Project Gutenberg's Tales of Space and Time, by Herbert George Wells

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Title: Tales of Space and Time

Author: Herbert George Wells

Release Date: November 30, 2008 [EBook #27365]

Language: English

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Tales of Space and Time

        Tales of Space
           and Time

  _By_ H. G. WELLS, _Author
 of "When the Sleeper Wakes"
   "The War of the Worlds"



 Copyright, 1899, by HARPER & BROTHERS

         _All rights reserved_

Transcriber's Note:

    Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note. Dialect
    and variant spellings have been retained. The oe ligature is shown
    as {oe}, whilst the Greek letter _theta_ is represented by {th}.


 THE CRYSTAL EGG                        1

 THE STAR                              35

 A STORY OF THE STONE AGE              59




There was, until a year ago, a little and very grimy-looking shop near
Seven Dials, over which, in weather-worn yellow lettering, the name of
"C. Cave, Naturalist and Dealer in Antiquities," was inscribed. The
contents of its window were curiously variegated. They comprised some
elephant tusks and an imperfect set of chessmen, beads and weapons, a
box of eyes, two skulls of tigers and one human, several moth-eaten
stuffed monkeys (one holding a lamp), an old-fashioned cabinet, a
flyblown ostrich egg or so, some fishing-tackle, and an extraordinarily
dirty, empty glass fish-tank. There was also, at the moment the story
begins, a mass of crystal, worked into the shape of an egg and
brilliantly polished. And at that two people, who stood outside the
window, were looking, one of them a tall, thin clergyman, the other a
black-bearded young man of dusky complexion and unobtrusive costume. The
dusky young man spoke with eager gesticulation, and seemed anxious for
his companion to purchase the article.

While they were there, Mr. Cave came into his shop, his beard still
wagging with the bread and butter of his tea. When he saw these men and
the object of their regard, his countenance fell. He glanced guiltily
over his shoulder, and softly shut the door. He was a little old man,
with pale face and peculiar watery blue eyes; his hair was a dirty grey,
and he wore a shabby blue frock coat, an ancient silk hat, and carpet
slippers very much down at heel. He remained watching the two men as
they talked. The clergyman went deep into his trouser pocket, examined a
handful of money, and showed his teeth in an agreeable smile. Mr. Cave
seemed still more depressed when they came into the shop.

The clergyman, without any ceremony, asked the price of the crystal egg.
Mr. Cave glanced nervously towards the door leading into the parlour,
and said five pounds. The clergyman protested that the price was high,
to his companion as well as to Mr. Cave--it was, indeed, very much more
than Mr. Cave had intended to ask, when he had stocked the article--and
an attempt at bargaining ensued. Mr. Cave stepped to the shop-door, and
held it open. "Five pounds is my price," he said, as though he wished
to save himself the trouble of unprofitable discussion. As he did so,
the upper portion of a woman's face appeared above the blind in the
glass upper panel of the door leading into the parlour, and stared
curiously at the two customers. "Five pounds is my price," said Mr.
Cave, with a quiver in his voice.

The swarthy young man had so far remained a spectator, watching Cave
keenly. Now he spoke. "Give him five pounds," he said. The clergyman
glanced at him to see if he were in earnest, and, when he looked at Mr.
Cave again, he saw that the latter's face was white. "It's a lot of
money," said the clergyman, and, diving into his pocket, began counting
his resources. He had little more than thirty shillings, and he appealed
to his companion, with whom he seemed to be on terms of considerable
intimacy. This gave Mr. Cave an opportunity of collecting his thoughts,
and he began to explain in an agitated manner that the crystal was not,
as a matter of fact, entirely free for sale. His two customers were
naturally surprised at this, and inquired why he had not thought of that
before he began to bargain. Mr. Cave became confused, but he stuck to
his story, that the crystal was not in the market that afternoon, that
a probable purchaser of it had already appeared. The two, treating this
as an attempt to raise the price still further, made as if they would
leave the shop. But at this point the parlour door opened, and the owner
of the dark fringe and the little eyes appeared.

She was a coarse-featured, corpulent woman, younger and very much larger
than Mr. Cave; she walked heavily, and her face was flushed. "That
crystal _is_ for sale," she said. "And five pounds is a good enough
price for it. I can't think what you're about, Cave, not to take the
gentleman's offer!"

Mr. Cave, greatly perturbed by the irruption, looked angrily at her over
the rims of his spectacles, and, without excessive assurance, asserted
his right to manage his business in his own way. An altercation began.
The two customers watched the scene with interest and some amusement,
occasionally assisting Mrs. Cave with suggestions. Mr. Cave, hard
driven, persisted in a confused and impossible story of an enquiry for
the crystal that morning, and his agitation became painful. But he stuck
to his point with extraordinary persistence. It was the young Oriental
who ended this curious controversy. He proposed that they should call
again in the course of two days--so as to give the alleged enquirer a
fair chance. "And then we must insist," said the clergyman, "Five
pounds." Mrs. Cave took it on herself to apologise for her husband,
explaining that he was sometimes "a little odd," and as the two
customers left, the couple prepared for a free discussion of the
incident in all its bearings.

Mrs. Cave talked to her husband with singular directness. The poor
little man, quivering with emotion, muddled himself between his stories,
maintaining on the one hand that he had another customer in view, and on
the other asserting that the crystal was honestly worth ten guineas.
"Why did you ask five pounds?" said his wife. "_Do_ let me manage my
business my own way!" said Mr. Cave.

Mr. Cave had living with him a step-daughter and a step-son, and at
supper that night the transaction was re-discussed. None of them had a
high opinion of Mr. Cave's business methods, and this action seemed a
culminating folly.

"It's my opinion he's refused that crystal before," said the step-son, a
loose-limbed lout of eighteen.

"But _Five Pounds_!" said the step-daughter, an argumentative young
woman of six-and-twenty.

Mr. Cave's answers were wretched; he could only mumble weak assertions
that he knew his own business best. They drove him from his half-eaten
supper into the shop, to close it for the night, his ears aflame and
tears of vexation behind his spectacles. "Why had he left the crystal in
the window so long? The folly of it!" That was the trouble closest in
his mind. For a time he could see no way of evading sale.

After supper his step-daughter and step-son smartened themselves up and
went out and his wife retired upstairs to reflect upon the business
aspects of the crystal, over a little sugar and lemon and so forth in
hot water. Mr. Cave went into the shop, and stayed there until late,
ostensibly to make ornamental rockeries for goldfish cases but really
for a private purpose that will be better explained later. The next day
Mrs. Cave found that the crystal had been removed from the window, and
was lying behind some second-hand books on angling. She replaced it in a
conspicuous position. But she did not argue further about it, as a
nervous headache disinclined her from debate. Mr. Cave was always
disinclined. The day passed disagreeably. Mr. Cave was, if anything,
more absent-minded than usual, and uncommonly irritable withal. In the
afternoon, when his wife was taking her customary sleep, he removed the
crystal from the window again.

The next day Mr. Cave had to deliver a consignment of dog-fish at one of
the hospital schools, where they were needed for dissection. In his
absence Mrs. Cave's mind reverted to the topic of the crystal, and the
methods of expenditure suitable to a windfall of five pounds. She had
already devised some very agreeable expedients, among others a dress of
green silk for herself and a trip to Richmond, when a jangling of the
front door bell summoned her into the shop. The customer was an
examination coach who came to complain of the non-delivery of certain
frogs asked for the previous day. Mrs. Cave did not approve of this
particular branch of Mr. Cave's business, and the gentleman, who had
called in a somewhat aggressive mood, retired after a brief exchange of
words--entirely civil so far as he was concerned. Mrs. Cave's eye then
naturally turned to the window; for the sight of the crystal was an
assurance of the five pounds and of her dreams. What was her surprise to
find it gone!

She went to the place behind the locker on the counter, where she had
discovered it the day before. It was not there; and she immediately
began an eager search about the shop.

When Mr. Cave returned from his business with the dog-fish, about a
quarter to two in the afternoon, he found the shop in some confusion,
and his wife, extremely exasperated and on her knees behind the counter,
routing among his taxidermic material. Her face came up hot and angry
over the counter, as the jangling bell announced his return, and she
forthwith accused him of "hiding it."

"Hid _what_?" asked Mr. Cave.

"The crystal!"

At that Mr. Cave, apparently much surprised, rushed to the window.
"Isn't it here?" he said. "Great Heavens! what has become of it?"

Just then, Mr. Cave's step-son re-entered the shop from the inner
room--he had come home a minute or so before Mr. Cave--and he was
blaspheming freely. He was apprenticed to a second-hand furniture dealer
down the road, but he had his meals at home, and he was naturally
annoyed to find no dinner ready.

But, when he heard of the loss of the crystal, he forgot his meal, and
his anger was diverted from his mother to his step-father. Their first
idea, of course, was that he had hidden it. But Mr. Cave stoutly denied
all knowledge of its fate--freely offering his bedabbled affidavit in
the matter--and at last was worked up to the point of accusing, first,
his wife and then his step-son of having taken it with a view to a
private sale. So began an exceedingly acrimonious and emotional
discussion, which ended for Mrs. Cave in a peculiar nervous condition
midway between hysterics and amuck, and caused the step-son to be
half-an-hour late at the furniture establishment in the afternoon. Mr.
Cave took refuge from his wife's emotions in the shop.

In the evening the matter was resumed, with less passion and in a
judicial spirit, under the presidency of the step-daughter. The supper
passed unhappily and culminated in a painful scene. Mr. Cave gave way at
last to extreme exasperation, and went out banging the front door
violently. The rest of the family, having discussed him with the freedom
his absence warranted, hunted the house from garret to cellar, hoping to
light upon the crystal.

The next day the two customers called again. They were received by Mrs.
Cave almost in tears. It transpired that no one _could_ imagine all
that she had stood from Cave at various times in her married
pilgrimage.... She also gave a garbled account of the disappearance. The
clergyman and the Oriental laughed silently at one another, and said it
was very extraordinary. As Mrs. Cave seemed disposed to give them the
complete history of her life they made to leave the shop. Thereupon Mrs.
Cave, still clinging to hope, asked for the clergyman's address, so
that, if she could get anything out of Cave, she might communicate it.
The address was duly given, but apparently was afterwards mislaid. Mrs.
Cave can remember nothing about it.

In the evening of that day, the Caves seem to have exhausted their
emotions, and Mr. Cave, who had been out in the afternoon, supped in a
gloomy isolation that contrasted pleasantly with the impassioned
controversy of the previous days. For some time matters were very badly
strained in the Cave household, but neither crystal nor customer

Now, without mincing the matter, we must admit that Mr. Cave was a liar.
He knew perfectly well where the crystal was. It was in the rooms of Mr.
Jacoby Wace, Assistant Demonstrator at St. Catherine's Hospital,
Westbourne Street. It stood on the sideboard partially covered by a
black velvet cloth, and beside a decanter of American whisky. It is from
Mr. Wace, indeed, that the particulars upon which this narrative is
based were derived. Cave had taken off the thing to the hospital hidden
in the dog-fish sack, and there had pressed the young investigator to
keep it for him. Mr. Wace was a little dubious at first. His
relationship to Cave was peculiar. He had a taste for singular
characters, and he had more than once invited the old man to smoke and
drink in his rooms, and to unfold his rather amusing views of life in
general and of his wife in particular. Mr. Wace had encountered Mrs.
Cave, too, on occasions when Mr. Cave was not at home to attend to him.
He knew the constant interference to which Cave was subjected, and
having weighed the story judicially, he decided to give the crystal a
refuge. Mr. Cave promised to explain the reasons for his remarkable
affection for the crystal more fully on a later occasion, but he spoke
distinctly of seeing visions therein. He called on Mr. Wace the same

He told a complicated story. The crystal he said had come into his
possession with other oddments at the forced sale of another curiosity
dealer's effects, and not knowing what its value might be, he had
ticketed it at ten shillings. It had hung upon his hands at that price
for some months, and he was thinking of "reducing the figure," when he
made a singular discovery.

At that time his health was very bad--and it must be borne in mind that,
throughout all this experience, his physical condition was one of
ebb--and he was in considerable distress by reason of the negligence,
the positive ill-treatment even, he received from his wife and
step-children. His wife was vain, extravagant, unfeeling, and had a
growing taste for private drinking; his step-daughter was mean and
over-reaching; and his step-son had conceived a violent dislike for him,
and lost no chance of showing it. The requirements of his business
pressed heavily upon him, and Mr. Wace does not think that he was
altogether free from occasional intemperance. He had begun life in a
comfortable position, he was a man of fair education, and he suffered,
for weeks at a stretch, from melancholia and insomnia. Afraid to disturb
his family, he would slip quietly from his wife's side, when his
thoughts became intolerable, and wander about the house. And about
three o'clock one morning, late in August, chance directed him into the

The dirty little place was impenetrably black except in one spot, where
he perceived an unusual glow of light. Approaching this, he discovered
it to be the crystal egg, which was standing on the corner of the
counter towards the window. A thin ray smote through a crack in the
shutters, impinged upon the object, and seemed as it were to fill its
entire interior.

It occurred to Mr. Cave that this was not in accordance with the laws of
optics as he had known them in his younger days. He could understand the
rays being refracted by the crystal and coming to a focus in its
interior, but this diffusion jarred with his physical conceptions. He
approached the crystal nearly, peering into it and round it, with a
transient revival of the scientific curiosity that in his youth had
determined his choice of a calling. He was surprised to find the light
not steady, but writhing within the substance of the egg, as though that
object was a hollow sphere of some luminous vapour. In moving about to
get different points of view, he suddenly found that he had come between
it and the ray, and that the crystal none the less remained luminous.
Greatly astonished, he lifted it out of the light ray and carried it to
the darkest part of the shop. It remained bright for some four or five
minutes, when it slowly faded and went out. He placed it in the thin
streak of daylight, and its luminousness was almost immediately

So far, at least, Mr. Wace was able to verify the remarkable story of
Mr. Cave. He has himself repeatedly held this crystal in a ray of light
(which had to be of a less diameter than one millimetre). And in a
perfect darkness, such as could be produced by velvet wrapping, the
crystal did undoubtedly appear very faintly phosphorescent. It would
seem, however, that the luminousness was of some exceptional sort, and
not equally visible to all eyes; for Mr. Harbinger--whose name will be
familiar to the scientific reader in connection with the Pasteur
Institute--was quite unable to see any light whatever. And Mr. Wace's
own capacity for its appreciation was out of comparison inferior to that
of Mr. Cave's. Even with Mr. Cave the power varied very considerably:
his vision was most vivid during states of extreme weakness and fatigue.

Now, from the outset this light in the crystal exercised a curious
fascination upon Mr. Cave. And it says more for his loneliness of soul
than a volume of pathetic writing could do, that he told no human being
of his curious observations. He seems to have been living in such an
atmosphere of petty spite that to admit the existence of a pleasure
would have been to risk the loss of it. He found that as the dawn
advanced, and the amount of diffused light increased, the crystal became
to all appearance non-luminous. And for some time he was unable to see
anything in it, except at night-time, in dark corners of the shop.

But the use of an old velvet cloth, which he used as a background for a
collection of minerals, occurred to him, and by doubling this, and
putting it over his head and hands, he was able to get a sight of the
luminous movement within the crystal even in the daytime. He was very
cautious lest he should be thus discovered by his wife, and he practised
this occupation only in the afternoons, while she was asleep upstairs,
and then circumspectly in a hollow under the counter. And one day,
turning the crystal about in his hands, he saw something. It came and
went like a flash, but it gave him the impression that the object had
for a moment opened to him the view of a wide and spacious and strange
country; and, turning it about, he did, just as the light faded, see
the same vision again.

Now, it would be tedious and unnecessary to state all the phases of Mr.
Cave's discovery from this point. Suffice that the effect was this: the
crystal, being peered into at an angle of about 137 degrees from the
direction of the illuminating ray, gave a clear and consistent picture
of a wide and peculiar countryside. It was not dream-like at all: it
produced a definite impression of reality, and the better the light the
more real and solid it seemed. It was a moving picture: that is to say,
certain objects moved in it, but slowly in an orderly manner like real
things, and, according as the direction of the lighting and vision
changed, the picture changed also. It must, indeed, have been like
looking through an oval glass at a view, and turning the glass about to
get at different aspects.

Mr. Cave's statements, Mr. Wace assures me, were extremely
circumstantial, and entirely free from any of that emotional quality
that taints hallucinatory impressions. But it must be remembered that
all the efforts of Mr. Wace to see any similar clarity in the faint
opalescence of the crystal were wholly unsuccessful, try as he would.
The difference in intensity of the impressions received by the two men
was very great, and it is quite conceivable that what was a view to Mr.
Cave was a mere blurred nebulosity to Mr. Wace.

The view, as Mr. Cave described it, was invariably of an extensive
plain, and he seemed always to be looking at it from a considerable
height, as if from a tower or a mast. To the east and to the west the
plain was bounded at a remote distance by vast reddish cliffs, which
reminded him of those he had seen in some picture; but what the picture
was Mr. Wace was unable to ascertain. These cliffs passed north and
south--he could tell the points of the compass by the stars that were
visible of a night--receding in an almost illimitable perspective and
fading into the mists of the distance before they met. He was nearer the
eastern set of cliffs, on the occasion of his first vision the sun was
rising over them, and black against the sunlight and pale against their
shadow appeared a multitude of soaring forms that Mr. Cave regarded as
birds. A vast range of buildings spread below him; he seemed to be
looking down upon them; and, as they approached the blurred and
refracted edge of the picture, they became indistinct. There were also
trees curious in shape, and in colouring, a deep mossy green and an
exquisite grey, beside a wide and shining canal. And something great and
brilliantly coloured flew across the picture. But the first time Mr.
Cave saw these pictures he saw only in flashes, his hands shook, his
head moved, the vision came and went, and grew foggy and indistinct. And
at first he had the greatest difficulty in finding the picture again
once the direction of it was lost.

His next clear vision, which came about a week after the first, the
interval having yielded nothing but tantalising glimpses and some useful
experience, showed him the view down the length of the valley. The view
was different, but he had a curious persuasion, which his subsequent
observations abundantly confirmed, that he was regarding this strange
world from exactly the same spot, although he was looking in a different
direction. The long façade of the great building, whose roof he had
looked down upon before, was now receding in perspective. He recognised
the roof. In the front of the façade was a terrace of massive
proportions and extraordinary length, and down the middle of the
terrace, at certain intervals, stood huge but very graceful masts,
bearing small shiny objects which reflected the setting sun. The import
of these small objects did not occur to Mr. Cave until some time after,
as he was describing the scene to Mr. Wace. The terrace overhung a
thicket of the most luxuriant and graceful vegetation, and beyond this
was a wide grassy lawn on which certain broad creatures, in form like
beetles but enormously larger, reposed. Beyond this again was a richly
decorated causeway of pinkish stone; and beyond that, and lined with
dense _red_ weeds, and passing up the valley exactly parallel with the
distant cliffs, was a broad and mirror-like expanse of water. The air
seemed full of squadrons of great birds, man{oe}uvring in stately
curves; and across the river was a multitude of splendid buildings,
richly coloured and glittering with metallic tracery and facets, among a
forest of moss-like and lichenous trees. And suddenly something flapped
repeatedly across the vision, like the fluttering of a jewelled fan or
the beating of a wing, and a face, or rather the upper part of a face
with very large eyes, came as it were close to his own and as if on the
other side of the crystal. Mr. Cave was so startled and so impressed by
the absolute reality of these eyes, that he drew his head back from the
crystal to look behind it. He had become so absorbed in watching that he
was quite surprised to find himself in the cool darkness of his little
shop, with its familiar odour of methyl, mustiness, and decay. And, as
he blinked about him, the glowing crystal faded, and went out.

Such were the first general impressions of Mr. Cave. The story is
curiously direct and circumstantial. From the outset, when the valley
first flashed momentarily on his senses, his imagination was strangely
affected, and, as he began to appreciate the details of the scene he
saw, his wonder rose to the point of a passion. He went about his
business listless and distraught, thinking only of the time when he
should be able to return to his watching. And then a few weeks after his
first sight of the valley came the two customers, the stress and
excitement of their offer, and the narrow escape of the crystal from
sale, as I have already told.

Now, while the thing was Mr. Cave's secret, it remained a mere wonder, a
thing to creep to covertly and peep at, as a child might peep upon a
forbidden garden. But Mr. Wace has, for a young scientific investigator,
a particularly lucid and consecutive habit of mind. Directly the crystal
and its story came to him, and he had satisfied himself, by seeing the
phosphorescence with his own eyes, that there really was a certain
evidence for Mr. Cave's statements, he proceeded to develop the matter
systematically. Mr. Cave was only too eager to come and feast his eyes
on this wonderland he saw, and he came every night from half-past eight
until half-past ten, and sometimes, in Mr. Wace's absence, during the
day. On Sunday afternoons, also, he came. From the outset Mr. Wace made
copious notes, and it was due to his scientific method that the relation
between the direction from which the initiating ray entered the crystal
and the orientation of the picture were proved. And, by covering the
crystal in a box perforated only with a small aperture to admit the
exciting ray, and by substituting black holland for his buff blinds, he
greatly improved the conditions of the observations; so that in a little
while they were able to survey the valley in any direction they desired.

So having cleared the way, we may give a brief account of this visionary
world within the crystal. The things were in all cases seen by Mr. Cave,
and the method of working was invariably for him to watch the crystal
and report what he saw, while Mr. Wace (who as a science student had
learnt the trick of writing in the dark) wrote a brief note of his
report. When the crystal faded, it was put into its box in the proper
position and the electric light turned on. Mr. Wace asked questions, and
suggested observations to clear up difficult points. Nothing, indeed,
could have been less visionary and more matter-of-fact.

The attention of Mr. Cave had been speedily directed to the bird-like
creatures he had seen so abundantly present in each of his earlier
visions. His first impression was soon corrected, and he considered for
a time that they might represent a diurnal species of bat. Then he
thought, grotesquely enough, that they might be cherubs. Their heads
were round, and curiously human, and it was the eyes of one of them that
had so startled him on his second observation. They had broad, silvery
wings, not feathered, but glistening almost as brilliantly as new-killed
fish and with the same subtle play of colour, and these wings were not
built on the plan of bird-wing or bat, Mr. Wace learned, but supported
by curved ribs radiating from the body. (A sort of butterfly wing with
curved ribs seems best to express their appearance.) The body was small,
but fitted with two bunches of prehensile organs, like long tentacles,
immediately under the mouth. Incredible as it appeared to Mr. Wace, the
persuasion at last became irresistible, that it was these creatures
which owned the great quasi-human buildings and the magnificent garden
that made the broad valley so splendid. And Mr. Cave perceived that the
buildings, with other peculiarities, had no doors, but that the great
circular windows, which opened freely, gave the creatures egress and
entrance. They would alight upon their tentacles, fold their wings to a
smallness almost rod-like, and hop into the interior. But among them was
a multitude of smaller-winged creatures, like great dragon-flies and
moths and flying beetles, and across the greensward brilliantly-coloured
gigantic ground-beetles crawled lazily to and fro. Moreover, on the
causeways and terraces, large-headed creatures similar to the greater
winged flies, but wingless, were visible, hopping busily upon their
hand-like tangle of tentacles.

Allusion has already been made to the glittering objects upon masts that
stood upon the terrace of the nearer building. It dawned upon Mr. Cave,
after regarding one of these masts very fixedly on one particularly
vivid day, that the glittering object there was a crystal exactly like
that into which he peered. And a still more careful scrutiny convinced
him that each one in a vista of nearly twenty carried a similar object.

Occasionally one of the large flying creatures would flutter up to one,
and, folding its wings and coiling a number of its tentacles about the
mast, would regard the crystal fixedly for a space,--sometimes for as
long as fifteen minutes. And a series of observations, made at the
suggestion of Mr. Wace, convinced both watchers that, so far as this
visionary world was concerned, the crystal into which they peered
actually stood at the summit of the endmost mast on the terrace, and
that on one occasion at least one of these inhabitants of this other
world had looked into Mr. Cave's face while he was making these

So much for the essential facts of this very singular story. Unless we
dismiss it all as the ingenious fabrication of Mr. Wace, we have to
believe one of two things: either that Mr. Cave's crystal was in two
worlds at once, and that, while it was carried about in one, it remained
stationary in the other, which seems altogether absurd; or else that it
had some peculiar relation of sympathy with another and exactly similar
crystal in this other world, so that what was seen in the interior of
the one in this world was, under suitable conditions, visible to an
observer in the corresponding crystal in the other world; and _vice
versa_. At present, indeed, we do not know of any way in which two
crystals could so come _en rapport_, but nowadays we know enough to
understand that the thing is not altogether impossible. This view of the
crystals as _en rapport_ was the supposition that occurred to Mr. Wace,
and to me at least it seems extremely plausible....

And where was this other world? On this, also, the alert intelligence of
Mr. Wace speedily threw light. After sunset, the sky darkened
rapidly--there was a very brief twilight interval indeed--and the stars
shone out. They were recognisably the same as those we see, arranged in
the same constellations. Mr. Cave recognised the Bear, the Pleiades,
Aldebaran, and Sirius: so that the other world must be somewhere in the
solar system, and, at the utmost, only a few hundreds of millions of
miles from our own. Following up this clue, Mr. Wace learned that the
midnight sky was a darker blue even than our midwinter sky, and that the
sun seemed a little smaller. _And there were two small moons!_ "like our
moon but smaller, and quite differently marked" one of which moved so
rapidly that its motion was clearly visible as one regarded it. These
moons were never high in the sky, but vanished as they rose: that is,
every time they revolved they were eclipsed because they were so near
their primary planet. And all this answers quite completely, although
Mr. Cave did not know it, to what must be the condition of things on

Indeed, it seems an exceedingly plausible conclusion that peering into
this crystal Mr. Cave did actually see the planet Mars and its
inhabitants. And, if that be the case, then the evening star that shone
so brilliantly in the sky of that distant vision, was neither more nor
less than our own familiar earth.

For a time the Martians--if they were Martians--do not seem to have
known of Mr. Cave's inspection. Once or twice one would come to peer,
and go away very shortly to some other mast, as though the vision was
unsatisfactory. During this time Mr. Cave was able to watch the
proceedings of these winged people without being disturbed by their
attentions, and, although his report is necessarily vague and
fragmentary, it is nevertheless very suggestive. Imagine the impression
of humanity a Martian observer would get who, after a difficult process
of preparation and with considerable fatigue to the eyes, was able to
peer at London from the steeple of St. Martin's Church for stretches, at
longest, of four minutes at a time. Mr. Cave was unable to ascertain if
the winged Martians were the same as the Martians who hopped about the
causeways and terraces, and if the latter could put on wings at will. He
several times saw certain clumsy bipeds, dimly suggestive of apes, white
and partially translucent, feeding among certain of the lichenous trees,
and once some of these fled before one of the hopping, round-headed
Martians. The latter caught one in its tentacles, and then the picture
faded suddenly and left Mr. Cave most tantalisingly in the dark. On
another occasion a vast thing, that Mr. Cave thought at first was some
gigantic insect, appeared advancing along the causeway beside the canal
with extraordinary rapidity. As this drew nearer Mr. Cave perceived that
it was a mechanism of shining metals and of extraordinary complexity.
And then, when he looked again, it had passed out of sight.

After a time Mr. Wace aspired to attract the attention of the Martians,
and the next time that the strange eyes of one of them appeared close to
the crystal Mr. Cave cried out and sprang away, and they immediately
turned on the light and began to gesticulate in a manner suggestive of
signalling. But when at last Mr. Cave examined the crystal again the
Martian had departed.

Thus far these observations had progressed in early November, and then
Mr. Cave, feeling that the suspicions of his family about the crystal
were allayed, began to take it to and fro with him in order that, as
occasion arose in the daytime or night, he might comfort himself with
what was fast becoming the most real thing in his existence.

In December Mr. Wace's work in connection with a forthcoming examination
became heavy, the sittings were reluctantly suspended for a week, and
for ten or eleven days--he is not quite sure which--he saw nothing of
Cave. He then grew anxious to resume these investigations, and, the
stress of his seasonal labours being abated, he went down to Seven
Dials. At the corner he noticed a shutter before a bird fancier's
window, and then another at a cobbler's. Mr. Cave's shop was closed.

He rapped and the door was opened by the step-son in black. He at once
called Mrs. Cave, who was, Mr. Wace could not but observe, in cheap but
ample widow's weeds of the most imposing pattern. Without any very
great surprise Mr. Wace learnt that Cave was dead and already buried.
She was in tears, and her voice was a little thick. She had just
returned from Highgate. Her mind seemed occupied with her own prospects
and the honourable details of the obsequies, but Mr. Wace was at last
able to learn the particulars of Cave's death. He had been found dead in
his shop in the early morning, the day after his last visit to Mr. Wace,
and the crystal had been clasped in his stone-cold hands. His face was
smiling, said Mrs. Cave, and the velvet cloth from the minerals lay on
the floor at his feet. He must have been dead five or six hours when he
was found.

This came as a great shock to Wace, and he began to reproach himself
bitterly for having neglected the plain symptoms of the old man's
ill-health. But his chief thought was of the crystal. He approached that
topic in a gingerly manner, because he knew Mrs. Cave's peculiarities.
He was dumbfounded to learn that it was sold.

Mrs. Cave's first impulse, directly Cave's body had been taken upstairs,
had been to write to the mad clergyman who had offered five pounds for
the crystal, informing him of its recovery; but after a violent hunt in
which her daughter joined her, they were convinced of the loss of his
address. As they were without the means required to mourn and bury Cave
in the elaborate style the dignity of an old Seven Dials inhabitant
demands, they had appealed to a friendly fellow-tradesman in Great
Portland Street. He had very kindly taken over a portion of the stock at
a valuation. The valuation was his own and the crystal egg was included
in one of the lots. Mr. Wace, after a few suitable consolatory
observations, a little off-handedly proffered perhaps, hurried at once
to Great Portland Street. But there he learned that the crystal egg had
already been sold to a tall, dark man in grey. And there the material
facts in this curious, and to me at least very suggestive, story come
abruptly to an end. The Great Portland Street dealer did not know who
the tall dark man in grey was, nor had he observed him with sufficient
attention to describe him minutely. He did not even know which way this
person had gone after leaving the shop. For a time Mr. Wace remained in
the shop, trying the dealer's patience with hopeless questions, venting
his own exasperation. And at last, realising abruptly that the whole
thing had passed out of his hands, had vanished like a vision of the
night, he returned to his own rooms, a little astonished to find the
notes he had made still tangible and visible upon his untidy table.

His annoyance and disappointment were naturally very great. He made a
second call (equally ineffectual) upon the Great Portland Street dealer,
and he resorted to advertisements in such periodicals as were likely to
come into the hands of a _bric-a-brac_ collector. He also wrote letters
to _The Daily Chronicle_ and _Nature_, but both those periodicals,
suspecting a hoax, asked him to reconsider his action before they
printed, and he was advised that such a strange story, unfortunately so
bare of supporting evidence, might imperil his reputation as an
investigator. Moreover, the calls of his proper work were urgent. So
that after a month or so, save for an occasional reminder to certain
dealers, he had reluctantly to abandon the quest for the crystal egg,
and from that day to this it remains undiscovered. Occasionally,
however, he tells me, and I can quite believe him, he has bursts of
zeal, in which he abandons his more urgent occupation and resumes the

Whether or not it will remain lost for ever, with the material and
origin of it, are things equally speculative at the present time. If
the present purchaser is a collector, one would have expected the
enquiries of Mr. Wace to have reached him through the dealers. He has
been able to discover Mr. Cave's clergyman and "Oriental"--no other than
the Rev. James Parker and the young Prince of Bosso-Kuni in Java. I am
obliged to them for certain particulars. The object of the Prince was
simply curiosity--and extravagance. He was so eager to buy, because Cave
was so oddly reluctant to sell. It is just as possible that the buyer in
the second instance was simply a casual purchaser and not a collector at
all, and the crystal egg, for all I know, may at the present moment be
within a mile of me, decorating a drawing-room or serving as a
paper-weight--its remarkable functions all unknown. Indeed, it is partly
with the idea of such a possibility that I have thrown this narrative
into a form that will give it a chance of being read by the ordinary
consumer of fiction.

My own ideas in the matter are practically identical with those of Mr.
Wace. I believe the crystal on the mast in Mars and the crystal egg of
Mr. Cave's to be in some physical, but at present quite inexplicable,
way _en rapport_, and we both believe further that the terrestrial
crystal must have been--possibly at some remote date--sent hither from
that planet, in order to give the Martians a near view of our affairs.
Possibly the fellows to the crystals in the other masts are also on our
globe. No theory of hallucination suffices for the facts.

The Star


It was on the first day of the new year that the announcement was made,
almost simultaneously from three observatories, that the motion of the
planet Neptune, the outermost of all the planets that wheel about the
sun, had become very erratic. Ogilvy had already called attention to a
suspected retardation in its velocity in December. Such a piece of news
was scarcely calculated to interest a world the greater portion of whose
inhabitants were unaware of the existence of the planet Neptune, nor
outside the astronomical profession did the subsequent discovery of a
faint remote speck of light in the region of the perturbed planet cause
any very great excitement. Scientific people, however, found the
intelligence remarkable enough, even before it became known that the new
body was rapidly growing larger and brighter, that its motion was quite
different from the orderly progress of the planets, and that the
deflection of Neptune and its satellite was becoming now of an
unprecedented kind.

Few people without a training in science can realise the huge isolation
of the solar system. The sun with its specks of planets, its dust of
planetoids, and its impalpable comets, swims in a vacant immensity that
almost defeats the imagination. Beyond the orbit of Neptune there is
space, vacant so far as human observation has penetrated, without warmth
or light or sound, blank emptiness, for twenty million times a million
miles. That is the smallest estimate of the distance to be traversed
before the very nearest of the stars is attained. And, saving a few
comets more unsubstantial than the thinnest flame, no matter had ever to
human knowledge crossed this gulf of space, until early in the twentieth
century this strange wanderer appeared. A vast mass of matter it was,
bulky, heavy, rushing without warning out of the black mystery of the
sky into the radiance of the sun. By the second day it was clearly
visible to any decent instrument, as a speck with a barely sensible
diameter, in the constellation Leo near Regulus. In a little while an
opera glass could attain it.

On the third day of the new year the newspaper readers of two
hemispheres were made aware for the first time of the real importance
of this unusual apparition in the heavens. "A Planetary Collision," one
London paper headed the news, and proclaimed Duchaine's opinion that
this strange new planet would probably collide with Neptune. The leader
writers enlarged upon the topic. So that in most of the capitals of the
world, on January 3rd, there was an expectation, however vague of some
imminent phenomenon in the sky; and as the night followed the sunset
round the globe, thousands of men turned their eyes skyward to see--the
old familiar stars just as they had always been.

Until it was dawn in London and Pollux setting and the stars overhead
grown pale. The Winter's dawn it was, a sickly filtering accumulation of
daylight, and the light of gas and candles shone yellow in the windows
to show where people were astir. But the yawning policeman saw the
thing, the busy crowds in the markets stopped agape, workmen going to
their work betimes, milkmen, the drivers of news-carts, dissipation
going home jaded and pale, homeless wanderers, sentinels on their beats,
and in the country, labourers trudging afield, poachers slinking home,
all over the dusky quickening country it could be seen--and out at sea
by seamen watching for the day--a great white star, come suddenly into
the westward sky!

Brighter it was than any star in our skies; brighter than the evening
star at its brightest. It still glowed out white and large, no mere
twinkling spot of light, but a small round clear shining disc, an hour
after the day had come. And where science has not reached, men stared
and feared, telling one another of the wars and pestilences that are
foreshadowed by these fiery signs in the Heavens. Sturdy Boers, dusky
Hottentots, Gold Coast negroes, Frenchmen, Spaniards, Portuguese, stood
in the warmth of the sunrise watching the setting of this strange new

And in a hundred observatories there had been suppressed excitement,
rising almost to shouting pitch, as the two remote bodies had rushed
together, and a hurrying to and fro, to gather photographic apparatus
and spectroscope, and this appliance and that, to record this novel
astonishing sight, the destruction of a world. For it was a world, a
sister planet of our earth, far greater than our earth indeed, that had
so suddenly flashed into flaming death. Neptune it was, had been struck,
fairly and squarely, by the strange planet from outer space and the heat
of the concussion had incontinently turned two solid globes into one
vast mass of incandescence. Round the world that day, two hours before
the dawn, went the pallid great white star, fading only as it sank
westward and the sun mounted above it. Everywhere men marvelled at it,
but of all those who saw it none could have marvelled more than those
sailors, habitual watchers of the stars, who far away at sea had heard
nothing of its advent and saw it now rise like a pigmy moon and climb
zenithward and hang overhead and sink westward with the passing of the

And when next it rose over Europe everywhere were crowds of watchers on
hilly slopes, on house-roofs, in open spaces, staring eastward for the
rising of the great new star. It rose with a white glow in front of it,
like the glare of a white fire, and those who had seen it come into
existence the night before cried out at the sight of it. "It is larger,"
they cried. "It is brighter!" And, indeed the moon a quarter full and
sinking in the west was in its apparent size beyond comparison, but
scarcely in all its breadth had it as much brightness now as the little
circle of the strange new star.

"It is brighter!" cried the people clustering in the streets. But in the
dim observatories the watchers held their breath and peered at one
another. "_It is nearer_," they said. "_Nearer!_"

And voice after voice repeated, "It is nearer," and the clicking
telegraph took that up, and it trembled along telephone wires, and in a
thousand cities grimy compositors fingered the type. "It is nearer." Men
writing in offices, struck with a strange realisation, flung down their
pens, men talking in a thousand places suddenly came upon a grotesque
possibility in those words, "It is nearer." It hurried along awakening
streets, it was shouted down the frost-stilled ways of quiet villages,
men who had read these things from the throbbing tape stood in
yellow-lit doorways shouting the news to the passers-by. "It is nearer."
Pretty women, flushed and glittering, heard the news told jestingly
between the dances, and feigned an intelligent interest they did not
feel. "Nearer! Indeed. How curious! How very, very clever people must be
to find out things like that!"

Lonely tramps faring through the wintry night murmured those words to
comfort themselves--looking skyward. "It has need to be nearer, for the
night's as cold as charity. Don't seem much warmth from it if it _is_
nearer, all the same."

"What is a new star to me?" cried the weeping woman kneeling beside her

The schoolboy, rising early for his examination work, puzzled it out for
himself--with the great white star, shining broad and bright through the
frost-flowers of his window. "Centrifugal, centripetal," he said, with
his chin on his fist. "Stop a planet in its flight, rob it of its
centrifugal force, what then? Centripetal has it, and down it falls into
the sun! And this--!"

"Do _we_ come in the way? I wonder--"

The light of that day went the way of its brethren, and with the later
watches of the frosty darkness rose the strange star again. And it was
now so bright that the waxing moon seemed but a pale yellow ghost of
itself, hanging huge in the sunset. In a South African city a great man
had married, and the streets were alight to welcome his return with his
bride. "Even the skies have illuminated," said the flatterer. Under
Capricorn, two negro lovers, daring the wild beasts and evil spirits,
for love of one another, crouched together in a cane brake where the
fire-flies hovered. "That is our star," they whispered, and felt
strangely comforted by the sweet brilliance of its light.

The master mathematician sat in his private room and pushed the papers
from him. His calculations were already finished. In a small white phial
there still remained a little of the drug that had kept him awake and
active for four long nights. Each day, serene, explicit, patient as
ever, he had given his lecture to his students, and then had come back
at once to this momentous calculation. His face was grave, a little
drawn and hectic from his drugged activity. For some time he seemed lost
in thought. Then he went to the window, and the blind went up with a
click. Half way up the sky, over the clustering roofs, chimneys and
steeples of the city, hung the star.

He looked at it as one might look into the eyes of a brave enemy. "You
may kill me," he said after a silence. "But I can hold you--and all the
universe for that matter--in the grip of this little brain. I would not
change. Even now."

He looked at the little phial. "There will be no need of sleep again,"
he said. The next day at noon, punctual to the minute, he entered his
lecture theatre, put his hat on the end of the table as his habit was,
and carefully selected a large piece of chalk. It was a joke among his
students that he could not lecture without that piece of chalk to fumble
in his fingers, and once he had been stricken to impotence by their
hiding his supply. He came and looked under his grey eyebrows at the
rising tiers of young fresh faces, and spoke with his accustomed studied
commonness of phrasing. "Circumstances have arisen--circumstances beyond
my control," he said and paused, "which will debar me from completing
the course I had designed. It would seem, gentlemen, if I may put the
thing clearly and briefly, that--Man has lived in vain."

The students glanced at one another. Had they heard aright? Mad? Raised
eyebrows and grinning lips there were, but one or two faces remained
intent upon his calm grey-fringed face. "It will be interesting," he was
saying, "to devote this morning to an exposition, so far as I can make
it clear to you, of the calculations that have led me to this
conclusion. Let us assume--"

He turned towards the blackboard, meditating a diagram in the way that
was usual to him. "What was that about 'lived in vain?'" whispered one
student to another. "Listen," said the other, nodding towards the

And presently they began to understand.

That night the star rose later, for its proper eastward motion had
carried it some way across Leo towards Virgo, and its brightness was so
great that the sky became a luminous blue as it rose, and every star was
hidden in its turn, save only Jupiter near the zenith, Capella,
Aldebaran, Sirius and the pointers of the Bear. It was very white and
beautiful. In many parts of the world that night a pallid halo encircled
it about. It was perceptibly larger; in the clear refractive sky of the
tropics it seemed as if it were nearly a quarter the size of the moon.
The frost was still on the ground in England, but the world was as
brightly lit as if it were midsummer moonlight. One could see to read
quite ordinary print by that cold clear light, and in the cities the
lamps burnt yellow and wan.

And everywhere the world was awake that night, and throughout
Christendom a sombre murmur hung in the keen air over the countryside
like the belling of bees in the heather, and this murmurous tumult grew
to a clangour in the cities. It was the tolling of the bells in a
million belfry towers and steeples, summoning the people to sleep no
more, to sin no more, but to gather in their churches and pray. And
overhead, growing larger and brighter, as the earth rolled on its way
and the night passed, rose the dazzling star.

And the streets and houses were alight in all the cities, the shipyards
glared, and whatever roads led to high country were lit and crowded all
night long. And in all the seas about the civilised lands, ships with
throbbing engines, and ships with bellying sails, crowded with men and
living creatures, were standing out to ocean and the north. For already
the warning of the master mathematician had been telegraphed all over
the world, and translated into a hundred tongues. The new planet and
Neptune, locked in a fiery embrace, were whirling headlong, ever faster
and faster towards the sun. Already every second this blazing mass flew
a hundred miles, and every second its terrific velocity increased. As it
flew now, indeed, it must pass a hundred million of miles wide of the
earth and scarcely affect it. But near its destined path, as yet only
slightly perturbed, spun the mighty planet Jupiter and his moons
sweeping splendid round the sun. Every moment now the attraction between
the fiery star and the greatest of the planets grew stronger. And the
result of that attraction? Inevitably Jupiter would be deflected from
its orbit into an elliptical path, and the burning star, swung by his
attraction wide of its sunward rush, would "describe a curved path" and
perhaps collide with, and certainly pass very close to, our earth.
"Earthquakes, volcanic outbreaks, cyclones, sea waves, floods, and a
steady rise in temperature to I know not what limit"--so prophesied the
master mathematician.

And overhead, to carry out his words, lonely and cold and livid, blazed
the star of the coming doom.

To many who stared at it that night until their eyes ached, it seemed
that it was visibly approaching. And that night, too, the weather
changed, and the frost that had gripped all Central Europe and France
and England softened towards a thaw.

But you must not imagine because I have spoken of people praying through
the night and people going aboard ships and people fleeing towards
mountainous country that the whole world was already in a terror because
of the star. As a matter of fact, use and wont still ruled the world,
and save for the talk of idle moments and the splendour of the night,
nine human beings out of ten were still busy at their common
occupations. In all the cities the shops, save one here and there,
opened and closed at their proper hours, the doctor and the undertaker
plied their trades, the workers gathered in the factories, soldiers
drilled, scholars studied, lovers sought one another, thieves lurked and
fled, politicians planned their schemes. The presses of the newspapers
roared through the nights, and many a priest of this church and that
would not open his holy building to further what he considered a foolish
panic. The newspapers insisted on the lesson of the year 1000--for then,
too, people had anticipated the end. The star was no star--mere gas--a
comet; and were it a star it could not possibly strike the earth. There
was no precedent for such a thing. Common sense was sturdy everywhere,
scornful, jesting, a little inclined to persecute the obdurate fearful.
That night, at seven-fifteen by Greenwich time, the star would be at its
nearest to Jupiter. Then the world would see the turn things would take.
The master mathematician's grim warnings were treated by many as so much
mere elaborate self-advertisement. Common sense at last, a little heated
by argument, signified its unalterable convictions by going to bed. So,
too, barbarism and savagery, already tired of the novelty, went about
their nightly business, and save for a howling dog here and there, the
beast world left the star unheeded.

And yet, when at last the watchers in the European States saw the star
rise, an hour later it is true, but no larger than it had been the night
before, there were still plenty awake to laugh at the master
mathematician--to take the danger as if it had passed.

But hereafter the laughter ceased. The star grew--it grew with a
terrible steadiness hour after hour, a little larger each hour, a little
nearer the midnight zenith, and brighter and brighter, until it had
turned night into a second day. Had it come straight to the earth
instead of in a curved path, had it lost no velocity to Jupiter, it must
have leapt the intervening gulf in a day, but as it was it took five
days altogether to come by our planet. The next night it had become a
third the size of the moon before it set to English eyes, and the thaw
was assured. It rose over America near the size of the moon, but
blinding white to look at, and _hot_; and a breath of hot wind blew now
with its rising and gathering strength, and in Virginia, and Brazil, and
down the St. Lawrence valley, it shone intermittently through a driving
reek of thunder-clouds, flickering violet lightning, and hail
unprecedented. In Manitoba was a thaw and devastating floods. And upon
all the mountains of the earth the snow and ice began to melt that
night, and all the rivers coming out of high country flowed thick and
turbid, and soon--in their upper reaches--with swirling trees and the
bodies of beasts and men. They rose steadily, steadily in the ghostly
brilliance, and came trickling over their banks at last, behind the
flying population of their valleys.

And along the coast of Argentina and up the South Atlantic the tides
were higher than had ever been in the memory of man, and the storms
drove the waters in many cases scores of miles inland, drowning whole
cities. And so great grew the heat during the night that the rising of
the sun was like the coming of a shadow. The earthquakes began and grew
until all down America from the Arctic Circle to Cape Horn, hillsides
were sliding, fissures were opening, and houses and walls crumbling to
destruction. The whole side of Cotopaxi slipped out in one vast
convulsion, and a tumult of lava poured out so high and broad and swift
and liquid that in one day it reached the sea.

So the star, with the wan moon in its wake, marched across the Pacific,
trailed the thunderstorms like the hem of a robe, and the growing tidal
wave that toiled behind it, frothing and eager, poured over island and
island and swept them clear of men. Until that wave came at last--in a
blinding light and with the breath of a furnace, swift and terrible it
came--a wall of water, fifty feet high, roaring hungrily, upon the long
coasts of Asia, and swept inland across the plains of China. For a space
the star, hotter now and larger and brighter than the sun in its
strength, showed with pitiless brilliance the wide and populous country;
towns and villages with their pagodas and trees, roads, wide cultivated
fields, millions of sleepless people staring in helpless terror at the
incandescent sky; and then, low and growing, came the murmur of the
flood. And thus it was with millions of men that night--a flight
nowhither, with limbs heavy with heat and breath fierce and scant, and
the flood like a wall swift and white behind. And then death.

China was lit glowing white, but over Japan and Java and all the islands
of Eastern Asia the great star was a ball of dull red fire because of
the steam and smoke and ashes the volcanoes were spouting forth to
salute its coming. Above was the lava, hot gases and ash, and below the
seething floods, and the whole earth swayed and rumbled with the
earthquake shocks. Soon the immemorial snows of Thibet and the Himalaya
were melting and pouring down by ten million deepening converging
channels upon the plains of Burmah and Hindostan. The tangled summits of
the Indian jungles were aflame in a thousand places, and below the
hurrying waters around the stems were dark objects that still struggled
feebly and reflected the blood-red tongues of fire. And in a rudderless
confusion a multitude of men and women fled down the broad river-ways to
that one last hope of men--the open sea.

Larger grew the star, and larger, hotter, and brighter with a terrible
swiftness now. The tropical ocean had lost its phosphorescence, and the
whirling steam rose in ghostly wreaths from the black waves that plunged
incessantly, speckled with storm-tossed ships.

And then came a wonder. It seemed to those who in Europe watched for the
rising of the star that the world must have ceased its rotation. In a
thousand open spaces of down and upland the people who had fled thither
from the floods and the falling houses and sliding slopes of hill
watched for that rising in vain. Hour followed hour through a terrible
suspense, and the star rose not. Once again men set their eyes upon the
old constellations they had counted lost to them forever. In England it
was hot and clear overhead, though the ground quivered perpetually, but
in the tropics, Sirius and Capella and Aldebaran showed through a veil
of steam. And when at last the great star rose near ten hours late, the
sun rose close upon it, and in the centre of its white heart was a disc
of black.

Over Asia it was the star had begun to fall behind the movement of the
sky, and then suddenly, as it hung over India, its light had been
veiled. All the plain of India from the mouth of the Indus to the mouths
of the Ganges was a shallow waste of shining water that night, out of
which rose temples and palaces, mounds and hills, black with people.
Every minaret was a clustering mass of people, who fell one by one into
the turbid waters, as heat and terror overcame them. The whole land
seemed a-wailing, and suddenly there swept a shadow across that furnace
of despair, and a breath of cold wind, and a gathering of clouds, out of
the cooling air. Men looking up, near blinded, at the star, saw that a
black disc was creeping across the light. It was the moon, coming
between the star and the earth. And even as men cried to God at this
respite, out of the East with a strange inexplicable swiftness sprang
the sun. And then star, sun and moon rushed together across the

So it was that presently, to the European watchers, star and sun rose
close upon each other, drove headlong for a space and then slower, and
at last came to rest, star and sun merged into one glare of flame at the
zenith of the sky. The moon no longer eclipsed the star but was lost to
sight in the brilliance of the sky. And though those who were still
alive regarded it for the most part with that dull stupidity that
hunger, fatigue, heat and despair engender, there were still men who
could perceive the meaning of these signs. Star and earth had been at
their nearest, had swung about one another, and the star had passed.
Already it was receding, swifter and swifter, in the last stage of its
headlong journey downward into the sun.

And then the clouds gathered, blotting out the vision of the sky, the
thunder and lightning wove a garment round the world; all over the earth
was such a downpour of rain as men had never before seen, and where the
volcanoes flared red against the cloud canopy there descended torrents
of mud. Everywhere the waters were pouring off the land, leaving
mud-silted ruins, and the earth littered like a storm-worn beach with
all that had floated, and the dead bodies of the men and brutes, its
children. For days the water streamed off the land, sweeping away soil
and trees and houses in the way, and piling huge dykes and scooping out
Titanic gullies over the country side. Those were the days of darkness
that followed the star and the heat. All through them, and for many
weeks and months, the earthquakes continued.

But the star had passed, and men, hunger-driven and gathering courage
only slowly, might creep back to their ruined cities, buried granaries,
and sodden fields. Such few ships as had escaped the storms of that time
came stunned and shattered and sounding their way cautiously through the
new marks and shoals of once familiar ports. And as the storms subsided
men perceived that everywhere the days were hotter than of yore, and the
sun larger, and the moon, shrunk to a third of its former size, took now
fourscore days between its new and new.

But of the new brotherhood that grew presently among men, of the saving
of laws and books and machines, of the strange change that had come over
Iceland and Greenland and the shores of Baffin's Bay, so that the
sailors coming there presently found them green and gracious, and could
scarce believe their eyes, this story does not tell. Nor of the
movement of mankind now that the earth was hotter, northward and
southward towards the poles of the earth. It concerns itself only with
the coming and the passing of the Star.

The Martian astronomers--for there are astronomers on Mars, although
they are very different beings from men--were naturally profoundly
interested by these things. They saw them from their own standpoint of
course. "Considering the mass and temperature of the missile that was
flung through our solar system into the sun," one wrote, "it is
astonishing what a little damage the earth, which it missed so narrowly,
has sustained. All the familiar continental markings and the masses of
the seas remain intact, and indeed the only difference seems to be a
shrinkage of the white discolouration (supposed to be frozen water)
round either pole." Which only shows how small the vastest of human
catastrophes may seem, at a distance of a few million miles.

A Story of the Stone Age



This story is of a time beyond the memory of man, before the beginning
of history, a time when one might have walked dryshod from France (as we
call it now) to England, and when a broad and sluggish Thames flowed
through its marshes to meet its father Rhine, flowing through a wide and
level country that is under water in these latter days, and which we
know by the name of the North Sea. In that remote age the valley which
runs along the foot of the Downs did not exist, and the south of Surrey
was a range of hills, fir-clad on the middle slopes, and snow-capped for
the better part of the year. The cores of its summits still remain as
Leith Hill, and Pitch Hill, and Hindhead. On the lower slopes of the
range, below the grassy spaces where the wild horses grazed, were
forests of yew and sweet-chestnut and elm, and the thickets and dark
places hid the grizzly bear and the hyæna, and the grey apes clambered
through the branches. And still lower amidst the woodland and marsh and
open grass along the Wey did this little drama play itself out to the
end that I have to tell. Fifty thousand years ago it was, fifty thousand
years--if the reckoning of geologists is correct.

And in those days the spring-time was as joyful as it is now, and sent
the blood coursing in just the same fashion. The afternoon sky was blue
with piled white clouds sailing through it, and the southwest wind came
like a soft caress. The new-come swallows drove to and fro. The reaches
of the river were spangled with white ranunculus, the marshy places were
starred with lady's-smock and lit with marsh-mallow wherever the
regiments of the sedges lowered their swords, and the northward-moving
hippopotami, shiny black monsters, sporting clumsily, came floundering
and blundering through it all, rejoicing dimly and possessed with one
clear idea, to splash the river muddy.

Up the river and well in sight of the hippopotami, a number of little
buff-coloured animals dabbled in the water. There was no fear, no
rivalry, and no enmity between them and the hippopotami. As the great
bulks came crashing through the reeds and smashed the mirror of the
water into silvery splashes, these little creatures shouted and
gesticulated with glee. It was the surest sign of high spring. "Boloo!"
they cried. "Baayah. Boloo!" They were the children of the men folk, the
smoke of whose encampment rose from the knoll at the river's bend.
Wild-eyed youngsters they were, with matted hair and little broad-nosed
impish faces, covered (as some children are covered even nowadays) with
a delicate down of hair. They were narrow in the loins and long in the
arms. And their ears had no lobes, and had little pointed tips, a thing
that still, in rare instances, survives. Stark-naked vivid little
gipsies, as active as monkeys and as full of chatter, though a little
wanting in words.

Their elders were hidden from the wallowing hippopotami by the crest of
the knoll. The human squatting-place was a trampled area among the dead
brown fronds of Royal Fern, through which the crosiers of this year's
growth were unrolling to the light and warmth. The fire was a
smouldering heap of char, light grey and black, replenished by the old
women from time to time with brown leaves. Most of the men were
asleep--they slept sitting with their foreheads on their knees. They had
killed that morning a good quarry, enough for all, a deer that had been
wounded by hunting dogs; so that there had been no quarrelling among
them, and some of the women were still gnawing the bones that lay
scattered about. Others were making a heap of leaves and sticks to feed
Brother Fire when the darkness came again, that he might grow strong and
tall therewith, and guard them against the beasts. And two were piling
flints that they brought, an armful at a time, from the bend of the
river where the children were at play.

None of these buff-skinned savages were clothed, but some wore about
their hips rude girdles of adder-skin or crackling undressed hide, from
which depended little bags, not made, but torn from the paws of beasts,
and carrying the rudely-dressed flints that were men's chief weapons and
tools. And one woman, the mate of Uya the Cunning Man, wore a wonderful
necklace of perforated fossils--that others had worn before her. Beside
some of the sleeping men lay the big antlers of the elk, with the tines
chipped to sharp edges, and long sticks, hacked at the ends with flints
into sharp points. There was little else save these things and the
smouldering fire to mark these human beings off from the wild animals
that ranged the country. But Uya the Cunning did not sleep, but sat with
a bone in his hand and scraped busily thereon with a flint, a thing no
animal would do. He was the oldest man in the tribe, beetle-browed,
prognathous, lank-armed; he had a beard and his cheeks were hairy, and
his chest and arms were black with thick hair. And by virtue both of his
strength and cunning he was master of the tribe, and his share was
always the most and the best.

Eudena had hidden herself among the alders, because she was afraid of
Uya. She was still a girl, and her eyes were bright and her smile
pleasant to see. He had given her a piece of the liver, a man's piece,
and a wonderful treat for a girl to get; but as she took it the other
woman with the necklace had looked at her, an evil glance, and Ugh-lomi
had made a noise in his throat. At that, Uya had looked at him long and
steadfastly, and Ugh-lomi's face had fallen. And then Uya had looked at
her. She was frightened and she had stolen away, while the feeding was
still going on, and Uya was busy with the marrow of a bone. Afterwards
he had wandered about as if looking for her. And now she crouched among
the alders, wondering mightily what Uya might be doing with the flint
and the bone. And Ugh-lomi was not to be seen.

Presently a squirrel came leaping through the alders, and she lay so
quiet the little man was within six feet of her before he saw her.
Whereupon he dashed up a stem in a hurry and began to chatter and scold
her. "What are you doing here," he asked, "away from the other men
beasts?" "Peace," said Eudena, but he only chattered more, and then she
began to break off the little black cones to throw at him. He dodged and
defied her, and she grew excited and rose up to throw better, and then
she saw Uya coming down the knoll. He had seen the movement of her pale
arm amidst the thicket--he was very keen-eyed.

At that she forgot the squirrel and set off through the alders and reeds
as fast as she could go. She did not care where she went so long as she
escaped Uya. She splashed nearly knee-deep through a swampy place, and
saw in front of her a slope of ferns--growing more slender and green as
they passed up out of the light into the shade of the young chestnuts.
She was soon amidst the trees--she was very fleet of foot, and she ran
on and on until the forest was old and the vales great, and the vines
about their stems where the light came were thick as young trees, and
the ropes of ivy stout and tight. On she went, and she doubled and
doubled again, and then at last lay down amidst some ferns in a hollow
place near a thicket, and listened with her heart beating in her ears.

She heard footsteps presently rustling among the dead leaves, far off,
and they died away and everything was still again, except the
scandalising of the midges--for the evening was drawing on--and the
incessant whisper of the leaves. She laughed silently to think the
cunning Uya should go by her. She was not frightened. Sometimes, playing
with the other girls and lads, she had fled into the wood, though never
so far as this. It was pleasant to be hidden and alone.

She lay a long time there, glad of her escape, and then she sat up

It was a rapid pattering growing louder and coming towards her, and in a
little while she could hear grunting noises and the snapping of twigs.
It was a drove of lean grisly wild swine. She turned about her, for a
boar is an ill fellow to pass too closely, on account of the sideway
slash of his tusks, and she made off slantingly through the trees. But
the patter came nearer, they were not feeding as they wandered, but
going fast--or else they would not overtake her--and she caught the limb
of a tree, swung on to it, and ran up the stem with something of the
agility of a monkey.

Down below the sharp bristling backs of the swine were already passing
when she looked. And she knew the short, sharp grunts they made meant
fear. What were they afraid of? A man? They were in a great hurry for
just a man.

And then, so suddenly it made her grip on the branch tighten
involuntarily, a fawn started in the brake and rushed after the swine.
Something else went by, low and grey, with a long body; she did not know
what it was, indeed she saw it only momentarily through the interstices
of the young leaves; and then there came a pause.

She remained stiff and expectant, as rigid almost as though she was a
part of the tree she clung to, peering down.

Then, far away among the trees, clear for a moment, then hidden, then
visible knee-deep in ferns, then gone again, ran a man. She knew it was
young Ugh-lomi by the fair colour of his hair, and there was red upon
his face. Somehow his frantic flight and that scarlet mark made her feel
sick. And then nearer, running heavily and breathing hard, came another
man. At first she could not see, and then she saw, foreshortened and
clear to her, Uya, running with great strides and his eyes staring. He
was not going after Ugh-lomi. His face was white. It was Uya--_afraid_!
He passed, and was still loud hearing, when something else, something
large and with grizzled fur, swinging along with soft swift strides,
came rushing in pursuit of him.

Eudena suddenly became rigid, ceased to breathe, her clutch convulsive,
and her eyes starting.

She had never seen the thing before, she did not even see him clearly
now, but she knew at once it was the Terror of the Woodshade. His name
was a legend, the children would frighten one another, frighten even
themselves with his name, and run screaming to the squatting-place. No
man had ever killed any of his kind. Even the mighty mammoth feared his
anger. It was the grizzly bear, the lord of the world as the world went

As he ran he made a continuous growling grumble. "Men in my very lair!
Fighting and blood. At the very mouth of my lair. Men, men, men.
Fighting and blood." For he was the lord of the wood and of the caves.

Long after he had passed she remained, a girl of stone, staring down
through the branches. All her power of action had gone from her. She
gripped by instinct with hands and knees and feet. It was some time
before she could think, and then only one thing was clear in her mind,
that the Terror was between her and the tribe--that it would be
impossible to descend.

Presently when her fear was a little abated she clambered into a more
comfortable position, where a great branch forked. The trees rose about
her, so that she could see nothing of Brother Fire, who is black by day.
Birds began to stir, and things that had gone into hiding for fear of
her movements crept out....

After a time the taller branches flamed out at the touch of the sunset.
High overhead the rooks, who were wiser than men, went cawing home to
their squatting-places among the elms. Looking down, things were clearer
and darker. Eudena thought of going back to the squatting-place; she let
herself down some way, and then the fear of the Terror of the Woodshade
came again. While she hesitated a rabbit squealed dismally, and she
dared not descend farther.

The shadows gathered, and the deeps of the forest began stirring. Eudena
went up the tree again to be nearer the light. Down below the shadows
came out of their hiding-places and walked abroad. Overhead the blue
deepened. A dreadful stillness came, and then the leaves began

Eudena shivered and thought of Brother Fire.

The shadows now were gathering in the trees, they sat on the branches
and watched her. Branches and leaves were turned to ominous, quiet black
shapes that would spring on her if she stirred. Then the white owl,
flitting silently, came ghostly through the shades. Darker grew the
world and darker, until the leaves and twigs against the sky were black,
and the ground was hidden.

She remained there all night, an age-long vigil, straining her ears for
the things that went on below in the darkness, and keeping motionless
lest some stealthy beast should discover her. Man in those days was
never alone in the dark, save for such rare accidents as this. Age after
age he had learnt the lesson of its terror--a lesson we poor children of
his have nowadays painfully to unlearn. Eudena, though in age a woman,
was in heart like a little child. She kept as still, poor little animal,
as a hare before it is started.

The stars gathered and watched her--her one grain of comfort. In one
bright one she fancied there was something like Ugh-lomi. Then she
fancied it _was_ Ugh-lomi. And near him, red and duller, was Uya, and as
the night passed Ugh-lomi fled before him up the sky.

She tried to see Brother Fire, who guarded the squatting-place from
beasts, but he was not in sight. And far away she heard the mammoths
trumpeting as they went down to the drinking-place, and once some huge
bulk with heavy paces hurried along, making a noise like a calf, but
what it was she could not see. But she thought from the voice it was
Yaaa the rhinoceros, who stabs with his nose, goes always alone, and
rages without cause.

At last the little stars began to hide, and then the larger ones. It was
like all the animals vanishing before the Terror. The Sun was coming,
lord of the sky, as the grizzly was lord of the forest. Eudena wondered
what would happen if one star stayed behind. And then the sky paled to
the dawn.

When the daylight came the fear of lurking things passed, and she could
descend. She was stiff, but not so stiff as you would have been, dear
young lady (by virtue of your upbringing), and as she had not been
trained to eat at least once in three hours, but instead had often
fasted three days, she did not feel uncomfortably hungry. She crept down
the tree very cautiously, and went her way stealthily through the wood,
and not a squirrel sprang or deer started but the terror of the grizzly
bear froze her marrow.

Her desire was now to find her people again. Her dread of Uya the
Cunning was consumed by a greater dread of loneliness. But she had lost
her direction. She had run heedlessly overnight, and she could not tell
whether the squatting-place was sunward or where it lay. Ever and again
she stopped and listened, and at last, very far away, she heard a
measured chinking. It was so faint even in the morning stillness that
she could tell it must be far away. But she knew the sound was that of a
man sharpening a flint.

Presently the trees began to thin out, and then came a regiment of
nettles barring the way. She turned aside, and then she came to a fallen
tree that she knew, with a noise of bees about it. And so presently she
was in sight of the knoll, very far off, and the river under it, and the
children and the hippopotami just as they had been yesterday, and the
thin spire of smoke swaying in the morning breeze. Far away by the
river was the cluster of alders where she had hidden. And at the sight
of that the fear of Uya returned, and she crept into a thicket of
bracken, out of which a rabbit scuttled, and lay awhile to watch the

The men were mostly out of sight, saving Wau, the flint-chopper; and at
that she felt safer. They were away hunting food, no doubt. Some of the
women, too, were down in the stream, stooping intent, seeking mussels,
crayfish, and water-snails, and at the sight of their occupation Eudena
felt hungry. She rose, and ran through the fern, designing to join them.
As she went she heard a voice among the bracken calling softly. She
stopped. Then suddenly she heard a rustle behind her, and turning, saw
Ugh-lomi rising out of the fern. There were streaks of brown blood and
dirt on his face, and his eyes were fierce, and the white stone of Uya,
the white Fire Stone, that none but Uya dared to touch, was in his hand.
In a stride he was beside her, and gripped her arm. He swung her about,
and thrust her before him towards the woods. "Uya," he said, and waved
his arms about. She heard a cry, looked back, and saw all the women
standing up, and two wading out of the stream. Then came a nearer
howling, and the old woman with the beard, who watched the fire on the
knoll, was waving her arms, and Wau, the man who had been chipping the
flint, was getting to his feet. The little children too were hurrying
and shouting.

"Come!" said Ugh-lomi, and dragged her by the arm.

She still did not understand.

"Uya has called the death word," said Ugh-lomi, and she glanced back at
the screaming curve of figures, and understood.

Wau and all the women and children were coming towards them, a scattered
array of buff shock-headed figures, howling, leaping, and crying. Over
the knoll two youths hurried. Down among the ferns to the right came a
man, heading them off from the wood. Ugh-lomi left her arm, and the two
began running side by side, leaping the bracken and stepping clear and
wide. Eudena, knowing her fleetness and the fleetness of Ugh-lomi,
laughed aloud at the unequal chase. They were an exceptionally
straight-limbed couple for those days.

They soon cleared the open, and drew near the wood of chestnut-trees
again--neither afraid now because neither was alone. They slackened
their pace, already not excessive. And suddenly Eudena cried and swerved
aside, pointing, and looking up through the tree-stems. Ugh-lomi saw
the feet and legs of men running towards him. Eudena was already running
off at a tangent. And as he too turned to follow her they heard the
voice of Uya coming through the trees, and roaring out his rage at them.

Then terror came in their hearts, not the terror that numbs, but the
terror that makes one silent and swift. They were cut off now on two
sides. They were in a sort of corner of pursuit. On the right hand, and
near by them, came the men swift and heavy, with bearded Uya, antler in
hand, leading them; and on the left, scattered as one scatters corn,
yellow dashes among the fern and grass, ran Wau and the women; and even
the little children from the shallow had joined the chase. The two
parties converged upon them. Off they went, with Eudena ahead.

They knew there was no mercy for them. There was no hunting so sweet to
these ancient men as the hunting of men. Once the fierce passion of the
chase was lit, the feeble beginnings of humanity in them were thrown to
the winds. And Uya in the night had marked Ugh-lomi with the death word.
Ugh-lomi was the day's quarry, the appointed feast.

They ran straight--it was their only chance--taking whatever ground came
in the way--a spread of stinging nettles, an open glade, a clump of
grass out of which a hyæna fled snarling. Then woods again, long
stretches of shady leaf-mould and moss under the green trunks. Then a
stiff slope, tree-clad, and long vistas of trees, a glade, a succulent
green area of black mud, a wide open space again, and then a clump of
lacerating brambles, with beast tracks through it. Behind them the chase
trailed out and scattered, with Uya ever at their heels. Eudena kept the
first place, running light and with her breath easy, for Ugh-lomi
carried the Fire Stone in his hand.

It told on his pace--not at first, but after a time. His footsteps
behind her suddenly grew remote. Glancing over her shoulder as they
crossed another open space, Eudena saw that Ugh-lomi was many yards
behind her, and Uya close upon him, with antler already raised in the
air to strike him down. Wau and the others were but just emerging from
the shadow of the woods.

Seeing Ugh-lomi in peril, Eudena ran sideways, looking back, threw up
her arms and cried aloud, just as the antler flew. And young Ugh-lomi,
expecting this and understanding her cry, ducked his head, so that the
missile merely struck his scalp lightly, making but a trivial wound, and
flew over him. He turned forthwith, the quartzite Fire Stone in both
hands, and hurled it straight at Uya's body as he ran loose from the
throw. Uya shouted, but could not dodge it. It took him under the ribs,
heavy and flat, and he reeled and went down without a cry. Ugh-lomi
caught up the antler--one tine of it was tipped with his own blood--and
came running on again with a red trickle just coming out of his hair.

Uya rolled over twice, and lay a moment before he got up, and then he
did not run fast. The colour of his face was changed. Wau overtook him,
and then others, and he coughed and laboured in his breath. But he kept

At last the two fugitives gained the bank of the river, where the stream
ran deep and narrow, and they still had fifty yards in hand of Wau, the
foremost pursuer, the man who made the smiting-stones. He carried one, a
large flint, the shape of an oyster and double the size, chipped to a
chisel edge, in either hand.

They sprang down the steep bank into the stream, rushed through the
water, swam the deep current in two or three strokes, and came out
wading again, dripping and refreshed, to clamber up the farther bank.
It was undermined, and with willows growing thickly therefrom, so that
it needed clambering. And while Eudena was still among the silvery
branches and Ugh-lomi still in the water--for the antler had encumbered
him--Wau came up against the sky on the opposite bank, and the
smiting-stone, thrown cunningly, took the side of Eudena's knee. She
struggled to the top and fell.

They heard the pursuers shout to one another, and Ugh-lomi climbing to
her and moving jerkily to mar Wau's aim, felt the second smiting-stone
graze his ear, and heard the water splash below him.

Then it was Ugh-lomi, the stripling, proved himself to have come to
man's estate. For running on, he found Eudena fell behind, limping, and
at that he turned, and crying savagely and with a face terrible with
sudden wrath and trickling blood, ran swiftly past her back to the bank,
whirling the antler round his head. And Eudena kept on, running stoutly
still, though she must needs limp at every step, and the pain was
already sharp.

So that Wau, rising over the edge and clutching the straight willow
branches, saw Ugh-lomi towering over him, gigantic against the blue;
saw his whole body swing round, and the grip of his hands upon the
antler. The edge of the antler came sweeping through the air, and he saw
no more. The water under the osiers whirled and eddied and went crimson
six feet down the stream. Uya following stopped knee-high across the
stream, and the man who was swimming turned about.

The other men who trailed after--they were none of them very mighty men
(for Uya was more cunning than strong, brooking no sturdy
rivals)--slackened momentarily at the sight of Ugh-lomi standing there
above the willows, bloody and terrible, between them and the halting
girl, with the huge antler waving in his hand. It seemed as though he
had gone into the water a youth, and come out of it a man full grown.

He knew what there was behind him. A broad stretch of grass, and then a
thicket, and in that Eudena could hide. That was clear in his mind,
though his thinking powers were too feeble to see what should happen
thereafter. Uya stood knee-deep, undecided and unarmed. His heavy mouth
hung open, showing his canine teeth, and he panted heavily. His side was
flushed and bruised under the hair. The other man beside him carried a
sharpened stick. The rest of the hunters came up one by one to the top
of the bank, hairy, long-armed men clutching flints and sticks. Two ran
off along the bank down stream, and then clambered to the water, where
Wau had come to the surface struggling weakly. Before they could reach
him he went under again. Two others threatened Ugh-lomi from the bank.

He answered back, shouts, vague insults, gestures. Then Uya, who had
been hesitating, roared with rage, and whirling his fists plunged into
the water. His followers splashed after him.

Ugh-lomi glanced over his shoulder and found Eudena already vanished
into the thicket. He would perhaps have waited for Uya, but Uya
preferred to spar in the water below him until the others were beside
him. Human tactics in those days, in all serious fighting, were the
tactics of the pack. Prey that turned at bay they gathered around and
rushed. Ugh-lomi felt the rush coming, and hurling the antler at Uya,
turned about and fled.

When he halted to look back from the shadow of the thicket, he found
only three of his pursuers had followed him across the river, and they
were going back again. Uya, with a bleeding mouth, was on the farther
side of the stream again, but lower down, and holding his hand to his
side. The others were in the river dragging something to shore. For a
time at least the chase was intermitted.

Ugh-lomi stood watching for a space, and snarled at the sight of Uya.
Then he turned and plunged into the thicket.

In a minute, Eudena came hastening to join him, and they went on hand in
hand. He dimly perceived the pain she suffered from the cut and bruised
knee, and chose the easier ways. But they went on all that day, mile
after mile, through wood and thicket, until at last they came to the
chalkland, open grass with rare woods of beech, and the birch growing
near water, and they saw the Wealden mountains nearer, and groups of
horses grazing together. They went circumspectly, keeping always near
thicket and cover, for this was a strange region--even its ways were
strange. Steadily the ground rose, until the chestnut forests spread
wide and blue below them, and the Thames marshes shone silvery, high and
far. They saw no men, for in those days men were still only just come
into this part of the world, and were moving but slowly along the
river-ways. Towards evening they came on the river again, but now it ran
in a gorge, between high cliffs of white chalk that sometimes overhung
it. Down the cliffs was a scrub of birches and there were many birds
there. And high up the cliff was a little shelf by a tree, whereon they
clambered to pass the night.

They had had scarcely any food; it was not the time of year for berries,
and they had no time to go aside to snare or waylay. They tramped in a
hungry weary silence, gnawing at twigs and leaves. But over the surface
of the cliffs were a multitude of snails, and in a bush were the freshly
laid eggs of a little bird, and then Ugh-lomi threw at and killed a
squirrel in a beech-tree, so that at last they fed well. Ugh-lomi
watched during the night, his chin on his knees; and he heard young
foxes crying hard by, and the noise of mammoths down the gorge, and the
hyænas yelling and laughing far away. It was chilly, but they dared not
light a fire. Whenever he dozed, his spirit went abroad, and straightway
met with the spirit of Uya, and they fought. And always Ugh-lomi was
paralysed so that he could not smite nor run, and then he would awake
suddenly. Eudena, too, dreamt evil things of Uya, so that they both
awoke with the fear of him in their hearts, and by the light of the dawn
they saw a woolly rhinoceros go blundering down the valley.

During the day they caressed one another and were glad of the sunshine,
and Eudena's leg was so stiff she sat on the ledge all day. Ugh-lomi
found great flints sticking out of the cliff face, greater than any he
had seen, and he dragged some to the ledge and began chipping, so as to
be armed against Uya when he came again. And at one he laughed heartily,
and Eudena laughed, and they threw it about in derision. It had a hole
in it. They stuck their fingers through it, it was very funny indeed.
Then they peeped at one another through it. Afterwards, Ugh-lomi got
himself a stick, and thrusting by chance at this foolish flint, the
stick went in and stuck there. He had rammed it in too tightly to
withdraw it. That was still stranger--scarcely funny, terrible almost,
and for a time Ugh-lomi did not greatly care to touch the thing. It was
as if the flint had bit and held with its teeth. But then he got
familiar with the odd combination. He swung it about, and perceived that
the stick with the heavy stone on the end struck a better blow than
anything he knew. He went to and fro swinging it, and striking with it;
but later he tired of it and threw it aside. In the afternoon he went
up over the brow of the white cliff, and lay watching by a rabbit-warren
until the rabbits came out to play. There were no men thereabouts, and
the rabbits were heedless. He threw a smiting-stone he had made and got
a kill.

That night they made a fire from flint sparks and bracken fronds, and
talked and caressed by it. And in their sleep Uya's spirit came again,
and suddenly, while Ugh-lomi was trying to fight vainly, the foolish
flint on the stick came into his hand, and he struck Uya with it, and
behold! it killed him. But afterwards came other dreams of Uya--for
spirits take a lot of killing, and he had to be killed again. Then after
that the stone would not keep on the stick. He awoke tired and rather
gloomy, and was sulky all the forenoon, in spite of Eudena's kindliness,
and instead of hunting he sat chipping a sharp edge to the singular
flint, and looking strangely at her. Then he bound the perforated flint
on to the stick with strips of rabbit skin. And afterwards he walked up
and down the ledge, striking with it, and muttering to himself, and
thinking of Uya. It felt very fine and heavy in the hand.

Several days, more than there was any counting in those days, five days,
it may be, or six, did Ugh-lomi and Eudena stay on that shelf in the
gorge of the river, and they lost all fear of men, and their fire burnt
redly of a night. And they were very merry together; there was food
every day, sweet water, and no enemies. Eudena's knee was well in a
couple of days, for those ancient savages had quick-healing flesh.
Indeed, they were very happy.

On one of those days Ugh-lomi dropped a chunk of flint over the cliff.
He saw it fall, and go bounding across the river bank into the river,
and after laughing and thinking it over a little he tried another. This
smashed a bush of hazel in the most interesting way. They spent all the
morning dropping stones from the ledge, and in the afternoon they
discovered this new and interesting pastime was also possible from the
cliffbrow. The next day they had forgotten this delight. Or at least, it
seemed they had forgotten.

But Uya came in dreams to spoil the paradise. Three nights he came
fighting Ugh-lomi. In the morning after these dreams Ugh-lomi would walk
up and down, threatening him and swinging the axe, and at last came the
night after Ugh-lomi brained the otter, and they had feasted. Uya went
too far. Ugh-lomi awoke, scowling under his heavy brows, and he took his
axe, and extending his hand towards Eudena he bade her wait for him
upon the ledge. Then he clambered down the white declivity, glanced up
once from the foot of it and flourished his axe, and without looking
back again went striding along the river bank until the overhanging
cliff at the bend hid him.

Two days and nights did Eudena sit alone by the fire on the ledge
waiting, and in the night the beasts howled over the cliffs and down the
valley, and on the cliff over against her the hunched hyænas prowled
black against the sky. But no evil thing came near her save fear. Once,
far away, she heard the roaring of a lion, following the horses as they
came northward over the grass lands with the spring. All that time she
waited--the waiting that is pain.

And the third day Ugh-lomi came back, up the river. The plumes of a
raven were in his hair. The first axe was red-stained, and had long dark
hairs upon it, and he carried the necklace that had marked the favourite
of Uya in his hand. He walked in the soft places, giving no heed to his
trail. Save a raw cut below his jaw there was not a wound upon him.
"Uya!" cried Ugh-lomi exultant, and Eudena saw it was well. He put the
necklace on Eudena, and they ate and drank together. And after eating he
began to rehearse the whole story from the beginning, when Uya had cast
his eyes on Eudena, and Uya and Ugh-lomi, fighting in the forest, had
been chased by the bear, eking out his scanty words with abundant
pantomime, springing to his feet and whirling the stone axe round when
it came to the fighting. The last fight was a mighty one, stamping and
shouting, and once a blow at the fire that sent a torrent of sparks up
into the night. And Eudena sat red in the light of the fire, gloating on
him, her face flushed and her eyes shining, and the necklace Uya had
made about her neck. It was a splendid time, and the stars that look
down on us looked down on her, our ancestor--who has been dead now these
fifty thousand years.


In the days when Eudena and Ugh-lomi fled from the people of Uya towards
the fir-clad mountains of the Weald, across the forests of sweet
chestnut and the grass-clad chalkland, and hid themselves at last in the
gorge of the river between the chalk cliffs, men were few and their
squatting-places far between. The nearest men to them were those of the
tribe, a full day's journey down the river, and up the mountains there
were none. Man was indeed a newcomer to this part of the world in that
ancient time, coming slowly along the rivers, generation after
generation, from one squatting-place to another, from the
south-westward. And the animals that held the land, the hippopotamus and
rhinoceros of the river valleys, the horses of the grass plains, the
deer and swine of the woods, the grey apes in the branches, the cattle
of the uplands, feared him but little--let alone the mammoths in the
mountains and the elephants that came through the land in the
summer-time out of the south. For why should they fear him, with but the
rough, chipped flints that he had not learnt to haft and which he threw
but ill, and the poor spear of sharpened wood, as all the weapons he had
against hoof and horn, tooth and claw?

Andoo, the huge cave bear, who lived in the cave up the gorge, had never
even seen a man in all his wise and respectable life, until midway
through one night, as he was prowling down the gorge along the cliff
edge, he saw the glare of Eudena's fire upon the ledge, and Eudena red
and shining, and Ugh-lomi, with a gigantic shadow mocking him upon the
white cliff, going to and fro, shaking his mane of hair, and waving the
axe of stone--the first axe of stone--while he chanted of the killing
of Uya. The cave bear was far up the gorge, and he saw the thing
slanting-ways and far off. He was so surprised he stood quite still upon
the edge, sniffing the novel odour of burning bracken, and wondering
whether the dawn was coming up in the wrong place.

He was the lord of the rocks and caves, was the cave bear, as his
slighter brother, the grizzly, was lord of the thick woods below, and as
the dappled lion--the lion of those days was dappled--was lord of the
thorn-thickets, reed-beds, and open plains. He was the greatest of all
meat-eaters; he knew no fear, none preyed on him, and none gave him
battle; only the rhinoceros was beyond his strength. Even the mammoth
shunned his country. This invasion perplexed him. He noticed these new
beasts were shaped like monkeys, and sparsely hairy like young pigs.
"Monkey and young pig," said the cave bear. "It might not be so bad. But
that red thing that jumps, and the black thing jumping with it yonder!
Never in my life have I seen such things before!"

He came slowly along the brow of the cliff towards them, stopping thrice
to sniff and peer, and the reek of the fire grew stronger. A couple of
hyænas also were so intent upon the thing below that Andoo, coming soft
and easy, was close upon them before they knew of him or he of them.
They started guiltily and went lurching off. Coming round in a wheel, a
hundred yards off, they began yelling and calling him names to revenge
themselves for the start they had had. "Ya-ha!" they cried. "Who can't
grub his own burrow? Who eats roots like a pig?... Ya-ha!" for even in
those days the hyæna's manners were just as offensive as they are now.

"Who answers the hyæna?" growled Andoo, peering through the midnight
dimness at them, and then going to look at the cliff edge.

There was Ugh-lomi still telling his story, and the fire getting low,
and the scent of the burning hot and strong.

Andoo stood on the edge of the chalk cliff for some time, shifting his
vast weight from foot to foot, and swaying his head to and fro, with his
mouth open, his ears erect and twitching, and the nostrils of his big,
black muzzle sniffing. He was very curious, was the cave bear, more
curious than any of the bears that live now, and the flickering fire and
the incomprehensible movements of the man, let alone the intrusion into
his indisputable province, stirred him with a sense of strange new
happenings. He had been after red deer fawn that night, for the cave
bear was a miscellaneous hunter, but this quite turned him from that

"Ya-ha!" yelled the hyænas behind. "Ya-ha-ha!"

Peering through the starlight, Andoo saw there were now three or four
going to and fro against the grey hillside. "They will hang about me now
all the night ... until I kill," said Andoo. "Filth of the world!" And
mainly to annoy them, he resolved to watch the red flicker in the gorge
until the dawn came to drive the hyæna scum home. And after a time they
vanished, and he heard their voices, like a party of Cockney
beanfeasters, away in the beechwoods. Then they came slinking near
again. Andoo yawned and went on along the cliff, and they followed. Then
he stopped and went back.

It was a splendid night, beset with shining constellations, the same
stars, but not the same constellations we know, for since those days all
the stars have had time to move into new places. Far away across the
open space beyond where the heavy-shouldered, lean-bodied hyænas
blundered and howled, was a beechwood, and the mountain slopes rose
beyond, a dim mystery, until their snow-capped summits came out white
and cold and clear, touched by the first rays of the yet unseen moon. It
was a vast silence, save when the yell of the hyænas flung a vanishing
discordance across its peace, or when from down the hills the trumpeting
of the new-come elephants came faintly on the faint breeze. And below
now, the red flicker had dwindled and was steady, and shone a deeper
red, and Ugh-lomi had finished his story and was preparing to sleep, and
Eudena sat and listened to the strange voices of unknown beasts, and
watched the dark eastern sky growing deeply luminous at the advent of
the moon. Down below, the river talked to itself, and things unseen went
to and fro.

After a time the bear went away, but in an hour he was back again. Then,
as if struck by a thought, he turned, and went up the gorge....

The night passed, and Ugh-lomi slept on. The waning moon rose and lit
the gaunt white cliff overhead with a light that was pale and vague. The
gorge remained in a deeper shadow and seemed all the darker. Then by
imperceptible degrees, the day came stealing in the wake of the
moonlight. Eudena's eyes wandered to the cliff brow overhead once, and
then again. Each time the line was sharp and clear against the sky, and
yet she had a dim perception of something lurking there. The red of the
fire grew deeper and deeper, grey scales spread upon it, its vertical
column of smoke became more and more visible, and up and down the gorge
things that had been unseen grew clear in a colourless illumination. She
may have dozed.

Suddenly she started up from her squatting position, erect and alert,
scrutinising the cliff up and down.

She made the faintest sound, and Ugh-lomi too, light-sleeping like an
animal, was instantly awake. He caught up his axe and came noiselessly
to her side.

The light was still dim, the world now all in black and dark grey, and
one sickly star still lingered overhead. The ledge they were on was a
little grassy space, six feet wide, perhaps, and twenty feet long,
sloping outwardly, and with a handful of St. John's wort growing near
the edge. Below it the soft, white rock fell away in a steep slope of
nearly fifty feet to the thick bush of hazel that fringed the river.
Down the river this slope increased, until some way off a thin grass
held its own right up to the crest of the cliff. Overhead, forty or
fifty feet of rock bulged into the great masses characteristic of
chalk, but at the end of the ledge a gully, a precipitous groove of
discoloured rock, slashed the face of the cliff, and gave a footing to a
scrubby growth, by which Eudena and Ugh-lomi went up and down.

They stood as noiseless as startled deer, with every sense expectant.
For a minute they heard nothing, and then came a faint rattling of dust
down the gully, and the creaking of twigs.

Ugh-lomi gripped his axe, and went to the edge of the ledge, for the
bulge of the chalk overhead had hidden the upper part of the gully. And
forthwith, with a sudden contraction of the heart, he saw the cave bear
half-way down from the brow, and making a gingerly backward step with
his flat hind-foot. His hind-quarters were towards Ugh-lomi, and he
clawed at the rocks and bushes so that he seemed flattened against the
cliff. He looked none the less for that. From his shining snout to his
stumpy tail he was a lion and a half, the length of two tall men. He
looked over his shoulder, and his huge mouth was open with the exertion
of holding up his great carcase, and his tongue lay out....

He got his footing, and came down slowly, a yard nearer.

"Bear," said Ugh-lomi, looking round with his face white.

But Eudena, with terror in her eyes, was pointing down the cliff.

Ugh-lomi's mouth fell open. For down below, with her big fore-feet
against the rock, stood another big brown-grey bulk--the she-bear. She
was not so big as Andoo, but she was big enough for all that.

Then suddenly Ugh-lomi gave a cry, and catching up a handful of the
litter of ferns that lay scattered on the ledge, he thrust it into the
pallid ash of the fire. "Brother Fire!" he cried, "Brother Fire!" And
Eudena, starting into activity, did likewise. "Brother Fire! Help, help!
Brother Fire!"

Brother Fire was still red in his heart, but he turned to grey as they
scattered him. "Brother Fire!" they screamed. But he whispered and
passed, and there was nothing but ashes. Then Ugh-lomi danced with anger
and struck the ashes with his fist. But Eudena began to hammer the
firestone against a flint. And the eyes of each were turning ever and
again towards the gully by which Andoo was climbing down. Brother Fire!

Suddenly the huge furry hind-quarters of the bear came into view,
beneath the bulge of the chalk that had hidden him. He was still
clambering gingerly down the nearly vertical surface. His head was yet
out of sight, but they could hear him talking to himself. "Pig and
monkey," said the cave bear. "It ought to be good."

Eudena struck a spark and blew at it; it twinkled brighter and
then--went out. At that she cast down flint and firestone and stared
blankly. Then she sprang to her feet and scrambled a yard or so up the
cliff above the ledge. How she hung on even for a moment I do not know,
for the chalk was vertical and without grip for a monkey. In a couple of
seconds she had slid back to the ledge again with bleeding hands.

Ugh-lomi was making frantic rushes about the ledge--now he would go to
the edge, now to the gully. He did not know what to do, he could not
think. The she-bear looked smaller than her mate--much. If they rushed
down on her together, _one_ might live. "Ugh?" said the cave bear, and
Ugh-lomi turned again and saw his little eyes peering under the bulge of
the chalk.

Eudena, cowering at the end of the ledge, began to scream like a gripped

At that a sort of madness came upon Ugh-lomi. With a mighty cry, he
caught up his axe and ran towards Andoo. The monster gave a grunt of
surprise. In a moment Ugh-lomi was clinging to a bush right underneath
the bear, and in another he was hanging to its back half buried in fur,
with one fist clutched in the hair under its jaw. The bear was too
astonished at this fantastic attack to do more than cling passive. And
then the axe, the first of all axes, rang on its skull.

The bear's head twisted from side to side, and he began a petulant
scolding growl. The axe bit within an inch of the left eye, and the hot
blood blinded that side. At that the brute roared with surprise and
anger, and his teeth gnashed six inches from Ugh-lomi's face. Then the
axe, clubbed close, came down heavily on the corner of the jaw.

The next blow blinded the right side and called forth a roar, this time
of pain. Eudena saw the huge, flat feet slipping and sliding, and
suddenly the bear gave a clumsy leap sideways, as if for the ledge. Then
everything vanished, and the hazels smashed, and a roar of pain and a
tumult of shouts and growls came up from far below.

Eudena screamed and ran to the edge and peered over. For a moment, man
and bears were a heap together, Ugh-lomi uppermost; and then he had
sprung clear and was scaling the gully again, with the bears rolling and
striking at one another among the hazels. But he had left his axe below,
and three knob-ended streaks of carmine were shooting down his thigh.
"Up!" he cried, and in a moment Eudena was leading the way to the top of
the cliff.

In half a minute they were at the crest, their hearts pumping noisily,
with Andoo and his wife far and safe below them. Andoo was sitting on
his haunches, both paws at work, trying with quick exasperated movements
to wipe the blindness out of his eyes, and the she-bear stood on
all-fours a little way off, ruffled in appearance and growling angrily.
Ugh-lomi flung himself flat on the grass, and lay panting and bleeding
with his face on his arms.

For a second Eudena regarded the bears, then she came and sat beside
him, looking at him....

Presently she put forth her hand timidly and touched him, and made the
guttural sound that was his name. He turned over and raised himself on
his arm. His face was pale, like the face of one who is afraid. He
looked at her steadfastly for a moment, and then suddenly he laughed.
"Waugh!" he said exultantly.

"Waugh!" said she--a simple but expressive conversation.

Then Ugh-lomi came and knelt beside her, and on hands and knees peered
over the brow and examined the gorge. His breath was steady now, and the
blood on his leg had ceased to flow, though the scratches the she-bear
had made were open and wide. He squatted up and sat staring at the
footmarks of the great bear as they came to the gully--they were as wide
as his head and twice as long. Then he jumped up and went along the
cliff face until the ledge was visible. Here he sat down for some time
thinking, while Eudena watched him. Presently she saw the bears had

At last Ugh-lomi rose, as one whose mind is made up. He returned towards
the gully, Eudena keeping close by him, and together they clambered to
the ledge. They took the firestone and a flint, and then Ugh-lomi went
down to the foot of the cliff very cautiously, and found his axe. They
returned to the cliff as quietly as they could, and set off at a brisk
walk. The ledge was a home no longer, with such callers in the
neighbourhood. Ugh-lomi carried the axe and Eudena the firestone. So
simple was a Palæolithic removal.

They went up-stream, although it might lead to the very lair of the
cave bear, because there was no other way to go. Down the stream was the
tribe, and had not Ugh-lomi killed Uya and Wau? By the stream they had
to keep--because of drinking.

So they marched through beech trees, with the gorge deepening until the
river flowed, a frothing rapid, five hundred feet below them. Of all the
changeful things in this world of change, the courses of rivers in deep
valleys change least. It was the river Wey, the river we know to-day,
and they marched over the very spots where nowadays stand little
Guildford and Godalming--the first human beings to come into the land.
Once a grey ape chattered and vanished, and all along the cliff edge,
vast and even, ran the spoor of the great cave bear.

And then the spoor of the bear fell away from the cliff, showing,
Ugh-lomi thought, that he came from some place to the left, and keeping
to the cliff's edge, they presently came to an end. They found
themselves looking down on a great semi-circular space caused by the
collapse of the cliff. It had smashed right across the gorge, banking
the up-stream water back in a pool which overflowed in a rapid. The slip
had happened long ago. It was grassed over, but the face of the cliffs
that stood about the semicircle was still almost fresh-looking and white
as on the day when the rock must have broken and slid down. Starkly
exposed and black under the foot of these cliffs were the mouths of
several caves. And as they stood there, looking at the space, and
disinclined to skirt it, because they thought the bears' lair lay
somewhere on the left in the direction they must needs take, they saw
suddenly first one bear and then two coming up the grass slope to the
right and going across the amphitheatre towards the caves. Andoo was
first; he dropped a little on his fore-foot and his mien was despondent,
and the she-bear came shuffling behind.

Eudena and Ugh-lomi stepped back from the cliff until they could just
see the bears over the verge. Then Ugh-lomi stopped. Eudena pulled his
arm, but he turned with a forbidding gesture, and her hand dropped.
Ugh-lomi stood watching the bears, with his axe in his hand, until they
had vanished into the cave. He growled softly, and shook the axe at the
she-bear's receding quarters. Then to Eudena's terror, instead of
creeping off with her, he lay flat down and crawled forward into such a
position that he could just see the cave. It was bears--and he did it
as calmly as if it had been rabbits he was watching!

He lay still, like a barked log, sun-dappled, in the shadow of the
trees. He was thinking. And Eudena had learnt, even when a little girl,
that when Ugh-lomi became still like that, jaw-bone on fist, novel
things presently began to happen.

It was an hour before the thinking was over; it was noon when the two
little savages had found their way to the cliff brow that overhung the
bears' cave. And all the long afternoon they fought desperately with a
great boulder of chalk; trundling it, with nothing but their unaided
sturdy muscles, from the gully where it had hung like a loose tooth,
towards the cliff top. It was full two yards about, it stood as high as
Eudena's waist, it was obtuse-angled and toothed with flints. And when
the sun set it was poised, three inches from the edge, above the cave of
the great cave bear.

In the cave conversation languished during that afternoon. The she-bear
snoozed sulkily in her corner--for she was fond of pig and monkey--and
Andoo was busy licking the side of his paw and smearing his face to cool
the smart and inflammation of his wounds. Afterwards he went and sat
just within the mouth of the cave, blinking out at the afternoon sun
with his uninjured eye, and thinking.

"I never was so startled in my life," he said at last. "They are the
most extraordinary beasts. Attacking _me_!"

"I don't like them," said the she-bear, out of the darkness behind.

"A feebler sort of beast I _never_ saw. I can't think what the world is
coming to. Scraggy, weedy legs.... Wonder how they keep warm in winter?"

"Very likely they don't," said the she-bear.

"I suppose it's a sort of monkey gone wrong."

"It's a change," said the she-bear.

A pause.

"The advantage he had was merely accidental," said Andoo. "These things
_will_ happen at times."

"_I_ can't understand why you let go," said the she-bear.

That matter had been discussed before, and settled. So Andoo, being a
bear of experience, remained silent for a space. Then he resumed upon a
different aspect of the matter. "He has a sort of claw--a long claw that
he seemed to have first on one paw and then on the other. Just one claw.
They're very odd things. The bright thing, too, they seemed to
have--like that glare that comes in the sky in daytime--only it jumps
about--it's really worth seeing. It's a thing with a root, too--like
grass when it is windy."

"Does it bite?" asked the she-bear. "If it bites it can't be a plant."

"No----I don't know," said Andoo. "But it's curious, anyhow."

"I wonder if they _are_ good eating?" said the she-bear.

"They look it," said Andoo, with appetite--for the cave bear, like the
polar bear, was an incurable carnivore--no roots or honey for _him_.

The two bears fell into a meditation for a space. Then Andoo resumed his
simple attentions to his eye. The sunlight up the green slope before the
cave mouth grew warmer in tone and warmer, until it was a ruddy amber.

"Curious sort of thing--day," said the cave bear. "Lot too much of it, I
think. Quite unsuitable for hunting. Dazzles me always. I can't smell
nearly so well by day."

The she-bear did not answer, but there came a measured crunching sound
out of the darkness. She had turned up a bone. Andoo yawned. "Well," he
said. He strolled to the cave mouth and stood with his head projecting,
surveying the amphitheatre. He found he had to turn his head completely
round to see objects on his right-hand side. No doubt that eye would be
all right to-morrow.

He yawned again. There was a tap overhead, and a big mass of chalk flew
out from the cliff face, dropped a yard in front of his nose, and
starred into a dozen unequal fragments. It startled him extremely.

When he had recovered a little from his shock, he went and sniffed
curiously at the representative pieces of the fallen projectile. They
had a distinctive flavour, oddly reminiscent of the two drab animals of
the ledge. He sat up and pawed the larger lump, and walked round it
several times, trying to find a man about it somewhere....

When night had come he went off down the river gorge to see if he could
cut off either of the ledge's occupants. The ledge was empty, there were
no signs of the red thing, but as he was rather hungry he did not loiter
long that night, but pushed on to pick up a red deer fawn. He forgot
about the drab animals. He found a fawn, but the doe was close by and
made an ugly fight for her young. Andoo had to leave the fawn, but as
her blood was up she stuck to the attack, and at last he got in a blow
of his paw on her nose, and so got hold of her. More meat but less
delicacy, and the she-bear, following, had her share. The next
afternoon, curiously enough, the very fellow of the first white rock
fell, and smashed precisely according to precedent.

The aim of the third, that fell the night after, however, was better. It
hit Andoo's unspeculative skull with a crack that echoed up the cliff,
and the white fragments went dancing to all the points of the compass.
The she-bear coming after him and sniffing curiously at him, found him
lying in an odd sort of attitude, with his head wet and all out of
shape. She was a young she-bear, and inexperienced, and having sniffed
about him for some time and licked him a little, and so forth, she
decided to leave him until the odd mood had passed, and went on her
hunting alone.

She looked up the fawn of the red doe they had killed two nights ago,
and found it. But it was lonely hunting without Andoo, and she returned
caveward before dawn. The sky was grey and overcast, the trees up the
gorge were black and unfamiliar, and into her ursine mind came a dim
sense of strange and dreary happenings. She lifted up her voice and
called Andoo by name. The sides of the gorge re-echoed her.

As she approached the caves she saw in the half light, and heard a
couple of jackals scuttle off, and immediately after a hyæna howled and
a dozen clumsy bulks went lumbering up the slope, and stopped and yelled
derision. "Lord of the rocks and caves--ya-ha!" came down the wind. The
dismal feeling in the she-bear's mind became suddenly acute. She
shuffled across the amphitheatre.

"Ya-ha!" said the hyænas, retreating. "Ya-ha!"

The cave bear was not lying quite in the same attitude, because the
hyænas had been busy, and in one place his ribs showed white. Dotted
over the turf about him lay the smashed fragments of the three great
lumps of chalk. And the air was full of the scent of death.

The she-bear stopped dead. Even now, that the great and wonderful Andoo
was killed was beyond her believing. Then she heard far overhead a
sound, a queer sound, a little like the shout of a hyæna but fuller and
lower in pitch. She looked up, her little dawn-blinded eyes seeing
little, her nostrils quivering. And there, on the cliff edge, far above
her against the bright pink of dawn, were two little shaggy round dark
things, the heads of Eudena and Ugh-lomi, as they shouted derision at
her. But though she could not see them very distinctly she could hear,
and dimly she began to apprehend. A novel feeling as of imminent strange
evils came into her heart.

She began to examine the smashed fragments of chalk that lay about
Andoo. For a space she stood still, looking about her and making a low
continuous sound that was almost a moan. Then she went back
incredulously to Andoo to make one last effort to rouse him.


In the days before Ugh-lomi there was little trouble between the horses
and men. They lived apart--the men in the river swamps and thickets, the
horses on the wide grassy uplands between the chestnuts and the pines.
Sometimes a pony would come straying into the clogging marshes to make a
flint-hacked meal, and sometimes the tribe would find one, the kill of a
lion, and drive off the jackals, and feast heartily while the sun was
high. These horses of the old time were clumsy at the fetlock and
dun-coloured, with a rough tail and big head. They came every
spring-time north-westward into the country, after the swallows and
before the hippopotami, as the grass on the wide downland stretches
grew long. They came only in small bodies thus far, each herd, a
stallion and two or three mares and a foal or so, having its own stretch
of country, and they went again when the chestnut-trees were yellow and
the wolves came down the Wealden mountains.

It was their custom to graze right out in the open, going into cover
only in the heat of the day. They avoided the long stretches of thorn
and beechwood, preferring an isolated group of trees void of ambuscade,
so that it was hard to come upon them. They were never fighters; their
heels and teeth were for one another, but in the clear country, once
they were started, no living thing came near them, though perhaps the
elephant might have done so had he felt the need. And in those days man
seemed a harmless thing enough. No whisper of prophetic intelligence
told the species of the terrible slavery that was to come, of the whip
and spur and bearing-rein, the clumsy load and the slippery street, the
insufficient food, and the knacker's yard, that was to replace the wide
grass-land and the freedom of the earth.

Down in the Wey marshes Ugh-lomi and Eudena had never seen the horses
closely, but now they saw them every day as the two of them raided out
from their lair on the ledge in the gorge, raiding together in search of
food. They had returned to the ledge after the killing of Andoo; for of
the she-bear they were not afraid. The she-bear had become afraid of
them, and when she winded them she went aside. The two went together
everywhere; for since they had left the tribe Eudena was not so much
Ugh-lomi's woman as his mate; she learnt to hunt even--as much, that is,
as any woman could. She was indeed a marvellous woman. He would lie for
hours watching a beast, or planning catches in that shock head of his,
and she would stay beside him, with her bright eyes upon him, offering
no irritating suggestions--as still as any man. A wonderful woman!

At the top of the cliff was an open grassy lawn and then beechwoods, and
going through the beechwoods one came to the edge of the rolling grassy
expanse, and in sight of the horses. Here, on the edge of the wood and
bracken, were the rabbit-burrows, and here among the fronds Eudena and
Ugh-lomi would lie with their throwing-stones ready, until the little
people came out to nibble and play in the sunset. And while Eudena would
sit, a silent figure of watchfulness, regarding the burrows, Ugh-lomi's
eyes were ever away across the greensward at those wonderful grazing

In a dim way he appreciated their grace and their supple nimbleness. As
the sun declined in the evening-time, and the heat of the day passed,
they would become active, would start chasing one another, neighing,
dodging, shaking their manes, coming round in great curves, sometimes so
close that the pounding of the turf sounded like hurried thunder. It
looked so fine that Ugh-lomi wanted to join in badly. And sometimes one
would roll over on the turf, kicking four hoofs heavenward, which seemed
formidable and was certainly much less alluring.

Dim imaginings ran through Ugh-lomi's mind as he watched--by virtue of
which two rabbits lived the longer. And sleeping, his brains were
clearer and bolder--for that was the way in those days. He came near the
horses, he dreamt, and fought, smiting-stone against hoof, but then the
horses changed to men, or, at least, to men with horses' heads, and he
awoke in a cold sweat of terror.

Yet the next day in the morning, as the horses were grazing, one of the
mares whinnied, and they saw Ugh-lomi coming up the wind. They all
stopped their eating and watched him. Ugh-lomi was not coming towards
them, but strolling obliquely across the open, looking at anything in
the world but horses. He had stuck three fern-fronds into the mat of his
hair, giving him a remarkable appearance, and he walked very slowly.
"What's up now?" said the Master Horse, who was capable, but

"It looks more like the first half of an animal than anything else in
the world," he said. "Fore-legs and no hind."

"It's only one of those pink monkey things," said the Eldest Mare.
"They're a sort of river monkey. They're quite common on the plains."

Ugh-lomi continued his oblique advance. The Eldest Mare was struck with
the want of motive in his proceedings.

"Fool!" said the Eldest Mare, in a quick conclusive way she had. She
resumed her grazing. The Master Horse and the Second Mare followed suit.

"Look! he's nearer," said the Foal with a stripe.

One of the younger foals made uneasy movements. Ugh-lomi squatted down,
and sat regarding the horses fixedly. In a little while he was
satisfied that they meant neither flight nor hostilities. He began to
consider his next procedure. He did not feel anxious to kill, but he had
his axe with him, and the spirit of sport was upon him. How would one
kill one of these creatures?--these great beautiful creatures!

Eudena, watching him with a fearful admiration from the cover of the
bracken, saw him presently go on all fours, and so proceed again. But
the horses preferred him a biped to a quadruped, and the Master Horse
threw up his head and gave the word to move. Ugh-lomi thought they were
off for good, but after a minute's gallop they came round in a wide
curve, and stood winding him. Then, as a rise in the ground hid him,
they tailed out, the Master Horse leading, and approached him spirally.

He was as ignorant of the possibilities of a horse as they were of his.
And at this stage it would seem he funked. He knew this kind of stalking
would make red deer or buffalo charge, if it were persisted in. At any
rate Eudena saw him jump up and come walking towards her with the fern
plumes held in his hand.

She stood up, and he grinned to show that the whole thing was an immense
lark, and that what he had done was just what he had planned to do from
the very beginning. So that incident ended. But he was very thoughtful
all that day.

The next day this foolish drab creature with the leonine mane, instead
of going about the grazing or hunting he was made for, was prowling
round the horses again. The Eldest Mare was all for silent contempt. "I
suppose he wants to learn something from us," she said, and "_Let_ him."
The next day he was at it again. The Master Horse decided he meant
absolutely nothing. But as a matter of fact, Ugh-lomi, the first of men
to feel that curious spell of the horse that binds us even to this day,
meant a great deal. He admired them unreservedly. There was a rudiment
of the snob in him, I am afraid, and he wanted to be near these
beautifully-curved animals. Then there were vague conceptions of a kill.
If only they would let him come near them! But they drew the line, he
found, at fifty yards. If he came nearer than that they moved off--with
dignity. I suppose it was the way he had blinded Andoo that made him
think of leaping on the back of one of them. But though Eudena after a
time came out in the open too, and they did some unobtrusive stalking,
things stopped there.

Then one memorable day a new idea came to Ugh-lomi. The horse looks down
and level, but he does not look up. No animals look up--they have too
much common-sense. It was only that fantastic creature, man, could waste
his wits skyward. Ugh-lomi made no philosophical deductions, but he
perceived the thing was so. So he spent a weary day in a beech that
stood in the open, while Eudena stalked. Usually the horses went into
the shade in the heat of the afternoon, but that day the sky was
overcast, and they would not, in spite of Eudena's solicitude.

It was two days after that that Ugh-lomi had his desire. The day was
blazing hot, and the multiplying flies asserted themselves. The horses
stopped grazing before midday, and came into the shadow below him, and
stood in couples nose to tail, flapping.

The Master Horse, by virtue of his heels, came closest to the tree. And
suddenly there was a rustle and a creak, a _thud_.... Then a sharp
chipped flint bit him on the cheek. The Master Horse stumbled, came on
one knee, rose to his feet, and was off like the wind. The air was full
of the whirl of limbs, the prance of hoofs, and snorts of alarm.
Ugh-lomi was pitched a foot in the air, came down again, up again, his
stomach was hit violently, and then his knees got a grip of something
between them. He found himself clutching with knees, feet, and hands,
careering violently with extraordinary oscillation through the air--his
axe gone heaven knows whither. "Hold tight," said Mother Instinct, and
he did.

He was aware of a lot of coarse hair in his face, some of it between his
teeth, and of green turf streaming past in front of his eyes. He saw the
shoulder of the Master Horse, vast and sleek, with the muscles flowing
swiftly under the skin. He perceived that his arms were round the neck,
and that the violent jerkings he experienced had a sort of rhythm.

Then he was in the midst of a wild rush of tree-stems, and then there
were fronds of bracken about, and then more open turf. Then a stream of
pebbles rushing past, little pebbles flying sideways athwart the stream
from the blow of the swift hoofs. Ugh-lomi began to feel frightfully
sick and giddy, but he was not the stuff to leave go simply because he
was uncomfortable.

He dared not leave his grip, but he tried to make himself more
comfortable. He released his hug on the neck, gripping the mane
instead. He slipped his knees forward, and pushing back, came into a
sitting position where the quarters broaden. It was nervous work, but he
managed it, and at last he was fairly seated astride, breathless indeed,
and uncertain, but with that frightful pounding of his body at any rate

Slowly the fragments of Ugh-lomi's mind got into order again. The pace
seemed to him terrific, but a kind of exultation was beginning to oust
his first frantic terror. The air rushed by, sweet and wonderful, the
rhythm of the hoofs changed and broke up and returned into itself again.
They were on turf now, a wide glade--the beech-trees a hundred yards
away on either side, and a succulent band of green starred with pink
blossom and shot with silver water here and there, meandered down the
middle. Far off was a glimpse of blue valley--far away. The exultation
grew. It was man's first taste of pace.

Then came a wide space dappled with flying fallow deer scattering this
way and that, and then a couple of jackals, mistaking Ugh-lomi for a
lion, came hurrying after him. And when they saw it was not a lion they
still came on out of curiosity. On galloped the horse, with his one
idea of escape, and after him the jackals, with pricked ears and
quickly-barked remarks. "Which kills which?" said the first jackal.
"It's the horse being killed," said the second. They gave the howl of
following, and the horse answered to it as a horse answers nowadays to
the spur.

On they rushed, a little tornado through the quiet day, putting up
startled birds, sending a dozen unexpected things darting to cover,
raising a myriad of indignant dung-flies, smashing little blossoms,
flowering complacently, back into their parental turf. Trees again, and
then splash, splash across a torrent; then a hare shot out of a tuft of
grass under the very hoofs of the Master Horse, and the jackals left
them incontinently. So presently they broke into the open again, a wide
expanse of turfy hillside--the very grassy downs that fall northward
nowadays from the Epsom Stand.

The first hot bolt of the Master Horse was long since over. He was
falling into a measured trot, and Ugh-lomi, albeit bruised exceedingly
and quite uncertain of the future, was in a state of glorious enjoyment.
And now came a new development. The pace broke again, the Master Horse
came round on a short curve, and stopped dead....

Ugh-lomi became alert. He wished he had a flint, but the throwing-flint
he had carried in a thong about his waist was--like the axe--heaven
knows where. The Master Horse turned his head, and Ugh-lomi became aware
of an eye and teeth. He whipped his leg into a position of security, and
hit at the cheek with his fist. Then the head went down somewhere out of
existence apparently, and the back he was sitting on flew up into a
dome. Ugh-lomi became a thing of instinct again--strictly prehensile; he
held by knees and feet, and his head seemed sliding towards the turf.
His fingers were twisted into the shock of mane, and the rough hair of
the horse saved him. The gradient he was on lowered again, and
then--"Whup!" said Ugh-lomi astonished, and the slant was the other way
up. But Ugh-lomi was a thousand generations nearer the primordial than
man: no monkey could have held on better. And the lion had been training
the horse for countless generations against the tactics of rolling and
rearing back. But he kicked like a master, and buck-jumped rather
neatly. In five minutes Ugh-lomi lived a lifetime. If he came off the
horse would kill him, he felt assured.

Then the Master Horse decided to stick to his old tactics again, and
suddenly went off at a gallop. He headed down the slope, taking the
steep places at a rush, swerving neither to the right nor to the left,
and, as they rode down, the wide expanse of valley sank out of sight
behind the approaching skirmishers of oak and hawthorn. They skirted a
sudden hollow with the pool of a spring, rank weeds and silver bushes.
The ground grew softer and the grass taller, and on the right-hand side
and the left came scattered bushes of May--still splashed with belated
blossom. Presently the bushes thickened until they lashed the passing
rider, and little flashes and gouts of blood came out on horse and man.
Then the way opened again.

And then came a wonderful adventure. A sudden squeal of unreasonable
anger rose amidst the bushes, the squeal of some creature bitterly
wronged. And crashing after them appeared a big, grey-blue shape. It was
Yaaa the big-horned rhinoceros, in one of those fits of fury of his,
charging full tilt, after the manner of his kind. He had been startled
at his feeding, and someone, it did not matter who, was to be ripped and
trampled therefore. He was bearing down on them from the left, with his
wicked little eye red, his great horn down and his tail like a
jury-mast behind him. For a minute Ugh-lomi was minded to slip off and
dodge, and then behold! the staccato of the hoofs grew swifter, and the
rhinoceros and his stumpy hurrying little legs seemed to slide out at
the back corner of Ugh-lomi's eye. In two minutes they were through the
bushes of May, and out in the open, going fast. For a space he could
hear the ponderous paces in pursuit receding behind him, and then it was
just as if Yaaa had not lost his temper, as if Yaaa had never existed.

The pace never faltered, on they rode and on.

Ugh-lomi was now all exultation. To exult in those days was to insult.
"Ya-ha! big nose!" he said, trying to crane back and see some remote
speck of a pursuer. "Why don't you carry your smiting-stone in your
fist?" he ended with a frantic whoop.

But that whoop was unfortunate, for coming close to the ear of the
horse, and being quite unexpected, it startled the stallion extremely.
He shied violently. Ugh-lomi suddenly found himself uncomfortable again.
He was hanging on to the horse, he found, by one arm and one knee.

The rest of the ride was honourable but unpleasant. The view was
chiefly of blue sky, and that was combined with the most unpleasant
physical sensations. Finally, a bush of thorn lashed him and he let go.

He hit the ground with his cheek and shoulder, and then, after a
complicated and extraordinarily rapid movement, hit it again with the
end of his backbone. He saw splashes and sparks of light and colour. The
ground seemed bouncing about just like the horse had done. Then he found
he was sitting on turf, six yards beyond the bush. In front of him was a
space of grass, growing greener and greener, and a number of human
beings in the distance, and the horse was going round at a smart gallop
quite a long way off to the right.

The human beings were on the opposite side of the river, some still in
the water, but they were all running away as hard as they could go. The
advent of a monster that took to pieces was not the sort of novelty they
cared for. For quite a minute Ugh-lomi sat regarding them in a purely
spectacular spirit. The bend of the river, the knoll among the reeds and
royal ferns, the thin streams of smoke going up to Heaven, were all
perfectly familiar to him. It was the squatting-place of the Sons of
Uya, of Uya from whom he had fled with Eudena, and whom he had waylaid
in the chestnut woods and killed with the First Axe.

He rose to his feet, still dazed from his fall, and as he did so the
scattering fugitives turned and regarded him. Some pointed to the
receding horse and chattered. He walked slowly towards them, staring. He
forgot the horse, he forgot his own bruises, in the growing interest of
this encounter. There were fewer of them than there had been--he
supposed the others must have hid--the heap of fern for the night fire
was not so high. By the flint heaps should have sat Wau--but then he
remembered he had killed Wau. Suddenly brought back to this familiar
scene, the gorge and the bears and Eudena seemed things remote, things
dreamt of.

He stopped at the bank and stood regarding the tribe. His mathematical
abilities were of the slightest, but it was certain there were fewer.
The men might be away, but there were fewer women and children. He gave
the shout of home-coming. His quarrel had been with Uya and Wau--not
with the others. "Children of Uya!" he cried. They answered with his
name, a little fearfully because of the strange way he had come.

For a space they spoke together. Then an old woman lifted a shrill
voice and answered him. "Our Lord is a Lion."

Ugh-lomi did not understand that saying. They answered him again several
together, "Uya comes again. He comes as a Lion. Our Lord is a Lion. He
comes at night. He slays whom he will. But none other may slay us,
Ugh-lomi, none other may slay us."

Still Ugh-lomi did not understand.

"Our Lord is a Lion. He speaks no more to men."

Ugh-lomi stood regarding them. He had had dreams--he knew that though he
had killed Uya, Uya still existed. And now they told him Uya was a Lion.

The shrivelled old woman, the mistress of the fire-minders, suddenly
turned and spoke softly to those next to her. She was a very old woman
indeed, she had been the first of Uya's wives, and he had let her live
beyond the age to which it is seemly a woman should be permitted to
live. She had been cunning from the first, cunning to please Uya and to
get food. And now she was great in counsel. She spoke softly, and
Ugh-lomi watched her shrivelled form across the river with a curious
distaste. Then she called aloud, "Come over to us, Ugh-lomi."

A girl suddenly lifted up her voice. "Come over to us, Ugh-lomi," she
said. And they all began crying, "Come over to us, Ugh-lomi."

It was strange how their manner changed after the old woman called.

He stood quite still watching them all. It was pleasant to be called,
and the girl who had called first was a pretty one. But she made him
think of Eudena.

"Come over to us, Ugh-lomi," they cried, and the voice of the shrivelled
old woman rose above them all. At the sound of her voice his hesitation

He stood on the river bank, Ugh-lomi--Ugh the Thinker--with his thoughts
slowly taking shape. Presently one and then another paused to see what
he would do. He was minded to go back, he was minded not to. Suddenly
his fear or his caution got the upper hand. Without answering them he
turned, and walked back towards the distant thorn-trees, the way he had
come. Forthwith the whole tribe started crying to him again very
eagerly. He hesitated and turned, then he went on, then he turned again,
and then once again, regarding them with troubled eyes as they called.
The last time he took two paces back, before his fear stopped him. They
saw him stop once more, and suddenly shake his head and vanish among
the hawthorn-trees.

Then all the women and children lifted up their voices together, and
called to him in one last vain effort.

Far down the river the reeds were stirring in the breeze, where,
convenient for his new sort of feeding, the old lion, who had taken to
man-eating, had made his lair.

The old woman turned her face that way, and pointed to the hawthorn
thickets. "Uya," she screamed, "there goes thine enemy! There goes thine
enemy, Uya! Why do you devour us nightly? We have tried to snare him!
There goes thine enemy, Uya!"

But the lion who preyed upon the tribe was taking his siesta. The cry
went unheard. That day he had dined on one of the plumper girls, and his
mood was a comfortable placidity. He really did not understand that he
was Uya or that Ugh-lomi was his enemy.

So it was that Ugh-lomi rode the horse, and heard first of Uya the lion,
who had taken the place of Uya the Master, and was eating up the tribe.
And as he hurried back to the gorge his mind was no longer full of the
horse, but of the thought that Uya was still alive, to slay or be slain.
Over and over again he saw the shrunken band of women and children
crying that Uya was a lion. Uya was a lion!

And presently, fearing the twilight might come upon him, Ugh-lomi began


The old lion was in luck. The tribe had a certain pride in their ruler,
but that was all the satisfaction they got out of it. He came the very
night that Ugh-lomi killed Uya the Cunning, and so it was they named him
Uya. It was the old woman, the fire-minder, who first named him Uya. A
shower had lowered the fires to a glow, and made the night dark. And as
they conversed together, and peered at one another in the darkness, and
wondered fearfully what Uya would do to them in their dreams now that he
was dead, they heard the mounting reverberations of the lion's roar
close at hand. Then everything was still.

They held their breath, so that almost the only sounds were the patter
of the rain and the hiss of the raindrops in the ashes. And then, after
an interminable time, a crash, and a shriek of fear, and a growling.
They sprang to their feet, shouting, screaming, running this way and
that, but brands would not burn, and in a minute the victim was being
dragged away through the ferns. It was Irk, the brother of Wau.

So the lion came.

The ferns were still wet from the rain the next night, and he came and
took Click with the red hair. That sufficed for two nights. And then in
the dark between the moons he came three nights, night after night, and
that though they had good fires. He was an old lion with stumpy teeth,
but very silent and very cool; he knew of fires before; these were not
the first of mankind that had ministered to his old age. The third night
he came between the outer fire and the inner, and he leapt the flint
heap, and pulled down Irm the son of Irk, who had seemed like to be the
leader. That was a dreadful night, because they lit great flares of fern
and ran screaming, and the lion missed his hold of Irm. By the glare of
the fire they saw Irm struggle up, and run a little way towards them,
and then the lion in two bounds had him down again. That was the last of

So fear came, and all the delight of spring passed out of their lives.
Already there were five gone out of the tribe, and four nights added
three more to the number. Food-seeking became spiritless, none knew who
might go next, and all day the women toiled, even the favourite women,
gathering litter and sticks for the night fires. And the hunters hunted
ill: in the warm spring-time hunger came again as though it was still
winter. The tribe might have moved, had they had a leader, but they had
no leader, and none knew where to go that the lion could not follow
them. So the old lion waxed fat and thanked heaven for the kindly race
of men. Two of the children and a youth died while the moon was still
new, and then it was the shrivelled old fire-minder first bethought
herself in a dream of Eudena and Ugh-lomi, and of the way Uya had been
slain. She had lived in fear of Uya all her days, and now she lived in
fear of the lion. That Ugh-lomi could kill Uya for good--Ugh-lomi whom
she had seen born--was impossible. It was Uya still seeking his enemy!

And then came the strange return of Ugh-lomi, a wonderful animal seen
galloping far across the river, that suddenly changed into two animals,
a horse and a man. Following this portent, the vision of Ugh-lomi on the
farther bank of the river.... Yes, it was all plain to her. Uya was
punishing them, because they had not hunted down Ugh-lomi and Eudena.

The men came straggling back to the chances of the night while the sun
was still golden in the sky. They were received with the story of
Ugh-lomi. She went across the river with them and showed them his spoor
hesitating on the farther bank. Siss the Tracker knew the feet for
Ugh-lomi's. "Uya needs Ugh-lomi," cried the old woman, standing on the
left of the bend, a gesticulating figure of flaring bronze in the
sunset. Her cries were strange sounds, flitting to and fro on the
borderland of speech, but this was the sense they carried: "The lion
needs Eudena. He comes night after night seeking Eudena and Ugh-lomi.
When he cannot find Eudena and Ugh-lomi, he grows angry and he kills.
Hunt Eudena and Ugh-lomi, Eudena whom he pursued, and Ugh-lomi for whom
he gave the death-word! Hunt Eudena and Ugh-lomi!"

She turned to the distant reed-bed, as sometimes she had turned to Uya
in his life. "Is it not so, my lord?" she cried. And, as if in answer,
the tall reeds bowed before a breath of wind.

Far into the twilight the sound of hacking was heard from the
squatting-places. It was the men sharpening their ashen spears against
the hunting of the morrow. And in the night, early before the moon
rose, the lion came and took the girl of Siss the Tracker.

In the morning before the sun had risen, Siss the Tracker, and the lad
Wau-Hau, who now chipped flints, and One Eye, and Bo, and the
Snail-eater, the two red-haired men, and Cat's-skin and Snake, all the
men that were left alive of the Sons of Uya, taking their ash spears and
their smiting-stones, and with throwing-stones in the beast-paw bags,
started forth upon the trail of Ugh-lomi through the hawthorn thickets
where Yaaa the Rhinoceros and his brothers were feeding, and up the bare
downland towards the beechwoods.

That night the fires burnt high and fierce, as the waxing moon set, and
the lion left the crouching women and children in peace.

And the next day, while the sun was still high, the hunters
returned--all save One Eye, who lay dead with a smashed skull at the
foot of the ledge. (When Ugh-lomi came back that evening from stalking
the horses, he found the vultures already busy over him.) And with them
the hunters brought Eudena bruised and wounded, but alive. That had been
the strange order of the shrivelled old woman, that she was to be
brought alive--"She is no kill for us. She is for Uya the Lion." Her
hands were tied with thongs, as though she had been a man, and she came
weary and drooping--her hair over her eyes and matted with blood. They
walked about her, and ever and again the Snail-eater, whose name she had
given, would laugh and strike her with his ashen spear. And after he had
struck her with his spear, he would look over his shoulder like one who
had done an over-bold deed. The others, too, looked over their shoulders
ever and again, and all were in a hurry save Eudena. When the old woman
saw them coming, she cried aloud with joy.

They made Eudena cross the river with her hands tied, although the
current was strong and when she slipped the old woman screamed, first
with joy and then for fear she might be drowned. And when they had
dragged Eudena to shore, she could not stand for a time, albeit they
beat her sore. So they let her sit with her feet touching the water, and
her eyes staring before her, and her face set, whatever they might do or
say. All the tribe came down to the squatting-place, even curly little
Haha, who as yet could scarcely toddle, and stood staring at Eudena and
the old woman, as now we should stare at some strange wounded beast and
its captor.

The old woman tore off the necklace of Uya that was about Eudena's neck,
and put it on herself--she had been the first to wear it. Then she tore
at Eudena's hair, and took a spear from Siss and beat her with all her
might. And when she had vented the warmth of her heart on the girl she
looked closely into her face. Eudena's eyes were closed and her features
were set, and she lay so still that for a moment the old woman feared
she was dead. And then her nostrils quivered. At that the old woman
slapped her face and laughed and gave the spear to Siss again, and went
a little way off from her and began to talk and jeer at her after her

The old woman had more words than any in the tribe. And her talk was a
terrible thing to hear. Sometimes she screamed and moaned incoherently,
and sometimes the shape of her guttural cries was the mere phantom of
thoughts. But she conveyed to Eudena, nevertheless, much of the things
that were yet to come, of the Lion and of the torment he would do her.
"And Ugh-lomi! Ha, ha! Ugh-lomi is slain?"

And suddenly Eudena's eyes opened and she sat up again, and her look met
the old woman's fair and level. "No," she said slowly, like one trying
to remember, "I did not see my Ugh-lomi slain. I did not see my Ugh-lomi

"Tell her," cried the old woman. "Tell her--he that killed him. Tell her
how Ugh-lomi was slain."

She looked, and all the women and children there looked, from man to

None answered her. They stood shame-faced.

"Tell her," said the old woman. The men looked at one another.

Eudena's face suddenly lit.

"Tell her," she said. "Tell her, mighty men! Tell her the killing of

The old woman rose and struck her sharply across her mouth.

"We could not find Ugh-lomi," said Siss the Tracker, slowly. "Who hunts
two, kills none."

Then Eudena's heart leapt, but she kept her face hard. It was as well,
for the old woman looked at her sharply, with murder in her eyes.

Then the old woman turned her tongue upon the men because they had
feared to go on after Ugh-lomi. She dreaded no one now Uya was slain.
She scolded them as one scolds children. And they scowled at her, and
began to accuse one another. Until suddenly Siss the Tracker raised his
voice and bade her hold her peace.

And so when the sun was setting they took Eudena and went--though their
hearts sank within them--along the trail the old lion had made in the
reeds. All the men went together. At one place was a group of alders,
and here they hastily bound Eudena where the lion might find her when he
came abroad in the twilight, and having done so they hurried back until
they were near the squatting-place. Then they stopped. Siss stopped
first and looked back again at the alders. They could see her head even
from the squatting-place, a little black shock under the limb of the
larger tree. That was as well.

All the women and children stood watching upon the crest of the mound.
And the old woman stood and screamed for the lion to take her whom he
sought, and counselled him on the torments he might do her.

Eudena was very weary now, stunned by beatings and fatigue and sorrow,
and only the fear of the thing that was still to come upheld her. The
sun was broad and blood-red between the stems of the distant chestnuts,
and the west was all on fire; the evening breeze had died to a warm
tranquillity. The air was full of midge swarms, the fish in the river
hard by would leap at times, and now and again a cockchafer would drone
through the air. Out of the corner of her eye Eudena could see a part of
the squatting-knoll, and little figures standing and staring at her.
And--a very little sound but very clear--she could hear the beating of
the firestone. Dark and near to her and still was the reed-fringed
thicket of the lair.

Presently the firestone ceased. She looked for the sun and found he had
gone, and overhead and growing brighter was the waxing moon. She looked
towards the thicket of the lair, seeking shapes in the reeds, and then
suddenly she began to wriggle and wriggle, weeping and calling upon

But Ugh-lomi was far away. When they saw her head moving with her
struggles, they shouted together on the knoll, and she desisted and was
still. And then came the bats, and the star that was like Ugh-lomi crept
out of its blue hiding-place in the west. She called to it, but softly,
because she feared the lion. And all through the coming of the twilight
the thicket was still.

So the dark crept upon Eudena, and the moon grew bright, and the shadows
of things that had fled up the hillside and vanished with the evening
came back to them short and black. And the dark shapes in the thicket of
reeds and alders where the lion lay, gathered, and a faint stir began
there. But nothing came out therefrom all through the gathering of the

She looked at the squatting-place and saw the fires glowing smoky-red,
and the men and women going to and fro. The other way, over the river, a
white mist was rising. Then far away came the whimpering of young foxes
and the yell of a hyæna.

There were long gaps of aching waiting. After a long time some animal
splashed in the water, and seemed to cross the river at the ford beyond
the lair, but what animal it was she could not see. From the distant
drinking-pools she could hear the sound of splashing, and the noise of
elephants--so still was the night.

The earth was now a colourless arrangement of white reflections and
impenetrable shadows, under the blue sky. The silvery moon was already
spotted with the filigree crests of the chestnut woods, and over the
shadowy eastward hills the stars were multiplying. The knoll fires were
bright red now, and black figures stood waiting against them. They were
waiting for a scream.... Surely it would be soon.

The night suddenly seemed full of movement. She held her breath. Things
were passing--one, two, three--subtly sneaking shadows.... Jackals.

Then a long waiting again.

Then, asserting itself as real at once over all the sounds her mind had
imagined, came a stir in the thicket, then a vigorous movement. There
was a snap. The reeds crashed heavily, once, twice, thrice, and then
everything was still save a measured swishing. She heard a low tremulous
growl, and then everything was still again. The stillness
lengthened--would it never end? She held her breath; she bit her lips to
stop screaming. Then something scuttled through the undergrowth. Her
scream was involuntary. She did not hear the answering yell from the

Immediately the thicket woke up to vigorous movement again. She saw the
grass stems waving in the light of the setting moon, the alders swaying.
She struggled violently--her last struggle. But nothing came towards
her. A dozen monsters seemed rushing about in that little place for a
couple of minutes, and then again came silence. The moon sank behind the
distant chestnuts and the night was dark.

Then an odd sound, a sobbing panting, that grew faster and fainter. Yet
another silence, and then dim sounds and the grunting of some animal.

Everything was still again. Far away eastwards an elephant trumpeted,
and from the woods came a snarling and yelping that died away.

In the long interval the moon shone out again, between the stems of the
trees on the ridge, sending two great bars of light and a bar of
darkness across the reedy waste. Then came a steady rustling, a splash,
and the reeds swayed wider and wider apart. And at last they broke open,
cleft from root to crest.... The end had come.

She looked to see the thing that had come out of the reeds. For a moment
it seemed certainly the great head and jaw she expected, and then it
dwindled and changed. It was a dark low thing, that remained silent, but
it was not the lion. It became still--everything became still. She
peered. It was like some gigantic frog, two limbs and a slanting body.
Its head moved about searching the shadows....

A rustle, and it moved clumsily, with a sort of hopping. And as it moved
it gave a low groan.

The blood rushing through her veins was suddenly joy. "_Ugh-lomi!_" she

The thing stopped. "_Eudena_," he answered softly with pain in his
voice, and peering into the alders.

He moved again, and came out of the shadow beyond the reeds into the
moonlight. All his body was covered with dark smears. She saw he was
dragging his legs, and that he gripped his axe, the first axe, in one
hand. In another moment he had struggled into the position of all fours,
and had staggered over to her. "The lion," he said in a strange mingling
of exultation and anguish. "Wau!--I have slain a lion. With my own hand.
Even as I slew the great bear." He moved to emphasise his words, and
suddenly broke off with a faint cry. For a space he did not move.

"Let me free," whispered Eudena....

He answered her no words but pulled himself up from his crawling
attitude by means of the alder stem, and hacked at her thongs with the
sharp edge of his axe. She heard him sob at each blow. He cut away the
thongs about her chest and arms, and then his hand dropped. His chest
struck against her shoulder and he slipped down beside her and lay

But the rest of her release was easy. Very hastily she freed herself.
She made one step from the tree, and her head was spinning. Her last
conscious movement was towards him. She reeled, and dropped. Her hand
fell upon his thigh. It was soft and wet, and gave way under her
pressure; he cried out at her touch, and writhed and lay still again.

Presently a dark dog-like shape came very softly through the reeds. Then
stopped dead and stood sniffing, hesitated, and at last turned and slunk
back into the shadows.

Long was the time they remained there motionless, with the light of the
setting moon shining on their limbs. Very slowly, as slowly as the
setting of the moon, did the shadow of the reeds towards the mound flow
over them. Presently their legs were hidden, and Ugh-lomi was but a bust
of silver. The shadow crept to his neck, crept over his face, and so at
last the darkness of the night swallowed them up.

The shadow became full of instinctive stirrings. There was a patter of
feet, and a faint snarling--the sound of a blow.

       *       *       *       *       *

There was little sleep that night for the women and children at the
squatting-place until they heard Eudena scream. But the men were weary
and sat dozing. When Eudena screamed they felt assured of their safety,
and hurried to get the nearest places to the fires. The old woman
laughed at the scream, and laughed again because Si, the little friend
of Eudena, whimpered. Directly the dawn came they were all alert and
looking towards the alders. They could see that Eudena had been taken.
They could not help feeling glad to think that Uya was appeased. But
across the minds of the men the thought of Ugh-lomi fell like a shadow.
They could understand revenge, for the world was old in revenge, but
they did not think of rescue. Suddenly a hyæna fled out of the thicket,
and came galloping across the reed space. His muzzle and paws were
dark-stained. At that sight all the men shouted and clutched at
throwing-stones and ran towards him, for no animal is so pitiful a
coward as the hyæna by day. All men hated the hyæna because he preyed on
children, and would come and bite when one was sleeping on the edge of
the squatting-place. And Cat's-skin, throwing fair and straight, hit the
brute shrewdly on the flank, whereat the whole tribe yelled with

At the noise they made there came a flapping of wings from the lair of
the lion, and three white-headed vultures rose slowly and circled and
came to rest amidst the branches of an alder, overlooking the lair. "Our
lord is abroad," said the old woman, pointing. "The vultures have their
share of Eudena." For a space they remained there, and then first one
and then another dropped back into the thicket.

Then over the eastern woods, and touching the whole world to life and
colour, poured, with the exaltation of a trumpet blast, the light of the
rising sun. At the sight of him the children shouted together, and
clapped their hands and began to race off towards the water. Only little
Si lagged behind and looked wonderingly at the alders where she had seen
the head of Eudena overnight.

But Uya, the old lion, was not abroad, but at home, and he lay very
still, and a little on one side. He was not in his lair, but a little
way from it in a place of trampled grass. Under one eye was a little
wound, the feeble little bite of the first axe. But all the ground
beneath his chest was ruddy brown with a vivid streak, and in his chest
was a little hole that had been made by Ugh-lomi's stabbing-spear. Along
his side and at his neck the vultures had marked their claims. For so
Ugh-lomi had slain him, lying stricken under his paw and thrusting
haphazard at his chest. He had driven the spear in with all his strength
and stabbed the giant to the heart. So it was the reign of the lion, of
the second incarnation of Uya the Master, came to an end.

From the knoll the bustle of preparation grew, the hacking of spears and
throwing-stones. None spake the name of Ugh-lomi for fear that it might
bring him. The men were going to keep together, close together, in the
hunting for a day or so. And their hunting was to be Ugh-lomi, lest
instead he should come a-hunting them.

But Ugh-lomi was lying very still and silent, outside the lion's lair,
and Eudena squatted beside him, with the ash spear, all smeared with
lion's blood, gripped in her hand.


Ugh-lomi lay still, his back against an alder, and his thigh was a red
mass terrible to see. No civilised man could have lived who had been so
sorely wounded, but Eudena got him thorns to close his wounds, and
squatted beside him day and night, smiting the flies from him with a fan
of reeds by day, and in the night threatening the hyænas with the first
axe in her hand; and in a little while he began to heal. It was high
summer, and there was no rain. Little food they had during the first two
days his wounds were open. In the low place where they hid were no roots
nor little beasts, and the stream, with its water-snails and fish, was
in the open a hundred yards away. She could not go abroad by day for
fear of the tribe, her brothers and sisters, nor by night for fear of
the beasts, both on his account and hers. So they shared the lion with
the vultures. But there was a trickle of water near by, and Eudena
brought him plenty in her hands.

Where Ugh-lomi lay was well hidden from the tribe by a thicket of
alders, and all fenced about with bulrushes and tall reeds. The dead
lion he had killed lay near his old lair on a place of trampled reeds
fifty yards away, in sight through the reed-stems, and the vultures
fought each other for the choicest pieces and kept the jackals off him.
Very soon a cloud of flies that looked like bees hung over him, and
Ugh-lomi could hear their humming. And when Ugh-lomi's flesh was already
healing--and it was not many days before that began--only a few bones of
the lion remained scattered and shining white.

For the most part Ugh-lomi sat still during the day, looking before him
at nothing, sometimes he would mutter of the horses and bears and lions,
and sometimes he would beat the ground with the first axe and say the
names of the tribe--he seemed to have no fear of bringing the tribe--for
hours together. But chiefly he slept, dreaming little because of his
loss of blood and the slightness of his food. During the short summer
night both kept awake. All the while the darkness lasted things moved
about them, things they never saw by day. For some nights the hyænas did
not come, and then one moonless night near a dozen came and fought for
what was left of the lion. The night was a tumult of growling, and
Ugh-lomi and Eudena could hear the bones snap in their teeth. But they
knew the hyæna dare not attack any creature alive and awake, and so they
were not greatly afraid.

Of a daytime Eudena would go along the narrow path the old lion had made
in the reeds until she was beyond the bend, and then she would creep
into the thicket and watch the tribe. She would lie close by the alders
where they had bound her to offer her up to the lion, and thence she
could see them on the knoll by the fire, small and clear, as she had
seen them that night. But she told Ugh-lomi little of what she saw,
because she feared to bring them by their names. For so they believed in
those days, that naming called.

She saw the men prepare stabbing-spears and throwing-stones on the
morning after Ugh-lomi had slain the lion, and go out to hunt him,
leaving the women and children on the knoll. Little they knew how near
he was as they tracked off in single file towards the hills, with Siss
the Tracker leading them. And she watched the women and children, after
the men had gone, gathering fern-fronds and twigs for the night fire,
and the boys and girls running and playing together. But the very old
woman made her feel afraid. Towards noon, when most of the others were
down at the stream by the bend, she came and stood on the hither side of
the knoll, a gnarled brown figure, and gesticulated so that Eudena could
scarce believe she was not seen. Eudena lay like a hare in its form,
with shining eyes fixed on the bent witch away there, and presently she
dimly understood it was the lion the old woman was worshipping--the lion
Ugh-lomi had slain.

And the next day the hunters came back weary, carrying a fawn, and
Eudena watched the feast enviously. And then came a strange thing. She
saw--distinctly she heard--the old woman shrieking and gesticulating
and pointing towards her. She was afraid, and crept like a snake out of
sight again. But presently curiosity overcame her and she was back at
her spying-place, and as she peered her heart stopped, for there were
all the men, with their weapons in their hands, walking together towards
her from the knoll.

She dared not move lest her movement should be seen, but she pressed
herself close to the ground. The sun was low and the golden light was in
the faces of the men. She saw they carried a piece of rich red meat
thrust through by an ashen stake. Presently they stopped. "Go on!"
screamed the old woman. Cat's-skin grumbled, and they came on, searching
the thicket with sun-dazzled eyes. "Here!" said Siss. And they took the
ashen stake with the meat upon it and thrust it into the ground. "Uya!"
cried Siss, "behold thy portion. And Ugh-lomi we have slain. Of a truth
we have slain Ugh-lomi. This day we slew Ugh-lomi, and to-morrow we will
bring his body to you." And the others repeated the words.

They looked at each other and behind them, and partly turned and began
going back. At first they walked half turned to the thicket, then facing
the mound they walked faster looking over their shoulders, then faster;
soon they ran, it was a race at last, until they were near the knoll.
Then Siss who was hindmost was first to slacken his pace.

The sunset passed and the twilight came, the fires glowed red against
the hazy blue of the distant chestnut-trees, and the voices over the
mound were merry. Eudena lay scarcely stirring, looking from the mound
to the meat and then to the mound. She was hungry, but she was afraid.
At last she crept back to Ugh-lomi.

He looked round at the little rustle of her approach. His face was in
shadow. "Have you got me some food?" he said.

She said she could find nothing, but that she would seek further, and
went back along the lion's path until she could see the mound again, but
she could not bring herself to take the meat; she had the brute's
instinct of a snare. She felt very miserable.

She crept back at last towards Ugh-lomi and heard him stirring and
moaning. She turned back to the mound again; then she saw something in
the darkness near the stake, and peering distinguished a jackal. In a
flash she was brave and angry; she sprang up, cried out, and ran towards
the offering. She stumbled and fell, and heard the growling of the
jackal going off.

When she arose only the ashen stake lay on the ground, the meat was
gone. So she went back, to fast through the night with Ugh-lomi; and
Ugh-lomi was angry with her, because she had no food for him; but she
told him nothing of the things she had seen.

Two days passed and they were near starving, when the tribe slew a
horse. Then came the same ceremony, and a haunch was left on the ashen
stake; but this time Eudena did not hesitate.

By acting and words she made Ugh-lomi understand, but he ate most of the
food before he understood; and then as her meaning passed to him he grew
merry with his food. "I am Uya," he said; "I am the Lion. I am the Great
Cave Bear, I who was only Ugh-lomi. I am Wau the Cunning. It is well
that they should feed me, for presently I will kill them all."

Then Eudena's heart was light, and she laughed with him; and afterwards
she ate what he had left of the horseflesh with gladness.

After that it was he had a dream, and the next day he made Eudena bring
him the lion's teeth and claws--so much of them as she could find--and
hack him a club of alder. And he put the teeth and claws very cunningly
into the wood so that the points were outward. Very long it took him,
and he blunted two of the teeth hammering them in, and was very angry
and threw the thing away; but afterwards he dragged himself to where he
had thrown it and finished it--a club of a new sort set with teeth. That
day there was more meat for them both, an offering to the lion from the

It was one day--more than a hand's fingers of days, more than anyone had
skill to count--after Ugh-lomi had made the club, that Eudena while he
was asleep was lying in the thicket watching the squatting-place. There
had been no meat for three days. And the old woman came and worshipped
after her manner. Now while she worshipped, Eudena's little friend Si
and another, the child of the first girl Siss had loved, came over the
knoll and stood regarding her skinny figure, and presently they began to
mock her. Eudena found this entertaining, but suddenly the old woman
turned on them quickly and saw them. For a moment she stood and they
stood motionless, and then with a shriek of rage, she rushed towards
them, and all three disappeared over the crest of the knoll.

Presently the children reappeared among the ferns beyond the shoulder of
the hill. Little Si ran first, for she was an active girl, and the
other child ran squealing with the old woman close upon her. And over
the knoll came Siss with a bone in his hand, and Bo and Cat's-skin
obsequiously behind him, each holding a piece of food, and they laughed
aloud and shouted to see the old woman so angry. And with a shriek the
child was caught and the old woman set to work slapping and the child
screaming, and it was very good after-dinner fun for them. Little Si ran
on a little way and stopped at last between fear and curiosity.

And suddenly came the mother of the child, with hair streaming, panting,
and with a stone in her hand, and the old woman turned about like a wild
cat. She was the equal of any woman, was the chief of the fire-minders,
in spite of her years; but before she could do anything Siss shouted to
her and the clamour rose loud. Other shock heads came into sight. It
seemed the whole tribe was at home and feasting. But the old woman dared
not go on wreaking herself on the child Siss befriended.

Everyone made noises and called names--even little Si. Abruptly the old
woman let go of the child she had caught and made a swift run at Si for
Si had no friends; and Si, realising her danger when it was almost upon
her, made off headlong, with a faint cry of terror, not heeding whither
she ran, straight to the lair of the lion. She swerved aside into the
reeds presently, realising now whither she went.

But the old woman was a wonderful old woman, as active as she was
spiteful, and she caught Si by the streaming hair within thirty yards of
Eudena. All the tribe now was running down the knoll and shouting and
laughing ready to see the fun.

Then something stirred in Eudena; something that had never stirred in
her before; and, thinking all of little Si and nothing of her fear, she
sprang up from her ambush and ran swiftly forward. The old woman did not
see her, for she was busy beating little Si's face with her hand,
beating with all her heart, and suddenly something hard and heavy struck
her cheek. She went reeling, and saw Eudena with flaming eyes and cheeks
between her and little Si. She shrieked with astonishment and terror,
and little Si, not understanding, set off towards the gaping tribe. They
were quite close now, for the sight of Eudena had driven their fading
fear of the lion out of their heads.

In a moment Eudena had turned from the cowering old woman and overtaken
Si. "Si!" she cried, "Si!" She caught the child up in her arms as it
stopped, pressed the nail-lined face to hers, and turned about to run
towards her lair, the lair of the old lion. The old woman stood
waist-high in the reeds, and screamed foul things and inarticulate rage,
but did not dare to intercept her; and at the bend of the path Eudena
looked back and saw all the men of the tribe crying to one another and
Siss coming at a trot along the lion's trail.

She ran straight along the narrow way through the reeds to the shady
place where Ugh-lomi sat with his healing thigh, just awakened by the
shouting and rubbing his eyes. She came to him, a woman, with little Si
in her arms. Her heart throbbed in her throat. "Ugh-lomi!" she cried,
"Ugh-lomi, the tribe comes!"

Ugh-lomi sat staring in stupid astonishment at her and Si.

She pointed with Si in one arm. She sought among her feeble store of
words to explain. She could hear the men calling. Apparently they had
stopped outside. She put down Si and caught up the new club with the
lion's teeth, and put it into Ugh-lomi's hand, and ran three yards and
picked up the first axe.

"Ah!" said Ugh-lomi, waving the new club, and suddenly he perceived the
occasion and, rolling over, began to struggle to his feet.

He stood but clumsily. He supported himself by one hand against the
tree, and just touched the ground gingerly with the toe of his wounded
leg. In the other hand he gripped the new club. He looked at his healing
thigh; and suddenly the reeds began whispering, and ceased and whispered
again, and coming cautiously along the track, bending down and holding
his fire-hardened stabbing-stick of ash in his hand, appeared Siss. He
stopped dead, and his eyes met Ugh-lomi's.

Ugh-lomi forgot he had a wounded leg. He stood firmly on both feet.
Something trickled. He glanced down and saw a little gout of blood had
oozed out along the edge of the healing wound. He rubbed his hand there
to give him the grip of his club, and fixed his eyes again on Siss.

"Wau!" he cried, and sprang forward, and Siss, still stooping and
watchful, drove his stabbing-stick up very quickly in an ugly thrust. It
ripped Ugh-lomi's guarding arm and the club came down in a counter that
Siss was never to understand. He fell, as an ox falls to the pole-axe,
at Ugh-lomi's feet.

To Bo it seemed the strangest thing. He had a comforting sense of tall
reeds on either side, and an impregnable rampart, Siss, between him and
any danger. Snail-eater was close behind and there was no danger there.
He was prepared to shove behind and send Siss to death or victory. That
was his place as second man. He saw the butt of the spear Siss carried
leap away from him, and suddenly a dull whack and the broad back fell
away forward, and he looked Ugh-lomi in the face over his prostrate
leader. It felt to Bo as if his heart had fallen down a well. He had a
throwing-stone in one hand and an ashen stabbing-stick in the other. He
did not live to the end of his momentary hesitation which to use.

Snail-eater was a readier man, and besides Bo did not fall forward as
Siss had done, but gave at his knees and hips, crumpling up with the
toothed club upon his head. The Snail-eater drove his spear forward
swift and straight, and took Ugh-lomi in the muscle of the shoulder, and
then he drove him hard with the smiting-stone in his other hand,
shouting out as he did so. The new club swished ineffectually through
the reeds. Eudena saw Ugh-lomi come staggering back from the narrow path
into the open space, tripping over Siss and with a foot of ashen stake
sticking out of him over his arm. And then the Snail-eater, whose name
she had given, had his final injury from her, as his exultant face came
out of the reeds after his spear. For she swung the first axe swift and
high, and hit him fair and square on the temple; and down he went on
Siss at prostrate Ugh-lomi's feet.

But before Ugh-lomi could get up, the two red-haired men were tumbling
out of the reeds, spears and smiting-stones ready, and Snake hard behind
them. One she struck on the neck, but not to fell him, and he blundered
aside and spoilt his brother's blow at Ugh-lomi's head. In a moment
Ugh-lomi dropped his club and had his assailant by the waist, and had
pitched him sideways sprawling. He snatched at his club again and
recovered it. The man Eudena had hit stabbed at her with his spear as he
stumbled from her blow, and involuntarily she gave ground to avoid him.
He hesitated between her and Ugh-lomi, half turned, gave a vague cry at
finding Ugh-lomi so near, and in a moment Ugh-lomi had him by the
throat, and the club had its third victim. As he went down Ugh-lomi
shouted--no words, but an exultant cry.

The other red-haired man was six feet from her with his back to her, and
a darker red streaking his head. He was struggling to his feet. She had
an irrational impulse to stop his rising. She flung the axe at him,
missed, saw his face in profile, and he had swerved beyond little Si,
and was running through the reeds. She had a transitory vision of Snake
standing in the throat of the path, half turned away from her, and then
she saw his back. She saw the club whirling through the air, and the
shock head of Ugh-lomi, with blood in the hair and blood upon the
shoulder, vanishing below the reeds in pursuit. Then she heard Snake
scream like a woman.

She ran past Si to where the handle of the axe stuck out of a clump of
fern, and turning, found herself panting and alone with three motionless
bodies. The air was full of shouts and screams. For a space she was sick
and giddy, and then it came into her head that Ugh-lomi was being killed
along the reed-path, and with an inarticulate cry she leapt over the
body of Bo and hurried after him. Snake's feet lay across the path, and
his head was among the reeds. She followed the path until it bent round
and opened out by the alders, and thence she saw all that was left of
the tribe in the open, scattering like dead leaves before a gale, and
going back over the knoll. Ugh-lomi was hard upon Cat's-skin.

But Cat's-skin was fleet of foot and got away, and so did young Wau-Hau
when Ugh-lomi turned upon him, and Ugh-lomi pursued Wau-Hau far beyond
the knoll before he desisted. He had the rage of battle on him now, and
the wood thrust through his shoulder stung him like a spur. When she saw
he was in no danger she stopped running and stood panting, watching the
distant active figures run up and vanish one by one over the knoll. In a
little time she was alone again. Everything had happened very swiftly.
The smoke of Brother Fire rose straight and steady from the
squatting-place, just as it had done ten minutes ago, when the old woman
had stood yonder worshipping the lion.

And after a long time, as it seemed, Ugh-lomi reappeared over the knoll,
and came back to Eudena, triumphant and breathing heavily. She stood,
her hair about her eyes and hot-faced, with the blood-stained axe in her
hand, at the place where the tribe had offered her as a sacrifice to the
lion. "Wau!" cried Ugh-lomi at the sight of her, his face alight with
the fellowship of battle, and he waved his new club, red now and hairy;
and at the sight of his glowing face her tense pose relaxed somewhat,
and she stood sobbing and rejoicing.

Ugh-lomi had a queer unaccountable pang at the sight of her tears; but
he only shouted "Wau!" the louder and shook the axe east and west. He
called manfully to her to follow him and turned back, striding, with the
club swinging in his hand, towards the squatting-place, as if he had
never left the tribe; and she ceased her weeping and followed quickly as
a woman should.

So Ugh-lomi and Eudena came back to the squatting-place from which they
had fled many days before from the face of Uya; and by the
squatting-place lay a deer half eaten, just as there had been before
Ugh-lomi was man or Eudena woman. So Ugh-lomi sat down to eat, and
Eudena beside him like a man, and the rest of the tribe watched them
from safe hiding-places. And after a time one of the elder girls came
back timorously, carrying little Si in her arms, and Eudena called to
them by name, and offered them food. But the elder girl was afraid and
would not come, though Si struggled to come to Eudena. Afterwards, when
Ugh-lomi had eaten, he sat dozing, and at last he slept, and slowly the
others came out of the hiding-places and drew near. And when Ugh-lomi
woke, save that there were no men to be seen, it seemed as though he had
never left the tribe.

Now, there is a thing strange but true: that all through this fight
Ugh-lomi forgot that he was lame, and was not lame, and after he had
rested behold! he was a lame man; and he remained a lame man to the end
of his days.

Cat's-skin and the second red-haired man and Wau-Hau, who chipped flints
cunningly, as his father had done before him, fled from the face of
Ugh-lomi, and none knew where they hid. But two days after they came and
squatted a good way off from the knoll among the bracken under the
chestnuts and watched. Ugh-lomi's rage had gone, he moved to go against
them and did not, and at sundown they went away. That day, too, they
found the old woman among the ferns, where Ugh-lomi had blundered upon
her when he had pursued Wau-Hau. She was dead and more ugly than ever,
but whole. The jackals and vultures had tried her and left her;--she was
ever a wonderful old woman.

The next day the three men came again and squatted nearer, and Wau-Hau
had two rabbits to hold up, and the red-haired man a wood-pigeon, and
Ugh-lomi stood before the women and mocked them.

The next day they sat again nearer--without stones or sticks, and with
the same offerings, and Cat's-skin had a trout. It was rare men caught
fish in those days, but Cat's-skin would stand silently in the water for
hours and catch them with his hand. And the fourth day Ugh-lomi suffered
these three to come to the squatting-place in peace, with the food they
had with them. Ugh-lomi ate the trout. Thereafter for many moons
Ugh-lomi was master and had his will in peace. And on the fulness of
time he was killed and eaten even as Uya had been slain.

A Story of the Days to Come



The excellent Mr. Morris was an Englishman, and he lived in the days of
Queen Victoria the Good. He was a prosperous and very sensible man; he
read the _Times_ and went to church, and as he grew towards middle age
an expression of quiet contented contempt for all who were not as
himself settled on his face. He was one of those people who do
everything that is right and proper and sensible with inevitable
regularity. He always wore just the right and proper clothes, steering
the narrow way between the smart and the shabby, always subscribed to
the right charities, just the judicious compromise between ostentation
and meanness, and never failed to have his hair cut to exactly the
proper length.

Everything that it was right and proper for a man in his position to
possess, he possessed; and everything that it was not right and proper
for a man in his position to possess, he did not possess.

And among other right and proper possessions, this Mr. Morris had a wife
and children. They were the right sort of wife, and the right sort and
number of children, of course; nothing imaginative or highty-flighty
about any of them, so far as Mr. Morris could see; they wore perfectly
correct clothing, neither smart nor hygienic nor faddy in any way, but
just sensible; and they lived in a nice sensible house in the later
Victorian sham Queen Anne style of architecture, with sham
half-timbering of chocolate-painted plaster in the gables, Lincrusta
Walton sham carved oak panels, a terrace of terra cotta to imitate
stone, and cathedral glass in the front door. His boys went to good
solid schools, and were put to respectable professions; his girls, in
spite of a fantastic protest or so, were all married to suitable,
steady, oldish young men with good prospects. And when it was a fit and
proper thing for him to do so, Mr. Morris died. His tomb was of marble,
and, without any art nonsense or laudatory inscription, quietly
imposing--such being the fashion of his time.

He underwent various changes according to the accepted custom in these
cases, and long before this story begins his bones even had become dust,
and were scattered to the four quarters of heaven. And his sons and his
grandsons and his great-grandsons and his great-great-grandsons, they
too were dust and ashes, and were scattered likewise. It was a thing he
could not have imagined, that a day would come when even his
great-great-grandsons would be scattered to the four winds of heaven. If
any one had suggested it to him he would have resented it. He was one of
those worthy people who take no interest in the future of mankind at
all. He had grave doubts, indeed, if there was any future for mankind
after he was dead.

It seemed quite impossible and quite uninteresting to imagine anything
happening after he was dead. Yet the thing was so, and when even his
great-great-grandson was dead and decayed and forgotten, when the sham
half-timbered house had gone the way of all shams, and the _Times_ was
extinct, and the silk hat a ridiculous antiquity, and the modestly
imposing stone that had been sacred to Mr. Morris had been burnt to make
lime for mortar, and all that Mr. Morris had found real and important
was sere and dead, the world was still going on, and people were still
going about it, just as heedless and impatient of the Future, or,
indeed, of anything but their own selves and property, as Mr. Morris had

And, strange to tell, and much as Mr. Morris would have been angered if
any one had foreshadowed it to him, all over the world there were
scattered a multitude of people, filled with the breath of life, in
whose veins the blood of Mr. Morris flowed. Just as some day the life
which is gathered now in the reader of this very story may also be
scattered far and wide about this world, and mingled with a thousand
alien strains, beyond all thought and tracing.

And among the descendants of this Mr. Morris was one almost as sensible
and clear-headed as his ancestor. He had just the same stout, short
frame as that ancient man of the nineteenth century, from whom his name
of Morris--he spelt it Mwres--came; he had the same half-contemptuous
expression of face. He was a prosperous person, too, as times went, and
he disliked the "new-fangled," and bothers about the future and the
lower classes, just as much as the ancestral Morris had done. He did not
read the _Times_: indeed, he did not know there ever had been a
_Times_--that institution had foundered somewhere in the intervening
gulf of years; but the phonograph machine, that talked to him as he
made his toilet of a morning, might have been the voice of a
reincarnated Blowitz when it dealt with the world's affairs. This
phonographic machine was the size and shape of a Dutch clock, and down
the front of it were electric barometric indicators, and an electric
clock and calendar, and automatic engagement reminders, and where the
clock would have been was the mouth of a trumpet. When it had news the
trumpet gobbled like a turkey, "Galloop, galloop," and then brayed out
its message as, let us say, a trumpet might bray. It would tell Mwres in
full, rich, throaty tones about the overnight accidents to the omnibus
flying-machines that plied around the world, the latest arrivals at the
fashionable resorts in Tibet, and of all the great monopolist company
meetings of the day before, while he was dressing. If Mwres did not like
hearing what it said, he had only to touch a stud, and it would choke a
little and talk about something else.

Of course his toilet differed very much from that of his ancestor. It is
doubtful which would have been the more shocked and pained to find
himself in the clothing of the other. Mwres would certainly have sooner
gone forth to the world stark naked than in the silk hat, frock coat,
grey trousers and watch-chain that had filled Mr. Morris with sombre
self-respect in the past. For Mwres there was no shaving to do: a
skilful operator had long ago removed every hair-root from his face. His
legs he encased in pleasant pink and amber garments of an air-tight
material, which with the help of an ingenious little pump he distended
so as to suggest enormous muscles. Above this he also wore pneumatic
garments beneath an amber silk tunic, so that he was clothed in air and
admirably protected against sudden extremes of heat or cold. Over this
he flung a scarlet cloak with its edge fantastically curved. On his
head, which had been skilfully deprived of every scrap of hair, he
adjusted a pleasant little cap of bright scarlet, held on by suction and
inflated with hydrogen, and curiously like the comb of a cock. So his
toilet was complete; and, conscious of being soberly and becomingly
attired, he was ready to face his fellow-beings with a tranquil eye.

This Mwres--the civility of "Mr." had vanished ages ago--was one of the
officials under the Wind Vane and Waterfall Trust, the great company
that owned every wind wheel and waterfall in the world, and which pumped
all the water and supplied all the electric energy that people in these
latter days required. He lived in a vast hotel near that part of London
called Seventh Way, and had very large and comfortable apartments on the
seventeenth floor. Households and family life had long since disappeared
with the progressive refinement of manners; and indeed the steady rise
in rents and land values, the disappearance of domestic servants, the
elaboration of cookery, had rendered the separate domicile of Victorian
times impossible, even had any one desired such a savage seclusion. When
his toilet was completed he went towards one of the two doors of his
apartment--there were doors at opposite ends, each marked with a huge
arrow pointing one one way and one the other--touched a stud to open it,
and emerged on a wide passage, the centre of which bore chairs and was
moving at a steady pace to the left. On some of these chairs were seated
gaily-dressed men and women. He nodded to an acquaintance--it was not in
those days etiquette to talk before breakfast--and seated himself on one
of these chairs, and in a few seconds he had been carried to the doors
of a lift, by which he descended to the great and splendid hall in which
his breakfast would be automatically served.

It was a very different meal from a Victorian breakfast. The rude
masses of bread needing to be carved and smeared over with animal fat
before they could be made palatable, the still recognisable fragments of
recently killed animals, hideously charred and hacked, the eggs torn
ruthlessly from beneath some protesting hen,--such things as these,
though they constituted the ordinary fare of Victorian times, would have
awakened only horror and disgust in the refined minds of the people of
these latter days. Instead were pastes and cakes of agreeable and
variegated design, without any suggestion in colour or form of the
unfortunate animals from which their substance and juices were derived.
They appeared on little dishes sliding out upon a rail from a little box
at one side of the table. The surface of the table, to judge by touch
and eye, would have appeared to a nineteenth-century person to be
covered with fine white damask, but this was really an oxidised metallic
surface, and could be cleaned instantly after a meal. There were
hundreds of such little tables in the hall, and at most of them were
other latter-day citizens singly or in groups. And as Mwres seated
himself before his elegant repast, the invisible orchestra, which had
been resting during an interval, resumed and filled the air with music.

But Mwres did not display any great interest either in his breakfast or
the music; his eye wandered incessantly about the hall, as though he
expected a belated guest. At last he rose eagerly and waved his hand,
and simultaneously across the hall appeared a tall dark figure in a
costume of yellow and olive green. As this person, walking amidst the
tables with measured steps, drew near, the pallid earnestness of his
face and the unusual intensity of his eyes became apparent. Mwres
reseated himself and pointed to a chair beside him.

"I feared you would never come," he said. In spite of the intervening
space of time, the English language was still almost exactly the same as
it had been in England under Victoria the Good. The invention of the
phonograph and suchlike means of recording sound, and the gradual
replacement of books by such contrivances, had not only saved the human
eyesight from decay, but had also by the establishment of a sure
standard arrested the process of change in accent that had hitherto been
so inevitable.

"I was delayed by an interesting case," said the man in green and
yellow. "A prominent politician--ahem!--suffering from overwork." He
glanced at the breakfast and seated himself. "I have been awake for
forty hours."

"Eh dear!" said Mwres: "fancy that! You hypnotists have your work to

The hypnotist helped himself to some attractive amber-coloured jelly. "I
happen to be a good deal in request," he said modestly.

"Heaven knows what we should do without you."

"Oh! we're not so indispensable as all that," said the hypnotist,
ruminating the flavour of the jelly. "The world did very well without us
for some thousands of years. Two hundred years ago even--not one! In
practice, that is. Physicians by the thousand, of course--frightfully
clumsy brutes for the most part, and following one another like
sheep--but doctors of the mind, except a few empirical flounderers there
were none."

He concentrated his mind on the jelly.

"But were people so sane--?" began Mwres.

The hypnotist shook his head. "It didn't matter then if they were a bit
silly or faddy. Life was so easy-going then. No competition worth
speaking of--no pressure. A human being had to be very lopsided before
anything happened. Then, you know, they clapped 'em away in what they
called a lunatic asylum."

"I know," said Mwres. "In these confounded historical romances that
every one is listening to, they always rescue a beautiful girl from an
asylum or something of the sort. I don't know if you attend to that

"I must confess I do," said the hypnotist. "It carries one out of
oneself to hear of those quaint, adventurous, half-civilised days of the
nineteenth century, when men were stout and women simple. I like a good
swaggering story before all things. Curious times they were, with their
smutty railways and puffing old iron trains, their rum little houses and
their horse vehicles. I suppose you don't read books?"

"Dear, no!" said Mwres, "I went to a modern school and we had none of
that old-fashioned nonsense. Phonographs are good enough for me."

"Of course," said the hypnotist, "of course"; and surveyed the table for
his next choice. "You know," he said, helping himself to a dark blue
confection that promised well, "in those days our business was scarcely
thought of. I daresay if any one had told them that in two hundred
years' time a class of men would be entirely occupied in impressing
things upon the memory, effacing unpleasant ideas, controlling and
overcoming instinctive but undesirable impulses, and so forth, by means
of hypnotism, they would have refused to believe the thing possible. Few
people knew that an order made during a mesmeric trance, even an order
to forget or an order to desire, could be given so as to be obeyed after
the trance was over. Yet there were men alive then who could have told
them the thing was as absolutely certain to come about as--well, the
transit of Venus."

"They knew of hypnotism, then?"

"Oh, dear, yes! They used it--for painless dentistry and things like
that! This blue stuff is confoundedly good: what is it?"

"Haven't the faintest idea," said Mwres, "but I admit it's very good.
Take some more."

The hypnotist repeated his praises, and there was an appreciative pause.

"Speaking of these historical romances," said Mwres, with an attempt at
an easy, off-hand manner, "brings me--ah--to the matter I--ah--had in
mind when I asked you--when I expressed a wish to see you." He paused
and took a deep breath.

The hypnotist turned an attentive eye upon him, and continued eating.

"The fact is," said Mwres, "I have a--in fact a--daughter. Well, you
know I have given her--ah--every educational advantage. Lectures--not a
solitary lecturer of ability in the world but she has had a telephone
direct, dancing, deportment, conversation, philosophy, art criticism ..."
He indicated catholic culture by a gesture of his hand. "I had intended
her to marry a very good friend of mine--Bindon of the Lighting
Commission--plain little man, you know, and a bit unpleasant in some of
his ways, but an excellent fellow really--an excellent fellow."

"Yes," said the hypnotist, "go on. How old is she?"


"A dangerous age. Well?"

"Well: it seems that she has been indulging in these historical
romances--excessively. Excessively. Even to the neglect of her
philosophy. Filled her mind with unutterable nonsense about soldiers who
fight--what is it?--Etruscans?"


"Egyptians--very probably. Hack about with swords and revolvers and
things--bloodshed galore--horrible!--and about young men on torpedo
catchers who blow up--Spaniards, I fancy--and all sorts of irregular
adventurers. And she has got it into her head that she must marry for
Love, and that poor little Bindon--"

"I've met similar cases," said the hypnotist. "Who is the other young

Mwres maintained an appearance of resigned calm. "You may well ask," he
said. "He is"--and his voice sank with shame--"a mere attendant upon the
stage on which the flying-machines from Paris alight. He has--as they
say in the romances--good looks. He is quite young and very eccentric.
Affects the antique--he can read and write! So can she. And instead of
communicating by telephone, like sensible people, they write and
deliver--what is it?"


"No--not notes.... Ah--poems."

The hypnotist raised his eyebrows. "How did she meet him?"

"Tripped coming down from the flying-machine from Paris--and fell into
his arms. The mischief was done in a moment!"


"Well--that's all. Things must be stopped. That is what I want to
consult you about. What must be done? What _can_ be done? Of course I'm
not a hypnotist; my knowledge is limited. But you--?"

"Hypnotism is not magic," said the man in green, putting both arms on
the table.

"Oh, precisely! But still--!"

"People cannot be hypnotised without their consent. If she is able to
stand out against marrying Bindon, she will probably stand out against
being hypnotised. But if once she can be hypnotised--even by somebody
else--the thing is done."

"You can--?"

"Oh, certainly! Once we get her amenable, then we can suggest that she
_must_ marry Bindon--that that is her fate; or that the young man is
repulsive, and that when she sees him she will be giddy and faint, or
any little thing of that sort. Or if we can get her into a sufficiently
profound trance we can suggest that she should forget him altogether--"


"But the problem is to get her hypnotised. Of course no sort of proposal
or suggestion must come from you--because no doubt she already distrusts
you in the matter."

The hypnotist leant his head upon his arm and thought.

"It's hard a man cannot dispose of his own daughter," said Mwres

"You must give me the name and address of the young lady," said the
hypnotist, "and any information bearing upon the matter. And, by the
bye, is there any money in the affair?"

Mwres hesitated.

"There's a sum--in fact, a considerable sum--invested in the Patent Road
Company. From her mother. That's what makes the thing so exasperating."

"Exactly," said the hypnotist. And he proceeded to cross-examine Mwres
on the entire affair.

It was a lengthy interview.

And meanwhile "Elizebe{th} Mwres," as she spelt her name, or "Elizabeth
Morris" as a nineteenth-century person would have put it, was sitting in
a quiet waiting-place beneath the great stage upon which the
flying-machine from Paris descended. And beside her sat her slender,
handsome lover reading her the poem he had written that morning while on
duty upon the stage. When he had finished they sat for a time in
silence; and then, as if for their special entertainment, the great
machine that had come flying through the air from America that morning
rushed down out of the sky.

At first it was a little oblong, faint and blue amidst the distant
fleecy clouds; and then it grew swiftly large and white, and larger and
whiter, until they could see the separate tiers of sails, each hundreds
of feet wide, and the lank body they supported, and at last even the
swinging seats of the passengers in a dotted row. Although it was
falling it seemed to them to be rushing up the sky, and over the
roof-spaces of the city below its shadow leapt towards them. They heard
the whistling rush of the air about it and its yelling siren, shrill and
swelling, to warn those who were on its landing-stage of its arrival.
And abruptly the note fell down a couple of octaves, and it had passed,
and the sky was clear and void, and she could turn her sweet eyes again
to Denton at her side.

Their silence ended; and Denton, speaking in a little language of broken
English that was, they fancied, their private possession--though lovers
have used such little languages since the world began--told her how they
too would leap into the air one morning out of all the obstacles and
difficulties about them, and fly to a sunlit city of delight he knew of
in Japan, half-way about the world.

She loved the dream, but she feared the leap; and she put him off with
"Some day, dearest one, some day," to all his pleading that it might be
soon; and at last came a shrilling of whistles, and it was time for him
to go back to his duties on the stage. They parted--as lovers have been
wont to part for thousands of years. She walked down a passage to a
lift, and so came to one of the streets of that latter-day London, all
glazed in with glass from the weather, and with incessant moving
platforms that went to all parts of the city. And by one of these she
returned to her apartments in the Hotel for Women where she lived, the
apartments that were in telephonic communication with all the best
lecturers in the world. But the sunlight of the flying stage was in her
heart, and the wisdom of all the best lecturers in the world seemed
folly in that light.

She spent the middle part of the day in the gymnasium, and took her
midday meal with two other girls and their common chaperone--for it was
still the custom to have a chaperone in the case of motherless girls of
the more prosperous classes. The chaperone had a visitor that day, a man
in green and yellow, with a white face and vivid eyes, who talked
amazingly. Among other things, he fell to praising a new historical
romance that one of the great popular story-tellers of the day had just
put forth. It was, of course, about the spacious times of Queen
Victoria; and the author, among other pleasing novelties, made a little
argument before each section of the story, in imitation of the chapter
headings of the old-fashioned books: as for example, "How the Cabmen of
Pimlico stopped the Victoria Omnibuses, and of the Great Fight in Palace
Yard," and "How the Piccadilly Policeman was slain in the midst of his
Duty." The man in green and yellow praised this innovation. "These pithy
sentences," he said, "are admirable. They show at a glance those
headlong, tumultuous times, when men and animals jostled in the filthy
streets, and death might wait for one at every corner. Life was life
then! How great the world must have seemed then! How marvellous! They
were still parts of the world absolutely unexplored. Nowadays we have
almost abolished wonder, we lead lives so trim and orderly that courage,
endurance, faith, all the noble virtues seem fading from mankind."

And so on, taking the girls' thoughts with him, until the life they led,
life in the vast and intricate London of the twenty-second century, a
life interspersed with soaring excursions to every part of the globe,
seemed to them a monotonous misery compared with the dædal past.

At first Elizabeth did not join in the conversation, but after a time
the subject became so interesting that she made a few shy
interpolations. But he scarcely seemed to notice her as he talked. He
went on to describe a new method of entertaining people. They were
hypnotised, and then suggestions were made to them so skilfully that
they seemed to be living in ancient times again. They played out a
little romance in the past as vivid as reality, and when at last they
awakened they remembered all they had been through as though it were a
real thing.

"It is a thing we have sought to do for years and years," said the
hypnotist. "It is practically an artificial dream. And we know the way
at last. Think of all it opens out to us--the enrichment of our
experience, the recovery of adventure, the refuge it offers from this
sordid, competitive life in which we live! Think!"

"And you can do that!" said the chaperone eagerly.

"The thing is possible at last," the hypnotist said. "You may order a
dream as you wish."

The chaperone was the first to be hypnotised, and the dream, she said,
was wonderful, when she came to again.

The other two girls, encouraged by her enthusiasm, also placed
themselves in the hands of the hypnotist and had plunges into the
romantic past. No one suggested that Elizabeth should try this novel
entertainment; it was at her own request at last that she was taken into
that land of dreams where there is neither any freedom of choice nor

And so the mischief was done.

One day, when Denton went down to that quiet seat beneath the flying
stage, Elizabeth was not in her wonted place. He was disappointed, and a
little angry. The next day she did not come, and the next also. He was
afraid. To hide his fear from himself, he set to work to write sonnets
for her when she should come again....

For three days he fought against his dread by such distraction, and then
the truth was before him clear and cold, and would not be denied. She
might be ill, she might be dead; but he would not believe that he had
been betrayed. There followed a week of misery. And then he knew she was
the only thing on earth worth having, and that he must seek her, however
hopeless the search, until she was found once more.

He had some small private means of his own, and so he threw over his
appointment on the flying stage, and set himself to find this girl who
had become at last all the world to him. He did not know where she
lived, and little of her circumstances; for it had been part of the
delight of her girlish romance that he should know nothing of her,
nothing of the difference of their station. The ways of the city opened
before him east and west, north and south. Even in Victorian days London
was a maze, that little London with its poor four millions of people;
but the London he explored, the London of the twenty-second century, was
a London of thirty million souls. At first he was energetic and
headlong, taking time neither to eat nor sleep. He sought for weeks and
months, he went through every imaginable phase of fatigue and despair,
over-excitement and anger. Long after hope was dead, by the sheer
inertia of his desire he still went to and fro, peering into faces and
looking this way and that, in the incessant ways and lifts and passages
of that interminable hive of men.

At last chance was kind to him, and he saw her.

It was in a time of festivity. He was hungry; he had paid the inclusive
fee and had gone into one of the gigantic dining-places of the city; he
was pushing his way among the tables and scrutinising by mere force of
habit every group he passed.

He stood still, robbed of all power of motion, his eyes wide, his lips
apart. Elizabeth sat scarcely twenty yards away from him, looking
straight at him. Her eyes were as hard to him, as hard and
expressionless and void of recognition, as the eyes of a statue.

She looked at him for a moment, and then her gaze passed beyond him.

Had he had only her eyes to judge by he might have doubted if it was
indeed Elizabeth, but he knew her by the gesture of her hand, by the
grace of a wanton little curl that floated over her ear as she moved her
head. Something was said to her, and she turned smiling tolerantly to
the man beside her, a little man in foolish raiment knobbed and spiked
like some odd reptile with pneumatic horns--the Bindon of her father's

For a moment Denton stood white and wild-eyed; then came a terrible
faintness, and he sat before one of the little tables. He sat down with
his back to her, and for a time he did not dare to look at her again.
When at last he did, she and Bindon and two other people were standing
up to go. The others were her father and her chaperone.

He sat as if incapable of action until the four figures were remote and
small, and then he rose up possessed with the one idea of pursuit. For
a space he feared he had lost them, and then he came upon Elizabeth and
her chaperone again in one of the streets of moving platforms that
intersected the city. Bindon and Mwres had disappeared.

He could not control himself to patience. He felt he must speak to her
forthwith, or die. He pushed forward to where they were seated, and sat
down beside them. His white face was convulsed with half-hysterical

He laid his hand on her wrist. "Elizabeth?" he said.

She turned in unfeigned astonishment. Nothing but the fear of a strange
man showed in her face.

"Elizabeth," he cried, and his voice was strange to him: "dearest--you
_know_ me?"

Elizabeth's face showed nothing but alarm and perplexity. She drew
herself away from him. The chaperone, a little grey-headed woman with
mobile features, leant forward to intervene. Her resolute bright eyes
examined Denton. "_What_ do you say?" she asked.

"This young lady," said Denton,--"she knows me."

"Do you know him, dear?"

"No," said Elizabeth in a strange voice, and with a hand to her
forehead, speaking almost as one who repeats a lesson. "No, I do not
know him. I _know_--I do not know him."

"But--but ... Not know me! It is I--Denton. Denton! To whom you used to
talk. Don't you remember the flying stages? The little seat in the open
air? The verses--"

"No," cried Elizabeth,--"no. I do not know him. I do not know him. There
is something.... But I don't know. All I know is that I do not know
him." Her face was a face of infinite distress.

The sharp eyes of the chaperone flitted to and fro from the girl to the
man. "You see?" she said, with the faint shadow of a smile. "She does
not know you."

"I do not know you," said Elizabeth. "Of that I am sure."

"But, dear--the songs--the little verses--"

"She does not know you," said the chaperone. "You must not.... You have
made a mistake. You must not go on talking to us after that. You must
not annoy us on the public ways."

"But--" said Denton, and for a moment his miserably haggard face
appealed against fate.

"You must not persist, young man," protested the chaperone.

"_Elizabeth!_" he cried.

Her face was the face of one who is tormented. "I do not know you," she
cried, hand to brow. "Oh, I do not know you!"

For an instant Denton sat stunned. Then he stood up and groaned aloud.

He made a strange gesture of appeal towards the remote glass roof of the
public way, then turned and went plunging recklessly from one moving
platform to another, and vanished amidst the swarms of people going to
and fro thereon. The chaperone's eyes followed him, and then she looked
at the curious faces about her.

"Dear," asked Elizabeth, clasping her hand, and too deeply moved to heed
observation, "who was that man? Who _was_ that man?"

The chaperone raised her eyebrows. She spoke in a clear, audible voice.
"Some half-witted creature. I have never set eyes on him before."


"Never, dear. Do not trouble your mind about a thing like this."

       *       *       *       *       *

And soon after this the celebrated hypnotist who dressed in green and
yellow had another client. The young man paced his consulting-room, pale
and disordered. "I want to forget," he cried. "I _must_ forget."

The hypnotist watched him with quiet eyes, studied his face and clothes
and bearing. "To forget anything--pleasure or pain--is to be, by so
much--_less_. However, you know your own concern. My fee is high."

"If only I can forget--"

"That's easy enough with you. You wish it. I've done much harder things.
Quite recently. I hardly expected to do it: the thing was done against
the will of the hypnotised person. A love affair too--like yours. A
girl. So rest assured."

The young man came and sat beside the hypnotist. His manner was a forced
calm. He looked into the hypnotist's eyes. "I will tell you. Of course
you will want to know what it is. There was a girl. Her name was
Elizabeth Mwres. Well ..."

He stopped. He had seen the instant surprise on the hypnotist's face. In
that instant he knew. He stood up. He seemed to dominate the seated
figure by his side. He gripped the shoulder of green and gold. For a
time he could not find words.

"_Give her me back!_" he said at last. "Give her me back!"

"What do you mean?" gasped the hypnotist.

"Give her me back."

"Give whom?"

"Elizabeth Mwres--the girl--"

The hypnotist tried to free himself; he rose to his feet. Denton's grip

"Let go!" cried the hypnotist, thrusting an arm against Denton's chest.

In a moment the two men were locked in a clumsy wrestle. Neither had the
slightest training--for athleticism, except for exhibition and to afford
opportunity for betting, had faded out of the earth--but Denton was not
only the younger but the stronger of the two. They swayed across the
room, and then the hypnotist had gone down under his antagonist. They
fell together....

Denton leaped to his feet, dismayed at his own fury; but the hypnotist
lay still, and suddenly from a little white mark where his forehead had
struck a stool shot a hurrying band of red. For a space Denton stood
over him irresolute, trembling.

A fear of the consequences entered his gently nurtured mind. He turned
towards the door. "No," he said aloud, and came back to the middle of
the room. Overcoming the instinctive repugnance of one who had seen no
act of violence in all his life before, he knelt down beside his
antagonist and felt his heart. Then he peered at the wound. He rose
quietly and looked about him. He began to see more of the situation.

When presently the hypnotist recovered his senses, his head ached
severely, his back was against Denton's knees and Denton was sponging
his face.

The hypnotist did not speak. But presently he indicated by a gesture
that in his opinion he had been sponged enough. "Let me get up," he

"Not yet," said Denton.

"You have assaulted me, you scoundrel!"

"We are alone," said Denton, "and the door is secure."

There was an interval of thought.

"Unless I sponge," said Denton, "your forehead will develop a tremendous

"You can go on sponging," said the hypnotist sulkily.

There was another pause.

"We might be in the Stone Age," said the hypnotist. "Violence!

"In the Stone Age no man dared to come between man and woman," said

The hypnotist thought again.

"What are you going to do?" he asked.

"While you were insensible I found the girl's address on your tablets.
I did not know it before. I telephoned. She will be here soon. Then--"

"She will bring her chaperone."

"That is all right."

"But what--? I don't see. What do you mean to do?"

"I looked about for a weapon also. It is an astonishing thing how few
weapons there are nowadays. If you consider that in the Stone Age men
owned scarcely anything _but_ weapons. I hit at last upon this lamp. I
have wrenched off the wires and things, and I hold it so." He extended
it over the hypnotist's shoulders. "With that I can quite easily smash
your skull. I _will_--unless you do as I tell you."

"Violence is no remedy," said the hypnotist, quoting from the "Modern
Man's Book of Moral Maxims."

"It's an undesirable disease," said Denton.


"You will tell that chaperone you are going to order the girl to marry
that knobby little brute with the red hair and ferrety eyes. I believe
that's how things stand?"

"Yes--that's how things stand."

"And, pretending to do that, you will restore her memory of me."

"It's unprofessional."

"Look here! If I cannot have that girl I would rather die than not. I
don't propose to respect your little fancies. If anything goes wrong you
shall not live five minutes. This is a rude makeshift of a weapon, and
it may quite conceivably be painful to kill you. But I will. It is
unusual, I know, nowadays to do things like this--mainly because there
is so little in life that is worth being violent about."

"The chaperone will see you directly she comes--"

"I shall stand in that recess. Behind you."

The hypnotist thought. "You are a determined young man," he said, "and
only half civilised. I have tried to do my duty to my client, but in
this affair you seem likely to get your own way...."

"You mean to deal straightly."

"I'm not going to risk having my brains scattered in a petty affair like

"And afterwards?"

"There is nothing a hypnotist or doctor hates so much as a scandal. I at
least am no savage. I am annoyed.... But in a day or so I shall bear no

"Thank you. And now that we understand each other, there is no
necessity to keep you sitting any longer on the floor."


The world, they say, changed more between the year 1800 and the year
1900 than it had done in the previous five hundred years. That century,
the nineteenth century, was the dawn of a new epoch in the history of
mankind--the epoch of the great cities, the end of the old order of
country life.

In the beginning of the nineteenth century the majority of mankind still
lived upon the countryside, as their way of life had been for countless
generations. All over the world they dwelt in little towns and villages
then, and engaged either directly in agriculture, or in occupations that
were of service to the agriculturist. They travelled rarely, and dwelt
close to their work, because swift means of transit had not yet come.
The few who travelled went either on foot, or in slow sailing-ships, or
by means of jogging horses incapable of more than sixty miles a day.
Think of it!--sixty miles a day. Here and there, in those sluggish
times, a town grew a little larger than its neighbours, as a port or as
a centre of government; but all the towns in the world with more than a
hundred thousand inhabitants could be counted on a man's fingers. So it
was in the beginning of the nineteenth century. By the end, the
invention of railways, telegraphs, steamships, and complex agricultural
machinery, had changed all these things: changed them beyond all hope of
return. The vast shops, the varied pleasures, the countless conveniences
of the larger towns were suddenly possible, and no sooner existed than
they were brought into competition with the homely resources of the
rural centres. Mankind were drawn to the cities by an overwhelming
attraction. The demand for labour fell with the increase of machinery,
the local markets were entirely superseded, and there was a rapid growth
of the larger centres at the expense of the open country.

The flow of population townward was the constant preoccupation of
Victorian writers. In Great Britain and New England, in India and China,
the same thing was remarked: everywhere a few swollen towns were visibly
replacing the ancient order. That this was an inevitable result of
improved means of travel and transport--that, given swift means of
transit, these things must be--was realised by few; and the most puerile
schemes were devised to overcome the mysterious magnetism of the urban
centres, and keep the people on the land.

Yet the developments of the nineteenth century were only the dawning of
the new order. The first great cities of the new time were horribly
inconvenient, darkened by smoky fogs, insanitary and noisy; but the
discovery of new methods of building, new methods of heating, changed
all this. Between 1900 and 2000 the march of change was still more
rapid; and between 2000 and 2100 the continually accelerated progress of
human invention made the reign of Victoria the Good seem at last an
almost incredible vision of idyllic tranquil days.

The introduction of railways was only the first step in that development
of those means of locomotion which finally revolutionised human life. By
the year 2000 railways and roads had vanished together. The railways,
robbed of their rails, had become weedy ridges and ditches upon the face
of the world; the old roads, strange barbaric tracks of flint and soil,
hammered by hand or rolled by rough iron rollers, strewn with
miscellaneous filth, and cut by iron hoofs and wheels into ruts and
puddles often many inches deep, had been replaced by patent tracks made
of a substance called Eadhamite. This Eadhamite--it was named after its
patentee--ranks with the invention of printing and steam as one of the
epoch-making discoveries of the world's history.

When Eadham discovered the substance, he probably thought of it as a
mere cheap substitute for india rubber; it cost a few shillings a ton.
But you can never tell all an invention will do. It was the genius of a
man named Warming that pointed to the possibility of using it, not only
for the tires of wheels, but as a road substance, and who organised the
enormous network of public ways that speedily covered the world.

These public ways were made with longitudinal divisions. On the outer on
either side went foot cyclists and conveyances travelling at a less
speed than twenty-five miles an hour; in the middle, motors capable of
speed up to a hundred; and the inner, Warming (in the face of enormous
ridicule) reserved for vehicles travelling at speeds of a hundred miles
an hour and upward.

For ten years his inner ways were vacant. Before he died they were the
most crowded of all, and vast light frameworks with wheels of twenty and
thirty feet in diameter, hurled along them at paces that year after year
rose steadily towards two hundred miles an hour. And by the time this
revolution was accomplished, a parallel revolution had transformed the
ever-growing cities. Before the development of practical science the
fogs and filth of Victorian times vanished. Electric heating replaced
fires (in 2013 the lighting of a fire that did not absolutely consume
its own smoke was made an indictable nuisance), and all the city ways,
all public squares and places, were covered in with a recently invented
glass-like substance. The roofing of London became practically
continuous. Certain short-sighted and foolish legislation against tall
buildings was abolished, and London, from a squat expanse of petty
houses--feebly archaic in design--rose steadily towards the sky. To the
municipal responsibility for water, light, and drainage, was added
another, and that was ventilation.

But to tell of all the changes in human convenience that these two
hundred years brought about, to tell of the long foreseen invention of
flying, to describe how life in households was steadily supplanted by
life in interminable hotels, how at last even those who were still
concerned in agricultural work came to live in the towns and to go to
and fro to their work every day, to describe how at last in all England
only four towns remained, each with many millions of people, and how
there were left no inhabited houses in all the countryside: to tell all
this would take us far from our story of Denton and his Elizabeth. They
had been separated and reunited, and still they could not marry. For
Denton--it was his only fault--had no money. Neither had Elizabeth until
she was twenty-one, and as yet she was only eighteen. At twenty-one all
the property of her mother would come to her, for that was the custom of
the time. She did not know that it was possible to anticipate her
fortune, and Denton was far too delicate a lover to suggest such a
thing. So things stuck hopelessly between them. Elizabeth said that she
was very unhappy, and that nobody understood her but Denton, and that
when she was away from him she was wretched; and Denton said that his
heart longed for her day and night. And they met as often as they could
to enjoy the discussion of their sorrows.

They met one day at their little seat upon the flying stage. The precise
site of this meeting was where in Victorian times the road from
Wimbledon came out upon the common. They were, however, five hundred
feet above that point. Their seat looked far over London. To convey the
appearance of it all to a nineteenth-century reader would have been
difficult. One would have had to tell him to think of the Crystal
Palace, of the newly built "mammoth" hotels--as those little affairs
were called--of the larger railway stations of his time, and to imagine
such buildings enlarged to vast proportions and run together and
continuous over the whole metropolitan area. If then he was told that
this continuous roof-space bore a huge forest of rotating wind-wheels,
he would have begun very dimly to appreciate what to these young people
was the commonest sight in their lives.

To their eyes it had something of the quality of a prison, and they were
talking, as they had talked a hundred times before, of how they might
escape from it and be at last happy together: escape from it, that is,
before the appointed three years were at an end. It was, they both
agreed, not only impossible but almost wicked, to wait three years.
"Before that," said Denton--and the notes of his voice told of a
splendid chest--"_we might both be dead_!"

Their vigorous young hands had to grip at this, and then Elizabeth had a
still more poignant thought that brought the tears from her wholesome
eyes and down her healthy cheeks. "_One_ of us," she said, "_one_ of us
might be--"

She choked; she could not say the word that is so terrible to the young
and happy.

Yet to marry and be very poor in the cities of that time was--for any
one who had lived pleasantly--a very dreadful thing. In the old
agricultural days that had drawn to an end in the eighteenth century
there had been a pretty proverb of love in a cottage; and indeed in
those days the poor of the countryside had dwelt in flower-covered,
diamond-windowed cottages of thatch and plaster, with the sweet air and
earth about them, amidst tangled hedges and the song of birds, and with
the ever-changing sky overhead. But all this had changed (the change was
already beginning in the nineteenth century), and a new sort of life was
opening for the poor--in the lower quarters of the city.

In the nineteenth century the lower quarters were still beneath the sky;
they were areas of land on clay or other unsuitable soil, liable to
floods or exposed to the smoke of more fortunate districts,
insufficiently supplied with water, and as insanitary as the great fear
of infectious diseases felt by the wealthier classes permitted. In the
twenty-second century, however, the growth of the city storey above
storey, and the coalescence of buildings, had led to a different
arrangement. The prosperous people lived in a vast series of sumptuous
hotels in the upper storeys and halls of the city fabric; the industrial
population dwelt beneath in the tremendous ground-floor and basement, so
to speak, of the place.

In the refinement of life and manners these lower classes differed
little from their ancestors, the East-enders of Queen Victoria's time;
but they had developed a distinct dialect of their own. In these under
ways they lived and died, rarely ascending to the surface except when
work took them there. Since for most of them this was the sort of life
to which they had been born, they found no great misery in such
circumstances; but for people like Denton and Elizabeth, such a plunge
would have seemed more terrible than death.

"And yet what else is there?" asked Elizabeth.

Denton professed not to know. Apart from his own feeling of delicacy, he
was not sure how Elizabeth would like the idea of borrowing on the
strength of her expectations.

The passage from London to Paris even, said Elizabeth, was beyond their
means; and in Paris, as in any other city in the world, life would be
just as costly and impossible as in London.

Well might Denton cry aloud: "If only we had lived in those days,
dearest! If only we had lived in the past!" For to their eyes even
nineteenth-century Whitechapel was seen through a mist of romance.

"Is there _nothing_?" cried Elizabeth, suddenly weeping. "Must we really
wait for those three long years? Fancy _three_ years--six-and-thirty
months!" The human capacity for patience had not grown with the ages.

Then suddenly Denton was moved to speak of something that had already
flickered across his mind. He had hit upon it at last. It seemed to him
so wild a suggestion that he made it only half seriously. But to put a
thing into words has ever a way of making it seem more real and possible
than it seemed before. And so it was with him.

"Suppose," he said, "we went into the country?"

She looked at him to see if he was serious in proposing such an

"The country?"

"Yes--beyond there. Beyond the hills."

"How could we live?" she said. "_Where_ could we live?"

"It is not impossible," he said. "People used to live in the country."

"But then there were houses."

"There are the ruins of villages and towns now. On the clay lands they
are gone, of course. But they are still left on the grazing land,
because it does not pay the Food Company to remove them. I know
that--for certain. Besides, one sees them from the flying machines, you
know. Well, we might shelter in some one of these, and repair it with
our hands. Do you know, the thing is not so wild as it seems. Some of
the men who go out every day to look after the crops and herds might be
paid to bring us food...."

She stood in front of him. "How strange it would be if one really

"Why not?"

"But no one dares."

"That is no reason."

"It would be--oh! it would be so romantic and strange. If only it were

"Why not possible?"

"There are so many things. Think of all the things we have, things that
we should miss."

"Should we miss them? After all, the life we lead is very unreal--very
artificial." He began to expand his idea, and as he warmed to his
exposition the fantastic quality of his first proposal faded away.

She thought. "But I have heard of prowlers--escaped criminals."

He nodded. He hesitated over his answer because he thought it sounded
boyish. He blushed. "I could get some one I know to make me a sword."

She looked at him with enthusiasm growing in her eyes. She had heard of
swords, had seen one in a museum; she thought of those ancient days when
men wore them as a common thing. His suggestion seemed an impossible
dream to her, and perhaps for that reason she was eager for more detail.
And inventing for the most part as he went along, he told her, how they
might live in the country as the old-world people had done. With every
detail her interest grew, for she was one of those girls for whom
romance and adventure have a fascination.

His suggestion seemed, I say, an impossible dream to her on that day,
but the next day they talked about it again, and it was strangely less

"At first we should take food," said Denton. "We could carry food for
ten or twelve days." It was an age of compact artificial nourishment,
and such a provision had none of the unwieldy suggestion it would have
had in the nineteenth century.

"But--until our house," she asked--"until it was ready, where should we

"It is summer."

"But ... What do you mean?"

"There was a time when there were no houses in the world; when all
mankind slept always in the open air."

"But for us! The emptiness! No walls--no ceiling!"

"Dear," he said, "in London you have many beautiful ceilings. Artists
paint them and stud them with lights. But I have seen a ceiling more
beautiful than any in London...."

"But where?"

"It is the ceiling under which we two would be alone...."

"You mean...?"

"Dear," he said, "it is something the world has forgotten. It is Heaven
and all the host of stars."

Each time they talked the thing seemed more possible and more desirable
to them. In a week or so it was quite possible. Another week, and it was
the inevitable thing they had to do. A great enthusiasm for the country
seized hold of them and possessed them. The sordid tumult of the town,
they said, overwhelmed them. They marvelled that this simple way out of
their troubles had never come upon them before.

One morning near Midsummer-day, there was a new minor official upon the
flying stage, and Denton's place was to know him no more.

Our two young people had secretly married, and were going forth manfully
out of the city in which they and their ancestors before them had lived
all their days. She wore a new dress of white cut in an old-fashioned
pattern, and he had a bundle of provisions strapped athwart his back,
and in his hand he carried--rather shame-facedly it is true, and under
his purple cloak--an implement of archaic form, a cross-hilted thing of
tempered steel.

Imagine that going forth! In their days the sprawling suburbs of
Victorian times with their vile roads, petty houses, foolish little
gardens of shrub and geranium, and all their futile, pretentious
privacies, had disappeared: the towering buildings of the new age, the
mechanical ways, the electric and water mains, all came to an end
together, like a wall, like a cliff, near four hundred feet in height,
abrupt and sheer. All about the city spread the carrot, swede, and
turnip fields of the Food Company, vegetables that were the basis of a
thousand varied foods, and weeds and hedgerow tangles had been utterly
extirpated. The incessant expense of weeding that went on year after
year in the petty, wasteful and barbaric farming of the ancient days,
the Food Company had economised for ever more by a campaign of
extermination. Here and there, however, neat rows of bramble standards
and apple trees with whitewashed stems, intersected the fields, and at
places groups of gigantic teazles reared their favoured spikes. Here and
there huge agricultural machines hunched under waterproof covers. The
mingled waters of the Wey and Mole and Wandle ran in rectangular
channels; and wherever a gentle elevation of the ground permitted a
fountain of deodorised sewage distributed its benefits athwart the land
and made a rainbow of the sunlight.

By a great archway in that enormous city wall emerged the Eadhamite road
to Portsmouth, swarming in the morning sunshine with an enormous traffic
bearing the blue-clad servants of the Food Company to their toil. A
rushing traffic, beside which they seemed two scarce-moving dots. Along
the outer tracks hummed and rattled the tardy little old-fashioned
motors of such as had duties within twenty miles or so of the city; the
inner ways were filled with vaster mechanisms--swift monocycles bearing
a score of men, lank multicycles, quadricycles sagging with heavy loads,
empty gigantic produce carts that would come back again filled before
the sun was setting, all with throbbing engines and noiseless wheels and
a perpetual wild melody of horns and gongs.

Along the very verge of the outermost way our young people went in
silence, newly wed and oddly shy of one another's company. Many were the
things shouted to them as they tramped along, for in 2100 a
foot-passenger on an English road was almost as strange a sight as a
motor car would have been in 1800. But they went on with steadfast eyes
into the country, paying no heed to such cries.

Before them in the south rose the Downs, blue at first, and as they came
nearer changing to green, surmounted by the row of gigantic wind-wheels
that supplemented the wind-wheels upon the roof-spaces of the city, and
broken and restless with the long morning shadows of those whirling
vanes. By midday they had come so near that they could see here and
there little patches of pallid dots--the sheep the Meat Department of
the Food Company owned. In another hour they had passed the clay and the
root crops and the single fence that hedged them in, and the prohibition
against trespass no longer held: the levelled roadway plunged into a
cutting with all its traffic, and they could leave it and walk over the
greensward and up the open hillside.

Never had these children of the latter days been together in such a
lonely place.

They were both very hungry and footsore--for walking was a rare
exercise--and presently they sat down on the weedless, close-cropped
grass, and looked back for the first time at the city from which they
had come, shining wide and splendid in the blue haze of the valley of
the Thames. Elizabeth was a little afraid of the unenclosed sheep away
up the slope--she had never been near big unrestrained animals
before--but Denton reassured her. And overhead a white-winged bird
circled in the blue.

They talked but little until they had eaten, and then their tongues were
loosened. He spoke of the happiness that was now certainly theirs, of
the folly of not breaking sooner out of that magnificent prison of
latter-day life, of the old romantic days that had passed from the
world for ever. And then he became boastful. He took up the sword that
lay on the ground beside him, and she took it from his hand and ran a
tremulous finger along the blade.

"And you could," she said, "_you_--could raise this and strike a man?"

"Why not? If there were need."

"But," she said, "it seems so horrible. It would slash.... There would
be"--her voice sank,--"_blood_."

"In the old romances you have read often enough ..."

"Oh, I know: in those--yes. But that is different. One knows it is not
blood, but just a sort of red ink.... And _you_--killing!"

She looked at him doubtfully, and then handed him back the sword.

After they had rested and eaten, they rose up and went on their way
towards the hills. They passed quite close to a huge flock of sheep, who
stared and bleated at their unaccustomed figures. She had never seen
sheep before, and she shivered to think such gentle things must needs be
slain for food. A sheep-dog barked from a distance, and then a shepherd
appeared amidst the supports of the wind-wheels, and came down towards

When he drew near he called out asking whither they were going.

Denton hesitated, and told him briefly that they sought some ruined
house among the Downs, in which they might live together. He tried to
speak in an off-hand manner, as though it was a usual thing to do. The
man stared incredulously.

"Have you _done_ anything?" he asked.

"Nothing," said Denton. "Only we don't want to live in a city any
longer. Why should we live in cities?"

The shepherd stared more incredulously than ever. "You can't live here,"
he said.

"We mean to try."

The shepherd stared from one to the other. "You'll go back to-morrow,"
he said. "It looks pleasant enough in the sunlight.... Are you sure
you've done nothing? We shepherds are not such _great_ friends of the

Denton looked at him steadfastly. "No," he said. "But we are too poor to
live in the city, and we can't bear the thought of wearing clothes of
blue canvas and doing drudgery. We are going to live a simple life here,
like the people of old."

The shepherd was a bearded man with a thoughtful face. He glanced at
Elizabeth's fragile beauty.

"_They_ had simple minds," he said.

"So have we," said Denton.

The shepherd smiled.

"If you go along here," he said, "along the crest beneath the
wind-wheels, you will see a heap of mounds and ruins on your right-hand
side. That was once a town called Epsom. There are no houses there, and
the bricks have been used for a sheep pen. Go on, and another heap on
the edge of the root-land is Leatherhead; and then the hill turns away
along the border of a valley, and there are woods of beech. Keep along
the crest. You will come to quite wild places. In some parts, in spite
of all the weeding that is done, ferns and bluebells and other such
useless plants are growing still. And through it all underneath the
wind-wheels runs a straight lane paved with stones, a roadway of the
Romans two thousand years old. Go to the right of that, down into the
valley and follow it along by the banks of the river. You come presently
to a street of houses, many with the roofs still sound upon them. There
you may find shelter."

They thanked him.

"But it's a quiet place. There is no light after dark there, and I have
heard tell of robbers. It is lonely. Nothing happens there. The
phonographs of the story-tellers, the kinematograph entertainments, the
news machines--none of them are to be found there. If you are hungry
there is no food, if you are ill no doctor ..." He stopped.

"We shall try it," said Denton, moving to go on. Then a thought struck
him, and he made an agreement with the shepherd, and learnt where they
might find him, to buy and bring them anything of which they stood in
need, out of the city.

And in the evening they came to the deserted village, with its houses
that seemed so small and odd to them: they found it golden in the glory
of the sunset, and desolate and still. They went from one deserted house
to another, marvelling at their quaint simplicity, and debating which
they should choose. And at last, in a sunlit corner of a room that had
lost its outer wall, they came upon a wild flower, a little flower of
blue that the weeders of the Food Company had overlooked.

That house they decided upon; but they did not remain in it long that
night, because they were resolved to feast upon nature. And moreover the
houses became very gaunt and shadowy after the sunlight had faded out
of the sky. So after they had rested a little time they went to the
crest of the hill again to see with their own eyes the silence of heaven
set with stars, about which the old poets had had so many things to
tell. It was a wonderful sight, and Denton talked like the stars, and
when they went down the hill at last the sky was pale with dawn. They
slept but little, and in the morning when they woke a thrush was singing
in a tree.

So these young people of the twenty-second century began their exile.
That morning they were very busy exploring the resources of this new
home in which they were going to live the simple life. They did not
explore very fast or very far, because they went everywhere
hand-in-hand; but they found the beginnings of some furniture. Beyond
the village was a store of winter fodder for the sheep of the Food
Company, and Denton dragged great armfuls to the house to make a bed;
and in several of the houses were old fungus-eaten chairs and
tables--rough, barbaric, clumsy furniture, it seemed to them, and made
of wood. They repeated many of the things they had said on the previous
day, and towards evening they found another flower, a harebell. In the
late afternoon some Company shepherds went down the river valley riding
on a big multicycle; but they hid from them, because their presence,
Elizabeth said, seemed to spoil the romance of this old-world place

In this fashion they lived a week. For all that week the days were
cloudless, and the nights nights of starry glory, that were invaded each
a little more by a crescent moon.

Yet something of the first splendour of their coming faded--faded
imperceptibly day after day; Denton's eloquence became fitful, and
lacked fresh topics of inspiration; the fatigue of their long march from
London told in a certain stiffness of the limbs, and each suffered from
a slight unaccountable cold. Moreover, Denton became aware of unoccupied
time. In one place among the carelessly heaped lumber of the old times
he found a rust-eaten spade, and with this he made a fitful attack on
the razed and grass-grown garden--though he had nothing to plant or sow.
He returned to Elizabeth with a sweat-streaming face, after half an hour
of such work.

"There were giants in those days," he said, not understanding what wont
and training will do. And their walk that day led them along the hills
until they could see the city shimmering far away in the valley. "I
wonder how things are going on there," he said.

And then came a change in the weather. "Come out and see the clouds,"
she cried; and behold! they were a sombre purple in the north and east,
streaming up to ragged edges at the zenith. And as they went up the hill
these hurrying streamers blotted out the sunset. Suddenly the wind set
the beech-trees swaying and whispering, and Elizabeth shivered. And then
far away the lightning flashed, flashed like a sword that is drawn
suddenly, and the distant thunder marched about the sky, and even as
they stood astonished, pattering upon them came the first headlong
raindrops of the storm. In an instant the last streak of sunset was
hidden by a falling curtain of hail, and the lightning flashed again,
and the voice of the thunder roared louder, and all about them the world
scowled dark and strange.

Seizing hands, these children of the city ran down the hill to their
home, in infinite astonishment. And ere they reached it, Elizabeth was
weeping with dismay, and the darkling ground about them was white and
brittle and active with the pelting hail.

Then began a strange and terrible night for them. For the first time in
their civilised lives they were in absolute darkness; they were wet and
cold and shivering, all about them hissed the hail, and through the long
neglected ceilings of the derelict home came noisy spouts of water and
formed pools and rivulets on the creaking floors. As the gusts of the
storm struck the worn-out building, it groaned and shuddered, and now a
mass of plaster from the wall would slide and smash, and now some
loosened tile would rattle down the roof and crash into the empty
greenhouse below. Elizabeth shuddered, and was still; Denton wrapped his
gay and flimsy city cloak about her, and so they crouched in the
darkness. And ever the thunder broke louder and nearer, and ever more
lurid flashed the lightning, jerking into a momentary gaunt clearness
the steaming, dripping room in which they sheltered.

Never before had they been in the open air save when the sun was
shining. All their time had been spent in the warm and airy ways and
halls and rooms of the latter-day city. It was to them that night as if
they were in some other world, some disordered chaos of stress and
tumult, and almost beyond hoping that they should ever see the city ways

The storm seemed to last interminably, until at last they dozed between
the thunderclaps, and then very swiftly it fell and ceased. And as the
last patter of the rain died away they heard an unfamiliar sound.

"What is that?" cried Elizabeth.

It came again. It was the barking of dogs. It drove down the desert lane
and passed; and through the window, whitening the wall before them and
throwing upon it the shadow of the window-frame and of a tree in black
silhouette, shone the light of the waxing moon....

Just as the pale dawn was drawing the things about them into sight, the
fitful barking of dogs came near again, and stopped. They listened.
After a pause they heard the quick pattering of feet seeking round the
house, and short, half-smothered barks. Then again everything was still.

"Ssh!" whispered Elizabeth, and pointed to the door of their room.

Denton went half-way towards the door, and stood listening. He came back
with a face of affected unconcern. "They must be the sheep-dogs of the
Food Company," he said. "They will do us no harm."

He sat down again beside her. "What a night it has been!" he said, to
hide how keenly he was listening.

"I don't like dogs," answered Elizabeth, after a long silence.

"Dogs never hurt any one," said Denton. "In the old days--in the
nineteenth century--everybody had a dog."

"There was a romance I heard once. A dog killed a man."

"Not this sort of dog," said Denton confidently. "Some of those
romances--are exaggerated."

Suddenly a half bark and a pattering up the staircase; the sound of
panting. Denton sprang to his feet and drew the sword out of the damp
straw upon which they had been lying. Then in the doorway appeared a
gaunt sheep-dog, and halted there. Behind it stared another. For an
instant man and brute faced each other, hesitating.

Then Denton, being ignorant of dogs, made a sharp step forward. "Go
away," he said, with a clumsy motion of his sword.

The dog started and growled. Denton stopped sharply. "Good dog!" he

The growling jerked into a bark.

"Good dog!" said Denton. The second dog growled and barked. A third out
of sight down the staircase took up the barking also. Outside others
gave tongue--a large number it seemed to Denton.

"This is annoying," said Denton, without taking his eye off the brutes
before him. "Of course the shepherds won't come out of the city for
hours yet. Naturally these dogs don't quite make us out."

"I can't hear," shouted Elizabeth. She stood up and came to him.

Denton tried again, but the barking still drowned his voice. The sound
had a curious effect upon his blood. Odd disused emotions began to stir;
his face changed as he shouted. He tried again; the barking seemed to
mock him, and one dog danced a pace forward, bristling. Suddenly he
turned, and uttering certain words in the dialect of the underways,
words incomprehensible to Elizabeth, he made for the dogs. There was a
sudden cessation of the barking, a growl and a snapping. Elizabeth saw
the snarling head of the foremost dog, its white teeth and retracted
ears, and the flash of the thrust blade. The brute leapt into the air
and was flung back.

Then Denton, with a shout, was driving the dogs before him. The sword
flashed above his head with a sudden new freedom of gesture, and then he
vanished down the staircase. She made six steps to follow him, and on
the landing there was blood. She stopped, and hearing the tumult of dogs
and Denton's shouts pass out of the house, ran to the window.

Nine wolfish sheep-dogs were scattering, one writhed before the porch;
and Denton, tasting that strange delight of combat that slumbers still
in the blood of even the most civilised man, was shouting and running
across the garden space. And then she saw something that for a moment he
did not see. The dogs circled round this way and that, and came again.
They had him in the open.

In an instant she divined the situation. She would have called to him.
For a moment she felt sick and helpless, and then, obeying a strange
impulse, she gathered up her white skirt and ran downstairs. In the hall
was the rusting spade. That was it! She seized it and ran out.

She came none too soon. One dog rolled before him, well-nigh slashed in
half; but a second had him by the thigh, a third gripped his collar
behind, and a fourth had the blade of the sword between its teeth,
tasting its own blood. He parried the leap of a fifth with his left arm.

It might have been the first century instead of the twenty-second, so
far as she was concerned. All the gentleness of her eighteen years of
city life vanished before this primordial need. The spade smote hard and
sure, and cleft a dog's skull. Another, crouching for a spring, yelped
with dismay at this unexpected antagonist, and rushed aside. Two wasted
precious moments on the binding of a feminine skirt.

The collar of Denton's cloak tore and parted as he staggered back; and
that dog too felt the spade, and ceased to trouble him. He sheathed his
sword in the brute at his thigh.

"To the wall!" cried Elizabeth; and in three seconds the fight was at an
end, and our young people stood side by side, while a remnant of five
dogs, with ears and tails of disaster, fled shamefully from the stricken

For a moment they stood panting and victorious, and then Elizabeth,
dropping her spade, covered her face, and sank to the ground in a
paroxysm of weeping. Denton looked about him, thrust the point of his
sword into the ground so that it was at hand, and stooped to comfort

       *       *       *       *       *

At last their more tumultuous emotions subsided, and they could talk
again. She leant upon the wall, and he sat upon it so that he could keep
an eye open for any returning dogs. Two, at any rate, were up on the
hillside and keeping up a vexatious barking.

She was tear-stained, but not very wretched now, because for half an
hour he had been repeating that she was brave and had saved his life.
But a new fear was growing in her mind.

"They are the dogs of the Food Company," she said. "There will be

"I am afraid so. Very likely they will prosecute us for trespass."

A pause.

"In the old times," he said, "this sort of thing happened day after

"Last night!" she said. "I could not live through another such night."

He looked at her. Her face was pale for want of sleep, and drawn and
haggard. He came to a sudden resolution. "We must go back," he said.

She looked at the dead dogs, and shivered. "We cannot stay here," she

"We must go back," he repeated, glancing over his shoulder to see if the
enemy kept their distance. "We have been happy for a time.... But the
world is too civilised. Ours is the age of cities. More of this will
kill us."

"But what are we to do? How can we live there?"

Denton hesitated. His heel kicked against the wall on which he sat.
"It's a thing I haven't mentioned before," he said, and coughed;
"but ..."


"You could raise money on your expectations," he said.

"Could I?" she said eagerly.

"Of course you could. What a child you are!"

She stood up, and her face was bright. "Why did you not tell me before?"
she asked. "And all this time we have been here!"

He looked at her for a moment, and smiled. Then the smile vanished. "I
thought it ought to come from you," he said. "I didn't like to ask for
your money. And besides--at first I thought this would be rather fine."

There was a pause.

"It _has_ been fine," he said; and glanced once more over his shoulder.
"Until all this began."

"Yes," she said, "those first days. The first three days."

They looked for a space into one another's faces, and then Denton slid
down from the wall and took her hand.

"To each generation," he said, "the life of its time. I see it all
plainly now. In the city--that is the life to which we were born. To
live in any other fashion ... Coming here was a dream, and this--is the

"It was a pleasant dream," she said,--"in the beginning."

For a long space neither spoke.

"If we would reach the city before the shepherds come here, we must
start," said Denton. "We must get our food out of the house and eat as
we go."

Denton glanced about him again, and, giving the dead dogs a wide berth,
they walked across the garden space and into the house together. They
found the wallet with their food, and descended the blood-stained stairs
again. In the hall Elizabeth stopped. "One minute," she said. "There is
something here."

She led the way into the room in which that one little blue flower was
blooming. She stooped to it, she touched it with her hand.

"I want it," she said; and then, "I cannot take it...."

Impulsively she stooped and kissed its petals.

Then silently, side by side, they went across the empty garden-space
into the old high road, and set their faces resolutely towards the
distant city--towards the complex mechanical city of those latter days,
the city that had swallowed up mankind.


Prominent if not paramount among world-changing inventions in the
history of man is that series of contrivances in locomotion that began
with the railway and ended for a century or more with the motor and the
patent road. That these contrivances, together with the device of
limited liability joint stock companies and the supersession of
agricultural labourers by skilled men with ingenious machinery, would
necessarily concentrate mankind in cities of unparallelled magnitude and
work an entire revolution in human life, became, after the event, a
thing so obvious that it is a matter of astonishment it was not more
clearly anticipated. Yet that any steps should be taken to anticipate
the miseries such a revolution might entail does not appear even to have
been suggested; and the idea that the moral prohibitions and sanctions,
the privileges and concessions, the conception of property and
responsibility, of comfort and beauty, that had rendered the mainly
agricultural states of the past prosperous and happy, would fail in the
rising torrent of novel opportunities and novel stimulations, never
seems to have entered the nineteenth-century mind. That a citizen,
kindly and fair in his ordinary life, could as a shareholder become
almost murderously greedy; that commercial methods that were reasonable
and honourable on the old-fashioned countryside, should on an enlarged
scale be deadly and overwhelming; that ancient charity was modern
pauperisation, and ancient employment modern sweating; that, in fact, a
revision and enlargement of the duties and rights of man had become
urgently necessary, were things it could not entertain, nourished as it
was on an archaic system of education and profoundly retrospective and
legal in all its habits of thought. It was known that the accumulation
of men in cities involved unprecedented dangers of pestilence; there was
an energetic development of sanitation; but that the diseases of
gambling and usury, of luxury and tyranny should become endemic, and
produce horrible consequences was beyond the scope of nineteenth-century
thought. And so, as if it were some inorganic process, practically
unhindered by the creative will of man, the growth of the swarming
unhappy cities that mark the twenty-first century accomplished itself.

The new society was divided into three main classes. At the summit
slumbered the property owner, enormously rich by accident rather than
design, potent save for the will and aim, the last _avatar_ of Hamlet in
the world. Below was the enormous multitude of workers employed by the
gigantic companies that monopolised control; and between these two the
dwindling middle class, officials of innumerable sorts, foremen,
managers, the medical, legal, artistic, and scholastic classes, and the
minor rich, a middle class whose members led a life of insecure luxury
and precarious speculation amidst the movements of the great managers.

Already the love story and the marrying of two persons of this middle
class have been told: how they overcame the obstacles between them, and
how they tried the simple old-fashioned way of living on the countryside
and came back speedily enough into the city of London. Denton had no
means, so Elizabeth borrowed money on the securities that her father
Mwres held in trust for her until she was one-and-twenty.

The rate of interest she paid was of course high, because of the
uncertainty of her security, and the arithmetic of lovers is often
sketchy and optimistic. Yet they had very glorious times after that
return. They determined they would not go to a Pleasure city nor waste
their days rushing through the air from one part of the world to the
other, for in spite of one disillusionment, their tastes were still
old-fashioned. They furnished their little room with quaint old
Victorian furniture, and found a shop on the forty-second floor in
Seventh Way where printed books of the old sort were still to be bought.
It was their pet affectation to read print instead of hearing
phonographs. And when presently there came a sweet little girl, to unite
them further if it were possible, Elizabeth would not send it to a
_creche_, as the custom was, but insisted on nursing it at home. The
rent of their apartments was raised on account of this singular
proceeding, but that they did not mind. It only meant borrowing a little

Presently Elizabeth was of age, and Denton had a business interview with
her father that was not agreeable. An exceedingly disagreeable interview
with their money-lender followed, from which he brought home a white
face. On his return Elizabeth had to tell him of a new and marvellous
intonation of "Goo" that their daughter had devised, but Denton was
inattentive. In the midst, just as she was at the cream of her
description, he interrupted. "How much money do you think we have left,
now that everything is settled?"

She stared and stopped her appreciative swaying of the Goo genius that
had accompanied her description.

"You don't mean...?"

"Yes," he answered. "Ever so much. We have been wild. It's the interest.
Or something. And the shares you had, slumped. Your father did not mind.
Said it was not his business, after what had happened. He's going to
marry again.... Well--we have scarcely a thousand left!"

"Only a thousand?"

"Only a thousand."

And Elizabeth sat down. For a moment she regarded him with a white face,
then her eyes went about the quaint, old-fashioned room, with its middle
Victorian furniture and genuine oleographs, and rested at last on the
little lump of humanity within her arms.

Denton glanced at her and stood downcast. Then he swung round on his
heel and walked up and down very rapidly.

"I must get something to do," he broke out presently. "I am an idle
scoundrel. I ought to have thought of this before. I have been a selfish
fool. I wanted to be with you all day...."

He stopped, looking at her white face. Suddenly he came and kissed her
and the little face that nestled against her breast.

"It's all right, dear," he said, standing over her; "you won't be lonely
now--now Dings is beginning to talk to you. And I can soon get something
to do, you know. Soon.... Easily.... It's only a shock at first. But it
will come all right. It's sure to come right. I will go out again as
soon as I have rested, and find what can be done. For the present it's
hard to think of anything...."

"It would be hard to leave these rooms," said Elizabeth; "but----"

"There won't be any need of that--trust me."

"They are expensive."

Denton waved that aside. He began talking of the work he could do. He
was not very explicit what it would be; but he was quite sure that there
was something to keep them comfortably in the happy middle class, whose
way of life was the only one they knew.

"There are three-and-thirty million people in London," he said: "some of
them _must_ have need of me."

"Some _must_."

"The trouble is ... Well--Bindon, that brown little old man your father
wanted you to marry. He's an important person.... I can't go back to my
flying-stage work, because he is now a Commissioner of the Flying Stage

"I didn't know that," said Elizabeth.

"He was made that in the last few weeks ... or things would be easy
enough, for they liked me on the flying stage. But there's dozens of
other things to be done--dozens. Don't you worry, dear. I'll rest a
little while, and then we'll dine, and then I'll start on my rounds. I
know lots of people--lots."

So they rested, and then they went to the public dining-room and dined,
and then he started on his search for employment. But they soon realised
that in the matter of one convenience the world was just as badly off as
it had ever been, and that was a nice, secure, honourable, remunerative
employment, leaving ample leisure for the private life, and demanding no
special ability, no violent exertion nor risk, and no sacrifice of any
sort for its attainment. He evolved a number of brilliant projects, and
spent many days hurrying from one part of the enormous city to another
in search of influential friends; and all his influential friends were
glad to see him, and very sanguine until it came to definite proposals,
and then they became guarded and vague. He would part with them coldly,
and think over their behaviour, and get irritated on his way back, and
stop at some telephone office and spend money on an animated but
unprofitable quarrel. And as the days passed, he got so worried and
irritated that even to seem kind and careless before Elizabeth cost him
an effort--as she, being a loving woman, perceived very clearly.

After an extremely complex preface one day, she helped him out with a
painful suggestion. He had expected her to weep and give way to despair
when it came to selling all their joyfully bought early Victorian
treasures, their quaint objects of art, their antimacassars, bead mats,
repp curtains, veneered furniture, gold-framed steel engravings and
pencil drawings, wax flowers under shades, stuffed birds, and all sorts
of choice old things; but it was she who made the proposal. The
sacrifice seemed to fill her with pleasure, and so did the idea of
shifting to apartments ten or twelve floors lower in another hotel. "So
long as Dings is with us, nothing matters," she said. "It's all
experience." So he kissed her, said she was braver than when she fought
the sheep-dogs, called her Boadicea, and abstained very carefully from
reminding her that they would have to pay a considerably higher rent on
account of the little voice with which Dings greeted the perpetual
uproar of the city.

His idea had been to get Elizabeth out of the way when it came to
selling the absurd furniture about which their affections were twined
and tangled; but when it came to the sale it was Elizabeth who haggled
with the dealer while Denton went about the running ways of the city,
white and sick with sorrow and the fear of what was still to come. When
they moved into their sparsely furnished pink-and-white apartments in a
cheap hotel, there came an outbreak of furious energy on his part, and
then nearly a week of lethargy during which he sulked at home. Through
those days Elizabeth shone like a star, and at the end Denton's misery
found a vent in tears. And then he went out into the city ways again,
and--to his utter amazement--found some work to do.

His standard of employment had fallen steadily until at last it had
reached the lowest level of independent workers. At first he had aspired
to some high official position in the great Flying or Wind Vane or Water
Companies, or to an appointment on one of the General Intelligence
Organisations that had replaced newspapers, or to some professional
partnership, but those were the dreams of the beginning. From that he
had passed to speculation, and three hundred gold "lions" out of
Elizabeth's thousand had vanished one evening in the share market. Now
he was glad his good looks secured him a trial in the position of
salesman to the Suzannah Hat Syndicate, a Syndicate, dealing in ladies'
caps, hair decorations, and hats--for though the city was completely
covered in, ladies still wore extremely elaborate and beautiful hats at
the theatres and places of public worship.

It would have been amusing if one could have confronted a Regent Street
shopkeeper of the nineteenth century with the development of his
establishment in which Denton's duties lay. Nineteenth Way was still
sometimes called Regent Street, but it was now a street of moving
platforms and nearly eight hundred feet wide. The middle space was
immovable and gave access by staircases descending into subterranean
ways to the houses on either side. Right and left were an ascending
series of continuous platforms each of which travelled about five miles
an hour faster than the one internal to it, so that one could step from
platform to platform until one reached the swiftest outer way and so go
about the city. The establishment of the Suzannah Hat Syndicate
projected a vast _façade_ upon the outer way, sending out overhead at
either end an overlapping series of huge white glass screens, on which
gigantic animated pictures of the faces of well-known beautiful living
women wearing novelties in hats were thrown. A dense crowd was always
collected in the stationary central way watching a vast kinematograph
which displayed the changing fashion. The whole front of the building
was in perpetual chromatic change, and all down the _façade_--four
hundred feet it measured--and all across the street of moving ways,
laced and winked and glittered in a thousand varieties of colour and
lettering the inscription--


A broadside of gigantic phonographs drowned all conversation in the
moving way and roared "_hats_" at the passer-by, while far down the
street and up, other batteries counselled the public to "walk down for
Suzannah," and queried, "Why _don't_ you buy the girl a hat?"

For the benefit of those who chanced to be deaf--and deafness was not
uncommon in the London of that age, inscriptions of all sizes were
thrown from the roof above upon the moving platforms themselves, and on
one's hand or on the bald head of the man before one, or on a lady's
shoulders, or in a sudden jet of flame before one's feet, the moving
finger wrote in unanticipated letters of fire "_'ets r chip t'de_," or
simply "_'ets_." And spite of all these efforts so high was the pitch at
which the city lived, so trained became one's eyes and ears to ignore
all sorts of advertisement, that many a citizen had passed that place
thousands of times and was still unaware of the existence of the
Suzannah Hat Syndicate.

To enter the building one descended the staircase in the middle way and
walked through a public passage in which pretty girls promenaded, girls
who were willing to wear a ticketed hat for a small fee. The entrance
chamber was a large hall in which wax heads fashionably adorned rotated
gracefully upon pedestals, and from this one passed through a cash
office to an interminable series of little rooms, each room with its
salesman, its three or four hats and pins, its mirrors, its
kinematographs, telephones and hat slides in communication with the
central depôt, its comfortable lounge and tempting refreshments. A
salesman in such an apartment did Denton now become. It was his business
to attend to any of the incessant stream of ladies who chose to stop
with him, to behave as winningly as possible, to offer refreshment, to
converse on any topic the possible customer chose, and to guide the
conversation dexterously but not insistently towards hats. He was to
suggest trying on various types of hat and to show by his manner and
bearing, but without any coarse flattery, the enhanced impression made
by the hats he wished to sell. He had several mirrors, adapted by
various subtleties of curvature and tint to different types of face and
complexion, and much depended on the proper use of these.

Denton flung himself at these curious and not very congenial duties with
a good will and energy that would have amazed him a year before; but all
to no purpose. The Senior Manageress, who had selected him for
appointment and conferred various small marks of favour upon him,
suddenly changed in her manner, declared for no assignable cause that he
was stupid, and dismissed him at the end of six weeks of salesmanship.
So Denton had to resume his ineffectual search for employment.

This second search did not last very long. Their money was at the ebb.
To eke it out a little longer they resolved to part with their darling
Dings, and took that small person to one of the public _creches_ that
abounded in the city. That was the common use of the time. The
industrial emancipation of women, the correlated disorganisation of the
secluded "home," had rendered _creches_ a necessity for all but very
rich and exceptionally-minded people. Therein children encountered
hygienic and educational advantages impossible without such
organisation. _Creches_ were of all classes and types of luxury, down to
those of the Labour Company, where children were taken on credit, to be
redeemed in labour as they grew up.

But both Denton and Elizabeth being, as I have explained, strange
old-fashioned young people, full of nineteenth-century ideas, hated
these convenient _creches_ exceedingly and at last took their little
daughter to one with extreme reluctance. They were received by a
motherly person in a uniform who was very brisk and prompt in her manner
until Elizabeth wept at the mention of parting from her child. The
motherly person, after a brief astonishment at this unusual emotion,
changed suddenly into a creature of hope and comfort, and so won
Elizabeth's gratitude for life. They were conducted into a vast room
presided over by several nurses and with hundreds of two-year-old girls
grouped about the toy-covered floor. This was the Two-year-old Room.
Two nurses came forward, and Elizabeth watched their bearing towards
Dings with jealous eyes. They were kind--it was clear they felt kind,
and yet ...

Presently it was time to go. By that time Dings was happily established
in a corner, sitting on the floor with her arms filled, and herself,
indeed, for the most part hidden by an unaccustomed wealth of toys. She
seemed careless of all human relationships as her parents receded.

They were forbidden to upset her by saying good-bye.

At the door Elizabeth glanced back for the last time, and behold! Dings
had dropped her new wealth and was standing with a dubious face.
Suddenly Elizabeth gasped, and the motherly nurse pushed her forward and
closed the door.

"You can come again soon, dear," she said, with unexpected tenderness in
her eyes. For a moment Elizabeth stared at her with a blank face. "You
can come again soon," repeated the nurse. Then with a swift transition
Elizabeth was weeping in the nurse's arms. So it was that Denton's heart
was won also.

And three weeks after our young people were absolutely penniless, and
only one way lay open. They must go to the Labour Company. So soon as
the rent was a week overdue their few remaining possessions were seized,
and with scant courtesy they were shown the way out of the hotel.
Elizabeth walked along the passage towards the staircase that ascended
to the motionless middle way, too dulled by misery to think. Denton
stopped behind to finish a stinging and unsatisfactory argument with the
hotel porter, and then came hurrying after her, flushed and hot. He
slackened his pace as he overtook her, and together they ascended to the
middle way in silence. There they found two seats vacant and sat down.

"We need not go there--_yet_?" said Elizabeth.

"No--not till we are hungry," said Denton.

They said no more.

Elizabeth's eyes sought a resting-place and found none. To the right
roared the eastward ways, to the left the ways in the opposite
direction, swarming with people. Backwards and forwards along a cable
overhead rushed a string of gesticulating men, dressed like clowns, each
marked on back and chest with one gigantic letter, so that altogether
they spelt out:


An anæmic little woman in horrible coarse blue canvas pointed a little
girl to one of this string of hurrying advertisements.

"Look!" said the anæmic woman: "there's yer father."

"Which?" said the little girl.

"'Im wiv his nose coloured red," said the anæmic woman.

The little girl began to cry, and Elizabeth could have cried too.

"Ain't 'e kickin' 'is legs!--_just!_" said the anæmic woman in blue,
trying to make things bright again. "Looky--_now!_"

On the _façade_ to the right a huge intensely bright disc of weird
colour span incessantly, and letters of fire that came and went spelt


Then a pause, followed by


A vast and desolating braying began. "If you love Swagger Literature,
put your telephone on to Bruggles, the Greatest Author of all Time. The
Greatest Thinker of all Time. Teaches you Morals up to your Scalp! The
very image of Socrates, except the back of his head, which is like
Shakspeare. He has six toes, dresses in red, and never cleans his teeth.
Hear HIM!"

Denton's voice became audible in a gap in the uproar. "I never ought to
have married you," he was saying. "I have wasted your money, ruined you,
brought you to misery. I am a scoundrel.... Oh, this accursed world!"

She tried to speak, and for some moments could not. She grasped his
hand. "No," she said at last.

A half-formed desire suddenly became determination. She stood up. "Will
you come?"

He rose also. "We need not go there yet."

"Not that. But I want you to come to the flying stages--where we met.
You know? The little seat."

He hesitated. "_Can_ you?" he said, doubtfully.

"Must," she answered.

He hesitated still for a moment, then moved to obey her will.

And so it was they spent their last half-day of freedom out under the
open air in the little seat under the flying stages where they had been
wont to meet five short years ago. There she told him, what she could
not tell him in the tumultuous public ways, that she did not repent even
now of their marriage--that whatever discomfort and misery life still
had for them, she was content with the things that had been. The weather
was kind to them, the seat was sunlit and warm, and overhead the shining
aëroplanes went and came.

At last towards sunsetting their time was at an end, and they made their
vows to one another and clasped hands, and then rose up and went back
into the ways of the city, a shabby-looking, heavy-hearted pair, tired
and hungry. Soon they came to one of the pale blue signs that marked a
Labour Company Bureau. For a space they stood in the middle way
regarding this and at last descended, and entered the waiting-room.

The Labour Company had originally been a charitable organisation; its
aim was to supply food, shelter, and work to all comers. This it was
bound to do by the conditions of its incorporation, and it was also
bound to supply food and shelter and medical attendance to all incapable
of work who chose to demand its aid. In exchange these incapables paid
labour notes, which they had to redeem upon recovery. They signed these
labour notes with thumb-marks, which were photographed and indexed in
such a way that this world-wide Labour Company could identify any one of
its two or three hundred million clients at the cost of an hour's
inquiry. The day's labour was defined as two spells in a treadmill used
in generating electrical force, or its equivalent, and its due
performance could be enforced by law. In practice the Labour Company
found it advisable to add to its statutory obligations of food and
shelter a few pence a day as an inducement to effort; and its enterprise
had not only abolished pauperisation altogether, but supplied
practically all but the very highest and most responsible labour
throughout the world. Nearly a third of the population of the world were
its serfs and debtors from the cradle to the grave.

In this practical, unsentimental way the problem of the unemployed had
been most satisfactorily met and overcome. No one starved in the public
ways, and no rags, no costume less sanitary and sufficient than the
Labour Company's hygienic but inelegant blue canvas, pained the eye
throughout the whole world. It was the constant theme of the
phonographic newspapers how much the world had progressed since
nineteenth-century days, when the bodies of those killed by the
vehicular traffic or dead of starvation, were, they alleged, a common
feature in all the busier streets.

Denton and Elizabeth sat apart in the waiting-room until their turn
came. Most of the others collected there seemed limp and taciturn, but
three or four young people gaudily dressed made up for the quietude of
their companions. They were life clients of the Company, born in the
Company's _creche_ and destined to die in its hospital, and they had
been out for a spree with some shillings or so of extra pay. They talked
vociferously in a later development of the Cockney dialect, manifestly
very proud of themselves.

Elizabeth's eyes went from these to the less assertive figures. One
seemed exceptionally pitiful to her. It was a woman of perhaps
forty-five, with gold-stained hair and a painted face, down which
abundant tears had trickled; she had a pinched nose, hungry eyes, lean
hands and shoulders, and her dusty worn-out finery told the story of her
life. Another was a grey-bearded old man in the costume of a bishop of
one of the high episcopal sects--for religion was now also a business,
and had its ups and downs. And beside him a sickly, dissipated-looking
boy of perhaps two-and-twenty glared at Fate.

Presently Elizabeth and then Denton interviewed the manageress--for the
Company preferred women in this capacity--and found she possessed an
energetic face, a contemptuous manner, and a particularly unpleasant
voice. They were given various checks, including one to certify that
they need not have their heads cropped; and when they had given their
thumb-marks, learnt the number corresponding thereunto, and exchanged
their shabby middle-class clothes for duly numbered blue canvas suits,
they repaired to the huge plain dining-room for their first meal under
these new conditions. Afterwards they were to return to her for
instructions about their work.

When they had made the exchange of their clothing Elizabeth did not seem
able to look at Denton at first; but he looked at her, and saw with
astonishment that even in blue canvas she was still beautiful. And then
their soup and bread came sliding on its little rail down the long table
towards them and stopped with a jerk, and he forgot the matter. For they
had had no proper meal for three days.

After they had dined they rested for a time. Neither talked--there was
nothing to say; and presently they got up and went back to the
manageress to learn what they had to do.

The manageress referred to a tablet. "Y'r rooms won't be here; it'll be
in the Highbury Ward, Ninety-seventh Way, number two thousand and
seventeen. Better make a note of it on y'r card. _You_, nought nought
nought, type seven, sixty-four, b.c.d., _gamma_ forty-one, female; you
'ave to go to the Metal-beating Company and try that for a
day--fourpence bonus if ye're satisfactory; and _you_, nought seven one,
type four, seven hundred and nine, g.f.b., _pi_ five and ninety, male;
you 'ave to go to the Photographic Company on Eighty-first Way, and
learn something or other--_I_ don't know--thrippence. 'Ere's y'r cards.
That's all. Next! _What?_ Didn't catch it all? Lor! So suppose I must go
over it all again. Why don't you listen? Keerless, unprovident people!
One'd think these things didn't matter."

Their ways to their work lay together for a time. And now they found
they could talk. Curiously enough, the worst of their depression seemed
over now that they had actually donned the blue. Denton could talk with
interest even of the work that lay before them. "Whatever it is," he
said, "it can't be so hateful as that hat shop. And after we have paid
for Dings, we shall still have a whole penny a day between us even now.
Afterwards--we may improve,--get more money."

Elizabeth was less inclined to speech. "I wonder why work should seem
so hateful," she said.

"It's odd," said Denton. "I suppose it wouldn't be if it were not the
thought of being ordered about.... I hope we shall have decent

Elizabeth did not answer. She was not thinking of that. She was tracing
out some thoughts of her own.

"Of course," she said presently, "we have been using up work all our
lives. It's only fair--"

She stopped. It was too intricate.

"We paid for it," said Denton, for at that time he had not troubled
himself about these complicated things.

"We did nothing--and yet we paid for it. That's what I cannot

"Perhaps we are paying," said Elizabeth presently--for her theology was
old-fashioned and simple.

Presently it was time for them to part, and each went to the appointed
work. Denton's was to mind a complicated hydraulic press that seemed
almost an intelligent thing. This press worked by the sea-water that was
destined finally to flush the city drains--for the world had long since
abandoned the folly of pouring drinkable water into its sewers. This
water was brought close to the eastward edge of the city by a huge
canal, and then raised by an enormous battery of pumps into reservoirs
at a level of four hundred feet above the sea, from which it spread by a
billion arterial branches over the city. Thence it poured down,
cleansing, sluicing, working machinery of all sorts, through an infinite
variety of capillary channels into the great drains, the _cloacae
maximae_, and so carried the sewage out to the agricultural areas that
surrounded London on every side.

The press was employed in one of the processes of the photographic
manufacture, but the nature of the process it did not concern Denton to
understand. The most salient fact to his mind was that it had to be
conducted in ruby light, and as a consequence the room in which he
worked was lit by one coloured globe that poured a lurid and painful
illumination about the room. In the darkest corner stood the press whose
servant Denton had now become: it was a huge, dim, glittering thing with
a projecting hood that had a remote resemblance to a bowed head, and,
squatting like some metal Buddha in this weird light that ministered to
its needs, it seemed to Denton in certain moods almost as if this must
needs be the obscure idol to which humanity in some strange aberration
had offered up his life. His duties had a varied monotony. Such items as
the following will convey an idea of the service of the press. The thing
worked with a busy clicking so long as things went well; but if the
paste that came pouring through a feeder from another room and which it
was perpetually compressing into thin plates, changed in quality the
rhythm of its click altered and Denton hastened to make certain
adjustments. The slightest delay involved a waste of paste and the
docking of one or more of his daily pence. If the supply of paste
waned--there were hand processes of a peculiar sort involved in its
preparation, and sometimes the workers had convulsions which deranged
their output--Denton had to throw the press out of gear. In the painful
vigilance a multitude of such trivial attentions entailed, painful
because of the incessant effort its absence of natural interest
required, Denton had now to pass one-third of his days. Save for an
occasional visit from the manager, a kindly but singularly foul-mouthed
man, Denton passed his working hours in solitude.

Elizabeth's work was of a more social sort. There was a fashion for
covering the private apartments of the very wealthy with metal plates
beautifully embossed with repeated patterns. The taste of the time
demanded, however, that the repetition of the patterns should not be
exact--not mechanical, but "natural"--and it was found that the most
pleasing arrangement of pattern irregularity was obtained by employing
women of refinement and natural taste to punch out the patterns with
small dies. So many square feet of plates was exacted from Elizabeth as
a minimum, and for whatever square feet she did in excess she received a
small payment. The room, like most rooms of women workers, was under a
manageress: men had been found by the Labour Company not only less
exacting but extremely liable to excuse favoured ladies from a proper
share of their duties. The manageress was a not unkindly, taciturn
person, with the hardened remains of beauty of the brunette type; and
the other women workers, who of course hated her, associated her name
scandalously with one of the metal-work directors in order to explain
her position.

Only two or three of Elizabeth's fellow-workers were born labour serfs;
plain, morose girls, but most of them corresponded to what the
nineteenth century would have called a "reduced" gentlewoman. But the
ideal of what constituted a gentlewoman had altered: the faint, faded,
negative virtue, the modulated voice and restrained gesture of the
old-fashioned gentlewoman had vanished from the earth. Most of her
companions showed in discoloured hair, ruined complexions, and the
texture of their reminiscent conversations, the vanished glories of a
conquering youth. All of these artistic workers were much older than
Elizabeth, and two openly expressed their surprise that any one so young
and pleasant should come to share their toil. But Elizabeth did not
trouble them with her old-world moral conceptions.

They were permitted, and even encouraged to converse with each other,
for the directors very properly judged that anything that conduced to
variations of mood made for pleasing fluctuations in their patterning;
and Elizabeth was almost forced to hear the stories of these lives with
which her own interwove: garbled and distorted they were by vanity
indeed and yet comprehensible enough. And soon she began to appreciate
the small spites and cliques, the little misunderstandings and alliances
that enmeshed about her. One woman was excessively garrulous and
descriptive about a wonderful son of hers; another had cultivated a
foolish coarseness of speech, that she seemed to regard as the wittiest
expression of originality conceivable; a third mused for ever on dress,
and whispered to Elizabeth how she saved her pence day after day, and
would presently have a glorious day of freedom, wearing ... and then
followed hours of description; two others sat always together, and
called one another pet names, until one day some little thing happened,
and they sat apart, blind and deaf as it seemed to one another's being.
And always from them all came an incessant tap, tap, tap, tap, and the
manageress listened always to the rhythm to mark if one fell away. Tap,
tap, tap, tap: so their days passed, so their lives must pass. Elizabeth
sat among them, kindly and quiet, grey-hearted, marvelling at Fate: tap,
tap, tap; tap, tap, tap; tap, tap, tap.

So there came to Denton and Elizabeth a long succession of laborious
days, that hardened their hands, wove strange threads of some new and
sterner substance into the soft prettiness of their lives, and drew
grave lines and shadows on their faces. The bright, convenient ways of
the former life had receded to an inaccessible distance; slowly they
learnt the lesson of the underworld--sombre and laborious, vast and
pregnant. There were many little things happened: things that would be
tedious and miserable to tell, things that were bitter and grievous to
bear--indignities, tyrannies, such as must ever season the bread of the
poor in cities; and one thing that was not little, but seemed like the
utter blackening of life to them, which was that the child they had
given life to sickened and died. But that story, that ancient,
perpetually recurring story, has been told so often, has been told so
beautifully, that there is no need to tell it over again here. There was
the same sharp fear, the same long anxiety, the deferred inevitable
blow, and the black silence. It has always been the same; it will always
be the same. It is one of the things that must be.

And it was Elizabeth who was the first to speak, after an aching, dull
interspace of days: not, indeed, of the foolish little name that was a
name no longer, but of the darkness that brooded over her soul. They had
come through the shrieking, tumultuous ways of the city together; the
clamour of trade, of yelling competitive religions, of political appeal,
had beat upon deaf ears; the glare of focussed lights, of dancing
letters, and fiery advertisements, had fallen upon the set, miserable
faces unheeded. They took their dinner in the dining-hall at a place
apart. "I want," said Elizabeth clumsily, "to go out to the flying
stages--to that seat. Here, one can say nothing...."

Denton looked at her. "It will be night," he said.

"I have asked,--it is a fine night." She stopped.

He perceived she could find no words to explain herself. Suddenly he
understood that she wished to see the stars once more, the stars they
had watched together from the open downland in that wild honeymoon of
theirs five years ago. Something caught at his throat. He looked away
from her.

"There will be plenty of time to go," he said, in a matter-of-fact tone.

And at last they came out to their little seat on the flying stage, and
sat there for a long time in silence. The little seat was in shadow, but
the zenith was pale blue with the effulgence of the stage overhead, and
all the city spread below them, squares and circles and patches of
brilliance caught in a mesh-work of light. The little stars seemed very
faint and small: near as they had been to the old-world watcher, they
had become now infinitely remote. Yet one could see them in the darkened
patches amidst the glare, and especially in the northward sky, the
ancient constellations gliding steadfast and patient about the pole.

Long our two people sat in silence, and at last Elizabeth sighed.

"If I understood," she said, "if I could understand. When one is down
there the city seems everything--the noise, the hurry, the voices--you
must live, you must scramble. Here--it is nothing; a thing that passes.
One can think in peace."

"Yes," said Denton. "How flimsy it all is! From here more than half of
it is swallowed by the night.... It will pass."

"We shall pass first," said Elizabeth.

"I know," said Denton. "If life were not a moment, the whole of history
would seem like the happening of a day.... Yes--we shall pass. And the
city will pass, and all the things that are to come. Man and the Overman
and wonders unspeakable. And yet ..."

He paused, and then began afresh. "I know what you feel. At least I
fancy.... Down there one thinks of one's work, one's little vexations
and pleasures, one's eating and drinking and ease and pain. One lives,
and one must die. Down there and everyday--our sorrow seemed the end of

"Up here it is different. For instance, down there it would seem
impossible almost to go on living if one were horribly disfigured,
horribly crippled, disgraced. Up here--under these stars--none of those
things would matter. They don't matter.... They are a part of something.
One seems just to touch that something--under the stars...."

He stopped. The vague, impalpable things in his mind, cloudy emotions
half shaped towards ideas, vanished before the rough grasp of words. "It
is hard to express," he said lamely.

They sat through a long stillness.

"It is well to come here," he said at last. "We stop--our minds are very
finite. After all we are just poor animals rising out of the brute, each
with a mind, the poor beginning of a mind. We are so stupid. So much
hurts. And yet ...

"I know, I know--and some day we shall _see_.

"All this frightful stress, all this discord will resolve to harmony,
and we shall know it. Nothing is but it makes for that. Nothing. All the
failures--every little thing makes for that harmony. Everything is
necessary to it, we shall find. We shall find. Nothing, not even the
most dreadful thing, could be left out. Not even the most trivial.
Every tap of your hammer on the brass, every moment of work, my idleness
even ... Dear one! every movement of our poor little one ... All these
things go on for ever. And the faint impalpable things. We, sitting here
together.--Everything ...

"The passion that joined us, and what has come since. It is not passion
now. More than anything else it is sorrow. _Dear_ ..."

He could say no more, could follow his thoughts no further.

Elizabeth made no answer--she was very still; but presently her hand
sought his and found it.


Under the stars one may reach upward and touch resignation, whatever the
evil thing may be, but in the heat and stress of the day's work we lapse
again, come disgust and anger and intolerable moods. How little is all
our magnanimity--an accident! a phase! The very Saints of old had first
to flee the world. And Denton and his Elizabeth could not flee their
world, no longer were there open roads to unclaimed lands where men
might live freely--however hardly--and keep their souls in peace. The
city had swallowed up mankind.

For a time these two Labour Serfs were kept at their original
occupations, she at her brass stamping and Denton at his press; and then
came a move for him that brought with it fresh and still bitterer
experiences of life in the underways of the great city. He was
transferred to the care of a rather more elaborate press in the central
factory of the London Tile Trust.

In this new situation he had to work in a long vaulted room with a
number of other men, for the most part born Labour Serfs. He came to
this intercourse reluctantly. His upbringing had been refined, and,
until his ill fortune had brought him to that costume, he had never
spoken in his life, except by way of command or some immediate
necessity, to the white-faced wearers of the blue canvas. Now at last
came contact; he had to work beside them, share their tools, eat with
them. To both Elizabeth and himself this seemed a further degradation.

His taste would have seemed extreme to a man of the nineteenth century.
But slowly and inevitably in the intervening years a gulf had opened
between the wearers of the blue canvas and the classes above, a
difference not simply of circumstances and habits of life, but of habits
of thought--even of language. The underways had developed a dialect of
their own: above, too, had arisen a dialect, a code of thought, a
language of "culture," which aimed by a sedulous search after fresh
distinction to widen perpetually the space between itself and
"vulgarity." The bond of a common faith, moreover, no longer held the
race together. The last years of the nineteenth century were
distinguished by the rapid development among the prosperous idle of
esoteric perversions of the popular religion: glosses and
interpretations that reduced the broad teachings of the carpenter of
Nazareth to the exquisite narrowness of their lives. And, spite of their
inclination towards the ancient fashion of living, neither Elizabeth nor
Denton had been sufficiently original to escape the suggestion of their
surroundings. In matters of common behaviour they had followed the ways
of their class, and so when they fell at last to be Labour Serfs it
seemed to them almost as though they were falling among offensive
inferior animals; they felt as a nineteenth-century duke and duchess
might have felt who were forced to take rooms in the Jago.

Their natural impulse was to maintain a "distance." But Denton's first
idea of a dignified isolation from his new surroundings was soon rudely
dispelled. He had imagined that his fall to the position of a Labour
Serf was the end of his lesson, that when their little daughter had died
he had plumbed the deeps of life; but indeed these things were only the
beginning. Life demands something more from us than acquiescence. And
now in a roomful of machine minders he was to learn a wider lesson, to
make the acquaintance of another factor in life, a factor as elemental
as the loss of things dear to us, more elemental even than toil.

His quiet discouragement of conversation was an immediate cause of
offence--was interpreted, rightly enough I fear, as disdain. His
ignorance of the vulgar dialect, a thing upon which he had hitherto
prided himself, suddenly took upon itself a new aspect. He failed to
perceive at once that his reception of the coarse and stupid but
genially intended remarks that greeted his appearance must have stung
the makers of these advances like blows in their faces. "Don't
understand," he said rather coldly, and at hazard, "No, thank you."

The man who had addressed him stared, scowled, and turned away.

A second, who also failed at Denton's unaccustomed ear, took the trouble
to repeat his remark, and Denton discovered he was being offered the use
of an oil can. He expressed polite thanks, and this second man embarked
upon a penetrating conversation. Denton, he remarked, had been a swell,
and he wanted to know how he had come to wear the blue. He clearly
expected an interesting record of vice and extravagance. Had Denton ever
been at a Pleasure City? Denton was speedily to discover how the
existence of these wonderful places of delight permeated and defiled the
thought and honour of these unwilling, hopeless workers of the

His aristocratic temperament resented these questions. He answered "No"
curtly. The man persisted with a still more personal question, and this
time it was Denton who turned away.

"Gorblimey!" said his interlocutor, much astonished.

It presently forced itself upon Denton's mind that this remarkable
conversation was being repeated in indignant tones to more sympathetic
hearers, and that it gave rise to astonishment and ironical laughter.
They looked at Denton with manifestly enhanced interest. A curious
perception of isolation dawned upon him. He tried to think of his press
and its unfamiliar peculiarities....

The machines kept everybody pretty busy during the first spell, and
then came a recess. It was only an interval for refreshment, too brief
for any one to go out to a Labour Company dining-room. Denton followed
his fellow-workers into a short gallery, in which were a number of bins
of refuse from the presses.

Each man produced a packet of food. Denton had no packet. The manager, a
careless young man who held his position by influence, had omitted to
warn Denton that it was necessary to apply for this provision. He stood
apart, feeling hungry. The others drew together in a group and talked in
undertones, glancing at him ever and again. He became uneasy. His
appearance of disregard cost him an increasing effort. He tried to think
of the levers of his new press.

Presently one, a man shorter but much broader and stouter than Denton,
came forward to him. Denton turned to him as unconcernedly as possible.
"Here!" said the delegate--as Denton judged him to be--extending a cube
of bread in a not too clean hand. He had a swart, broad-nosed face, and
his mouth hung down towards one corner.

Denton felt doubtful for the instant whether this was meant for civility
or insult. His impulse was to decline. "No, thanks," he said; and, at
the man's change of expression, "I'm not hungry."

There came a laugh from the group behind. "Told you so," said the man
who had offered Denton the loan of an oil can. "He's top side, he is.
You ain't good enough for 'im."

The swart face grew a shade darker.

"Here," said its owner, still extending the bread, and speaking in a
lower tone; "you got to eat this. See?"

Denton looked into the threatening face before him, and odd little
currents of energy seemed to be running through his limbs and body.

"I don't want it," he said, trying a pleasant smile that twitched and

The thickset man advanced his face, and the bread became a physical
threat in his hand. Denton's mind rushed together to the one problem of
his antagonist's eyes.

"Eat it," said the swart man.

There came a pause, and then they both moved quickly. The cube of bread
described a complicated path, a curve that would have ended in Denton's
face; and then his fist hit the wrist of the hand that gripped it, and
it flew upward, and out of the conflict--its part played.

He stepped back quickly, fists clenched and arms tense. The hot, dark
countenance receded, became an alert hostility, watching its chance.
Denton for one instant felt confident, and strangely buoyant and serene.
His heart beat quickly. He felt his body alive, and glowing to the tips.

"Scrap, boys!" shouted some one, and then the dark figure had leapt
forward, ducked back and sideways, and come in again. Denton struck out,
and was hit. One of his eyes seemed to him to be demolished, and he felt
a soft lip under his fist just before he was hit again--this time under
the chin. A huge fan of fiery needles shot open. He had a momentary
persuasion that his head was knocked to pieces, and then something hit
his head and back from behind, and the fight became an uninteresting, an
impersonal thing.

He was aware that time--seconds or minutes--had passed, abstract,
uneventful time. He was lying with his head in a heap of ashes, and
something wet and warm ran swiftly into his neck. The first shock broke
up into discrete sensations. All his head throbbed; his eye and his chin
throbbed exceedingly, and the taste of blood was in his mouth.

"He's all right," said a voice. "He's opening his eyes."

"Serve him----well right," said a second.

His mates were standing about him. He made an effort and sat up. He put
his hand to the back of his head, and his hair was wet and full of
cinders. A laugh greeted the gesture. His eye was partially closed. He
perceived what had happened. His momentary anticipation of a final
victory had vanished.

"Looks surprised," said some one.

"'Ave any more?" said a wit; and then, imitating Denton's refined

"No, thank you."

Denton perceived the swart man with a blood-stained handkerchief before
his face, and somewhat in the background.

"Where's that bit of bread he's got to eat?" said a little ferret-faced
creature; and sought with his foot in the ashes of the adjacent bin.

Denton had a moment of internal debate. He knew the code of honour
requires a man to pursue a fight he has begun to the bitter end; but
this was his first taste of the bitterness. He was resolved to rise
again, but he felt no passionate impulse. It occurred to him--and the
thought was no very violent spur--that he was perhaps after all a
coward. For a moment his will was heavy, a lump of lead.

"'Ere it is," said the little ferret-faced man, and stooped to pick up a
cindery cube. He looked at Denton, then at the others.

Slowly, unwillingly, Denton stood up.

A dirty-faced albino extended a hand to the ferret-faced man. "Gimme
that toke," he said. He advanced threateningly, bread in hand, to
Denton. "So you ain't 'ad your bellyful yet," he said. "Eh?"

Now it was coming. "No, I haven't," said Denton, with a catching of the
breath, and resolved to try this brute behind the ear before he himself
got stunned again. He knew he would be stunned again. He was astonished
how ill he had judged himself beforehand. A few ridiculous lunges, and
down he would go again. He watched the albino's eyes. The albino was
grinning confidently, like a man who plans an agreeable trick. A sudden
perception of impending indignities stung Denton.

"You leave 'im alone, Jim," said the swart man suddenly over the
blood-stained rag. "He ain't done nothing to you."

The albino's grin vanished. He stopped. He looked from one to the other.
It seemed to Denton that the swart man demanded the privilege of his
destruction. The albino would have been better.

"You leave 'im alone," said the swart man. "See? 'E's 'ad 'is licks."

A clattering bell lifted up its voice and solved the situation. The
albino hesitated. "Lucky for you," he said, adding a foul metaphor, and
turned with the others towards the press-room again. "Wait for the end
of the spell, mate," said the albino over his shoulder--an afterthought.
The swart man waited for the albino to precede him. Denton realised that
he had a reprieve.

The men passed towards an open door. Denton became aware of his duties,
and hurried to join the tail of the queue. At the doorway of the vaulted
gallery of presses a yellow-uniformed labour policeman stood ticking a
card. He had ignored the swart man's hæmorrhage.

"Hurry up there!" he said to Denton.

"Hello!" he said, at the sight of his facial disarray. "Who's been
hitting _you_?"

"That's my affair," said Denton.

"Not if it spiles your work, it ain't," said the man in yellow. "You
mind that."

Denton made no answer. He was a rough--a labourer. He wore the blue
canvas. The laws of assault and battery, he knew, were not for the
likes of him. He went to his press.

He could feel the skin of his brow and chin and head lifting themselves
to noble bruises, felt the throb and pain of each aspiring contusion.
His nervous system slid down to lethargy; at each movement in his press
adjustment he felt he lifted a weight. And as for his honour--that too
throbbed and puffed. How did he stand? What precisely had happened in
the last ten minutes? What would happen next? He knew that here was
enormous matter for thought, and he could not think save in disordered

His mood was a sort of stagnant astonishment. All his conceptions were
overthrown. He had regarded his security from physical violence as
inherent, as one of the conditions of life. So, indeed, it had been
while he wore his middle-class costume, had his middle-class property to
serve for his defence. But who would interfere among Labour roughs
fighting together? And indeed in those days no man would. In the
Underworld there was no law between man and man; the law and machinery
of the state had become for them something that held men down, fended
them off from much desirable property and pleasure, and that was all.
Violence, that ocean in which the brutes live for ever, and from which a
thousand dykes and contrivances have won our hazardous civilised life,
had flowed in again upon the sinking underways and submerged them. The
fist ruled. Denton had come right down at last to the elemental--fist
and trick and the stubborn heart and fellowship--even as it was in the

The rhythm of his machine changed, and his thoughts were interrupted.

Presently he could think again. Strange how quickly things had happened!
He bore these men who had thrashed him no very vivid ill-will. He was
bruised and enlightened. He saw with absolute fairness now the
reasonableness of his unpopularity. He had behaved like a fool. Disdain,
seclusion, are the privilege of the strong. The fallen aristocrat still
clinging to his pointless distinction is surely the most pitiful
creature of pretence in all this clamant universe. Good heavens! what
was there for him to despise in these men?

What a pity he had not appreciated all this better five hours ago!

What would happen at the end of the spell? He could not tell. He could
not imagine. He could not imagine the thoughts of these men. He was
sensible only of their hostility and utter want of sympathy. Vague
possibilities of shame and violence chased one another across his mind.
Could he devise some weapon? He recalled his assault upon the hypnotist,
but there were no detachable lamps here. He could see nothing that he
could catch up in his defence.

For a space he thought of a headlong bolt for the security of the public
ways directly the spell was over. Apart from the trivial consideration
of his self-respect, he perceived that this would be only a foolish
postponement and aggravation of his trouble. He perceived the
ferret-faced man and the albino talking together with their eyes towards
him. Presently they were talking to the swart man, who stood with his
broad back studiously towards Denton.

At last came the end of the second spell. The lender of oil cans stopped
his press sharply and turned round, wiping his mouth with the back of
his hand. His eyes had the quiet expectation of one who seats himself in
a theatre.

Now was the crisis, and all the little nerves of Denton's being seemed
leaping and dancing. He had decided to show fight if any fresh indignity
was offered him. He stopped his press and turned. With an enormous
affectation of ease he walked down the vault and entered the passage of
the ash pits, only to discover he had left his jacket--which he had
taken off because of the heat of the vault--beside his press. He walked
back. He met the albino eye to eye.

He heard the ferret-faced man in expostulation. "'E reely ought, eat
it," said the ferret-faced man. "'E did reely."

"No--you leave 'im alone," said the swart man.

Apparently nothing further was to happen to him that day. He passed out
to the passage and staircase that led up to the moving platforms of the

He emerged on the livid brilliance and streaming movement of the public
street. He became acutely aware of his disfigured face, and felt his
swelling bruises with a limp, investigatory hand. He went up to the
swiftest platform, and seated himself on a Labour Company bench.

He lapsed into a pensive torpor. The immediate dangers and stresses of
his position he saw with a sort of static clearness. What would they do
to-morrow? He could not tell. What would Elizabeth think of his
brutalisation? He could not tell. He was exhausted. He was aroused
presently by a hand upon his arm.

He looked up, and saw the swart man seated beside him. He started.
Surely he was safe from violence in the public way!

The swart man's face retained no traces of his share in the fight; his
expression was free from hostility--seemed almost deferential. "'Scuse
me," he said, with a total absence of truculence. Denton realised that
no assault was intended. He stared, awaiting the next development.

It was evident the next sentence was premeditated.
"Whad--I--was--going--to say--was this," said the swart man, and sought
through a silence for further words.

"Whad--I--was--going--to say--was this," he repeated.

Finally he abandoned that gambit. "_You're_ aw right," he cried, laying
a grimy hand on Denton's grimy sleeve. "_You're_ aw right. You're a
ge'man. Sorry--very sorry. Wanted to tell you that."

Denton realised that there must exist motives beyond a mere impulse to
abominable proceedings in the man. He meditated, and swallowed an
unworthy pride.

"I did not mean to be offensive to you," he said, "in refusing that bit
of bread."

"Meant it friendly," said the swart man, recalling the scene; "but--in
front of that blarsted Whitey and his snigger--Well--I _'ad_ to scrap."

"Yes," said Denton with sudden fervour: "I was a fool."

"Ah!" said the swart man, with great satisfaction. "_That's_ aw right.

And Denton shook.

The moving platform was rushing by the establishment of a face moulder,
and its lower front was a huge display of mirror, designed to stimulate
the thirst for more symmetrical features. Denton caught the reflection
of himself and his new friend, enormously twisted and broadened. His own
face was puffed, one-sided, and blood-stained; a grin of idiotic and
insincere amiability distorted its latitude. A wisp of hair occluded one
eye. The trick of the mirror presented the swart man as a gross
expansion of lip and nostril. They were linked by shaking hands. Then
abruptly this vision passed--to return to memory in the anæmic
meditations of a waking dawn.

As he shook, the swart man made some muddled remark, to the effect that
he had always known he could get on with a gentleman if one came his
way. He prolonged the shaking until Denton, under the influence of the
mirror, withdrew his hand. The swart man became pensive, spat
impressively on the platform, and resumed his theme.

"Whad I was going to say was this," he said; was gravelled, and shook
his head at his foot.

Denton became curious. "Go on," he said, attentive.

The swart man took the plunge. He grasped Denton's arm, became intimate
in his attitude. "'Scuse me," he said. "Fact is, you done know _'ow_ to
scrap. Done know _'ow_ to. Why--you done know 'ow to _begin_. You'll get
killed if you don't mind. 'Ouldin' your 'ands--_There!_"

He reinforced his statement by objurgation, watching the effect of each
oath with a wary eye.

"F'r instance. You're tall. Long arms. You get a longer reach than any
one in the brasted vault. Gobblimey, but I thought I'd got a Tough on.
'Stead of which ... 'Scuse me. I wouldn't have _'it_ you if I'd known.
It's like fighting sacks. 'Tisn' right. Y'r arms seemed 'ung on 'ooks.
Reg'lar--'ung on 'ooks. There!"

Denton stared, and then surprised and hurt his battered chin by a sudden
laugh. Bitter tears came into his eyes.

"Go on," he said.

The swart man reverted to his formula. He was good enough to say he
liked the look of Denton, thought he had stood up "amazing plucky. On'y
pluck ain't no good--ain't no brasted good--if you don't 'old your

"Whad I was going to say was this," he said. "Lemme show you 'ow to
scrap. Jest lemme. You're ig'nant, you ain't no class; but you might be
a very decent scrapper--very decent. Shown. That's what I meant to say."

Denton hesitated. "But--" he said, "I can't give you anything--"

"That's the ge'man all over," said the swart man. "Who arst you to?"

"But your time?"

"If you don't get learnt scrapping you'll get killed,--don't you make no
bones of that."

Denton thought. "I don't know," he said.

He looked at the face beside him, and all its native coarseness shouted
at him. He felt a quick revulsion from his transient friendliness. It
seemed to him incredible that it should be necessary for him to be
indebted to such a creature.

"The chaps are always scrapping," said the swart man. "Always. And, of
course--if one gets waxy and 'its you vital ..."

"By God!" cried Denton; "I wish one would."

"Of course, if you feel like that--"

"You don't understand."

"P'raps I don't," said the swart man; and lapsed into a fuming silence.

When he spoke again his voice was less friendly, and he prodded Denton
by way of address. "Look see!" he said: "are you going to let me show
you 'ow to scrap?"

"It's tremendously kind of you," said Denton; "but--"

There was a pause. The swart man rose and bent over Denton.

"Too much ge'man," he said--"eh? I got a red face.... By gosh! you
are--you _are_ a brasted fool!"

He turned away, and instantly Denton realised the truth of this remark.

The swart man descended with dignity to a cross way, and Denton, after a
momentary impulse to pursuit, remained on the platform. For a time the
things that had happened filled his mind. In one day his graceful system
of resignation had been shattered beyond hope. Brute force, the final,
the fundamental, had thrust its face through all his explanations and
glosses and consolations and grinned enigmatically. Though he was
hungry and tired, he did not go on directly to the Labour Hotel, where
he would meet Elizabeth. He found he was beginning to think, he wanted
very greatly to think; and so, wrapped in a monstrous cloud of
meditation, he went the circuit of the city on his moving platform
twice. You figure him, tearing through the glaring, thunder-voiced city
at a pace of fifty miles an hour, the city upon the planet that spins
along its chartless path through space many thousands of miles an hour,
funking most terribly, and trying to understand why the heart and will
in him should suffer and keep alive.

When at last he came to Elizabeth, she was white and anxious. He might
have noted she was in trouble, had it not been for his own
preoccupation. He feared most that she would desire to know every detail
of his indignities, that she would be sympathetic or indignant. He saw
her eyebrows rise at the sight of him.

"I've had rough handling," he said, and gasped. "It's too fresh--too
hot. I don't want to talk about it." He sat down with an unavoidable air
of sullenness.

She stared at him in astonishment, and as she read something of the
significant hieroglyphic of his battered face, her lips whitened. Her
hand--it was thinner now than in the days of their prosperity, and her
first finger was a little altered by the metal punching she
did--clenched convulsively. "This horrible world!" she said, and said no

In these latter days they had become a very silent couple; they said
scarcely a word to each other that night, but each followed a private
train of thought. In the small hours, as Elizabeth lay awake, Denton
started up beside her suddenly--he had been lying as still as a dead

"I cannot stand it!" cried Denton. "I _will_ not stand it!"

She saw him dimly, sitting up; saw his arm lunge as if in a furious blow
at the enshrouding night. Then for a space he was still.

"It is too much--it is more than one can bear!"

She could say nothing. To her, also, it seemed that this was as far as
one could go. She waited through a long stillness. She could see that
Denton sat with his arms about his knees, his chin almost touching them.

Then he laughed.

"No," he said at last, "I'm going to stand it. That's the peculiar
thing. There isn't a grain of suicide in us--not a grain. I suppose all
the people with a turn that way have gone. We're going through with
it--to the end."

Elizabeth thought grayly, and realised that this also was true.

"We're going through with it. To think of all who have gone through with
it: all the generations--endless--endless. Little beasts that snapped
and snarled, snapping and snarling, snapping and snarling, generation
after generation."

His monotone, ended abruptly, resumed after a vast interval.

"There were ninety thousand years of stone age. A Denton somewhere in
all those years. Apostolic succession. The grace of going through. Let
me see! Ninety--nine hundred--three nines, twenty-seven--_three
thousand_ generations of men!--men more or less. And each fought, and
was bruised, and shamed, and somehow held his own--going through with
it--passing it on.... And thousands more to come perhaps--thousands!

"Passing it on. I wonder if they will thank us."

His voice assumed an argumentative note. "If one could find something
definite ... If one could say, 'This is why--this is why it goes

He became still, and Elizabeth's eyes slowly separated him from the
darkness until at last she could see how he sat with his head resting on
his hand. A sense of the enormous remoteness of their minds came to her;
that dim suggestion of another being seemed to her a figure of their
mutual understanding. What could he be thinking now? What might he not
say next? Another age seemed to elapse before he sighed and whispered:
"No. I don't understand it. No!" Then a long interval, and he repeated
this. But the second time it had the tone almost of a solution.

She became aware that he was preparing to lie down. She marked his
movements, perceived with astonishment how he adjusted his pillow with a
careful regard to comfort. He lay down with a sigh of contentment
almost. His passion had passed. He lay still, and presently his
breathing became regular and deep.

But Elizabeth remained with eyes wide open in the darkness, until the
clamour of a bell and the sudden brilliance of the electric light warned
them that the Labour Company had need of them for yet another day.

That day came a scuffle with the albino Whitey and the little
ferret-faced man. Blunt, the swart artist in scrapping, having first
let Denton grasp the bearing of his lesson, intervened, not without a
certain quality of patronage. "Drop 'is 'air, Whitey, and let the man
be," said his gross voice through a shower of indignities. "Can't you
see 'e don't know _'ow_ to scrap?" And Denton, lying shamefully in the
dust, realised that he must accept that course of instruction after all.

He made his apology straight and clean. He scrambled up and walked to
Blunt. "I was a fool, and you are right," he said. "If it isn't too
late ..."

That night, after the second spell, Denton went with Blunt to certain
waste and slime-soaked vaults under the Port of London, to learn the
first beginnings of the high art of scrapping as it had been perfected
in the great world of the underways: how to hit or kick a man so as to
hurt him excruciatingly or make him violently sick, how to hit or kick
"vital," how to use glass in one's garments as a club and to spread red
ruin with various domestic implements, how to anticipate and demolish
your adversary's intentions in other directions; all the pleasant
devices, in fact, that had grown up among the disinherited of the great
cities of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, were spread out by a
gifted exponent for Denton's learning. Blunt's bashfulness fell from
him as the instruction proceeded, and he developed a certain expert
dignity, a quality of fatherly consideration. He treated Denton with the
utmost consideration, only "flicking him up a bit" now and then, to keep
the interest hot, and roaring with laughter at a happy fluke of Denton's
that covered his mouth with blood.

"I'm always keerless of my mouth," said Blunt, admitting a weakness.
"Always. It don't seem to matter, like, just getting bashed in the
mouth--not if your chin's all right. Tastin' blood does me good. Always.
But I better not 'it you again."

Denton went home, to fall asleep exhausted and wake in the small hours
with aching limbs and all his bruises tingling. Was it worth while that
he should go on living? He listened to Elizabeth's breathing, and
remembering that he must have awaked her the previous night, he lay very
still. He was sick with infinite disgust at the new conditions of his
life. He hated it all, hated even the genial savage who had protected
him so generously. The monstrous fraud of civilisation glared stark
before his eyes; he saw it as a vast lunatic growth, producing a
deepening torrent of savagery below, and above ever more flimsy
gentility and silly wastefulness. He could see no redeeming reason, no
touch of honour, either in the life he had led or in this life to which
he had fallen. Civilisation presented itself as some catastrophic
product as little concerned with men--save as victims--as a cyclone or a
planetary collision. He, and therefore all mankind, seemed living
utterly in vain. His mind sought some strange expedients of escape, if
not for himself then at least for Elizabeth. But he meant them for
himself. What if he hunted up Mwres and told him of their disaster? It
came to him as an astonishing thing how utterly Mwres and Bindon had
passed out of his range. Where were they? What were they doing? From
that he passed to thoughts of utter dishonour. And finally, not arising
in any way out of this mental tumult, but ending it as dawn ends the
night, came the clear and obvious conclusion of the night before: the
conviction that he had to go through with things; that, apart from any
remoter view and quite sufficient for all his thought and energy, he had
to stand up and fight among his fellows and quit himself like a man.

The second night's instruction was perhaps less dreadful than the first;
and the third was even endurable, for Blunt dealt out some praise. The
fourth day Denton chanced upon the fact that the ferret-faced man was a
coward. There passed a fortnight of smouldering days and feverish
instruction at night; Blunt, with many blasphemies, testified that never
had he met so apt a pupil; and all night long Denton dreamt of kicks and
counters and gouges and cunning tricks. For all that time no further
outrages were attempted, for fear of Blunt; and then came the second
crisis. Blunt did not come one day--afterwards he admitted his
deliberate intention--and through the tedious morning Whitey awaited the
interval between the spells with an ostentatious impatience. He knew
nothing of the scrapping lessons, and he spent the time in telling
Denton and the vault generally of certain disagreeable proceedings he
had in mind.

Whitey was not popular, and the vault disgorged to see him haze the new
man with only a languid interest. But matters changed when Whitey's
attempt to open the proceedings by kicking Denton in the face was met by
an excellently executed duck, catch and throw, that completed the flight
of Whitey's foot in its orbit and brought Whitey's head into the
ash-heap that had once received Denton's. Whitey arose a shade whiter,
and now blasphemously bent upon vital injuries. There were indecisive
passages, foiled enterprises that deepened Whitey's evidently growing
perplexity; and then things developed into a grouping of Denton
uppermost with Whitey's throat in his hand, his knee on Whitey's chest,
and a tearful Whitey with a black face, protruding tongue and broken
finger endeavouring to explain the misunderstanding by means of hoarse
sounds. Moreover, it was evident that among the bystanders there had
never been a more popular person than Denton.

Denton, with proper precaution, released his antagonist and stood up.
His blood seemed changed to some sort of fluid fire, his limbs felt
light and supernaturally strong. The idea that he was a martyr in the
civilisation machine had vanished from his mind. He was a man in a world
of men.

The little ferret-faced man was the first in the competition to pat him
on the back. The lender of oil cans was a radiant sun of genial
congratulation.... It seemed incredible to Denton that he had ever
thought of despair.

Denton was convinced that not only had he to go through with things, but
that he could. He sat on the canvas pallet expounding this new aspect to
Elizabeth. One side of his face was bruised. She had not recently
fought, she had not been patted on the back, there were no hot bruises
upon her face, only a pallor and a new line or so about the mouth. She
was taking the woman's share. She looked steadfastly at Denton in his
new mood of prophecy. "I feel that there is something," he was saying,
"something that goes on, a Being of Life in which we live and move and
have our being, something that began fifty--a hundred million years ago,
perhaps, that goes on--on: growing, spreading, to things beyond
us--things that will justify us all.... That will explain and justify my
fighting--these bruises, and all the pain of it. It's the chisel--yes,
the chisel of the Maker. If only I could make you feel as I feel, if I
could make you! You _will_, dear, I know you will."

"No," she said in a low voice. "No, I shall not."

"So I might have thought--"

She shook her head. "No," she said, "I have thought as well. What you
say--doesn't convince me."

She looked at his face resolutely. "I hate it," she said, and caught at
her breath. "You do not understand, you do not think. There was a time
when you said things and I believed them. I am growing wiser. You are a
man, you can fight, force your way. You do not mind bruises. You can be
coarse and ugly, and still a man. Yes--it makes you. It makes you. You
are right. Only a woman is not like that. We are different. We have let
ourselves get civilised too soon. This underworld is not for us."

She paused and began again.

"I hate it! I hate this horrible canvas! I hate it more than--more than
the worst that can happen. It hurts my fingers to touch it. It is
horrible to the skin. And the women I work with day after day! I lie
awake at nights and think how I may be growing like them...."

She stopped. "I _am_ growing like them," she cried passionately.

Denton stared at her distress. "But--" he said and stopped.

"You don't understand. What have I? What have I to save me? _You_ can
fight. Fighting is man's work. But women--women are different.... I have
thought it all out, I have done nothing but think night and day. Look at
the colour of my face! I cannot go on. I cannot endure this life.... I
cannot endure it."

She stopped. She hesitated.

"You do not know all," she said abruptly, and for an instant her lips
had a bitter smile. "I have been asked to leave you."

"Leave me!"

She made no answer save an affirmative movement of the head.

Denton stood up sharply. They stared at one another through a long

Suddenly she turned herself about, and flung face downward upon their
canvas bed. She did not sob, she made no sound. She lay still upon her
face. After a vast, distressful void her shoulders heaved and she began
to weep silently.

"Elizabeth!" he whispered--"Elizabeth!"

Very softly he sat down beside her, bent down, put his arm across her in
a doubtful caress, seeking vainly for some clue to this intolerable

"Elizabeth," he whispered in her ear.

She thrust him from her with her hand. "I cannot bear a child to be a
slave!" and broke out into loud and bitter weeping.

Denton's face changed--became blank dismay. Presently he slipped from
the bed and stood on his feet. All the complacency had vanished from his
face, had given place to impotent rage. He began to rave and curse at
the intolerable forces which pressed upon him, at all the accidents and
hot desires and heedlessness that mock the life of man. His little voice
rose in that little room, and he shook his fist, this animalcule of the
earth, at all that environed him about, at the millions about him, at
his past and future and all the insensate vastness of the overwhelming


In Bindon's younger days he had dabbled in speculation and made three
brilliant flukes. For the rest of his life he had the wisdom to let
gambling alone, and the conceit to believe himself a very clever man. A
certain desire for influence and reputation interested him in the
business intrigues of the giant city in which his flukes were made. He
became at last one of the most influential shareholders in the company
that owned the London flying stages to which the aëroplanes came from
all parts of the world. This much for his public activities. In his
private life he was a man of pleasure. And this is the story of his

But before proceeding to such depths, one must devote a little time to
the exterior of this person. Its physical basis was slender, and short,
and dark; and the face, which was fine-featured and assisted by
pigments, varied from an insecure self-complacency to an intelligent
uneasiness. His face and head had been depilated, according to the
cleanly and hygienic fashion of the time, so that the colour and contour
of his hair varied with his costume. This he was constantly changing.

At times he would distend himself with pneumatic vestments in the rococo
vein. From among the billowy developments of this style, and beneath a
translucent and illuminated headdress, his eye watched jealously for the
respect of the less fashionable world. At other times he emphasised his
elegant slenderness in close-fitting garments of black satin. For
effects of dignity he would assume broad pneumatic shoulders, from which
hung a robe of carefully arranged folds of China silk, and a classical
Bindon in pink tights was also a transient phenomenon in the eternal
pageant of Destiny. In the days when he hoped to marry Elizabeth, he
sought to impress and charm her, and at the same time to take off
something of his burthen of forty years, by wearing the last fancy of
the contemporary buck, a costume of elastic material with distensible
warts and horns, changing in colour as he walked, by an ingenious
arrangement of versatile chromatophores. And no doubt, if Elizabeth's
affection had not been already engaged by the worthless Denton, and if
her tastes had not had that odd bias for old-fashioned ways, this
extremely _chic_ conception would have ravished her. Bindon had
consulted Elizabeth's father before presenting himself in this garb--he
was one of those men who always invite criticism of their costume--and
Mwres had pronounced him all that the heart of woman could desire. But
the affair of the hypnotist proved that his knowledge of the heart of
woman was incomplete.

Bindon's idea of marrying had been formed some little time before Mwres
threw Elizabeth's budding womanhood in his way. It was one of Bindon's
most cherished secrets that he had a considerable capacity for a pure
and simple life of a grossly sentimental type. The thought imparted a
sort of pathetic seriousness to the offensive and quite inconsequent and
unmeaning excesses, which he was pleased to regard as dashing
wickedness, and which a number of good people also were so unwise as to
treat in that desirable manner. As a consequence of these excesses, and
perhaps by reason also of an inherited tendency to early decay, his
liver became seriously affected, and he suffered increasing
inconvenience when travelling by aëroplane. It was during his
convalescence from a protracted bilious attack that it occurred to him
that in spite of all the terrible fascinations of Vice, if he found a
beautiful, gentle, good young woman of a not too violently intellectual
type to devote her life to him, he might yet be saved to Goodness, and
even rear a spirited family in his likeness to solace his declining
years. But like so many experienced men of the world, he doubted if
there were any good women. Of such as he had heard tell he was outwardly
sceptical and privately much afraid.

When the aspiring Mwres effected his introduction to Elizabeth, it
seemed to him that his good fortune was complete. He fell in love with
her at once. Of course, he had always been falling in love since he was
sixteen, in accordance with the extremely varied recipes to be found in
the accumulated literature of many centuries. But this was different.
This was real love. It seemed to him to call forth all the lurking
goodness in his nature. He felt that for her sake he could give up a way
of life that had already produced the gravest lesions on his liver and
nervous system. His imagination presented him with idyllic pictures of
the life of the reformed rake. He would never be sentimental with her,
or silly; but always a little cynical and bitter, as became the past.
Yet he was sure she would have an intuition of his real greatness and
goodness. And in due course he would confess things to her, pour his
version of what he regarded as his wickedness--showing what a complex of
Goethe, and Benvenuto Cellini, and Shelley, and all those other chaps he
really was--into her shocked, very beautiful, and no doubt sympathetic
ear. And preparatory to these things he wooed her with infinite subtlety
and respect. And the reserve with which Elizabeth treated him seemed
nothing more nor less than an exquisite modesty touched and enhanced by
an equally exquisite lack of ideas.

Bindon knew nothing of her wandering affections, nor of the attempt made
by Mwres to utilise hypnotism as a corrective to this digression of her
heart; he conceived he was on the best of terms with Elizabeth, and had
made her quite successfully various significant presents of jewellery
and the more virtuous cosmetics, when her elopement with Denton threw
the world out of gear for him. His first aspect of the matter was rage
begotten of wounded vanity, and as Mwres was the most convenient person,
he vented the first brunt of it upon him.

He went immediately and insulted the desolate father grossly, and then
spent an active and determined day going to and fro about the city and
interviewing people in a consistent and partly-successful attempt to
ruin that matrimonial speculator. The effectual nature of these
activities gave him a temporary exhilaration, and he went to the
dining-place he had frequented in his wicked days in a devil-may-care
frame of mind, and dined altogether too amply and cheerfully with two
other golden youths in their early forties. He threw up the game; no
woman was worth being good for, and he astonished even himself by the
strain of witty cynicism he developed. One of the other desperate
blades, warmed with wine, made a facetious allusion to his
disappointment, but at the time this did not seem unpleasant.

The next morning found his liver and temper inflamed. He kicked his
phonographic-news machine to pieces, dismissed his valet, and resolved
that he would perpetrate a terrible revenge upon Elizabeth. Or Denton.
Or somebody. But anyhow, it was to be a terrible revenge; and the friend
who had made fun at him should no longer see him in the light of a
foolish girl's victim. He knew something of the little property that was
due to her, and that this would be the only support of the young couple
until Mwres should relent. If Mwres did not relent, and if unpropitious
things should happen to the affair in which Elizabeth's expectations
lay, they would come upon evil times and be sufficiently amenable to
temptation of a sinister sort. Bindon's imagination, abandoning its
beautiful idealism altogether, expanded the idea of temptation of a
sinister sort. He figured himself as the implacable, the intricate and
powerful man of wealth pursuing this maiden who had scorned him. And
suddenly her image came upon his mind vivid and dominant, and for the
first time in his life Bindon realised something of the real power of

His imagination stood aside like a respectful footman who has done his
work in ushering in the emotion.

"My God!" cried Bindon: "I will have her! If I have to kill myself to
get her! And that other fellow--!"

After an interview with his medical man and a penance for his overnight
excesses in the form of bitter drugs, a mitigated but absolutely
resolute Bindon sought out Mwres. Mwres he found properly smashed, and
impoverished and humble, in a mood of frantic self-preservation, ready
to sell himself body and soul, much more any interest in a disobedient
daughter, to recover his lost position in the world. In the reasonable
discussion that followed, it was agreed that these misguided young
people should be left to sink into distress, or possibly even assisted
towards that improving discipline by Bindon's financial influence.

"And then?" said Mwres.

"They will come to the Labour Company," said Bindon. "They will wear the
blue canvas."

"And then?"

"She will divorce him," he said, and sat for a moment intent upon that
prospect. For in those days the austere limitations of divorce of
Victorian times were extraordinarily relaxed, and a couple might
separate on a hundred different scores.

Then suddenly Bindon astonished himself and Mwres by jumping to his
feet. "She _shall_ divorce him!" he cried. "I will have it so--I will
work it so. By God! it shall be so. He shall be disgraced, so that she
must. He shall be smashed and pulverised."

The idea of smashing and pulverising inflamed him further. He began a
Jovian pacing up and down the little office. "I will have her," he
cried. "I _will_ have her! Heaven and Hell shall not save her from me!"
His passion evaporated in its expression, and left him at the end
simply histrionic. He struck an attitude and ignored with heroic
determination a sharp twinge of pain about the diaphragm. And Mwres sat
with his pneumatic cap deflated and himself very visibly impressed.

And so, with a fair persistency, Bindon sat himself to the work of being
Elizabeth's malignant providence, using with ingenious dexterity every
particle of advantage wealth in those days gave a man over his
fellow-creatures. A resort to the consolations of religion hindered
these operations not at all. He would go and talk with an interesting,
experienced and sympathetic Father of the Huysmanite sect of the Isis
cult, about all the irrational little proceedings he was pleased to
regard as his heaven-dismaying wickedness, and the interesting,
experienced and sympathetic Father representing Heaven dismayed, would
with a pleasing affectation of horror, suggest simple and easy penances,
and recommend a monastic foundation that was airy, cool, hygienic, and
not vulgarised, for viscerally disordered penitent sinners of the
refined and wealthy type. And after these excursions, Bindon would come
back to London quite active and passionate again. He would machinate
with really considerable energy, and repair to a certain gallery high
above the street of moving ways, from which he could view the entrance
to the barrack of the Labour Company in the ward which sheltered Denton
and Elizabeth. And at last one day he saw Elizabeth go in, and thereby
his passion was renewed.

So in the fullness of time the complicated devices of Bindon ripened,
and he could go to Mwres and tell him that the young people were near

"It's time for you," he said, "to let your parental affections have
play. She's been in blue canvas some months, and they've been cooped
together in one of those Labour dens, and the little girl is dead. She
knows now what his manhood is worth to her, by way of protection, poor
girl. She'll see things now in a clearer light. You go to her--I don't
want to appear in this affair yet--and point out to her how necessary it
is that she should get a divorce from him...."

"She's obstinate," said Mwres doubtfully.

"Spirit!" said Bindon. "She's a wonderful girl--a wonderful girl!"

"She'll refuse."

"Of course she will. But leave it open to her. Leave it open to her. And
some day--in that stuffy den, in that irksome, toilsome life they can't
help it--_they'll have a quarrel_. And then--"

Mwres meditated over the matter, and did as he was told.

Then Bindon, as he had arranged with his spiritual adviser, went into
retreat. The retreat of the Huysmanite sect was a beautiful place, with
the sweetest air in London, lit by natural sunlight, and with restful
quadrangles of real grass open to the sky, where at the same time the
penitent man of pleasure might enjoy all the pleasures of loafing and
all the satisfaction of distinguished austerity. And, save for
participation in the simple and wholesome dietary of the place and in
certain magnificent chants, Bindon spent all his time in meditation upon
the theme of Elizabeth, and the extreme purification his soul had
undergone since he first saw her, and whether he would be able to get a
dispensation to marry her from the experienced and sympathetic Father in
spite of the approaching "sin" of her divorce; and then ... Bindon would
lean against a pillar of the quadrangle and lapse into reveries on the
superiority of virtuous love to any other form of indulgence. A curious
feeling in his back and chest that was trying to attract his attention,
a disposition to be hot or shiver, a general sense of ill-health and
cutaneous discomfort he did his best to ignore. All that of course
belonged to the old life that he was shaking off.

When he came out of retreat he went at once to Mwres to ask for news of
Elizabeth. Mwres was clearly under the impression that he was an
exemplary father, profoundly touched about the heart by his child's
unhappiness. "She was pale," he said, greatly moved; "She was pale. When
I asked her to come away and leave him--and be happy--she put her head
down upon the table"--Mwres sniffed--"and cried."

His agitation was so great that he could say no more.

"Ah!" said Bindon, respecting this manly grief. "Oh!" said Bindon quite
suddenly, with his hand to his side.

Mwres looked up sharply out of the pit of his sorrows, startled. "What's
the matter?" he asked, visibly concerned.

"A most violent pain. Excuse me! You were telling me about Elizabeth."

And Mwres, after a decent solicitude for Bindon's pain, proceeded with
his report. It was even unexpectedly hopeful. Elizabeth, in her first
emotion at discovering that her father had not absolutely deserted her,
had been frank with him about her sorrows and disgusts.

"Yes," said Bindon, magnificently, "I shall have her yet." And then that
novel pain twitched him for the second time.

For these lower pains the priest was comparatively ineffectual,
inclining rather to regard the body and them as mental illusions
amenable to contemplation; so Bindon took it to a man of a class he
loathed, a medical man of extraordinary repute and incivility. "We must
go all over you," said the medical man, and did so with the most
disgusting frankness. "Did you ever bring any children into the world?"
asked this gross materialist among other impertinent questions.

"Not that I know of," said Bindon, too amazed to stand upon his dignity.

"Ah!" said the medical man, and proceeded with his punching and
sounding. Medical science in those days was just reaching the beginnings
of precision. "You'd better go right away," said the medical man, "and
make the Euthanasia. The sooner the better."

Bindon gasped. He had been trying not to understand the technical
explanations and anticipations in which the medical man had indulged.

"I say!" he said. "But do you mean to say ... Your science ..."

"Nothing," said the medical man. "A few opiates. The thing is your own
doing, you know, to a certain extent."

"I was sorely tempted in my youth."

"It's not that so much. But you come of a bad stock. Even if you'd have
taken precautions you'd have had bad times to wind up with. The mistake
was getting born. The indiscretions of the parents. And you've shirked
exercise, and so forth."

"I had no one to advise me."

"Medical men are always willing."

"I was a spirited young fellow."

"We won't argue; the mischief's done now. You've lived. We can't start
you again. You ought never to have started at all. Frankly--the

Bindon hated him in silence for a space. Every word of this brutal
expert jarred upon his refinements. He was so gross, so impermeable to
all the subtler issues of being. But it is no good picking a quarrel
with a doctor. "My religious beliefs," he said, "I don't approve of

"You've been doing it all your life."

"Well, anyhow, I've come to take a serious view of life now."

"You're bound to, if you go on living. You'll hurt. But for practical
purposes it's late. However, if you mean to do that--perhaps I'd better
mix you a little something. You'll hurt a great deal. These little
twinges ..."


"Mere preliminary notices."

"How long can I go on? I mean, before I hurt--really."

"You'll get it hot soon. Perhaps three days."

Bindon tried to argue for an extension of time, and in the midst of his
pleading gasped, put his hand to his side. Suddenly the extraordinary
pathos of his life came to him clear and vivid. "It's hard," he said.
"It's infernally hard! I've been no man's enemy but my own. I've always
treated everybody quite fairly."

The medical man stared at him without any sympathy for some seconds. He
was reflecting how excellent it was that there were no more Bindons to
carry on that line of pathos. He felt quite optimistic. Then he turned
to his telephone and ordered up a prescription from the Central

He was interrupted by a voice behind him. "By God!" cried Bindon; "I'll
have her yet."

The physician stared over his shoulder at Bindon's expression, and then
altered the prescription.

So soon as this painful interview was over, Bindon gave way to rage. He
settled that the medical man was not only an unsympathetic brute and
wanting in the first beginnings of a gentleman, but also highly
incompetent; and he went off to four other practitioners in succession,
with a view to the establishment of this intuition. But to guard against
surprises he kept that little prescription in his pocket. With each he
began by expressing his grave doubts of the first doctor's intelligence,
honesty and professional knowledge, and then stated his symptoms,
suppressing only a few more material facts in each case. These were
always subsequently elicited by the doctor. In spite of the welcome
depreciation of another practitioner, none of these eminent specialists
would give Bindon any hope of eluding the anguish and helplessness that
loomed now close upon him. To the last of them he unburthened his mind
of an accumulated disgust with medical science. "After centuries and
centuries," he exclaimed hotly; "and you can do nothing--except admit
your helplessness. I say, 'save me'--and what do you do?"

"No doubt it's hard on you," said the doctor. "But you should have taken

"How was I to know?"

"It wasn't our place to run after you," said the medical man, picking a
thread of cotton from his purple sleeve. "Why should we save _you_ in
particular? You see--from one point of view--people with imaginations
and passions like yours have to go--they have to go."


"Die out. It's an eddy."

He was a young man with a serene face. He smiled at Bindon. "We get on
with research, you know; we give advice when people have the sense to
ask for it. And we bide our time."

"Bide your time?"

"We hardly know enough yet to take over the management, you know."

"The management?"

"You needn't be anxious. Science is young yet. It's got to keep on
growing for a few generations. We know enough now to know we don't know
enough yet.... But the time is coming, all the same. _You_ won't see the
time. But, between ourselves, you rich men and party bosses, with your
natural play of the passions and patriotism and religion and so forth,
have made rather a mess of things; haven't you? These Underways! And all
that sort of thing. Some of us have a sort of fancy that in time we may
know enough to take over a little more than the ventilation and drains.
Knowledge keeps on piling up, you know. It keeps on growing. And there's
not the slightest hurry for a generation or so. Some day--some day, men
will live in a different way." He looked at Bindon and meditated.
"There'll be a lot of dying out before that day can come."

Bindon attempted to point out to this young man how silly and irrelevant
such talk was to a sick man like himself, how impertinent and uncivil it
was to him, an older man occupying a position in the official world of
extraordinary power and influence. He insisted that a doctor was paid to
cure people--he laid great stress on "_paid_"--and had no business to
glance even for a moment at "those other questions." "But we do," said
the young man, insisting upon facts, and Bindon lost his temper.

His indignation carried him home. That these incompetent impostors, who
were unable to save the life of a really influential man like himself,
should dream of some day robbing the legitimate property owners of
social control, of inflicting one knew not what tyranny upon the world.
Curse science! He fumed over the intolerable prospect for some time, and
then the pain returned, and he recalled the made-up prescription of the
first doctor, still happily in his pocket. He took a dose forthwith.

It calmed and soothed him greatly, and he could sit down in his most
comfortable chair beside his library (of phonographic records), and
think over the altered aspect of affairs. His indignation passed, his
anger and his passion crumbled under the subtle attack of that
prescription, pathos became his sole ruler. He stared about him, at his
magnificent and voluptuously appointed apartment, at his statuary and
discreetly veiled pictures, and all the evidences of a cultivated and
elegant wickedness; he touched a stud and the sad pipings of Tristan's
shepherd filled the air. His eye wandered from one object to another.
They were costly and gross and florid--but they were his. They presented
in concrete form his ideals, his conceptions of beauty and desire, his
idea of all that is precious in life. And now--he must leave it all like
a common man. He was, he felt, a slender and delicate flame, burning
out. So must all life flame up and pass, he thought. His eyes filled
with tears.

Then it came into his head that he was alone. Nobody cared for him,
nobody needed him! at any moment he might begin to hurt vividly. He
might even howl. Nobody would mind. According to all the doctors he
would have excellent reason for howling in a day or so. It recalled what
his spiritual adviser had said of the decline of faith and fidelity, the
degeneration of the age. He beheld himself as a pathetic proof of this;
he, the subtle, able, important, voluptuous, cynical, complex Bindon,
possibly howling, and not one faithful simple creature in all the world
to howl in sympathy. Not one faithful simple soul was there--no shepherd
to pipe to him! Had all such faithful simple creatures vanished from
this harsh and urgent earth? He wondered whether the horrid vulgar crowd
that perpetually went about the city could possibly know what he thought
of them. If they did he felt sure _some_ would try to earn a better
opinion. Surely the world went from bad to worse. It was becoming
impossible for Bindons. Perhaps some day ... He was quite sure that the
one thing he had needed in life was sympathy. For a time he regretted
that he left no sonnets--no enigmatical pictures or something of that
sort behind him to carry on his being until at last the sympathetic
mind should come....

It seemed incredible to him that this that came was extinction. Yet his
sympathetic spiritual guide was in this matter annoyingly figurative and
vague. Curse science! It had undermined all faith--all hope. To go out,
to vanish from theatre and street, from office and dining-place, from
the dear eyes of womankind. And not to be missed! On the whole to leave
the world happier!

He reflected that he had never worn his heart upon his sleeve. Had he
after all been _too_ unsympathetic? Few people could suspect how subtly
profound he really was beneath the mask of that cynical gaiety of his.
They would not understand the loss they had suffered. Elizabeth, for
example, had not suspected....

He had reserved that. His thoughts having come to Elizabeth gravitated
about her for some time. How _little_ Elizabeth understood him!

That thought became intolerable. Before all other things he must set
that right. He realised that there was still something for him to do in
life, his struggle against Elizabeth was even yet not over. He could
never overcome her now, as he had hoped and prayed. But he might still
impress her!

From that idea he expanded. He might impress her profoundly--he might
impress her so that she should for evermore regret her treatment of him.
The thing that she must realise before everything else was his
magnanimity. His magnanimity! Yes! he had loved her with amazing
greatness of heart. He had not seen it so clearly before--but of course
he was going to leave her all his property. He saw it instantly, as a
thing determined and inevitable. She would think how good he was, how
spaciously generous; surrounded by all that makes life tolerable from
his hand, she would recall with infinite regret her scorn and coldness.
And when she sought expression for that regret, she would find that
occasion gone forever, she should be met by a locked door, by a
disdainful stillness, by a white dead face. He closed his eyes and
remained for a space imagining himself that white dead face.

From that he passed to other aspects of the matter, but his
determination was assured. He meditated elaborately before he took
action, for the drug he had taken inclined him to a lethargic and
dignified melancholy. In certain respects he modified details. If he
left all his property to Elizabeth it would include the voluptuously
appointed room he occupied, and for many reasons he did not care to
leave that to her. On the other hand, it had to be left to some one. In
his clogged condition this worried him extremely.

In the end he decided to leave it to the sympathetic exponent of the
fashionable religious cult, whose conversation had been so pleasing in
the past. "_He_ will understand," said Bindon with a sentimental sigh.
"He knows what Evil means--he understands something of the Stupendous
Fascination of the Sphinx of Sin. Yes--he will understand." By that
phrase it was that Bindon was pleased to dignify certain unhealthy and
undignified departures from sane conduct to which a misguided vanity and
an ill-controlled curiosity had led him. He sat for a space thinking how
very Hellenic and Italian and Neronic, and all those things, he had
been. Even now--might one not try a sonnet? A penetrating voice to echo
down the ages, sensuous, sinister, and sad. For a space he forgot
Elizabeth. In the course of half an hour he spoilt three phonographic
coils, got a headache, took a second dose to calm himself, and reverted
to magnanimity and his former design.

At last he faced the unpalatable problem of Denton. It needed all his
newborn magnanimity before he could swallow the thought of Denton; but
at last this greatly misunderstood man, assisted by his sedative and the
near approach of death, effected even that. If he was at all exclusive
about Denton, if he should display the slightest distrust, if he
attempted any specific exclusion of that young man, she
might--_misunderstand_. Yes--she should have her Denton still. His
magnanimity must go even to that. He tried to think only of Elizabeth in
the matter.

He rose with a sigh, and limped across to the telephonic apparatus that
communicated with his solicitor. In ten minutes a will duly attested and
with its proper thumb-mark signature lay in the solicitor's office three
miles away. And then for a space Bindon sat very still.

Suddenly he started out of a vague reverie and pressed an investigatory
hand to his side.

Then he jumped eagerly to his feet and rushed to the telephone. The
Euthanasia Company had rarely been called by a client in a greater

So it came at last that Denton and his Elizabeth, against all hope,
returned unseparated from the labour servitude to which they had fallen.
Elizabeth came out from her cramped subterranean den of metal-beaters
and all the sordid circumstances of blue canvas, as one comes out of a
nightmare. Back towards the sunlight their fortune took them; once the
bequest was known to them, the bare thought of another day's hammering
became intolerable. They went up long lifts and stairs to levels that
they had not seen since the days of their disaster. At first she was
full of this sensation of escape; even to think of the underways was
intolerable; only after many months could she begin to recall with
sympathy the faded women who were still below there, murmuring scandals
and reminiscences and folly, and tapping away their lives.

Her choice of the apartments they presently took expressed the vehemence
of her release. They were rooms upon the very verge of the city; they
had a roof space and a balcony upon the city wall, wide open to the sun
and wind, the country and the sky.

And in that balcony comes the last scene in this story. It was a summer
sunsetting, and the hills of Surrey were very blue and clear. Denton
leant upon the balcony regarding them, and Elizabeth sat by his side.
Very wide and spacious was the view, for their balcony hung five hundred
feet above the ancient level of the ground. The oblongs of the Food
Company, broken here and there by the ruins--grotesque little holes and
sheds--of the ancient suburbs, and intersected by shining streams of
sewage, passed at last into a remote diapering at the foot of the
distant hills. There once had been the squatting-place of the children
of Uya. On those further slopes gaunt machines of unknown import worked
slackly at the end of their spell, and the hill crest was set with
stagnant wind vanes. Along the great south road the Labour Company's
field workers in huge wheeled mechanical vehicles, were hurrying back to
their meals, their last spell finished. And through the air a dozen
little private aëroplanes sailed down towards the city. Familiar scene
as it was to the eyes of Denton and Elizabeth, it would have filled the
minds of their ancestors with incredulous amazement. Denton's thoughts
fluttered towards the future in a vain attempt at what that scene might
be in another two hundred years, and, recoiling, turned towards the

He shared something of the growing knowledge of the time; he could
picture the quaint smoke-grimed Victorian city with its narrow little
roads of beaten earth, its wide common-land, ill-organised, ill-built
suburbs, and irregular enclosures; the old countryside of the Stuart
times, with its little villages and its petty London; the England of the
monasteries, the far older England of the Roman dominion, and then
before that a wild country with here and there the huts of some warring
tribe. These huts must have come and gone and come again through a space
of years that made the Roman camp and villa seem but yesterday; and
before those years, before even the huts, there had been men in the
valley. Even then--so recent had it all been when one judged it by the
standards of geological time--this valley had been here; and those hills
yonder, higher, perhaps, and snow-tipped, had still been yonder hills,
and the Thames had flowed down from the Cotswolds to the sea. But the
men had been but the shapes of men, creatures of darkness and ignorance,
victims of beasts and floods, storms and pestilence and incessant
hunger. They had held a precarious foothold amidst bears and lions and
all the monstrous violence of the past. Already some at least of these
enemies were overcome....

For a time Denton pursued the thoughts of this spacious vision, trying
in obedience to his instinct to find his place and proportion in the

"It has been chance," he said, "it has been luck. We have come through.
It happens we have come through. Not by any strength of our own....

"And yet ... No. I don't know."

He was silent for a long time before he spoke again.

"After all--there is a long time yet. There have scarcely been men for
twenty thousand years--and there has been life for twenty millions. And
what are generations? What are generations? It is enormous, and we are
so little. Yet we know--we feel. We are not dumb atoms, we are part of
it--part of it--to the limits of our strength and will. Even to die is
part of it. Whether we die or live, we are in the making....

"As time goes on--_perhaps_--men will be wiser.... Wiser....

"Will they ever understand?"

He became silent again. Elizabeth said nothing to these things, but she
regarded his dreaming face with infinite affection. Her mind was not
very active that evening. A great contentment possessed her. After a
time she laid a gentle hand on his beside her. He fondled it softly,
still looking out upon the spacious gold-woven view. So they sat as the
sun went down. Until presently Elizabeth shivered.

Denton recalled himself abruptly from these spacious issues of his
leisure, and went in to fetch her a shawl.

The Man Who Could Work Miracles



It is doubtful whether the gift was innate. For my own part, I think it
came to him suddenly. Indeed, until he was thirty he was a sceptic, and
did not believe in miraculous powers. And here, since it is the most
convenient place, I must mention that he was a little man, and had eyes
of a hot brown, very erect red hair, a moustache with ends that he
twisted up, and freckles. His name was George McWhirter Fotheringay--not
the sort of name by any means to lead to any expectation of
miracles--and he was clerk at Gomshott's. He was greatly addicted to
assertive argument. It was while he was asserting the impossibility of
miracles that he had his first intimation of his extraordinary powers.
This particular argument was being held in the bar of the Long Dragon,
and Toddy Beamish was conducting the opposition by a monotonous but
effective "So _you_ say," that drove Mr. Fotheringay to the very limit
of his patience.

There were present, besides these two, a very dusty cyclist, landlord
Cox, and Miss Maybridge, the perfectly respectable and rather portly
barmaid of the Dragon. Miss Maybridge was standing with her back to Mr.
Fotheringay, washing glasses; the others were watching him, more or less
amused by the present ineffectiveness of the assertive method. Goaded by
the Torres Vedras tactics of Mr. Beamish, Mr. Fotheringay determined to
make an unusual rhetorical effort. "Looky here, Mr. Beamish," said Mr.
Fotheringay. "Let us clearly understand what a miracle is. It's
something contrariwise to the course of nature done by power of Will,
something what couldn't happen without being specially willed."

"So _you_ say," said Mr. Beamish, repulsing him.

Mr. Fotheringay appealed to the cyclist, who had hitherto been a silent
auditor, and received his assent--given with a hesitating cough and a
glance at Mr. Beamish. The landlord would express no opinion, and Mr.
Fotheringay, returning to Mr. Beamish, received the unexpected
concession of a qualified assent to his definition of a miracle.

"For instance," said Mr. Fotheringay, greatly encouraged. "Here would be
a miracle. That lamp, in the natural course of nature, couldn't burn
like that upsy-down, could it, Beamish?"

"_You_ say it couldn't," said Beamish.

"And you?" said Fotheringay. "You don't mean to say--eh?"

"No," said Beamish reluctantly. "No, it couldn't."

"Very well," said Mr. Fotheringay. "Then here comes someone, as it might
be me, along here, and stands as it might be here, and says to that
lamp, as I might do, collecting all my will--Turn upsy-down without
breaking, and go on burning steady, and--Hullo!"

It was enough to make anyone say "Hullo!" The impossible, the
incredible, was visible to them all. The lamp hung inverted in the air,
burning quietly with its flame pointing down. It was as solid, as
indisputable as ever a lamp was, the prosaic common lamp of the Long
Dragon bar.

Mr. Fotheringay stood with an extended forefinger and the knitted brows
of one anticipating a catastrophic smash. The cyclist, who was sitting
next the lamp, ducked and jumped across the bar. Everybody jumped, more
or less. Miss Maybridge turned and screamed. For nearly three seconds
the lamp remained still. A faint cry of mental distress came from Mr.
Fotheringay. "I can't keep it up," he said, "any longer." He staggered
back, and the inverted lamp suddenly flared, fell against the corner of
the bar, bounced aside, smashed upon the floor, and went out.

It was lucky it had a metal receiver, or the whole place would have been
in a blaze. Mr. Cox was the first to speak, and his remark, shorn of
needless excrescences, was to the effect that Fotheringay was a fool.
Fotheringay was beyond disputing even so fundamental a proposition as
that! He was astonished beyond measure at the thing that had occurred.
The subsequent conversation threw absolutely no light on the matter so
far as Fotheringay was concerned; the general opinion not only followed
Mr. Cox very closely but very vehemently. Everyone accused Fotheringay
of a silly trick, and presented him to himself as a foolish destroyer of
comfort and security. His mind was in a tornado of perplexity, he was
himself inclined to agree with them, and he made a remarkably
ineffectual opposition to the proposal of his departure.

He went home flushed and heated, coat-collar crumpled, eyes smarting
and ears red. He watched each of the ten street lamps nervously as he
passed it. It was only when he found himself alone in his little
bed-room in Church Row that he was able to grapple seriously with his
memories of the occurrence, and ask, "What on earth happened?"

He had removed his coat and boots, and was sitting on the bed with his
hands in his pockets repeating the text of his defence for the
seventeenth time, "_I_ didn't want the confounded thing to upset," when
it occurred to him that at the precise moment he had said the commanding
words he had inadvertently willed the thing he said, and that when he
had seen the lamp in the air he had felt that it depended on him to
maintain it there without being clear how this was to be done. He had
not a particularly complex mind, or he might have stuck for a time at
that "inadvertently willed," embracing, as it does, the abstrusest
problems of voluntary action; but as it was, the idea came to him with a
quite acceptable haziness. And from that, following, as I must admit, no
clear logical path, he came to the test of experiment.

He pointed resolutely to his candle and collected his mind, though he
felt he did a foolish thing. "Be raised up," he said. But in a second
that feeling vanished. The candle was raised, hung in the air one giddy
moment, and as Mr. Fotheringay gasped, fell with a smash on his
toilet-table, leaving him in darkness save for the expiring glow of its

For a time Mr. Fotheringay sat in the darkness, perfectly still. "It did
happen, after all," he said. "And 'ow _I'm_ to explain it I _don't_
know." He sighed heavily, and began feeling in his pockets for a match.
He could find none, and he rose and groped about the toilet-table. "I
wish I had a match," he said. He resorted to his coat, and there was
none there, and then it dawned upon him that miracles were possible even
with matches. He extended a hand and scowled at it in the dark. "Let
there be a match in that hand," he said. He felt some light object fall
across his palm, and his fingers closed upon a match.

After several ineffectual attempts to light this, he discovered it was a
safety-match. He threw it down, and then it occurred to him that he
might have willed it lit. He did, and perceived it burning in the midst
of his toilet-table mat. He caught it up hastily, and it went out. His
perception of possibilities enlarged, and he felt for and replaced the
candle in its candlestick. "Here! _you_ be lit," said Mr. Fotheringay,
and forthwith the candle was flaring, and he saw a little black hole in
the toilet-cover, with a wisp of smoke rising from it. For a time he
stared from this to the little flame and back, and then looked up and
met his own gaze in the looking glass. By this help he communed with
himself in silence for a time.

"How about miracles now?" said Mr. Fotheringay at last, addressing his

The subsequent meditations of Mr. Fotheringay were of a severe but
confused description. So far, he could see it was a case of pure willing
with him. The nature of his experiences so far disinclined him for any
further experiments, at least until he had reconsidered them. But he
lifted a sheet of paper, and turned a glass of water pink and then
green, and he created a snail, which he miraculously annihilated, and
got himself a miraculous new tooth-brush. Somewhen in the small hours he
had reached the fact that his will-power must be of a particularly rare
and pungent quality, a fact of which he had certainly had inklings
before, but no certain assurance. The scare and perplexity of his first
discovery was now qualified by pride in this evidence of singularity and
by vague intimations of advantage. He became aware that the church clock
was striking one, and as it did not occur to him that his daily duties
at Gomshott's might be miraculously dispensed with, he resumed
undressing, in order to get to bed without further delay. As he
struggled to get his shirt over his head, he was struck with a brilliant
idea. "Let me be in bed," he said, and found himself so. "Undressed," he
stipulated; and, finding the sheets cold, added hastily, "and in my
nightshirt--no, in a nice soft woollen nightshirt. Ah!" he said with
immense enjoyment. "And now let me be comfortably asleep...."

He awoke at his usual hour and was pensive all through breakfast-time,
wondering whether his overnight experience might not be a particularly
vivid dream. At length his mind turned again to cautious experiments.
For instance, he had three eggs for breakfast; two his landlady had
supplied, good, but shoppy, and one was a delicious fresh goose-egg,
laid, cooked, and served by his extraordinary will. He hurried off to
Gomshott's in a state of profound but carefully concealed excitement,
and only remembered the shell of the third egg when his landlady spoke
of it that night. All day he could do no work because of this
astonishingly new self-knowledge, but this caused him no inconvenience,
because he made up for it miraculously in his last ten minutes.

As the day wore on his state of mind passed from wonder to elation,
albeit the circumstances of his dismissal from the Long Dragon were
still disagreeable to recall, and a garbled account of the matter that
had reached his colleagues led to some badinage. It was evident he must
be careful how he lifted frangible articles, but in other ways his gift
promised more and more as he turned it over in his mind. He intended
among other things to increase his personal property by unostentatious
acts of creation. He called into existence a pair of very splendid
diamond studs, and hastily annihilated them again as young Gomshott came
across the counting-house to his desk. He was afraid young Gomshott
might wonder how he had come by them. He saw quite clearly the gift
required caution and watchfulness in its exercise, but so far as he
could judge the difficulties attending its mastery would be no greater
than those he had already faced in the study of cycling. It was that
analogy, perhaps, quite as much as the feeling that he would be
unwelcome in the Long Dragon, that drove him out after supper into the
lane beyond the gas-works, to rehearse a few miracles in private.

There was possibly a certain want of originality in his attempts, for
apart from his will-power Mr. Fotheringay was not a very exceptional
man. The miracle of Moses' rod came to his mind, but the night was dark
and unfavourable to the proper control of large miraculous snakes. Then
he recollected the story of "Tannhäuser" that he had read on the back of
the Philharmonic programme. That seemed to him singularly attractive and
harmless. He stuck his walking-stick--a very nice Poona-Penang
lawyer--into the turf that edged the footpath, and commanded the dry
wood to blossom. The air was immediately full of the scent of roses, and
by means of a match he saw for himself that this beautiful miracle was
indeed accomplished. His satisfaction was ended by advancing footsteps.
Afraid of a premature discovery of his powers, he addressed the
blossoming stick hastily: "Go back." What he meant was "Change back;"
but of course he was confused. The stick receded at a considerable
velocity, and incontinently came a cry of anger and a bad word from the
approaching person. "Who are you throwing brambles at, you fool?" cried
a voice. "That got me on the shin."

"I'm sorry, old chap," said Mr. Fotheringay, and then realising the
awkward nature of the explanation, caught nervously at his moustache.
He saw Winch, one of the three Immering constables, advancing.

"What d'yer mean by it?" asked the constable. "Hullo! It's you, is it?
The gent that broke the lamp at the Long Dragon!"

"I don't mean anything by it," said Mr. Fotheringay. "Nothing at all."

"What d'yer do it for then?"

"Oh, bother!" said Mr. Fotheringay.

"Bother indeed! D'yer know that stick hurt? What d'yer do it for, eh?"

For the moment Mr. Fotheringay could not think what he had done it for.
His silence seemed to irritate Mr. Winch. "You've been assaulting the
police, young man, this time. That's what _you_ done."

"Look here, Mr. Winch," said Mr. Fotheringay, annoyed and confused, "I'm
very sorry. The fact is----"


He could think of no way but the truth. "I was working a miracle." He
tried to speak in an off-hand way, but try as he would he couldn't.

"Working a----! 'Ere, don't you talk rot. Working a miracle, indeed!
Miracle! Well, that's downright funny! Why, you's the chap that don't
believe in miracles.... Fact is, this is another of your silly conjuring
tricks--that's what this is. Now, I tell you----"

But Mr. Fotheringay never heard what Mr. Winch was going to tell him. He
realised he had given himself away, flung his valuable secret to all the
winds of heaven. A violent gust of irritation swept him to action. He
turned on the constable swiftly and fiercely. "Here," he said, "I've had
enough of this, I have! I'll show you a silly conjuring trick, I will!
Go to Hades! Go, now!"

He was alone!

Mr. Fotheringay performed no more miracles that night, nor did he
trouble to see what had become of his flowering stick. He returned to
the town, scared and very quiet, and went to his bed-room. "Lord!" he
said, "it's a powerful gift--an extremely powerful gift. I didn't hardly
mean as much as that. Not really.... I wonder what Hades is like!"

He sat on the bed taking off his boots. Struck by a happy thought he
transferred the constable to San Francisco, and without any more
interference with normal causation went soberly to bed. In the night he
dreamt of the anger of Winch.

The next day Mr. Fotheringay heard two interesting items of news.
Someone had planted a most beautiful climbing rose against the elder Mr.
Gomshott's private house in the Lullaborough Road, and the river as far
as Rawling's Mill was to be dragged for Constable Winch.

Mr. Fotheringay was abstracted and thoughtful all that day, and
performed no miracles except certain provisions for Winch, and the
miracle of completing his day's work with punctual perfection in spite
of all the bee-swarm of thoughts that hummed through his mind. And the
extraordinary abstraction and meekness of his manner was remarked by
several people, and made a matter for jesting. For the most part he was
thinking of Winch.

On Sunday evening he went to chapel, and oddly enough, Mr. Maydig, who
took a certain interest in occult matters, preached about "things that
are not lawful." Mr. Fotheringay was not a regular chapel goer, but the
system of assertive scepticism, to which I have already alluded, was now
very much shaken. The tenor of the sermon threw an entirely new light on
these novel gifts, and he suddenly decided to consult Mr. Maydig
immediately after the service. So soon as that was determined, he found
himself wondering why he had not done so before.

Mr. Maydig, a lean, excitable man with quite remarkably long wrists and
neck, was gratified at a request for a private conversation from a young
man whose carelessness in religious matters was a subject for general
remark in the town. After a few necessary delays, he conducted him to
the study of the Manse, which was contiguous to the chapel, seated him
comfortably, and, standing in front of a cheerful fire--his legs threw a
Rhodian arch of shadow on the opposite wall--requested Mr. Fotheringay
to state his business.

At first Mr. Fotheringay was a little abashed, and found some difficulty
in opening the matter. "You will scarcely believe me, Mr. Maydig, I am
afraid"--and so forth for some time. He tried a question at last, and
asked Mr. Maydig his opinion of miracles.

Mr. Maydig was still saying "Well" in an extremely judicial tone, when
Mr. Fotheringay interrupted again: "You don't believe, I suppose, that
some common sort of person--like myself, for instance--as it might be
sitting here now, might have some sort of twist inside him that made him
able to do things by his will."

"It's possible," said Mr. Maydig. "Something of the sort, perhaps, is

"If I might make free with something here, I think I might show you by a
sort of experiment," said Mr. Fotheringay. "Now, take that tobacco-jar
on the table, for instance. What I want to know is whether what I am
going to do with it is a miracle or not. Just half a minute, Mr. Maydig,

He knitted his brows, pointed to the tobacco-jar and said: "Be a bowl of

The tobacco-jar did as it was ordered.

Mr. Maydig started violently at the change, and stood looking from the
thaumaturgist to the bowl of flowers. He said nothing. Presently he
ventured to lean over the table and smell the violets; they were
fresh-picked and very fine ones. Then he stared at Mr. Fotheringay

"How did you do that?" he asked.

Mr. Fotheringay pulled his moustache. "Just told it--and there you are.
Is that a miracle, or is it black art, or what is it? And what do you
think's the matter with me? That's what I want to ask."

"It's a most extraordinary occurrence."

"And this day last week I knew no more that I could do things like that
than you did. It came quite sudden. It's something odd about my will, I
suppose, and that's as far as I can see."

"Is _that_--the only thing. Could you do other things besides that?"

"Lord, yes!" said Mr. Fotheringay. "Just anything." He thought, and
suddenly recalled a conjuring entertainment he had seen. "Here!" He
pointed. "Change into a bowl of fish--no, not that--change into a glass
bowl full of water with goldfish swimming in it. That's better! You see
that, Mr. Maydig?"

"It's astonishing. It's incredible. You are either a most extraordinary
... But no----"

"I could change it into anything," said Mr. Fotheringay. "Just anything.
Here! be a pigeon, will you?"

In another moment a blue pigeon was fluttering round the room and making
Mr. Maydig duck every time it came near him. "Stop there, will you,"
said Mr. Fotheringay; and the pigeon hung motionless in the air. "I
could change it back to a bowl of flowers," he said, and after replacing
the pigeon on the table worked that miracle. "I expect you will want
your pipe in a bit," he said, and restored the tobacco-jar.

Mr. Maydig had followed all these later changes in a sort of ejaculatory
silence. He stared at Mr. Fotheringay and, in a very gingerly manner,
picked up the tobacco-jar, examined it, replaced it on the table.
"_Well!_" was the only expression of his feelings.

"Now, after that it's easier to explain what I came about," said Mr.
Fotheringay; and proceeded to a lengthy and involved narrative of his
strange experiences, beginning with the affair of the lamp in the Long
Dragon and complicated by persistent allusions to Winch. As he went on,
the transient pride Mr. Maydig's consternation had caused passed away;
he became the very ordinary Mr. Fotheringay of everyday intercourse
again. Mr. Maydig listened intently, the tobacco-jar in his hand, and
his bearing changed also with the course of the narrative. Presently,
while Mr. Fotheringay was dealing with the miracle of the third egg, the
minister interrupted with a fluttering extended hand--

"It is possible," he said. "It is credible. It is amazing, of course,
but it reconciles a number of amazing difficulties. The power to work
miracles is a gift--a peculiar quality like genius or second
sight--hitherto it has come very rarely and to exceptional people. But
in this case ... I have always wondered at the miracles of Mahomet, and
at Yogi's miracles, and the miracles of Madame Blavatsky. But, of
course! Yes, it is simply a gift! It carries out so beautifully the
arguments of that great thinker"--Mr. Maydig's voice sank--"his Grace
the Duke of Argyll. Here we plumb some profounder law--deeper than the
ordinary laws of nature. Yes--yes. Go on. Go on!"

Mr. Fotheringay proceeded to tell of his misadventure with Winch, and
Mr. Maydig, no longer overawed or scared, began to jerk his limbs about
and interject astonishment. "It's this what troubled me most," proceeded
Mr. Fotheringay; "it's this I'm most mijitly in want of advice for; of
course he's at San Francisco--wherever San Francisco may be--but of
course it's awkward for both of us, as you'll see, Mr. Maydig. I don't
see how he can understand what has happened, and I daresay he's scared
and exasperated something tremendous, and trying to get at me. I daresay
he keeps on starting off to come here. I send him back, by a miracle,
every few hours, when I think of it. And of course, that's a thing he
won't be able to understand, and it's bound to annoy him; and, of
course, if he takes a ticket every time it will cost him a lot of
money. I done the best I could for him, but of course it's difficult for
him to put himself in my place. I thought afterwards that his clothes
might have got scorched, you know--if Hades is all it's supposed to
be--before I shifted him. In that case I suppose they'd have locked him
up in San Francisco. Of course I willed him a new suit of clothes on him
directly I thought of it. But, you see, I'm already in a deuce of a

Mr. Maydig looked serious. "I see you are in a tangle. Yes, it's a
difficult position. How you are to end it ..." He became diffuse and

"However, we'll leave Winch for a little and discuss the larger
question. I don't think this is a case of the black art or anything of
the sort. I don't think there is any taint of criminality about it at
all, Mr. Fotheringay--none whatever, unless you are suppressing material
facts. No, it's miracles--pure miracles--miracles, if I may say so, of
the very highest class."

He began to pace the hearthrug and gesticulate, while Mr. Fotheringay
sat with his arm on the table and his head on his arm, looking worried.
"I don't see how I'm to manage about Winch," he said.

"A gift of working miracles--apparently a very powerful gift," said Mr.
Maydig, "will find a way about Winch--never fear. My dear Sir, you are a
most important man--a man of the most astonishing possibilities. As
evidence, for example! And in other ways, the things you may do...."

"Yes, _I've_ thought of a thing or two," said Mr. Fotheringay.
"But--some of the things came a bit twisty. You saw that fish at first?
Wrong sort of bowl and wrong sort of fish. And I thought I'd ask

"A proper course," said Mr. Maydig, "a very proper course--altogether
the proper course." He stopped and looked at Mr. Fotheringay. "It's
practically an unlimited gift. Let us test your powers, for instance. If
they really _are_ ... If they really are all they seem to be."

And so, incredible as it may seem, in the study of the little house
behind the Congregational Chapel, on the evening of Sunday, Nov. 10,
1896, Mr. Fotheringay, egged on and inspired by Mr. Maydig, began to
work miracles. The reader's attention is specially and definitely called
to the date. He will object, probably has already objected, that certain
points in this story are improbable, that if any things of the sort
already described had indeed occurred, they would have been in all the
papers a year ago. The details immediately following he will find
particularly hard to accept, because among other things they involve the
conclusion that he or she, the reader in question, must have been killed
in a violent and unprecedented manner more than a year ago. Now a
miracle is nothing if not improbable, and as a matter of fact the reader
_was_ killed in a violent and unprecedented manner a year ago. In the
subsequent course of this story that will become perfectly clear and
credible, as every right-minded and reasonable reader will admit. But
this is not the place for the end of the story, being but little beyond
the hither side of the middle. And at first the miracles worked by Mr.
Fotheringay were timid little miracles--little things with the cups and
parlour fitments, as feeble as the miracles of Theosophists, and, feeble
as they were, they were received with awe by his collaborator. He would
have preferred to settle the Winch business out of hand, but Mr. Maydig
would not let him. But after they had worked a dozen of these domestic
trivialities, their sense of power grew, their imagination began to show
signs of stimulation, and their ambition enlarged. Their first larger
enterprise was due to hunger and the negligence of Mrs. Minchin, Mr.
Maydig's housekeeper. The meal to which the minister conducted Mr.
Fotheringay was certainly ill-laid and uninviting as refreshment for two
industrious miracle-workers; but they were seated, and Mr. Maydig was
descanting in sorrow rather than in anger upon his housekeeper's
shortcomings, before it occurred to Mr. Fotheringay that an opportunity
lay before him. "Don't you think, Mr. Maydig," he said, "if it isn't a
liberty, _I_----"

"My dear Mr. Fotheringay! Of course! No--I didn't think."

Mr. Fotheringay waved his hand. "What shall we have?" he said, in a
large, inclusive spirit, and, at Mr. Maydig's order, revised the supper
very thoroughly. "As for me," he said, eyeing Mr. Maydig's selection, "I
am always particularly fond of a tankard of stout and a nice Welsh
rarebit, and I'll order that. I ain't much given to Burgundy," and
forthwith stout and Welsh rarebit promptly appeared at his command. They
sat long at their supper, talking like equals, as Mr. Fotheringay
presently perceived, with a glow of surprise and gratification, of all
the miracles they would presently do. "And, by the bye, Mr. Maydig,"
said Mr. Fotheringay, "I might perhaps be able to help you--in a
domestic way."

"Don't quite follow," said Mr. Maydig pouring out a glass of miraculous
old Burgundy.

Mr. Fotheringay helped himself to a second Welsh rarebit out of vacancy,
and took a mouthful. "I was thinking," he said, "I might be able (_chum,
chum_) to work (_chum, chum_) a miracle with Mrs. Minchin (_chum,
chum_)--make her a better woman."

Mr. Maydig put down the glass and looked doubtful. "She's---- She
strongly objects to interference, you know, Mr. Fotheringay. And--as a
matter of fact--it's well past eleven and she's probably in bed and
asleep. Do you think, on the whole----"

Mr. Fotheringay considered these objections. "I don't see that it
shouldn't be done in her sleep."

For a time Mr. Maydig opposed the idea, and then he yielded. Mr.
Fotheringay issued his orders, and a little less at their ease, perhaps,
the two gentlemen proceeded with their repast. Mr. Maydig was enlarging
on the changes he might expect in his housekeeper next day, with an
optimism that seemed even to Mr. Fotheringay's supper senses a little
forced and hectic, when a series of confused noises from upstairs began.
Their eyes exchanged interrogations, and Mr. Maydig left the room
hastily. Mr. Fotheringay heard him calling up to his housekeeper and
then his footsteps going softly up to her.

In a minute or so the minister returned, his step light, his face
radiant. "Wonderful!" he said, "and touching! Most touching!"

He began pacing the hearthrug. "A repentance--a most touching
repentance--through the crack of the door. Poor woman! A most wonderful
change! She had got up. She must have got up at once. She had got up out
of her sleep to smash a private bottle of brandy in her box. And to
confess it too!... But this gives us--it opens--a most amazing vista of
possibilities. If we can work this miraculous change in _her_ ..."

"The thing's unlimited seemingly," said Mr. Fotheringay. "And about Mr.

"Altogether unlimited." And from the hearthrug Mr. Maydig, waving
the Winch difficulty aside, unfolded a series of wonderful
proposals--proposals he invented as he went along.

Now what those proposals were does not concern the essentials of this
story. Suffice it that they were designed in a spirit of infinite
benevolence, the sort of benevolence that used to be called
post-prandial. Suffice it, too, that the problem of Winch remained
unsolved. Nor is it necessary to describe how far that series got to its
fulfilment. There were astonishing changes. The small hours found Mr.
Maydig and Mr. Fotheringay careering across the chilly market-square
under the still moon, in a sort of ecstasy of thaumaturgy, Mr. Maydig
all flap and gesture, Mr. Fotheringay short and bristling, and no longer
abashed at his greatness. They had reformed every drunkard in the
Parliamentary division, changed all the beer and alcohol to water (Mr.
Maydig had overruled Mr. Fotheringay on this point); they had, further,
greatly improved the railway communication of the place, drained
Flinder's swamp, improved the soil of One Tree Hill, and cured the
Vicar's wart. And they were going to see what could be done with the
injured pier at South Bridge. "The place," gasped Mr. Maydig, "won't be
the same place to-morrow. How surprised and thankful everyone will be!"
And just at that moment the church clock struck three.

"I say," said Mr. Fotheringay, "that's three o'clock! I must be getting
back. I've got to be at business by eight. And besides, Mrs. Wimms--"

"We're only beginning," said Mr. Maydig, full of the sweetness of
unlimited power. "We're only beginning. Think of all the good we're
doing. When people wake--"

"But--," said Mr. Fotheringay.

Mr. Maydig gripped his arm suddenly. His eyes were bright and wild. "My
dear chap," he said, "there's no hurry. Look"--he pointed to the moon at
the zenith--"Joshua!"

"Joshua?" said Mr. Fotheringay.

"Joshua," said Mr. Maydig. "Why not? Stop it."

Mr. Fotheringay looked at the moon.

"That's a bit tall," he said after a pause.

"Why not?" said Mr. Maydig. "Of course it doesn't stop. You stop the
rotation of the earth, you know. Time stops. It isn't as if we were
doing harm."

"H'm!" said Mr. Fotheringay. "Well." He sighed. "I'll try. Here--"

He buttoned up his jacket and addressed himself to the habitable globe,
with as good an assumption of confidence as lay in his power. "Jest stop
rotating, will you," said Mr. Fotheringay.

Incontinently he was flying head over heels through the air at the rate
of dozens of miles a minute. In spite of the innumerable circles he was
describing per second, he thought; for thought is wonderful--sometimes
as sluggish as flowing pitch, sometimes as instantaneous as light. He
thought in a second, and willed. "Let me come down safe and sound.
Whatever else happens, let me down safe and sound."

He willed it only just in time, for his clothes, heated by his rapid
flight through the air, were already beginning to singe. He came down
with a forcible, but by no means injurious bump in what appeared to be a
mound of fresh-turned earth. A large mass of metal and masonry,
extraordinarily like the clock-tower in the middle of the market-square,
hit the earth near him, ricochetted over him, and flew into stonework,
bricks, and masonry, like a bursting bomb. A hurtling cow hit one of the
larger blocks and smashed like an egg. There was a crash that made all
the most violent crashes of his past life seem like the sound of falling
dust, and this was followed by a descending series of lesser crashes. A
vast wind roared throughout earth and heaven, so that he could scarcely
lift his head to look. For a while he was too breathless and astonished
even to see where he was or what had happened. And his first movement
was to feel his head and reassure himself that his streaming hair was
still his own.

"Lord!" gasped Mr. Fotheringay, scarce able to speak for the gale, "I've
had a squeak! What's gone wrong? Storms and thunder. And only a minute
ago a fine night. It's Maydig set me on to this sort of thing. _What_ a
wind! If I go on fooling in this way I'm bound to have a thundering

"Where's Maydig?

"What a confounded mess everything's in!"

He looked about him so far as his flapping jacket would permit. The
appearance of things was really extremely strange. "The sky's all right
anyhow," said Mr. Fotheringay. "And that's about all that is all right.
And even there it looks like a terrific gale coming up. But there's the
moon overhead. Just as it was just now. Bright as midday. But as for the
rest--Where's the village? Where's--where's anything? And what on earth
set this wind a-blowing? _I_ didn't order no wind."

Mr. Fotheringay struggled to get to his feet in vain, and after one
failure, remained on all fours, holding on. He surveyed the moonlit
world to leeward, with the tails of his jacket streaming over his head.
"There's something seriously wrong," said Mr. Fotheringay. "And what it
is--goodness knows."

Far and wide nothing was visible in the white glare through the haze of
dust that drove before a screaming gale but tumbled masses of earth and
heaps of inchoate ruins, no trees, no houses, no familiar shapes, only a
wilderness of disorder vanishing at last into the darkness beneath the
whirling columns and streamers, the lightnings and thunderings of a
swiftly rising storm. Near him in the livid glare was something that
might once have been an elm-tree, a smashed mass of splinters, shivered
from boughs to base, and further a twisted mass of iron girders--only
too evidently the viaduct--rose out of the piled confusion.

You see, when Mr. Fotheringay had arrested the rotation of the solid
globe, he had made no stipulation concerning the trifling movables upon
its surface. And the earth spins so fast that the surface at its equator
is travelling at rather more than a thousand miles an hour, and in these
latitudes at more than half that pace. So that the village, and Mr.
Maydig, and Mr. Fotheringay, and everybody and everything had been
jerked violently forward at about nine miles per second--that is to say,
much more violently than if they had been fired out of a cannon. And
every human being, every living creature, every house, and every
tree--all the world as we know it--had been so jerked and smashed and
utterly destroyed. That was all.

These things Mr. Fotheringay did not, of course, fully appreciate. But
he perceived that his miracle had miscarried, and with that a great
disgust of miracles came upon him. He was in darkness now, for the
clouds had swept together and blotted out his momentary glimpse of the
moon, and the air was full of fitful struggling tortured wraiths of
hail. A great roaring of wind and waters filled earth and sky, and,
peering under his hand through the dust and sleet to windward, he saw by
the play of the lightnings a vast wall of water pouring towards him.

"Maydig!" screamed Mr. Fotheringay's feeble voice amid the elemental
uproar. "Here!--Maydig!

"Stop!" cried Mr. Fotheringay to the advancing water. "Oh, for goodness'
sake, stop!

"Just a moment," said Mr. Fotheringay to the lightnings and thunder.
"Stop jest a moment while I collect my thoughts.... And now what shall I
do?" he said. "What _shall_ I do? Lord! I wish Maydig was about.

"I know," said Mr. Fotheringay. "And for goodness' sake let's have it
right _this_ time."

He remained on all fours, leaning against the wind, very intent to have
everything right.

"Ah!" he said. "Let nothing what I'm going to order happen until I say
'Off!'.... Lord! I wish I'd thought of that before!"

He lifted his little voice against the whirlwind, shouting louder and
louder in the vain desire to hear himself speak. "Now then!--here goes!
Mind about that what I said just now. In the first place, when all I've
got to say is done, let me lose my miraculous power, let my will become
just like anybody else's will, and all these dangerous miracles be
stopped. I don't like them. I'd rather I didn't work 'em. Ever so much.
That's the first thing. And the second is--let me be back just before
the miracles begin; let everything be just as it was before that blessed
lamp turned up. It's a big job, but it's the last. Have you got it? No
more miracles, everything as it was--me back in the Long Dragon just
before I drank my half-pint. That's it! Yes."

He dug his fingers into the mould, closed his eyes, and said "Off!"

Everything became perfectly still. He perceived that he was standing

"So _you_ say," said a voice.

He opened his eyes. He was in the bar of the Long Dragon, arguing about
miracles with Toddy Beamish. He had a vague sense of some great thing
forgotten that instantaneously passed. You see that, except for the loss
of his miraculous powers, everything was back as it had been, his mind
and memory therefore were now just as they had been at the time when
this story began. So that he knew absolutely nothing of all that is told
here, knows nothing of all that is told here to this day. And among
other things, of course, he still did not believe in miracles.

"I tell you that miracles, properly speaking, can't possibly happen," he
said, "whatever you like to hold. And I'm prepared to prove it up to the

"That's what _you_ think," said Toddy Beamish, and "Prove it if you

"Looky here, Mr. Beamish," said Mr. Fotheringay. "Let us clearly
understand what a miracle is. It's something contrariwise to the course
of nature done by power of Will...."


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