL, proxies, etc., see the docs. ** READ THE COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION: http://www.floodgap.com/software/ttytter/ TTYtter $TTYtter_VERSION is (c)2010 cameron kaiser + contributors. all rights reserved. this software is offered AS IS, with no guarantees. it is not endorsed by Obvious or the executives and developers of Twitter. *** subscribe to updates at http://twitter.com/ttytter or http://twitter.com/floodgap send your suggestions to me at ckaiser\@floodgap.com or http://twitter.com/doctorlinguist EOF return 0; } if ($_ eq '/ruler' || $_ eq '/ru') { my ($prompt, $prolen) = (&$prompt(1)); $prolen = " " x $prolen; print $stdout <<"EOF"; ${prolen} 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 XX ${prompt}1...5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5...XX EOF return 0; } if ($_ eq '/cls' || $_ eq '/clear') { if ($ansi) { print $stdout "${ESC}[H${ESC}[2J\n"; } else { print $stdout ("\n" x ($ENV{'ROWS'} || 50)); } return 0; } if ($_ eq '/refresh' || $_ eq '/thump' || $_ eq '/r') { &thump; return 0; } if ($_ =~ m#^/(w)?a(gain)?\s+([^\s]+)#) { # the synchronous form #TODO # add +count parameter or page number? my $mode = $1; my $uname = $3; $uname =~ s/^\@//; $readline_completion{'@'.$uname}++ if ($termrl); print $stdout "-- synchronous /again command for $uname\n" if ($verbose); my $my_json_ref = &grabjson("${uurl}?screen_name=${uname}&include_rts=true", 0); if (defined($my_json_ref) && ref($my_json_ref) eq 'ARRAY' && scalar(@{ $my_json_ref })) { my ($crap, $art) = &tdisplay($my_json_ref, "again"); unless ($timestamp) { my ($time, $ts1) = &$wraptime( $my_json_ref->[(&min($print_max,scalar(@{ $my_json_ref }))-1)]->{'created_at'}); my ($time, $ts2) = &$wraptime($art->{'created_at'}); print $stdout &wwrap( "-- update covers $ts1 thru $ts2\n"); } } &$conclude; unless ($mode eq 'w' || $mode eq 'wf') { return 0; } # else fallthrough } if ($_ =~ m#^/w(hois|a|again)?\s+\@?([^\s]+)#) { my $uname = $2; #TODO # last status/created at if not part of again # and also if user is protected # 'status'->{'text','another one down. two more milestones to go. I love it when I\'m awesome.','created_at','Thu Dec 10 05:57:20 +0000 2009'} $uname =~ s/^\@//; $readline_completion{'@'.$uname}++ if ($termrl); print $stdout "-- synchronous /whois command for $uname\n" if ($verbose); my $my_json_ref = &grabjson("${wurl}?screen_name=${uname}", 0); if (defined($my_json_ref) && ref($my_json_ref) eq 'HASH' && length($my_json_ref->{'screen_name'})) { my $sturl = undef; my $purl = &descape($my_json_ref->{'profile_image_url'}); if ($avatar && length($purl) && $purl !~ m#^http://[^.]+\.(twimg\.com|twitter\.com).+/images/default_profile_\d+_normal.png#) { my $exec = $avatar; my $fext; ($purl =~ /\.([a-z0-9A-Z]+)$/) && ($fext = $1); if ($purl !~ /['\\]/) { # careful! $exec =~ s/\%U/'$purl'/g; $exec =~ s/\%N/$uname/g; $exec =~ s/\%E/$fext/g; print $stdout "\n($exec)\n"; system($exec); } } my $verified = ($my_json_ref->{'verified'} eq 'true') ? "${EM}(Verified Account)${OFF}" : ''; print $stdout <<"EOF"; ${CCprompt}@{[ &descape($my_json_ref->{'name'}) ]}${OFF} ($uname) (f:$my_json_ref->{'friends_count'}/$my_json_ref->{'followers_count'}) (u:$my_json_ref->{'statuses_count'}) $verified EOF print $stdout "\"@{[ &descape($my_json_ref->{'description'}) ]}\"\n" if (length($my_json_ref->{'description'})); if (length($my_json_ref->{'url'})) { $sturl = $urlshort = &descape($my_json_ref->{'url'}); $urlshort =~ s/^\s+//; $urlshort =~ s/\s+$//; print $stdout "${EM}URL:${OFF}\t\t$urlshort\n"; } print $stdout "${EM}Location:${OFF}\t@{[ &descape($my_json_ref->{'location'}) ]}\n" if (length($my_json_ref->{'location'})); print $stdout <<"EOF"; ${EM}Picture:${OFF}\t@{[ &descape($my_json_ref->{'profile_image_url'}) ]} EOF unless ($anonymous || $whoami eq $uname) { my $g = &grabjson("$frurl?user_a=$whoami&user_b=$uname", 0); print $stdout "${EM}Do you follow${OFF} this user? ... ${EM}$g->{'literal'}${OFF}\n" if (ref($g) eq 'HASH'); my $g = &grabjson("$frurl?user_a=$uname&user_b=$whoami", 0); print $stdout "${EM}Does this user follow${OFF} you? ... ${EM}$g->{'literal'}${OFF}\n" if (ref($g) eq 'HASH'); print $stdout "\n"; } print $stdout "-- %URL% is now $urlshort (/short shortens, /url opens)\n" if (defined($sturl)); } return 0; } if ($_ eq '/again' || $_ eq '/a') { # the asynchronous form #TODO # add count parameter or page number? print C "reset--------------\n"; &sync_semaphore; return 0; } if (m#^/(df|doesfollow)\s+\@?([^\s]+)$#) { if ($anonymous) { print $stdout "-- who follows anonymous anyway?\n"; return 0; } $_ = "/doesfollow $2 $whoami"; print $stdout "*** assuming you meant: $_\n"; # fall through to ... } if (m#^/(df|doesfollow)\s+\@?([^\s]+)\s+\@?([^\s]+)$#) { my $user_a = $2; my $user_b = $3; my $g = &grabjson( "${frurl}?user_a=${user_a}&user_b=${user_b}", 0); print $stdout "--- does $user_a follow ${user_b}? => $g->{'literal'}\n" if ($g->{'ok'}); return 0; } if (m#^/th(read)? ([zZ]?[a-zA-Z][0-9])$#) { my $code = lc($2); my $tweet = &get_tweet($code); if (!defined($tweet)) { print $stdout "-- no such tweet (yet?): $code\n"; return 0; } my $limit = 9; my $id = $tweet->{'in_reply_to_status_id_str'}; my $thread_ref = [ $tweet ]; while ($id && $limit) { print $stdout "-- thread: fetching $id\n" if ($verbose); my $next = &grabjson("${idurl}/${id}.json", 0); $id = 0; $limit--; if (defined($next) && ref($next) eq 'HASH') { push(@{ $thread_ref }, &fix_geo_api_data($next)); $id = $next->{'in_reply_to_status_id_str'} || 0; } } &tdisplay($thread_ref, 'thread', 0, 1); # use the mini-menu return 0; } if ($_ eq '/url' && length($urlshort)) { $_ = "/url $urlshort"; print $stdout "*** assuming you meant %URL%: $_\n"; # and fall through to ... } if (m#^/url (http|gopher|https|ftp)://.+# && s#^/url ##) { &openurl($_); return 0; } if (m#^/url ([dDzZ]?[a-zA-Z][0-9])$#) { my $code = lc($1); my $tweet; $urlshort = undef; if ($code =~ /^d/ && length($code) == 3) { $tweet = &get_dm($code); # USO! if (!defined($tweet)) { print $stdout "-- no such DM (yet?): $code\n"; return 0; } } else { $tweet = &get_tweet($code); if (!defined($tweet)) { print $stdout "-- no such tweet (yet?): $code\n"; return 0; } } my $text = &descape($tweet->{'text'}); # findallurls while ($text # =~ s#(http|https|ftp|gopher)://([a-zA-Z0-9_~/:%\-\+\.\=\&\?\#,]+)##) { # sigh. I HATE YOU TINYARRO.WS #TODO # eventually we will have to put a punycode implementation into openurl # to handle things like Mac OS X's open which don't understand UTF-8 URLs. =~ s#(http|https|ftp|gopher)://([^'\\]+?)('|\\|\s|$)##) { my $url = $1 . "://$2"; $url =~ s/[\.\?]$//; &openurl($url); } print $stdout "-- sorry, couldn't find any URL.\n" if (!defined($urlshort)); return 0; } if (s/^\/(favourites|favorites|faves|favs|fl)\s*//) { #TODO # add count parameter or page number? my $my_json_ref; if (length) { $my_json_ref = &grabjson("${favsurl}/${_}.json", 0); } else { if ($anonymous) { print $stdout "-- sorry, you can't haz favourites if you're anonymous.\n"; } else { print $stdout "-- synchronous /favourites user command\n" if ($verbose); $my_json_ref = &grabjson($myfavsurl, 0); } } if (defined($my_json_ref) && ref($my_json_ref) eq 'ARRAY') { if (scalar(@{ $my_json_ref })) { my $w = "-==- favourites " x 10; $w = $EM . substr($w, 0, $wrap || 79) . $OFF; print $stdout "$w\n"; &tdisplay($my_json_ref, "favourites"); print $stdout "$w\n"; } else { print $stdout "-- no favourites found, boring impartiality concluded.\n"; } } &$conclude; return 0; } if ( m#^/(un)?f(rt|retweet|a|av|ave|avorite|avourite)? ([zZ]?[a-zA-Z][0-9])$#) { my $mode = $1; my $secondmode = $2; my $code = lc($3); $secondmode = ($secondmode eq 'retweet') ? 'rt' : $secondmode; my $tweet = &get_tweet($code); if ($mode eq 'un' && $secondmode eq 'rt') { print $stdout "-- hmm. seems contradictory. no dice.\n"; return 0; } if (!defined($tweet)) { print $stdout "-- no such tweet (yet?): $code\n"; return 0; } &cordfav($tweet->{'id_str'}, 1, (($mode eq 'un') ? $favdelurl : $favurl), &descape($tweet->{'text'}), (($mode eq 'un') ? 'removed' : 'created')); if ($secondmode eq 'rt') { $_ = "/rt $code"; # and fall through } else { return 0; } } # Retweet API and manual RTs if (s#^/(e?)r(etweet|t) ([zZ]?[a-zA-Z][0-9])\s*##) { #TODO # when newRT API actually used by people, facultatively use for # simple RTs. my $mode = $1; my $code = lc($3); my $tweet = &get_tweet($code); if (!defined($tweet)) { print $stdout "-- no such tweet (yet?): $code\n"; return 0; } #$in_reply_to = $tweet->{'id_str'}; # maybe later. #$expected_tweet_ref = $tweet; $retweet = "RT @" . &descape($tweet->{'user'}->{'screen_name'}) . ": " . &uforcemulti(&descape($tweet->{'text'})); if ($mode eq 'e') { &add_history($retweet); print $stdout &wwrap( "-- ok, %RT% and %% are now \"$retweet\"\n"); return 0; } $_ = (length) ? "$retweet $_" : $retweet; print $stdout &wwrap("(expanded to \"$_\")"); print $stdout "\n"; goto TWEETPRINT; # fugly! FUGLY! } if (m#^/(re)?rts?of?me?$# && !$nonewrts) { #TODO # when more fields are added, integrate them over the JSON_ref my $mode = $1; my $my_json_ref = &grabjson($rtsofmeurl, 0); if (defined($my_json_ref) && ref($my_json_ref) eq 'ARRAY' && scalar(@{ $my_json_ref })) { &tdisplay($my_json_ref, "rtsofme"); } &$conclude; if ($mode eq 're') { $_ = '/re'; # and fall through ... } else { return 0; } } if (m#^/del(ete)? ([zZ]?[a-zA-Z][0-9])$#) { my $code = lc($2); my $tweet = &get_tweet($code); if (!defined($tweet)) { print $stdout "-- no such tweet (yet?): $code\n"; return 0; } if (lc(&descape($tweet->{'user'}->{'screen_name'})) ne lc($whoami)) { print $stdout "-- not allowed to delete somebody's else's tweets\n"; return 0; } print $stdout &wwrap( "-- verify you want to delete: \"@{[ &descape($tweet->{'text'}) ]}\""); print $stdout "\n"; $answer = &linein( "-- sure you want to delete? (only y or Y is affirmative):"); if ($answer ne 'y') { print $stdout "-- ok, tweet is NOT deleted.\n"; return 0; } $lastpostid = -1 if ($tweet->{'id_str'} == $lastpostid); &deletest($tweet->{'id_str'}, 1); return 0; } # DM delete version if (m#^/del(ete)? ([dD][a-zA-Z][0-9])$#) { my $code = lc($2); my $dm = &get_dm($code); if (!defined($dm)) { print $stdout "-- no such DM (yet?): $code\n"; return 0; } print $stdout &wwrap( "-- verify you want to delete: " . "(from @{[ &descape($dm->{'sender'}->{'screen_name'}) ]}) ". "\"@{[ &descape($dm->{'text'}) ]}\""); print $stdout "\n"; $answer = &linein( "-- sure you want to delete? (only y or Y is affirmative):"); if ($answer ne 'y') { print $stdout "-- ok, DM is NOT deleted.\n"; return 0; } &deletedm($dm->{'id_str'}, 1); return 0; } # /deletelast if (m#^/de?l?e?t?e?last$#) { if (!$lastpostid) { print $stdout "-- you haven't posted yet this time!\n"; return 0; } if ($lastpostid == -1) { print $stdout "-- you already deleted it!\n"; return 0; } print $stdout &wwrap( "-- verify you want to delete: \"$lasttwit\""); print $stdout "\n"; $answer = &linein( "-- sure you want to delete? (only y or Y is affirmative):"); if ($answer ne 'y') { print $stdout "-- ok, tweet is NOT deleted.\n"; return 0; } &deletest($lastpostid, 1); $lastpostid = -1; return 0; } if (s#^/(v)?re(ply)? ([zZ]?[a-zA-Z][0-9]) ## && length) { my $mode = $1; my $code = lc($3); my $tweet = &get_tweet($code); if (!defined($tweet)) { print $stdout "-- no such tweet (yet?): $code\n"; return 0; } my $target = &descape($tweet->{'user'}->{'screen_name'}); $_ = '@' . $target . " $_"; unless ($mode eq 'v') { $in_reply_to = $tweet->{'id_str'}; $expected_tweet_ref = $tweet; } else { $_ = ".$_"; } $readline_completion{'@'.$target}++ if ($termrl); print $stdout &wwrap("(expanded to \"$_\")"); print $stdout "\n"; goto TWEETPRINT; # fugly! FUGLY! } # DM reply version if (s#^/(dm)?re(ply)? ([dD][a-zA-Z][0-9]) ## && length) { my $code = lc($3); my $dm = &get_dm($code); if (!defined($dm)) { print $stdout "-- no such DM (yet?): $code\n"; return 0; } # in the future, add DM in_reply_to here my $target = &descape($dm->{'sender'}->{'screen_name'}); $readline_completion{'@'.$target}++ if ($termrl); $_ = "/dm $target $_"; print $stdout &wwrap("(expanded to \"$_\")"); print $stdout "\n"; # and fall through to ... } if ($_ eq '/replies' || $_ eq '/re') { #TODO # add count parameter or page number? if ($anonymous) { print $stdout "-- sorry, how can anyone reply to you if you're anonymous?\n"; } else { # we are intentionally not keeping track of "last_re" # in this version because it is not automatically # updated and may not act as we expect. print $stdout "-- synchronous /replies command\n" if ($verbose); my $my_json_ref = &grabjson($rurl, 0); if (defined($my_json_ref) && ref($my_json_ref) eq 'ARRAY' && scalar(@{ $my_json_ref })) { &tdisplay($my_json_ref, "replies"); } &$conclude; } return 0; } # DMs if ($_ eq '/dm' || $_ eq '/dmrefresh' || $_ eq '/dmr') { &dmthump; return 0; } if ($_ eq '/dmagain' || $_ eq '/dma') { #TODO # add count parameter or page number? print C "dmreset------------\n"; &sync_semaphore; return 0; } if (s#^/dm \@?([^\s]+)\s+## && length) { return &common_split_post($_, undef, $1); } # follow and leave users if (m#^/(follow|leave|unfollow) \@?([^\s]+)$#) { my $m = $1; my $u = lc($2); &foruuser($u, 1, (($m eq 'follow') ? $followurl : $leaveurl), (($m eq 'follow') ? 'started' : 'stopped')); return 0; } # block and unblock users if (m#^/(block|unblock) \@?([^\s]+)$#) { my $m = $1; my $u = lc($2); if ($m eq 'block') { $answer = &linein( "-- sure you want to block $u? (only y or Y is affirmative):"); if ($answer ne 'y') { print $stdout "-- ok, $u is NOT blocked.\n"; return 0; } } &boruuser($u, 1, (($m eq 'block') ? $blockurl : $blockdelurl), (($m eq 'block') ? 'started' : 'stopped')); return 0; } #TODO # 1.2 # list format: xyz/pdq. if no slash, use this user's. # /autolist, /autolistoff (/al, /alo): add lists to timeline # statusliurl # /fal, /lalo (follow and leave at the same time as /al, /alo) # followliurl leaveliurl # follow and leave lists # # create list # createliurl # update list # updateliurl # show all lists (of me or a user) # getlisurl # show a list # getliurl # delete list (with _delete) # delliurl # add users to list NEED URL # delete users from list NEED URL &sync_n_quit if ($_ eq '/end' || $_ eq '/e'); ##### # # below this point, we are posting # ##### if (m#^/me\s#) { $slash_first = 0; # kludge! } if ($slash_first) { if (!m#^//#) { print $stdout "*** invalid command\n"; print $stdout "*** to pass as a tweet, type /%%\n"; return 0; } s#^/##; # leave the second slash on } TWEETPRINT: # fugly! FUGLY! return &common_split_post($_, $in_reply_to, undef); } # this is the common code used by standard updates and by the /dm command. sub common_split_post { my $k = shift; my $in_reply_to = shift; my $dm_user = shift; my $dm_lead = (length($dm_user)) ? "/dm $dm_user " : ''; my $ol = "$dm_lead$k"; my (@tweetstack) = &csplit($k, ($autosplit eq 'char' || $autosplit eq 'cut') ? 1 : 0); my $m = shift(@tweetstack); if (scalar(@tweetstack)) { $l = "$dm_lead$m"; $history[0] = $l; if (!$autosplit) { print $stdout &wwrap( "*** sorry, too long to send; ". "truncated to \"$l\" (@{[ length($m) ]} chars)\n"); print $stdout "*** use %% for truncated version, or append to %%.\n"; return 0; } print $stdout &wwrap( "*** over $linelength; autosplitting to \"$l\"\n"); } # there was an error; stop autosplit, restore original command if (&updatest($m, 1, $in_reply_to, $dm_user)) { $history[0] = $ol; return 0; } if (scalar(@tweetstack)) { $k = shift(@tweetstack); $l = "$dm_lead$k"; &add_history($l); print $stdout &wwrap("*** next part is ready: \"$l\"\n"); print $stdout "*** (this will also be automatically split)\n" if (length($k) > $linelength); print $stdout "*** to send this next portion, use %%.\n"; } return 1; } # helper functions for the command line processor. sub add_history { my $h = shift; @history = (($h, @history)[0..&min(scalar(@history), $maxhist)]); if ($termrl) { if ($termrl->Features()->{'canSetTopHistory'}) { $termrl->settophistory($h); } else { $termrl->addhistory($h); } } } sub sub_helper { # ($i, $proband, $r, $s) = &sub_helper($1, $2); my $r = shift; my $s = shift; my $x; my $q; my $proband; if ($r eq '%') { $x = -1; } else { $x = $r + 0; } if (!$x || $x < -(scalar(@history))) { print $stdout "*** illegal history index\n"; return (0, $_, undef, undef, undef); } $proband = $history[-($x + 1)]; if ($s eq '--') { $q = 1; } else { $q = -(0+$s); } if ($q) { my $j; my $c; for($j=0; $j<$q; $j++) { $c++ if ($proband =~ s/\s+[^\s]+$//); } if ($j != $c) { print $stdout "*** illegal word index\n"; return (0, $_, undef, undef, undef); } } return (1, $proband, $r, $s); } # this is used for synchronicity mode to make sure we receive the # GA semaphore from the background before printing another prompt. sub sync_console { &thump; &dmthump unless (!$dmpause); } sub sync_semaphore { if ($synch) { my $k = ''; while(!length($k)) { sysread(W, $k, 1); } # wait for semaphore } } # wrapper function to get a line from the terminal. sub linein { my $prompt = shift; my $return; $prompt .= " "; if ($termrl) { $dont_use_counter = 1; eval '$termrl->hook_no_counter'; $return = $termrl->readline($prompt); $dont_use_counter = $nocounter; eval '$termrl->hook_no_counter'; } else { print $stdout $prompt; chomp($return = lc(<$stdin>)); } return $return; } #### this is the background part of the process #### MONITOR: %store_hash = (); $is_background = 1; $first_synch = $synchronous_mode = 0; $rin = ''; vec($rin,fileno(STDIN),1) = 1; # paranoia binmode($stdout, ":crlf") if ($termrl); unless ($seven) { binmode(STDIN, ":utf8"); binmode($stdout, ":utf8"); } $interactive = $previous_last_id = $we_got_signal = 0; $suspend_output = -1; $dm_first_time = ($dmpause) ? 1 : 0; $SIG{'BREAK'} = $SIG{'INT'} = 'IGNORE'; # we only respond to SIGKILL/SIGTERM # debugging for broken systems $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { # remove this in TTYtter 1.2 if no other problems reported warn("** your system's select() call is ignoring timeouts **\n" . "** report your operating system to ckaiser\@floodgap.com **\n") if ($freezebug); $we_got_signal = 1; }; # allow foreground process to squelch us # freaking Linux signals encore. SIGSYS? really? wtf, Linus! # well, never mind. Solaris makes us use SIGXCPU/SIGXFSZ $SIG{'USR1'} = $SIG{'PWR'} = $SIG{'XCPU'} = sub { $suspend_output ^= 1 if ($suspend_output != -1); $we_got_signal = 1; }; $SIG{'USR2'} = $SIG{'SYS'} = $SIG{'UNUSED'} = $SIG{'XFSZ'} = sub { $suspend_output = -1; $we_got_signal = 1; }; # loop until we are killed or told to stop. # we receive instructions on stdin, and send data back on our pipe(). for(;;) { &$heartbeat; &update_effpause; $wrapseq = 0; # remember, we don't know when commands are sent. &refresh($interactive, $previous_last_id) unless (!$effpause && !$interactive); $previous_last_id = $last_id; if ($dmpause && ($effpause || $synch)) { if ($dm_first_time) { &dmrefresh(0); $dmcount = $dmpause; } elsif (!$interactive) { if (!--$dmcount) { &dmrefresh($interactive); # using dm_first_time $dmcount = $dmpause; } } } DONT_REFRESH: # nrvs is tricky with synchronicity if (!$synch || ($synch && $synchronous_mode && !$dm_first_time)) { $k = length($notify_rate) + length($vs) + length($credlog); # $wrapseq = 0; if ($k) { &send_removereadline if ($termrl); print $stdout $notify_rate; print $stdout $vs; print $stdout $credlog; $wrapseq = 1; } $notify_rate = ""; $vs = ""; $credlog = ""; } print P "0" if ($synchronous_mode && $interactive); $interactive = 0; &send_repaint; alarm ($effpause + $effpause + $effpause) if ($freezebug); # security blanket warning # this core loop is tricky. most signals will not restart the call. # -- respond to alarms if we are ignoring our timeout. # -- do not respond to bogus packets if a signal handler triggered it. # -- clear our flag when we detect a signal handler has been called. RESTART_SELECT: $we_got_signal = 0; # acknowledge all signals $nfound = select($rout = $rin, undef, undef, $effpause); if ($nfound > 0) { # there is data on our socket. # command packets should always be (initially) 20 characters. # if we come up short, it's either a bug, signal or timeout. if (sysread(STDIN, $rout, 20) != 20 && $we_got_signal) { goto RESTART_SELECT; } $we_got_signal = 0; alarm 0 if ($freezebug); # background communications central command code # we received a command from the console, so let's look at it. if ($rout =~ /^rsga/) { $suspend_output = 0; # reset our status goto RESTART_SELECT; } elsif ($rout =~ /^pipet (..)/) { my $key = &get_tweet($1); my $ms = $key->{'menu_select'} || 'XX'; my $ds = $key->{'created_at'} || 'argh, no created_at'; $ds =~ s/\s/_/g; my $src = $key->{'source'} || 'unknown'; $src =~ s/\|//g; # shouldn't be any anyway. $key = substr(( "$ms ".($key->{'id_str'})." ". ($key->{'in_reply_to_status_id_str'})." ". ($key->{'retweeted_status'}->{'id_str'})." ". ($key->{'user'}->{'geo_enabled'} || "false") . " ". ($key->{'geo'}->{'coordinates'}->[0]). " ". ($key->{'geo'}->{'coordinates'}->[1]). " ". $key->{'user'}->{'screen_name'}." $ds $src|". unpack("${pack_magic}H*", $key->{'text'}). $space_pad), 0, 1024); print P $key; goto RESTART_SELECT; } elsif ($rout =~ /^piped (..)/) { my $key = $dm_store_hash{$1}; my $ms = $key->{'menu_select'} || 'XX'; my $ds = $key->{'created_at'} || 'argh, no created_at'; $ds =~ s/\s/_/g; $key = substr(( "$ms ".($key->{'id_str'})." ". $key->{'sender'}->{'screen_name'}." $ds ". unpack("${pack_magic}H*", $key->{'text'}). $space_pad), 0, 1024); print P $key; goto RESTART_SELECT; } elsif ($rout =~ /^sync/) { print $stdout "-- synced; exiting at ", scalar localtime, "\n" if ($verbose); exit $laststatus; } elsif ($rout =~ /^synm/) { $first_synch = $synchronous_mode = 1; print $stdout "-- background is now synchronous\n" if ($verbose); } elsif ($rout =~ /([\=\?\+])([^ ]+)/) { $comm = $1; $key =$2; if ($comm eq '?') { print P substr("${$key}$space_pad", 0, 1024); } else { sysread(STDIN, $value, 1024); $value =~ s/\s+$//; $interactive = ($comm eq '+') ? 0 : 1; if ($key eq 'tquery') { print $stdout "*** custom query installed\n" if ($interactive || $verbose); print $stdout "$value" if ($verbose); @trackstrings = (); # already URL encoded push(@trackstrings, $value); } else { $$key = $value; print $stdout "*** changed: $key => $$key\n" if ($interactive || $verbose); &generate_ansi if ($key eq 'ansi' || $key =~ /^colour/); $rate_limit_next = 0 if ($key eq 'pause' && $value eq 'auto'); &tracktags_makearray if ($key eq 'track'); &filter_compile if ($key eq 'filter'); ¬ify_compile if ($key eq 'notifies'); } } goto RESTART_SELECT; } else { $interactive = 1; $last_id = 0 if ($rout =~ /^reset/); $last_dm = 0 if ($rout =~ /^dmreset/); print $stdout "-- command received ", scalar localtime, " $rout" if ($verbose); if ($rout =~ /^dm/) { &dmrefresh($interactive); &send_repaint; $dmcount = $dmpause; goto DONT_REFRESH; } } } else { if ($we_got_signal || $nfound == -1) { # we need to restart the call. we might be waiting # longer, but this is unavoidable. goto RESTART_SELECT; } print $stdout "-- routine refresh (effpause = $effpause, $dmcount to next dm) ", scalar localtime, "\n" if ($verbose); } } #### internal implementation functions for the twitter API. DON'T ALTER #### # manage automatic rate limiting by checking our max. #TODO # autoslowdown as we run out of requests, then speed up when hour # has passed. sub update_effpause { return ($effpause = undef) if ($script); # for select() if ($pause ne 'auto' && $noratelimit) { $effpause = (0+$pause) || undef; return; } $effpause = (0+$pause) || undef if ($anonymous || (!$pause && $pause ne 'auto')); if (!$rate_limit_next && !$anonymous && ($pause > 0 || $pause eq 'auto')) { # {'reset_time_in_seconds':1218948315,'remaining_hits':98,'reset_time':'Sun Aug 17 04:45:15 +0000 2008','hourly_limit':100} $rate_limit_next = 5; $rate_limit_ref = &grabjson($rlurl, 0); if (defined $rate_limit_ref && ref($rate_limit_ref) eq 'HASH') { $rate_limit_left = $rate_limit_ref->{'remaining_hits'}+0; $rate_limit_rate = $rate_limit_ref->{'hourly_limit'}+0; if ($rate_limit_left < 10 && $rate_limit_rate) { $estring = "*** warning: $rate_limit_left API requests remain"; if ($pause eq 'auto') { $estring .= "; temporarily halting autofetch"; $effpause = 0; } &$exception(5, "$estring\n"); } else { if ($pause eq 'auto') { if ($rate_limit_rate >= 350) { # we won't go lower than 60 per sec. $effpause = 60; } else { # other accounts # this is computed to give you approximately 50% over the limit for client # requests # first, how many requests do we want to make an hour? $dmpause in a sec $effpause = $rate_limit_rate - ($rate_limit_rate * 0.5); # second, take requests away for $dmpause (e.g., 4:1 means reduce by 25%) $effpause -= ((1/$dmpause) * $effpause) if ($dmpause); # third, divide by two (1:1) if replies "mention" streamix is on $effpause = int($effpause/2) if ($mentions); #TODO # take 1 request away for each /autolist subscription (i.e., each one, # cut effpause in half) # finally determine how many seconds should elapse print $stdout "-- that's funny: effpause is zero, using fallback 180sec\n" if (!$effpause && $verbose); $effpause = ($effpause) ? int(3600/$effpause) : 180; # we don't go under sixty. $effpause = 60 if ($effpause < 60); } } else { $effpause = 0+$pause; } } print $stdout "-- rate limit check: $rate_limit_left/$rate_limit_rate (rate is $effpause sec)\n" if ($verbose); $adverb = (!$last_rate_limit) ? ' currently' : ($last_rate_limit < $rate_limit_rate) ? ' INCREASED to': ($last_rate_limit > $rate_limit_rate) ? ' REDUCED to': ''; $notify_rate = "-- notification: API rate limit is${adverb} ${rate_limit_rate} req/hr\n" if ($last_rate_limit != $rate_limit_rate); $last_rate_limit = $rate_limit_rate; } else { $rate_limit_next = 0; $effpause = ($pause eq 'auto') ? 120 : 0+$pause; print $stdout "-- failed to fetch rate limit (rate is $effpause sec)\n" if ($verbose); } } else { $rate_limit_next-- unless ($anonymous); } } # thump for timeline sub refresh { my $interactive = shift; my $relative_last_id = shift; my $k; my $my_json_ref = undef; my $i; my @streams = (); # this mixes all the tweet streams (timeline, hashtags, replies # [someday]) into a single unified data river. # first, get my own timeline unless ($notimeline) { $my_json_ref = &grabjson($url, $last_id, 0, ($last_id) ? 250 : $backload); # if I can't get my own timeline, ABORT! highest priority! return if (!defined($my_json_ref) || ref($my_json_ref) ne 'ARRAY'); } # add stream for replies, if requested if ($mentions) { my $r = &grabjson($rurl, $last_id, 0, ($last_id) ? 250 : $backload); push(@streams, $r) if (defined($r) && ref($r) eq 'ARRAY' && scalar(@{ $r })); } # next handle hashtags and tracktags # failure here does not abort, because search may be down independently # of the main timeline. if (!$notrack && scalar(@trackstrings)) { my $l = &max((($last_id) ? 100 : $backload), $searchhits); foreach $k (@trackstrings) { my $r = &grabjson("$queryurl?${k}&rpp=${l}&result_type=recent", 0, 1); # $last_id, 1); push(@streams, $r) if (defined($r) && ref($r) eq 'ARRAY' && scalar(@{ $r })); } } # add stream for lists we have on with /autolist #TODO # autolist # now, streamix all the streams into my_json_ref, discarding duplicates # a simple hash lookup is no good; it has to be iterative. because of # that, we might as well just splice it in here and save a sort later. # the streammix logic is unnecessarily complex, probably. # remember, the most recent tweets are FIRST. if (scalar(@streams)) { my $j; my $k; my $l = scalar(@{ $my_json_ref }); my $m; my $n; foreach $n (@streams) { SMIX0: foreach $j (@{ $n }) { if (!$l) { # degenerate case push (@{ $my_json_ref }, $j); $l++; next SMIX0; } my $id = $j->{'id_str'}; # anticipating many comps # find the same ID, or one just before, # and splice in $m = -1; SMIX1: for($i=0; $i<$l; $i++) { next SMIX0 # it's a duplicate if($my_json_ref->[$i]->{'id_str'} == $id); if($my_json_ref->[$i]->{'id_str'} < $id) { $m = $i; last SMIX1; # got it } } if ($m == -1) { # didn't find push (@{ $my_json_ref }, $j); } elsif ($m == 0) { # degenerate case unshift (@{ $my_json_ref }, $j); } else { # did find, so splice splice(@{ $my_json_ref }, $m, 0, $j); } $l++; } } } ($last_id, $crap) = &tdisplay($my_json_ref, undef, $relative_last_id); print $stdout "-- id bookmark is $last_id, rollback is $relative_last_id.\n" if ($verbose); &send_removereadline if ($termrl); &$conclude; $wrapseq = 1; &send_repaint; } # handle (i.e., display) an array of tweets in standard format sub tdisplay { # used by both synchronous /again and asynchronous refreshes my $my_json_ref = shift; my $class = shift; my $relative_last_id = shift; my $mini_id = shift; my $printed = 0; my $disp_max = &min($print_max, scalar(@{ $my_json_ref })); my $save_counter = -1; my $i; my $j; if ($disp_max) { # null list may be valid if we get code 304 unless ($is_background) { # reset store hash each console if ($mini_id) { #TODO # generalize this at some point instead of hardcoded menu codes # maybe an ma0-mz9? $save_counter = $tweet_counter; $tweet_counter = $mini_split; for(0..9) { undef $store_hash{"zz$_"}; } }# else { # $tweet_counter = $back_split; # %store_hash = (); #} } for($i = $disp_max; $i > 0; $i--) { my $g = ($i-1); $j = $my_json_ref->[$g]; my $id = $j->{'id_str'}; next if ($id <= $last_id); next if (!length($j->{'user'}->{'screen_name'})); if ($filter_c && &$filter_c(&descape($j->{'text'}))) { $filtered++; next; } $key = (($is_background) ? '' : 'z' ). substr($alphabet, $tweet_counter/10, 1) . $tweet_counter % 10; $tweet_counter = ($tweet_counter == 259) ? $mini_split : ($tweet_counter == ($mini_split - 1)) ? 0 : ($tweet_counter+1); $j->{'menu_select'} = $key; $store_hash{lc($key)} = $j; sleep 5 while ($suspend_output > 0); &send_removereadline if ($termrl); $wrapseq++; $printed += scalar(&$handle($j, ($class || (($id <= $relative_last_id) ? 'again' : undef)))); } } $tweet_counter = $save_counter if ($save_counter > -1); sleep 5 while ($suspend_output > 0); &$exception(6,"*** warning: more tweets than menu codes; truncated\n") if (scalar(@{ $my_json_ref }) > $print_max); if (($interactive || $verbose) && !$printed) { &send_removereadline if ($termrl); print $stdout "-- sorry, nothing to display.\n"; $wrapseq = 1; } return (&max($my_json_ref->[0]->{'id_str'}, $last_id), $j); } # thump for DMs sub dmrefresh { my $interactive = shift; if ($anonymous) { print $stdout "-- sorry, you can't read DMs if you're anonymous.\n" if ($interactive); return; } # no point in doing this if we can't even get to our own timeline # (unless user specifically requested it, or our timeline is off) return if (!$interactive && !$last_id && !$notimeline); # NOT last_dm my $my_json_ref = &grabjson($dmurl, $last_dm); return if (!defined($my_json_ref) || ref($my_json_ref) ne 'ARRAY'); my $printed = 0; my $max = 0; my $disp_max = &min($print_max, scalar(@{ $my_json_ref })); my $i; my $g; my $key; if ($disp_max) { # an empty list can be valid if ($dm_first_time) { sleep 5 while ($suspend_output > 0); &send_removereadline if ($termrl); print $stdout "-- checking for most recent direct messages:\n"; $disp_max = 2; $interactive = 1; } for($i = $disp_max; $i > 0; $i--) { $g = ($i-1); my $j = $my_json_ref->[$g]; next if ($j->{'id_str'} <= $last_dm); next if (!length($j->{'sender'}->{'screen_name'})); $key = substr($alphabet, $dm_counter/10, 1) . $dm_counter % 10; $dm_counter = ($dm_counter == 259) ? 0 : ($dm_counter+1); $j->{'menu_select'} = $key; $dm_store_hash{lc($key)} = $j; sleep 5 while ($suspend_output > 0); &send_removereadline if ($termrl); $wrapseq++; $printed += scalar(&$dmhandle($j)); } $max = $my_json_ref->[0]->{'id_str'}; } sleep 5 while ($suspend_output > 0); if (($interactive || $verbose) && !$printed && !$dm_first_time) { &send_removereadline if ($termrl); print $stdout "-- sorry, no new direct messages.\n"; $wrapseq = 1; } $last_dm = &max($last_dm, $max); $dm_first_time = 0 if ($last_dm || !scalar(@{ $my_json_ref })); print $stdout "-- dm bookmark is $last_dm.\n" if ($verbose); &$dmconclude; &send_repaint; } # post an update # this is a general API function that handles status updates and sending DMs. sub updatest { my $string = shift; my $interactive = shift; my $in_reply_to = shift; my $user_name_dm = shift; my $urle = ''; my $i; my $subpid; my $istring; my $verb = (length($user_name_dm)) ? "DM $user_name_dm" : 'tweet'; if ($anonymous) { print $stdout "-- sorry, you can't $verb if you're anonymous.\n" if ($interactive); return 99; } my $payload = (length($user_name_dm)) ? 'text' : 'status'; $string = &$prepost($string) unless ($user_name_dm); # YES, you *can* verify and slowpost. I thought about this and I # think I want to allow it. if ($verify && !$status) { my $answer; warn &wwrap("-- verify you want to $verb: \"$string\"\n"); $answer = &linein( "-- send to server? (only y or Y is affirmative):"); if ($answer ne 'y') { warn "-- ok, NOT sent to server.\n"; return 97; } } $urle = ''; foreach $i (unpack("${pack_magic}C*", $string)) { my $k = chr($i); if ($k =~ /[-._~a-zA-Z0-9]/) { $urle .= $k; } else { $k = sprintf("%02X", $i); $urle .= "%$k"; } } $user_name_dm = (length($user_name_dm)) ? "&user=$user_name_dm" : ''; my $i = ''; $i .= "source=TTYtter&" if ($authtype eq 'basic'); $i .= "in_reply_to_status_id=${in_reply_to}&" if ($in_reply_to > 0); if (defined $lat && defined $long && $location) { print $stdout "-- using lat/long: ($lat, $long)\n"; $i .= "lat=${lat}&long=${long}&"; } elsif ((defined $lat || defined $long) && $location) { print $stdout "-- warning: incomplete location ($lat, $long) ignored\n"; } $i .= "${payload}=${urle}${user_name_dm}"; $slowpost += 0; if ($slowpost && !$script && !$status && !$silent) { if($pid = open(SLOWPOST, '-|')) { print $stdout &wwrap( "-- waiting $slowpost seconds to $verb, ^C cancels: \"$string\"\n"); close(SLOWPOST); # this should wait for us if ($? > 256) { print $stdout "\n-- not sent, cancelled by user\n"; return 97; } print $stdout "-- sending to server\n"; } else { $in_backticks = 1; # defeat END sub $SIG{'BREAK'} = $SIG{'INT'} = sub { exit 254; }; sleep $slowpost; exit 0; } } my $return = &backticks($baseagent, '/dev/null', undef, (length($user_name_dm)) ? $dmupdate : $update, $i, 0, @wend); print $stdout "-- return --\n$return\n-- return --\n" if ($superverbose); if ($? > 0) { $x = $? >> 8; print $stdout <<"EOF" if ($interactive); ${MAGENTA}*** warning: connect timeout or no confirmation received ($x) *** to attempt a resend, type %%${OFF} EOF return $?; } my $ec; if ($ec = &is_json_error($return)) { print $stdout <<"EOF" if ($interactive); ${MAGENTA}*** warning: server error message received *** "$ec"${OFF} EOF return 98; } if ($ec = &is_fail_whale($return) || $return =~ /^\[?\]?/i || $return =~ /^<\??xml\s+/) { print $stdout <<"EOF" if ($interactive); ${MAGENTA}*** warning: Twitter Fail Whale${OFF} EOF return 98; } $lastpostid = &parsejson($return)->{'id_str'}; unless ($user_name_dm) { $lasttwit = $string; &$postpost($string); } return 0; } # this dispatch routine replaces the common logic of deletest, deletedm, # follow, leave and the favourites system. # this is a modified, abridged version of &updatest. sub central_cd_dispatch { my ($payload, $interactive, $update) = (@_); my $return = &backticks($baseagent, '/dev/null', undef, $update, $payload, 0, @wend); print $stdout "-- return --\n$return\n-- return --\n" if ($superverbose); if ($? > 0) { $x = $? >> 8; print $stdout <<"EOF" if ($interactive); ${MAGENTA}*** warning: connect timeout or no confirmation received ($x) *** to attempt again, type %%${OFF} EOF return ($?, ''); } my $ec; if ($ec = &is_json_error($return)) { print $stdout <<"EOF" if ($interactive); ${MAGENTA}*** warning: server error message received *** "$ec"${OFF} EOF return (98, $return); } return (0, $return); } # the following functions may be user-exposed in a future version of # TTYtter, but are officially still "private interfaces." # delete a status sub deletest { my $id = shift; my $interactive = shift; my $update = "${delurl}/${id}.json"; my ($en, $em) = ¢ral_cd_dispatch("id=$id", $interactive, $update); print $stdout "-- tweet id #${id} has been removed\n" if ($interactive && !$en); print $stdout "*** (was the tweet already deleted?)\n" if ($interactive && $en); return 0; } # delete a DM sub deletedm { my $id = shift; my $interactive = shift; my $update = "${dmdelurl}/${id}.json"; my ($en, $em) = ¢ral_cd_dispatch("id=$id", $interactive, $update); print $stdout "-- DM id #${id} has been removed\n" if ($interactive && !$en); print $stdout "*** (was the DM already deleted?)\n" if ($interactive && $en); return 0; } # create or destroy a favourite sub cordfav { my $id = shift; my $interactive = shift; my $basefav = shift; my $text = shift; my $verb = shift; my $update = "${basefav}/${id}.json"; my ($en, $em) = ¢ral_cd_dispatch("id=$id", $interactive, $update); print $stdout "-- favourite $verb for tweet id #${id}: \"$text\"\n" if ($interactive && !$en); print $stdout "*** (was the favourite already ${verb}?)\n" if ($interactive && $en); return 0; } # follow or unfollow a user sub foruuser { my $uname = shift; my $interactive = shift; my $basef = shift; my $verb = shift; my $update = "${basef}/${uname}.json"; my ($en, $em) = ¢ral_cd_dispatch("screen_name=$uname", $interactive, $update); print $stdout "-- ok, you have $verb following user $uname.\n" if ($interactive && !$en); return 0; } # block or unblock a user sub boruuser { my $uname = shift; my $interactive = shift; my $basef = shift; my $verb = shift; my ($en, $em) = ¢ral_cd_dispatch("screen_name=$uname", $interactive, $basef); print $stdout "-- ok, you have $verb blocking user $uname.\n" if ($interactive && !$en); return 0; } #### TTYtter internal API utility functions #### # ... which your API *can* call # gets and returns the contents of a URL (optionally pass a POST body) sub graburl { my $resource = shift; my $data = shift; return &backticks($baseagent, '/dev/null', undef, $resource, $data, 1, @wind); } # format a tweet based on user options sub standardtweet { my $ref = shift; my $nocolour = shift; my $sn = &descape($ref->{'user'}->{'screen_name'}); my $tweet = &descape($ref->{'text'}); my $colour; my $g; my $h; # wordwrap really ruins our day here, thanks a lot, @augmentedfourth # have to insinuate the ansi sequences after the string is wordwrapped $g = $colour = ${'CC' . scalar(&$tweettype($ref, $sn, $tweet)) } unless ($nocolour); $colour = $OFF . $colour unless ($nocolour); $sn = "\@$sn" if ($ref->{'in_reply_to_status_id_str'} > 0); $sn = "+$sn" if ($ref->{'user'}->{'geo_enabled'} eq 'true' && $ref->{'geo'}->{'coordinates'}->[0] ne 'undef' && $ref->{'geo'}->{'coordinates'}->[1] ne 'undef'); $sn = "*$sn" if ($ref->{'source'} =~ /TTYtter/ && $ttytteristas); $tweet = "<$sn> $tweet"; # br3nda's modified timestamp patch if ($timestamp) { my ($time, $ts) = &$wraptime($ref->{'created_at'}); $tweet = "[$ts] $tweet"; } # pull it all together $tweet = &wwrap($tweet, ($wrapseq <= 1) ? ((&$prompt(1))[1]) : 0) if ($wrap); # remember to account for prompt length on #1 $tweet =~ s/^([^<]*)<([^>]+)>/${g}\1<${EM}\2${colour}>/ unless ($nocolour); $tweet =~ s/\n*$//; $tweet .= ($nocolour) ? "\n" : "$OFF\n"; # highlight anything that we have in track if(scalar(@tracktags)) { # I'm paranoid foreach $h (@tracktags) { $h =~ s/^"//; $h =~ s/"$//; # just in case $tweet =~ s/(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])($h)([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)/\1${EM}\2${colour}\3/ig unless ($nocolour); } } # smb's underline/bold patch goes on last (modified for lists) unless ($nocolour) { # only do this after the < > portion. my $k = index($tweet, ">"); my $botsub = substr($tweet, $k); my $topsub = substr($tweet, 0, $k); $botsub =~ s/(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_])\@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\/]+)/\1\@${UNDER}\2${colour}/g; $tweet = $topsub . $botsub; } return $tweet; } # format a DM based on standard user options sub standarddm { my $ref = shift; my $nocolour = shift; my ($time, $ts) = &$wraptime($ref->{'created_at'}); my $text = &descape($ref->{'text'}); my $g = &wwrap("[DM d$ref->{'menu_select'}][". &descape($ref->{'sender'}->{'screen_name'}) . "/$ts] $text", ($wrapseq <= 1) ? ((&$prompt(1))[1]) : 0); $g =~ s/^\[DM ([^\/]+)\//${CCdm}[DM ${EM}\1${OFF}${CCdm}\// unless ($nocolour); $g =~ s/\n*$//; $g .= ($nocolour) ? "\n" : "$OFF\n"; $g =~ s/(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_])\@(\w+)/\1\@${UNDER}\2${OFF}${CCdm}/g unless ($nocolour); return $g; } # for future expansion: this is the declared API callable method # for executing a command as if the console had typed it. sub ucommand { die("** can't call &ucommand during multi-module loading.\n") if ($multi_module_mode == -1); &prinput(@_); } # your application can also call &grabjson to get a hashref # corresponding to parsed JSON from an arbitrary resource. # see that function later on. #### DEFAULT TTYtter INTERNAL API METHODS #### # don't change these here. instead, use -lib=yourlibrary.pl and set them there. # note that these are all anonymous subroutine references. # anything you don't define is overwritten by the defaults. # it's better'n'superclasses. # NOTE: defaultaddaction, defaultmain and defaultprompt # are all defined in the "console" section above for # clarity. # this first set are the multi-module aware ones. # the standard iterator for multi-module methods sub multi_module_dispatch { my $default = shift; my $dispatch_chain = shift; my $rv_handler = shift; my @args = @_; my $dispatch_ref; # $*_call_default is a global $did_call_default = 0; $this_call_default = 0; $multi_module_context = 0; if ($rv_handler == 0) { $rv_handler = sub { return 0; }; } # fall through to default if no dispatch chain if (!scalar(@{ $dispatch_chain })) { return &$default(@args); } foreach $dispatch_ref (@{ $dispatch_chain }) { # each reference has the code, and the file that specified it. # set up a multi-module context and run that function. if the # default ever gets called, we log it to tell the multi-module # handler to call the default at the end. my $rv; my $irv; my $caller = (caller(1))[3]; $caller =~ s/^main::multi//; $multi_module_context = 1; # defaults then know to defer $this_call_default = 0; $store = $master_store->{ $dispatch_ref->[0] }; print "-- calling \$$caller in $dispatch_ref->[0]\n" if ($verbose); my $code_ref = $dispatch_ref->[1]; $rv = &$rv_handler(@irv = &$code_ref(@args)); $multi_module_context = 0; if ($rv & 4) { # rv_handler indicating to call default and halt # if it was called. return &$default(@args) if ($did_call_default); } if ($rv & 2) { # rv_handler indicating to make new @args from @irv @args = @irv; } if ($rv & 1) { # rv_handler indicating to halt early. do so. return (wantarray) ? @irv : $irv[0]; } } $multi_module_context = 0; return &$default(@args) if ($did_call_default); return (wantarray) ? @irv : $irv[0]; } # these are the stubs that call the dispatcher. sub multiaddaction { &multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultaddaction, \@m_addaction, sub{ # return immediately on the first extension to accept return (shift>0); }, @_); } sub multiconclude { &multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultconclude, \@m_conclude, 0, @_); } sub multidmconclude { &multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultdmconclude, \@m_dmconclude, 0, @_); } #handlr sub multidmhandle { &multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultdmhandle, \@m_dmhandle, sub { my $rv = shift; # skip default calls. return 0 if ($this_call_default); # if not a default call, and the DM was refused for # processing by this extension, then the DM is now # suppressed. do not call any other extensions after this. # even if it ends in suppression, we still call the default # if it was ever called before. return 5 if ($rv == 0); # if accepted in any manner, keep calling. return 0; }, @_); } sub multiexception { # this is a secret option for people who want to suppress errors. if ($exception_is_maskable) { &multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultexception, \@m_exception, sub { my $rv = shift; # same logic as handle/dmhandle, except return -1- # to mask from subsequent extensions. return 0 if ($this_call_default); return 5 if ($rv); return 0; }, @_); } else { &multi_module_dispatch( \&defaultexception, \@m_exception, 0, @_); } } sub multishutdown { return if ($shutdown_already_called++); &multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultshutdown, \@m_shutdown, 0, @_); } sub multihandle { &multi_module_dispatch(\&defaulthandle, \@m_handle, sub { my $rv = shift; # skip default calls. return 0 if ($this_call_default); # if not a default call, and the tweet was refused for # processing by this extension, then the tweet is now # suppressed. do not call any other extensions after this. # even if it ends in suppression, we still call the default # if it was ever called before. return 5 if ($rv==0); # if accepted in any manner, keep calling. return 0; }, @_); } sub multiheartbeat { &multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultheartbeat, \@m_heartbeat, 0, @_); } sub multiprecommand { &multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultprecommand, \@m_precommand, sub { return 2; # feed subsequent chains the result. }, @_); } sub multiprepost { &multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultprepost, \@m_prepost, sub { return 2; # feed subsequent chains the result. }, @_); } sub multipostpost { &multi_module_dispatch(\&defaultpostpost, \@m_postpost, 0, @_); } sub multitweettype { &multi_module_dispatch(\&defaulttweettype, \@m_tweettype, sub { # if this module DID NOT call default, exit now. return (!$this_call_default); }, @_); } sub flag_default_call { $this_call_default++; $did_call_default++; } # now the actual default methods sub defaultexception { (&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context); shift; my $message = "@_"; $message =~ s/\n*$//sg; if ($timestamp) { my ($time, $ts) = &$wraptime(scalar(localtime)); $message = "[$ts] $message"; $message =~ s/\n/\n[$ts] /sg; } &send_removereadline if ($termrl); $wrapseq = 1; print $stdout "${MAGENTA}${message}${OFF}\n"; &send_repaint; $laststatus = 1; } sub defaultshutdown { (&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context); } sub defaulthandle { (&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context); my $tweet_ref = shift; my $class = shift; my $dclass = ($verbose) ? "{$class,$tweet_ref->{'id_str'}} " : ''; my $sn = &descape($tweet_ref->{'user'}->{'screen_name'}); my $tweet = &descape($tweet_ref->{'text'}); my $stweet = &standardtweet($tweet_ref); my $menu_select = $tweet_ref->{'menu_select'}; $menu_select = (length($menu_select) && !$script) ? (($menu_select =~ /^z/) ? "${EM}${menu_select}>${OFF} " : "${menu_select}> ") : ''; print $streamout $menu_select . $dclass . $stweet; &sendnotifies($tweet_ref, $class); return 1; } sub sendnotifies { # this is a default subroutine of a sort, right? my $tweet_ref = shift; my $class = shift; my $sn = &descape($tweet_ref->{'user'}->{'screen_name'}); my $tweet = &descape($tweet_ref->{'text'}); unless (length($class) || !$last_id) { # interactive? first time? $class = scalar(&$tweettype($tweet_ref, $sn, $tweet)); ¬ifytype_dispatch($class, &standardtweet($tweet_ref, 1), $tweet_ref) if ($notify_list{$class}); } } sub defaulttweettype { (&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context); my $ref = shift; my $sn = shift; my $tweet = shift; # br3nda's and smb's modified colour patch unless ($anonymous) { if ($sn eq $whoami) { # if it's me speaking, colour the line yellow return 'me'; } elsif ($tweet =~ /\@$whoami(\b|$)/i) { # if I'm in the tweet, colour red return 'reply'; } } if ($ref->{'class'} eq 'search') { # anonymous allows this too # if this is a search result, colour cyan return 'search'; } return 'default'; } sub defaultconclude { (&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context); if ($filtered && $filter_attribs{'count'}) { print $stdout "-- (filtered $filtered tweets)\n"; $filtered = 0; } } sub defaultdmhandle { (&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context); my $dm_ref = shift; print $streamout &standarddm($dm_ref); &senddmnotifies($dm_ref); return 1; } sub senddmnotifies { my $dm_ref = shift; ¬ifytype_dispatch('DM', &standarddm($dm_ref, 1), $dm_ref) if ($notify_list{'dm'} && $last_dm); } sub defaultdmconclude { (&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context); } sub defaultheartbeat { (&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context); } # not much sense to multi-module protect these. sub defaultprecommand { return ("@_"); } sub defaultprepost { return ("@_"); } sub defaultpostpost { (&flag_default_call, return) if ($multi_module_context); my $line = shift; return if (!$termrl); # populate %readline_completion if readline is on while($line =~ s/^\@(\w+)\s+//) { $readline_completion{'@'.$1}++; } if ($line =~ /^[dD]\s+(\w+)\s+/) { $readline_completion{'@'.$1}++; } } sub defaultautocompletion { my ($text, $line, $start) = (@_); my @proband; my @rlkeys; # handle / completion if ($start == 0 && $text =~ m#^/#) { return sort grep(/^$text/i, '/history', '/print', '/quit', '/bye', '/again', '/wagain', '/whois', '/thump', '/dm', '/refresh', '/dmagain', '/set', '/help', '/reply', '/url', '/thread', '/replies', '/ruler', '/exit', '/me', '/verbose', '/short', '/follow', '/unfollow', '/doesfollow', '/search', '/tron', '/troff', '/delete', '/deletelast', '/dump', '/unset', '/track', '/trends', '/block', '/unblock', '/fave', '/faves', '/unfave', '/eval'); } @rlkeys = keys(%readline_completion); # handle @ completion. this works slightly weird because # readline hands us the string WITHOUT the @, so we have to # test somewhat blindly. this works even if a future readline # DOES give us the word with @. also handles D, /wa, /wagain, # /a, /again, etc. if (($line =~ m#^(D|/wa|/wagain|/a|/again) #i) || ($start == 1 && substr($line, 0, 1) eq '@') || # this code is needed to prevent inline @ from flipping out ($start >= 1 && substr($line, ($start-2), 2) eq ' @')) { @proband = grep(/^\@$text/i, @rlkeys); if (scalar(@proband)) { @proband = map { s/^\@//;$_ } @proband; return @proband; } } # definites that are left over, including @ if it were included if(scalar(@proband = grep(/^$text/i, @rlkeys))) { return @proband; } # heuristics # URL completion (this doesn't always work of course) if ($text =~ m#https?://#) { return (&urlshorten($text) || $text); } # "I got nothing." return (); } # this is where OAuth will live when that support is completed. sub defaultauthenticate { } #### built-in notification routines #### # growl for Mac OS X sub notifier_growl { my $class = shift; my $text = shift; my $ref = shift; # not used in this version if (!defined($class) || !defined($growl_notify_path)) { # we are being asked to initialize $growl_notify_path = &wherecheck("trying to find growlnotify", "growlnotify", "growlnotify must be installed to use growl notifications. check your\n" . "documentation for how to do this.\n"); if (!defined($class)) { return 1 if ($script || $notifyquiet); $class = 'Growl support activated'; $text = 'You can configure notifications for TTYtter in the Growl preference pane.'; } } # handle this in the background for faster performance. # to avoid problems with SIGCHLD, we fork ourselves twice, # leaving an orphan which init should grab (we need SIGCHLD # for proper backticks, so it can't be IGNOREd). my $gchild; if ($gchild = fork()) { # the parent harvests the child, which will die immediately. waitpid($gchild, 0); return 1; } elsif (!defined ($gchild)) { print $stdout "warning: failed growl fork: $!\n"; return 1; } # this is the child. spawn, then exit and abandon our own child, # which init will reap. the problem with teen pregnancy is mounting. $in_backticks = 1; my $hchild; if ($hchild = fork()) { exit; } elsif (!defined ($hchild)) { print $stdout "warning: failed growl fork: $!\n"; exit; } # this is the subchild, which is abandoned. open(GROWL, "|$growl_notify_path -n 'TTYtter' 'TTYtter: $class'"); binmode(GROWL, ":utf8") unless ($seven); print GROWL $text; close(GROWL); exit; } # libnotify for {Linux,whatevs} # this is EXPERIMENTAL, and requires this patch to notify-send: # http://www.floodgap.com/software/ttytter/libnotifypatch.txt # why it has not already been applied is fricking beyond me, it makes # sense. would YOU want arbitrary characters on the command line # separated only from overwriting your home directory by a quoting routine? sub notifier_libnotify { my $class = shift; my $text = shift; my $ref = shift; # not used in this version if (!defined($class) || !defined($notify_send_path)) { # we are being asked to initialize $notify_send_path = &wherecheck("trying to find notify-send", "notify-send", "notify-send must be installed to use libnotify, and it must be modified\n". "for standard input. see the documentation for how to do this.\n"); if (!defined($class)) { return 1 if ($script || $notifyquiet); $class = 'libnotify support activated'; $text = 'Congratulations, your notify-send is correctly configured for TTYtter.'; } } # figure out the time to display based on length of tweet my $t = 1000+50*length($text); # about 150-180wpm read speed open(NOTIFYSEND, "|$notify_send_path -t $t -f - 'TTYtter: $class'"); binmode(NOTIFYSEND, ":utf8") unless ($seven); print NOTIFYSEND $text; close(NOTIFYSEND); return 1; } #### IPC routines for communicating between the foreground + background #### # this is the central routine that takes a rolling tweet code, figures # out where that tweet is, and returns something approximating a tweet # structure (or the actual tweet structure itself if it can). sub get_tweet { my $code = lc(shift); return undef if ($code !~ /^z?[a-z][0-9]$/); my $source = ($code =~ /^z/) ? 1 : 0; my $k = ''; my $l = ''; my $w = {'user' => {}}; if ($is_background) { if ($source == 1) { # foreground only return undef; } return $store_hash{$code}; } return $store_hash{$code} if ($source); # foreground c/foreground twt print $stdout "-- querying background: $code\n" if ($verbose); kill 31, $child if ($child); print C "pipet $code ----------\n"; while(length($k) < 1024) { sysread(W, $l, 1024); $k .= $l; } return undef if ($k !~ /[^\s]/); $k =~ s/\s+$//; # remove trailing spaces print $stdout "-- background store fetch: $k\n" if ($verbose); ($w->{'menu_select'}, $w->{'id_str'}, $w->{'in_reply_to_status_id_str'}, $w->{'retweeted_status'}->{'id_str'}, $w->{'user'}->{'geo_enabled'}, $w->{'geo'}->{'coordinates'}->[0], $w->{'geo'}->{'coordinates'}->[1], $w->{'user'}->{'screen_name'}, $w->{'created_at'}, $l) = split(/\s/, $k, 10); ($w->{'source'}, $k) = split(/\|/, $l, 2); $w->{'text'} = pack("H*", $k); return undef if (!length($w->{'text'})); # not possible $w->{'created_at'} =~ s/_/ /g; return $w; } # this is the analogous function for a rolling DM code. it is somewhat # simpler as DM codes are always rolling and have no foreground store # currently, so it always executes a background request. sub get_dm { my $code = lc(shift); my $k = ''; my $l = ''; my $w = {'sender' => {}}; return undef if (length($code) != 3 || $code !~ s/^d// || $code !~ /^[a-z][0-9]$/); kill 31, $child if ($child); # prime pipe print C "piped $code ----------\n"; # internally two alphanum, recall while(length($k) < 1024) { sysread(W, $l, 1024); $k .= $l; } return undef if ($k !~ /[^\s]/); $k =~ s/\s+$//; # remove trailing spaces print $stdout "-- background store fetch: $k\n" if ($verbose); ($w->{'menu_select'}, $w->{'id_str'}, $w->{'sender'}->{'screen_name'}, $w->{'created_at'}, $l) = split(/\s/, $k, 5); $w->{'text'} = pack("H*", $l); return undef if (!length($w->{'text'})); # not possible $w->{'created_at'} =~ s/_/ /g; return $w; } sub thump { print C "update-------------\n"; &sync_semaphore; } sub dmthump { print C "dmthump------------\n"; &sync_semaphore; } sub sync_n_quit { if ($child) { print $stdout "waiting for child ...\n" unless ($silent); print C "sync---------------\n"; waitpid $child, 0; $child = 0; print $stdout "exiting.\n" unless ($silent); exit ($? >> 8); } exit; } # setter for internal variables, with all the needed side effects for those # variables that are programmed to trigger internal actions when changed. sub setvariable { my $key = shift; my $value = shift; my $interactive = 0+shift; if ($key eq 'script') { # this can never be changed by this routine print $stdout "*** script may only be changed on init\n"; return 1; } if ($key eq 'tquery' && $value eq '0') { # undo tqueries $tquery = undef; $key = 'track'; $value = $track; # falls thru to sync &tracktags_makearray; } if ($opts_can_set{$key} || # we CAN set read-only variables during initialization ($multi_module_mode == -1 && $valid{$key})) { if (length($value) > 1023) { # can't transmit this in a packet print $stdout "*** value too long\n"; return 1; } elsif ($opts_boolean{$key} && $value ne '0' && $value ne '1') { print $stdout "*** 0|1 only (boolean): $key\n"; return 1; } elsif ($opts_urls{$key} && $value !~ m#^(http|https|gopher)://#) { print $stdout "*** must be valid URL: $key\n"; return 1; } else { KEYAGAIN: $$key = $value; print $stdout "*** changed: $key => $$key\n" if ($interactive || $verbose); # handle special values &generate_ansi if ($key eq 'ansi' || $key =~ /^colour/); &generate_shortdomain if ($key eq 'shorturl'); &tracktags_makearray if ($key eq 'track'); &filter_compile if ($key eq 'filter'); ¬ify_compile if ($key eq 'notifies'); # transmit to background process sync-ed values if ($opts_sync{$key}) { &synckey($key, $value, $interactive); } if ($key eq 'superverbose') { if ($value eq '0') { $key = 'verbose'; $value = $supreturnto; goto KEYAGAIN; } $supreturnto = $verbose; } } # virtual keys } elsif ($key eq 'tquery') { my $ivalue = &tracktags_tqueryurlify($value); if (length($ivalue) > 139) { print $stdout "*** custom query is too long (encoded: $ivalue)\n"; return 1; } else { $tquery = $value; &synckey($key, $ivalue, $interactive); } } elsif ($valid{$key}) { print $stdout "*** read-only, must change on command line: $key\n"; return 1; } else { print $stdout "*** not a valid option or setting: $key\n"; return 1; } return 0; } sub synckey { my $key = shift; my $value = shift; my $interactive = 0+shift; my $commchar = ($interactive) ? '=' : '+'; print $stdout "*** (transmitting to background)\n" if ($interactive || $verbose); return if (!$child); kill 31, $child if ($child); print C (substr("${commchar}$key ", 0, 19) . "\n"); print C (substr(($value . $space_pad), 0, 1024)); sleep 1; } # getter for internal variables. right now this just returns the variable by # name and a couple virtuals, but in the future this might be expanded. sub getvariable { my $key = shift; if ($valid{$key}) { return $$key; } if ($key eq 'effpause' || $key eq 'rate_limit_rate' || $key eq 'rate_limit_left') { my $value; kill 31, $child if ($child); print C (substr("?$key ", 0, 19) . "\n"); sysread(W, $value, 1024); $value =~ s/\s+$//; return $value; } return undef; } # compatibility stub for extensions calling the old wraptime sub wraptime { return &$wraptime(@_); } #### url management (/url, /short) #### sub generate_shortdomain { my $x; my $y; undef $shorturldomain; ($shorturl =~ m#^http://([^/]+)/#) && ($x = $1); # chop off any leading hostname stuff (like api., etc.) while(1) { $y = $x; $x =~ s/^[^\.]*\.//; if ($x !~ /\./) { # a cut too far $shorturldomain = "http://$y/"; last; } } print $stdout "-- warning: couldn't parse shortener service\n" if (!length($shorturldomain)); } sub openurl { my $comm = $urlopen; my $url = shift; $url = "http://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/gw?$url" if ($url =~ m#^gopher://# && $comm !~ /^[^\s]*lynx/); $urlshort = $url; $comm =~ s/\%U/'$url'/g; print $stdout "($comm)\n"; system("$comm"); } sub urlshorten { my $url = shift; my $rc; my $cl; $url = "http://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/gw?$url" if ($url =~ m#^gopher://#); return $url if ($url =~ /^$shorturldomain/i); # stop loops $cl = "$simple_agent \"${shorturl}$url\""; print $stdout "$cl\n" if ($superverbose); chomp($rc = `$cl`); return ($urlshort = (($rc =~ m#^http://#) ? $rc : undef)); } ##### optimizers -- these compile into an internal format ##### # utility routine for tquery support sub tracktags_tqueryurlify { my $value = shift; $value =~ s/([^ a-z0-9A-Z_])/"%".unpack("H2",$1)/eg; $value =~ s/\s/+/g; $value = "q=$value" if ($value !~ /^q=/); return $value; } # tracking subroutines # run when a string is passed sub tracktags_makearray { @tracktags = (); $track =~ s/^'//; $track =~ s/'$//; if (!length($track)) { @trackstrings = (); return; } my $k; my $l = ''; my $q = 0; my %w; my (@ptags) = split(/\s+/, $track); # filter duplicates and merge quoted strings foreach $k (@ptags) { if ($q && $k =~ /"$/) { # this has to be first $l .= " $k"; $q = 0; } elsif ($k =~ /^"/ || $q) { $l .= (length($l)) ? " $k" : $k; $q = 1; next; } else { $l = $k; } if ($w{$l}) { print $stdout "-- warning: dropping duplicate track term \"$l\"\n"; } elsif (uc($l) eq 'OR' || uc($l) eq 'AND') { print $stdout "-- warning: dropping unnecessary logical op \"$l\"\n"; } else { $w{$l} = 1; push(@tracktags, $l); } $l = ''; } print $stdout "-- warning: syntax error, missing quote?\n" if ($q); $track = join(' ', @tracktags); &tracktags_compile; } # run when array is altered (based on @kellyterryjones' code) sub tracktags_compile { @trackstrings = (); return if (!scalar(@tracktags)); my $k; my $l = ''; my @jtags = map { # don't alter @tracktags, and support UTF-8 $j=$_; $j=~s/([^0-9a-zA-Z_])/&uhex($1)/eg; $j; } @tracktags; # need to make 140 character pieces TAGBAG: foreach $k (@jtags) { if (length($k) > 130) { # I mean, really print $stdout "-- warning: track tag \"$k\" is TOO LONG\n"; next TAGBAG; } if (length($l)+length($k) > 130) { # reasonable safety push(@trackstrings, $l); $l = ''; } $l = (length($l)) ? "${l}+OR+${k}" : "q=${k}"; } push(@trackstrings, $l) if (length($l)); } # notification multidispatch sub notifytype_dispatch { return if (!scalar(@notifytypes)); my $nt; foreach $nt (@notifytypes) { &$nt(@_); } } # notifications compiler sub notify_compile { if ($notifies) { my $w; undef %notify_list; foreach $w (split(/,/, $notifies)) { $notify_list{$w} = 1; } } } # filter compiler sub filter_compile { undef %filter_attribs; undef $filter_c; if ($filter) { $filter =~ s/^['"]//; $filter =~ s/['"]$//; # note attributes $filter_attribs{$1}++ while ($filter =~ s/^([a-z]+),//); my $b = <<"EOF"; \$filter_c = sub { local \$_ = shift; return ($filter); }; EOF #print $b; eval $b; if (!defined($filter_c)) { print $stdout ("** syntax error in your filter: $@\n"); return 0; } } return 1; } #### common system subroutines follow #### sub updatecheck { my $vcheck_url = "http://www.floodgap.com/software/ttytter/01current.txt"; my $vrlcheck_url = "http://www.floodgap.com/software/ttytter/01readlin.txt"; my $vs = ''; my $vvs; my $tverify; my $inversion; my $bversion; my $rcnum; my $download; my $maj; my $min; my $s1, $s2, $s3; if ($termrl && $termrl->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::TTYtter') { my $trlv = $termrl->Version; print $stdout "-- checking Term::ReadLine::TTYtter version: $vrlcheck_url\n"; $vvs = `$simple_agent $vrlcheck_url`; ($vvs, $s1, $s2, $s3) = split(/--__--\n/s, $vvs); $s1 = undef if ($s1 !~ /^\*/) ; $s2 = undef if ($s2 !~ /^\*/) ; $s3 = undef if ($s3 !~ /^\*/) ; chomp($vvs); # right now we're only using $inversion (no betas/rcs). ($tverify, $inversion, $bversion, $rcnum, $download, $bdownload) = split(/;/, $vvs, 6); if ($tverify ne 'trlt') { $vs .= "-- warning: unable to verify Term::ReadLine::TTYtter version\n"; } else { if ($trlv < 0+$inversion) { $vs .= "** NEW Term::ReadLine::TTYtter VERSION AVAILABLE: $inversion **\n" . "** GET IT: $download\n"; } else { $vs .= "-- your version of Term::ReadLine::TTYtter is up to date ($inversion)\n"; } } } print $stdout "-- checking TTYtter version: $vcheck_url\n"; $vvs = `$simple_agent $vcheck_url`; ($vvs, $s1, $s2, $s3) = split(/--__--\n/s, $vvs); $s1 = undef if ($s1 !~ /^\*/) ; $s2 = undef if ($s2 !~ /^\*/) ; $s3 = undef if ($s3 !~ /^\*/) ; chomp($vvs); ($tverify, $inversion, $bversion, $rcnum, $download, $bdownload) = split(/;/, $vvs, 6); if ($tverify ne 'ttytter') { $vs .= "-- warning: unable to verify TTYtter version\n"; } else { if ($my_version_string eq $bversion) { $vs .= "** REMINDER: you are using a beta version (${my_version_string}b${TTYtter_RC_NUMBER})\n"; $vs .= "** NEW TTYtter RELEASE CANDIDATE AVAILABLE: build $rcnum **\n" . "** get it: $bdownload\n$s2" if ($TTYtter_RC_NUMBER < $rcnum); $vs .= "** (this is the most current beta)\n" if ($TTYtter_RC_NUMBER == $rcnum); $vs .= "$s1$s3"; return $vs; } if ($my_version_string eq $inversion && $TTYtter_RC_NUMBER) { $vs .= "** FINAL TTYtter RELEASE NOW AVAILABLE for version $inversion **\n" . "** get it: $download\n$s2$s1"; return $vs; } ($inversion =~/^(\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)$/) && ($maj = 0+$1, $min = 0+$2); if (0+$TTYtter_VERSION < $maj || (0+$TTYtter_VERSION == $maj && $TTYtter_PATCH_VERSION < $min)) { $vs .= "** NEWER TTYtter VERSION NOW AVAILABLE: $inversion **\n" . "** get it: $download\n$s2$s1"; } elsif (0+$TTYtter_VERSION > $maj || (0+$TTYtter_VERSION == $maj && $TTYtter_PATCH_VERSION > $min)) { $vs .= "** unable to identify your version of TTYtter\n$s1"; } else { $vs .= "-- your version of TTYtter is up to date ($inversion)\n$s1"; } } return $vs; } sub generate_otabcomp { if (scalar(@j = keys(%readline_completion))) { # print optimized readline. include all that we # manually specified, plus/including top @s, total 10. @keys = sort { $readline_completion{$b} <=> $readline_completion{$a} } @j; $factor = $readline_completion{$keys[0]}; foreach(keys %original_readline) { $readline_completion{$_} += $factor; } print $stdout "*** optimized readline:\n"; @keys = sort { $readline_completion{$b} <=> $readline_completion{$a} } keys %readline_completion; @keys = @keys[0..14] if (scalar(@keys) > 15); print $stdout "-readline=\"@keys\"\n"; } } sub end_me { exit; } # which falls through to, via END, ... sub killkid { if ($child) { print $stdout "\n\ncleaning up.\n"; if (length($track)) { print $stdout "*** you were tracking:\n"; print $stdout "*** -track='$track'\n"; } &generate_otabcomp; kill 9, $child; } &$shutdown unless (!$shutdown); } sub generate_ansi { my $k; $BLUE = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[34;1m" : ''; $RED = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[31;1m" : ''; $GREEN = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[32;1m" : ''; $YELLOW = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[33m" : ''; $MAGENTA = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[35m" : ''; $CYAN = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[36m" : ''; $EM = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[1m" : ''; $UNDER = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[4m" : ''; $OFF = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[0m" : ''; foreach $k (qw(prompt me dm reply warn search default)) { ${"colour$k"} = uc(${"colour$k"}); if (!defined($${"colour$k"})) { print $stdout "-- warning: bogus colour '".${"colour$k"}."'\n"; } else { eval("\$CC$k = \$".${"colour$k"}); } } eval '$termrl->hook_use_ansi' if ($termrl); } sub grabjson { my $data; my $url = shift; my $last_id = shift; my $is_anon = shift; my $count = shift; my $kludge_search_api_adjust = 0; my $my_json_ref = undef; # durrr hat go on foot my $i; my $tdata; my $seed; #undef $/; $data = ; # we may need to sort our args for more flexibility here. my @xargs = (); my $i = index($url, "?"); if ($i > -1) { # throw an error if "?" is at the end. push(@xargs, split(/\&/, substr($url, ($i+1)))); $url = substr($url, 0, $i); } # count needs to be removed for the default case due to show, etc. push(@xargs, "count=$count") if ($count); # timeline control. this speeds up parsing since there's less data. # can't use skip_user: no SN push (@xargs, "since_id=${last_id}") if ($last_id); my $resource = (scalar(@xargs)) ? [ $url, join('&', sort @xargs) ] : $url; chomp($data = &backticks($baseagent, '/dev/null', undef, $resource, undef, $is_anon + $anonymous, @wind)); my $k = $? >> 8; $data =~ s/[\r\l\n\s]*$//s; $data =~ s/^[\r\l\n\s]*//s; if (!length($data) || $k == 28 || $k == 7 || $k == 35) { &$exception(1, "*** warning: timeout or no data\n"); return undef; } # old non-JSON based error reporting code still supported if ($data =~ /^\[?\]?/i || $data =~ /^<\??xml\s+/) { print $stdout $data if ($superverbose); if (&is_fail_whale($data)) { &$exception(2, "*** warning: Twitter Fail Whale\n"); } else { &$exception(2, "*** warning: Twitter error message received\n" . (($data =~ /Twitter:\s*([^<]+)</) ? "*** \"$1\"\n" : '')); } return undef; } if ($data =~ /^rate\s*limit/i) { print $stdout $data if ($superverbose); &$exception(3, "*** warning: exceeded API rate limit for this interval.\n" . "*** no updates available until interval ends.\n"); return undef; } if ($k > 0) { &$exception(4, "*** warning: unexpected error code ($k) from user agent\n"); return undef; } # handle things like 304, or other things that look like HTTP # error codes if ($data =~ m#^HTTP/\d\.\d\s+(\d+)\s+#) { $code = 0+$1; print $stdout $data if ($superverbose); # 304 is actually a cop-out code and is not usually # returned, so we should consider it a non-fatal error if ($code == 304 || $code == 200 || $code == 204) { &$exception(1, "*** warning: timeout or no data\n"); return undef; } &$exception(4, "*** warning: unexpected HTTP return code $code from server\n"); return undef; } # test for error/warning conditions with trivial case if ($data =~ /^\s*\{\s*(['"])(warning|error)\1\s*:\s*\1([^\1]*?)\1/s || $data =~ /(['"])(warning|error)\1\s*:\s*\1([^\1]*?)\1\}/s) { print $stdout $data if ($superverbose); &$exception(2, "*** warning: server $2 message received\n" . "*** \"$3\"\n"); return undef; } # THIS IS A TEMPORARY KLUDGE for API issue #26 # http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=26 if ($data =~ s/Couldn't find Status with ID=[0-9]+,//) { print $stdout ">>> cfswi sucky kludge tripped <<<\n" if ($superverbose); } # if wrapped in results object, unwrap it (@kellyterryjones) # (and tag it to do more later) if ($data =~ s/^\{['"]results['"]:(\[.*\]).*$/$1/isg) { $kludge_search_api_adjust = 1; } $my_json_ref = &parsejson($data); # normalize the data into a standard form. # single tweets such as from statuses/show aren't arrays, so # we special-case for them. if (defined($my_json_ref) && ref($my_json_ref) eq 'HASH' && $my_json_ref->{'favorited'} && $my_json_ref->{'source'} && ((0+$my_json_ref->{'id'}) || length($my_json_ref->{'id_str'}))) { $my_json_ref = &normalizejson($my_json_ref); } if (defined($my_json_ref) && ref($my_json_ref) eq 'ARRAY') { foreach $i (@{ $my_json_ref }) { $i = &normalizejson($i, $kludge_search_api_adjust); } } $laststatus = 0; return $my_json_ref; } # takes a tweet structure and normalizes it according to settings. # what this currently does is the following gyrations: # - if there is no id_str, see if we can convert id into one. if # there is loss of precision, warn the user. same for # in_reply_to_status_id_str. # - if the source of this JSON data source is the Search API, translate # its fields into the standard API. # - if the tweet is an newRT, unwrap it so that the full tweet text is # revealed (unless -nonewrts). # - if this appears to be a tweet, put in a stub geo hash if one does # not yet exist. # one day I would like this code to go the hell away. sub normalizejson { my $i = shift; my $kludge_search_api_adjust = shift; my $rt; # id -> id_str if needed if (!length($i->{'id_str'})) { my $k = "" + (0 + $i->{'id'}); if ($k !~ /[eE][+-]/) { $i->{'id_str'} = $k; } else { # desperately try to convert $k =~ s/[eE][+-]\d+$//; $k =~ s/\.//g; # this is a hack, so we warn. &$exception(13, "*** impending doom: ID overflows Perl precision; stubbed to $k\n"); $i->{'id_str'} = $k; } } # irtsid -> irtsid_str (if there is one) if (!length($i->{'in_reply_to_status_id_str'}) && $i->{'in_reply_to_status_id'}) { my $k = "" + (0+$i->{'in_reply_to_status_id'}); if ($k !~ /[eE][+-]/) { $i->{'in_reply_to_status_id_str'} = $k; } else { # desperately try to convert $k =~ s/[eE][+-]\d+$//; $k =~ s/\.//g; # this is a hack, so we warn. &$exception(13, "*** impending doom: IRT-ID overflows Perl precision; stubbed to $k\n"); $i->{'in_reply_to_status_id_str'} = $k; } } # normalize geo. if this has a source and it has a # favorited, then it is probably a tweet and we will # add a stub geo hash if one doesn't exist yet. if ($kludge_search_api_adjust || ($i->{'favorited'} && $i->{'source'})){ $i = &fix_geo_api_data($i); } # normalize Search if ($kludge_search_api_adjust) { # hopefully this hack can die with API v2. $i->{'class'} = "search"; $i->{'user'}->{'screen_name'} = $i->{'from_user'}; # translate time stamps # Fri Mar 20 13:18:18 +0000 2009 (twitter) vs # Fri, 20 Mar 2009 16:35:56 +0000 (search) $i->{'created_at'} =~ s/(...), (..) (...) (....) (..:..:..) (.....)/\1 \3 \2 \5 \6 \4/; } # normalize newRTs # if we get newRTs with -nonewrts, oh well if (!$nonewrts && ($rt = $i->{'retweeted_status'})) { # reconstruct the RT in a "canonical" format # without truncation $i->{'text'} = "RT \@$rt->{'user'}->{'screen_name'}" . ': ' . $rt->{'text'}; } return $i; } # process the JSON data ... simplemindedly, because I just write utter crap, # am not a professional programmer, and don't give a flying fig whether # kludges suck or no. this used to be part of grabjson, but I split it out. sub parsejson { my $data = shift; my $my_json_ref = undef; # durrr hat go on foot my $i; my $tdata; my $seed; my $bbqqmask; my $ddqqmask; my $ssqqmask; # test for single logicals return { 'ok' => 1, 'result' => (($1 eq 'true') ? 1 : 0), 'literal' => $1, } if ($data =~ /^['"]?(true|false)['"]?$/); # first isolate escaped backslashes with a unique sequence. $bbqqmask = "BBQQ"; $seed = 0; $seed++ while ($data =~ /$bbqqmask$seed/); $bbqqmask .= $seed; $data =~ s/\\\\/$bbqqmask/g; # next isolate escaped quotes with another unique sequence. $ddqqmask = "DDQQ"; $seed = 0; $seed++ while ($data =~ /$ddqqmask$seed/); $ddqqmask .= $seed; $data =~ s/\\\"/$ddqqmask/g; # then turn literal ' into another unique sequence. you'll see # why momentarily. $ssqqmask = "SSQQ"; $seed = 0; $seed++ while ($data =~ /$ssqqmask$seed/); $ssqqmask .= $seed; $data =~ s/\'/$ssqqmask/g; # here's why: we're going to turn doublequoted strings into single # quoted strings to avoid nastiness like variable interpolation. $data =~ s/\"/\'/g; # and then we're going to turn the inline ones all back except # ssqq, which we'll do last so that our syntax checker still works. $data =~ s/$bbqqmask/\\\\/g; $data =~ s/$ddqqmask/"/g; print $stdout "$data\n" if ($superverbose); # trust, but verify. I'm sure twitter wouldn't send us malicious # or bogus JSON, but one day this might talk to something that would. # in particular, need to make sure nothing in this will eval badly or # run arbitrary code. that would really suck! # first, generate a syntax tree. $tdata = $data; 1 while $tdata =~ s/'[^']*'//; # empty strings are valid too ... $tdata =~ s/-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*([eE][+-][0-9]+)?//g; # have to handle floats *and* their exponents $tdata =~ s/(true|false|null)//g; $tdata =~ s/\s//g; print $stdout "$tdata\n" if ($superverbose); # now verify the syntax tree. # the remaining stuff should just be enclosed in [ ], and only {}:, # for example, imagine if a bare semicolon were in this ... if ($tdata !~ s/^\[// || $tdata !~ s/\]$// || $tdata =~ /[^{}:,]/) { $tdata =~ s/'[^']*$//; # cut trailing strings if (($tdata =~ /^\[/ && $tdata !~ /\]$/) || ($tdata =~ /^\{/ && $tdata !~ /\}$/)) { # incomplete transmission &$exception(10, "*** JSON warning: connection cut\n"); return undef; } # it seems that :[], or :[]} should be accepted as valid in the syntax tree # since identica uses this as possible for null properties # ,[], shouldn't be, etc. if ($tdata =~ /(^|[^:])\[\]($|[^},])/) { # oddity &$exception(11, "*** JSON warning: null list\n"); return undef; } # total failure should fail hard, because this indicates an # absolutely serious error at this stage (all traps failed) &screech ("$data\n$tdata\nJSON IS UNSAFE TO EXECUTE! BAILING OUT!\n") if ($tdata =~ /[^\[\]\{\}:,]/); } # syntax tree passed, so let's turn it into a Perl reference. # have to turn colons into ,s or Perl will gripe. but INTELLIGENTLY! 1 while ($data =~ s/([^'])'\s*:\s*(true|false|null|\'|\{|\[|-?[0-9])/\1\',\2/); # finally, single quotes, just before interpretation. $data =~ s/$ssqqmask/\\'/g; # now somewhat validated, so safe (?) to eval() into a Perl struct eval "\$my_json_ref = $data;"; print $stdout "$data => $my_json_ref $@\n" if ($superverbose); # do a sanity check &screech("$data\n$tdata\nJSON could not be parsed: $@\n") if (!defined($my_json_ref)); return $my_json_ref; } sub fix_geo_api_data { my $ref = shift; $ref->{'geo'}->{'coordinates'} ||= [ "undef", "undef" ]; return $ref; } sub is_fail_whale { # is this actually the dump from a fail whale? my $data = shift; return ($data =~ m#<title>Twitter.+Over.+capacity.*#i || $data =~ m#[\r\l\n\s]*DB_DataObject Error: Connect failed#s); } sub is_json_error { # is this actually a JSON error message? if so, extract it my $data = shift; if ($data =~ /(['"])(warning|error)\1\s*:\s*\1([^\1]*?)\1\}/s) { my $probe = $3; if ($data =~ /^\s*\{/s) { # JSON object? my $dref = &parsejson($data); return $dref->{'error'} if (length($dref->{'error'})); } return $probe; } return undef; } sub backticks { # more efficient/flexible backticks system my $comm = shift; my $rerr = shift; my $rout = shift; my $resource = shift; my $data = shift; my $dont_do_auth = shift; my $buf = ''; my $undersave = $_; my $pid; ($comm, $args, $data) = &$stringify_args($comm, $resource, $data, $dont_do_auth, @_); print $stdout "$comm\n$args\n$data\n" if ($superverbose); if(open(BACTIX, '-|')) { while() { $buf .= $_; } close(BACTIX); $_ = $undersave; return $buf; # and $? is still in $? } else { $in_backticks = 1; $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { die( "** user agent not honouring timeout (caught by sigalarm)\n"); }; alarm 120; # this should be sufficient if (length($rerr)) { close(STDERR); open(STDERR, ">$rerr"); } if (length($rout)) { close(STDOUT); open(STDOUT, ">$rout"); } if(open(FRONTIX, "|$comm")) { print FRONTIX "$args\n"; print FRONTIX "$data" if (length($data)); close(FRONTIX); } else { die( "backticks() failure for $comm $rerr $rout @_: $!\n"); } $rv = $? >> 8; exit $rv; } } sub wherecheck { my ($prompt, $filename, $fatal) = (@_); my (@paths) = split(/\:/, $ENV{'PATH'}); my $setv = ''; push(@paths, '/usr/bin'); # the usual place @paths = ('') if ($filename =~ m#^/#); # for absolute paths print $stdout "$prompt ... " unless ($silent); foreach(@paths) { if (-r "$_/$filename") { $setv = "$_/$filename"; 1 while $setv =~ s#//#/#; print $stdout "$setv\n" unless ($silent); last; } } if (!length($setv)) { print $stdout "not found.\n"; if ($fatal) { print $stdout $fatal; exit(1); } } return $setv; } sub screech { print $stdout "\n\n${BEL}${BEL}@_"; if ($is_background) { kill 9, $parent; kill 9, $$; } elsif ($child) { kill 9, $child; kill 9, $$; } die("death not achieved conventionally"); } sub descape { my $x = shift; my $mode = shift; $x =~ s#\\/#/#g; # try to do something sensible with unicode if ($mode) { # this probably needs to be revised $x =~ s/\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/"&#" . hex($1) . ";"/eg; } else { # intermediate form if HTML entities get in $x =~ s/\&\#([0-9]+);/'\u' . sprintf("%04x", $1)/eg; $x =~ s/\\u2028/\\n/g; if ($seven) { # known UTF-8 entities (char for char only) $x =~ s/\\u201[89]/\'/g; $x =~ s/\\u201[cCdD]/\"/g; # 7-bit entities (32-126) also ok $x =~ s/\\u00([2-7][0-9a-fA-F])/chr(((hex($1)==127)?46:hex($1)))/eg; # dot out the rest $x =~ s/\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/./g; $x =~ s/[\x80-\xff]/./g; } else { # try to promote to UTF-8 &$utf8_decode($x); $x =~ s/\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/chr(hex($1))/eg; } $x =~ s/\"/"/g; $x =~ s/\'/'/g; $x =~ s/\</\/g; $x =~ s/\&/\&/g; } if ($newline) { $x =~ s/\\n/\n/sg; $x =~ s/\\r//sg; } return $x; } sub max { return ($_[0] > $_[1]) ? $_[0] : $_[1]; } sub min { return ($_[0] < $_[1]) ? $_[0] : $_[1]; } # this is mostly a utility function for /eval sub a { return (scalar(@_) ? ("('" . join("', '", @_) . "')") : "NULL"); } sub wwrap { return shift if (!$wrap); my $k; my $klop = ($wrap > 1) ? $wrap : ($ENV{'COLUMNS'} || 79); $klop--; # don't ask me why my $lop; my $buf = ''; my $string = shift; my $indent = shift; # for very first time with the prompt my $needspad = 0; my $stringpad = " " x 3; $indent += 4; # for the menu select string $lop = $klop - $indent; $lop -= $indent; W: while($k = length($string)) { $lop += $indent if ($lop < $klop); ($buf .= $string, last W) if ($k <= $lop && $string !~ /\n/); ($string =~ s/^\s*\n//) && ($buf .= "\n", $needspad = 1, next W); if ($needspad) { $string = " $string"; $needspad = 0; } # I don't know if people will want this, so it's commented out. #($string =~ s#^(http://[^\s]+)# #) && ($buf .= "$1\n", # next W); ($string =~ s/^(.{4,$lop})\s/ /) && ($buf .= "$1\n", next W); # i.e., at least one char, plus 3 space indent ($string =~ s/^(.{$lop})/ /) && ($buf .= "$1\n", next W); warn "-- pathologic string somehow failed wordwrap! \"$string\"\n"; return $buf; } 1 while ($buf =~ s/\n\n\n/\n\n/s); # mostly paranoia $buf =~ s/[ \t]+$//; return $buf; } # these subs look weird, but they're encoding-independent and run anywhere sub uforcemulti { # forces multi-byte interpretation by abusing Perl my $x = shift; return $x if ($seven); $x = "\x{263A}".$x; return pack("${pack_magic}H*", substr(unpack("${pack_magic}H*",$x),6)); } sub ulength { my @k; return (scalar(@k = unpack("${pack_magic}C*", shift))); } sub uhex { # URL-encode an arbitrary string, even UTF-8 # more versatile than the miniature one in &updatest my $k = ''; my $s = shift; &$utf8_encode($s); foreach(split(//, $s)) { my $j = unpack("H256", $_); while(length($j)) { $k .= '%' . substr($j, 0, 2); $j = substr($j, 2); } } return $k; } # take a string and return up to $linelength CHARS plus the rest. sub csplit { return &cosplit(@_, sub { return length(shift); }); } # take a string and return up to $linelength BYTES plus the rest. sub usplit { return &cosplit(@_, sub { return &ulength(shift); }); } sub cosplit { # this is the common code for &csplit and &usplit. # this is tricky because we don't want to split up UTF-8 sequences, so # we let Perl do the work since it internally knows where they end. my $orig_k = shift; my $mode = shift; my $lengthsub = shift; my $z; my @m; my $q; my $r; $mode += 0; $k = $orig_k; # optimize whitespace $k =~ s/^\s+//; $k =~ s/\s+$//; $k =~ s/\s+/ /g; $z = &$lengthsub($k); return ($k) if ($z <= $linelength); # also handles the trivial case # this needs to be reply-aware, so we put @'s at the beginning of # the second half too (and also Ds for DMs) $r .= $1 if ($k =~ s/^(\@[^\s]+\s)\s*// || $k =~ s/^(D\s+[^\s]+\s)\s*//); # not while -- just one $k = "$r$k"; my $i = $linelength; $i-- while(($z = &$lengthsub($q = substr($k, 0, $i))) > $linelength); $m = substr($k, $i); # if we just wanted split-on-byte, return now (mode = 1) if ($mode) { # optimize again in case we split on whitespace $q =~ s/\s+$//; $m =~ s/^\s+//; return ($q, "$r$m"); } # else try to do word boundary and cut even more if (!$autosplit) { # use old mechanism first: drop trailing non-alfanum ($q =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9]+)$//) && ($m = "$1$m"); # optimize again in case we split on whitespace $q =~ s/\s+$//; return (&cosplit($orig_k, 1, $lengthsub)) if (!length($q) && !$mode); # it totally failed. fall back on charsplit. if (&$lengthsub($q) < $linelength) { $m =~ s/^\s+//; return($q, "$r$m") } } ($q =~ s/\s+([^\s]+)$//) && ($m = "$1$m"); return (&cosplit($orig_k, 1, $lengthsub)) if (!length($q) && !$mode); # it totally failed. fall back on charsplit. return ($q, "$r$m"); } ### OAuth and xAuth methods, including our own homegrown SHA-1 and HMAC ### ### no Digest:* required! ### ### these routines are not byte-safe and need a use bytes; before you call ### # this is a modified, deciphered and deobfuscated version of the famous Perl # one-liner SHA-1 written by John Allen. hope he doesn't mind. sub sha1 { my $string = shift; print $stdout "string length: @{[ length($string) ]}\n" if ($showwork); my $constant = "D9T4C`>_-JXF8NMS^\$#)4=L/2X?!:\@GF9;MGKH8\\;O-S*8L'6"; my @A = unpack('N*', unpack('u', $constant)); my @K = splice(@A, 5, 4); my $M = sub { # 64-bit warning my $x; my $m; ($x = pop @_) - ($m=4294967296) * int($x / $m); }; my $L = sub { # 64-bit warning my $n = pop @_; my $x; ((($x = pop @_) << $n) | ((2 ** $n - 1) & ($x >> 32 - $n))) & 4294967295; }; my $l = ''; my $r; my $a; my $b; my $c; my $d; my $e; my $us; my @nuA; my $p = 0; $string = unpack("H*", $string); do { my $i; $us = substr($string, 0, 128); $string = substr($string, 128); $l += $r = (length($us) / 2); print $stdout "pad length: $r\n" if ($showwork); ($r++, $us .= "80") if ($r < 64 && !$p++); my @W = unpack('N16', pack("H*", $us) . "\000" x 7); $W[15] = $l * 8 if ($r < 57); foreach $i (16 .. 79) { push(@W, &$L($W[$i - 3] ^ $W[$i - 8] ^ $W[$i - 14] ^ $W[$i - 16], 1)); } ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e) = @A; foreach $i (0 .. 79) { my $qq = ($i < 20) ? ($b & ($c ^ $d) ^ $d) : ($i < 40) ? ($b ^ $c ^ $d) : ($i < 60) ? (($b | $c) & $d | $b & $c) : ($b ^ $c ^ $d); $t = &$M($qq + $e + $W[$i] + $K[$i / 20] + &$L($a, 5)); $e = $d; $d = $c; $c = &$L($b, 30); $b = $a; $a = $t; } @nuA = ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e); print $stdout "$a $b $c $d $e\n" if ($showwork); $i = 0; @A = map({ &$M($_ + $nuA[$i++]); } @A); } while ($r > 56); my $x = sprintf('%.8x' x 5, @A); @A = unpack("C*", pack("H*", $x)); return($x, @A); } # heavily modified from MIME::Base64 sub simple_encode_base64 { my $result = ''; my $input = shift; pos($input) = 0; while($input =~ /(.{1,45})/gs) { $result .= substr(pack("u", $1), 1); chop($result); } $result =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|; my $padding = (3 - length($input) % 3) % 3; $result =~ s/.{$padding}$/("=" x $padding)/e if ($padding); return $result; } # from RFC 2104/RFC 2202 sub hmac_sha1 { my $message = shift; my @key = (@_); my $opad; my $ipad; my $i; my @j; # sha1 blocksize is 512, so key should be 64 bytes print $stdout " KEY HASH \n" if ($showwork); ($i, @key) = &sha1(pack("C*", @key)) while (scalar(@key) > 64); push(@key, 0) while(scalar(@key) < 64); $opad = pack("C*", map { ($_ ^ 92) } @key); $ipad = pack("C*", map { ($_ ^ 54) } @key); print $stdout " MESSAGE HASH \n" if ($showwork); ($i, @j) = &sha1($ipad . $message); print $stdout " FINAL HASH \n" if ($showwork); $i = pack("C*", @j); # output hash is 160 bits ($i, @j) = &sha1($opad . $i); $i = &simple_encode_base64(pack("C20", @j)); return $i; } # simple encoder for OAuth modified URL encoding # this is NOT UTF-8 safe sub url_oauth_sub { my $x = shift; $x =~ s/([^-0-9a-zA-Z._~])/"%".uc(unpack("H2",$1))/eg; return $x; } # default method of getting password: ask for it. only relevant for xAuth # and Basic Auth, neither of which is our default. sub defaultgetpassword { # original idea by @jcscoobyrs, heavily modified my $k; my $l; my $pass; $l = "no termios; password WILL"; if ($termios) { $termios->getattr(fileno($stdin)); $k = $termios->getlflag; $termios->setlflag($k ^ &POSIX::ECHO); $termios->setattr(fileno($stdin)); $l = "password WILL NOT"; } print $stdout "enter password for $whoami ($l be echoed): "; chomp($pass = <$stdin>); if ($termios) { print $stdout "\n"; $termios->setlflag($k); $termios->setattr(fileno($stdin)); } return $pass; } # this returns an immutable token corresponding to the current authenticated # session. in the case of Basic Auth, it is simply the user:password pair. # in the case of xAuth, it executes a fetch for the token and token secret. # the function then returns (token,secret) which for Basic Auth is token,undef. # # most of the time we will be using tokens in a keyfile, however, so this # function runs in that case as a stub. sub authtoken { my @foo; my $pass; my $sig; my $return; my $tries = ($hold > 3) ? $hold : 3; # give up on token if we don't get one return (undef,undef) if ($anonymous); return ($tokenkey,$tokensecret) if (length($tokenkey) && length($tokensecret)); @foo = split(/:/, $user, 2); $whoami = $foo[0]; die("choose -user=username[:password], or -anonymous.\n") if (!length($whoami) || $whoami eq '1'); $pass = length($foo[1]) ? $foo[1] : &$getpassword; die("a password must be specified.\n") if (!length($pass)); return ($whoami, $pass) if ($authtype eq 'basic'); print $stdout "negotiating xAuth token ..."; my $rawtoken; while($tries) { $rawtoken = &backticks($baseagent, '/dev/null', undef, $xauthurl, ("x_auth_mode=client_auth&" . "x_auth_password=" . &url_oauth_sub($pass) . "&". "x_auth_username=" . &url_oauth_sub($whoami)), 0, @wend); my $i; print $stdout ("token = $rawtoken\n") if ($superverbose); my (@keyarr) = split(/\&/, $rawtoken); my $got_token = ''; my $got_secret = ''; foreach $i (@keyarr) { my $key; my $value; ($key, $value) = split(/\=/, $i); $got_token = $value if ($key eq 'oauth_token'); $got_secret = $value if ($key eq 'oauth_token_secret'); if (length($got_token) && length($got_secret)) { print $stdout " SUCCEEDED!\n"; return ($got_token, $got_secret); } } print $stdout "."; $tries--; } print $stdout " FAILED!: \"$rawtoken\"\n"; die("unable to fetch xAuth token. other possible reasons:\n". " - root certificates are not updated (see documentation)\n". " - your password is wrong\n". " - your computer's clock is not set correctly\n" . " - Twitter farted\n" . "fix these possible problems, or try again later.\n"); } # this is a sucky nonce generator. I was looking for an awesome nonce # generator, and then I realized it would only be used once, so who cares? # *rimshot* sub generate_nonce { unpack("H9000", pack("u", rand($$).$$.time())); } # this signs a request with the token and token secret. the result is undef if # Basic Auth. payload should already be URL encoded and *sorted*. # this is typically called by stringify_args to get authentication information. sub signrequest { # this horrible kludge is needed to account for both 5.005, or for # 5.6+ installs with no stdlibs and just a bare Perl, both of which # we support. I hope Larry Wall will forgive me for messing with # compiler internals next time I see him at church. BEGIN { $^H |= 0x00000008 unless ($] < 5.006); } my $resource = shift; my $payload = shift; # when we sign the initial request for an xAuth token, we obviously # don't have one yet, so mytoken/mytokensecret can be null. my $nonce = &generate_nonce; my @keybytes; my $sig_base; my $timestamp = time(); return undef if ($authtype eq 'basic'); # stub for oAuth 2.0 return undef if (!length($oauthkey) || !length($oauthsecret)); (@keybytes) = map { ord($_) } split(//, $oauthsecret.'&'.$mytokensecret); if (ref($resource) eq 'ARRAY' || length($payload)) { # split into _a and _b payloads lexically my $payload_a = ''; my $payload_b = ''; my $w; my $aorb = 0; my $method = "GET"; my $url; if (length($payload)) { $method = "POST"; # this is a bit problematic since it won't be # sorted. we'll deal with this as we need to. if (ref($resource) eq 'ARRAY') { $url = &url_oauth_sub($resource->[0]); $payload .= "&" . $resource->[1]; } else { $url = &url_oauth_sub($resource); } } elsif (ref($resource) eq 'ARRAY') { $url = &url_oauth_sub($resource->[0]); $payload = $resource->[1]; } else { $url = &url_oauth_sub($resource); } # this is pretty simplistic but it's really all we need. foreach $w (split(/\&/, $payload)) { $aorb = 1 if ($w =~ /^[p-z]/ || $w =~ /^o[b-z]/); $w = &url_oauth_sub("${w}&"); if ($aorb) { $payload_b .= $w; } else { $payload_a .= $w; } } $payload_b =~ s/%26$//; $sig_base = $method . "&" . $url . "&" . (length($payload_a) ? $payload_a : ''). "oauth_consumer_key%3D" . $oauthkey . "%26" . "oauth_nonce%3D" . $nonce . "%26" . "oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26" . "oauth_timestamp%3D" . $timestamp . "%26" . (length($mytoken) ? ("oauth_token%3D" . $mytoken . "%26") : '') . "oauth_version%3D1.0" . (length($payload_b) ? ("%26" . $payload_b) : ''); } else { $sig_base = "GET&" . &url_oauth_sub($resource) . "&" . "oauth_consumer_key%3D" . $oauthkey . "%26" . "oauth_nonce%3D" . $nonce . "%26" . "oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26" . "oauth_timestamp%3D" . $timestamp . "%26" . (length($mytoken) ? ("oauth_token%3D" . $mytoken . "%26") : '') . "oauth_version%3D1.0" ; } print $stdout "token-secret: $mytokensecret\nconsumer-secret: $oauthsecret\nsig-base: $sig_base\n" if ($superverbose); return ($timestamp, $nonce, &url_oauth_sub(&hmac_sha1($sig_base, @keybytes))); }