The Table of Contents is located at the end of the book.
Please see Transcriber's Endnote for details of this transcription.
Whilest I abode (right Honorable)
in the Isle of Palma, in affaires of
merchandize for the vvorshipfull
Thomas Locke deceased, and his company,
time then permitted me, to
haue cōference vvith auncient gentlemen
vvhiche had serued in the Conquest of the
vveft India, novve called nevve Spaine, vnder the
princely Captaine Hernando Cortez. By vvhom as present
vvitnesses at many of the actes herein contayned,
I vvas credibly informed, that this delectable
and vvorthy Historie is a most true and iust reporte
of matter paste in effect: vvherefore I did the more
vvillingly turne ouer and peruse the same, vvhiche
is a Mirrour and an excellent president, for all such
as shall take in hande to gouerne nevve Discoueries:
for here they shall behold, hovv Glorie, Renovvne,
and perfite Felicitie, is not gotten but vvith greate
paines, trauaile, perill and daunger of life: here shall
they see the vvisedome, curtesie, valour and pollicie
of vvorthy Captaynes, yea and the faithfull hartes
vvhiche they ought to beare vnto their Princes seruice:
here also is described, hovv to vse and correct
the stubbern & mutinous persons, & in vvhat order
to exalt the good, stoute and vertuous Souldiers, and
chiefly, hovv to preserue and keepe that bevvtifull
Dame Lady Victorie vvhē she is obtayned. And vvhere
it vvas supposed, that the golden mettall had his beginning
and place in the East and VVeast India, neare
vnto the hote Zoane, (as moste learned vvriters
helde opinion) it is novve approued by the venterous
trauellour and vvorthy captaine Martin Frobisher
Esquire, yea and also through the greate paynes,
procurement, and firste inuention of the vvorshipfull
Mychaell Locke Merchaunt, that the same golden
mettall dothe also lie incorporate in the bovvelles
of the Norvveast parties, enuironned vvith admirable
Tovvers, Pillers and Pynacles, of Rockes, Stone,
and Ise, possessed of a people bothe straunge, & rare
in shape, attire and lyuing, yea suche a Countrey
and people, as all Europe had forsaken and made no
account of, excepte our moste gratious Queene and
her subiectes, vvhome vndoubtedly God hath appoynted,
not onely to be supreme Princesse ouer
them, but also to be a meane that the name of Christ
maybe knovven vnto this Heathenish and Sauage
Not long since (right Honorable) I happened to trauayle from the famous Cittie of Tolledo in Spayne, tovvarde highe Castile, and by fortune ouertooke an auncient Gentlemen, vvorshipfully accompanied, vnto vvhō I vvas so bold as to approch, beseching his vvorship to aduertise me of his iourney: vvho (after he had beheld my white head & beard) ansvvered ful gentlely, that his intēt vvas to trauayle vnto the king of Spaynes Court, and vvelcomed me vnto his company. In shorte space that vve had iourneyed togither, and communed of each other his Countrey, it pleased him to say as follovveth: My good friende, if you knevv my sute vnto the Kings maiestie, you vvould iudge that I vvere a mad man, and therefore to shorten oure vvay, I vvill declare my attempted sute vnto you. You shall vnderstande, that I am a Gentleman of lxx. yeares of age, and sometimes I serued in the ciuill vvarres of Pirru, vvhere I vvas vvounded in diuers parts of my body, and am novv thereby lame in one of my legges and shoulder. I haue neyther VVife nor childe, and at this presente (God be praised) I haue in the Contractation house in the Citie of Siuill, in golde and plate, the summe of thirtie thousande Duckates: and I haue also in Pirru in good lands and possessions, the yearely rente of tvvelue thousande Duckates, vvhiche rentes and readye money is sufficiente to mainteyne a poore Gentleman. But al this notvvithstanding, I do novv sue vnto the Kings Maiestie, to haue licence and authoritie to discouer and conquere a certayne parte of India, vvhyche adioyneth vvith Brazile, and is part of the Empire of Pirru, I pray you novve declare what you thinke of my sute. By my troth sir (quoth I) I trust your vvorship vvill pardon a rash and suddaine iudgemēt, which you now demand at my hād: yea truly (quoth he) say vvhat you list. Then (quoth I) my opiniō is, that you are not wel in your wit, for vvhat vvould you haue? vvil not reason suffice you? or else would you now in your old days be an Emperour, considering that your Sepulchre attendeth for you. Novve truly I thanke you (quoth he) for of youre iudgement are most men: but I say vnto you, considering that all flesh must finish, I seeke for no quiet rest in this transitorie life: yea the vvise and Christian Doctors do teach and admonish, that euery true Christian is borne, not for his ovvne priuate vvealth and pleasure, but rather to help and succoure others his poore breethren. Likevvise doe I consider the greate number of Gentlemen, yonger brethren, and other valiāt persons, vvho through vvant of liuing, do fall into many disorders. VVherefore to accomplish my dutie tovvard God and my Prince, and to releeue such poore Gentlemen, do I novv attempte this iourney, vvith the aduenture of my bodye and goodes, and for that purpose I haue in readinesse foure tall Shippes, vvell furnished in the porte of Saint Lucar de Barrameda, hoping assuredlye, that before the life depart from my body, to heare these valiante yong Gentlemen (vvhome novv I meane to haue in my company) say, oh happie day, vvhen olde Zarate (for so is my name) broughte vs from penurie, yea and from a number of perils that vve vvere like to fall into. I hope also, that the royall estate of my Prince shall be by my paynes and poore seruice enlarged: beleeue you me, this is the onely sumptuous Tumbe that I pretende to builde for my poore carkas. But yet I knovv there are some, vnto vvhome I may compare the Bore that lyeth vvallovvyng in his Stye, vvho vvill not lette to saye, vvhat neede vve any other vvorld, honor, or Kingdomes? let vs be contented vvith that vve haue: vvho may easily be aunsvvered, Sir glutton, your paunch is full, and little care you for the glory of God, honor of youre Prince, neyther the neede and necessitie of youre poore neyboures. VVith this conclusion the Gentleman ended his tale, the iudgement vvhereof I leaue to noble Gentlemen his peeres to be determined.
And vvhere oure Captayne Hernando Cortez, of vvhose valiant actes this historie treateth, hathe deserued immortal fame, euē so doubtlesse I hope, that vvithin this happie Realme is novv liuing a Gentleman, vvose zeale of trauayle and valiant beginnings dothe prognosticate greate, maruellous, and happie successe: for perfection of honor and profite is not gotten in one daye, nor in one or tvvo voyages, as the true histories of the East and VVest Conquests by Spanyardes and Portingalles do testifye. And calling to remembrance the greate zeale and good vvill vvhich your honor hath alvvayes extended to good and profitable attemptes, and especially in the proceedings of the nevv discouery, youre honor hath not only vsed liberalitie in your aduētures, but also taken greate paynes in Courte, to aduance and further the voyage, a number I saye of Gentlemen, Marriners, and other artificers, shal haue great cause to pray for your honor. And vvhere I for my parte haue tasted of your honors goodnesse sundrye vvayes, I am novve most humbly to beseech youre honor to accept this poore gifte, the vvhiche I haue translated out of the Spanish tong, not decked vvith gallant couloures, nor yet fyled vvith pleasant phrase of Rhetorike, for these things are not for poore Marchant trauellers, but are reserued to learned VVriters: yet I trust the Author vvill pardon mee, bycause I haue gone as neere the sense of this Historie, as my cunning vvoulde reach vnto. I also craue, that it may please youre honor, vvhen your greate and vvaightie businesse vvill permitte, to beholde this vvorke, and that shall be for me an encouragemente to take in hande the translation of the East India, vvhiche is novve enioyed by the King of Portingall. Thus I ende, beseeching the Almighty to preserue your honorable estate.
Your honors most ready at commaundement
Thomas Nicholas.
In the yeare of our Sauiour,
1485. being kings of Castill and
Aragon, the Catholike princes
Fernando and Isabell his wyfe,
was borne Hernando Cortez in
a towne called Medellin, situated
in the prouince of Andulozia:
his Father was named
Martyn Cortez de Monroy, & his
mother was called Lady Katherin Pisarro Altamirano, they
were bothe of good byrth, and procéeded from foure principall
houses, that is to say, the house of Cortez, the house
of Monroy, the house of Pisarro, and the house of Altamirano,
which foure houses are auncient, noble and honorable:
yet these parents but poore in goods, but riche in vertue &
good life, for whiche cause they were muche estéemed and
beloued among theyr neighbours. His mother was of
inclination deuoute, but somewhat harde: his father was
charitable and mercyfull, who in his youth applied himselfe
to the warres, and was Liuetenant to a company of
horsemen. Hernando Cortez in his childehood was very
sickely, so that many tymes he was at the poynt of death:
And when he came to .xiiii. yéeres of age, his parents sent
him to the Vniuersitie of Salamanca, where he remayned
twoo yeares, learnyng Grammar, and then returned to
Medellin werie of his studie, yea possible for want of money:
yet his parēts were much offended with him for leauing
his studie, for theyr onely desire was to haue had
him a student at lawe, whiche is a facultie both riche and
worshipfull, consideryng their sonne to be of a good witte
and abilitie: Yet he caused muche strife in his Fathers
house, for he was a very vnhappy ladde, high minded, and
a louer of chiualrie, for which cause he determined with
himselfe to wander abroad to séeke aduentures. And at
that instant happened two iorneys fit for his purpose &
inclination. The one of them was to Naples wyth
Gonsalo Hernandez of the Citie of Cordoua, who was a
worthy man, & named the great captaine. And the other
iourney was to the Weast India, with the Lorde Nicholas
de Ouando, a knight of the order of Larez, who was
then appointed for gouernour of those parties. And musing
with himselfe which waye to take, determined to
passe into India, chiefly bycause the gouernour was of
his acquaintance, and such a one as would haue care of
him. And likewise the great desire of gold made him to
couet that voyage more than the Iorney vnto Naples.
Now in the meane while that ye fleet was preparing for
India, it chaunced, Hernando Cartez pretended to go vnto
a certaine house in the night season to talke with a woman,
and clyming ouer a Wall whyche was of weake
foundation, both he and the Wal fell togither: So that
with the noyse of hys fall, and ratling of his armoure
which he ware, came out a man newly married, and findyng
him fallen at hys dore would haue slayne hym, suspecting
somewhat of his newe married wife, but that
a certaine olde woman (being his mother in lawe) wyth
great perswasions stayed him from that fact. Yet with
the fall he fell into a grieuous Ague, and continued sicke
for a long season, so that he could not procéede vppon his
voyage with the gouernour Ouando. And when he had
obtained and fullye recouered his health, he mynded to
passe into Italy, And so toke hys way towarde Valentia,
wandering here and there almoste a whole yeare wyth
much necessitye and penurie, and then returned home againe
to Medellyn, with determination to procéed vppon
his pretended voyage of India: Wherevppon hys
father and mother waying their sonnes estate, desired
God to blesse hym, and gaue him money in his purse for
his iorney.
Hernando Cortez was of the age of
nintéene yeares, in the yeare of
Christ 1504. and then he went toward
India, and agréed for his passage
and victual with Alonso Quintezo
who went in companie of other
four shippes laden with merchandise,
whiche nauie departed
from saint Lucas de Barramedo, with prosperous nauigation,
vntyll they arriued at the Iland of Gomera one of the
Canarie Ilands, where they did prouide themselues of all
things necessarie for so long a voyage as they then had
in hand.
Alounso Quintezo, being greedie of his voyage, and desirous to come to the Ilande of Sainto Domingo before his fellowes, hoping to sel his commoditie the better, departed from Gomera in the night season without knowledge giuing vnto his company. But incontinent after he had hoysed vp his sayles, arose vp so great a winde and tempest, that his maine mast brake, whereby hee was forced to retourne backe againe to the Ilande of Gomera. And he made earnest requeste to them of the other shyppes to staye for him, vntyl hee hadde mended his Mast, who friendlye and neyghbourlye graunted hys desire, and departed altogither, sayling in sight the one of the other certayne dayes: yet the sayde Quintero, seyng the weather stedfast, and harpyng vpon gaynes, flewe from his fellowes agayne. And where as Frances Ninio de Guelua his pilote was not experte in that Nauigation, they knew not where they were at length: the Mariners did giue sundry Iudgements: the Pilote was in great perplexitie and sadnesse, their passengers lamented, and bewayled their unfortunate successe: the Master of the shippe layde the faulte to the Pilote, and the Pilote likewise charged the Master, for it did appeare that they were fallen out before. In this meane time their victuall waxed skant, and their freshe water wanted, so that they prepared themselues to die. Some cursed theyr fortune, others asked mercie at Gods hande, lookyng for death and to be eaten of the Cariues. And in this tyme of tribulation came a Doue flying to the shippe, beyng on good Friday at Sunne sette, and satte him on the shippe toppe: whereat they were all comforted, and tooke it for a myracle and good token and some wept with ioy, some sayd yt God had sente the Doue to comforte them, others sayde that lande was neare, and all gaue hartie thankes vnto God, directing their course that way that the Doue flew: and when the Doue was out of sighte, they sorrowed againe, but yet remayned with hope to sée shortlye lande and on Easterday they discouered the Ilande of Santo Domingo, whiche was firste discried by Christopher Zorso, who cryed, lande, lande, a chéerefull voyce to the saylers. The Pilote looked out, and knewe that it was the poynt, or cape of Semana, and within foure dayes after they arriued in the porte of Santo Domingo, whiche was long wished for, and there they founde the other shippes of their company arriued many dayes before.
Soone after that the Gouernoure Ouando
was in his regimente and office, Cortez
arriued at Santo Domingo, and the Gouernoures
Secretarie, called Medina,
receyued and lodged him, and also enformed
him of the estate of the Iland, and aduised
hym what was néedefull to doe, wishing that hée
would be a dweller there, and that he should haue a plot
to build vpon, with certaine ground for husbandry. But
Cortez his thought was cleane contrary, for hée iudged,
that as soone as he came thither, he should lade with gold,
whereby hée did little estéeme his friend Medina his coūsell,
saying, that he had rather goe to gather gold, than to
trauell in husbandrie. Medina yet perswaded him, that
he shoulde take better aduisement, for to finde golde, was
doubtfull, and very troubesome. This talke ended, Cortez
went to kisse the Gouernours handes, and to declare the
cause of his comming, with other newes from Estremadure
the Gouernours Coūtrey. The Gouernour friendly
welcommed him, and also perswaded him to abide there,
the which councell he accepted, and shortlye after wente
to the warres, whereof was Captayne Iaymes Velasques,
in the prouince of Anigua Iaqua, and Guaca Iarima, and
other Lordships whiche were not as yet pacifyed wyth
the late rebellion of Anacoana widdowe, who was a
gentlewoman of great liuing. Ouando gaue vnto Cortez
certayne Indyans in the Countrey of Daiguao, and also
the office of publike notarie in Azua, a towne whyche
the Gouernour had builded, and there dwelt Cortez fyue
or syxe yeares, and began to play the good husband. Now
in this meane season he woulde haue gone to Veragua,
which was reported to bee maruellous riche, with the
Captayn Iaymes de Nicuesa: but bycause of an empostume
that he had vnder his righte knée, he went not, and as it
happened, he was therein fortunate, for that thereby hée
escaped great perils and troubles, whiche happened to
them that went on that voyage and iourney.
The Lorde Iames Colori being Admirall
and chiefe Gouernour of the new India,
sent one Iaymes Velasques to conquer the
Ilande of Cuba, in the yeare .1511. And
gaue vnto him men, Armour, and other
thinges necessarie. And then Hernando
Cortez wente to that conquest as a Clearke to the Treasorer
called Michaell de Passamontes, for to kéepe the accompts
of the Kings fiftes and reuenewes, being so intreated
and required by the same Iaymes Velasques, bycause
he was holden for a man both able and diligente.
And it followed, that in the repartition of the lands conquered,
Iaymes Velasques gaue vnto Cortez the Indians of
Manicorao, in coniunct company with his brother in lawe
called Iuan Xuarez, wherevpon Cortez did inhabite in
Saint Iames de Barucoa, whiche was the first place of habitation
in that Ilande, whereas he bredde and broughte
vp Kine, Shéepe, and Mares, and was the first that hadde
there any heard or flocke, and with his Indians he gathered
great quantitie of golde, so that in short time he waxed
riche, and ioyned in company with one Andres de Duero
a Merchaunt, and put in two thousande Castlins for
his stocke. He was also highly estéemed with Iaymes Velasques,
and put in authoritie to dispatch businesse, and to
giue order for edifices. In his tyme he caused a money
house to be built, & also an Hospital. At that time one Iuan
Xuarez naturall of the Citie of Granada, carried to the
Ile of Cuba his mother and thrée sisters, whiche came to
the Iland of Santo Domingo, with that vicequéene the
Lady Mary of Toledo, in Anno .1509. hoping to marrie
them there with rich men, for they were very poore. And
the one of them named Cathelina was wont to say, That
she shoulde be a greate Gentlewoman: it was eyther hyr
dreames and fantasies, or else some Astronomer hadde
made hir beléeue so, but hir mother was reported to bée
very cunning. The maydens were beautifull, for which
cause, and also being there but fewe Spanishe women,
they were muche made of, and often feasted. But Cortez
was woer to the saide Cathelina, and at the ende married
with hir: Although at the first there was some strife about
the matter, and Cortez put in prison, bycause he refused
hir for his wife, but she demaunded him as hir husband
by faith and troth of hand: wherein Iaymes Velasques
did stande hir friende, by reason of an other sister of hyrs
which he had, but of an euil name. It so fell out that one
Baltazar Bermudez, Iuan Xuares, and the two Anthony Velasques,
with one Villegas accused Cortez, that he ought to
marrie with Cathelina, yet those witnesses spake of euill
will many things, as touching ye affaires cōmitted to his
charge, alleadging yt he vsed secret dealing with certaine
persons. The which causes although they were not true,
yet they carried great colour thereof. For why? many wēt
secretly to Cortez his house, complayning of Iaymes Velasques.
Some bycause they had not iust repertitiō of the cōquered
Indiās, and other some not according to deserte.
Contrariwyse Iames Velasques gaue credit to his talebearers,
bicause Cortez refused to marrie wt Cathelina Xuarez,
& vsed vncourteous words vnto him in ye presēce of many
that stoode by, and also commaunded him to warde. And
when Cortez sawe himselfe in the stockes, he feared some
proces of false witnesse, as many times dothe happen in
those parties. At time conueniente he brake the locke off
the stockes, and layde hand vpon the Sword and Target
of the kéeper, and brake vp a windowe, escaping thereby
into the stréete, and tooke the Church for Sanctuary. But
when Iaymes Velasques had notice thereof, he was greatlye
offended with Christopher Lagos the Iayler, saying, that
for money he had losed him: wherefore he procured by
al meanes to plucke him out of the Sanctuary. But Cortez
hauing intelligence of his dealing, did resiste and
withstand his force. Yet notwithstanding one daye Cortez
walking before the Churche dore, and being carelesse
of his businesse, was caught by the backe with a Serieant
called Iohn Esquier and others, and then was put aboorde
a Shyppe vnder hatches. Cortez was welbeloued
among his neighboures, who did well consider the euill
will that the Gouernour bare vnto him. But nowe Cortez
séeing himselfe vnder hatches, despaired of his libertie,
and did verily thinke, that he shoulde be sent prisoner
to the Chancerie of Santo Domingo, or else to Spayne, who
being in this extremitie, soughte all meanes to get hys
foote out of the chayne, and at length he gote it out, and
the same nighte he changed his apparell with a ladde
that serued him, and by the Pump of the Shippe he gote
out, not heard of any his kéepers, climbing softly along
the Shippe syde, he entred the Skiffe and went hys way
therewith, and bycause they shoulde not pursue after
him, he losed the Boate of another Shippe that roade by
them. The Currant of Macaguanigua a riuer of Barucoa,
was so fierce, that he could not gette in with his Skiffe,
bicause he had no help to row, & was also very werie, fearing
to be drowned if he should put himselfe to the land,
wherefore he stripped himselfe naked, and tyed a nyghtkerchiefe
aboute hys head, with certayne wrytings apperteyning
to his office of Notarie and Clearkshippe to
the Treasourer, and other things that were agaynst the
Gouernoure Iames Velasques, and in this sorte swamme
to lande, and wente home to hys owne house, and spake
with Iohn Xuarez hys brother in law, and tooke Sanctuarie
agayne with Armour. Then the Gouernoure Iames
Velasques sente hym worde, that all matters shoulde bée
forgotten, and that they shoulde remayne friendes, as in
tyme past they hadde bin, and to goe with hym to the
Warres agaynste certayne Indians that hadde rebelled.
Cortez made hym no aunswere, but incontinent married
with mistresse Catalina Xuarez according to his promise,
and to lyue in peace. Iames Velasques procéeded on
hys iourney wyth a greate companye agaynste the Rebelles.
Then sayde Cortez to hys brother in lawe Iohn
Xuares, bryng me (quoth he) my Launce and my Crosbowe
to the Townes ende. And so in that euening hée
wente out of Sanctuarie, and taking hys Crossebowe
in hande, hée wente with his brother in lawe to a certayne
Farme, where Iames Velasques was alone, with his
householde seruauntes, for hys armye was lodged in a
Village thereby, and came thither somewhat late, and
at suche tyme as the Gouernoure was perusing hys
Booke of charges, and knocked at his dore which stoode
open, saying: Héere is Cortez that woulde speake with
the Gouernoure, and so wente in. When Iames Velasques
sawe hym armed, and at such an houre, he was maruellously
afrayde, desiring hym to rest hymselfe, and also to
accepte hys Supper: No Sir (quoth he) my onely comming
is, but to knowe the complayntes you haue of me,
and to satisfye you therein, and also to bée youre friende
and seruitor. They then embraced eache other in token
of friendship. And after long talke, they lay both in one
bedde, where Iames de Orrelano founde them, who went to
carrie newes to the Gouernoure, how Cortez had fledde.
After this sort came Cortez agayne to his former friendshyppe
with Iames Velasques, and procéeded with him to
the Warres, but afterwarde at his returne, he was lyke
to haue bin drowned in the sea: For as he came from the
Caues of Bani to visite certayne of hys Shepheardes
and Indians that wrought in the Pines of Barrucoa where
his dwelling was, his Canoa or little boate ouerthrew, being
night, and halfe a league from land, with tempeste,
wherby he was put to his shiftes, and forced to swimme,
and happened to espye lyght that certayne Shepheardes
had which were at supper néere the Sea side. By suche
like perils and daungers, runne the excellente menne
their race, vntill that they arriue at the Hauen where
their good lotte is preserued.
Fraunces Hernandes de Cordoua did first discouer
Xucatan, going with thrée Shyps
for Indians, or else to barter. These
Shippes were sette forthe by Christopher
Morante, and Lope Ochoa de Saizedo,
in Anno .1517. And although he broughte
home nothing at that time but stripes, yet he broughte
perfect relation, how the Countrey was rich of gold and
siluer, and the people of the countrey clothed. Then Iames
Velasques Gouernoure of the Iland of Cuba, sent the next
yeare following his kinsman, called Iohn de Grijalua, with
two hundred Spanyardes in foure Shippes, thinking to obtayne
much gold and siluer for his Merchandise at those
places, which Fraunces Hernandez had enformed him: So
that Iohn de Grijalua wente to Xucatan, and there foughte
with the Indians of Champoton, and was hurt. From thēce
he entred the riuer of Tauasco, which Grijalua hadde so named,
in the whiche place he bartered for things of small
value. He had in exchaunge golde, cloth of cotten wooll,
and other curious things wrought of feathers. He was
also at Saint Iohn de Vlhua, and tooke possession for the
King, in the name of Iames Velasques, and there also exchanged
his Haberdashe wares, for Golde, and Couerlets
of cotten, and feathers: and if he hadde considered his
good fortune, he would haue planted habitation in so rich
a land, as his company did earnestly request him, and if
he had so done, then had he bin as Cortez was. But suche
wealth was not for him which knew it not, although he
excused himselfe, saying, he went not to inhabite, but to
barter onely in traffike of his Marchandise, and to discouer
whether that land of Xucatan were an Ilande, or no.
And finding it a mayne land, and populous, he left off for
very feare. Likewise, some of his company were desirous
to returne to Cuba, among whome, was one Pedro de Aluado,
who was farre in loue with a woman of that countrey.
So they determined to returne, with relation to the
Gouernoure of suche things as hadde happened till that
day, and sayled homewardes along the coast to Panuco,
and so came to Cuba, to the greate griefe of many of hys
company. Yea some of them wept, with sorrowe that hée
would not abide in that rich countrey. He was fiue monethes
vpon his voyage homewarde from land to lande,
and eyght monethes till his returne to the Citie. But
when he came home, the Gouernoure hauing hearde of
his procéedings, would not looke vppon him, whiche was
hys iust reward.
Iohn de Grijalua bought of the Indians of
Potonchan, Saint Iohn de Vlhua, and other
places of that coast, suche thynges as
made his fellowes farre in loue with the
Countrey, and loth to depart from thēce.
The workmāship of many of the things
that they bought, was more worth than the thing it selfe,
as this Inuentory perticularly doth shew.
They also brought newes that there were Amazons women of warre, in certaine Ilandes, and manye gaue credit, being amazed at the things that they had brought bartered for things of a vile price: as here-vnder appeareth the Merchandise that they gaue for al the aforesaid Iewels.
Bycause Iohn de Grijalua was absent a lōger
season than was Francisco Hernandez de
Cordoua, before his returne, or giuing aduise
of his procéedings, the gouernoure
Valasques prepared a Caruel, and therein
sent one Christofer de Olid, for to séeke Grijalua with succor
if néed wer, and gaue Olid great charge, that he should returne
with newes from Grijalua with all spéede. But this
messenger taried but a small while vpon his voyage, and
saw but little of Yucatan, and not fynding Grijalua, he returned
backe againe to Cuba, which returne happed not
wel for the gouernour nor yet for Grijalua. For if he had
procéeded forthe on his way to Saint Iohn de Vlhua, hee
had then mette with whom he sought for, and likewise
caused him to haue inhabited there. But he excused him
self, alleaging that he had lost his ankers, and was therfore
forced of necessitie to returne.
And as soone as Olid was departed on that voyage, Pedro de Aluarado returned to Cuba, wyth full relation of the discouerie, & brought many things wt hym, wrought in gold, with strange coloured feathers, and cotton wool. The gouernour Iames Valasques reioyced much to behold those principles: And all the Spaniardes of Cuba wondered therat, and likewise to heare the whole relatiō of the iourney. Yet the gouernour feared the returne of his kinsman, bycause some of his companye that came sicke and diseased from those parties, saide that Grijalua meaned not to inhabite there, and that the people and land was great, and also how the same people were warlike: likewise the gouernour feared the wisedome and courage of his kinsman. Wherevppon he determined to send thyther certaine shippes, with souldiers and armor and other trifling things, thinking chiefly to enrich himself by barter, and also to inhabite by force. He requested one Baltazer Vermudez to take that voyage in hand, who accepted the offer, but he demaunded thrée thousand duckets for his furniture and prouision. Their gouernour hearing this demaund, answered, that in such sorte the charges would be more than the profite: And so for that tyme lefte off the matter, bycause he was couetous, and loth to spend, thinking to prouide an army at other mēs cost, as he had done before, when Grijalua went firste on that voyage, for at that time one Francisco de Montezo did furnish one shippe. And also certaine gentlemen called Alaunso Fernādez, Porto Carero, Alaunso de Auila & Iames de Ordas with manye others, wente with Grijalua at theyr proper costes and charges. It followed that the gouernour brake the matter to Cortez, & required that the voyage shoulde be set forth betwixte them, knowing that Cortez had two thousand Castlyns of gold in the power of one Andres de Duero, a merchaunt, and also that Cortez was a man diligent, wise, and of stoute courage. Cortez being of haughtye stomacke, accepted both the voyage and the charges, thinking the cost would not be much .&c. So that the voyage and agréemente was concluded, whervpon they sent one Iohn de Sanzedo to the kings coūsel and chauncery, resident in the Iland of Santo Domingo, who were then religyous persons to haue and obtain of them licence, fréelye to goe and traffike into those parties of newe discouerie, and also to séeke for Iohn de Grijalua, for they imagyned that wythout hym small trafficke woulde bee hadde, whyche was, to exchaunge trifles of Haberdashe for golde and syluer. The chiefe rulers of gouernemente at that tyme in ye kings counsell there, were these following, Segniour Aloūso de Sāto Domingo, Segniour Luys de Figueroa, & Segniour Barnardo de Munsanedo, who graunted the licence, and appointed Hernando Cortez for captaine Generall of the voyage, and setter forth in company of Iames Velasques. They also appointed a Treasurer, and Surueyour to procure for the kings portion or parte, whych was according to custome one fifte parte. In thys meane season Cortez prepared hymselfe for the Iourney, and communed wyth hys especiall friendes to sée who woulde beare hym companye: And hee founde thrée hundred men that agréed to his request. He then bought a Caruell and Vergantine, and another Caruell that Pedro de Aluarado brought home. An other Vergantine he had of Iames Valesques: he prouided for them armour, artillery, and other Munition: hee brought also wyne Oyle, Beanes, Pease, and other victuals necessarye: he toke vp also vppon hys credite, of one Iames Sauzedo muche Haberdashe, to the value of seauen hundred Castlyns in golde. The gouernour Velasques deliuered vnto hym a thousande Castlyns whyche he possessed of the goods of one Pamfilo de Naruaiz in hys absence, alleaging that he had no other money of hys owne proper. And beeyng in thys manner agréed, the Articles and Couenauntes were drawen and set downe in wryting, before a Notary, called Alounso de Escalantes, the thrée and twenty day of October Anno .1518.
In this meane time arriued at Cuba, Iohn de Grijalua, vpon whose arriuall, the gouernour chaunged his purpose and pretence, for hee refused to disburse any more money, nor yet would consent that Cortez should furnish his Nauie. For the onely cause was, that he ment to dispatch backe againe his kinseman and his army. But to behold the stoute courage of Cortez, his charges, and liberalitie in expences, it was straunge, and to sée how hee was deceiued. And also to cōsider, the flatterie and deceite of his aduersarie, yea what complaints were made to the Lord Admiral, saying that Cortez was subtil, high minded, and a louer of honor, which were tokēs that he wold rebel, being in place conuenient, and that he woulde reuenge olde griefes. Also it grieued Vermudez that he had not accepted yt voyage, vnto whō it was once offered, seing the great treasure that Grijalua had brought, & what a rich land the countrey newely discouered was. Also he pretended that ye gouernor would be chieftain of ye fléet, although his kinesman were not fit for ye roome. The gouernor also thought yt he being slacke, Cortez would also be slacke. But yet he séeing Cortez earnestly procéed, he sent one Amador de Larez a principal mā, to intreate him to leaue off ye voyage (cōsidering yt Grijalua was returned) and yt he would pay him al ye costs & charges yt he had layd out. Cortez vnderstāding the gouernors minde, made answere vnto Larez, yt he wold not leaue of the Iorney, for very shame, nor yet breake the agréement made. And also if Valasques would send a Nauy for his owne account, he woulde be contente, for (quoth he) I haue alreadie my licence and dispatch of the fathers & gouernours. And thē he conferred with his friendes, to knowe their mindes if that they would fauour and beare him cōpany, at whose handes he found both ready helpe and friendshippe. Hee sought then for money, and toke vp vpon his credit foure M. Castlyns in gold, of his friend Andreas de Duero, & of Pedro de Xerez & others. With ye which money he bought two ships, 6. horses, & much apparel, & began to furnish a house & kepe a good table for cōmers & goers: he went also armed like a captaine, & many wayting & attēding vpon him, whereat diuerse murmured, saying that hee was a Lord without rente. In thys meane whyle came Grijalua to the Cittie of Sainte Iames de Cuba: but hys kinseman the gouernour woulde not loke vppon hym bycause he had lefte and forsaken so riche a lande. Also it grieued him inwardlye that Cortez procéeded thitherward so strong and mightye, and coulde by no meanes disturbe or lette hym, and to sée the greate traine that wayted vppon hym wyth manye of them that had byn the other voyage with Grijalua: yea if that he should disturbe him, bloud shedde would follow in the Citie. So that he was forced to dissemble his sorow. Yet (as many affyrme) hee commaunded that hee shoulde haue no victuals solde vnto hym. Nowe Cortez departed from thence, proclayming himselfe for General, and that the gouernour Valasques had nothing to doe wyth hys Nauie, requesting his soldiers to enbarke themselues wyth such victuals as they had. He also bargayned wyth one Fernando Alfonso for certaine Hogges and Shéepe that were prepared for the shambles, and gaue vnto hym a chayne of golde and brouches for payment, and also moneye, to pay the penaltie that the butcher fel into for not prouiding the Cittie. And so he departed frō Saint Iames de Baracoa the eightéenth of Nouember, with about thrée hundred Spaniardes in sixe shippes.
Cortez departed from Saint Iames de Barocoa
with small prouision of victuals for
suche a number of men, and also for the
nauigation whyche as yet was vncertaine.
And beeyng out of that parte,
he sent Pedro Xuarez Gallinato with a Caruell to Iaymaica
for vittailes, commaunding him, that those things which
he should there buy, to goe therwith to Cape de Corrientes,
or to S. Anthonies point, which is the farthest part of that
Iland Westward. And he himselfe wente with his companye
to Macaca, and boughte there greate quantitie of
bread, and some Hogges, of one Taymaio. Then he procéeded
to the Trinitie Ilande, and there boughte an other
Shippe of one Alonso Guillen. And of perticulare persons
he bought thrée Horses, and fiue hundred bushels of
Corne. And being there at roade, he had aduice, that Iohn
Nonez Sedenio passed that way with a Shippe laden with
victuals, for to make sale thereof at the Mynes. Wherevppon
he sente Iames de Ordas, with a Caruel well armed,
for to take him, and to bring him vnto S. Anthonies point.
Ordas went and tooke him at the Channell de Iardines, and
brought him to the place appointed. Sedenio broughte the
register of his marchandise, whiche was greate store of
bread, Bacon, and Hennes: Cortez gaue him chaynes of
golde, and other pieces for payment, and a bil for the rest.
In consideration whereof, Sedenio wente with him to the
Conquest. In the Trinitie Ilande Cortez gathered togyther
two hundred men more, who had bin in Grijalua hys
company, and were dwellers in that Iland, and in Matancas,
Carenias, and other Villages, and sending his ships
forward, he went with his men by land to Hauana, which
was then inhabited on the South side in the mouth of the
riuer called Onicaxinall, but there they would sell him no
prouision, for feare of the Gouernour Velasques. But yet
one Christopher Galsada rentgatherer to the Byshoppe, and
receyuer for the Popes Bulles, solde to him great store
of Bacon and bread of that Countrey called Maiz, and
other prouision, whereby his fléete was reasonably prouided .&c.
And then he beganne to distribute his men and
vittayles aboorde eache vessell in good order. Then came
Aluarado with his caruell, with his other friendes Christopher
de Olid, Alonso de Auila, Francisco de Monteio, & manye
others of Grijalua hys company, who had bin to talke
with the Gouernoure Velasques. And among them came
one Garnica so called, with letters for Cortez from Velasques,
wherein he wrote, desiring him to abide there, for
that he meant to come himselfe, or else to send vnto hym,
to treate of matters profitable for them both.
Also, the sayd Gouernour sente other secret letters to Iames de Ordas and others, requiring them to apprehende and take prisoner Cortez. Nowe Ordas did inuite Cortez to a banket aboorde his Caruel, thinking by that meanes to catche Cortez in a snare, and so to carrie him prisoner to the Citie of Saint Iames de Barocoa, but Cortez vnderstood the matter, and fayned hymselfe to be very sicke, and also fearing some vprore, he went aboorde his Shippe Admirall, and shot off a péece of Ordinance, giuing warning to his Nauie to be in a readinesse to make sayle, and to follow him to Saint Anthonies poynte, whiche was done with expedition, and there in the Towne of Guani Guaniga he mustered his men, and found fiue hundred and fiftie Spanyardes, whereof fiftie were Marriners. He deuided them into eleuen companies, and appointed these persons following for Captaynes, that is to say, Alonso de Auila, Alonso Fernandez Porto Carrero, Iaimes de Ordas, Francisco de Monteio, Francisco de Morla, Francisco de Salzeda, Iohn de Escalante, Iohn Velasques de Leon, Christopher de Olid, and one Escouar, and he himselfe as Generall tooke one Company. He made these many Captaynes, bycause his whole fléete was eleuen sayle, and that eache of them shoulde seuerally be Captayne, both of Shippe and men. He also appoynted for chiefe Pilote Antonio de Alamines, who had taken charge before with Francisco de Hernandez de Cordoua, and Grijalua, &c. He carried also 200 Indians, borne in ye Ile of Cuba, to serue and to carrie baggage, & also certayne Negros with some Indian womē, and sixtéene Horses & Mares, with great prouision of Bacon, corne, bisket, hennes, wine, oyle, pease, and other fruites, wt great store of Haberdash, as Belles, necklaces, beades of glasse, collers, points, pinnes, purses, nedels, girdels, thredde, kniues, sissers, pinsars, hāmers, hatchets, Shirts, Coyfes, headkerchiefes, handkerchiefs, bréeches, coates, clokes, cappes, Marriners bréeches, all ye which Merchādise be deuided amōg his nauie. The Ship Admiral was of the burthen of a hūdred Tunnes. Other thrée Shippes of the burthen of eightie Tunnes the péece. All the residue were small withoute ouerloppe, and vergantines. The deuice of his ensigne or aunciente, was flames of fire in white and blewe, with a redde crosse in the middest, and bordred round with letters, in the Lattine and Spanishe tongs, which signified this in effect: friends, let vs follow the Crosse, and with liuely faith with this standerde we shall obteyne victorie. The premisses (as ye haue hearde) was the furniture that Cortez prouided for his iourney, and with so small a thing he conquered so greate and mightie an Empire, & strange Countreys, vnknowen at that time. There was neuer Captayne that did with like army ouercome so infinite a people, & bring both thē and their coūtrey vnder subiectiō. He caried no money to pay his souldiers, but was rather much indebted to others at his departure. And to say the truth, there néeded any money to make pay to those souldiers that went to the Cōquest, for if they shuld haue serued for wages, they would haue gone to other places néere hand. But in India, euery one pretēdeth ye state of a noble man, or else great riches. Now all ye fléete being in readinesse (as ye haue hearde,) Cortez began an exhortation to his cōpany as followeth.
My louing fellowes and déere friendes, it
is certayne that euery valiant manne of
stoute courage, doth procure by déedes to
make him selfe equall with the excellente
men of his time, yea and with those that
were before his time. So it is, that I do now take in hād
such an enterprise, as godwilling shall be héereafter of
greate fame, for myne heart doth pronosticate vnto mée,
that we shall winne greate and rich Countreys, and manye
people, as yet neuer séene to anye of oure nation, yea
and (I beléeue) greater Kingdomes than those of oure
Kinges. And I assure you, that the desire of glory dothe
further extend, than treasure, the whiche in sorte, mortall
life doth obtayne. I haue now prepared Shippes, Armor,
Horses, and other furniture for the warres, with victuall
sufficient, and all things that are vsed as necessary in
Conquestes. I haue bin at greate costes and charges,
wherein I haue not onely employed myne owne goodes,
but also the goodes of my friendes, yet me thinketh that
the employmente thereof dothe encrease my treasure and
honor. We ought (louing fellowes) to leaue off small
things, when great matters doe offer themselues. And
euen as my trust is in God, euen so greater profite shall
come to our kings, and a nation of this oure enterprise,
than hath héeretofore of any other. I doe not speake how
acceptable it will be to God our sauiour, for whose loue
I do chiefly and willingly hazard my goods and trauel. I
will not nowe treat of the perils and danger of life that
I haue passed since I began this voyage. This I say, that
good men doe rather expect renoune, than treasure. We
doe now attempt and begin warre that is both good and
iust, and the almighty God in whose name and holy faith
this voyage is begonne, will assuredly graunte vnto vs
victory, and the time will shew the end of things well begonne.
Therefore we will now haue an other manner in
our procéedings, than eyther Cordoua or Grijalua hadde,
whereof I meane not nowe to dispute, for the presente
time doth hasten vs away, but at our arriuall, we will do
what shall séeme vnto vs conuenient. Héere déere friends
do I lay before you great gaynes, but wrapped in greate
trauell, yet Vertue is an enimie to idlenesse .&c. Therefore
if you will accept hope for Vertue, or Vertue for hope, and
also if ye forsake me not, as I will not forsake you, I
will with Gods help make you in shorte time the richest
men that euer passed this way. I doe sée you are but fewe
in number, but yet such men of haughtie courage, that no
force or strength of Indians can offende. Likewise wée
haue experience, that Christ our sauiour hathe alwayes
fauoured our nation in these parties. Therfore my déere
friendes, let vs now in Gods name depart ioyfull, exspecting
good successe, according to our beginning .&c.
With the aforesayd communication, Cortez
gaue great hope to his cōpany of waightie
matters, yea and great admiration of
his person, so that all his company had an
earnest desire to procéede on that iorney.
And Cortez likewise reioyced, to sée his
men so willing: and incontinente, they embarqued themselues,
and after their prayers made vnto God, hoysed
vp their sayles, and with faire winde departed the eighttenth
day of Februarie Anno 1519. And beyng at Sea, he
willed all his nauie (as the vse is) to haue S. Peter for
their patrone, warning them alwayes to follow the Admirall
(wherin he went) bycause he carried a light for the
night season to guide them the way, whiche was almost
East and West from S. Anthonies point, being the nerest
part of Cuba to Cape de Cotoche, which is the first lād point
of Yucatan, whither they were bounde, so yt being there,
they might run alōg the coast, betwene the North point
and the West. The firste night yt Hernando Cortez begā
to passe ouer the gulfe betweene Cuba & Yucatan, being
little aboue lx. leagues, the winde rose vp at Northeast
with much force, so yt all the Fléete were separated without
sight ye one of the other: yet by the accompt that their
Pilots kept, they arriued all sauing one at the Ilande of
Acusamil, although not at one time, and those that last ariued,
wer the Admirall, and Captayne Morla his Ship,
who had lost his Ruther, but by shoting off a pece, Cortez
vnderstood his necessitie, and came vering to him, and amayned
his sailes to succour him, being in ye night season.
Yet when the day appeared, it pleased God yt the rage of
the tempest ceassed, & being cléere day, they found agayne
their Ruther, and trimmed the Ship, and made sayle, and
sayled that day and the next following, without sighte of
land, or any of the Fléete. But the third day they arriued
at a cape or point of land, called Womens cape. Cortez cōmanded
Morla to follow him, directing his course to séeke
the residue of his Fléete, and arriued in this sorte at the
Iland of Acusamil, and there found all his nauie excepte
one, whereof they hearde no newes in many dayes after.
The people of that Ilande beholding suche a straunge
sight, were in great feare and admiratiō, so that they gathered
their stuffe and wente vp into the Mountaynes.
Cortez caused a certayne number of his mē to goe a land
to a Towne which was néere the place where they were
arriued, and they foūd the towne wrought with Masons
worke, and good building, but they founde no creature
therein, yet in some houses they foūd cloth made of cottē
woll, and certaine Iewels of gold. Also they entred into
a high tower made of stoneworke, néere the sea side, and
there they founde nothing but Idols of earth and stone.
With this newes they returned to Cortez, and enformed
him what they had séene, and also many faire sowē fields
of Maiz, and great store of hiues of Bées, and many trées
of fruites, and also presented vnto him the gold and other
things that they had foūd. Cortez reioyced with ye newes
but yet maruelled that the people were fledde, considering
that when Grijalua was there, they had not so done, wherby
he iudged, that his nauie béeyng greater, caused them
to feare and flie, and likewise he feared least a snare were
prepared for him. Then he cōmanded to vnship his Horses
for thrée causes: the one to discouer the Countrey: and
the other to fight if néede were: and also to grase thē, hauing
there abūdance. Also he vnshipped his mē of warre,
and sent them to discouer the land. And in the thickest of
the Mountaynes, they found four women, and thrée childrē,
whome they brought to Cortez, so that not vnderstanding
their language, by signes & tokens they ymagined
that one of thē was the mother to the children, & mistresse
to the other women. The pore creatures bewayled theyr
captiuitie. Cortez made muche of them, & apparrelled the
mistresse as wel as he might with Spanish attire: and to
hir seruants he gaue loking glasses and sissers: and to the
little children other toyes to play withall, vsing no dishonestie
towards thē. And thē he determined to send one of
the wenches to call hir maister, and to enforme him how
well they were intreated. In this meane season came
certaine spies lurking a farre off, by the cōmandement of
their Lord, who was called Calachuni, to bring newes of
his wife, & what else passed. Cortez receyued them gētly, &
gaue vnto them certayne trifles, and sent others to their
Lord, and returned thē wt embassage on his behalfe & his
wiues, to desire hym to come vnto him, and to sée those
folke from whome he had fledde, promising, that neyther
his person, nor none of his countrey should receyue anye
molestation of him, nor of any of his company. Calachuni
vnderstāding this friendshippe, and also with the loue hée
bare to his wife and childrē, came the next day following
with all the Townesmen, in whose houses ye Spanyards
were lodged, who woulde not permitte that their guestes
should giue place. And the Lorde commaunded, that they
should be wel entertayned, and frō that day forward prouided
them of bread, fishe, honey, & fruite. Calachuni spake
and saluted Cortez with greate humilitie and ceremonie,
and euen so was he louingly receyued, & wel entertained.
Cortez did then declare vnto him the commoditie that
would ensue vnto him by that nation. And also presented
vnto him & his cōpany many toyes, which were vnto thē
of small valewe, but muche estéemed among them, yea
more than golde. And moreouer Cortez cōmaunded, that
all the golde and other things that his men had taken in
the Towne, shoulde be broughte before him, and placed it
so, that euery Indian knewe his owne, and was restored
vnto them, whereat they were not a little ioyfull, wondering
at the liberalitie of the straungers, and departed
both merrie and riche with their straunge giftes, and
went throughout al the Iland, shewing to their fellowes
their presentes, commaunding them in the name of Calachuni
their Lord, to returne euery man to his house, with
ther wiues and children, commending highly the honest
and gentle nature of the straungers. With this newes
and commaundemente, euery man returned to his house
and Towne from whence he had fledde. And after thys
sort their feare was past, and they prouided the Camp abundantly
of honey, bread, waxe, fishe, and frute, all the
time that they abode in that Iland.
Now Cortez seeing these Indians quiet and
wel pleased, and also very seruiceable, he
did determyne to take away theyr Idols,
and to giue them a remembraunce of Iesu
Christ borne of the Virgin Mary, by one
Melchior a fisher man and very rustical, who had bin ther
before with Francisco Hernandez de Cordoua, who declared
vnto them, that Cortez his Lord and captaine would enforme
them of a better god, and better lawes, than those
which they maintained. The Indians answered, that they
were contented therewith, and went with them vnto
their temples, and there brake downe their Idols, and
celebrated diuine seruice, teaching them to adore and
worshippe Christ crucifyed, so that they were verye attentiue
to the doctrine, and ceased sacrifise of men which
they were wōt to vse. These Indians did wonder much at
the shippes and horses, yea and marueyled as muche at
our colour and beardes, so that many times they would
come and féele them, and signifyed vnto them by signes
and tokens towardes Yucatan, that there were fiue or sixe
bearded men. Then Cortez considering how profitable it
wold be to haue an interpreter to vnderstand and to be
vnderstood, he besought Calachuni that he would appoint
a messenger to carrye a letter to the bearded men, who
were in the power of a great Lord and Tyrant, and Calachuni
found none that durst take that iourney in hand,
fearing that they should be slaine and eaten. Cortez seing
this, entreated with faire words, thrée of the Indians that
serued him to accept the iourney, and gaue thē rewards
for theyr labour: yet the Indians excused them, saying that
they should be slayne, notwithstanding with faire promises
and rewardes, they accepted the voyage, so that
Cortez wrote with them this letter following.
Worshipful sirs, I departed from Cuba with eleuen saile in my fléete, furnished with fiue hundred and fiftie Spaniardes, and I arriued here at Acusamil from whence I write you this letter. The people of this Ilād haue certifyed me, that there is in that countrey fiue or sixe bearded men, and in al pointes like vnto vs: they can not here enforme me of anye other signes or tokens, but hereby I do coniecture, and certainely beleue that ye be Spaniards. Both I and these gentlemen of my company do come to discouer and inhabit this land, we hartily pray you yt within sixe days after the receite hereof, ye come vnto vs, wtout any excuse or delay, and if ye so doe, al we of this nauie wil gratifye your gentlenesse & good seruice yt ye shal do vnto vs. I do send you a Vergantyn wherin you may come, & two shippes for your safeconduct.
Hernando Cortez.
This letter being written, there was found an inconuenience, which was, they knew not how to carrye the letter so secretly yt it might not be séene, & they taken for espies, wherof the saide Indians stoode in great feare. Thē Cortez bethought him, yt the letter wold passe wrapped in ye haire of the head of one of thē, for ordinarily the Indians wear lōg heare, & on their solemn feasts & in wars they vse their haire platted & boūd about their forheads. And he appointed captaine of the Vergantine wherin ye messēgers wēt, Iohn de Escalante, & Iames de Ordas for captaine of the other two ships, with fiftie men if any nede should happen. So shortly after the ships arriued at the place appointed, Escalante set a land his messengers, and abode there eight days they returne, although he promised thē to abide there but sixe dayes. And thē séeing that they came not, he surmysed yt they were either slaine or taken captiues: & so returned backe againe to Acusamill without his messēgers, wherof al the army were sorowful, & chiefly Cortez, thinking that the Indians had wrōg enformed him. Nowe in this meane season they trymmed their shippes of the hurte receiued by the late tempest, & at the returne of the two ships and Vergantyne, they hoysed vp sailes and departed.
Calachuni and all his subiectes were full
of heauinesse (as it semed) with the departure
of the Christians, bycause they were
wel vsed at their handes. From Acusamil
the fleete sayled to get the coast of Yucatan
to the cape called Womens point, with prosperous
weather, & there Cortez came to an Anker, desirous to sée
the disposition of the lande, and the manner of the people:
but it liked him not, so that ye next day folowing being
shrouetuisday, he departed, meaning to double the
sayde cape, and so to passe to Cotoche and to viewe it.
But before they hadde doubled the poynte, Peter de Aluarado
shotte off a piece, in token that hee was in great
peril, wherevppon the other shippes drewe neare to
knowe what hadde happened: And when Cortez vnderstoode
that Aluarados shippe was in so great a leake that
with two pumpes they mighte not emptie the water,
he found no other remedy but to returne backe again to
Acusamil with al his fléet. The Indians of yt Ilande came
incontinent to ye water side very ioyfull, and to knowe
whether they had left any thing behind thē. The Christiās
enformed thē of their mishap, and came a shore, & in
short time found the leake & amended it. The Saterday
following they toke shipping again, al the army excepte
Hernando Cortez, and fiftie of his company, then the wind
arose contrary, and so much, that they could not departe
that day: & the furie of the winde endured al that night,
but in the morning it waxed calme, so that they myghte
proceede on their voyage. But for as much as that was
the Sabboth daye, they determined to heare diuine seruice,
and after dinner to make saile. When their seruice
was ended, and Cortez sitting at his meate, there was
newes brought him that a little vessell called a Canoa,
came vnder saile toward the shippes, whiche seemed to
come from Yucatan: with that newes Cortez arose from
his meate, to behold whether the Canoa went, and perceiuyng
that she left the way toward the shippes, he sente
Andrew de Tapia with certaine others, as secrete & closely
as might be deuised, to lye in ambushe for their comming
a shoare. The Canoa arriued in a calme place, out
of the which came foure men all naked, except their priuie
members, and the heare of their heades platted and
bound aboute their foreheades like vnto women, with
bowes and arrowes in their hands: three of them which
were Indians, wer afraide when they saw the Spaniards
with their drawen swordes, and would haue fled againe
to their Canoa, but the Christian feared not, and desired
his fellowes in the Indian tong to abide with hym. And
then he began to speake in the Spanish tongue in thys
wise: Maisters are ye Christians, yea (quoth they) and of
the Spanish nation. Then he reioyced so much, that the
teares fell from his eyes, and demaunded of them what
day it was, although he had a Primer wherein he dayly
He then besought them earnestlye to assist him with their prayers & thanksgiuing vnto god for his deliuery, & kneling deuoutly downe vppon his knees, holding vp his handes, his eyes toward heauen, and his face bathed with teares, made his humble prayer vnto God, giuing most hartie thankes, that it hadde pleased hym to deliuer him out of the power of Infidels and infernal creatures, and to place hym among Christians and men of his owne nation. Andrew de Tapia holpe hym vppe, and toke hym in hys armes, and so did al ye others embrace & louingly salute him. Then he commaunded the other thrée Indians to follow him, and went talking wyth hys friendes, where Cortez aboade, who receyued him ioyfully, and gaue vnto hym such apparel as he néeded, and wyth great pleasure hauing him in his companye, hee demaunded the estate of his misfortune, and what was hys name, who aunswered before them al, saying, Sir my name is Geronimo de Aguilar, I was borne in the Cittie of Esija in the Andolozia, and by misfortune I was loste after this sorte. In the warres of Darien and in the time of the contentions and passions of Iames de Nicuessa, and Vasco Nonez Balboa, I came with Captaine Valdinia in a little Caruell, toward Santo Domingo, to giue aduice to the Admirall and gouernour, of the troubles which had happned, and my comming was for men and victuals: and likewise we brought twentye thousand Duckettes of the kings in Anno .1511. And whē we apported at Iamayca, our Caruel was lost on the shallowes whiche were called the Vipars, and with greate pain we entred (about twenty persons) into the boate, wt out sayle, water or bread, and weake prouision of oares: we thus wander thirtéene or fourtéene dayes, and then the currant, whiche is there very great & runneth alway weastward, cast vs a shoare in a prouince called Maija, & traueling on our way, seauen of our fellowes died wyth hunger & famin. And captain Valdinia & other 4. were sacrifised to the ydols by a cruel and cursed Cacike, that is to say, a Lord in whose power we fell .&c.
And after the sacrifice, they were eaten among the Indians for a solemne banket: and I, and other sixe wer put into a Cage or coupe, to be fatned for an other sacrifice. And for to escape suche abhominable death, we brake the prison and fledde through certaine mountaines: So that it pleased God that wee mette with another Cazike who was enimy to him that first toke vs, his name was Quinqus, a man of more reason and better condition, hee was Lord of Xamansana: he accepted vs for his captiues, but shortly after he dyed, and then I aboad with Taxmar his heire. Then deceased other fiue of our fellowes, so that there remayned but onely I and one Gonsalo Guerrer, a maryner, who now abydeth with Nachancan the Lorde of Chetemal, and he married with a rich gentlewoman of that countrey, by whom he hath children, and is made a Captaine, and wel estéemed with the Cazike for the victories yt he hath had in the wars against the other Lords. I sent vnto him your worships letter, desiring him that he would come with me hauing so fit a passage, but he refused my request, I belieue for verye shame, bycause hee had his nose ful boared of holes, & his eares iagged, hys face & handes painted according to the vse of yt countrey, or else he abode there for the loue he bare to his wife and children. All those whiche stoode by & hard this Historie, were amased, to heare Geronimo de Aguilar report howe those Indians did sacrifise & eate mans flesh. They also lamented the miserie & death of his fellowes, and highly praysed God, to sée him frée frō his bondage & from such cruel & barbarous people, & to haue likewise so good an enterpreter with thē, for vndoubtedly it semed a miracle yt Aluarados ship fel into a leak, for with yt extremity they returned back again to that Iland, wheras with contrarie winde they were constrayned to abide ye cōming of Aguilar. And certainly he was ye mean & spéech of al their procéedings. And therfore haue I bin so prolixious in ye rehearsal of this matter, as a notable point of this historie. Also I wil not let to tell how the mother of Geronimo de Aguilar, became mad .&c.
When she hard yt hir son was captiue among people yt vsed to eate mās flesh, & euer after whē she saw any flesh spitted or roasted, she would make an open outcrie, saying, oh I miserable woman, behold this is the flesh of my dearebeloued sonne who was all my comfort.
The Indians naturall of that countrey do
cal their Ilande Acusamil, & corruptlye
Cosumel. Iohn de Grijalua was ye first Spaniard
that apported there, and named it
the holy Roode, bycause hee fell in sighte
therof on holy roade daye. It cōtayneth
ten leagues in length & thrée leagues in breadth, although
some say more, some lesse: it standeth twentye degrées on
this side the equator, and fiue leagues from the womēs
cape: it hath thrée villages, in ye which liueth nere 3 thousand
mē. The houses are of stone and brick, and couered
with straw & bowes, & some with tile. Their temples and
towers are made of lime & stone very wel built: thei haue
no other fresh water but out of welles and raine water.
Calachuni is their chiefe Lord: they are browne people &
goe naked: & if any weare cloth, it is made of cotten wool
only to couer their priuie mēbers: they vse lōg hear platted
& bound about their foreheads: they are great fishermē,
so yt fish is their chiefest foode & sustenance, they haue
also Maiz which is for bread: also good fruites: & hony, but
somewhat soure: and plots for bées, which contayn .1000
hiues. They knew not to what vse wax serued, but whē
they saw our mē make cādels therof, they wōdred therat.
Their dogges haue Foxe faces and barke not, these they
gelde and fatten to eate. This Iland is ful of high moūtaines,
& at the feete of them, good pastures, many Deare,
and wilde Boares, Connyes and Hares, but they are not
great. The Spaniardes with their handguns and crossebowes
prouide them of that victual, fresh salt and dried.
The people of this Iland are Idolaters, they doe sacrifice
children, but not manye. And many times in stead of
children they sacrifice dogges. They are poore people, but
very charitable and louing in their false religion and
The temple is like vnto a square Toure
broad at the foote, & steps round about it,
& from ye middest vpward very straight:
the top is hollow & couered with straw:
it hath foure windowes with frontals
and galleries. In yt holow place is their
chappel, wheras their Idols do stand. The temple that
stoode by the sea side was such a one, in the which was a
maruellous straunge Idol, and differed muche from all
the rest, although they haue manye and of diuerse fashions.
The body of this Idol was great and hollow, and
was fastened in that wall with lime: hee was of earth.
And behinde this Idols backe was the Vesterie, where
was kept ornaments & other things of seruice for ye temple.
The priests had a little secret dore hard adioyning to
ye Idol, by which dore they crept into ye hollow Idol, and
answered the people yt came with prayers & peticiōs. And
wt this deceit ye simple soules beleued al yt the Idol spake,
& honored ye god more thā al the rest wt many perfumes &
swéete smelles, and offered bread and fruite, with sacrifice
of Quayles bloud, and other birds, and dogges, and sometime
mans bloud. And through the fame of this Idoll and
Oracle, many Pilgrimes came to Acusamil from many
places. At the foote of this Temple was a plotte like a
Churchyard, well walled and garnished with proper pinnacles,
in the middest whereof stoode a Crosse of ten
foote long, the which they adored for God of the rayne, for
at all times whē they wanted rayne, they would goe thither
on Procession deuoutely, and offered to the Crosse
Quayles sacrificed, for to appease the wrath that the
God séemed to haue agaynste them: and none was so acceptable
a sacrifice, as the bloud of that little birde. They
vsed to burne certaine swéete gūme, to perfume that God
withall, and to besprinckle it with water, and this done,
they beléeued assuredly to haue rayne. Suche is the Religiō
of those Indians of Acusamil. They could neuer know
the original how that God of Crosse came amōgst them,
for in all those parties of India, there is no memorie of anye
Preaching of the Gospell that had bin at any time,
as shall be shewed in another place.
Cortez procéeded with his Fléete very ioyfull,
bycause he had found one of his Ships which
hée thought had bin lost, & aported at the riuer
de Grijalua, whiche in the Indian tong is called
Tauasco, and anckred at the riuers mouth, fearing to enter
in with the bigger vessels ouer the barre: and incontinente
came manye Indians to gaze at them and theyr
Shippes, who were armed with feathers, and suche lyke
armour as they vse, séeming a farre off trimme fellowes.
They wondered not muche to sée oure Shyppes and
menne, bycause they hadde séene before Iohn de Grijalua
in the same Riuer. The behauiour of that people, and
scituation of the Countrey, liked Cortez verye well, so
that leauyng sufficiente garde in hys Shyppes, he manned
hys Vergantynes and Boates, and carried with
hym certayne pieces of Ordinance, and with force of
oares he entred the Riuer agaynste the streame, whiche
was verye greate, and hauyng rowen little more than
halfe a league, they espyed a greate Towne walled
wyth Timber, and the houses made of mudwall, couered
with strawe. The Towne wall was verye strong,
with loope holes to offende withall. And before oure
menne came néere the Towne, they mette with manye
little Boates, whiche the Indians call Tahucup, full of armed
menne, shewyng themselues desirous of battayle.
Cortez procéeded forwardes, and made vnto them signes
of peace, declaring vnto them by his interpreter, that
hys commyng thither was not to molest or disquiet
them, but onely to take freshe water, and to buy victuals,
as menne that trauelled by Sea, and stoode in néede
thereof, promising good paymente for anye thing that
they shoulde take. The Indians hearyng theyr request,
promised to shewe theyr message to the Townesmen,
and woulde also returne with theyr aunswere and vittayles,
and so departed. In shorte space they returned againe,
and broughte bread and fruite, and eyght Turkie
Cockes, and presented it franckely vnto them. Cortez
gaue them thankes, but (quoth he) the prouision that ye
haue brought, is very little, for the néede that I and so
manye persons which I haue within yonder greate vessels
locked and shutte vp, therefore I pray you to bryng
me more vittayles, or else to permitte and suffer mée
and my folkes to come vnto youre Towne to séeke oure
The Indians demaunded one nyghtes space to doe the one and the other, and departed towarde the towne. Cortez also went to a little Iland that standeth in the riuer, to abide their aunswere, so that eache pretended to deceyue the other, for the Indians demaunded that time, to the intent to carrie that night away theyr goodes, and to put in safetie their wiues and children in the Mountaynes, and likewise to gather their men of warre to defende theyr Towne. Cortez also commaunded his Hargabushiers and Crossebowmen to goe a lande vppon the Ilande, and caused the Riuer vpwardes to bée soughte for way, to wade ouer, so that these thyngs were done that nyghte without anye knowledge to the contrarye syde. And all those whyche abode aboorde the Shyppes, came vnto Cortez, and those who wente to séeke the passage, founde within lesse than halfe a league vpwardes, a place that was of depth to the girdle of a manne. And likewise founde suche couerte of wooddes, that they myghte come néere vnto the Towne, and not to bée séene.
Thys newes lyked well Cortez, wherevppon he appoynted two Captaynes, whose names were Alonso de Auila, and Peter de Aluarado, and to eache of them fiftie menne. The same nyghte hée sente certayne Souldyers wyth a sea compasse, to lye in ambushe in the woodde whyche stoode betwéene the riuer and the towne, for two considerations. The one, bycause the Indians shoulde sée, that there were no moe Spanyardes in the Ilande, than were the daye before. And the other was, that hys menne hearing their watchword, shoulde assaulte the towne on the land side. And as soone as the day appeared, came eight boates of Indians armed, wheras oure Campe was pitched, who broughte a little victuall, saying they could get no more, bycause that the inhabitantes of the Towne were fledde, with feare of them, and their deformed vessels, desiring them to returne aboorde their Shippes, and not to disquiet the people of that Countrey. The interpreter aunswered, that it was against humanitie to suffer them to perishe wyth hunger, yea and if they woulde heare the cause of theyr comming, they should shortly sée what profite would rebound vnto them. The Indians replyed, that they woulde take no counsell of straungers and menne whome they knewe not. Lykewise, they thoughte not good to lodge suche guestes in their houses, for they séemed terrible, and such as would be commaunders. But if they woulde néedes haue water, they mighte take riuer water, or else make welles on the shore, for so dyd they at theyr néede.
Then Cortez séeyng that wordes preuayled not, hée signifyed vnto them that he woulde enter their Towne by force, to sée it and their Countrey, for to giue thereof relation to the greatest Prince in the worlde, who hadde sent them thither: requesting them to be therewith contented, considering he meante not to disquiet them: and if they would not permitte the same, he would commend himselfe to his God, and to the strength and force of hys men. The Indians aunswered agayne, that they shoulde depart, and not thus bragge in other mens land, for in no wise they woulde permitte them to enter their Towne. And if with this warning they would not departe, they meante to kyl both him and as many as were with him. Yet Cortez ceassed not to vse all humanitie with those barbarous people, according to the commaundemente and instructions giuen vnto him by the King of Castill, whiche was, to require those people oftentimes with peace, before the attempting of warre, or entring perforce into their Townes and Countrey, so that yet agayne he conuited them with peace, promising them libertie with good entertainement, assuring them of things profitable both for body and soule, and that they myghte accompt themselues happie with the knowledge thereof: but if now they would refuse his offer, he did then warne them to make them ready for the euening, for before the going downe of the Sunne, he did hope with the help of his God, to rest and take vp his lodging in the Towne, in despite of all the inhabitants thereof, who had refused his offer.
The Indians laughed at his talke, and skorning at him, they returned to the Towne, to enforme their fellowes of the pride and madnesse that they thought they hadde hearde. Then the Spanyardes wente to dinner, and hauing well refreshed themselues, they putte on their Armour, and went aboorde their Boates and Vergantines, looking for some aunswere from the Indians, and séeyng the Sunne decline apace, and no aunswere, Cortez aduised the Spanyardes that lay in ambushe in the woodde, to giue assault, and he embarqued himselfe with his rapier and Targette, gyuyng likewise assaulte with néere two hundred men, who comming néere the Towne walles, discharged his Ordinance, and lept into the water to the knées, and began valiantly to assault the walles and bulwarkes. The Indians séeyng their enimies so nigh vnto them, beganne to fighte with courage, shooting arrowes, throwing of dartes and stones, wherewith they hurte about twenty Spanyardes: yea, and though the fearefull noyse of the Ordinance did many times so annoy them, being things so straunge, and neuer before séene of them, yet they fledde not from the walles, but resisted the Christians valiantlye, and suffered them not to enter the Towne that way, if they had not bin assaulted in another place. But when the Company that lay in ambush hearde the shooting of their fellowes, they began likewyse theyr onsette. The Indians knowyng nothyng what was prepared behynde theyr backes, and hauing also theyr handes full in defending the entrance by the Riuer: and the Christians fyndyng that parte of the Towne without resistance, entred in wyth a terrible noyse, killing as many as they mette. Then the Townesmen vnderstoode theyr oversyghte, and woulde haue remedyed it, and fledde from the place where Cortez was gyuing combat, whereby Cortez and hys Company entred the Towne at ease, without contradiction, so that hée and the other Companye of his Souldyers mette togither at the Markette place, and expulsed all the Indians out of the Towne, excepte those that were taken prisoners, and the carkases of the deade. Then the Chrystians soughte the spoyle, and founde nothyng but Turkie Hennes, and some thyngs wrought of Cotten wooll, but verye little Golde.
There was that daye aboue foure thousande Indians in fyghte and defence of the Towne: There was much Indian bloud shedde, bycause they fought naked, manye were wounded, and fewe Captiue. Cortez lodged himselfe wyth hys armie in the chiefest Temple of the Idolles, where was roome sufficiente. They kepte that nyghte good watche, as in a house of enimies, but the poore Indians durst not once interrupte them. After thys forte was Potonchan taken, béeyng the fyrste Cytie that Cortez wanne by force in all hys Conquest.
Al yt nighte Cortez slept not, but rather occupyed
himselfe in carrying the wounded
men, & other stuffe aboord ye Shyps, & also
to disenbarke thirtéene Horses, & the residue
of his mē yt he had left aboord, yt which
he brought to passe before the sunne rising, although the
Tauascans had notice thereof. Whē the sunne was risen, he
had with his company made vnto God their prayers, and
mustered his men, where were at that time in Campe
néere fiue hundred Spanyardes, thirtéene Horses, and
sixe péeces of ordinance: These Horses were the fyrste
that euer came into that Countrey, whych now is called
new Spayne. He planted his men and munition in good order,
and thus marched forwardes toward Cintla. The Indians
séeyng this preparation, began also to make readie,
and to place in good order fortie thousand men in fyue cōpanies:
their méeting was in ploughed lande among manye
déepe lakes and pondes, very daungerous to passe,
so that our men by reason thereof were brought out of
order. And Hernando Cortez with his horsemen wente to
séeke a better passage, and to enclose himselfe among certayne
trées on their left hand, for to set vpon the enimies
when time should serue. The footemen procéeded on, and
passed many marishe groundes, vntill they came to the
tilled land. The Indians were expert in those places wher
they beganne the battayle, shooting with their bowes
and slings, and throwing of dartes. And although our mē
did some hurt among them with their Crossebowes, hādgunnes,
and Ordinance, whē they were in place to shoote,
yet the Indians pursued our men so thicke, that they could
not put them off, for by pollicie, the Indians of Potonchan
hadde soughte out that place: and it is to bée thoughte
that they were not barbarous, nor of small vnderstanding
in warres, yet notwithstanding wyth muche
payne, oure men gate out of that place, and obtayned another
somewhat better, and more playner grounde,
whereas they myghte vse their Ordinance, and fyghte
with their weapons bodye to body. But the Indians béeyng
so greate a number, draue our men to so narrowe a
place, that they were fayne to ioyne backe to backe
for theyr owne defence, yea & for all that were in maruellous
greate daunger, for they hadde no roome to vse their
Ordinance, nor yet Horsemen to make them waye.
They béeyng in thys perplexitie, and readie to flye, suddaynely
appeared a Horseman with a speckled Horse,
whome they iudged to be Captayne Morla, whych Horsemanne
sette vppon the Indians, and made them retyre:
and hauyng more space than before, they sette afreshe
vppon the enimies, and slewe some of them. In thys
meane tyme the Horsemanne vaded away, and was
not séene, and wyth hys absence the Indians beganne afreshe,
and enclosed the Chrystians in the same daunger
that they were in before: then the Horsemanne appeared
agayne néere oure menne, and made maruellous
way among the enimies, wherevpon our menne séeyng
this succoure, gaue the onset agayne with great courage,
and slewe and hurt many Indians, but at the best season,
the Horseman vanished away cleane out of sighte, and
when the Indians sawe not the Horseman, with feare
of whome they fledde, thinkyng that he hadde bin a Centaure,
and that the Horse and man was all one incorporate,
they returned agayne with liueley courage, and vsed
our Christians worse than they hadde done before.
Then the Horseman returned the third time, and putte
the Indians to flight with great hurte, whom our footemē
pursued with great slaughter.
Now at this instant came Cortez with al his company of horsemen, being wearied with the trauaile in passing such strange lakes and wildernesse, wherof the countrey is replenished. Our men being ioyful of his comming, they began to enforme him what wonders they had sene a horseman do, which came to succour them, demanding of him which of their company it was. Cortez answered and faithfully assured them, that it was none of their cōpany, bicause it was not possible for any of them to come any sooner: Then they al gaue God praise, belieuing that it was a helpe sent from heauen. Cortez said (my deare fellows) forwards, for god is with vs. Then the horsemē set vpon the Indians, and with force of lance droue them out of the marish ground, and brake their mayne battel. The Indians incontinent left the fielde, and fled into the thicke wooddes, the footemen followed them, and slue aboue thrée hundred Indians, besides many other that were hurt. There wer aboue seauenty Spaniardes wounded with arrowes and stones.
And whether it were with labour of the battel, or with excessiue heate, or with drinking the water of that place, there fel such a stitch in their loynes, that about a hūdred of them fel flat vpon the groūd, not able to go nor stand, their fellowes being forced to carry thē on their backes. But it pleased god that the same night the payne wente frō them, being in the morning wel againe. Who séeyng themselues deliuered from so manye perils, gaue moste humble thankes to the almightye god that had miraculously deliuered them. They all agréed that thrée times they had séene the straunge horseman, with the speckled horse, fight in their fauour, as is aforesaid, beléeuing generally it was a miracle, as certainely it did appeare, for the Christians did not alone sée this thing, but also the Indians dyd muche note it, for the maruelous fiercenesse wherwith he came vppon them, with such great murder, that they were amased, and almoste blynde with hys bryghtnesse, being so trodden vnder hys féete. The captiue Indians after the battayle declared the circumstance therof.
Cortez released some of hys
prisoners and sent them to
their Lorde, saying that it
grieued him the hurt done
on both parties, but the
fault was theirs. And that
god was witnesse of hys
innocencie and also of hys
curtesie offered vnto thē.
But notwithstanding all
that was paste, he pardoned
their errour with suche condition, That if in continent
or within two dayes, theyr Lorde woulde come
vnto him, to yéelde satisfaction of their malice and
stubbornesse, and to treate of peace and friendship, warning
and aduising them, that if they came not wythin
the time appointed, hee woulde enter into his countrey,
burning and spoyling with slaughter both great &
smal, armed and vnarmed: with which message the messengers
departed, and Cortez returned to the towne to
cure his wounded men. The next day came fiftie auncient
Indians to craue pardon for their offence, and also
licence to bury the dead, with likewise safeconduct that
their rulers and principal persons myght safely come
vnto the towne. Cortez graunted their request, warning
them to make any lyes or yet to conspire againe: and also
if their lords came not personally, he would not heare
any more embassadors: with this rigorous cōmaūdemēt
& protestation they departed. These Indians féeling their
strength woulde not preuaile, thinking the christians to
be inuincible, their Lords and chiefest persons did determine
to goe and visite the christians and their captaine.
And according to the time appointed, the Lorde of that
town and other foure Lords his neyghbours came vnto
Cortez with a good trayne of their vessals and seruitours,
and presented vnto him, bread, turkie hennes, & fruites,
with other like prouision for his host, with four hundred
pieces of gold of ye value of 400. double duckets, wt other
small iewels, and certaine turkie stones of small value.
And twentie women slaues, to serue to make breade and
dresse meate for ye whole army. He craued and beseeched
Cortez to pardon his former offence. And to accept and
receiue them into hys friendshippe. And in token of his
obedience, hee and his fellowes dyd willinglye deliuer
their bodies, landes and goods into his handes and
power. Cortez did louingly receiue them, and gaue vnto
them certaine trifles of his wares, whiche they estéemed
much. And those Indians hearing the horses and mares
ney, they maruelled at their neying, thinking that the
horses could speake, & demaunded of the Christians what
they sayd, (mary quoth they) these horses are sore offended
with you bycause ye fought with them, & wold haue
you corrected and chastened for your so doing. The simple
Indiās hearing this, presented roses and Gynea Hens
vnto the horses, desiring them to eate and to pardon thē.
Many things passed betweene our men &
the Indians: for where the Indians vnderstood
thē not, their behauiour was much
to laugh at. And vsing conuersation with
our men, & seeing they receiued no hurte
of them, they brought to the towne their
wiues and children, which were no smal number. And among
many matters that Cortez communed with Tauasco
by the mouth of Ieronimo de Aguila his enterpreter:
The first question was: Whether there wer mynes of gold or siluer in that countrey, and from whēce they had that small quantitye that they hadde broughte vnto them?
The secōd question was: Why they denyed him their friendshippe, more than the other captaine that had bin there the yeare before?
The third was: Why they being so many in nūber, fled from them being so fewe?
The fourth was: To giue thē to vnderstād the mightie power of the king of Castill. And last of all to giue them knowledge of the faith of Iesu Christ.
As touching Sir (quoth he) the Mynes of gold and siluer in our country, we séeke for none, for we séeke not after treasure and riches, but we procure and desire a quiet life. And that golde which we haue, was founde by chaunce: for we know not what Mynes do mean. Yet notwithstanding further within the lande, whereas the sunne doth hide himselfe, ther the people do finde muche gold and are giuen to séeke the same.
And as touching the captaine that was here of late, we seeing the men and shippes to be such as we had neuer before seene, spake vnto them and demaunded what they would haue, they sayde that their comming was, to chaunge their merchandice for gold and nothyng else, wherefore we graunted to their request. But now séeing greater vessels and moe in number, wee feared least ye came to take our substance. And I knowing my selfe nothing inferiour to any of my neyghbours, would not permit any iniurie to be offered me, and that he and his subiectes did estéeme themselues the most valiant of men of warre in all these parties, and that none durste take away their goods, women, and children, to be sacrificed by force, wherevpon he thought to withstande those fewe Christians, but (quoth he) I founde my selfe deceiued, seeyng we could not kill any of your companye. And likewise the brightnesse of youre weapons dyd blynde vs, and the woundes you made were incurable.
But the noyse and lightning of your ordinance dyd more amase vs, than either thunder-clappes or tempest: and also the great spoyle that you made among vs therwith: likewise your straunge horses made vs greatly to wonder, to behold their open mouthes, wee feared to be swallowed. And then to consider their swiftnesse in running, we knew no creature could escape them. But ye first horse that fought with vs, put vs in marueylous feare, being but one, but when we espyed many, then all oure helpe was past, for we belieued that the horse and man was al one incorporate.
With the relation of Tauasco, Cortez
sawe that the countrey was not
for Spaniardes, nor yet he toke
it a thing conueniente to settle
themselues where no golde nor
siluer was, or other riches. And so
pretended to passe forwardes to
discouer westward the lande endewed
with golde. But before his departure, he declared
to those new conquered Indians, that the Lord in whose
name he and hys company had taken that iourney was
king of Spayne and Emperour of Christians, and the
greatest Prince in the worlde, vnto whom many kings
and Princes dyd homage and obey. And that hys rule
and gouernemente in iustice proceeded from God, beeing
iust, holy, peaceable, and sweete, and also the Monarchie
of the vniuersall did appertaine vnto him. And for
these causes he required them to yelde themselues as his
subiectes. And if they would doe so, there shoulde ensue
vnto them great profite, lawes and pollicie. And as touching
their religion, he declared their blindnesse & greate
abuses which they vsed in worshipping many Gods, and
in making sacrifice vnto them with mans bloud, yea &
thinking that those images and Idols, did or coulde doe
good or euill vnto them, being dūbe, without life or soule,
yea and ye worke of their owne hands. He certifyed them
of one god maker of heauen and earth, and all creatures
whom the Christians did worshippe and serue, and that
all creatures ought to doe the same. In conclusion with
thys doctryne they brake downe their Idols, and receyued
the crosse, Cortez hauing first declared vnto them the
great miseries that the son of God suffered on ye Crosse
for mankynde. And in the greatest temple of Potonchan,
set vp a Crosse in remēbrance of the death of Christ and
celebrated the feast vpon their knees, and the multitude
of Indians likewise, and departed to their meate. Cortez
desired them within two dayes to come agayne to
theyr diuine seruice. And that day was Palme sunday.
And so they did and brought an infinite number of men
women and children of other villages with them whych
was straunge to behold. And there generally gaue theyr
vassalship to the king of Spaine into the handes of Hernando
Cortez, with protestation of perpetuall friendship
with the Spanish nation. So that these were the fyrste
vassals that the Emperour had in the new Spayne. And
this feast and ceremony ended, our men toke shipping
with the palme boughes in their handes. In this doyng
Cortez deserued no lesse prayse than in his victorie, for he
vsed wisedome with manhoode in all his doings: he lefte
those Indians with a newe faith, and the towne frée and
without hurt, he toke none for slaues, nor yet any spoyle
nor exchāged his merchaundice for any thing although
he aboade there twentye dayes. The towne is called in
the Indian tongue Potonchan, that is to saye, a place
that stincketh, and our menne named it, the victorie.
The Lord (as ye haue heard) was called Tauasco, and therefore the firste Spaniardes that came thyther, named the riuer Tauasco, but Grijalua called it after hys owne name, whose name and remembraunce will not so soone be forgotten. And truely all those that do discouer newe countreys, ought to make perpetuall their owne names. This town doth containe neare fiue and twentye thousand houses (as some say) but as euery house stādeth by himselfe like an Iland, it seemeth much bigger than it is in déede. The houses are great, made of lime stone, & bricke: others there are made of mood wal, and rafters & couered with straw or bordes. Their dwelling is in the vpper part of the house, for the greate moystnesse of the riuers and lakes, and for feare of fier, they haue theyr houses separated the one from the other. Without, the towne they haue more fairer houses than wythin for their recreation and pleasure. They are browne people, and go almost naked, and eat mans flesh sacrificed. Their weapons are bowes and arrowes, slyngs, darts, and lances. The armour wherwith they defend themselues, are Targets and skulles made of woodde or barke of trées, and some of gold very thinne. They haue also a certayne kinde of harneis made of cotten wooll wrapped aboute their stomacke.
Captaine Cortez and his company beeyng
embarked, sayled weastwards as nye the
shoar as thei might. And this coast hauing
no harbors, they founde no place where
they might Anker safely with their greater
vessels, vntil they arriued vpon Mandie thursday at
Saint Iohn de Vlhua, whiche séemed a good harbor for them.
The Indians of this place call this harbour Chalchicoeca,
there the fleete came to Anker. They were
not so soone at Roade, but incontinente came two
little boates named Acalles, enquiring for the Generall
of the Fleete, who when they came to hys presence,
dyd humble reuerence vnto him, and sayde vnto hym
that Teudilli the Gouernoure of that Prouince sente to
knowe what people they were, and what they woulde
haue, and whether they meante to stay there or procéede
farther. Aguillar dyd not well vnderstande that
language. Cortez caused them to come aboorde hys
Shyppe, gyuyng them thankes for theyr paynes and
visitation. Hée made vnto them a banket of Wyne and
Conserua, and sayde vnto them, that the nexte day followyng
hee would come alande, and talke with the
Gouernoure, whome hée besoughte not to alter him nor
hys people wyth hys commyng a shore, for he meant not
to molest hym, but rather to pleasure and profyte hym.
To that these messengers were rewarded wyth certayne
gyftes, they eate and dranke, but yet suspected
euill, although they lyked the Wyne well, wherefore
they desired to haue thereof, and also of the Conserua,
to presente vnto theyr Lorde, whyche was giuen them,
and so departed.
The nexte daye béeyng good Friday, Cortez came alande wyth hys Boates full of menne, and broughte hys Horses and artillerie a shore by little and little, wyth all hys menne of warre, and two hundred Indians of Cuba, whyche serued to toyle and laboure. Hée planted hymselfe in the best scituation that hée coulde fynde among the Sandy bankes on the Sea syde, and there pytched hys Campe, and hauyng néere that place manye trées, they builte them Cotages with boughes.
From a little Village that was at hand, came many Indians to gaze at things so straunge, and the like neuer séene vnto them, and brought with thē gold to barter for suche toyes, as the two little Boates had broughte from them before. They brought also bread and meate readie dressed after their vse likewise to sell. Oure men chaunged wyth them beadestones of glasse, looking glasses, sissers, kniues, pinnes, and suche other wares, whereof the Indians were not a little glad, returning home to their houses, shewing their neighbours. The ioy and pleasure that these simple soules tooke with these trifles, was so greate, that the next day they came agayne wyth other Indians ladē with Iewels of gold, Turkie Hennes, bread, meate, and fruite, that suffised for all the Campe, and for the same they receyued nedels, and beadestones of glasse, but the poore soules thought themselues therewith so riche, that they knewe not where they were with ioy and pleasure, yea and they thoughte that they hadde deceyued the Straungers. Nowe Cortez séeyng the greate quantitie of golde broughte and bartered so foolishly for trifles of no valewe, proclaymed throughout all hys host, that no Christian shoulde take any golde vppon greate penaltie, and that they shoulde all shewe, as though they knewe not to what purpose the golde serued, and that they passed not for it, bycause they shoulde not thynke that the desire thereof had broughte them thyther, and so they did dissemble that great demonstration of golde, to sée what was meante thereby, and whether the Indians hadde brought that golde, to proue whether theyr commyng was for that or no. On Easter day in the morning, came Teudilli the Gouernour to the Campe, from Cotosta hys dwellyng place, whyche was eyght leagues from thence. He brought attendyng vpon his person foure thousande men without weapon, and the most part well clothed, some of them with garments of Cotton, riche after their manner. And others naked, laden with victuals in great abundance, whiche was straunge to sée. Teudilli according to their vsance, did his reuerence to the Captaine, burning frankinsence, and little strawes touched in bloud of his owne bodye, he presented vnto him the victuals, and certayne Iewels of golde very riche and well wrought, and other things made of feathers very curious straunge and artificiall. Cortez embraced him in his armes, and receyued hym ioyfully, saluting all hys company. He gaue to Teudilli a coate of silke, a brooche, and a coller of glasse, with many other péeces of Haberdashe wares, whiche was highly estéemed of him.
Al the former talke was had without
an Interpreter, bycause Ieronimo de
Aguillar vnderstoode not thys language,
bycause it differed muche from
the spéeche of the other Indians, whereas
hée hadde bin captiue: for whyche
cause Cortez was somewhat carefull,
bicause he would largely haue discoursed with Teudilli. It
chanced that among those twentie women giuen hym
in Potonchan, one of them stoode talking with a seruaunte
of Teudilli, bycause she vnderstoode them as menne of hir
owne language. Cortez espying this, called hir aside,
and promised hir more than libertie, so that she woulde
bée a trustie and faithfull interpreter betwixte hym and
those Indians, and that hée woulde estéeme hir as his Secretarie.
And further demanded of hir of what lignage
she was, then she aunswered, that she was naturall of
the Countrey that bordered vpō Xalixco, and of a towne
called Viluto, daughter vnto riche parentes, and of the
kinrede of the Lorde of that lande. And béeyng a little
girle, certayne Merchantes dyd steale hir away in tyme
of warre, and brought hir to be solde at the fayre of Xicalanco,
whyche is a greate Towne néere Coasaqualco, not
farre distant from Tauasco: and after this sorte shée came
to the power of the Lord of Potonchan. This woman was
Christened Marina. She and hir fellowes were the firste
Christians baptised in all the newe Spayne, and she onely
with Aguilar, were Interpreters betwixt the Indiās and
our men.
Nowe Cortez béeyng assured of hys true Interpreters, hée celebrated hys accustomed deuine seruice, and Teudilli wyth hym, and after they hadde dyned in Cortez hys Tente in presence of many Spanyardes and Indians, Cortez enformed Teudilli howe that hée was vassall to the Lord Charles of Austria Emperour of the Christiās, and King of Spayne, and Lorde ouer a greate parte of the worlde, whome great Kings and Princes dyd serue and obey: and that all Princes were glad to bée hys friendes for his Vertue and myghte. And hée hauyng aduertisemente of that Countrey and Lorde thereof, had sente him thyther to visite hym on hys behalfe, and to enforme hym of certayne secrete matters, the effecte whereof he hadde in wrytyng. Sir (quoth Teudilli,) I am very glad to heare the Maiestie and Vertue of the Emperoure youre maister, but you shall vnderstande, that my Lorde the Emperoure Melzuma is as greate and as good a Prince as he. And I doe muche maruell, that there shoulde bée anye so greate a Prince in the whole worlde, but yet according to youre request, I wyll certifye hym, and knowe hys pleasure, for I trust (quoth he) in the clemencie of my Prince, that youre newes and message shall bée acceptable vnto him, and you well recompensed for your paynes. Cortez then commaunded al his men to set themselues in order of battayle with fife and drumme, and to skirmishe before Teudilli. And that the horsemen shoulde runne, and the ordinaunce shotte of, to the entent that Mutezuma shoulde be aduertised thereof. The Indians did much beholde the gesture, apparell and beardes of our men, they wondered to sée the horses runne, they feared the brightnesse of the swordes, and at the noyse of the ordinaunce they fell flatte to the ground, thinking that the heauens did fall. And the shippes, they held opinion was the God of the ayre called Quezalcoualt, whiche came with the temples on his backe, for they dayly looked for him. Teudilli dispatched the poste to Mexico, to Mutezuma, aduising him of all that he had séene, and demaunded golde of him for to giue vnto the Captayne of that newe people. Bicause Cortez had inquired of him, whether Mutezuma had gold or no, he answered (yes) mary quoth Cortez, I and my fellowes haue a certayne disease of the harte, and golde helpeth vs. This message wente from the campe to Mexico in one day and a night, whiche is 210. myle, and the poste caried paynted the horses and horsemen vpon them, the maner of theyr armour, and howe many péeces of ordinaunce they had, & what number of bearded men there were: and as for the shippes he had giuē aduise as soone as they arriued, shewing the greatnesse and quantitie of them. All these things aforesayde, Teudilli caused to be paynted in cloth of Cotten very liuely, that Mutezuma mought sée it. The cause that this message wente so farre in so shorte a space, was, they had certayne places that postes attended, as we may say horsepostes which gaue alwayes from hand to hande the paynted cloth: they doe runne on foote faster in this sorte, than by horsepost, and is more of antiquitie than horsepost: Also Teudilli sent to Mutezuma the garments & many other things whiche Cortez had giuen him, whiche things were after wardes founde in the treasorie of Mutezuma.
After the message sente, and the answere
promised, Teudilli tooke his leaue, and within
twoo flight shoote of Cortez his campe, he
caused a thousande cotages of boughes to
be made, & lefte there twoo principall men
as Captaynes ouer two thousande persons men and women,
and then departed for Cotosta hys dwellyng place.
The twoo Captaynes had charge to prouide the Christians
of all things necessarie, and the women serued to
grynde their corne and make bread of Maiz, and to
dresse theyr fishe and flesh and other victuals, and the men
serued to carrie the dressed meate to the Christians cāpe,
and wood, water, & grasse for the horses and al other necessaries,
and this they passed eight dayes. In this meane
season returned the poste with a riche and gentle present,
whiche was many couerlets and clothes of cotton, white,
and of other colours wrought, many tuffes of feathers
very fayre, and some things wrought with golde and fethers,
quantitie of Iewels and péeces of golde and siluer,
twoo thinne whéeles, the one of siluer whiche wayde .25.
markes with the signe of the Moone, and the other whéele
of golde which wayed a hundreth markes, made like vnto
the Sunne, with many leaues and beasts, a very curious
péece of worke: these twoo things they helde for Gods in
that countrey, & giueth thē the colours of the metall that
is likest thē, euery whéele was two yardes & a half broade,
and so proportionally in compasse round aboute, this present
was estéemed at 20900. Ducates. This present shold
haue bene giuen to Grijalua, if he had not so soone departed
as the Indians reported. He also gaue vnto Cortez this answere,
that Mutezumas his Lorde was very gladde to
know, & to be friend to suche a mighty Prince as the king
of Spayne was, and that in his time should arriue in his
countrey such new people, & the like neuer séene before, &
that he was readie to shew them al pleasure & honour, requesting
him to sée what things he stoode in néede of for ye
time that he meant to abide there, as well for himselfe as
for his ships, army and deceasse, and it should be prouided
abundantly: yea & also if he could finde any thing in that
countrey to his contentment, to present to the Emperour
of Christians, he would willingly prouide it. And as touching
the desire that Cortez had to come to visite & to haue
cōmunication with him, he thought it vnpossible, bycause
that he was sickly and could not come vnto the sea coast,
and likewise for Cortez to come where he did abide, it was
harde, troublesome and difficill, as well for the many and
cragged mountaynes, as also the countrey, wilde, desert &
without habitation, and shoulde be constrayned to suffer
hunger, thirst, and other necessitie: and moreouer the enhabitaunts
of much part of the way that he should passe,
were his enimies, both cruell & cursed people, and knowing
thē to be his friendes, they should not escape with life.
All these excuses did Mutezuma by the mouth of Teudilli declare vnto Cortez, thinkyng to driue him frō his purpose & pretēded iourney, alleaging the foresayd difficulties and perils, the Indians did also hope that with some cōtrary weather they should be forced to leaue that coast & coūtrey. Notwithstāding this cōtradiction, so much the more desire had Cortez to visite Mutezuma, who was so great a prince in that parties, & throughly to discouer the treasure which he imagined to be there. And hauing receiued ye present, & also ye answer, he gaue vnto Teudilli a garmēt of his owne wearyng, and many other trifles of his Haberdash, to be sente vnto Mutezuma, saying that if it were for no other purpose but onely to sée so mightie and vertuous a Prince, it should be requisite and iuste to trauayle vnto his Court, how much the more, he was of duetie cōstrayned to doe the Embassage which the Emperour of Christians had willed and commaunded him to doe, for otherwyse he shoulde incurre the displeasure of the King his mayster, wherefore he besought Teudilli yet once agayne to aduertise Mutezuma of his constant determination, bycause hée shoulde vnderstande that he would not leaue off hys pretended purpose for any inconuenience that was obiected vnto him. Alleagying moreouer, that he who had cōmen 2000. leagues by sea, mought well goe 70. leagues by lande, and consideryng that he had many at his charge with small prouision, and likewise his shippes in daunger, he required that with all expedition the messengers should be dispatched. Teudilli desired him to recreate himself, & not to take any grief, for as much as he himself did dayly aduertise Mutezuma of his procéedings, euen so with all expedition the full resolution should come from Mexico, although it were somewhat farre off. And as for his victuals, he shoulde take no care, for abundantly he should be prouided. And also desired him for so much as he was not well placed among those sandy bankes, that it might please him to goe with him to certayne townes aboute sixe or seuen leagues frō thence. Cortez refused that offer, wherevpon Teudilli departed, and he abode there ten dayes looking for answere from Mutezuma.
In this meane season certayne Indians
were espied, that went lurkyng a farre of
among the sandy hilles. And those came
not neare the Indians, that serued the
Spaniarde, Cortez demaunded what people
they were, & for what cause they went
lurkyng so farre off, and came no néerer vnto them.
The twoo Captaynes answered, that they were husbandmen, that went aboute theyr husbandry. Cortez lyked not theyr answere, but suspected that they had tolde hym a lye: for it séemed vnto hym that those people desired to come among the Christians, and that they durste not with feare of the Indians of Teudilli, and so it was in very déede. For all that coaste and mayne lande within, as farre as Mexico, was full of the newes and straunge things that our men had done in Potonchan. Wherefore they all desired to sée them and to talke with them, but they durste not for feare of the Indians of Culhua, who are subiectes vnto Mutezuma, wherevpon Cortez sente fiue Spaniardes to call them with signes and tokens of peace. This company of Indians were in number twentie, and were gladde to beholde those fiue men commyng towardes them, and were desirous to sée suche straunge people and shippes, wherefore they came willingly altogither vnto Cortez his Tente.
These Indians dyd differ muche from all the other Indians yet séene, for they were hygher of person, and had the grystels of theyr noses slitte, hangyng ouer their mouths, and rings of Iette and Amber hanging thereat. They had also theyr neither lippes bored, and in the holes rings of golde and turky stones, whiche wayed so muche, that their lippes hanged downe ouer theyr chinnes, and their téeth remayned bare: The whiche custome although they vsed for a brauery, it séemed a foule and vgly sighte in the Spanyardes eyes, and very lothsome.
The other Indians of Mutezuma, had theyr lippes and eares bored, with rounde stones hangyng at the iagges thereof, yet they had not suche foule slittes in their noses, but they had suche bored holes that a manne myght put any finger of his hande through them, with rings of golde and stone hanging thereat, the euill fauoured sighte of their faces made our men to muse.
Cortez communed with them by hys interpreter Marina, to knowe from whence they were, they answered, that they were dwellers in Zempoallan, a Cittie distant from thence one dayes iourney, situated vpon a riuer side, and bordered vpon the Countrey of Mutezumazin, and that their Cazique or Lorde had sente them, to sée what Goddes were comen in those Teucallis, that is to say, Temple, saying, also that they durste not come sooner, not knowyng what people they were.
Cortez made muche of them and shewed a chéerefull countenaunce vnto them, for they séemed very bestiall, he declared vnto them that he was gladde of theyr commyng, and to knowe the good will that theyr Lorde bare vnto him, and gaue them Haberdashe toyes, and shewed them the Horses and Armour, a straunge sighte for them. And so they wente through the army lookyng and gasing here and there as menne amazed. And in all the tyme they abode there, they vsed no conuersation with the other Indians. Cortez enquired of Maryna the cause thereof, and shée sayde that those menne did not onely speake an other languague, but also did appertayne to another Lorde, who was not vassall to Mutezuma, but by force and extortion.
Cortez was very gladde of that newes, for hée coniectured by the talke of Teudilli that Mutezuma had warres and enimies, wherevppon hée tooke aside thrée of those Indians whiche séemed moste wysest, and demaunded of them by Maryna what Lordes there were in that Countrey: they answered that Mutezuma was Lorde ouer all, although in euery Cittie and Prouince was a Lorde, yet neuerthelesse all in generall dyd paye tribute and serue him as vassals, nay rather lyke slaues. But yet many of them of late dayes did reknowledge hym by force of armes, and payde vnto him suche tolle and tribute that they were not accustomed to pay, of whiche number their Lorde of Zempoallan was one of them, and other his neyghbours, who many tymes helde him warre to be frée from his tiranny and bondage, but yet sayde they, it preuayled not, for his hoste was greate and his warriers valiant.
Cortez receyued greate pleasure to finde in that countrey dissention and discorde among some Noble menne, and at deuision among themselues, thynking thereby the better to bryng his purpose to passe. He gaue thanks vnto those Indians for their aduise, offeryng vnto them his fauour, helpe and friendshippe, praying them to come often to his campe, and so tooke his leaue of them, with his commendations to their Lorde, and sente him certayne presents, with aduertisement, that shortly he would come and sée him, yea and also serue him.
At the ende of tenne dayes came Teudilli
backe againe, and brought certaine cloth
of Cotten, and other things made of feathers
well wrought for recompence of
the thyng sente vnto Mexico, and warned
Cortez to departe, for at that tyme
there was no remedie to sée Mutezuma, and to looke what
was necessary for his prouision and furniture, and it
shoulde be prouided, offeryng the same seruice at any time
that hée shoulde happen to come that way. Cortez would
not accept the offer, saying: That he would not departe
from that countrey, vntill he had bothe séene and talked
with Mutezuma. The gouernour Teudilli yet agayne replied,
that he shoulde not contende therein, and with those
wordes departed from hym. The nexte night followyng
he with all those Indians as well men as women whiche
attended to serue and prouide the Spanishe campe, wente
from thence: so that in the mornyng all the cotages were
emptie, where those seruitors had bene.
Cortez suspecting this alteratiō prouided himselfe with preparation for battayle, & finding the matter contrary to his expectation, he deliberated to séeke a sure roade or harbor for his nauie, & also a good plotte or situation to buylde vpon, for then he fully meant to obtayne perpetuitie & to conquere the lande, considering yt he had found such great tokens of gold, plate, & other riches, & thereaboute within a whole league cōpasse was no fit place for ye purpose: for why? all was sandy ground, & such as tossed too & fro with the winde, with other morish groūd not méete for habitation. In consideration wherof he sent Francisco de Monteio, with two vergantines, and fiftie men, to runne along the coast, vntill they should finde some reasonable poart and good scituation to build vpon.
Monteio procéeded on his voyage, and sayled in sighte of lande, vntill he came to Panuco, withoute finding anye port or harbor, sauing the shadowe of a Rocke, whyche stoode somewhat distant from the land a sea boord, so that at thrée wéekes ende he returned backe agayne with the foresayde newes. Hauing runne so little a way, he fell into suche terrible currants, that although he made waye wyth oares and sayles, yet the sayde Currant forced hym backe agayne. Also he broughte newes, that the Indians of that coast did let themselues bloud, offering the same vnto them vpon little strawes, in token of friendship or deitie.
The relation of Monteio contented not Cortez, yet notwithstandyng he pretended to goe to the shade or succoure of the Rocke, bycause hée was enformed, that néere that place, was two fayre Riuers, wyth store of wooddes, necessarye for tymber and fyre woodde, greate quantitie of stones to builde with, fayre pastures, and ground for tyllage, although the harbour was not sufficiente for hys Nauie and contratation, bycause that roade was without defence, and open vppon the Northe, which is the winde that most ruleth with greatest hurte vpon that coast.
And also considering that Teudilli and hys menne were departed, fearing also the want of victuals, and likewise, that hys Shyppes myghte perishe vppon the shore, he commaunded to lade aboorde all theyr stuffe, and hée wyth foure hundred menne, and all his Horses, followed on the hygh way that the Indians hadde gone.
After hée hadde iourneyed thrée leagues, hée came to a fayre vadeable Riuer, and passing ouer the Riuer, hée found a towne not inhabited, for the inhabitantes thereof were fledde with feare: he entred into a great house, which séemed the place of the Lorde of the Towne, built with timber and earthen walles, the foundation whereof was raysed with handie worke, about a fadome high: the roofe was couered with strawe, but of a fayre & strange workemanshippe inwardes, with many greate pertitions, some full of pottes of honey, and Maiz, with other grayne whiche they kéepe in store all the yeare: other roomes had cloth of Cotten wool, wrought with feathers, golde and siluer.
Cortez commaunded Proclamation to be made, that none of his company shoulde take any thyng away, vppon payne of deathe (onely victuals excepted) to the intente to obtayne the good will and friendship among the Indians.
There was in that Village a Temple, whiche hadde a little Tower with a Chappell on the toppe, and twentie steppes to come vnto the Chappell, where they found some Idolles, and many bloudy papers, and much mans bloud of those which hadde bin sacrificed, as Marina dyd certifie.
They found also the blocke wherevppon they vsed to cutte open the menne sacrificed, and the razors made of Flint, wherewyth they opened their breastes, and plucked out their heartes béeyng aliue, throwing them vppe toward Heauen as an offering, and after this done, they annoynted their Idolles, and the papers they offered, and then burned them.
This sight put a great compassion, yea and a feare among our Spanyards, who did beholde these things. From this Village they went to other thrée or foure, and found none aboue two hundred houses, and all without people, yet well prouided with victuall, as the firste towne was. Cortez returned from thence to discharge his Shippes, and to take order to sende for moe men: and with desire to beginne habitation, in these affaires he occupyed hymselfe tenne dayes.
When Cortes was come where his Ships
were, and the residue of his company, hée
began this talke, saying:
Now my louing friends and fellowes, ye doe sée what greate mercy God hathe shewed vnto vs, in bringing vs safe and in health to so good and riche a Countrey, as by manifest signes and tokens we haue alreadye séene, yea and howe plentifull of meate, inhabited of people, better clothed, and of more iudgement and reason, than the others whiche ye haue séene, since your firste comming: also better buildings, fieldes of grayne and corne: yea and it is to be thought, that the things not yet séene, doe surmount all that hithervnto ye haue playnely séene. Wherefore wée ought to giue most hartie thankes vnto God, and to beginne oure habitation héere, whereas we shall enioy the grace and mercy of God. And to bryng this matter to passe, me thinke best that we abide héere, vntill we may finde a better port or scituation. Also that we make a wall or Castell for oure defence, if néede shoulde happen, for the people of this land hath little ioy of our comming and abiding héere.
It was then considered that frō that place they might the sooner haue friendshippe and contractation with the Indians and Townes nexte adioyning, as Zempoallan, and others whyche were enimies to Mutezuma, and béeyng in this order once placed, they myghte discharge their Shyppes, and sende them incontinent to Cuba, Santo Domingo, Iamayca, Borriquen, and other Ilandes, or else to Spayne for more men, armour and Horsses, and for clothing and victuals.
Moreouer, it was thought iust and méete, to sende relation of all their procéedings to the Emperoure theyr King and maister, with the demonstration of golde, syluer, and other riches, which they had in their power.
And bycause all these things should be done in good order, Cortez determined as Captayne generall, to appoint a Counsell, Aldermen, and Iudges.
And also ordeyne all other offices that shoulde be necessary and néedefull to rule and gouerne a Citie, whych he then pretended to edifie and erecte, the whiche Magistrates should fully commaund, vntill such time that the Emperour should otherwise prouide in matters conuenient for his seruice.
After this diligence put in vre, he solemnely tooke possession of all ye land, in the name of the Emperour Charles King of Castill, with all the actes and ceremonies, as to such a matter apperteyned. And demaunded of Francisco Fernandez notarie appoynted, that he shoulde gyue vnto him by testimonie in writing, all the actes done therein. All his company aunswered, that they did very well allowe hys procéedings and praysed, and also approued hys determination, besieching hym to procéede accordingly, sithence they were come to serue and obey hym. Then Cortez named Iudges, Aldermen, Attorney, Serieant, Notary, and Towneclearke, and all other officers apperteyning to the good gouernement of a Citie, in the name and behalfe of the Emperoure hys naturall Lord, and delyuered incontinent to the Iudges white roddes to beare in their handes in token of Iustice, and named the newe Citie to be builte, The ryche Towne De la vera Crux, bycause that one goodfriday they had entred into that land. After these things finished, Cortez began before ye saide Notary, another act in presence of the iudges, who were Alounso Fernandez Portocarero, and Frācisco de Monteio, in whose handes he made cession, and dyd desyst from all rule and offices whiche heretofore he had receiued, which was his gouernership, captaineship and general discouerer, receiued in the Chauncerie of Santo Domingo, at the handes of the presidentes, who were there chiefe of the kings counsell, and presidents, likewise he protested not to vse the power and auctority of the gouernour of Cuba, Admirall of India, for so much yt now none of them had any rule or gouernement in that Countrey which he and his fellowes had newely discouered, and begun to enhabite in the name of the king of Castil, as his naturall subiectes. The which auctoritie he likewise required to be set downe in recorde, and to haue a copie of the same.
Al the newe officers toke possession and
charge of their offices, and entred into
the towne house to counsel according to
the vse and custome of Castill. In the
which congregation or counsel then holden,
many matters were had in question
as touching the good gouernemente of the common
weale. And among many other things, they al agréed to
electe Hernando Cortez for captaine generall and chiefe
Iustice, and to giue vnto him full power and authority
for all matters appertayning to the wars and conquest,
vntill such time as the Emperour should otherwise prouide:
with this determination the next day following al
the Aldermen, Iudges, and Counsellers, went vnto Cortez,
and sayde vnto him: Sir we haue greate neede of a
guide and captaine for the warres to procéede vppon the
conquest of this countrey, wherfore vntil such time as ye
Emperour shall prouide therein, they all besought hym
to accepte that office and charge, approuing him a man
most fit for the same, both to rule and gouerne, for ye great
experience that they had séene of his courage, wisdome,
and pollicie, and by Vertue of their offices, did cōmaund
him to accept the same, saying, that in so doing, God and
the king shoulde bee faithfully serued. And they woulde
thankfully gratify the same, knowing that at his hands
they should be ruled with iustice, vsed with humility, &
be preserued with diligence and strength. And for that
purpose, they had chosen him for that office, giuing vnto
him their ful & whole authority, submitting thēselues
vnder his hands, iurisdiction & defence. Cortez accepted ye
charge at smal entreating, for he desired nothing so much.
And being in this sort elected general, the counsel said vnto him. Sir you do wel vnderstād, that vntil such time as we shal bee better planted in this countrey, we haue not wherwith to maintaine our selues but only wt suche things as are abord our shippes. Therfore it may please you to commaund it to be brought ashore, and that you take therof what shal seme good vnto you, for your houshold and familie, and the residue may be taxed at a reasonable price, and so to be deuided among them: & for payment they wold al binde thēselues, or else yt presently it should be deducted out of the stocke, after that the kings fift parte were subtracted. Likewise they desired him to value his ships and artillery, bycause they would make like payment for the same, and that frō thence forwards the ships should serue in common, for to passe to the Ilāds for bread, wine, clothes, weapons, horses, and other things which should be néedeful for the new towne and army, for therby they mought be better cheape prouided than if merchants should prouide them, consideryng alway they seke for excessiue gaine, saying that if it would please hym to accepte thys offer and request, they would thankfully requite the same. Cortez aunswered, that at ye time he made his preperation and furniture in Cuba, he ment not to sel his prouision as others vsed to do, but he would and did frankely giue it vnto them, although hee had spent his goods and indetted himselfe therin. And incontinent he commaunded the maisters of the ships and pursers, to bring a lād al their victual to the town house, requiring the Aldermen to deuide it equally, to euerye man his part, without making any difference of him or of any other, for (quoth he) in time of neede of victuals ye yongest hath as muche allowaunce as the eldest. And although I am indetted and do owe more than seauen M. Duckets, I giue this victuall al franckly vnto you. And as cōcerning the ships, I wil do yt which shal be most cōueniēt for you al. And (quoth he) I wil determin nothing to be done with thē, but wil first giue you aduertisemēt of the same.
Al this did Cortez for to get their loue and fauour, bycause there were many that loued hym not, althoughe in very trouth he was of his own nature liberal and large in experiences with al his souldiers in the warres.
For as much as the situation there
was not conuenient to place the
newe worke, they determined to
go from thence, to Aguiahuiztlan,
which standeth nere the shadowe
of the rocke that Monteio had informed
them of, wherevppon Cortez
commaunded the shippes to depart,
for that place. And he with his foure hundred men
and horses would goe by land, and there mete thē, which
may be about ten leagues iorney. In this order the fléete
departed, and likewise Cortez with his company toward
Zempoallan which stoode directly weastward. And after he
had iourneyed three leagues he came to the riuer which
deuided the Lordshippe of Mutezuma and Zempoallan, &
coulde finde no passage, wherefore he was forced to returne
to the seaside, where with muche adoe they passed
ouer, and so trauayled on that side of the riuer, & found
cotages of fishermen and other poore houses, and some
sowen ground, and procéeding on their iorney at length
they came into very faire valleys, wher was great store
of deare, and stil they went along the riuer side, hoping
to finde some good towne, and in short space, they espied
neare twenty persons vppon the toppe of a hill, Cortez
commaunded foure of his horsemen to fetch them vnto
him, willing thē to make signes of peace vnto them, but
if they flie (quoth he) then follow them, vntill you ouertake
them, for they shall stand vs in steade, as wel to lead
vs the way as to serue vs for enterpreters.
The horsemen tooke on theyr way, and when they came to the hill toppe, they made signes of peace vnto them, but the poore and fearefull Indians fledde with spéede, yea being amased and in great feare to beholde suche a monsterous thyng as a horseman, beleuyng assuredly, that horse and man was one thing incorporate, but in theyr flight they were soone ouertaken, and they yéelded themselues, and so were all brought vnto Cortez.
These men had in their eares and noses bored holes, with rings of golde hangyng thereat, for so was the vse of Zempoallan: they enformed Cortez that the Cittie was neare at hande. Cortez demaunded the cause of their comyng thither, they answered to behold and sée so straunge a sight, but why fledde you then (quoth he?) for feare only sir sayde they, of people which we knew not. Then Cortez willed them to put all feare aside, and tolde them that he with his small company woulde goe vnto their Cittie to visite their Lorde, and to be acquaynted with him: the Indians sayde, that the day was farre spent, and that it was late to goe that night to Zempoallan, but if it pleased hym they would conduct him to a village whiche stoode on the otherside of the Riuer and within sight, and although it were but a small village, yet there was reasonable lodging with meate sufficiente for his armie: their counsell séemed well, so they wente to that village, and when they were comen thither, the Indians craued license to goe & to aduertise their Lorde how the straungers abode in that place, promising to returne the nexte day with answere. Some of the Indians had licence to do the message, the others abode there, attendyng and prouiding for the newe gestes, & in this order they were al lodged and their supper abundantly prouided. That night Cortez fortified himselfe as strong as mought be, and the nexte morning came a hundreth men laden with Hennes, saying that their Lord much reioyced of their comming, and bicause he was so grosse and vnwealdie, he came not personallye vnto him, but yet notwithstanding he aboade in the cittie expecting his comming. Cortez friendly welcomed them, and with that presente, he and his company brake their faste, and then proceeded with his guides in good order with two fauconets in readinesse, if néede should happen: and from that passage of the riuer they had a faire way vntil they came to another riuer, which being likewise waded ouer, they discried Zempoallan, whiche stoode a myle distant from them, all beset wyth fayre Orchardes and Gardens, verye pleasaunte to beholde: they vsed alwayes to water them with sluses when they pleased.
There procéeded out of the Towne many persons, to behold and receyue so strange a people vnto them. They came with smiling countenance, and presented vnto thē diuers kinde of Floures, and sundry fruites, which none of our menne had héeretofore séene. These people came without feare among the Ordinance, with this pompe, triumph and ioy they were receiued into the Citie, which séemed a beautifull Garden: for the trées were so gréene and high, that scarsely the houses appeared.
At the Citie gate stoode many graue persons of nobilitie, as Magistrates of the Citie, who solemnely welcomed the Strangers. Sixe Horsemen, which hadde gone before the army to discouer, returned backe as Cortez was entring into the Citie, saying, that they had séene a great house and Court, and that the walles were garnished with siluer. Cortez commaunded them to procéede on, willing them not to shew any token of wonder of any thing that they should sée. All the stréetes were replenished with people, whiche stoode gaping and wondering at the horses and straūgers. And passing through a great market place, they saw on their right hande, a great walled house made of lyme and stone, with loupe holes and towers, whited with playster that shined lyke siluer, being so well burnished and the sunne glistering vpon it. And that was the thing that the Spaniards thought had bene walles of siluer. I doe beléeue that with the imagination and great desire whiche they had of golde and siluer, all that shined they déemed to be the same mettall.
Within this great house was a long rew of lodgings, and on the other side sixe or seuen Towers one higher than another. They procéeded on, dissimulyng the errour of the siluer walles, and followed their guide vntill suche time as they came to the Lordes lodging, who came forth accompanied with many auncient persons, and better attired than the other Citizens were, with twoo Gentlemen that ledde him by the armes. They saluted eche other according to the vse of their countreys, and then entred into the pallayce, where certayne principall men conducted Cortes and all his trayne to their lodgyng, and Captayne Cortes was lodged in the house whiche had the glisteryng walles, situated in the markette place, whiche house was sufficient for him and all his company. And when they were placed, and behelde the walles, they were ashamed of their owne folly: for where they thought those walles had bene adorned with siluer, they founde them cleane contrary. Cortes deuided his men, caused his horses to be trimmed, and planted his ordinaunce at his dore, making himselfe as strong as though he had bene in campe and néere his enimies. And commaunded, that none of his men shoulde goe out of the house without his expresse licence vpō payne of death. The officers of the Lorde prepared a plenteous supper for them, and beddyng according to their vse.
The nexte day in the mornyng came the
Lorde, to visite Cortez with an honorable
company, and presented vnto him many
garmēts wrought of Cottē wolle, according
to their fashion, with a knot on the
shoulder like vnto the Egiptian garments,
and certaine iewels of golde that might be worth
two thousande Ducates, besechyng both him and his cōpany
to recreate themselues and take their reste, and at
that present he meante not to trouble him with any matters:
And so tooke his leaue for that time as he had done
the day before, willing him to demaunde and call for any
thing that he should néede. Cortez gaue him hartie thāks,
and so departed.
Then came moe Indians in number than there were Spaniardes, with their courses & seruice of meate ready dressed, and many boughes of daintie fruits. In this sorte they were feasted & bāketed fiftene daies most plētuously. The next day folowyng, Cortez sent vnto the Spaniardes certaine olde garments of the Spanishe fashion, and many other trifles, besechyng him to appoynt a day of conference at his owne pallayce: worde was sent agayne that he was ready and very well contented. Wherevpon Cortez tooke with him fiftie of his men all armed, and left the residue at his lodgyng in a good readinesse, and appoynted an vnder Captayne to gouerne them. The Lorde hearing of his comming, came out of his Courte into the streate to receyue him. And hande in hand they entred togither into a lowe hall, whiche they vse for the extremitie of heate in that countrey, the plotte that they buylde vpon is raysed a fadome from the grounde, so that they ascende vpon steppes, and the walles plaistered with very white lime, their tile is eyther of straw or leaues of trées, very beautifull and straungely wrought, and a good defence against the rayne. The Lorde and Cortes satte them downe vpon thrée footed stooles made all of one péece, the Lorde commaunded his seruitours to stand aside, and by their interpreters they began to commune of their affayres a great space, in demaundes and answeres, bicause Cortes desired to be well instructed of the affayres of that countrey, and lykewise of that mightie kyng of Mutezuma.
This Cacike or Lord although he were huge and laden with fleshe, yet in his demaundes and questions séemed very wise. The summe of all Cortes his talke was to shewe the cause of his comming thither, and who had sente him, euen as he had done in Tauasco to Teudilli and others.
This Cacike after he had heard Cortes attentiuely, he began a long communication, makyng his complaynt and opening his griefe in this sorte.
Mightie Sir, my Antecessors liued a long tyme in great peace, libertie and quietnesse, but of late yéeres my countrey and Cittie was destroyed by tiranny, bycause the Lordes of Mexico Tenuchtitlan with their men of Culhua did not only vsurpe my Citie, but also my lands by force of armes, in suche sorte that my power coulde not resiste them. And in the beginnyng those Princes beganne theyr vsurpation by way and colour of religion and holinesse, and afterwardes with force of armes, and with this title became Lordes ouer vs.
And nowe we seyng our errour, haue thought it to late to preuayle agaynst them to take away our yoke of seruitude and bondage, although we haue attempted it. And as often as we haue so done, still the victorie was theyrs, and the ouerthrowe ours. Nowe all suche as doe submitte themselues vnto them, are taxed with certayne tributes, and reknowlegyng them for Lordes, are defended by them, and estéemed as friendes. But if after such submission made, any chaunce to speake agaynst them, or rebell, then they are terribly corrected, yea murdered, and after Sacrifice made to the Goddes of warre, called Tezcatlipuca and Vitzilopuchtli of theyr carkasses, then is theyr fleshe eaten in banquet, and those who remayne alyue, doe serue for slaues, yea and the Fathers, Mothers and Children, are compelled to labour and toyle from the Sunne rising to the Sunne settyng, with confiscation of all their goodes and landes. And besides all this crueltie and vituperie, they sende theyr officers and Serieantes to execute the premisses, who without eyther pittie or mercie many tymes suffereth them to sterue with hunger. And beyng thus cruelly punished of Mutezuma, who nowe raigneth in Mexico, who woulde not suffer to bée Vassall willingly to so good a Prince as you enformed me of the Emperour, although it were but onely to bée frée from suche vexation and robbery whiche suche a mighty King coulde doe. And with these wordes the teares gusshed out of his eyes, and pawsing a whyle, he beganne to extoll the strength, magnificence and situation of Mexico planted in a greate lake of water: also he exalted the riches, courte, Maiestie and mightie power of Mutezuma. Hée sayde also howe Tlaxcallan, Huexocinco and other prouinces thereaboute, as also the people called Totonaquez of the Mountaynes were of contrary opinion to the Mexicans, yea enimies vnto them, who had intelligence what had happened in Tauasco, Yea sir (quoth hée) if it please you, I will treate suche a compact with this people that Mutezuma with al his power shall not preuayle agaynst vs.
Cortes reioyced in harte to heare this newes, and sayde vnto him. It grieueth mée to heare of the euill vsage of Mutezuma towarde his countrey and subiectes. But I assure you with Gods helpe I will deliuer you, yea and reuenge all your iniuries, for my commyng hither is to take away all euill customes, and to helpe the oppressed, to fauour the prysoner, and comforte the afflicted, and chiefly to abolishe tyrannie. And for the good entertaynement that I haue receyued at your handes, I doe remayne yours to doe you any pleasure, and to defende you agaynst your enimies, and the lyke will I doe for your friendes, wherefore I pray you aduertise them thereof as many as are of our confederacie.
Cortes then tooke hys leaue, saying that he had bene many dayes there, and that he had greate néede to goe visite his shippes and menne, who muche desired his returne, and abode in Aquiahuiztlan, where hée meante to soiourne for a certayne season, and from thence dayly they mighte conferre of their affayres. The Lorde of Zempoallan sayde, that if it pleased hym to abyde with him hée woulde gladly accept it, and if his businesse were suche that he might not, that then he besought him to remember him.
Then the Lorde commaunded eyght maydens to be called, who were very well apparelled after theyr maner, theyr attyre was muche lyke the Morisca fashion, (the one of them was more costely apparelled than the others) and sayde vnto Cortes, all these maydens whiche you here sée are Gentlewomen, noble and riche, and this mayden whiche is beste attired, is a Lady of Vassals, and my brothers daughter, I doe presente hyr vnto you (meaning that Cortes shoulde marrie with hyr,) and the others you may bestow vpon the Gentlemen in your company, in a token of perpetuall loue and friendship.
Cortes receyued the presente with thankes, bycause he woulde not offende the giuer thereof. And so departed with their women ridyng behinde them, with many Indian women to wayte vpon them, and many Indian men to beare them company, and to puruey all things necessarie.
The same day that they departed frō Zempoallan
they came to Chiauiztlan, and yet
the shippes were not arriued. Cortes marueyled
at their long tarying in so shorte a
iourney. Ther was a village within shotte
of a hargabushe from the rocke called
Chiauiztlan standyng vpon a litle hill. Cortes hauing little
to do, went thither with his men, and the Indians of Zempoallan,
who certified Cortes that the village was appertayning
to a Lorde oppressed by Mutezuma. They came
to the foote of the hill, without sighte of any man of the
towne, excepte twoo, that Marina vnderstoode not, and going
vp the hill, the horsemen to fauour their horses would
alight, bicause the ascending was cragged and euill way,
Cortes commaunded that they shoulde not alight, bycause
the Indians shoulde thinke that there was no place highe
nor lowe, but that these horses shoulde and coulde come
vnto it. So by litle and litle they came into the towne,
and finding no creature there, they feared some deceyte,
yet approchyng further, they mette with twelue auncient
men, whiche brought with them an interpreter who vnderstoode
the language of Culhua and the speache of
that place, whiche is the language of the Totonaquez,
or inhabitauntes of the Mountaynes. These auncient
menne declared that the cause of theyr goyng out of
the towne, was bycause that they had neuer séene anye
such men as the Spaniardes were, nor yet heard that any
such had passed that way, wherefore with feare they
had fledde from thence. But (quoth they) when the Lord
of Zempoallan aduertised vs, how you did hurt no bodye,
but rather being a people good and peaceable, then wee
were well assured who ye were, when we saw you come
toward vs. And wee are nowe comen vnto you on the
behalfe of the Lorde, to bring you to your lodging.
Cortez gaue them thankes, and went with them to a certaine place where the Lord was abydyng their comming wel accompanyed: he shewed vnto the Christians great good wil, and maruelled to sée those straungers with their long beardes.
The Lord toke a little chafyngdishe in his hande, and cast into it a certaine gumme, whych sauoured in swéet smel much like vnto frankinscence. And with a sencer he smoked Cortez with this ceremony they vse their salutations to theyr gods and nobilitie.
This done they set them down, and Cortez enformed him of the cause of their comming into that countrey as he had done in all other places where he had bin.
The Casike certifyed Cortez euen as the Lord of Zempoallan had done, but he stood in great feare least Mutezuma should be offended for receyuing and lodging him within that towne, without his commaundement, and being in thys communication, sodenly appeared twentye men entring where they sate, wt certain wāds like cudgels in their hāds, which did signify yt they were rent gatherers & in ech other hand, a fly flap of feathers, the Cacike & hys company were soare afrayde. Cortez demaunded wherefore he so altered himself, he answered, bicause those twēty Indians were collecters of Mutezuma, and that he feared that they would complayne of him, hauing founde those Christians there, he feared likewise cruell punishment for the same. Cortes comforted him, saying that Mutezuma was his friende, and that he would so vse the matter that he shoulde receyue no blame at all, but rather that Mutezuma shoulde giue him thankes for that whiche he had done: And if Mutezuma did not, or would not so accept it, that then he would defend both him and his subiects, for (quoth he) euery one of my mē is sufficient for a thousand Mexicans, as Mutezuma himselfe was well enformed by the late warres at Potonchan.
Yet for and notwithstanding all this talke, the Lorde and all his folke were in great feare, and meante to arise and to lodge the receyuers. Cortes woulde not suffer him, and bycause (quoth he) thou shalte sée what I and my men can doe, commaund thy seruaunts to apprehend and take prysoners these receyuers of Mexico, and I wil abide here with thée, in such sorte that Mutezuma with all his power shall not offende thée.
With the courage that he receyued at these wordes, he commaunded to lay hande vpon the Mexicans, and bycause they defended themselues, they were sore beaten, and layde euery one in a seuerall prison, and bounde them to a great poste whereat they were tied by the throate, féete, and handes, and beyng in this sorte imprysoned, they asked of Cortes whether they should kill them. Cortes requested that they should not be slaine, but that they might remayne as they were, with good watch that they might not escape: Then they were brought into a hall in the Spaniardes lodging, and were placed rounde aboute a good fire, but yet bounde hande and foote with garde of watchmen. Cortes also appoynted certaine of his men to watch the hall dore, and then went to his lodging to supper, where he and his company was well prouided at the Caziks furniture.
The nighte beyng farre spent, and the Indians
that kepte the watch being asléepe,
Cortes sente vnto the Spanyardes that
watched at the hall dore where the prysoners
were, and commaunded them to
let goe twoo of the prysoners, as secretly
as they might, and to bring them vnto him. The Spaniardes
handled the matter so well, that they fulfilled his
desire, and brought twoo of them to Cortes his chamber,
who looked vppon them as though he had not knowen
them, and willed Aguillar and Maryna to demaunde who
they were, and what they would haue, and why they had
bene in pryson. They answered, that they were vassals of
Mutezuma, and that they had the charge to receyue certayne
tributes, that those of that towne & prouince payde
vnto their Lorde. And also (quoth they) we know not for
what cause we are nowe imprysoned and so euelly vsed.
We rather wōder to sée this new custome and madnesse,
for in time past these men were wont to méete vs and receiue
vs with great honour & curtesie, shewing all seruice
and pleasure. Therefore we thinke that the cause of this
alteration is through the fauour of you and your cōpany,
who beare the name of immortalitie. We also feare least
our felowes which are in prison shal be slaine, before Mutezuma
haue knowlege therof. Also said they, these barbarous
people dwelling in the Mountaynes, would be glad
to rebel if they foūd any succour or ayde, only to put their
Prince to cost and charges, as heretofore they haue done.
Therefore they moste humbly besought Cortes that hée
shoulde not permitte them and their fellowes to be slaine,
nor yet to abide in the handes of their enimies wherein
he should do singular pleasure to Mutesuma their lord, &
otherwise if they should perish, their Lord would be very
sorowfull that his olde, faithful and trustie seruaunts
shoulde haue such a reward for their good seruice.
Cortez aunswered that it grieued him much, that Mutesuma his friend should be misvsed wher he was, no nor yet his seruauntes euill entreated, and that hee woulde haue as muche care ouer them as of his owne, willing them to prayse the god of heauen, and to be thankful vnto him that had commaunded them to be set at liberty, in the grace and friendshippe of Mutesuma: he certifyed that in all haste they shoulde be dispatched, for Mexico with certaine busynesse therefore (quoth he) get you to meate, and make you strōg to take in hand that iourney, trusting to your féete least ye should be taken againe to your greate perill and daunger, Iwis their meate was soone eaten with the great hast they had to be gone.
Cortez brought them out of the towne and gaue them victuall to carry with them. And charged for the liberty and curtesie shewed vnto them, that they should signifye to Mutesuma their Lorde, howe that he was his assured friend, and that after he had vnderstanding of his fame, goodnes and mighty power, he much desired to serue him yea and that he helde himselfe happy, to fynde himselfe at such a time & season to loose those his seruaunts, and to shew therin his good wil, likewyse he woulde do all that lay in him to preserue the honour and auctority of so gret a Prince as hee was, & also to defende his subiectes and to loke to his affaires as his owne proper, although his highnesse dyd little estéeme hys friendshippe as appeared by Teudilli, who departed from him without bidding him farewell, and likewise absenting all the people of the sea coaste: yet thys notwithstanding he would not let to do him seruice at all times when occasion shoulde serue, and to procure by all meanes possible his grace, fauour, and friendship, and that he was fully perswaded, that his hyghnesse woulde not refuse his good will and friendship, considering that with his acquaintance, God had done much for him, to méete with a seruaunte of the Emperoures, for thereby he might know great secretes of holy things, and also receyue greate benefytes, if then he would refuse the same, the fault shoulde be his: but yet notwithstanding he trusted in his wisedome, that considering the thing well, he woulde be glad both to sée hym, and talke with him, and also to be friende and brother with the King of Spayne, in whose most happie name, both he and his company were come thither. And as touching his seruauntes that remayned in prison, hée woulde so vse the matter, that they should escape all perill, promising also to set them at libertie to pleasure him, and that incontinente he woulde haue done it, but onely bycause he woulde not offende the Lorde of the Towne, who had friendly entertayned him with greate curtesie, for which cause he would not presume to controll him in his owne house, nor yet to shewe himselfe vnthankefull. The messengers departed with this message very glad and ioyfull, promising to accomplishe faithfully ye charge committed vnto them.
When the Cazike founde missing the two
prisoners, he blamed muche the guarde or
watch, and pretended forthwith to murther
those that remayned. Then came
Cortez, and requested that their deathe
shoulde be pardoned, for so muche as they
were but officers obediente to their Lorde and maister,
and according to iustice they had committed no offence,
nor yet deserued anye correction in the facte, whiche was
seruice to their King: but for so muche as they shall not
flée as the other two haue done, deliuer them vnto mee,
and I will take them to my custody and charge.
Vpon this request the eyghtéene prisoners were delyuered vnto Cortez, who sent them aboorde his Shyppes, and there commaunded them to be put in yrons. The Lorde and his counsellors fearing what mighte followe, entred into councell what was best to doe, consideryng that they certaynely beléeued that the two prisoners whiche were escaped, would certifie in Mexico the shame and cruell entertaynemente done vnto them. Some replyed that it was iust and requisite to sende vnto Mutezuma hys tribute, with other presentes, to mitigate hys anger, and to excuse them, and accuse the Christians, who were the causes of the apprehension of his officers, and to craue pardon of their erroure and ouersighte whyche they hadde committed as madde men, in dishonor of the maiestie of Mexico. Others aunswered agayne, that it were muche better to cast off that yoke of bondage and slauery, and to giue no longer obedience to the Mexicans, who were both cruell and wicked tyrants, and also considering that now they had on their side those halfe Gods, and inuincible horsemen, saying likewise that they should not wante many others their neyghbours and borderers to help and succour them.
In this sorte they resolued themselues fully to rebell, and not to lose so good an occasion, wherevppon they besoughte Hernando Cortes to bée their defendor and Captayne, considering that for his sake they had begun that enterprise, and whether Mutezuma shoulde prepare hys army againste them or no, yet they on their parte were fully pretended to hold hym warre, and to desist from seruitude.
God knoweth how glad Cortes was to heare this matter, for he well wayed that it was the high way to hys iourneys ende: yet dissimuling the cause, he aunswered that they should well looke to the thing which they meant to take in hande, bycause (quoth he) I vnderstande that Mutezuma is a mightie Prince, but if ye will valiantly procéede, I will be youre Captayne, and safely defende you, for I do more estéeme your friendship, than the good will of Mutezuma, whyche I nothing care for: therefore lette me knowe what number of men of warre yée are able to make. Sir (quoth they) among all our friends wée are able to make a hundred thousande menne of warre. I lyke that well quoth Cortez, wherefore incontinente sende youre postes, with aduise vnto all your friendes in league againste Mutezuma, and certifie them of this agréemente and succoure of the Christians, not (quoth he) that I stande in néede of your help, for I alone with my company are able to stande againste those of Culhua, although they were as manye more, but reason required that they shoulde be warned of your pretence, and to be in readinesse for the same, fearing least Mutezuma mighte sende his army vpon a suddayne, and finde you vnprouided.
With this aduise and encouragement of Cortez, & also they themselues being a people heady and of small consideratiō, they dispatched incōtinent their messēgers to all the Townes and Villages of neyghbours and friendes, aduertising them what they hadde determined, exalting the strangers aboue the cloudes.
And by this meanes rebelled many Cazikes & townes, and all the whole Mountaynes, so yt there was not left any collector or other officer of Mexico in al those borders, with open proclamation of warres againste Mutezuma, and all his adherentes.
Cortez his intēt was on the other side, to stirre vp these Indians, to get both their goodes, willes, and landes, for otherwise, he could not well bring his matter to passe: he only caused the officers of Mutezuma, to be taken prisoners, and to be loused agayne, he fayned a greate loue to Mutezuma, and stirred his subiectes agaynste him, he offered to be their defendor, and lefte them rebelled, to the intent that they should stand in néede of him.
At this instant the Fléete was arriued at
the port, then wente Cortez to visit them,
and carried with him many Indians of the
Rebels, both of that Towne, and also of
Zempoallan, who did good seruice to cutte
downe timber, and to carrie stones to the place appoynted,
for the building of the Citie, named the riche towne
of Vera Crux, accordyng to the determination, when the
officers were appoynted for the same, and chosen in S.
Iohn de Vlhua, and in good order made repertition to the
inhabitants of the ground, and plottes to builde vpon.
They appoynted also a place for the high Churche, a Market place, a Towne house, a Gayle, store houses, a kay or Wharfe, to lade or vnlade, a butcher row, & other places necessary to the good gouernement and pollicie of a Towne. They also drew out a plot to build the Castel or Fort on, néere the roade in a place conueniente, and in this sort began theyr worke, and their houses made with mudwall, for the earth there is good for that purpose. And euery man being this occupyed in this new worke, came from Mexico two kinsmen of Mutezuma, with other four graue learned menne for Councellors, and many seruing men that attended vppon them, as Ambassadors from Mutezuma, they presented vnto Cortez certayne cloth of Cotten well wouen, and feathers curiously and fynely wroughte, other péeces of golde and siluer wrought, and a Casket of graynes of golde, as they were founde in the Mynes not molten, which wayed altogyther two thousand & ninetie Castlins, & sayd, yt Mutezuma hadde sente hym the golde in the Casket, to cure theyr disease, and woulde gladly knowe howe they fared, giuing also vnto him most hartie thankes, for loosing his two housholde seruauntes, and preseruing the others from slaughter, besiechying hym to make accompte, that hée woulde doe the lyke in anye affayres of his, desiring hym also to procure the libertie of the other eyghtéene Prisoners: and bycause those Indians hadde entertayned hym well in their houses, he did pardon their vprore, yet notwithstanding he knewe very well that they were suche a kynde of people, that in shorte space they woulde committe some other offences, whereby they myght bée chastned for all togyther, euen as a Dogge deserueth stripes. And as concernyng the rest of hys request, theyr Lorde was not well at ease, and also occupyed in matters of warre of greate importance, whereby at that presente, there was no remedie to visit eache other, but in processe of tyme his desire shoulde be accomplished.
Cortez welcommed them friendly and ioyfully, and also lodged them in Cotages néere vnto the water side, and sent forthwith for the Lorde of Chiautztlan, that had rebelled, who came at his commandement. Cortez sayd vnto him, lo sée what troth I haue vsed with thée, for Mutezuma dareth not to send any army, no nor yet displease anye person where I am. Therefore from this daye forwarde you and all youre lignage and friendes maye accompte your selues frée and exempt from the seruitude of Mexico, without rendryng the tributes accustomed. He requested to set at libertie the prisoners, and to restore thē to the Ambassadors of Mutezuma. Thys Cazike wylled Cortez to doe what pleased him, for sayde he, euen as wée haue chosen you for oure Captayne, we will not excéede one iote of youre commaundemente: wherevppon hée returned home to his towne, and the Ambassadors toward Mexico, all well pleased and content.
Nowe fame flew abroade, blasing that Mutezuma feared the Christians, wherevpon all the Totonaques prepared themselues for the warres, taking cleane awaye from Mexico their tribute and obedience.
The Ambassadors departed from Cortez with theyr prisoners, and manye other things that were giuen thē, of linnen, wollen, skynnes, glasse, and yron, being greately amazed at the things which they had séene.
Not long after that these things had happened,
the Indians of Zempoallan sente vnto
Cortes, to desire him of succour against the
garrisō of Culhua, which Mutezuma mainteyned
in Tizapansinca, who did greately anoy
them, in spoyling, burning, and destroying theyr
corne in the fieldes, and slew their husbandmen, and toke
many prisoners. The Towne of Tizapansinca doth confine
with the Totonaquez, and with the grounde of Zempoallan,
and is a good strong Towne, scituated néere the Riuer,
and hath a fort standing vpon a high rocke. And bycause
this Towne was strong, and planted among them who
were alwayes seditious and Rebelles, Mutezuma placed
there his garrison, who séeyng the officers of receyuers
and auditors come flying thyther for helpe, béeyng persecuted
of the Rebels, they wente out to pacifie the Rebellion,
and for to chasten them, they burned and destroyed
whatsoeuer they found, and also had taken many prisoners.
Cortez hearing this newes, departed towarde Zempoallan, and from thence in two dayes iourney with a greate armye of Indians to Tizapansinca, which stoode eyghte leagues and more from that Citie.
The garrison of Culhua came into the fielde, thinkyng to haue hadde battayle onely with those of Zempoallan, but when they saw the Horsemen and the bearded men, they lost theyr courage, and beganne to flye as fast as they myghte possible: theyr succoure béeyng néere, they were soone in holde: they woulde haue entred into theyr Castell, but for ye swiftnesse of the Horses which stopped theyr way.
And when the Horses coulde not ascende vp vnto the forte, Cortes alighted with other foure of hys men, and among the preasse of the Townesmen gote into the forte, and béeyng within, they kept the dore tyll theyr companye came wyth manye friendes, vnto whome hée delyuered the forte and Towne, desiring to do no hurte to the inhabitantes, but to suffer them to depart fréely without weapon and standerde. It was a newe worlde to those Indians, who did fulfyll Cortes hys commaundemente in all poyntes. Thys done, Cortez returned agayne to the Sea coast, by the same way whiche hée hadde come.
This was the firste victory that Cortes had among the subiectes of Mutezuma, whereby all the Mountaynes remayned frée from the vexations of the Mexicans, and all our men with great fame and reputation, as well among their friendes, as among their enimies, in so much that afterwardes when any neede did happen among the Indians, they would immediately sende vnto Cortes for one of his men, saying, that one man alone of the Chrystians, was sufficient to be their Captayne and securitie.
Thys was a good begynnyng for the pretence of Cortes. Now when he came to Vera Crux wyth hys company triumphantly, he founde there Francisco de Salzeda, who was come with his caruell which he had boughte of Alonso Cauallero, a dweller in Saint Iames de Cuba, and was left there to be grounded and dressed at his departure from thence. He brought with him .70. Spanyardes, and nine Horses and Mares, wherewith they all maruellously reioyced.
Cortez made greate hast in
building vp the new town
and the Castell, bycause
the Citizens and souldiers
mighte haue succoure againste
winde and rayne,
and commoditie of householde,
and lykewise to bée
assured of defence against
enimies if néede shoulde
happen, pretending lykewise
with all expedition, to enter within the land toward
Mexico, to visit Mutezuma, and to leaue in that newe
worke all thing in good order, he finished many thinges,
touching as well the peace as the warre.
He commaunded to be brought a lande out of his shippes all the armour & other furniture for the warres, with the Merchandise, victuall and other prouision, and to deliuer it to the rulers of the newe Cittie, accordyng to his promisse. He also signified vnto all his company that it was méete and conuenient, to sende relation to the Kyng of all theyr proceedings and dealings in that countrey, with demonstration of Golde and Siluer there founde.
And (quoth he) to deale vprightly in this case, it is necessary to deuide equally our treasure to euery man his portion, accordyng to the vse of the warres, the deuision beyng made, then firste and principally lette vs deduct the Kings fifte parte. And for the better performance therof, I doe name and appoynt Alounso de Auila Treasurer for the King, and also I doe elect Gonsalo Mexia Treasurer of the armie.
All the newe Magistrates ratified his sayings, and allowed his discretion and wisedome, praysing the election of the newe officers as men moste méete for suche an office, and besought them to accept theyr charge.
This diligence done, he commaunded to bring foorth into the markette place all the goodes and treasure which they had gotten, as well cloth of Cotten, Feathers, Golde, and Plate, whiche mought amount vnto in valew the summe of .27000. Ducates: The same he caused to be delyuered vnto the newe elected treasorers by account, requestyng the whole counsell of the Cittie that they shoulde make deuision thereof. The counsellours and communaltie replyed, saying: Sir here is nothing to deuide, for deductyng the fifte parte whiche appertayneth to the King, all the reste shall be to make payment for the furniture whiche you prepared for this voyage, and you beyng satisfied, then the shippes, munition and furniture shall serue in common for vs all, beséeching him with one assent to take all the treasure, and to sende vnto the kings maiestie his portion or fifte parte, euen as shoulde séeme most conuenient vnto him.
Cortes replied and sayde, that time hereafter shoulde serue to pay him according to their gentle offer: But for this present time my louyng felowes (quoth he) I will receyue no more than the share or portion that appertayneth vnto my office of generall Captayne, and all the residue shal be for the Gentlemen of my company, wherewith yée may beginne to make payment of your debtes, whiche ye ought when ye made your prouision to come with me on this voyage.
And where I haue appoynted certayne things to send to the King, of more value than his fifte parte, it mighte please them, for as muche as they were suche things as coulde not be well deuided, and likewyse the firste fruite of that Conquest, fréely to giue him libertie to vse his discretion in that onely poynt. They al in generall graunted to his request, wherevpon he tooke out of the stocke, these things followyng.
Al these things wer more beautiful than rich, although the whéeles were very rich, the workmanshippe of al the rest, was more worth than the thing it selfe. The colours of the cloth of cotten wool was excéeding fine, and the fethers natural.
The pounced worke in gold and siluer did excéed our goldsmithes, of whiche things we wil write in an other place. They ioyned with this present certaine Indian bookes of figures which serue to their vse for letters: these bookes are folden like vnto clothes, and written on both sides. Some of these bookes were made of cotten & glewe, and others were made of leaues of a certaine trée called Melt, whyche serue for theyr paper, a thyng straunge to behold.
At that time the Indiās of Zempoallan had many prisoners to sacrifice. Cortez demaunded them to send vnto the Emperour, but the Indians desired him to pardon them, for if we so do (quoth they) we shall offend our gods, who will take awaye our corne and children from vs, yea and also our liues in so doing.
Yet notwithstanding, Cortez tooke foure of them, and two women which were al yong and lustie.
But it was very strange to sée those that shold be sacrificed, how they wer trimmed and deckt with feathers, and went dauncing through the Cittie, asking almes for their sacrifice & death. It was also strange to sée the offerings yt were giuen thē. They had at their eares hanging rings of gold beset with turkie stones, & likewise other rings at their lippes, whiche shewed their téeth bare, a griesely sight to sée, but yet estéemed among them a thing beautifull.
When this present and fift part was layde
aside for the king, Cortez required the magistrats
to name and appoint two atturnyes,
to carry the Emperors portion vnto
Spayne. And that he for his part wold
giue vnto them his full power, and letter of attourneye,
with also one of his beste Shippes for that voyage.
The Counsell of the newe towne chose Alounso Fernandez Portocarero, and Francisco de Monteio for that iourneye: whereof Cortez was verye glad, and gaue them Antonio de Alominos for their pilot, with golde and plate sufficiente for tourne and retourne of the voyage. Cortez gaue them instructions, what they shoulde doe particularlye for hym, in the Courte of Spaine as also in Ciuil, and the towne where he was borne. Hee sente to his Father and Mother certaine money, with newes of his prosperitye: hee sente also with them the ordinaunces and actes instituted, and wrote by them a large letter to the Emperour, in the whiche hee gaue full aduertisemente of all things whyche hadde passed from the time of his departure from the Ilande of Cuba vntil that day, and of the discord betwéene hym and Iames Valasques, and of their greate traueyle and paynes, with the greate good will whiche they all bare vnto hys royall seruice: hee certified likewise of the riches of that countreye, with the maiestie and power of Mutezuma. Hee offered to bring in subiection vnto his royall Crown and state of Castil, al that Empire, & to winne also the greate Citie of Mexico, and to bring that mightie king Mutezuma to his handes quicke or deade.
Beséeching the Emperours maiestie to haue hym in remembraunce when offices and prouisions shoulde bee sente vnto that newe Spayne latelye discouered at hys great costes, and in recompence of hys paines and trauell.
The Counsell and magistrates of Vera Crux wrote also two letters to the Emperour, the one was touching the successe of their procéedings in his royall seruice. In that letter, went onely the Aldermens firmes, and Iudges.
The other letter was firmed by the generalitye and chiefest of the army, the contentes whereof was in substance, that they would holde and kepe that towne and countrey wonne, in his royall name, or ende theyr lyues in the quarrel, if his maiestie did not otherwise determyne.
They also moste humblye besought him, that the gouernement thereof, and of al that hereafter shoulde bee conquered, might be giuen to Hernādo Cortez their guide, generall captaine, and chiefe Iustice by them electe and chosen, saying, that wel he had deserued the same, for that he alone spent more than the whole army vpon that iourney. And that it might please his maiesty to confirm that, which they generally of fréewill had done for theyr owne safegard and securitye, in the name of his royall maiestie.
And if by chaunce his maiestie had already giuen the sayde office of gouernement to any other person, that it might please him to reuoke it.
For so should it be expedient for his seruice, and quietnesse of the countrey. And thereby might be excused, rumours, slanders, perils, and slaughters, that myght ensue, if any other should gouerne and rule as captaine general.
And moreouer they besoughte hys maiestie to graunte them aunswere with breuity, and good dispatch of theyr attourneys, who departed from the porte of Aguiahuistlan in a reasonable shippe the twenty sixe day of July, Anno .1519.
They touched by the way at Marien a port of Cuba, declaring that they went to Hauana: they passed through the chanell of Bahama without disturbaunce, and sayled with a prosperous winde, till they arriued in Spayne.
The cause why the generaltye had written these letters was, suspecting Iames Velasques, who had frends and great fauour in the Court and counsel of Indias, and also some secrete friendes in Cortez his campe. For Francisco Salzeda brought newes that Iames Velasques had already obteyned a graunt of the Emperor for the gouernment of that land by the meanes of one Benito Martinez going into Spayne. And although they knew not the certainty thereof, yet it was most true, as shal appeare in another place.
There wer some in the host yt murmured
against the election of Cortez, for thereby
was excluded Iames Valasques, vnto whō
they bare good wil.
Some were Valasques friends, and other some his kinesfolkes, who letted not to say openly, that Cortez by flattery, sutteltie and giftes had gotten and obtayned his purpose.
And that the dissymulation in makyng hym selfe to bee entreated and prayed to accepte that charge and office, was a thing craftily fayned, whereby suche election coulde not bee of anye value, and chieflye without any such authority of the Ierome Friers dame, who ruled and gouerned the Indians as chiefe presidents: how muche more they hadde newes that Iames Velasques had already obteyned the gouernement of that land, and Yucatan. Then Cortez began to vnderstande in those matters, and made informatiō who had raysed vp this rumoure, and béeing knowen, he apprehended the chiefest, and sent them prisoners aboorde his Ship: and to molifye their wrath, he shortly releassed them agayne, the which afterwards was cause of more mischief, for these his enimies woulde haue fledde with a Vergantine and killed the maister, pretending to flye vnto the Ilande of Cuba, for to aduertise Iames Velasques of the great present sent vnto the Emperour, to the intent it shoulde be taken from their attorners passing néere the porte of Hauana, with all the letters and relations of their businesse, bycause the Emperoure shoulde not sée it, to conceyue well of their procéedings. Then Cortez began to be agréeued in earnest, and apprehended diuers of them, whose confessions being taken, the matter was manifestly knowen to be true, and therevppon according to the processe, hée condemned those that were most culpable, and caused forthwith two of them to be hanged, who were Iohn Escudero, and Iames Cermenio pilot, and condemned Gonsalo de Vmbria and Alonso Penate to be whipped, and incontinent execution was done, all the rest being pardoned.
With this correction Cortez was more feared, and also estéemed, than before he was, for certainely if he hadde vsed gentlenesse, he should neuer haue tamed them, yea and if he had not loked to them in time, he had bin spoyled: for their pretence was, to haue aduertised Iames Velasques, who would haue preuented them of their Shyps and present, and yet afterwarde he sente a Caruell after the sayd Ship, although it were too late.
Cortez purposed to goe vnto Mexico, and would
not gyue his Souldyers to vnderstand it, bycause
they shoulde not refuse the iourney,
through the talke of Teudilli, especially hearing
that the Citie of Mexico was situated vpon water,
whyche they imagined to be excéeding strong, as in effect
it was: and to the intent that they should all follow hym,
although againste their willes, he determined to spoyle
all his Shyppes, which was a strange case, perillous, and
a great losse. His intent throughly weyed, he little estéemed
the losse of his Shippes to withstand his men from
disturbance of his enterprise, for doubtlesse they woulde
haue stayed him, yea and rebelled, if they hadde knowen
his minde and pretended purpose. He did secretly accord
with one of the Maisters of hys Fléete in the nighte season
to bore holes in them, that thereby they myghte
synke, wythoute anye remedie to recouer them agayne.
Also he requested the other Maisters and Pylots to publish among the army, that the Shyppes were so rotten and wormeaten, that they were not fytte to goe to sea agayne, and that they shoulde, when they chanced to espye him and many of his Souldies togither, come and certifie him openly of the estate and force of the sayde Shippes, bycause that afterwardes they shoulde not laye any fault to his charge.
According to this instruction, the Pylots and Maisters did accomplish his commaundemente: for shortlye after they espyed him among a flocke of his companye, and then came they vnto him, saying: Sir, your nauie is not to make any moe voyages, by reason that they are all leake, and spoyled, rotten, and worme eaten, wherfore according to our duetie, we do certifie you thereof, to prouide therein as you shall see cause. All the Souldiers gaue credite to their tale, bycause the Shippes had bin there more than thrée monethes. And after long talke aboute the matter, Cortez commaunded that they shoulde profite themselues of them the best that they myght, and as for the Hulles, let them sinke or runne a shore, fayning great sorrow for so great a losse, and want of such prouision. And in this manner they lette runne a shore fyue of the best Shyppes, sauyng theyr Ordinance, vittayles, sayles, Cables, Ankers, ropes, and all other tacle: and shortely after they spoyled other foure vessels, but that was done wyth some difficultie, bycause they beganne to surmise the intente of Cortez, and beganne openly to saye, that Cortes meant to carrie them to the slaughter house. He then pacifyed them wyth gentle wordes, saying, what is he that will refuse the warres in so riche a Countrey? if there be any of you that wyll leaue my companye, hée or they may (if please them) returne to Cuba in a Shyppe that yet remayneth. And this hée spake, to knowe howe many were the cowards, meanyng in tyme of néede to haue no trust or confidence in them. Then dyuers shamelesse persons demaunded licence to returne to Cuba, but they were suche as loued no warres. There wer also others that said nothing, who woulde gladly haue retourned, séeyng the greatenesse of the Countrey, and the multitude of the people, but yet they were ashamed to shewe cowardise openlye.
Cortez knowing his souldyers mindes, commanded the other Ship to be sunke, so that then they were all without hope to goe out of that Countrey at yt time, exalting and praysing the noble minde of Cortes shewed in that worthy facte. Certaynely it was a déede necessary for the present time, and done by the iudgement of a stout Captayne, although he lost much by his Shyppes, and abode without succour of the sea. There are few of these examples, which are not of valiant personages, as was Omiez Barbaroza with the cut arme, who a few yeares past brake seauen Galleys and Foystes, to winne thereby Bugia, as largely I do write thereof in battayles of ye sea in our dayes.
Euery day séemed long to Cortes, with the
desire to sée Mutezuma. He nowe began
to publishe openly his iourney and departure,
and chose out of the body of his host
a hūdred and fiftie mē, which he thought
sufficient to leaue for safegard of the new
towne and fort, which was almost finished, and appoynted
Pedro de Hircio their Captaine, leauing with them
two Horses, and two small péeces of Ordinance, wyth
many Indians to serue them, and fiftie Townes round about
them in faithfull friendship and league, out of the
which Townes they might alwayes haue at their néede
fiftie thousande men of warre: and he departed with the
residue of his Spanyardes towarde Zempoallan, whyche
mighte be foure leagues from thence, and was scarcely
come to the Towne, when newes was broughte hym
that foure Shippes of Francisco Garray sayled along hys
coast, and were in sight of Vera Crux. With this newes
he returned incontinent with a hundred of his men, suspecting
euill of those Shippes. At his comming to Vera
Crux, his Captaine there enformed him how he had gone
himselfe to know what they were, and from whence they
came, and what they would, but coulde speake with none
of them. Cortes beyng informed how they roade at anker,
toke Captaine Hircio and certaine of his company to
expect their commyng ashore, suspectyng them muche, bicause
they roade so farre off, being by signes and tokens
willed to come into the Harbor. Cortes hauing wandered
neare thrée miles, mette with thrée Spaniardes whiche
came from the shippes, the one of them sayde that he was
a Notary, and the other twoo were to serue for witnesses
in their affayres, which was, to ascite and notifie certaine
wrytings, whiche they shewed not: and also to require
Cortes by vertue of the same, to come and make repartitiō
of that countrey with captayne Garay their generall, for
theyr sayd Captaine pretended that conquest (as first discouerer
of the same,) certifying moreouer that hée was
determined to inhabite twentie leagues distāt from that
place Westwarde neare vnto Nahutlan, whiche nowe is
called Armeria. Cortes answered, that they should returne
vnto their shippes, and to will theyr Captayne to come
to Vera Crux with his nauie, and there they woulde commune
togither aboute his comming, and if he stoode in
néede of any thing it shoulde be prouided. And if it were
(as they reported) that he was comen on the Kings affaires,
he woulde gladly fauour his procéedings, considering
that he and all his were there in seruice of his highnesse,
how muche more beyng all of one nation.
They answered, that in no wise their captaine nor none of his army would come ashore, nor yet come where as Cortes was. With this answere Cortes vnderstood the matter, and layde holde of them, and went and placed himself in ambushe behinde a little hill of sande, whiche stoode right ouer agaynst the shippes, beyng neare sunne sette, & slepte there that night till daye approched, and the mornyng farre spent, hopyng that Garay his Pilote or some of his company woulde come ashore, meanyng likewise to apprehende them for to be certified what course they had made, and what hurte they had done, and findyng them guiltie, to sende them prysoners into Spayne, likewise he desired to knowe whether they had spoken with any vassals of Mutezuma, and seyng they came not a lande his suspition was the greater.
Cortes commaunded thrée of his men to chaunge apparell with the thrée messengers that came from Garay, and this done, caused them to goe to the Sea side, wauyng with theyr clokes, and callyng for the shippe boate, nowe those of the shippes thought by theyr apparell that they were their owne menne, and came with a dozen persons in the skiffe with Crossebowes and Handgunnes. Then Cortes his men whiche were clothed in other mens garments hidde themselues among bushes, as who woulde say, they were gone into the shadowe, for to flée from the great heate of the Sunne, being at that time highe noone, and bicause they should not be knowen.
The Mariners of the skiffe set a lande twoo men with Hargabushes, and other two mē with Crossebowes, and and Indian who went straight way to the bushes, thinkyng to finde their fellowes. Then stept forth Cortes and caught them before they coulde gette aborde the skiffe, although they meant to haue defended themselues, so that one of them who was a Pilote, hauing his Hargabushe ready charged, & would haue shot at captaine Hircio, & assuredly if his match and pouder had bene good he had slayne him. When the general aborde the ships perceiued this deceit, would abide no longer, & cōmaunded to make saile, not tarying for his skiffe. By these seuen mē taken at two times Cortes was satisfied, & also certified how captain Garay had sayled along the coast séeking Florida, and arriued in a riuer, the King of that prouince was called Panuco, where they founde little golde, barteryng aborde their shippes, all theyr golde passed not thrée thousande Castelins, but in exchaunge of things of small value, nothing contented Garay on that voyage, bycause the quantitie of golde was small and not fine.
With this newes Cortes returned to Zempoallan with his men which he brought in his company: and there concluded and fully agreed with those Indians to pull downe theyr Idols & sepulchres of their Cassikz, whiche they did reuerence as Gods, perswading them to worship the God of heauen. And after this doctrine their league of friendship was effectually established, and with other townes adioyning against Mutezuma. Those Indians gaue vnto him gagues to be alwayes faithfull of worde & promisse, and offered vnto him as many men fitte for warre & seruice as he would require. Cortes receiued the gagues which were of the principallest persons of the townes, as Mamexi Teuch, and Tamalli, he tooke also a thousand Tamemes, that is to say, men that are carriars, who ordinarily taketh his burden vpon his backe which is halfe a hundred waight, and those fellowes followe the campe with their bagge & bagage: These men serued for horses to draw the ordinance, and to carrie other munition and victuals.
Cortes departed frō Zempoallan, leauing that
towne named Siuillia, towarde Mexico the
sixtene day of August of the same yéere,
with 400. Spaniardes and fiftene horses,
& sixe péeces of ordinance, and 1300. Indians
wt the carriers & mē of Cuba. And whē Cortes departed frō
Zempoallan he had not one vassall of Mutezuma in his
campe to leade them the way towarde Mexico, for al were
fledde, seing the new league, or else by commaundement
of their Lord, and the Indians of Zempoallan knew not well
the way.
The first thrée dayes iourney the army passed through countrey of their friendes, and were louingly receyued and lodged, especially in Xalapan. The fourth day they came to Sicuchimatl, whiche is a strong place situated on a hill side very craggy, and the way to passe therevnto is made with force of mans hande as a stayre. And if the inhabitants thereof would haue resisted the entraunce, with greate difficultie bothe footemen & horsemen mought haue entred the towne, but as afterwarde appeared, they were commaunded by Mutezuma to lodge them and also to honour them. The rulers of that towne sayde to Cortes, that for as muche as he wente to visite their Prince Mutezuma, he should assure himselfe that they were and would be his friendes. This towne hath many villages and farmes beneath in the playne, for Mutezuma was alwayes prouided there of .5000. men of warre.
Cortes gaue great thankes to the Lorde for his curtesie and good entertaynement, muche estéeming the good will of his Lorde Mutezuma, and so departed from thence, and wente to passe ouer a mountayne very high, the passage whereof he named Nombre de dios, bycause it was the first that he had passed, beyng so asperous and highe, that there is none suche in all Spayne, for it conteyned directly vpright thrée leagues, and hath in many places grapes and trées with hony. And discendyng downe on the other side of that hill, they came to a towne called Theuhixuacan, whiche is a forte and friende to Mutezuma, where our army was receyued and entertayned as in the other towne behinde.
And from thence he traueled thrée dayes in a countrey inhabitable, and passed some necessitie of hunger, & much more of thirst, bicause all the water that they founde was saltishe, and many of his men for wante of other dranke thereof, whereof they fell into sickenesse: and sodainely fel a meruaylous Hayle with great colde, whiche increased their griefe, yea and the Indians of their company thought there to ende theyr liues, & some of the Indians of Cuba died there through nakednesse, not being accustomed to so cold a countrey. After the fourth iourney of euill way they ascended vp an other hil, and vpon the toppe therof, (to their iudgement) they founde a thousande carte loade of wood ready cut, neare to a little tower of idolles: they named that place the porte of wood: & hauing passed twoo leagues from the porte of wood, they founde the countrey barren and poore, but soone after the army came to a place whiche they named white Castell, bicause the Lordes house was of stone very white and newe, and the beste that they had séene in all that countrey, and so curiously wrought, that they meruayled thereat: that towne in their language is called Zaclotan, and the valley neare vnto it is name Zacatami, and the Lordes name is Olintlec, who receyued Cortes honorably, and prouided for him and his company abundantly, being so commaunded by Mutezuma, as hée reported afterwarde.
And in token that he had receyued that cōmission from his Lorde, he commaunded fiftie men to be sacrificed for ioy, whose bloud they sawe newe and freshe. The townes men of that towne caried the Spanyardes on their shoulders, on suche beares as we carry dead men to Churche. Cortes enformed them (by his enterpreters) of the cause of his comming into that countrey, as he had vsed in other places, & demaunded whether he the Lorde of this towne were tributary to Mutezuma. This Cazike being amazed at his question, answered, saying: What is he that is not eyther slaue or vassall to the great Mutezuma. Then Cortes certified him, who and what the Emperour king of Spayne was, willing him to be his friend and seruitour, & further enquired if he had any golde to sende him some. This Cazike answered that he would do nothing without the commaundement of his Lorde, nor yet send his king any golde although he had inough. Cortes dissimuled the matter, and helde his peace, yet by and by he desired to knowe the Maiestie and mightie power of Mutezuma, the Cazike answered, that Mutezuma was Lorde of the whole worlde, and that he had thirtie Vassals who were able to make a .100000. men of warre: eche one of them he also certified that he sacrificed .20000. men yerely to his Goddes: And also his dwellyng was in the most beautyfullest and strongest cittie of al that euer was enhabited, likewise (quoth he) his house and courte is moste greate, noble, and replenished with Gentlemen, his riches incredible, and his charges excessiue. And truely therein he sayde the very troth, excepte in the sacrifice wherein he something enlarged, although the slaughter of men for sacrifice in euery temple was very great, yea and some hold opinion, that some yéeres were sacrificed aboue .50000. men. Being in this conuersation, came two Gentilmen of that valley to sée the Spanyardes, and eche of them presented vnto Cortes foure women slaues, & certayne collers of golde of small price. Olintlec although he was vassall to Mutezuma, was a greate Lorde, and had .20000. vassals, and thirtie wiues altogither in his house, beside a hundreth other women that attended vpon them. And had for his garde and houshold .2000. persons, his towne was great, & had .13. temples in it, & eche temple many idolles of stone of diuers fashiōs, before whom they sacrificed men, doues, quayles, & other things wt perfumes & great veneratiō. In this place and territorie, Mutezuma had .5000. souldiers in garrison, and ordinarie postes from thence to Mexico. Vntill this time, Cortez had not so amply vnderstoode the mighte and power of Mutezuma, yea and though many inconueniences, difficulties, feare, and such like, did represent it selfe vnto him in his iourney to Mexico, whiche perhaps would haue amazed some valiāt persons, yet he shewed not one iote of cowardise, hauyng hearde suche a reporte of that mightie Prince, but rather his desire was so much the more to sée hym.
Considering now that he shoulde passe through Taxcallon to goe to Mexico, being Taxcallon a greate & strong Citie, and warlike people, he dispatched four Zeampoallanezes to the Lordes and Captaynes of that Citie, on the behalfe of Zempoallan and his owne, offering vnto them his friendship and fauour, giuing them to vnderstande, that those few Christians woulde come vnto their Citie to serue thē, desiring thē to accept the same, thinking assuredly that those of Taxcallon would haue done with him as the Zempoallanezes had done, which were both good and faithful, who had always vsed trouth with him, euē so he thought that now he moughte credite them, for they had enformed him, that the Tlaxcaltecas were their friendes, and so would be his, considering that they were vtter enimies to Mutezuma, and willingly would goe with him to the siege of Mexico, with desire of libertie, and to reuenge olde iniuries and griefes, whiche they had susteyned many yeares before of the people of Culhua. Cortez refreshed himselfe in Zaclotan fiue dayes, where is a fresh riuer and quiet folke, pulling downe the Idolles, and placed a remembrance of Christ crucifyed, as he hadde done in all the Townes that he had passed.
He toke his leaue of Olintlec, leauing him wel pleased, & went to a town two leagues frō thēce along ye riuer side, whereof was Lorde Iztacmixtlitan, one of the Gentlemen who had giuen him the slaues and collers of golde.
This towne standeth in a playne grounde of two leagues compasse, which is replenished with so many houses as doth séeme to touche one an other, in that way that our army passed—and the towne it selfe doth contayne fiue thousande householdes, standing on a hill, and on the one side thereof is the Lordes house with a strong forte, being the beste yet séene in those parties, walled with good stone with barbucan and déepe ditche. There Cortes rested himselfe thrée dayes, abiding the foure messengers whiche he sent from Zacloton, to knowe the answere that should be brought.
Cortes seyng the long tarying of the messengers
he departed from Zaclotan without
any intelligence from Tlaxcallan. Our cāp
had not marched much after their departure
from that place, but they came to
a great circuite of stone made without lyme or morter,
being of a fadom and a half high, and twentie foote brode
with loupe holes, to shoote at: that wall crossed ouer all
the valley from one mountayne to another, and but one
onely entraunce or gate, in the whiche the one wall doubled
against the other, and the way there was fourtie
paces brode, in such sort, that it was an euill and perilous
passage, if any had bene there to defend it. Cortes demaunded
the cause of that circuite, and who had buylte it,
Iztacmixtlitan that wente to beare him company, tolde
him that it was but a deuision from their countrey and
Tlaxcallan, and that their antecessors had made the same
to disturbe the entrance of the Tlaxcaltecas in time of
warre, who came to robbe and murther them, bycause of
the friendship betwixte them and Mutezuma, whose vassals
they were.
That strange and costly wall, séemed a thing of greate maiestie to our Spanyardes, and more superfluous than profitable, yet they suspected that the Tlaxcaltecas were valiant warriers, who had suche defense made agaynst them. And as Cortes and his army stoode beholding thys worke, Iztacmixtlitan thought he had bin afrayde to procéede forward, and prayed him (for so much as he was his Lordes friend) not to passe that way, nor yet through the Countrey of Tlaxcallan, for so muche as he wente to visite his maister, for (quoth he) if they knowe you to be my Lordes friende, they will séeke youre displeasure, as they haue done to others, and I will prouide you of guides to leade you continually through the dominion of Mutezuma, where you shall be well receyued and prouided, vntil you come to Mexico.
But Mamexi and the others of Zempoallan willed hym to refuse that offer and counsell in any wise, alleadgyng that it was an onely pretence to separate them from the friendship of that prouince, whose people were good, honorable, and valiant, and that Iztacmixtlitans perswasion was to prohibite theyr helpe and succoure agaynst Mutezuma, willing hym earnestly to giue no credite vnto hys sayings, for he and his allyes are false Traytors, and meante to bryng hym into some snare, where they myghte kill both him and his company, and féede vppon theyr fleshe.
Cortes for a space was amazed at ye talke of ye one and the other, but in conclusion he accepted the councell of Mamexi, for that he hadde conceyued a better opinion of the Zeampoallanezes his allyed friendes, than of the others. And setting all feare asyde, he tooke the way to Tlaxcallon, byddyng Iztacmixtlitā farewell, and with thrée hundred Souldyers on a ranke, he entred the way in the wall, and procéeded in good order all the way forwardes, carrying the Ordinance ready charged, and he himselfe the leader of all his army, yea and sometimes he woulde be halfe a league before them, to discouer and make the way playne.
And hauing gone the space of thrée leagues from that circuite, he commaunded his footemen to make hast, bycause it was somewhat late, and he with his Horsemen went to descrye the way forwardes, who ascendyng vp a hyll, two of the formost horsemenne mette with fiftéene Indians armed with swordes and Targets and tuffes of feathers, whiche they vse to weare in the warres. These fiftéene were spyes, and when they sawe the Horsemen, they beganne to flye with feare, or else to gyue aduise.
Then approched Cortez with other thrée horsemen, calling to them to stay, but by no meanes they woulde abyde: then syxe Horsemen ranne after them, and ouertooke them, & ioyned all togither, with determination rather to dye than to yéelde, shewing them signes to stande still: yet the Horsemen comming to lay handes on them, they prepared themselues to battayle, and foughte, defendyng themselues for a whyle. In thys fyghte the Indians slewe two of theyr Horses, and as the Spanyardes doe witnesse, at two blowes they cutte off a Horse head, bridle and all. Then came the rest of the Horsemenne, and the army approched, for there were in syghte néere fiue thousande Indians in good order, to succoure theyr fiftéene fyghting menne, but they came too late for that purpose, for they were all slayne wyth the anger that was taken for the killyng of the two Horses, and woulde not render themselues in tyme: yet notwythstandyng theyr fellowes foughte, vntyll they espyed oure armye commyng, and the Ordinance, then they returned, leauyng the fielde to oure menne, but oure Horsemenne followed them, and slewe aboute 70. persons of them, withoute receyuing anye hurte.
Thys done, the Indians sente vnto Cortes two of the foure messengers whiche hadde bin sente thither before wyth other Indians, saying, that the Tlaxcaltecas knewe nothyng of the thynges that were happened, certifying lykewyse that those with whome hée hadde fought were of other comunities, and not of their iurisdiction, béeyng sorowfull for that whyche hadde passed: and for so muche as it happened in theyr Countrey, they woulde willingly pay for the two Horses whyche were slayne, praying them to come in good time to theyr Towne, who woulde gladly receyue them, and enter into theyr league of friendshippe, bycause they séemed to bée valiante menne: but all was a fayned and a false message.
Yet Cortes beléeued them, and gaue them thankes for theyr curtesie and good will, and that accordyng to theyr request he woulde goe vnto theyr Towne, and accepte their friendshippe. And touchyng the deathe of his Horses, he required nothyng, for within shorte space he expected many moe: but yet God knoweth how sorowfull he was for the want of them, and not only so much for thē, as that the Indians shoulde thinke that Horses could dye, or be slayne.
Cortez procéeded forwardes aboute two leagues where the Horses were kylled, although it was almost Sunnesette, and his men wéeried, hauing trauelled farre that day.
His will was, to haue pitched his Camp in a strong place of water: wherefore he planted his army by a Riuer side, whereas they remayned all that night with good watche both of footemen and horsemen, fearing some assault: but there was no attempt giuen that night, whereby they might haue taken better rest, than they were aware of.
The next morning at Sunne rising, Cortez
departed with his army in good order, and
in the middest of them wente the fardage
and artillerie, and as soone as they were
come to a little Village there néere at
hande, they mette with the other two messengers
of Zempoallan, who departed from them at Zaclotan:
they came with pitifull chéere, exclayming of the
Captaynes of the power of Tlaxcallan, who had bounde
them, and deteyned them from returning: but with good
fortune, that nighte they hadde broken loose, and
escaped, for otherwise in the morning following, they
had bin sacrificed to the God of Victory, and after the sacrifice,
to be eaten, for a good beginning of their warres,
protesting the like to be done with the berded men, and
with as many as came with them.
They had no sooner tolde their tale, when there appeared behinde a little hill about a thousande Indians, verye well appoynted after their fashion, and came with suche a maruellous noyse and crye, as though theyr voyces shoulde haue pearced the Heauens, hurling at oure menne stones, dartes, and shotte wyth bowes and arrowes.
Cortes made many tokens of peace vnto them, and by his interpreters desired them to leaue the battell. But so much the more as he entreated for peace, the more hastie and earnest were they, thinkyng either to haue ouercomen them, or else to holde them play, to the entēt that the Spanyardes should haue folowed them to a certaine ambushe that was prepared for them, of more then .80000. men, whiche they had planted in a créeke of a riuer which abutted vpō the high way. Then our men began to cease from wordes, and to lay hande vpon their weapons, for that company of a thousande were as many, as on our side were fighting men, they were well practised in the warres, very valiāt, and also pitched in a better place for fight. This battell endured certaine houres, and at the ende the Indians being eyther wearied, or else meanyng to take our men in the snare appointed, began to flie toward theyr maine battell, not as ouercome, but to ioyne with their owne folke. And our men being hote in the fight and slaughter whiche was not litle, followed them with all their fardage, and vnwares fell into the ambushe among an infinite number of Indians armed, they stayde not bycause they would not put themselues out of order, and passed through their campe with great haste & feare. The enimies began to sette vpon the horsemen, thinkyng to haue taken their lances from them, their courage was so stoute: many of the Spaniardes had there perished, had it not bin for the Indian friends. Likewise the courage of Cortes did much animate them, for although he ledde his army making way yet, diuers times, he turned him backe to place his men in order and to comforte them, and at length came out of that daungerous way into the playne fielde, where the horses mought helpe, and the ordinaunce stande in stéede, whiche two things did greatly anoy the enimie to their great wonder and maruell, and at the sight thereof began to flie.
In bothe encounters remayned many Indians slayne and wounded, and of the Spaniardes some were hurt, but none killed, giuyng moste hartie thankes vnto God for their deliuery from so great a multitude of Indians their enimies with muche ioye and pleasure of the victory. Then they wente to pitche their campe in a village called Teoacazinco, where was a little Tower and a Temple, and there fortified themselues, and buylte cotages of bowes and strawe. The Indians of Zeampoallan, and those of Iztacmixtlitan did play the valiant men that day, wherfore Cortes honoured them with harty thankes.
This day was the first of September. The night followyng our men slepte not quietly with feare of inuasion of their enimies, but they came not, for they neuer vse to fighte in the nighte season. And as soone as it was day Cortes sente to the Captaynes of Tlaxcallan, to requyre them of peace and friendshippe, willyng them quietly to suffer the passage through their countrey to Mexico, for that they meant them no hurte but rather good will. This done, hée lefte twoo hundreth Spanyardes and the Carreirs in the campe. And tooke with him other twoo hundreth, with seuen hundreth Indians, and wente with them abrode to skirmishe in the face of their enimies, and at that tyme burned fiue or sixe villages, and returned with foure hundreth prysoners, without receyuyng any hurte, although they followed him to his campe. At his returne he founde the answere of the Captaynes his enimies, whiche was, that the next day they would come and talke with him and declare theyr mindes.
Cortes was well preuented that night, for the answere liked him not, but rather séemed braue, and a matter determined to be done as they had sayde: lykewise those whiche were taken prysoners, certified that his enimies were ioyned togither to the nūber of a .150000. mē to giue him battaile the next day folowing, & to swallow thē aliue whom so mortally they did hate, thinking thē to be friēds to Mutezuma, vnto whom they wished all euil & mischief.
It was moste true that the Tlaxcaltecas had gathered all their whole power to apprehende the bearded menne, and to make of them a more solemne sacrifice vnto their Goddes, than at any time heretofore they had done, with a generall banquet of their flesh, which they called Celestial. The Captaines of Tlaxcallan deuided their souldiers into foure battayles, the one to Tepeticpac, another to Ocotelulco, the third to Tizatlan, and the fourth to Quiahuiztlan, that is to say, the men of the Mountaynes, the men of the Lymepittes, the men of the Pinetrées, and the water men, euery of these had their Lardes and Captaynes whome they shoulde repayre vnto and obey, and all these foure sortes of men dothe make the body of the common weale and cittie, and also commaunde both in tyme of warre and peace. So that euery of these Captaynes had his iust portion or number of warriers, but the general of al the whole army was called Xicotencatl, who was of the Limepits: and he had the standart of the cittie, which is a Crane of gold with his wings spred, adorned with Emeralds & siluerworke, which standart is according to their vse, either caried before the whole host or else behinde thē all. The second Captaine or Lieuetenant was Maxixcazin, & the number of the whole army was .150000. men. Such a great number they had ready against .400. Spaniardes & yet at length ouercome: neuerthelesse after all this broyle, they were most greatest friends. These foure captains came wt their cōpany that the fields where they were séemed a forest. They were trimme felowes & well armed according to their vse, although they were paynted so that their faces shewed like diuels with great tuffes of feathers and triumphed gallantly. They had also slinges, staues, speares, swordes, bowes and arrowes, skulles, splintes, gantlettes all of wood, gilte or else couered with feathers or leather, their corselets were made of cotten woolle, their targettes and bucklers gallant and strong, made of woodde couered with leather, and trimmed with laton and feathers, theyr swordes were staues with an edge of flint stone cunningly ioyned into the staffe, which woulde cutte very well and make a sore wounde.
The host (as is declared) was deuided into foure parts, their instrumentes of warre were hunters hornes, and drummes called attabals made like a caldron and couered with vellam. So that the Spanyardes in all the discouery of India did neuer sée a better army togither nor better ordered.
These Indians were great braggers, and
sayde among themselues, what madde
people are these that threatneth vs and
yet knoweth vs not. But if they will be
so bolde to inuade our countrey without
our licence, let vs not sette vpon them so
soone, it is méete they haue a litle reste, for we haue tyme
inough to take & binde them, let vs also sende them meate
for they are commen with empty stomackes: And againe
they shall not say that we do apprehende them with wearinesse
and hunger. Wherevpon they sent vnto the Christians
thrée hundreth Gynnea cockes, and two hundreth
baskets of bread called Centli. The whiche present was a
great sucker for the néede that they stoode in. And soone after
(quoth they) nowe let vs goe and sette vpon them, for
by this time they haue eaten their meate, and nowe wée
will eate them, and so shall they pay vs the victuals that
we sent: likewise we wil know if Mutezuma commaunded
them to come into our countrey, or who else. And if he
sente them, then let him come and deliuer them: and if it
be their owne enterpryse, they shall receyue theyr reward
accordingly. These and such like bragges they vsed, seing
so fewe Spaniardes before them, and not knowyng their
strength. Then the foure Captaynes sente twoo thousande
of their valiantest men of warre and olde Souldiers,
to take the Spanyardes quietly, with commaundement
that if they did resist, either to binde them or else to
kill them, meanyng not to sette their whole army vpon
them, saying that they shoulde gette but small honour for
so great a multitude, to fight agaynst so fewe. The twoo
thousande Souldiers passed the trench that was betwixt
the twoo campes, and came boldely to the Tower where
the Christians were. Then came foorth the Horsemen,
and after them the footemen, and at the first encounter
they made the Indians féele howe the yron swordes
woulde cutte: and at the seconde, they shewed of what
force those fewe in number were, of whome a little before
they had so iested: But at the thirde brunte they
made those lusty Souldiers fly, who were come to apprehende
them, for none of them escaped, but onely suche as
knewe the passage of the trenches or ditche.
Then the mayne battell and whole army sette foorth with a terrible and maruellous noyse, and came so fierce vppon our menne, till they entred into our campe without any resistaunce, and there were at handye strokes and wrastlyng with the Spanyardes, and in a good space coulde not gette them out, killyng many of them whiche were so bolde to enter: and in this sorte they fought foure howers, before they coulde make way among their enimies. And then the Indians began to faynt, seyng so many dead on theyr side, and the greate woundes they had, and that they coulde kill none of the Christians: yet the battayle ceased not till it drewe neare night and then they retyred. Whereof Cortes and his Souldiers were excéedyng gladde, for they were fully weried with killyng of Indians, so that all that nighte our men triumphed with more ioy than feare, consideryng that the Indians fought not by night, they slepte and tooke their reste at pleasure, whiche they had not done til that tyme, but alwayes kept bothe watche and warde.
The Indians finding many of their hoste missyng, yet they would not yéelde themselues as ouercome, as after did appeare. They coulde not well tell howe many were slayne, nor yet our men had leasure to count them.
The nexte day in the mornyng Cortes wente forth to runne the fieldes as he had done before, leauing halfe his menne to kéepe the campe, and bicause he shoulde not be espied he departed before day, & burned aboute .x. townes, and sacked one towne, whiche was of thrée thousande houses, in the whiche were founde but few folke of fight, bycause the moste of them were gone to their campe: After the spoyle, he set fire on the towne and came his way to his campe with a great pray by noone time. The enimies pursued thinkyng to take away their pray, and followed them into the camp, where they fought fiue houres and could not kill one Spaniarde, although many of their side were slaine: for euen as they were many and stoode on a throng togither, the ordinaunce made a wonderfull spoyle among them, so that they lefte off fighting, and the victory remayned for our men. The Indians thought that the Spanyardes were inchaunted bycause their arrowes coulde not hurte them.
The nexte day followyng, the foure Captaynes sente thrée seuerall things in present to Cortes, and the messengers that brought them sayd: Sir behold here fiue slaues, and if thou be that rigorous God that eatest mans fleshe and bloud, eate these whiche we bring vnto thée, and we will bring thée moe. And if thou be the gentle and méeke God, beholde here Franckinsense and Feathers. And if thou be mortal man, take here foule, bread, & Cherries.
Cortes answered, that both he and his were mortal men euen as they were. And bicause that alwayes he had vsed to tell them trouth, wherfore did they vse to tell him lies, and lykewise to flatter him, for he desired to bée their friende, aduising them not to be madde and stubborne in their opinion, for if they so did, assuredly they shoulde receyue great hurte and dammage. Likewise (quoth he) it is apparant vnto you how many of your side are slayne without the losse of one of mine, and with this answere sent them away. Notwithstanding the answere sent, there came aboute .30000. of them euen to Cortes his campe to proue their Corselettes, as they had done the day before, but they returned with brokē pates. Here is to be noted, that although the first day the whole host of Indians came to combat with our men, & finally all they came to fight, yet the next day they did not so, but euery seueral captaine by himselfe, for to deuide the better the trauayle & paynes equally amōg them: & bicause that one should not disturbe another through ye multitude, considering that they should fight but with a few, & in a narrow place, & for this consideration, their battayles were more fresher & stronger, for eche captaine did contende who should do most valiantly, for to get honour, & especially in killyng one Spaniarde, for they thought that all their hurtes shoulde be satisfied with the death of one Spaniarde, or taking one prisoner.
Likewyse is to bée considered, the straungenesse of their battayle, for not withstandyng their controuersse all those fiftene dayes that they were there, whether they fought or no. The Indians sente vnto the Spanyardes cakes of breade, Gynnea cockes and Cherries. But this polycie was not to giue them that meate for good will, but onely to espie and sée what hurte was done amongst them, and also to sée what feare or stomacke they had to procéede: but the Spanyardes fell not into that reckenyng, for the espies of Tlaxcallan sayde, that none had fought with them but certayne outlawes and knaues called Otomies, who lyued as vagaboundes without a Lorde or other ruler: And that they were théeues, who had theyr abyding behinde a hill, whiche they poynted vnto with their hande.
The nexte day after these presentes were
sente vnto them as Goddes, whiche was
the sixte of September, there came to the
Campe fiftie Indians of Tlaxcallan, whiche
séemed after theyr sorte honest menne, and
gaue vnto Cortes bread, cherries, & Gynnea cocks, as they
ordinarily vsed to do, enquiring how all his Spaniardes
did and what they meant to doe, and whether they stoode
in necessitie of any thing. And after this communication
they went vp and downe the camp, gasing and beholding
the horses, armour and artillery, and seemed amased to
sée such things. But the effect of their cōming was the office
of espies.
Teuche of Zempoallan marking these things, who being of a childe brought vp in wars, by reason wherof he was expert and wise, came vnto Cortes, saying, sir it semeth not well, yt these Tlaxcaltecas wander vp & downe your campe beholding the entrance and going out of the same, to beholde likewise the fortitude and weakenesse of youre power, I like it not: It may please you to make enquirie whether they be espyes or no. Cortez hauing heard hys tale, gaue him hartie thankes for his good aduice, yea and maruelled, that neyther he himselfe, nor none of his Spanyardes had noted the thing, the Indians hauing so many dayes come vnto them after this sort, yea and that only Indian of Zempoallan had considered it.
Nowe the originall cause was not bycause Teuch was more wise than the Christians, but by reason that hée had séene and heard those Indians commune with the subiectes of Iztacmixtlitan to féele their mindes, and wyth craft and subtiltie to obteyne their desire: whereby Cortez vnderstoode that those fellowes came not to any good purpose: he apprehended that Indian whiche stoode nexte vnto him, and hauing him alone from his fellowes, by his interpreters examined him effectually, who incontinent confessed that he was a spye, and that his comming thither was to view the way how to enter their Campe for to spoyle and burne their Tentes: and for so much as they hadde proued fortune all the houres of the day, and all happened contrary to their desire, against their auncient fame and glory which they hadde obteyned by noble exploytes in warres, they now meant to proue their successe by nighte, hoping of better fortune: and also bycause their souldiers shoulde not feare the Horses, with the darkenesse of the nighte, nor the blowes or stripes of the bright swordes, nor yet the fire and terrible noyse of the Ordinance: and that Captayne Xicoteucatl was alreadye appoynted for that enterprise, with prouision of manye thousand souldiers which lay in ambush in a vale behind certayne hilles, right ouer against their Campe.
After this confession taken, Cortes full prudently commaunded to take also the severall confessions of other foure or fyue, who likewise confessed that they were all espies, vppon whose confessions the were al fiftie taken prisoners, and iudgmente giuen, that their one hande should be cut off, which was forthwith executed, and then were returned to their Camp, signifying vnto them that the like iustice should be executed vpon as many espyes as they might take. And also they were charged to shew vnto their Generall who had sente them, that both daye and night he would be ready for them.
When the Tlaxcaltecas sawe their espyes come in thys pickle, they were in a maruellous feare, and it séemed a newe world vnto them: they also beléeued that oure men hadde some familiar spirites that did instructe them of their thoughtes, and with feare of cutting off hāds, there went no moe espies with victuals.
When these espyes were gone, oure men espyed
out of our Campe a great multitude
of men goe crossing ouer a hill, and it séemed
that they were those that the Captayne
Xicotencatl hadde in ambush: and although
it was néere night, Cortes determined
to followe them, and not to abide their comming,
fearing that at a first brunt they mighte set fire among
his cotages, as was pretended among them, whiche pretence
hauing taken effecte, myght haue bin the destruction
of all his men, eyther by the fier or otherwise: wherefore
he put all his men in good order, and commaunded
the Horsemenne to decke the brest plates of hys Horses
with belles, and then procéeded towarde their enimies,
who durst not abide their comming, hauing intelligence
of the cutting of their espyes hands, and likewise hearing
the new noyse of belles: yet oure men followed them tyll
two houres within night, through many sowen fieldes of
Centli, and slew many of thē, and then returned with victorie
to the Campe.
At that season were come sixe noble men from Mexico, who brought two hundred seruing men to wayt vpon them. They brought vnto Cortes a present, whiche was a hundred garments of cotten, and some of feathers, and a thousand péeces of golde.
These ambassadors on the behalfe of Mutezuma, declared, that their Lord would be friende with the Emperoure, and also with him, and his company, requestyng to knowe what tribute he woulde yearely demaunde, in golde, plate, pearles, slaues, or garments, or of any other thing that was within his kingdome, and the same tribute he woulde well and truly pay withoute delay, wyth such condition, that neyther he nor his company shoulde come vnto Mexico. And this request (quoth they) is not only bycause you should bée disturbed to come into hys countrey, but chiefly bycause the waye is euill, barren, and full of euill rockes, whyche lette dothe gréeue Mutezuma, that suche valiant menne as ye be shoulde suffer in his Countrey, lying not in hys power to remedie it.
Cortez dyd thankefully receyue the present and gentle offer for the Emperoure King of Castile, but (quoth hée) my earnest desire is, that you depart not til ye sée the end of these warres whyche I haue nowe in hande, bycause yée shall carrie newes thereof to Mexico, what I pretende to doe againste these mortall enimies of Mutezuma.
Then Cortez fel into an ague, for which cause he went not out to skyrmish as he was wonte to do, but only prouided to make his Camp strong against certaine flockes of Indians, whiche came dayly to skirmishe, for that was as ordinarie, as the meate that was wont to be broughte to thē: but yet these skirmishes nor furie of ye Indiās were not like to their fierce beginning.
Cortez now meaneth to take a purgation for his ague: and tooke certayne pilles whiche he broughte with him from Cuba, at suche houre of the nighte as is vsed for purgations.
It happened that the nexte daye following, before hys purge had wrought, came thrée great companies of Indians to besiege his Camp. It should séeme that those Indians had some intelligence of his sicknesse, or else thinking with feare that he durst not come abroade as he was wont to doe.
Cortes being aduertised of this newes, withoute anye more respect to his purgation taken, tooke his horse, and with his menne came to the encounter, and foughte with his enimies all day till it was nighte, and draue them a good way off, to their great hurt, and then returned to his Camp, and the next day following, he purged as fresh, as though it had bin newly taken. I doe not rehearse thys for a miracle but to declare what he passed: for Hernando Cortez was a greate sufferer of trauell and paynes, and one of ye firste that alway was at any assay or brunt of enimies, and he was not onely a good man of his handes, but also graue in counsell. And hauing thus purged hym selfe, and taken rest those dayes, he watched euery night that fell to his lotte, as well as any other souldier, and so continually he vsed to do. He was not for this the lesse estéemed, but rather muche the more beloued among hys men.
In an euening Cortes went vp to the toppe
of his Tower, and looking rounde aboute
hym, he espyed aboute foure leagues distant
in the Mountaynes among rockes
and procéeding out of a wodde dyuers
smokes, whereby he ymagined people to
be there: he opened not his minde to anye man, but commaunded
two hundred of his men to followe hym, and
some Indians hys friendes, and within thrée or foure
houres of the nyghte he toke hys iourney towarde the
Mountaynes, béeing very darke. He had not fully gone a
league, when suddaynely appeared the lykenesse of a
great Bull whiche ouerthrewe them that they could not
stirre. The firste Horseman béeing fallen, they aduysed
Cortez thereof, who aunswered, that he shoulde returne
wyth hys Horse to the Campe: and incontinente fell another,
Cortez commaunded hym the lyke: and when
thrée or foure were fallen, his company retyred, saying,
it was an euill token, desiring him to returne and abyde
the morning, that they myghte sée whether they wente.
He aunswered, saying, yée oughte to gyue no credite to
witchcraftes or fantasies, for God, whose cause we take
in hande, is aboue all nature: wherefore I will not leaue
my pretended iourney, for I doe ymagine that of thys
nyghtes trauell shall come greate ease and pleasure, saying,
that the Deuill hathe in this forme of a Bull appeared,
to disturbe vs. He hadde no sooner ended his talke,
when hys Horse fell likewise: then counsell was taken
what was best to be done.
It was determined that the Horses which were fallē, should be returned to the Campe, and that of the residue, eache Horseman should leade hys Horse by the bridle, and so proceede on theyr way, and shortly after the Horses were well agayne, but they neuer knewe of what motion they hadde fallen: wyth the darkenesse of the nyghte they lost theyr way to the Mountaynes, and chanced into a cragged rockie waye, that they thoughte neuer to haue come out thereof.
And after a whyle that they had gone this euill waye, wyth their heare standing with very feare, they espyed a little lyghte, and tooke the way thyther, where they founde a little house, wherein were two Women, and those Women, with other two women that afterwards they mette, conducted them to the Wildernesse, where they had espyed the smoke, and before day they sette vpon certayne Villages, and slewe many, yet they burned not those Villages, bycause they should not be perceyued through the lyght thereof. They receyued there aduyse, that néere at hand were great populations and soone after he came to Zimpanzinco, a towne of twenty thousand houses, as after dyd appeare by the visitation of Cortes. These inhabitantes béeyng vnaduised of this suddayne happe, were taken in their beddes, and came out all naked through the stréetes to knowe what the great mourning and lamentation meante: at the first entrance many were slayne, but bycause they made no resistance, Cortez commaunded to ceasse from killyng, nor yet to take any of theyr goodes, or women.
The feare of these poore inhabitantes was so greate, that they fledde without respect of the father to the child, or husbande to the Wyfe, or yet eyther of house or goodes.
Cortes commaunded sygnes of peace to be made vnto them, and with that they stayed, and before the Sunne rising, the Towne was pacifyed.
Cortez went vp into a Tower to descry the Countrey, and there espyed a moste greate population: he then demaunded what it was: aunswere was made that it was called Tlaxcallan, and the Townes therevnto apperteynyng. Then he called hys Spanyardes, and sayd vnto them: beholde, what woulde it haue preuayled vs to kyll these poore soules, hauyng yonder so manye enimies? and wythoute doyng anye more hurte in that Towne, hée wente to a fayre Fountayne there at hande, and thyther came the Rulers of that Towne, and other foure hundred menne withoute weapon, and broughte wyth them muche victuall, most humbly they besought Cortes to doe them no more hurte, gyuing hym likewise greate thankes, that hée hadde so fauourablye vsed them, offering both to serue and obey hym, and from that daye forwarde they woulde not onely kéepe hys friendshippe, but also trauell wyth the Lordes of Tlaxcallan and others, that they should doe the same. Cortez replyed, that sure he was, howe they had foughte agaynste hym before that time, although that nowe they broughte hym meate, yet notwithstandyng hée pardoned them, and also receyued them into hys seruice and friendshippe, to the vse of the Emperoure.
Wyth thys communication he departed from them, and returned to the Campe verye ioyfull wyth so good successe, hauyng such a daungerous beginning, wyth the suddayne fall of theyr Horses, wherein the Prouerbe is fulfylled, whyche sayeth, Speake not euill of the daye, till it be at an ende.
They hadde also a greate hope, that those newe friendes woulde bée a meane, to cause the Tlaxcaltecas to leaue from Warre, and to become theyr friendes.
From that day forward he commaunded that none of hys Campe shoulde doe any hurte to any Indian, and certifyed his men that the same daye his warres were at an ende with that prouince.
When Cortez was returned so ioyfull to
his Camp, he founde some of his men discouraged
with the suddayne mishappe of
the Horses, fearing that likewise some
misfortune hadde happened to Cortes, but
when they sawe him come well and with
victorie, their ioy was great, although true it is that manye
of his men were not well pleased, but desired muche
to leaue the warres, and to returne to the coast, as they
had often requested, but nowe chiefly séeyng such a great
Countrey, and full of people, who woulde not permitte
theyr abiding there, and they béeing so fewe in number
in the middest among them withoute hope of succoure,
certaynely things to be feared. With this murmuration
they thought it good to talke with Cortes, & also to require
him to procéede no further, but returne backe agayne
to Vera Crux, from whence by little and little they
mighte haue intelligence with the Indians, and therevppon
procéede according to tyme, and that he mighte prouide
more Horses and men, whiche was the chiefest prouision
of the warre.
And although some secretely enformed Cortes of thys matter, yet he gaue no eare to their talke, but on a night as hée came out of hys Tower to ouerlooke the watche, hée hearde a loude talke out of one of the Cotages, and beganne to hearken what theyr communication was: and the matter was, that certaine souldiers sayde these wordes: If our Captayne be madde, and go where he may be slayne, let him goe alone, what néede we to follow him. Cortez hearyng this talke, called twoo of his friendes for witnesse, willyng them to harken his souldiers talke, for he that durst speake suche wordes would be ready to doe it. Also he hearde others say, what shall our iourney be as Pedro Carbonerotes was? who went into Barbaria to take Mores, and he and all his were there slayne, wherefore sayde they let vs not follow him but turne in time. It grieued Cortez muche to heare this talke, who would fayne haue corrected them but it was not then tyme, wherefore he determined to leade them with sufferaunce, and spake vnto them as followeth.
Maisters and louyng friendes, I did choose
you for my fellowes, and ye chose me for
your captaine, and all was for the seruice
of God, and the augmenting of his holy
faith, & also the seruice of our soueraigne
Lord the King now Emperour: and next
for our owne commoditie, I (as yée haue séene) haue not
fayled nor yet displeased yée, nor yée likewise haue otherwise
done to me vnto this day. But now I do féele faintnesse
in some, yea and an euill will to goe forwarde in the
warres whiche we haue in hande: but (God be praysed) it
is now finished, at the least the ende is vnderstood, what it
may be, and also the wealth that may follow, as partely
you haue séene, but much without comparison of that you
haue not séene, whiche is a thing that doth excéede the
greatnesse of our wordes or thoughts.
Feare not my louyng fellowes to goe and abide with me, God forbidde that I should thynke, yea or that any shoulde reporte, that feare vexeth my company, or else disobedience to their Captayne, whiche is a perpetuall infamie, if wée shoulde leaue this Lande, this Warre, this way already made, and returne as some doe desire, shall wée then lyue at reste, loytring as idell and loste folke: God forbidde, that euer oure nation shoulde haue suche a name, hauyng warres of honour. And whether (I pray) shall the Oxe goe where he shall not helpe to ploughe the grounde? doe yée thinke peraduenture that yée shall finde lesse people, worse armed, and not farre from the sea? I doe assure you, that in so thynkyng yée séeke after fiue féete for a Catte, yea and you shall trauell no way, but that you shall méete some euill passage (as the Prouerbe sayth) yea and farre worser than this that we haue in hande. For why (God be thanked) since wée came into this Countrey, we neuer wanted meate, friendes, neyther money nor honour. For nowe yée sée that yée are estéemed more than menne, yea as persons immortall, and Goddes, if it mighte be spoken, for these Indians beyng so many and without number, and so armed as ye your selues affirme, yet can they not kyll one of vs: and as touchyng theyr weapons, you sée that they are not poysoned, as the Indians of Cartagena, Veragna, and the Caribez doe vse, whiche haue killed many of our nation therewith, dying as madde menne ragyng.
And if there were no other cause than this onely, you shoulde not séeke others with whome to warre: I doe confesse that the Sea is somewhat farre from vs, and neuer Spaniarde trauelled so farre into the mayne lande of India, as wée haue done: for why? nowe we leaue the Sea a hundreth and fiftie myles behinde vs, nor yet euer any hath come to neare Mexico where Mutezuma dothe reside, from whome suche messages and Treasure wée haue receyued. It is nowe but thrée score myles thyther, and the worste is paste, as you doe sée, if we come thither, as I truste in Iesus wée shall, then shall we not onely gette and winne for the Emperoure oure naturall Lorde a riche Lande, greate Kingdomes, infinite Vassalles, but lykewyse for oure selues muche riches, as Golde, Siluer, Pretious stones, Pearles, and other commoditie, and besides thys, the greatest honour that euer any nation did obtayne. For loke howe great a King this is, howe large his countrey is, and what greate multitude of people hée hath, so muche the more is our glory.
Besides all this, wée are bounde as Christians to exalte and enlarge oure Catholyke fayth, as wée haue begonne, abolishyng Idolatrie and blasphemie agaynst our Sauiour Christe, takyng away the blouddy Sacrifice and eatyng of mannes fleshe, so horrible and agaynste nature, and many other grieuous sinnes so muche here vsed, for the foulenesse whereof I name them not.
And therefore (I saye) feare you nor yet doubte you the victorie, consideryng that the worste is paste. Of late wée ouercame the Indians of Tabasco, and also an hundreth and fiftie thousande this other daye of the Tlaxcaltecas, who haue the onely name of breakers of Lyons iawes: so with Gods helpe you shal be Conquerers of the reste, if ye faynt not and folowe me.
All hys company was pleased and contente with this comfortable exhortation, and those that were faynt harted recouered strength. And hys valiaunt Souldiers recouered double courage, & those who hated him began to honour him: and in conclusion he departed from thence excéeding welbeloued of all his company. But all his former talke was very néedefull as time then requyred: for why? some of his (as you haue heard) were desirous to returne: likewise vpon dissention, rebellion mought haue growen, and he forced to returne to the sea coaste, where all his toyle and trauell taken had bene lost.
Cortez had not so soone made an ende of his
talke, when Xicotencatl came entryng into
the campe, who was chiefe and generall
captayne in Tlaxcallan, & of all the warres:
he brought in his company fiftie persons
of auctoritie to kéepe him cōpany. They approched neare
where Cortes was, and saluted eche other according to the
vse of their countrey. Their salutations ended and the
parties setten downe, Xicotencatl began the talke, saying:
Sir I am come on mine owne behalf and also of my
fellow Captaine, and Lieuetenant Maxixca, and in the
name of many other noble personages, and finally in the
name of the whole state and common weale of Tlaxcallan,
to beséeche and pray you to admitte vs into your friendshippe,
and to yéelde our selues and countrey vnto your
King, crauyng also at your hande pardon for our attempt
in takyng armes agaynst you, wée not knowyng what
you were, nor what you sought for in our countrey. And
where we presumed to resiste and defende your entrance,
we did it as agaynst straungrrs whome we knewe not,
and suche menne as we had neuer here tofore séene: and
fearyng also that you had bene friendes to Mutezuma,
who is and alwayes hath bene our mortall enimy. And
these things wée suspected, seyng Mutezuma his seruaunts
in your company, or else we imagined that you were
comen to vsurpe our libertie, the which of tyme without
memory we haue possessed, as our forefathers did
with the shedyng of their bloud. And of our owne naturall
prouision we wante cotten woolle to clothe vs, wherfore
in tyme paste we wente as naked as we were borne,
but some of vs vsed other clothe to couer our nakednesse,
made of the leaues of the trée called Metl: and Salte also
wée wanted, of which twoo things so necessarie to humayne
lyfe, Mutezuma had greate store, and other our
enimies, with whome we are rounde aboute enuironed.
And lykewise where wée haue no gold, stones of value,
or any riche thyng to barter with them, of very pure necessitie
many times we are forced to sell our owne bodies
to buy these wantes. And this extremitie (sayde he)
wée néeded not, if that we woulde be subiectes and vassalles
to Mutezuma. But yet had we rather all in generall
to end our lyues, than wée woulde putte oure
selues in suche subiection, for we thynke our selues as
valiaunt menne in courage as our forefathers were,
who alwayes haue resisted agaynst him and his grandfather,
who was as mightie as nowe is he: wée woulde
also haue withstoode you and your force, but wée coulde
not, although we proued all our possibilitie by night and
day, and found your strength inuincible, and we no lucke
agaynst you. Therefore sithence our fate is such, we
had rather be subiect vnto you than vnto any others.
For wée haue knowen and hearde by the Zeampoallanezes,
that you doe no euill, nor came not to vere any, but
were moste valliaunt and happie, as they had séene in
the warres, beyng in your companie. For whiche consideration,
we truste that our libertie shall not be diminished,
but rather our owne persons, wyues, and familie
better preserued, and our houses and husbandry not
destroyed. And in sūme of all his talke, the teares trickling
downe his chéekes, he besought Cortes to wey that
Tlaxcallan did neuer at any tyme reknowledge any superiour
King or Lorde, nor at any time had commen any
person among them to commaunde, but onely he, whome
they did voluntarily electe and chose as their superiour
and ruler.
It can not be tolde, howe muche Cortes reioyced with this Embassage, and to sée such a mighty Captayne come vnto his campe to submitte himselfe: and also it was a matter of great wayght to haue that Cittie in subiection, for the enterprice whiche he had in hande, whereby he fully made an account that the warres were at an ende, to the great cōtentation of him and his company, and with great fame and reputation among the Indians.
Cortes with a mery and louing countenaunce answered, laying to their charge the hurte and damage whiche he had receyued in their countrey, bycause they refused at the firste to harken vnto him, and quietly to suffer him to enter into their countrey, euen as he had required and desired by his Messengers of Zeampoallan sente vnto them from Zaclotan. Yet al this notwtstandyng, he did both pardon the kyllyng of his twoo horses, the assaultyng of him in the highe way, and the greate lies whiche they had moste craftily vsed with hym, (for where as they themselues fought agaynst him, yet they layde the faulte to others) likewise their pretence to murder him in the ambush prepared for him, (enticing him to come to their Citie,) without makyng firste defiance according to the law of armes.
These causes notwithstanding, he did louingly receyue their offer made in subiection to the Emperour, and in this sorte departed, saying, that shortely hée woulde be with him in Tlaxcallan, and presently he coulde not goe with him for the dispatche of the Ambassadours of Mutezuma.
It grieued muche the Embassadours of
Mutezuma, to sée Xicotencates in the Spanishe
Campe, and the offer made vnto
Cortes in the behalfe of his King, of their
persons, Cittie and goodes, aduising Cortes
to gyue no credite vnto them, for all
their saying (quoth they) is treason and lies, and to the entent
to locke you vp in their Cittie.
Cortes answered, that although their aduise were true, yet he did determine to go thither, for that he feared them lesse in the towne than in the fielde. They hearyng this answere and determination, besought him to giue vnto one of them licence to returne vnto Mexico, to aduertise Mutezuma of all that was past, with an answere to their Ambassage, promising within sixe dayes to haue newes from Mexico, and till then prayed him not to departe with his Campe.
Cortes graunted their request, and abode there the time appointed, expectyng the answere. In this meane season came many of Tlaxcallan to the camp, some brought Ginnea cockes, other brought bread and Cherries, and gaue it for nothyng in comparison, with merry countenaunce, desiryng them to goe home with them vnto their houses.
The sixth day the Mexican came, accordyng to promise, and brought vnto Cortes tenne Iewelles of Golde, bothe riche and well wrought, and a fiftene thousand garments of Cotten excéeding gallant, and moste earnestly besought hym on the behalfe of Mutezuma, that he shoulde not daunger himselfe in trustyng to the wordes of the Tlaxcaltecas, who were so poore yt with necessitie they would robbe him of the thyngs whiche his mayster had sente him, yea and lykewise murder him, knowyng of the friendshippe betwéene his mayster and him: likewise all the chiefest Lordes of Tlaxcallan, came to intreate hym to goe with them to Tlaxcallan where he shoulde be cherished, lodged, and well prouided. For it was a greate dishonour and shame for them to permitte suche personages to abyde in suche vyle cotages as they were in. And if (quoth they) you truste vs not, that then wée are ready to gyue you for your securitie what soeuer gages you shall demaunde: notwithstandyng they dyd bothe sweare and faithfully promise, that they might safely goe with them, saying also that the Othe and fayth of theyr common weale should neuer be broken for all the goodes in the worlde.
Wherevpon Cortez seyng the good will of so many Gentlemen his newe friendes, and lykewise the Indians of Zeampoallan, of whome he had good credite, did so importune him and assure him of his goyng, he commaunded his fardage to be laden and also his ordinaunce, and departed towarde Tlaxcallan, whiche was sixe leagues from that place, with as good order as it had bene to a battayle: And at the Tower where he had pitched hys campe, he lefte certayne Crosses for a memorie, with a greate heape of stones, and entred into Tlaxcallan the eightenth of September. There came out such a multitude of people to sée him and to méete him in the way, that it was a wonder to sée.
He was lodged in the greatest temple, which had many great and fayre lodgyngs, sufficient for hym and all his companie, except the Indians hys friends which were lodged in other Temples. He set certayne limittes, out of the whiche he commaunded straightely that none of hys company should passe, vpon payne of deathe, and also commaunded that they shoulde take nothing, but what shoulde be giuen them. His commaundement was well obserued, for none presumed to goe a stoanes cast without his licence. The Indian Gentlemen shewed greate pleasure and curtesie to the strangers, and prouided thē of all things necessarie, and manye of them gaue theyr daughters vnto them, in token of true friendshippe, and likewise to haue fruite of their bodyes, to be brought vp for the warres, beyng such valiant men.
This Countrey lyked well oure men, and the greate loue of the people. They abode there at their pleasure twenty dayes, in whiche time they did procure to knowe particularly the estate of their common weale and secretes, and also were sufficiently instructed of the estate of Mutezuma.
Tlaxcallan is properly in the Indian tong
as much to say, as bread well baked, for
there is more grayne called Centli gathered,
than is in all ye prouince round about.
In times past the Citie was called Texcallan, that is to say, a valley betwixt two hilles. It is a greate Citie, and planted by a riuer side, whiche springeth out of Atlancatepec, and watreth the most parte of that prouince, and from thence issueth out into the South sea, by Zacatullan. This Citie hathe foure goodly stréetes, whiche are called Tepeticpac, Ocotelulco, Tizatlan, Quiahuiztlan. The firste stréete standeth on hygh vpon a hyll, farre from the riuer, whiche maye be aboute halfe a league, and bycause it standeth on a hill, it is called Tepeticpac, that is to say, a hyll, and was the firste population which was foūded there on high, bycause of the warres.
An other stréete was scituate on the hill side towarde the Riuer, bycause at the building thereof, there were many pyne trées: they named it Ocotelulco, which is to say, a pine apple plot. This stréete was beautifull, and firste inhabited of all the Citie, and there was the chiefest Market place, where all the buying and selling was vsed, and that place they called Tianquiztli: in that stréete was the dwelling house of Maxixca. Along the Riuer side in the playne standeth another stréete called Tizatlan, bycause there is muche lyme and chalke. In this stréete dwelled Xicotencatl, Captayne generall of the common weale. There is another stréete named by reason of the brackish water, Quiahuiztlan, but since the Spanyardes came thither, all those buildings are almost altered, after a better fashion, and built with stone. In the plaine by the riuer side, standeth the Towne house, and other offices, as in the Citie of Venice. This Tlaxcallan was gouerned by noble and riche men: they vse not that one alone should rule, but rather flye from that order, as from tyrannie.
In their warres (as I haue sayde before) they haue foure Captaynes, whiche gouerneth eache one stréete, of the whiche foure, they do elect a Captayne generall. Also there are other Gentlemen that are vndercaptaynes, but a small number. In the warres they vse their standerde to be carried behynde the army, but when the battayle is to be fought, they place the standerde where all the hoste may sée it, and he that commeth not incontinent to hys auntient, payeth a penaltie. Their standerd hathe two crossebowe arrowes set thereon, whiche they estéeme as the relikes of their auncetors. Thys standerd two olde souldiers and valiant menne, being of the chiefest Captaynes, haue the charge to carrie, in the which standerde an abusion of southsaying, eyther of losse or victory is noted. In this order they shote one of these arrowes against the first enimies that they méete, and if with that arrow they doe eyther kill or hurte, it is a token that they shall haue the victorie, and if it neyther kill nor hurt, then they assuredly beléeue that they shall lose the field.
This prouince or Lordship of Tlaxcallan, hath .28. Villages and townes, wherein is conteyned 150000. householdes. They are men well made, and good warriors, the lyke are not among the Indians. They are very poore, and haue no other riches, but only the grayne or corne called Centli, and with the gayne and profite thereof, they doe both cloth themselues, and paye their tributes, and prouide all other necessaries. They haue many market places, but the greatest and most vsed dayly, standeth in the stréete of Ocotelulco, whiche is so famous, that 30000. persons come thither in one day to buy and sell, whyche is to say, changing one thing for another, for they know not what money meaneth.
They sell such things in that market, as héere we vse, & al thing vnto them néedeful to eate, and cloth for themselues, and necessaries for building.
They haue all kinde of good policie in the Citie: there are Goldsmithes, fetherdressers, Barbors, hotehouses, and potters, who make as good earthen vessel, as is made in Spayne. The earth is fat and fruitefull for corne, fruite, and pasture, for among the pine trées groweth so muche grasse, that our men féede their cattell there, whiche in Spayne they can not do.
Within two leagues of that Citie standeth a rounde hill of sixe miles of heigth, and fiue and fortie myles in compasse, and is now called Saint Bartholmewes hill, where the snow fréeseth. In times past they called that hill Matealcucie, who was their God for water. They had also a God for wyne, who was named Ometochtli, for the great dronkennesse whiche they vsed. They chiefest God was called Camaxtlo, and by another name Mixcouatl, whose Temple stoode in the stréete of Ocotelulco, in the whiche temple there was sacrifised some yeares aboue eyghte hundred persons. In Tlaxcallan they spake thrée languages, that is to saye, Nahualh, whiche is the courtly spéech, and chiefest in all the land of Mexico: an other is called Otomir, which is most commonly vsed in the Villages: There is one onely stréete that spake Pinomer, which is the grosest speache. There was also in that Citie a common Iayle, where fellons lye in yrons, and all things which they held for sinne, was there corrected.
It chanced at that time a Townesman to steale from a Spanyard a little golde, whereof Cortes complayned to Maxixca, who incōtinent made such enquirie, yt the offender was found in Chololla, whiche is another Citie fyue leagues from thence: they brought the prisoner with the golde, and deliuered him to Cortez, to doe with him hys pleasure: Cortes woulde not accepte him, but gaue hym thankes for his diligence: then was he carried wyth a Cryer before hym, manifestyng hys offence, and in the Market place vppon a skaffolde they brake hys ioyntes with a cudgell: our men maruelled to sée suche straunge Iustice.
When Cortez saw that these people executed
Iustice, and liued in Religion after theyr
manner, although abhominable and diuelish:
and alwayes when he desired them to
leaue off from their Idolatrie and that
cruell vanitie, in killing and eating men
sacrifised, considering that none among them how holly
soeuer he were, would willingly be slayne & eaten, required
them to beléeue in the most true God of the Chrystians,
who was the maker of Heauen and earth, the giuer
of rayne, and creator of all things that the earthe produceth
only for the vse and profite of mortall man.
Some of them aunswered, that they woulde gladly do it, onely to pleasure him, but they feared that the commons would arise and stone them. Others sayde, that it was an hard matter to vnbeléeue that which their forefathers had so long beléeued, and that it shoulde be a cause to condemne their forefathers and themselues.
Others sayde, that it mighte be in time they woulde conuert, séeing the order of the Christian Religion, and vnderstanding the reasons and causes to turne Christians, and likewise perceyuing thoroughly the manner and life of the Christiās, with their lawes and customs: and as for warlike feates, they were satisfyed, & had séene suche tryall, that they helde them for men inuincible in that poynte, and that their God did help them.
Cortes promised them, that shortlye he woulde bring them suche men, as shoulde instruct and teache them, and then they should sée which way was best, with the greate ioy and fruite that they shoulde féele. They accepting that councell which he like a friende had giuen them, and for as much as presently it could not be brought to passe by reason of his iourney to Mexico.
He desired them, that the Temple wherein he was lodged, shoulde be made a Churche for him and his company, and if it pleased them, they mighte also come to sée and heare their diuine seruice.
The Indians graunted to his request, and dayly came among them all the time of their abode there, and some came and dwelte with the Spanyardes, but the chiefest friende was Captayne Maxixca, who neuer went from Cortez.
Cortez being throughly satisfyed of theyr
hartie good wylles, he demaunded of them
the estate and riches of Mutezuma.
They exalted him greately, as men that
had proued his force. And as they affyrmed,
it was néere a hundred yeares that they mainteyned
warre with him and his father Axaiaca, and others
his Vnckles and Grandfathers. And saide also, that the
golde and treasure of Mutezuma, was without number,
and his power and dominion ouer all the lande, and hys
people innumerable: for (quoth they) he ioyneth sometime
two hundreth thousand men, yea and thrée hundred thousande
for one battayle. And if it pleased hym, he woulde
make as manye men double, and thereof they were good
witnesse, bycause they had manye times fought with thē.
Maxixca desired that Cortes should not aduenture themselues into the power of the men of Culhua, whereat some of the Spanyardes feared and suspected euill of the matter.
Cortes tolde him, that notwithstanding all those things whiche they had tolde him, he was fully minded to goe to Mexico, to visit Mutezuma, wishing him to aduise hym what he mought do, or bring to passe for them with Mutezuma, for he woulde willingly do it, for the curtesie shewed vnto him, and that he beléeued Mutezuma woulde graunt him any lawfull request.
Then they besought him to procure for them a licence to haue cotten wooll and salte out of his Countrey, for (sayd they) in time of the warres we stoode in greate néede thereof, and that they had none but suche as they boughte by stealthe of the Comercans verye déere, in change of golde: for Mutezuma had made a straight lawe, whereby all suche as carried anye of those commodities to them shoulde be slayne. Then Cortez enquired the cause of their disorder and euill neyborhood. They aunswered, that their griefes were olde, and cause of libertie: but as the Ambassadors did affyrme, and Mutezuma afterward declare, it was not so, but for other matter farre differente. So that eache partye alleadging their causes, theyr reasons were, that the yong menne of Mexico and Culhua dyd exercise and bryng them vppe in warlike feates néere vnto them, and vnder theyr noses, to theyr greate annoyance, whereas they moughte haue gone to Panuco and Teocantepec, hys frontiers a farre off.
Lykewyse theyr pretence was, to haue warre wyth them béeyng theyr neyghbors, onely to haue of them to sacrifice to their Gods: so that when they would make any solemne feast, then would they send to Tlaxcallan for men to sacrifice, with such a great army, that they might take as many as they néeded for that yeare: for it is most certayne if Mutezuma woulde, in one daye hée moughte haue broughte them in subiection, and slayne them all, ioyning his whole power in effecte: but his purpose was, to kéepe them for a pray to hunt withall, for men to be sacrificed to his Goddes, and to eate, so that hée woulde neuer sende but a small armye againste them: whereby it did chance that sometimes those of Tlaxcallan did ouercome.
Cortez receyued great pleasure to heare these discordes betwixt his newe friendes and Mutezuma, whiche was a thing fitte for his purpose, for by that meanes he hoped to bring them all vnder subiection, and therefore hée vsed the one and the other secretely, to build his pretence vpon a good foundation.
At all this communication there stoode by certayne Indians of Vexozinco, whiche had bin against our men in the late warres, the which Towne is a Citie as Tlaxcallan, and ioyned with them in league of friendship against Mutezuma, who oppressed them in like effect of slaughter for their Temples of Mexico, and they also yéelded themselues to Cortes for vassals to the Emperoure.
The Ambassedors of Cortes séeyng the determination
of Cortes to procéede on his
iourney towarde Mexico, they besoughte
him to goe by Chololla, whiche stoode fiue
leagues from thence, certifying that
Chololla was a Citie in their friendship,
and that there he might at his pleasure abide the resolution
of their Lord Mutezuma, whether it were his pleasure
that he should enter into Mexico or no. This request
was onely to haue him from thence, for truly it gréeued
much Mutezuma of theyr new friendshippe and league,
fearyng that thereof woulde some great displeasure happen
towardes him, and therefore procured all that was
possible to haue him from thence, sending him alwayes
presents to allure him to come frō thence the sooner. But
when the Tlaxcaltecas saw that he would goe to Chololla, it
grieued them muche, saying vnto Cortes, that Mutezuma
was a liar and fraudelent person, and that Chololla was a
cittie his friende but not constant, and it mighte happen
that they would displease him, hauyng him within their
Cittie, wishyng him to looke wel to himself: And if néedes
he would goe thither, yet they woulde prouide .20000. men
to kéepe him company.
The women that were giuen to the Spaniardes at their firste entraunce, had vnderstandyng of a snare that was layde to murder them at their commyng to Chololla, by meanes of one of the foure Captaynes, who had a sister which discouered the thing to Pedro de Aluarado who kepte hir. Cortes incontinent called that Captayne out of his house, and caused him to be choked, and so was the matter kepte close that his death was neuer knowen, whereby the snare was vndone without any rumour. It was a wonder that all Tlaxcallan had not made an vprore seyng one of their greatest Captaynes dead. There was inquirie made of that snare, and the truth being knowen, it was approued that Mutezuma had prepared .30000. Souldiers who were in campe for that purpose within twoo leagues of the Citie, and that the streates in Chololla were stopped vp with timber and rayles, and the toppes of their houses prouided with stones, which houses are made with playne rooffes or sotties, and the highe way stopped vp, & other false bywayes made with déepe holes pitched ful of stakes very sharpe, to spoyle and lame both horse and man: these engines were finely couered with sande, and coulde not be espied, although the skoute had gone before on foote to discouer. The matter also was very suspitious, for these Citizens of Chololla had not at any time come to visite hym, or sente any presente vnto him as others had done.
Wherevpon Cortez consulted with the Tlaxcaltecas to sende certayne messengers to Chololla, to request their Captaynes and rulers to come vnto him, who did their message accordingly, and the Cholollans woulde not come, but yet they sent thrée or foure persons to excuse them, saying that they were not well at ease, praying to signifie vnto them what he woulde haue: the Tlaxcaltecas enformed Cortes that those messengers were menne of small credite and of lowe degrée, wishyng hym not to departe till theyr Captayne came. In this sorte Cortes returned theyr messengers backe agayne, with commaundement written, declaring that if they came not within thrée dayes, hée woulde proclayme them rebelles and his vtter enimies, and as suche would he chasten with all rigour.
When this commaundement came vnto them, the next day followyng came many Lordes and Captaynes to make their excuse, saying, that the Tlaxcaltecas were their enimies, and that through them they could not liue in safetie, lykewise they knewe of the euill reporte whiche they had made agaynst them: wherefore they besought him to giue no credite vnto them, for why, they were both false and cruell menne: beséechyng him also to goe with them to their Citie, and then he should sée that all was but a mockery that had bene tolde him, and they his good and faythfull friends: and laste of all they offered to serue him as tributary subiectes.
Cortes commaunded that all this talke should be sette downe in wryting before the Notary and his interpreters, and so tooke his leaue of the Citizens of Tlaxcallan. Maxixca wepte at his departure, but there wente in his company a hundreth thousande men of warre: there were among them many Marchantes that wente to barter for Salte and Mantels.
Cortes commaunded that those hundreth thousande men should go alwayes by thēselues: that day he reached not to Chololla, but abode by a broke side, and thither came many of the citie, to desire him that the Tlaxcaltecas should not doe any hurte in their countrey: wherevpon Cortes cōmaunded them to returne backe againe all sauing .5000. or there aboute, much against their willes. But they stil required him to take good héede of those euill folke, who be not (quoth they) men of warre, but pedlers, and men of double harte: and they of their partes would be very loth to leaue him in any peril or daunger, hauing giuen themselues to be his true and faithfull friendes.
The nexte day in the morning the Spaniardes came to Chololla, and there came out néere .10000. Indians to receyue him with their Captaynes in good order: many of them presented vnto him bread, foule, & roses, and euery Captayne as he approched welcomed Cortes, and then stoode aside that the reste in order mighte come vnto him. And when he came entring into the Citie, all the other Citizēs receyued him, marueling to sée such men & horses.
After all this came out all the religious menne, as Priests, and Ministers to the idols (who were many and straunge to beholde,) and all were clothed in white lyke vnto surplices and hemmed with Cotten thréede: some brought instrumentes of musicke like vnto Cornettes, other brought instrumēts made of bones, other an instrumēt like a ketel couered with skin, some brought chafing dishes of coales with perfumes, others brought idols couered, and finally they al came singing in their language, which was a terrible noyse, and drew néere Cortes and his cōpany, sensing them with swéete smelles in their sensers.
With this pompe and solemnitie (whiche truely was great) they brought him into the Cittie, and lodged him in a house where was roume inough for him and his, and gaue vnto eche of them a Gynnea cocke, and his Indians of Tlaxcallan, Zempoallan and Iztacmixtlitan, were prouided by themselues.
Al that night followyng Cortes was vigilant
with all his company, for bothe in
the way and in the towne they had found
some of the things wherof they had bene
aduised before in Tlaxcallan, and although
their firste present was a Gynnea cocke
to eche mans allowance, other thrée dayes followyng
they gaue them nothing almost to eate, and very seldome
the Captaynes came to visite them, whereof Cortes had
great suspition.
And in this meane while the Embassadours of Mutezuma entreated him to leaue of his iourney to Mexico, alleaging that their great King woulde die in beholdyng their beardes & gesture: other times they sayde that there was no passage, other times they woulde say that they wanted wherewith to sustayne them. And seyng them fully and in euery respecte answered to all these poyntes, they caused the Townes menne to enforme them, that where Mutezuma his abiding was, were monstrous Lysardes, Tigers, Lions, and many other fierce beastes, the whiche when Mutezuma commaunded to be losed, were sufficient to plucke in péeces, and to destroy those fewe straungers: and seyng that all these pollicies auayled not, they consulted with the Captaynes and chiefe Citizens to murder the Christians. And bycause they shoulde so bryng it to passe, the Embassadours promysed the Citizens greate rewardes on the behalfe of Mutezuma, and presented to theyr generall a drumme of Golde, and promised to bryng the thirtie thousande souldiers whiche lay aboute twoo leagues from thence: the Cholollans promysed to deliuer them bounde hande and foote. But yet they woulde not consente that those Soldiers of Culhua should come into their Cittie, fearyng that they (vnder colour of friendshippe) woulde remayne with the towne, for why, the Mexicans had vsed the lyke sleyght. And in this sorte they with one bolte meante to kill twoo byrdes at a shote, for they thought to take the Spaniardes sléepyng, and then to remayne with the Towne of Cholalla. Also it was determined, that if all these pretences coulde not be brought to passe, that then they should be conducted a contrary way to Mexico vpon the left hande, in the whiche were many daungerous places, bycause the way was all sandy, with many sluces, diches, and holes of thrée fadome déepe, meanyng there to méete them and to carry them bounde to Mutezuma: this matter being fully agreed, they beganne to take away theyr householde stuffe, and to carry it with their wiues and chyldren vp into the mountaynes.
And our men beyng also ready to departe from thence for theyr small chéere with euill countenaunce, it happened, an Indian woman (beyng wife to one of the principalest Cittizens,) hauing some affection to the bearded men, sayde vnto Marina, that shée shoulde abide there with hyr, for that she loued hir well, and that it woulde grieue hir that she should be slayne with hir mayster. Marina dissimulyng the matter, procured to knowe what they were that had conspired the thing, and hauing knowledge therof, she ranne to séeke Aguillar hir fellow interpreter, and both togither enformed Cortes of the whole matter.
Cortes hearyng this newes, slepte not, but incontinent examined twoo of the Citizens, who confessed the thyng euen as it passed, and as the Gentlewoman had declared: wherevpon Cortes stayed his iourney twoo dayes, to mollifie the matter and to disapoynt them of that euill pretended purpose, and also to correcte their offences, he commaunded their rulers to be called, saying that he had to talke with them, and when they were comen he requyred them neyther to vse lies nor deceytes with hym, but rather lyke menne to defie him to the fielde and battayle, for (quoth hée) honest menne vse rather to fighte than to lie. They all answered that they were his friendes and seruitours, and no liars, and that it mighte please him to shewe them when he woulde departe, for they woulde goe armed to kéepe hym company. He answered that he woulde departe the nexte day followyng, and that he required but onely some of their slaues to carry his fardage, bycause his owne Tamemez or Carriars were weried: lykewise he requyred some prouision of victuall.
At this laste requeste they smyled, saying among themselues, to what purpose will these men haue victuals, for shortly they themselues shalbe boyled and eaten with the sause called Axi, yea, and if Mutezuma had not pretended their bodies for his owne dishe, they had bene eaten here before this tyme.
The nexte day in the mornyng the Cholollans
thinkyng that they had their determinate
purpose in good readinesse, they
came and brought many to carry their
fardage, & other some to carry the Spaniardes
vppon their backes, hopyng to
apprehēd them in the same order. There came also many
armed men of the most valiantest, to kill him that should
disorder himselfe. Likewise that day their Priests sacrificed
ten children of thrée yeares of age to their God Quezalcouatl,
fiue of these children were menne, and the other
fiue wemen, whiche was their custome when they
began their warres: the Captaynes placed themselues at
the foure dores of Cortes his house with some armed men.
Cortes earely in the mornyng had secretely in a readinesse
the Indians of Zempoallan and Tlaxcallan, and other
friends: he cōmaunded his horsemen to take their horses,
giuing them this watche worde, that when they hearde
the noyse of the shotte of a handgun, that then they should
play the mē, for it imported all their liues. And he seing
the townes men approch néere his lodging, commaunded
ye captaynes & chiefest of them to come vnto him, saying,
yt he would take his leaue of them: there came many, but
he would not suffer aboue thirtie persons to come in, who
were the principallest, and declared vnto thē, that alwaies
he had dealte truly with them, & they with him nothing
but treason and lies. Likewise they had vnder colour requested
that his friēds the Tlaxcaltecas shuld not come vnto
their towne, & that he fulfilled therein their desire, & also
cōmaunded his own men in no wise to be hurtful vnto
thē, yea & although they had not prouided him of victuals
as reason did require, yet he would not permit any of his
men to take the value of one henne from them, so that in
recompence of all his gentle dealings and good will, they
had moste wickedly procured the death of him and all his
companie. And bycause they coulde not performe it in
their owne towne, they had prepared the slaughter in the
high way, at those daungerous places whiche they had
determined to leade them vnto, pretendyng also the helpe
of thirtie thousand men, Souldiers of Mutezuma, whiche
army stoode not fully two leagues from thence. And for
this horrible and detestable wickednesse yée shall all die,
and in memory of traytors I will destroy this cittie, and
turne the fundations vpwardes, so that there shall remayne
no remembraunce of you.
Their offence beyng manifest, coulde not be denied, and lookyng one vpon an other, their colours waxed pale and wanne, saying, this man is lyke vnto our Goddes, who knoweth all things, therefore lette vs not denie the truth, and openly before the Embassadours of Mutezuma confesse their errour and euill facte.
Then sayd Cortes to the Embassadours, you do sée that we should haue bene slaine by the Cholollans, and through the procurement of Mutezuma, but yet I beleue it not, cōsideryng that he is my friende and a mightie Prince, saying also that Noble men vsed neyther treason nor lyes, wherefore feare not you, but these dissemblyng Traytors shall be punished, for you are persons inuiolable and messengers of a Prince, whome he meante to serue and not offende, bicause he had an assured opinion in Mutezuma, to be a vertuous Prince, and one that woulde not committe villanie.
All these wordes he spake, bycause he woulde not fall out with Mutezuma, vntill he sawe himselfe within the Cittie of Mexico.
Incontinent he commaunded some of those Captaines to be slayne, and kepte the residue bounde. Then he shotte off hys handgun, whiche was the watch vnto his armye, who forthwith sette vppon the Townesmen, and within two houres slewe sixe thousand persons and more.
Cortes commaunded that they shoulde kill neyther woman nor childe: they foughte welnéere fyue houres: they sette fire on all the houses and Towers that made resistance, and draue all the inhabitantes out of the Towne. The dead carcases lay so thicke, that of force they must treade vpon them.
There were twentie Gentlemen, and many Priestes, who ascended vp to the high tower of the temple, whiche hathe a hundred and twenty steppes, from whence wyth arrowes and stones they did much hurt, and woulde not yéelde, wherevpon oure men set fier to the Tower, and burned them all. Then they exclaymed on their Goddes, who woulde neyther helpe them nor their Citie and holy sanctuary.
The Citie being sacked, oure men tooke the spoyle of golde, plate, and feathers, and the Indians their friendes tooke clothes and salte, which was the treasure that they desired.
Cortez commaunded to ceasse the spoyle. The other Captaynes that lay bounde, hearing of suche a greate destruction and punishment, most pitifully besought Cortez to loase some of them, for to sée what was become of their Gods and cōmō people. Likewise they humbly besought him to pardon them, who had not so muche faulte as Mutezuma, who perswaded and entised them to that pretended treason.
Vpon their lamentable request, he loased two of them, and the next day following the Citie was as ful of people agayne, that there séemed not one to be wanting.
At the sute of the Tlaxcaltecas who were put for mediators, Cortes pardoned them all, and sette his prisoners at libertie, assuring them that the like correction he woulde do vppon al them that should dissemble or shewe an euil countenance, or make lyes, or fynally vse anye kinde of treason toward him: wherevpon they all abode in greate feare. He made the knot of friendship betwéene them and the Tlaxcaltecas, which in time past had bin betwixt them, for Mutezuma and his auncetors made them enimies, with fayre promises, words and also feare.
The Citizens hauing their generall slayne, chose an other with licence of Cortes.
Chololla is a city as Tlaxcallan,
and hathe but one person
who is gouernour and
general Captayne, chosen
by the consente of all the
Citizens. It is a Citie of
twentie thousande householdes
within the walles,
and in the suburbes as
muche more. It sheweth
outwardes verye beautifull,
and full of towers, for there are as manye temples
as dayes in ye yeare, & euery temple hath his tower. Our
men counted foure hundred towers. The men and womē
are of good disposition well fauoured, and very wittie.
The women are Goldsmithes and also Caruers, the men are warriers, and light fellowes, and good maisters for any purpose: they goe better apparelled than anye other Indiās yet séene. They weare for their vtter garmēt clokes like vnto Moriscos, but after an other sort. Al the Countrey rounde aboute them is fruitefull and eareable grounde, well watered, and so full of people, that there is no wast grounde, in respect whereof, there are some poore, whiche begge from dore to dore. The Spanyardes hadde not seene any beggers in that Coūtrey before they came thither.
Chololla is a Citie of most deuotion and Religion in all India, it is called ye Sanctuary or holy place among ye Indians, and thither they trauelled from many places farre distante on pilgrimage, and for this cause there were so many temples.
Their Cathedrall Temple was the best and hyghest of all the new Spayne, with a hundred and twenty steppes vppe vnto it.
The greatest Idoll of all their Gods was called Quezalcouately, God of the ayre, who was (say they) the founder of their Citie, being a Virgin of holy lyfe, and great penance. He instituted fasting and drawing of bloud out of their eares and tongs, and lefte a precepte, that they shoulde sacrifice but onely Quayles, Doues, and other foule.
He neuer ware but one garmente of Cotten, whyche was white, narrow, and long, and vpon that a mantle besette with certayne redde crosses.
They haue certayne gréene stones whiche were hys, and those they kéepe for relikes. One of them is lyke an Apes head. Héere they abode twentye dayes, and in thys meane whyle there came so manye to buy and sell, that it was a wonder to sée. And one of the things that was to bée séene in those fayres, was the earthen vessell, which was excéeding curious and fine.
There is a hill eyght leagues from Chololla,
called Popocatepec, whiche is to say, a hill of
smoke, for manye tymes it casteth oute
smoke and fier. Cortez sente thither tenne
Spanyardes, with manye Indians, to carrie
their victuall, and to guide them in the
way. The ascending vp was very troublesome, and full
of craggie rockes. They approched so nigh the toppe,
that they heard such a terrible noyse which procéeded frō
thence, that they durst not goe vnto it, for the ground dyd
tremble and shake, and great quantitie of Ashes whyche
disturbed the way: but yet two of them who séemed to be
most hardie, and desirous to sée straunge things, went vp
to the toppe, because they would not returne with a sleuelesse
aunswere, and that they myghte not be accompted
cowardes, leauing their fellowes behinde them, procéeded
forwards. The Indians sayd, what meane these men:
for as yet neuer mortall man tooke suche a iourney in
These two valiāt fellowes passed through ye desert of Ashes, and at length came vnder a greate smoke verye thicke, and standing there a while, the darkenesse vanished partly away, and then appeared the vulcan and concauetie, which was about halfe a league in compasse, out of the whiche the ayre came rebounding, with a greate noyse, very shrill, and whistling, in sort that the whole hil did tremble. It was to be compared vnto an ouen where glasse is made. The smoke and heate was so greate, that they coulde not abide it, and of force were constreyned to returne by the way that they had ascended: but they wer not gone farre, whē the vulcan began to lash out flames of fier, ashes, and imbers, yea and at the last stones of burning fire: and if they had not chanced to finde a rocke, where vnder they shadowed themselues, vndoubtedlye they had there bin burned.
When with good tokens they were returned where they left their fellowes, the other Indians kissed their garments as an honor due vnto Gods. They presented vnto them such things as they had, and wondred much at their facte.
Those simple Indians thoughte, that that place was an infernall place, where all suche as gouerned not well, or vsed tyrannie in their offices, were punished when they dyed, and also beléeued, that after their purgation, they passed into glory.
This vulcan is like vnto the vulcan of Cicilia, it is high and round, and neuer wanteth Snowe about it, and is séene a farre off in the nighte, it lasheth out flames of fire.
There is néere aboute this hyl many Cities, and Huexozinco is one of the nighest.
In tenne yeares space this straunge hill of workyng did expell no vapoure or smoke: but in the yeare .1540. it beganne agayne to burne, and with the horrible noyse thereof, the neyghbours that dwelte foure leagues from thence were terrifyed, for the especiall straunge smokes that then were séene, the like to their predecessors hadde not bin séene.
The ashes that procéeded from thence came to Huexozinco, Quelaxcopan, Tepiacac, Quauhquecholla, Chololla, and Tlaxcallan, whiche standeth tenne leagues from thence, yea some say, it extended fiftéene leagues distant, and burned their hearbes in their gardens, their fieldes of corne, trées, and clothes that lay a drying.
Cortez pretended not to fall out with Mutezuma,
before his comming to Mexico,
and yet he vnderstoode all Mutezuma hys
pretence, wherevppon he complayneth to
the Ambassadors, saying that he muche
maruelled that suche a mightie Prince, who by so manye
Gentlemen had assured his friendship vnto him, shoulde
nowe procure his totall destruction, in not kéeping hys
promise and fidelitie. In consideration whereof, where
he meant to visit him as a friend, that now he would goe
to his Courte as an enimie. The Ambassadors excused
their maisters cause, besieching him to withdrawe hys
furie, and to giue licence to one of them to goe to Mexico,
who woulde bryng aunswere from thence with all
Cortes graunted vnto the request, the one of them went, and returned agayne within sixe dayes in company of another messenger that hadde gone thither before, who broughte tenne platters of golde, and a thousande fiue hundred mantels of cotten, with much victuall, and Cacao whiche is a kinde of fruite that serueth for currant money among them. Likewise they brought a certaine kind of wine or licoure made of Cacao and Centli. They enformed Cortes, that Mutezuma was innocente of the coniuration in Chololla, nor by anye meanes priuie to their dealings, affyrming moreouer that the garrison of souldyers did apperteine to Acazinco, and Acazan, who were neyghbors to Chololla, who by inducement of some naughtye persons, had procured that thing, saying that he shuld both sée and vnderstand him to be his faithful and louing friend, praying him to come forwarde on his iourney, for he would abide his comming in Mexico.
This ambassage pleased well Cortez, but Mutezuma feared, when he hearde of the slaughter, and burning of Chololla, and sayde to his friends, these are the people that our Gods said should come and inherite this land.
Mutezuma went incontinent to his Oratorie, and shut in himselfe alone, where he abode in fasting and prayer eyght dayes, with sacrifice of many menne, to asllake the fury of his Idolles, who séemed to be offended.
The voyce of the Diuell spake vnto him, bidding him not to feare the Christians, saying they were but fewe, and when they were come, he should doe what he lysted with them, willing him in no wise to ceasse from the bloudy sacrifice, least some mischance might happen vnto him. And assured hym that he should haue the Goddes Vitzipuchtli, and Tescatlipuca to preserue and kéepe hym. And bycause Quezalcouatle was agréeued for wante of bloudy sacrifice, he permitted the Straungers to punishe them of Chololla. And Mutezuma hearing this dyuelishe Oracle, and likewise Cortez hauing warned him that hée would visite hym as an enimie, he was by this perswasion of Sathan, the better willing to receyue hym into Mexico.
Likewise Cortes when he came to Chololla, was strong, and hadde at commaundemente a mightie power, and there made hymselfe stronger, the fame whereof, was blowen abroade, throughout all the dominions of Mutezuma. And whereas the poore Indians hadde but onely maruelled at their persons and furniture, nowe they began to tremble and to feare at his doings, so that wheresoeuer he came, they opened him the gates with pure feare, more than for any loue.
Mutezuma at the beginning, pretended to feare Cortes with the fearefull passages and other perils and danger, as the fortitude of Mexico, with his greate multitude of subiectes, and the great number of Princes that dyd both serue and obey him: and séeyng that all these things profited not, he thoughte to haue ouercome him with gyftes and treasure, knowyng that he hadde required golde: yet he sawe that nothing woulde preuayle, for that Cortez woulde néedes come to sée hym, wherevppon, he tooke counsell of the Diuell what he shoulde doe in that case, vpon which counsell he was satisfyed by hys Priests and Captaynes, that he ought not to warre against so fewe straungers, for if he so did, the dishonor would be his, and chiefly, bycause Cortez certifyed that he was an Ambassador, and vsing hym otherwise, it myghte so fall out, that hys owne subiectes would rebell againste him theyr Lorde and Prince, saying likewise that it was manifest that the Otomies and Tlaxcaltecas woulde fauour his syde, and also manye others, for to destroy and spoyle Mexico, vpon which consultation it was openly proclaymed, that his will was that the straungers should enter into Mexico fréely, thinking that if at anye time they shoulde displease hym, to make a breakefast of them the nexte day.
Cortez hauyng so good an aunswere of the Ambassadors,
he gaue licence to as manye of the
Indians hys friendes, as listed to departe
home to their houses, and he likewise departed
from Chololla with some borderers that would néedes
follow him.
He lefte the way that the Mexicans had perswaded him to come, for it was bothe euill and daungerous, as the Spaniarde whiche went to the vulcan had séene, he went another playner way and more nearer. That day he traueled but foure leagues, bicause he meant to lodge in the villages of Huexozinco, where he was friendly receyued, and they presented vnto him slaues, garments, and golde, although but little, for they are poore by reason that Mutezuma hath enuironed them aboute, bicause they were of the parcialitie of Tlaxcallan. The next day in the morning he ascended vp a hill couered with snowe, which was sixe myles of heigth, where if the .30000. Souldiers had wayted for them, they might easily haue taken them, by reason of the great colde: and from the toppe of that hill, they discouered ye land of Mexico, and the great lake with his villages rounde about, whiche is an excéedyng goodly sight. But when Cortes saw that beautifull thing, his ioy was without comparison, and he tooke not so much pleasure, but some of his men feared as muche, and there was a murmuration among them to returne backe againe, yea and like to haue bene a mutinie among them. But Cortes with his wisedome and dissimulation did pacifie the matter, with courage, hope, and gentle wordes, and they seing that their Captayne at all assayes was the first himselfe, they feared the lesse the things that they imagined. And discending downe into the playn, they found a great large house, sufficient for him and all his company, with sixe thousande Indians of Tlaxcallan, Huexozinco, and Chololla. And ye seruants of Mutezuma made cotages of straw for the Tamemez or carriers, who were ladē with the fardage, and victuals: there was a good supper prepared for them, and great fires to warme them, and all things necessary. Thither came many principall persons from Mexico to visite him, among whome was a kinsman of Mutezuma, who presented vnto Cortes the value of thrée thousand Ducates in gold, & besought him to returne backe againe, and to haue consideration of the pouertie, hunger, & euill way, yea and to passe in litle boates in daunger of drowning. And as for tribute to be giuen to the Emperour, a greater summe should be appointed thē though he went personally to Mexico, yea and that it should be payde at what place he would apoint. Cortes welcomed them, as reason did require, and presented vnto them haberdashe toyes, which they estemed in much, & chiefly he did louingly entertayne Mutezuma his kinesman, vnto whome he made this answere, saying, I woulde gladly serue & pleasure such a mightie prince as your soueraigne Mutezuma is, if it lay in my handes without offence of the King my mayster, and concerning my goyng to Mexico, Mutezuma shall receyue both pleasure and honour rather than otherwise, & after I haue talked with him I will soone returne, likewise hunger I feare not, neyther yet doubt that I nor none of mine shall wante, and for my passage on the water, I say it is nothing in comparison of twoo thousande leagues, which I haue sayled onely to come and visit him.
But yet for all this talke, if they had founde him carelesse, they would haue pinched him as some doth say, for he gaue them to vnderstand that he nor his men slept not by night, nor yet vnarmed themselues, yea and also if it chanced thē to find in the night season any that were not of their company, they slew them out of hād, desiring him to aduise his men thereof, least any of them should happen to fall into that daunger, which would much grieue him, and with this talke they went all to take their reste.
The next day in the morning he proceded forward and came to Amaquemecan which is two leagues frō thence, & standeth in the prouince of Chalco, a towne that cōtayneth 20000. householders. The Lorde of that towne presented to Cortes fourtie women slaues, and .3000. Ducats in gold, with meate abūdantly for two dayes, and secretely made complaynt vnto him of Mutezuma. And from thence he went to another towne foure leagues from thēce, the one half therof was builte vpon the lake, and the other halfe vpon the lande at the foote of a ragged hill. There went in his company many subiectes of Mutezuma for purueyors, but yet both they and the townes men would fayne haue layde hand vpon the Spaniardes, and euery night would sende their spies to sée what the Christians did, but the watch slew about twentie of them, whervpon the matter stayed and their pretence tooke no effect: sure it is a thing to laugh at, for at euery fancie they woulde proue to kill them, and yet they were not for the purpose. The nexte day in the mornyng came twelue Lordes from Mexico, among whome was Cacama Neuew to Mutezuma, who was Lorde of Tezcuco a yong man of .xxv. yeares of age, whom the Indians did much honour: he was carried vpon their shoulders, & when they set him downe one went before with a brome to swéep the dust out of his way. These Gentlemen came to accōpany Cortes excusing Mutezuma, saying that he was not well at ease & therfore he came not personally to receiue him. And yet they entreated Cortes to returne backe againe, & not to come vnto Mexico, gyuing him to vnderstand by signes, yt they would there displease him, yea & also defend the passage & entrance, a thing easie to be done, but they were either blinded or else they durst not breake the Calsey. Cortes entertayned thē like noble mē, & gaue vnto thē of his haberdashe, & departed from ye towne wt many graue personages who carried with thē a great trayne, whiche filled vp the way well nigh as they should passe, wōdring at their beardes, harneys, apparell, horses & ordinaunce, saying to themselues, these be Gods. Cortes gaue them warning not to come among the horses, nor among his men, for feare they would kil them. This he made them beléeue bicause he would not haue his way stopped, for yt the number of thē was so great. They then came to a towne buylte vpon the water of two thousand houses, and before they came thither they had gone more than halfe a league vppon a fayre Calsey, whiche was twentie foote brode: the towne had fayre houses and many towers: the Lord of the towne did receyue them worshipfully, and prouided all things plentifully, desiryng him to abide there that night, and secretly made complayntes against Mutezuma, of many wrongs and exactions done by him, and certified him, that from thence the way was very fayre to Mexico, and al the like calsey as he had passed. With this newes Cortes was very glad, for he meant to haue stayed there for to haue buylte barkes and foystes, & yet he feared least they woulde breake the calsey, wherfore he had alwayes a care ouer Cacama, who with the other Lordes desired him not to abide there, but to procéede forward to Iztacpalapan, which was but twoo leagues off, and that the Lorde thereof was another Neuew to Mutezuma. To admit their request he wēt with them to that towne, and from thence to Mexico was but twoo leagues, the which the next day he might goe at pleasure, and come timely into the Citie, & in this order came to Iztacpalapan.
Euery two houres came messengers betwixte Cortes and Mutezuma: then came Cuetlauac Lorde of that towne, with the Lorde Culhuacan his kinsman to receyue him, who presented vnto him, slaues, garments, and feathers, and to the value of foure thousande Ducates in golde. Cuetlauac receyued al the Spaniards into his own house, whiche hath very fayre lodgings all of stone and Carpenters worke excéeding well wrought, with high & lowe roumes, with all kinde of seruice: The chambers were hanged with cloth of Cotten, very rich, after their maner. There were fayre gardēs replenished with many swéete floures, and swéete trées garnished with networke, made of Canes, and couered with roses and other fine hearbes, with sundry pondes of swéete water. There was an other garden very beautifull of all sortes of fruytes and hearbes, with a great ponde walled with lyme and stone, and was foure hundreth paces square, made with fayre steppes to discende vnto the bottome in many places, and was full of diuers kindes of fishes, and many kinde of water birds, which somtimes couered ye pond, as Gulles, Mewes, and such like. Iztacpallapan is a towne of .10000. households, & is plāted in a lake of salt water, the one half of the towne buylt on the water, & the other on the lande.
From Iztacpalapan to Mexico is twoo
leagues all vpon a fayre calsey, vpon the
which eight horsemē may passe on rāke,
and so directly straight as though it had
bene made by line. And who soeuer hath
good eiesight might discerne the gates of
Mexico from thence. Coyoacan is a towne of sixe thousande
dwellers, Vizilopuchtli is of fiue thousand. These townes
are planted in the lake, and are adorned with many temples,
whiche haue many fayre towers, that doe beautifie
excedingly the lake. There is great contractatiō of Salte,
which is made there, and from thence is carried abrode to
fayres and markets, whiche thing was a greate rente to
Mutezuma. Vpon this Calsey are many drawebridges
buylt vpon fayre arches that the water passeth through.
Cortes passed this calsey with .400. Spaniardes, & .6000. Indians his friends: theyr passage was with much ado, by reason of the great multitude of Indians which came to sée him, & cōming neare the citie, there adioyned another calsey with a broder passage, where standeth a strong bulwark of stone of the heigth of .ij. fadom, with two towers on eche side, and two gates very strong. Here at this forte came thrée thousande Courtiers and Citizens to receyue him, & euery of them touched the grounde with his right hand and kissed it, and passed forwards in the order as they came. These salutatiōs endured an houre & more. From the bulwark the calsey lieth directly, and before the entraunce into the streate there is an other drawe bridge made of timber ten paces broade, vnder the which the water passeth too and fro. At this bridge came Mutezuma to receyue Cortes vnder a Canapie of gréene feathers & golde with much argentery hangyng thereat, whiche Canapie foure noble men did carry. And the two princes Cuetlauac, and Cacama his neuewes, did leade him by eache arme: all thrée were riche appareled & al of one fashion, except Mutezuma, whiche had a payre of shoes of golde besette with pretious stones, and the soles were tied to the vpper part with latchets, as is paynted of the Antikes. His Gentlemen wente by two and two laying downe and taking vp mantels and couerlets vpon the ground, bicause his féete should not touche the same: then followed him as in procession .200. noble men barefooted, with garments of a richer liuery then the first thrée thousand. Mutezuma came in the middest of the streate, and the others came behinde him as nigh the wal as they mought, their faces towards the grounde, for it was a great offence to looke him in the face. Cortes alighted from his horse, and according to our vse went to embrace him, but the Princes who led him by the armes would not suffer him to come so nigh, for they held it for sin to touch him, but yet saluted ech one ye other.
Cortes put about Mutezuma his necke a coller of Margarites, Diamondes, & other stones al of glasse. Mutezuma receyued it thankfully, & wente before with one of the princes his Neuewes, & cōmaunded the other to lead Cortes by the hand next after him in the middest of the streat: and procéeding forwarde in this order, then came the Gētlemen in the richest liuery to welcome him one by one, touchyng the ground with their handes, & after returned to their standyng. And if the Citizens had come as they requested, all ye day would not haue serued for salutatiōs. The coller of glasse pleased well Mutezuma, and bycause he woulde not take without giuyng a better thing as a great prince, he commaunded to be brought twoo collers of redde prawnes, which there are muche estéemed, and at euery one of them hanged eight shrimpes of gold of excellent workemanship, & of a finger length euery one, he put these collers with the owne hands about Cortes his necke, the which was estéemed a most great fauour, yea and the Indians marueled at it. At this time they were come to the streate ende, whiche was almost a mile long, broade, straight and very fayre and full of houses on eche side, in whose dores, windowes and tops was such a multitude of Indians to beholde the strangers, that I knowe not who wondered most, our men to sée such a number of them, or else they to sée our men, their ordinance & horses, a thing so straunge vnto them. They were brought vnto a great court or house of idols, which was ye lodging of Axaiaca, at the dore where of Mutezuma tooke Cortes by the hande and brought him into a fayre hall, and placed him vpon a riche carpet, saying vnto him, Sir nowe are you in your owne house, eate and take your rest & pleasure, for I wil shortly come and visite you againe. Such (as you heare) was the receiuing of Hernando Cortes by Mutezuma a most mightie King, into his great and famous Citie of Mexico, the eight day of Nouember .1519.
The house where the Spaniardes were lodged
was great and large, with many fayre
chambers sufficient for them all: it was
nete, cleane matted, and hanged with cloth
of Cotten, and feathers of many colours,
pleasant to behold. When Mutezuma was departed frō
Cortes, he began to sette his house in order, and placed the
ordinaunce at his dore, and hauing all his things in good
sorte, he went to a sumptuous dinner that was prepared
for him. As soone as Mutezuma had made an ende of his
dinner hearyng that the straungers were rysen from
the table, and reposed a while, then came he to Cortes,
salutyng him, and satte downe by him. He gaue vnto him
diuers iewels of gold plate, feathers, and many garmēts
of Cotten, both riche, well woven, & wrought of straunge
colours, a thing comely, that did manifest his greatnesse,
and also cōfirme their imagination. This gifte was deliuered
honorably, and then began his talke as foloweth:
Lorde and Gentlemen, I doe much reioyce to haue in my
house such valiant men as ye are, for to vse you with curtesie,
and entreate you with honour, according to your deserte
and my estate. And where heretofore I desired that
you shoulde not come hither, the onely cause was, my
people had a greate feare to sée you, for your gesture
& grimme beards did terrifie them, yea, they reported that
yée had such beastes as swallowed men, and that your cōming
was frō heauen, bringing with you lightning, thunder
& thūderbolts, wherwith you made the earth to trēble
& to shake, and that yée slew therewith whom ye pleased.
But now I do sée & know that you are mortall mē, & that
ye are quiet & hurt no man: also I haue séene your horses,
which are but your seruauntes, and youre Gunnes lyke
vnto shootyng Trunkes. I do now hold all for fables and
lyes which hath bin reported of you, and I do also accept
you for my méere kinsmen. My father tolde me that hée
had heard his forefathers say, of whome I doe descende,
that they helde opinion howe they were not naturals of
thys lande, but come hither by chance, in companye of a
mighty Lorde, who after a while that they hadde abode
héere, they returned to their natiue soyle: After manye
yeares expyred, they came agayne for those whome they
had left héere behind them, but they would not goe wyth
them, bycause they had héere inhabited, and hadde wyues
and children, and great gouernement in the land. Nowe
these myghtie Lords séeyng that they were so stubborne,
and woulde not returne with them, departed from them
sore displeased, saying, that he woulde sende his children
that should both rule and gouerne them, in iustice, peace,
and auntient Religion, and for this consideration, wée
haue alwayes expected and beléeued, that suche a people
should come to rule and gouerne vs, and cōsidering from
whence you come, I doe thinke that you are they whome
we looked for, and the notice which the greate Emperour
Charles had of vs, who hath now sent you hither. Therefore
Lorde and Captayne, be well assured, that we wyll
obey you, if there be no fayned or deceytefull matter in
your dealings, and will also deuide wyth you and youres
all that we haue. And although this which I haue sayde
were not only for youre vertue, fame, and déedes of valiant
Gentlemen, I would yet do it for your worthinesse
in the battayles of Tauasco, Teocazinco, and Chololla, béeyng
so few, to ouercome so many.
Now agayne, if ye ymagine that I am a God, and the walles and routes of my houses, and all my vessell of seruice to be of pure golde, as the men of Zempoallan, Tlaxcallan, and Huexozinco hath enformed you, it is not so, and I iudge you to be so wise, that you giue no credit to such fables. You shall also note, that through your commyng hither, manye of my subiectes haue rebelled, and are become my mortall enimies, but yet I purpose to breake their wings. Come féele you my body, I am of fleshe and bone, a mortal man as others are, and no God, although as a King I doe estéeme my selfe of a greater dignitie and preheminēce than others. My houses you do also sée, which are of tymber and earthe, and the principallest of Masons worke, therefore nowe you do both knowe and sée what odious lyars those talebearers were. But troth it is, that golde plate, feathers, armour, iewels, and other riches, I haue in the treasory of my forefathers a long time preserued, as the vse of Kings is, all the which you & yours shal enioy at all times. And now it may please you to take your rest, for I know that you are wéery of your iourney. Cortez with ioyfull countenance humbled himselfe, séeing some teares fall from Mutezuma his eyes, saying vnto him, vppon the trust I haue hadde in youre clemencye, I insisted to come both to sée and talke wyth your highnesse, and now I know that all are lyes which hath bin tolde me. The like youre highnesse hath hearde reported of vs, assure youre selfe, that the Emperoure Kyng of Spayne is your naturall Lorde, whome yée haue expected for, he is the onely heyre from whence youre lynage dothe procéede, and as touching the offer of youre highnesse treasure, I do most hartyly thanke you.
After all this communication, Mutezuma demaunded whether the bearded men whiche came with him, were eyther his vassals or his slaues, bycause he would entertayne eache one according to his estate. Cortes aunswered, that they were all his bréethren, friendes, and fellowes, except some that were his seruauntes.
Then he departed, and wente home to his Pallace, and there enformed himselfe particularlye who were Gentlemen, and who were not, and according therevnto, sent euery one particular gift or present. To the Gentlemen he sente the rewarde by his Controller, and to the Marriners & other seruitors, by a Page of his housholde.
Mvtezuma was a man of a small stature
and leane, his couloure tawnie as all the
Indians are. He hadde long heare on hys
heade, sixe little heares vppon him, as
though they hadde bin put in with a bodkin.
His thinne bearde was blacke. Hée
was a man of a fayre condition, and a doer of Iustice,
well spoken, graue and wise, beloued and feared among
his subiectes. Mutezuma doth signifie sadnesse.
To ye proper names of Kings and Lords, they do adde this sillable C. whiche is for cortesie and dignitie, as we vse Lord. The Turke vseth Zultan. The Moore or Barbarian calleth his Lorde Mulley, and so the Indians say Mutezumazin. His people hadde him in such reuerence, that he permitted none to sit in his sight, nor yet in his presence to weare shoes, nor looke him in the face, except very few Princes. He was glad of the conuersation of the Spanyardes, and would not suffer them to stande on foote, for the great estimation he had of them, and if he lyked any of the Spanyardes garments, he woulde exchange his apparrell for theirs.
He changed his owne apparell foure times euery day, and he neuer clothed himselfe agayne with the garmentes whiche he hadde once worne, but all suche were kept in his Guardrobe, for to giue in presents to his seruantes and Ambassadors, and vnto valiante souldyers which had takē any enimie prisoner, and that was estéemed a great reward, and a title of priuiledge.
The costly mātels whereof had bin diuers sent to Cortes, were of the same Guardrobe.
Mutezuma went alwayes very net and fine in hys attire. He bathed him in his hotehouse foure times euerye day. He went seldome out of his Chamber, but when hée went to his meate. He eate alwayes alone, but solemnelye and with great abundance. His table was a pillowe, or else a couple of coulloured skynnes. His Chayre was a fourefooted stole made of one péece, and hollowe in the middest, well wroughte and paynted. His table clothes, napkins and towels were made of Cotten woll, verye white and newe, for he was neuer serued but once wyth that naperie. Foure hundred Pages broughte in hys meate, all sonnes of greate Lordes, and placed it vppon a table in his greate Hall. The meate béeyng broughte in, then came Mutezuma to beholde the dishes, and appoynted those dishes that liked him best, and chafing dishes were prepared to kéepe that meate warme, and seldome would eate of any other dish, except the Lord Stewarde or Controller should highly commende any other dishe.
Before he sate downe, came twentie of his wiues of the fayrest and best estéemed, or else those that serued wéekely by turne, broughte in the bason and ewer, wyth greate humblenesse. This done, he sate him downe, and then came the Lord Steward, and drewe a wodden nette before him, bycause none shoulde come nigh his table. And this noble man alone placed the dishes, and also tooke them away, for the Pages who broughte in the meate came not néere the table, nor yet spake any word, nor no man else.
While the Lord Mutezuma was at his meate, excepte some Iester, they al serued him barefooted. There assisted alwayes somewhat a farre off, sixe auntiente and noble men, vnto whome he vsed to giue of the dish that best lyked him, who receyued the same at his hande with greate reuerence, and eate it incontinent, without loking in his face, whiche was the greatest humilitie that they coulde vse before him. He had musike of Fiddle, Flute, and of a Snayle shell, and a Caudron couered with a skinne, and suche other strange instrumentes. They hadde very euill voyces to sing. Always at dinner time he had Dwarfes, crookebackes, and other deformed counterfets, all for maiestie and to laugh at, who hadde their meate in the Hall among the Iesters and Idyots, whiche were fedde with parte of the meate that came from Mutezuma hys table, all the rest of the meate was giuen to thrée thousand of the Guard, who attended ordinarily in the yarde or court, and therefore they say that there was broughte for his table thrée thousande dishes, and as manye pottes of wine, suche as they vse, and that continually the buttrey and Pantrey stoode open, whiche was a wonder to sée what was in them. The platters, dishes, and cuppes, were al of earth, whereof the King was serued but once, and so frō meale to meale new. He had likewise his seruice of golde and plate verye riche, but he vsed not to bée serued with it, (they say) bycause he woulde not be serued twice therewith, the whiche he thoughte a base thing. Some affirme, that yong children were slayne and dressed in diuers kind of dishes for Mutezuma his table, but it was not so, only of mans flesh sacrifised he fedde nowe and then. The table being taken vp, then came againe the Gentlewomen to bring water for his hands, with the like reuerēce as they vsed at the first, and then went they to dinner with the other wiues, so that then the Gentlemen and Pages waited as their course fell.
When his table was taken vp, and his seruitors
gone to meate, Mutezuma sate stil:
then came in the suiters that hadde any
affayres to deale with him, barefoted, for
all the persons did vse that reuerence, excepte
some Princes his kinsmen, as the
Lordes of Tescuco, and Tlacopan, and a fewe others: and
béeing colde weather, they vsed to weare olde ragged
clothes vppon theyr riche garmentes. Al suiters vsed to
make thrée or foure curtesies, not loking toward his face,
and speaking vnto him their heads downewardes, and in
that order retyred backe agayne. Mutezuma aunswered
his suiters very grauely, with lowe voyce, and in fewe
words, and not to al suiters, for others his secretaries or
counsellers that stoode by, answered for him, and hauyng
their aunswere, they returned backewardes, not turning
their tayles to the prince. After these businesses done, hée
vsed some recreation, hearing Iesters or songs, wherein
he delighted much, or else to looke vpon the players, who
play with their féete, as we doe with oure handes. These
haue a cudgell like vnto a pastlers rowler, whiche they
tosse high and lowe, as it were a bal in the ayre, straunge
to beholde. They vse other playes to passe the tyme, in
such an order, that it séemed maruellous to the lookers on.
Cortez broughte into Spayne some of these players. Also
they vse Matachines, in suche sorte they do play, that they
stand each vppon others shoulders, and he that standeth
highest, sheweth many feates. Sometime Mutezuma
did beholde the players, who played at a game called
Patoliztli, whiche is muche like oure Tables, and they play
with beanes, squared like dice, which they call Patolli, and
throw them out of both their hands vpon a matte, or else
vpon the ground, where are made certaine strikes, vpon
which they set downe the chance that is throwen: and at
this game they play all that they haue, and many tymes
they valew theyr owne bodyes, and play that into captiuitie,
and to remayne a slaue, I meane such as are common
gamesters of small estate.
Sometimes Mutezuma went to the Tennis
Courte. Their ball is called Villamaliztli,
and is made of the gumme which commeth
from a trée called Vlli. This trée groweth
in a hote Countrey. The gumme being
kneded togither, and so made roūd, is as blacke as pitch,
and somewhat heauie, and very harde for the hande, but
yet good and light to rebound, and better than our windballes.
They play not at chases, but at bādie, or at check,
that is, if the ball touch the wall, it loseth. They maye
strike the ball with any part of their body, but there is alwayes
a penaltie if they only strike not with the buttoke
or side, whiche is the finest play: wherefore they vse a
skynne vpon eache buttocke. They play so many to so
many for a packe of mantels, or according to the abilitie
of the players. Also they play for golde and feathers, and
sometime for their owne bodyes, as they vse at Patolli,
which is there permitted & lawfull. The Tennis Court
is called Tlachco, and is a Hall long and narrow, but wyder
vpwards, than downewardes, and higher on the sides
than at ye ends, which is an industrie for their play. The
house is always white and smooth in the side walles: they
haue certain stones like vnto mylstones, wt a little hole in
the middest that passeth through the stone, the hole is so
small, that scarcely the ball maye passe through, but hée
that chanceth to strike the ball into the hole, whiche seldome
happeneth, winneth the game, and by an auntiente
lawe and custome among Tennis players, he ought to
haue the clokes of all those that stande and beholde the
play, on that side that the ball went in, and in some Tennis
Courtes, the halfe of the garmentes of them that
stande lookyng on. The winner is then bounde to make
certayne sacrifice to the God of the Tennis play, and
to the stone where the ball entred. The beholders of the
play woulde saye, that suche a wynner should be a thiefe
and an adulterer, or else that he shoulde dye quickly.
They vsed in the Temple of the Tennis play two Images of the God of the ball, which stoode vpon the two lower walles. Their Sacrifice was celebrated at midnighte, with many Ceremonies and Witchcraftes, and songs for that purpose. Then came a Prieste from the Cathedrall Churche, wyth other Religious persons to blesse the Sacrifice, saying certayne diuelishe prayers, and throwing the ball four tymes in the Tennis Court. In thys order was the Tennis play consecrated, and after thys consecration it was lawfull to play, or else not, for this dilligence was firste to be done when any Tennis Court or play was newly built.
The owner of the Tennis Courte also woulde neuer suffer any to play, vntill he had first offered something to the Idoll, theyr superstition was so great.
Mutezuma broughte the Spanyardes to behold this pastyme, and gaue thē to vnderstande, yt he delyghted much in thys game, and also to sée our men play at Cardes and Dyce.
Mvtezuma had many houses as wel in Mexico
as without, for his recreation and pleasure,
as also for his ordinary dwelling. To
write of al it should be tedious, but where
his continual abyding was, he named Tepac,
that is to say, Pallace. And that Pallace had twenty
dores or gates which had their outcomming into the cōmon
It hath thrée courtes, and in the one standeth a fayre fountaine, many halles, and a hundred chambers of twentie-thrée, and thirtie foote long, an hundered bathes & hothouses: and although the building was without nayles, yet very good workmanship.
The walles were made of masons work, and wrought of Marble, Iaspe, and other blacke stone, with vaines of redde, like vnto rubies and other stones, whiche glistered very fayre: the Rooffes wer wrought of Tymber, and curiously carued: the Timber was Cedre, Cipers, & Pynetree: the chambers were painted and hong with cloth of cotten, and clothe made of Conneys haire and feathers. The beddes were poore and of no vallew, for they were nothing but Mantels layde vpon mattes, or vpon Hay, or else mattes alone: fewe men lay within those houses.
There were a thousande women, and some affyrme yt there were thrée thousand, accounting gentlewomen, seruaunts and slaues: the most were noble mens daughters, Mutezuma toke of them for himselfe, those that liked him best, and the others he gaue in mariage to Gentlemen his seruaunts.
The saying was that he had at one tyme a hundreth & fiftie women hys wiues with childe, who through the perswasion of the Deuill tooke Medicines to caste theyr creatures, bycause they knewe that they shoulde not inherite the state: these hys wiues had many olde women for their Guarde, for no man was permitted to looke vpon them.
The shielde of armes that is sette in his pallayce, and likewyse carried to the warres, is an Eagle soryng vpon a Tiger hys talents bente as takyng pray. Some thynk it is a Gryphon and not an Egle. The Gryphons in time paste, say they, did cause the vale of Auacatlan to be dispeopled, for they were greate deuourers of menne, and that theyr abidyng was in the Mountaynes of Teoacan: they approue that these Mountains were called Cuitlachtepelt, of Cuitlachtli, which is a Gryphon bigger than a Lion: but the Spaniardes dyd neuer sée any of them.
The Indians by theyr olde Pictures doe paynt those Gryphons to haue a kynde of heare and no feathers, and also affirme, that with theyr talandes & téeth they breake mens bones. They haue the courage of a Lion and the countenaunce of an Egle: they paynte him with foure féete, and téeth, with a kinde of downe more lyke woolle than feathers, with his beake, talandes and wings.
And in all those things the picture agreeth with our paynting and wryting, in suche sorte that a Gryphon is no approued naturall Foule, nor yet beast. Plinie iudgeth this tale of Gryphons to be lies. There are also other Lordes that giue the Gryphon in their armes, flying with a harte in his Talandes.
Mvtezuma had another house, with
very good lodgings and fayre gallaries,
buylt vpō pillers of Iaspe,
whiche extendeth towarde a goodly
garden, in the whiche there are
ten pondes or moe, some of salte
water for sea foule, & other some
of fresh water for riuer foule and
lake foule, which pondes are deuised wt sluyses to emptie
& to fill at their pleasure for the cleannesse of the feathers.
There is such a number of foule, that scarcely the ponds
may holde them, and of suche diuers kindes bothe in feathers
and makyng, as sure it was an admiration for the
Spaniardes to beholde, for the moste of them they knew
not, nor yet had at any tyme séene the lyke. And to euery
kynde of foule they gaue suche bayte as they were wont
to féede of in the fieldes or Riuers. There did belong to
that house thrée hundred persons of seruice: some were to
clense the pondes: other some did fishe for bayte: other
some serued them with meate: other did loose them and
trimme theyr feathers: others had care to looke to their
egges: others to sette them abroode: others cured them
when they were sicke: and the principallest office was
to plucke the feathers: for of them was made riche Mantels,
Tapissarie, Targattes, Tuffes of feathers, and many
other things wrought with Golde and Siluer: a most
perfite worke.
There is another house with large quarters
& lodgings, which is called a house
for foule, not bycause there are more thā
in the other, but bycause they bee bigger
and to hauke withal, and are foule of rapine,
wherfore they are estéemed as more
nobler than al the others.
There are in this house many high halles, in the whiche are kept men, women and Children: in some of them are kept suche as are borne white of colour, which doth very seldome happen: in other some are dwarfes, crokebackes, burstenmen, counterfaites, and monstrous persons, in greate number: they say that they vsed to deforme them when they were children, to sette forth the kings greatnesse: euery of these persons were in seuerall Halles by themselues.
In the lower Halles were greate Cages made of Tymber: in some of them were Lyons, in other Tygres, in other Ownzes, in others Wolues: in conclusion, there was no foure footed beaste that wanted there, onely to the effect that the mightie Mutezuma might say that hee had such things in his house.
They were fed with their ordinary, as Gynea cockes, Deare, Dogges, and such like.
There was also in other Halles great Earthen vessels, some with earth, and some with water, wherin were snakes, as grosse as a mans thigh, Vipers, Crocodrilles, whiche they cal Caymanes, or Lizarts of twenty foote long, wyth suche Scales and head as a Dragon hathe: Also other little Lisarts, and other venemous beastes and Serpentes as well of the water as of the land, a terrible sight for the lokers on.
There were also other Cages for foule of rapyne of all sortes, as Hawkes, Kyghtes, Boyters, and at the least nine or ten kind of Haukes. This house of foule had of dayly allowance fiue hundred Gynea cockes, and thrée hundred men of seruice, besides the Falconers and Hunters, which are infinite. There were many other sortes of Foules that our men knowe not, which séemed by theyr beake and talents good to Hauke withal.
To the Snakes and other venemous beastes they gaue the bloude of men sacrifised, to féede them, and some saye they gaue vnto them mannes fleshe, whych the greate Lysarts doe eate very well. The Spaniardes saw the floure couered with bloud like a iealy in a slaughter house, it stonke horribly.
It was straunge to sée the officers in this house howe euery one was occupied. Our men tooke greate pleasure in beholding suche straunge thyngs, but they coulde not awaye wyth the roaryng of the Lyons, the fearefull hissing of the Snakes and Adders, the dolefull howling and barking of the Wolues, the sorowfull yelling of the Ownzes & Tigres, when they would haue meate.
Moste certaine, in the nighte season it séemed a Dongeon of Hell, and a dwelling place of the Deuill, and euen so it was indéede, for neare at hande was a Hall of a hūdred & fiftie foote long, and thirtie foote broad, where was a Chappel with the Roofe of siluer and gold in leafe Wainescotted, and decked with greate store of pearle and stone, as Agattes, Cornerines, Emeraldes, Rubies, and diuerse other sortes, and thys was the Oratory where Mutezuma prayed in the nighte season, and in that chappell the Diuell did appeare vnto hym, and gaue him answere accordyng to his prayers.
He had other houses lyke vnto Barnes, onely for the feathers of foules, and for mantels whiche procéeded of his rentes and tributes, a thing muche to be séene: vpon the dores was sette his armes, whiche was a Connie.
Here dwelled the chiefe officers of his house, as Tresorer, Controller, Receyuers and other officers appertainyng to the Kings reuenewes. Mutezuma had no house wherein was not an oratory for the Deuill, whome they worshipped for the Iewels there. And therefore those houses were great and large.
Mvtezuma had some houses of
Armour, vpon the dores wherof
stoode a bow and arrowes.
In these houses was greate
store of all kinde of munition
whiche they vse in their wars:
as Bowes, Arrowes, Slings,
Launces, Dartes, Clubbes,
Swordes and Bucklers, and
gallant Targettes more trimme than strong, Skulles
and Splintes, but not many, and al made of woodde,
gilte or couered with leather. The woodde whereof they
make their Armour and Targettes, is very harde and
strong, for they vse to toaste it at the fire, and at
their arrowe endes they inclose a litle péece of flinte
stone, or a péece of a fishe bone called Libisa, and that
is venemous, for if any bée hurte therewith and the
head remayne in the wounde, it so festereth, that it is almost
Theyr swordes are of woodde, and the edge thereof is flint stone, inclosed or ioyned into a staffe, with a certaine kynde of glew whiche is made of a roote called Zacole and Teuxalli, whiche is a kinde of strong sande, whereof they make a mixture, and after kneade it with bloud of Battes or Rearemice and other foule, which doth glewe maruelous strong, and lightly neuer vncleaueth: of this stuffe they make nayles, pearcers, & ogars, wherwith they bore timber & stone: with theyr swordes they cut speares, yea and a horse necke at a blowe, and make dentes into iron, whiche séemeth a thing vnpossible and incredible. In the Citie no man may weare weapon, but onely in warres, huntyng, and among the kings Guarde.
Besides the foresayde houses hée had many
others for hys onely recreation and
passetyme, with excellent fayre gardens
of medicinall hearbes, swéete floures, and
trées of delectable sauour, whiche were
many, and a thing to gyue prayse to God the maker and
creator of all.
In that Garden were a thousande personages, made and wrought artificially of leaues and flowers. Mutezuma woulde not permitte that in this Garden shoulde be any kynde of potte Hearbes, or thyngs to be solde, saying, that it dyd not appertayne to Kings to haue thyngs of profite among theyr delytes and pleasures, for suche thyngs (sayde hée) dyd appertayne to Merchants.
Yet notwithstanding he had Orchards with many and sundry fruites, but they stoode farre from the Cittie, and whyther seldome times hee wente: he had likewise out of Mexico pleasaunte houses in wooddes and forrestes, of greate compasse, enuyroned with water, in the which he hadde fountaynes, riuers, pondes with fishe, warrantes of Conneys, rockes & couert where were Harts, Buckes, Hares, Foxes, Wolues, and such like, with wildernesse for euery sort.
To these places the Lords of Mexico, vsed to goe and sporte themselues, suche and so manye were the houses of Mutezuma, wherein fewe Kings were equall with him.
He had dayly attending vppon
hym in hys priuye
garde sixe hundred noble
men and gentlemen, and
eche of them thrée or foure
seruants, and some hadde
twenty seruaunts or moe,
according to his estate: and
in this maner he had thrée
thousand men attendant in
his court, and some affirm
more, al the which were fed in his house of the meate that
came from his table.
The seruing men alwayes abode belowe in the court all the daye, and wente not from thence tyll after Supper.
It is to be thought that his Guard was the greater, bycause the straungers were there, although in effecte of troth it is most certayne, that all the Lords that are vnder the Mexicall Empire (as they say) are thirtie persons of high estate, who are able to make each of them a hundred thousand men. There are thrée thousand Lordes of Townes, who haue many vassals.
These noble menne did abide in Mexico certayne tyme of the yeare, in the Court of Mutezuma, and could not departe from thence without especiall licence of the Emperoure, leauing each of them a sonne or brother behinde them for securitie or Rebellion, and for this cause they had generally houses in the Citie: such and so great was the court of Mutezuma.
There is not in all the dominions of Mutezuma
any subiect that payeth not tribute
vnto him. The noblemen paye theyr
tribute in personall seruice. The husbādmen
called Maceualtin, with body & goodes.
In this sort they are eyther tenauntes, or
else heyres to their possessions. Those which are heyres,
do pay one third part of all their fruite and commoditie
that they doe reape or bring vp, as Dogges, Hennes,
Foule, Conyes, Gold, Siluer, Stones, Salt, Waxe, Honey,
Mantels, Feathers, Cotten, and a certayne fruite
called Cacao, that serueth for money, and also to eate. Also
all kinde of grayne, and garden Herbes and fruites,
whereof they do maynteyne themselues.
The Tenantes doe paye monethly or yearely as they can agrée, and bycause their tribute is greate, they are called slaues, for when they maye haue licence to eate egges, they thinke it a greate fauour. It was reported that they were taxed what they shoulde eate, and all the residue was taken from them. They went very poorely clothed, yea and the most of their treasure was an earthē potte, wherein they boyled theyr herbes, a couple of Milstones to grinde their Corne, and a matte to lye vppon. They did not onely pay this rente and tribute, but also serued with their bodyes at all times when the great King should commaunde. They were in such great subiectiō to their prince, that they durst not speake one word, although their daughters shoulde be taken from them to be vsed at their pleasure. It was reported, that of euerye thrée sonnes, they deliuered one to be sacrifised, but ye report was false, for if it had bin true, the Townes had not bin so replenished with people as they were: and also the noble men did not eate mans flesh, but only of those whiche were sacrifised, and they were slaues or prisoners taken in the warres. Assuredly they were cruell butchers, and slewe yearely for that bloudy sacrifice many menne, and some children, but not so many as was reported. All the aforesayde rentes they brought to Mexico vpon theyr backes and in boates, I meane so much as was necessary for the prouision of the house and Courte of Mutezuma, all the residue was spente among souldyers, and bartred for golde, plate, precious stones, and other riche Iewels, estéemed of Princes, all the whiche was broughte to the treasory. In Mexico was large and greate barnes and houses to receyue and kéepe the Corne for prouision of the Citie, with officers and vnderofficers, who did receyue the same, and kepte accompte thereof in bookes of paynted figures. Also in euerye Towne was a receyuer, who bare in his hand a rodde or a bushe of feathers, and those gaue vp their accomptes in Mexico. If any such had bin taken with deceypt and falsehoode, death was his reward, yea and his kinred punished with penalties, as of a lignage of a Traytor to his Prince. The Husbandmenne, if they payd not well their tribute, were apprehended for the same, and if they were founde to bée poore through sicknesse and infirmitie, then they were borne withall, but if they were found to be lazie and slouthfull, they should be vsed accordingly: but in conclusion, if they payde if not at a daye appoynted, then they shoulde bée solde for slaues to pay their dette, or else be sacrificed.
There were many other prouinces, whiche paid a certayne portion, and reknowledged seruice, but this tribute was more of honor than profite. In this sort Mutezuma had more than sufficiente to prouide his house & warres, and to heape vp greate store in his treasory. Moreouer, he spente nothing in the buildings of his houses, for of long time he had certayne townes that payd no other tribute, but only to worke and repayre continually his houses at their owne proper cost, and payde all kind of workemen, carrying vpon their backes, or drawing in sleddes, stone, lyme, timber, water, and all other necessaries for the worke. Likewise they were bounde to prouide all the fierwod that should be spent in the Court, whiche was a great thing, and did amount to 230. hūdred waight a day, which was fiue hundred mens burthens, and some dayes in the winter much more. And for the Kings Chimneys they brought the barke of Oke trées, whiche was best estéemed for the light thereof, for they were greate sorcerers. Mutezuma had 100. cities with their prouinces, of whome he receiued rentes, tributes, & vassalage, where he mainteined garrison of souldiers, & had treasorers in each of thē. His dominiō did extend from the North sea to the South sea, & 600. miles in lōgitude within the maine lād, although in very déed ther were some towns, as Tlaxcallō, Mechuacan, Panuco, and Teocantepec, whiche were his enimies, and payde him neyther tribute nor seruice: but yet the ransome was muche, when any of them were taken.
Also there were other kings and noble men, as of Tezcuco and Tlacopan, which were not in subiection vnto him, but onely in homage and obedience, for they were of his owne lignage, vnto whome Mutezuma married hys daughters.
Mexico at the time when Cortes
entred, was a Citie of sixtye
thousande houses. The Kings
house and other noble mens
houses were great, large, and
beautifull, the others were
small and roynish, without eyther
dores or windowes: and
although they were small, yet
there dwelled in some of them two, thrée, yea and tenne
persons, by reason whereof, the Citie was wonderfully
replenished with people.
This Citie is built vpon the water, euen in the same order as Venice is. All the body of the Citie standeth in a greate large lake of water. There is thrée sortes of stréetes very broade and fayre, the one sorte are onely of water, with many bridges, an other sort of onely earth, and the thirde of earth and water, that is to saye, the one halfe earth to walke vpon, and the other halfe for boates to bring prouision of all sorts. These stréetes are kepte alwayes cleane, and the moste parte of the houses haue two dores, the one towarde the calsey, and the other towarde the water, at the whiche they take boate to goe where they list. And although this Citie is founded vppon water, yet the same water is not good to drynke, wherefore there is broughte by conduit water from a place called Chapultepec, thrée myles distant from the Citie, which springeth out of a little hill, at the foote whereof standeth two Statues or couered Images wrought in stone, with their Targettes and Launces, the one is of Mutezuma, and the other of Axaiaca his father.
The water is broughte from thence in two pypes or Canalls in greate quantitie, and when the one is foule, then all the water is conuayed into the other, til the first be made cleane. From this fountayne al the whole Citie is prouided, so that they goe selling the same water from stréete to stréete in little boates, and doe paye a certayne tribute for the same.
This Citie is deuided into two stréetes, the one was called Tlatelulco, that is to say, a litle Iland, and the other Mexico, where Mutezuma his dwelling and courte was, & is to be interpreted a spring. This stréete is the fayrest and most principall, and bycause of the Kings pallace there, the Citie was named Mexico, although the old and first name of the Citie was Tenuchtitlan, whiche doth signifie fruite out of stone, for the name is compounded of Tetl, which is, stone, and Nuchtli, which is fruite, called in Cuba, Tunas. The trée that beareth this fruite, is named Nopal, and is nothing almost but leaues of a foote broade and round, and thrée ynches thicke, some more, and some lesse, according to the growth, full of thornes whiche are venemous: the leafe is gréene, and the thorne or pricke russet. After that it is planted, it encreaseth, growing leafe vnto leafe, and the foote thereof commeth to bée as the body of a trée, and one leafe dothe not onely produce another at the poynt, but at the sides of the same leaues procéedeth other leaues: And bycause héere in Spayne is of the same trées and fruite, it néedeth no further description.
In some prouinces where water is scante, they vse to drynke the iuice of these leaues. The fruite thereof called Nuchtli, is lyke vnto fygges, and euen so hathe hys little kernels or graynes within, but they are somewhat larger, and crowned lyke vnto a Medler. There are of them of sundrye coloures, some are gréene without, and Carnationlike within, which haue a good tast. Others are yellowe, and others white, and some speckled: the best sort are the white: it is a fruite that will last long.
Some of them tasteth of peares, and other some of Grapes: it is a colde and fresh fruite, and best estéemed in the heate of Sommer. The Spanyardes doe more estéeme them than the Indians. The more the grounde is laboured where they growe, the fruite is so muche the better.
There is yet another kinde of this fruite redde, and that is nothing estéemed, although his tast is not euill, but bycause it dothe coloure and dye the eaters mouth, lippes, and apparell, yea and maketh his vryne looke like pure bloud. Many Spanyardes at their first comming into India, and eating this fruite, were in a maze, and at their wittes ende, thinking that all the bloud in their bodyes came out in vryne: yea and manye Phisitions at theyr first comming were of the same beliefe: for it hathe happened, when they haue bin sent for vnto such as haue eaten this fruite, they not knowing the cause, and beholding the vryne, by and by they ministred medicine to staunch bloud: surely a thing to laugh at, to sée the Phisitions so deceyued. Of this fruite Nuchtli and Tetl, which is a stone, is compounded Tenuchtlitan. When this Citie was begunne to bée founded, it was placed néere vnto a great stone that stoode in the middest of the lake, at the foote whereof grewe one of these Nopal trées, and therefore Mexico giueth for armes and deuise the foote of a Nopal trée springing from a stone, according to the Cities name.
Others do affirme, that this Citie hathe the name of his first founder, called Tenuch, béeyng the seconde sonne of Iztacmixcoatl, whose sonnes and descendentes did first inhabite thys lande of Ananac, called nowe newe Spayne.
Howsoeuer the opinions are, certayne it is that the scituation is called Tenuchtlitan, and the dwellers there Tenuchca Mexico.
Mexico is as much to say, as a spring or fountayne, according to the propertie of the vowell and spéech.
Others doe affirme, that Mexico hathe his name of a more auntiente time, whose firste founders were called Mexiti, for vnto this day the Indian dwellers in one strete of this citie are called of Mexica. The Mexiti tooke name of their principallest Idoll called Mexitli, who was in as greate veneration as Vitzilopuchtli, God of the warre.
Mexico is enuironed with swéete water, and hathe thrée wayes to come vnto it by calsey, the one is from the West, and that calsey is a mile and a halfe long. Another from the North, and conteyneth thrée myles in length. Eastwarde the Citie hathe no entrye. But Southwarde the Calsey is syxe myles long, whyche was the waye that Cortez entred into the Citie.
The lake that Mexico is planted in, although it séemeth one, yet it is two, for the one is of water saltishe, bitter, and pestiferous, and no kinde of fyshe lyueth in it. And the other water is wholesome, good and swéete, and bringeth forth small fishe.
The salte water ebbeth and floweth, accordyng to the winde that bloweth. The swéete water standeth higher, so that the good water falleth into the euill, and reuerteth not backward, as some hold opinion. The salt lake conteyneth fiftéene miles in breadth and fiftéene in length, and more than fiue and fortie in circuite, and the lake of swéete water conteyneth euen as muche, in such sort, that the whole lake conteyneth more than thirtie leagues, and hath about fiftie townes scituated round about it, many of whyche Townes doe conteyne fiue thousand housholdes, and some tenne thousande, yea and one Towne called Tezcuco, is as bigge as Mexico. Al this lake of water springeth out of a Mountayne that standeth within sight of Mexico. The cause that the one part of the lake is brackishe or saltish, is, that the bottome or ground is all salte, and of that water greate quantitie of salt is dayly made.
In this greate lake are aboue two hundred thousande little boates, which the Indians call Acalles, and the Spanyardes call them Canoas, according to the spéeche of Cuba and Santo Domingo, wrought like a kneding trough: some are bigger than other some, according to the greatenesse of the body of ye trée whereof they are made. And where I number two hūdred thousand of these boates, I speake of the least, for Mexico alone hathe aboue fiftie thousande ordinarily to carrie and bring vnto the Citie victuall, prouision, and passengers, so that on the market day all ye stréetes of water are full of them.
The Market is called in the Indian tong Tlanquiztli:
euery parish hath his Market place to
buy and sel in: but Mexico, and Tlatelulco only,
which are ye chiefest cities, haue great fayres
and places fitte for the same, and especiallye Mexico hath
one place where most dayes in the yeare is buying and
selling, but euery fourth day is the greate Market ordinaryly:
and the like custome is vsed throughout the dominions
of Mutezuma.
This place is wide and large, compassed round about with dores, and is so great, that a hundered thousand persons come thither to choppe and change, as a Cittie most principall in all that region. Wherefore the resort is frō farre parties vnto that place. Euery occupatiō and kinde of Marchādise hath his proper place appointed, which no other may by any means occupy or disturbe. Likewise pesterous wares haue their place accordinglye, (that is to say) stone, timber, lyme, bricke, and all kinde of stuffe vnwrought, being necessarie to buylde withall. Also mattes both fine and course of sundry workemanship, also coles, woodde, and all sorts of Earthen vessell glazed and painted very curiously: Deare skinnes both rawe and tanned in haire and without haire, of many colours, for shoomakers, for bucklers, Targets, Ierkins, and lyning of woodden Corselets: also skinnes of other beastes and foule in feathers ready dressed of all sortes, the colours and straungnesse thereof was a thing to behold. The richest Marchandise was salte, and mantels of Cotten wolle of diuers colours, both great and small, some for beddes, others for garments and clothing, other for Tapissarie to hang houses, other cotten clothe for linnen breaches, shirtes, table clothes, towels, napkins, and suche like things.
There were also Mantels made of the leaues of the trée called Metl, and of Palme trée, & Connie heare, which are wel estéemed, being very warm, but ye couerlets made of feathers are the best: they sell thréede made of Connie heare, péeces of linnen clothe made of cotten wolle, also skaynes of thréede of all colours: also it is straunge to sée the great store of poultrie that is brought to that market, and although they eate the fleshe of the foule, yet the feathers serue for clothing, mixyng one sorte with another. There are of these foule so many sortes and seuerall colours, that I can not number them: some wilde, some tame, some water foule, and other some of rapine. All the brauery of the market, is the place where golde and feathers ioyntly wrought is solde, for any thyng that is in request is there liuely wrought in golde and feathers and gallant colours. The Indians are so expert and perfite in this science, that they will worke or make a Butterflie, any wilde beaste, trées, roses, floures, hearbes, rootes or any other thyng so liuely, that it is a thyng maruelous to behold. It hapneth many tymes that one of these workemen in a whole day will eate nothyng, onely to place one feather in his dew perfection, turnyng and tossing the feather to the lighte of the Sunne, into the shade or darke place, to sée where is his moste naturall perfection, and till his worke be finished he will neyther eate nor drinke. There are few nations of so muche fleame or sufferance. The Arte or Science of Goldsmiths among them is the moste curious, and very good workemanship engrauen with toles made of flinte, or in moulde. They will caste a platter in moulde with eight corners, and euery corner of seuerall mettall, that is to say, the one of golde, and the other of siluer, without any kinde of sowder: they will also founde or cast a litle caudren with lose handles hangyng thereat, as we vse to caste a Bell: they will also caste in mould a fish of mettal with one scale of siluer on his back and another of gold: they will make a Parret or Popingay of mettall, that his tongue shall shake, and his head moue, & his wings flutter: they wil caste an Ape in mold, that both hands & féete shall stirre, & holde a spindle in his hande séeming to spinne, yea and an apple in his hande as though he would eate it. Our Spaniardes were not a litle amazed at the sight of these things, for our Goldsmithes are not to be compared vnto them. They haue skil also of Amell worke, and to sette any pretious stone. But now as touchyng the markette, there is sell Golde, Siluer, Copper, Leadde, Latton, and Tinne, although there is but little of the thrée laste mettals mentioned. There are Pearles, Pretious stones, diuers and sundry sortes of Shelles, and Bones, Sponges, and other pedlers ware, whiche certainely are many and straunge sortes, yea and a thing to laughe at their Haberdashe toyes and trifles. There are also many kinde of hearbes, rootes, and séedes, as well to be eaten as for Medicine, for bothe men, wemen and chyldren haue great knowledge in hearbes, for through pouertie and necessitie, they séeke them for theyr sustenaunce and helpe of theyr infirmities and diseases. They spende little among Phisitions, although there are some of that Arte, and many Poticaries, who doe bryng into the markette, oyntments, Siroppes, waters, and other drugges fitte for sicke Persons: they cure all diseases almost, with hearbes, yea as muche as for to kill lyse they haue a proper hearbe for the purpose.
The seuerall kyndes of meates to be solde is without number, as Snakes without head & tayle, little Dogges gelte, Moules, Rattes, Long wormes, Lyse, yea and a kinde of earth, for at one season in the yéere they haue Nettes of mayle with the which they rake vp a certayne duste that is bredde vpon the water of the lake of Mexico, and that is knéeded togither like vnto oas of the sea: they gather much of this victuall, & kéepe it in heapes, & make thereof cakes like vnto brickebats: they sell not only this ware in ye market, but also send it abroad to other fayres & markets a far of: they eat this meate wt as good stomake as we eate chéese, yea and they holde opinion that this skume or fatnesse of the water, is ye cause that such great number of foule cōmeth to the lake, which in the winter season is infinite.
They sel in this market venison by quarters or whole, as Does, Hares, Connies, and Dogges, and many other beastes, which they bring vp for the purpose, and take in huntyng. There are a great number of shoppes that sell all kinde of orfall and tripes. It is a wonder to sée how so much meate ready dressed coulde be spent. There is also fleshe and fishe rosted, boyled and baked, Pies and Custardes made of diuers sortes of egges, the great quantitie of bread is without number. Also corne of all sortes threshed and vnthreshed. The greate store of sundry kyndes of fruytes is maruellous which are there solde, bothe gréene and ripe: there is one sorte as bigge as Almondes called Cacao, whiche is both meate and currant money. There are diuers kind of colours to be solde, whiche they make of Roses, floures, fruites, barkes of trées, and other things very excellent: they sell there Honie of sundry kindes, oyle of Chian, made of a séede like vnto mustarde séede, and oynting any paynted clothe therewith, the water can not hurte it, they also dresse therwith their meate, although they haue both butter and larde. Theyr sundry sortes of wines shalbe declared in an other place: it woulde be a prolixious thing to rehearse all the things that are to be solde in that markette. There are in this fayre many Artificers, as Packers, Barbars, Cutlers, & may others, although it was thought that among these Indians were none such. All the things recited, and many others which I speake not of, are solde in euery market of Mexico, all the sellers paye a certaine summe for theyr shops or stādings to the King, as a custome, & they to be preserued and defended from théeues: and for that cause there goe certayne Sergeants or officers vp & downe the market to espie out malefactours. In the middest of the market standeth a house whiche may be séene throughout the fayre, & there sitteth twelue auncient men for iudges to dispatch lawe matters: their buying and selling is to chaunge one ware for another, as thus, one giueth a hen for a bundell of Maiz, other giue mantels for salte, or money whiche is Cacao, and this is theyr order to choppe and chaunge: they haue measure and strike for all kynde of corne, and other earthen measures for Hony and Wine, and if any measure be falsified, they punish the offenders and breake their measures.
The Temple is called Teucalli, that is to say,
Gods house, Teutl signifieth God, & Calli is a
house, a vowell very fitte, if that house had
bene of the true God. The Spaniards that
vnderstād not the language, do pronounce
and call those Temples Cues, and the God Vitzilopuchtli,
Vchilobos. There are in Mexico many parishe churches,
with towres, wherein are chappels and Altares where
the images & idols do stande, & those chappels do serue for
burial places of their founders, and the Parishioners are
buried in the Churchyarde. All their tēples are of one fashion,
therefore it shal be nowe sufficient to speake of the
cathedral church. And euen as those tēples are al in generall
of one making in that citie. I doe beleue that the lyke
was neuer séene nor heard off. This temple is square, &
doth containe euery way as much ground as a crossebow
can reach leuell: it is made of stone, with foure dores that
abutteth vpon the thrée calseys, and vpon an other parte
of the Cittie, that hath no calsey but a fayre streate.
In the middest of this Quadern standeth a mount of earth and stone square lykewise, and fiftie fadom long euery way, buylte vpward like vnto a pyramide of Egipt, sauyng the toppe is not sharpe, but playne and flatte, and tenne fadom square: vppon the weast side, were steppes vp to the toppe, in number an hundreth and fourtene, whiche beyng so many, high, and made of good stone dyd séeme a beautifull thing. It was a straunge sight to beholde the Priestes, some goyng vp, and some downe with ceremonies, or with men to be sacrificed. Vpon the toppe of this Temple are two great Alters, a good space distant the one from the other, and so nigh the edge or brimme of the wall, that scarcely a man mought go behind them at pleasure. The one Alter standeth on the right hande, & the other on the left, they were but of fiue foote highe, eche of them had the backe part made of stone, paynted with mōstrous and foule figures, the Chappell was fayre & well wrought of Masons worke & timber, euery Chappell had thrée loftes one aboue another, susteyned vpon pillers, & with ye height thereof it shewed like vnto a fayre tower, and beautified the Cittie a farre of: from thence a man mought sée all the cittie and townes rounde aboute the lake, whiche was vndoubtedly a goodly prospect. And bycause Cortes & his company shoulde sée the beautie therof, Mutezuma brought him thither, and shewed hym all the order of the Temple, euen from the foote to the toppe. There was a certaine plot of space for the idoll priests to celebrate their seruice without disturbance of any. Their general prayers were made toward ye rising of the sunne. Vpon ech alter standeth a great idoll. Beside this tower that standeth vpō the pyramide, there are fourtie towers great & small belonging to other little tēples which stand in the same circuite, the which although they were of the same making, yet theyr prospect was not westwarde, but otherwayes, bicause there should be a difference betwixte the great temple & them. Some of these Temples were bigger than others, and euery one of a seuerall God, among the whiche there was one rounde temple dedicated to the God of the ayre called Quecalcouatl, for euen as the ayre goeth rounde aboute the heauens, euen for that consideration they made his temple rounde. The entraunce of that Temple had a dore made lyke vnto the mouth of a Serpent, and was paynted with foule and Diuelish gestures, with great téeth & gummes wrought, whiche was a thing to feare those that should enter in thereat, & especially the Christians vnto whom it represented very Hel with that ougly face and monsterous téeth.
There were other Teucalles in the citie, that had the ascending vp by steps in thrée places: all these temples had houses by thēselues with all seruice & priests & particular Gods. At euery dore of the great temple standeth a large Hall & goodly lodgings, both high and lowe round about, which houses were cōmon armouries for the Citie, for the force and strength of euery towne is the temple, and therfore they haue there placed their storehouse of munition. They had other darke houses full of idols, greate & small, wrought of sundry mettals, they are all bathed and washed with bloud, and do shewe very blacke through theyr dayly sprinklyng and anoynting thē with the same, when any man is sacrificed: yea & the walles are an inche thicke with bloud, and the grounde is a foote thicke of bloud, so that there is a diuelish stench. The Priests or Ministers goe daylye into those Oratories, and suffer none others but great personages to enter in. Yea and when any such goeth in, they are bounde to offer some man to be sacrificed, that those bloudy hangmen and ministers of the Diuell may washe their handes in bloud of those so sacrificed, and to sprinkle their house therewith.
For their seruice in the kitchin they haue a ponde of water that is filled once a yéere, which is brought by conduct from the pryncipal fountayne. All the residue of the foresayde circuite serueth for places to bréede foule, with gardens of hearbes and swéete trees, with Roses and floures for the Altars. Such, so great & straunge was this temple of Mexico, for the seruice of the Diuell who had deceiued those simple Indians. There dothe reside in the same temple continually fiue thousand persons, and all they are lodged and haue theyr liuing there, for that tēple is maruellous riche, & hath diuers townes onely for their maintenaunce and reparation, and are bounde to sustayne the same alwayes on foote. They doe sowe corne, and maintayne all those fiue thousande persons with bread, fruyte, flesh, fishe, and firewoodde as much as they néede, for they spende more fire woodde than is spent in the kings courte: these persons doe liue at their hartes ease, as seruauntes and vassals vnto the Goddes. Mutezuma brought Cortes to this temple, bicause his men shoulde sée the same, and to enforme them of his religion and holinesse, wherof I will speake in an other place, being the most straunge and cruellest that euer was heard off.
The Gods of Mexico, were two thousand
in number, as the Indians reported, the
chiefest were Vitcilopuchtli and Tezcatlipuca,
whose images stoode highest in the
Temple vppon the Altars: they were
made of stone in ful proportion as bigge
as a Gyant. They were couered with a lawne called
Nacar. These images were besette with pearles, precious
stones, & péeces of gold, wrought like birds, beasts, fishes,
and floures, adorned with Emeralds, Turquies, Calcedons,
and other little fine stones, so that when the lawne
Nacar was taken away, the Images séemed very beautifull
to beholde.
The Image had for a girdle great snakes of gold, and for collors or chaynes about their neckes, ten hartes of men, made of golde, and each of those Idolles had a counterfaite visor with eies of glasse, and in their necks death painted: eache of these things hadde their considerations and meanings. These two Goddes were brethren, for Tezcatlipuca was the God of Prouidence, and Vitcilopuchtli God of the warres, who was worshipped and feared more than all the rest.
There was another God, who hadde a greate Image placed vppon the toppe of the Chappell of Idols, and hée was estéemed for a speciall and singular God aboue all the rest. This God was made of all kinde of séedes that groweth in that Countrey, and being ground, they made a certayne past, tempered with childrens bloud, and Virgins sacrifised, who were opened with their razures in the breastes, and their heartes taken out, to offer as first fruites vnto the Idoll. The Priestes and Ministers doe consecrate this Idoll with great pomp and many Ceremonies. All the Comarcans and Citizens are presente at the consecration, with great triumph and incredible deuotion. After the consecration, many devoute persons came and sticked in the dowy Image precious stones, wedges of golde, and other Iewels. After all this pomp ended, no secular man mought touche that holye Image, no nor yet come into his Chappell, nay scarcely religious persons, except they were Tlamacaztli, who are Priestes of order. They doe renue this Image many times wyth new dough, taking away the olde, but then blessed is hée that can get one péece of the olde ragges for relikes, and chiefly for souldyers, who thought themselues sure therwith in the warres. Also at the consecration of thys Idoll, a certayne vessell of water was blessed with manye wordes and ceremonyes, and that water was preserued very religiously at the foote of the altar, for to consecrate the King when he should be crowned, and also to blesse any Captayne generall, when he shoulde be elected for the warres, with only giuing him a draught of that water.
Without the temple, and ouer againste the
principall dore thereof, a stones cast distant,
standeth the Charnell house onely
of dead mens heads prisoners in warres
and sacrifised with the knife.
This monument was made like vnto a Theatre, more larger than broade, wrought of lyme and stone, with ascending steppes, in the walles whereof was graffed betwixt stone and stone a skul with the téeth outwards.
At the foote and head of this Theatre, were two Towers, made only of lime and skulles, the téeth outwarde, and this wall hauing no other stuffe, séemed a straunge sight. At and vppon the toppe of the Theatre, were 70. polles, standing the one from the other foure or fiue foote distant, and eache of them was full of staues from the foote to the toppe. Each of these staues had others made fast vnto them, so that euery of them had fiue skulles broched through the temples. Andrewe de Tapia did certifie me, that he and Gonsalo de Vmbria dyd recken them in one daye, and founde a hundred thirtie and sixe thousande skulles on the polles, staues, and steppes. The other Towers were replenished out of number, a most cruell custome, being only mens heads slaine in sacrifice, although it hath a shewe of humanitie for the remembrance there placed of death. There are also men appoynted, that when one skull falleth, to set vp another in his place, so that the number may neuer want.
Hernando Cortez and his companye, were sixe
dayes in beholding and perusing the scituation
of the Citie, and secretes of the same, with
the notable thinges before rehearsed: they
were often visited by Mutezuma, & the Gentlemen of hys
Courte, and abundantly prouided of things necessarye
for his vse, and the Indians of his company.
Likewise his Horses were cherished and serued with gréene barley and grasse, whereof there is plentie all the yeare: Likewise of corne, meale, roses, and of all thynges that their owners would request, in so much that beddes of floures were made for them in place of litter. But yet notwithstanding, although they were in this sorte cherished, and also lodged in so riche a Countrey, where they mighte fyll their purses, they were not yet all contente and merrie, but rather with great feare and care, especially Cortes, who hadde the onely care as head and chiefe Captayne for the defence of hys fellowes, hée (I saye) was pensiue, noting the scituation of the Citie, the infinite number of people, the state and maiestie of Mexico, yea and some disquietnesse of hys owne companye, who woulde come and laye vnto hys charge the snare and nette that they were in, thynkyng it a thyng vnpossible that anye of them coulde escape, if Mutezuma were therevnto determined, or else with the least muteny in the worlde, that mought be raysed in the Citie, although that euery inhabitant shoulde throw but one stone at them, or else to breake vp the drawbridges, or withdrawing their victuals, things verye easie to bée done. With this greate care that he had of the preseruation of his fellowes, and to remedie the perill and daunger that he stoode in, he determined to apprehēd Mutezuma, and to builde foure Foystes to haue the lake in subiection, which he hadde tofore ymagined, and without the apprehension of the King, he coulde not come by the Kingdome: he would very gladly haue buylt the Foystes out of hand, but he left off that pretence, only bycause he would not delay the emprisonment of Mutezuma, wherein consisted the effect of all his businesse, so that forthwith he minded to put in execution his intent, without gyuing any of his company to vnderstand thereof.
The quarrell wherewith he had armed himselfe for that purpose, was, that the Lorde Qualpopoca hadde slayne nine Spanyardes: likewise encouraged him the greate presumption of his letters written to the Emperour Charles his king, wherein he wrote that he would take Mutezuma prisoner, and dispossesse him of his Empyre. These causes considered, he tooke the letters of Pedro Hircio, wherein was written, how Qualpopoca was the cause of the death of nine Spanyardes, and put those letters into his pocket, and walking vp and downe his lodging, tossyng too and fro these ymaginations in his brayne, full of care of the great enterprise that he had in hande, yea he hymselfe iudging the matter doubtfull, and his head béeyng in this sort occupyed, he chanced to espye one wall more whiter than the rest, and beholding the same, he sawe that it was a dore lately dammed vp, & callyng vnto him two of his seruaunts (for all the residue were asléepe) bycause it was late in the nighte, he opened that dore, and went in, and there found sundry halles, some with Idols, some with gallant feathers, Iewels, precious stones, plate, yea and such an infinite quantitie of golde, that the sight thereof amazed him, and other gallant things that made him to maruell. He shutte thys dore agayne as well as he moughte, withoute touching any part of that treasure, bycause he woulde not make any vprore therabout, nor yet to delay the emprisonment of Mutezuma, for that treasure was alwayes there to be had.
The nexte daye in the morning came certayne Spanyardes vnto hym, and manye Indians of Tlaxcallon, saying that the Citizens did goe about to conspire their deathe, and to breake downe the bridges of the calseys, to bryng their purpose the better to passe. So that with this newes, béeyng true or false, Cortes left the one halfe of his men to defende and kéepe his lodging, and at euery crosse stréete he planted mē, and the residue he sent to the Court by two and two, and thrée and thrée, and he hymselfe came to the pallaice, saying that he must talke wyth Mutezuma of matters that did emport their liues. Cortes was secretely armed. Mutezuma hearyng howe Cortez attended for hym, came forth and receyued him, taking him by the hand, and placed him in his seate. Thirtie Spanyardes wayted vpon Cortez, and the residue abode without at the dore.
Cortez saluted Mutezuma according to his accustomed manner, and began to rest and talke merily as hée was wont to do. Mutezuma béeyng carelesse of the thing that Fortune hadde prepared agaynste hym, was also very merrie, and pleased with that conuersation. He gaue vnto Cortes Iewels of golde, and one of his daughters, and other noble mens daughters to others of his company. Cortes receyued the gift, for otherwise it hadde bin a frent vnto Mutezuma. But yet he enformed him, that he was a married man, and that he coulde not marrie with his daughter, for the Christian law did not permitte the same, nor yet that any Christian mought haue more than one wife, vppon payne of infamy, and to be marked in the forehead.
After all this talke ended, Cortez tooke the letters of Pedro Hircio, and caused them to be interpreted vnto Mutezuma, makyng hys grieuous complaynte agaynste Qualpopoca, who hadde slayne so many Spanyardes through hys commaundement, yea and that his subiectes had published, that they woulde kill the Spanyardes, and breake downe the bridges.
Mutezuma excused himselfe earnestly, as well of the one as of the other, saying, the report giuen out agaynste hys subiectes was false and vntrue, and as for Qualpopoca who had slayne the Spanyardes, he was innocent thereof: and bycause that he shoulde sée the troth, he called incontinent certayne of his seruauntes, commaunding thē to goe for Qualpopoca, and gaue vnto them his seale, whiche was a stone that he ware at his wrest, engraued with the figure of the God Vitzilopuchtli, and the messengers departed therewith incontinent.
Cortez replyed and sayd: My Lord, your highnesse must goe with me to my lodging, and there abide, vntill youre messengers returne with Qualpopoca, and the certaynetie of the deathe of my men: In my lodging youre highnesse shall rule and commaund as you do héere in Court, your person shall bée well vsed, wherefore take you no care, for I will haue respecte vnto youre honor, as to myne owne proper, or the honor of my Kyng, beséeching you to pardon me in this my request, for if I shoulde doe otherwise, and dissemble with you, mine own company would be offended with me, saying that I doe not defende them, according to duetie. Wherefore commaund your householde seruauntes to repose themselues without alteration, for be you assured, that if any hurte come vnto me, or vnto anye of mine, youre person shall pay the same with life, considering that it lyeth in youre hand to goe quietly with me.
Mutezuma was sore amazed, saying, Sir, my person is not fytte to be a prisoner, yea, and though I woulde permitte the same, my subiectes would not suffer.
They abode arguing the matter néere foure houres, and at length Mutezuma was content to goe, hauing promise that he should rule and gouerne as he was wont to do. Cortes cōmaunded a place in his lodging to be trimmed for him, and he went forthwith thither with Cortes. There came many noble men barefooted, wéeping and lamenting the case, carrying their best garmentes vnder their armes, and brought a rich seate, whereon Mutezuma was placed, & they carried hym vpon their shoulders.
When it was blowen abroade in the Citie that Mutezuma was carried prisoner to the Spanyards lodging, all the Citie was on an vprore: but yet Mutezuma did comfort the Gentlemen that carried and followed him wéeping, praying them to ceasse their lamentation, saying that he was not prisoner, nor yet went with the Chrystians againste his will, but for his onely pleasure. Cortes appointed a Spanish garde for him, with a Captayne, the which he dayly changed, and had Spanyards always in his cōpany to make him pastime. Also poore Mutezuma was cōtented with their conuersation, & gaue thē stil rewards. He was serued with his owne seruāts Indiās, as at home in his pallace. Cortes always intreated him to put off sadnes, & to be merrie, permitting him to dispatch suters, & to deale in all affayres of his estate, & to comune and talke openly or secretely with his noble mē as he was wont to do, and that was but onely a bayte to bring them to the hooke. There was neuer Greeke nor Romayne, nor any other nation since the name of Kings was ordeyned, dyd gyue ye lyke enterprise, as Hernando Cortez did, in taking Mutezuma prisoner in his owne house, béeing a most mighty King, & in a most strong fort among infinite people, he hauyng but only 450. companions.
Mvtezuma had not only al the libertie that
he desired in the Citie, béeyng prisoner among
the Spanyardes, but also Cortes permitted
him to hunt and hauke, or to go to
the temple, for he was very deuoute, and
a great hunter.
When he went a hunting, he was carried vpon mens shoulders with eyght or ten Spanyards in his guard, and thrée thousande Mexicans, who were Gentlemen, his seruants, and hunters, of whome he hadde a great number, some to séeke the game, others to beate the couertes, and others to marke. Some of those Hunters were only for hares and connyes, other for all sorts of Déere, Wolues, foxes, and such like. They were very perfite with theyr bowes, and good markemē, for he that missed his marke at fourescore pases distant was punished. It was strange to sée the number of people that wente with him on hunting, and to sée the slaughter of beasts killed, with hande, staues, nettes, and bowes, some of those beastes were tame, and other braue and fearefull, as Lyons, Tigers, and Ounces. It is a harde thing to take a fierce Lion in hunting as they do, being in manner a naked people, and the beast couragious and strong, but yet the Prouerbe saith, slight and cunning is better than strength.
It is a more straunge thyng to take any foule that flieth in the ayre as their Fauconers doe, for after they haue once marked and set eye vpon any foule, the Faulconers of Mutezuma will vnder take to catch him, although the foule be neuer so swifte of wing, beyng at the least so commaunded by the King. It happened one day that Mutezuma stoode in his gallerie with his Guarde of Spanyardes, who had espied a fayre Hauke soryng in the ayre, oh quoth they what a fayre Hauke flieth yonder, Mutezuma hearyng their talke, called vnto him certayne of his Faulconers, commaundyng them to followe that Hauke & to bring him vnto him. The Faulconers wente to fulfill his request, and followed that foule with such diligence, that in shorte space they brought the Hauke vnto him, who presented the same vnto the Spanyards, a thing truely almoste incredible, but yet certified by worde and wrytings of the present witnesses. Their chiefest and most pleasant pastime of Hauking was, of Kightes, Rauens, Crowes, Pies, and other birdes of hardie stomake and slowe in flight, greate and small of all sortes, for the which he had Egles, Buyters, and other foule of rapyne marueylous swifte of wing, and suche as would mounte very high in the ayre, with the whiche they murdered Hares, Wolues, and (as some say) Hartes.
He had other foulers, that vsed Nettes, Snares, and sundry engins. Mutezuma vsed much to shoote in a tronke, and with his bow killed many wilde beastes. His houses of pleasure as I haue before declared, stoode sixe myles from the Citie in pleasant wooddes: and alwayes when he went a huntyng after the tyme that he was prysoner, the same day he would returne agayne to Cortes his lodging, although he banketed & feasted with the Spaniardes at his places of sporting and pastime, and would alwayes at his returne to his lodgyng giue some present vnto thē, that had accompanied him that day.
Cortes seyng the liberalitie of Mutezuma, sayde vnto him: sir, my company are vnruly fellowes, and as I vnderstand, they haue founde out some of your treasure, and haue made spoyle thereof: wherfore I would know your pleasure what shal be done with thē. And in effect it was the treasure that Cortes himselfe had founde out. Mutezuma answered, saying, sir that treasure which they haue founde, did appertayne vnto the Goddes: But yet notwithstandyng, let them leaue the feathers, and all suche things as are neyther golde nor siluer, and all the residue take for you and them, and if you will haue more, I will prouide it for you.
When Mutezuma went vnto the temple, he
went leaning vpon a noble mans arme,
or else was leade betwéene two, and a noble
personage wente alwayes before him
with thrée small wandes in his hande, signifying
thereby that the King in person
was there at hand, and in token also of iustice and correction.
If he had bene carried vpon mens shoulders then at
his alighting downe he tooke one of those roddes into his
owne hand. He was a Prince ful of ceremonies in al his
doings, but the substaunce of his estate is already declared,
from the time that Cortes entred into Mexico vntil this
present. Those first dayes that the Spaniardes came to
the Citie, & as often as Mutezuma went to the temple, Indian
men were slayne in sacrifice. And to prohibite suche
adhominable crueltie & sinne, cōmitted in the presence of
the Christians who wēt in company of Mutezuma, Cortes
required Mutezuma to commmaunde that no mans fleshe
should be any more spoyled, or bloud shedde in sacrifice,
and in not fulfilling his request, he would destroy bothe
the temple and Cittie. Also he signified vnto him, that he
himselfe woulde throw downe the idols, before his presence
and all the Citizens.
Mutezuma replied to his demaūd, saying: It may please you to leaue of your determination, least that in so doing all the Citie fall into an vprore and rebellion to defende their good Gods, and auncient Religion, the which Gods had alwayes prouided them of water, bread, health, light, and all other things néedefull. This notwithstanding, the first time that Mutezuma wente to the temple after his imprisonment, Cortes and his company wente with him, and euery of them layde handes vpon the idols, & threwe them downe headlong from their seates, and Altars, and other Chapels. Mutezuma with this sight was in great agonie, yea and his subiects ready to take weapon to slay them there present, but yet Mutezuma commaunded his subiectes to stay from their pretence: beséechyng Cortes to stay from his procéedings, at whose request Cortes ceased, for he thought, as yet time serued not for the purpose and pretence: but he declared vnto them by his interpreters as followeth.
All creatures in the world (mightie prince,
and yée Gentlemen and religious persons
whether it be yée here or we in Spayne,
or whatsoeuer other nation that it may
be) haue I say, all one begynnyng and
ending of mortall lyfe, whiche is had from God: we are al
formed and made of one mettall, and haue all soules and
senses, euen so doubtlesse as we are like in proportion of
body and soule, yea and kinsfolke in bloud, although that
by the prouidence of the same our God, some are borne
fayre and beautifull, and other some fowle and disfigured:
some of one colour, and some of another: some prudent and
wise, and other some fonde and foolishe, without eyther
iudgement or vertue: in the which his maruellous works
God sheweth himselfe iuste, holy and almightie, giuyng
those seuerall giftes, to the entent that the wise and learned
mought teache the rude and ignorant, and to guyde
the blinde into the right way of saluation, by the steppes
of true and vnfayned religion.
Therfore I and my fellowes, as your gestes and kinsmen, according to equitie doe procure and wish the same vnto you. A man and his life consisteth in thrée things as yée shal vnderstande, that is body, soule, and goodes: as for your goodes and ritches, whiche is the least that wée desire, for yée know well that we haue taken nothing forcible from you, but onely those things whiche yée haue fréely and liberally giuen vs. Likewise we haue not hurt, misused or molested your persons, wiues or chyldren, nor yet do meane any such thing, your soules health onely is the thing we séeke, for your saluation, and that we nowe pretende to shewe, and to giue vnto you perfite notice of the true and euerlasting God. There is none of naturall iudgement can denie, but that there is one God, but yet through ignoraunce and deceyte of the Diuell, will also thinke that there are many Goddes, and not acerte vnto the true God. But I doe say and moste assuredly certifie you, that there is no other true God, but onely he whome we Christians doe serue, adore, and worshippe, the which is one eternall, without beginnyng and without ende, the onely creator & gouernour of things created: he alone made the Heauens, the Sunne, the Moone, and Starres, the whiche his creatures ye doe worship: he (I say) founded and made the Sea, and the sundry and maruelous fishes therein: he planted and made the lande with all the monstrous beastes therein, foules likewise in the ayre, Plantes, Hearbes, Stones and suche like. Al the whiche creatures ye as blinde and ignorant do hold for Goddes.
Our almighty God after he had finished and made all the former workes with his own blessed hands, made one man & one woman, and being so formed and wrought, he put a soule and breath into each body, and then deliuered the worlde vnto them, shewyng them Paradise and glory. So that of that manne and woman, we all mortall menne procéeded in generation, and in this sorte are the handy worke of God, kinsmen and brethren. Nowe if we will come vnto God our father, it is néedefull and necessary that we be good, vertuous, pitifull, innocent and vnder obedience, the whiche yée can not be if you worshippe statues, images, idols, and vse bloudy sacrifice of mans fleshe. Is there any of you that woulde willingly be slayne? no truely: why then doe you slea other so cruelly, and where you can put no soules, why doe you take them from thence? there is none of you, nor your false Gods, that can make soules, nor can forge mens bodies of fleshe and bone, for if yée coulde, there is none of you woulde be without children, accordyng to your owne appetite and desire, in fashion, beautie and workemanship. But where our God of heauen dothe make al creatures, he vseth therein his owne discretion, and giueth chyldren to whome hée pleaseth: and therefore is he GOD alone, and for these causes shoulde yée haue, estéeme, and worshippe him for suche a mightie God, desiryng of him by prayers to giue rayne and temperature, that the earth may bryng foorth Corne, Fruite, Hearbes, Fleshe, Foule, and all other necessaries for the sustentation of lyfe. All these thyngs the harde stones giueth not vnto you, no nor yet your dry woodden images & colde mettall, neyther yet the small séedes wherewith your seruaunts and slaues, with theyr filthy handes doe make these images and foule statues, the whiche yée doe worshippe. O what fonde people and madde religious persons, who worship theyr owne workemanshippe, doe ye thynke that they are Gods that rotte and moldre away, and haue no lyfe, and can neyther helpe nor kill: Therefore I say vnto you, that nowe and hereafter there is no cause that yée shoulde haue any moe idolles, nor yet any moe slaughters for sacrifice, no nor yet to make any moe prayers or supplications vnto them, beyng bothe Blinde, Deafe, and Dumme.
Will yée knowe who is God, and where he is: lifte vp your eyes vnto Heauen, and then shall you vnderstande that aboue is a Godhead or Deitie that moueth the heauens, and gouerneth the course of the Sunne, ruleth the Lande and replenisheth the Sea, who prouideth for Man and Beast bothe Corne and Water. This God whome yée nowe imagine in your hartes, him (I say) serue and worshippe, not with death of menne or blouddy sacrifice abominable, but with deuotion and humble prayer as we Christians doe. And consider well, that to teach and instruct you these things, was the cause of our commyng hither.
With this exhortation, Cortes aplaked the yre of the Priestes and Citizens: theyr idols beyng throwen downe, Mutezuma tooke order that no moe shoulde be sette vp, commaundyng to swéepe and make cleane the Chappels of the stinking bloud that was in thē, forbidding sacrifice of mans flesh. Mutezuma and his officers made a solēpne vowe and promise to permitte no more slaughter of men, and to set vp a Crosse for remembrance of the death and passion of Iesu Christe borne of the virgin Marie. The whiche their promisse was well fulfilled, for after that day the Spanyardes coulde neuer heare nor finde of any moe sacrifice: But yet there abode in their hartes a mortall rancor, the whiche coulde not long be dissimuled.
Truely in this worthy facte Cortes gotte more honour than though he had ouercomen them in battayle.
After twentie dayes that Mutezuma had
bene prysoner, returned the messengers
who had gone with the seale for Qualpopoca,
and brought him, his Sonne, and other
fiftene principall persons, with them, the
whiche by inquirie made, were culpable and partakers
in the counsell and death of the nine Spaniardes. Qualpopoca
entred into Mexico accompanied like a greate Lorde
as he was, beyng borne vpon his seruaunts shoulders in
rich furniture. As sone as he had saluted Mutezuma, he &
his Sonne were deliuered vnto Cortes, with the other fiftene
Gentlemen. Cortes placed them asunder, and commaunded
them to be put in Irons, and theyr examinations
taken, they confessed that they had slayne those Spaniardes
in battayle.
Cortes demaunded of Qualpopoca if he were subiect to Mutezuma, why (quoth he) is there any other Prince to whome I might be in subiection? giuing almost to vnderstand that he was a Lorde absolute. Cortes answered, that a farre greater Prince was the King of Spayne, whose subiects vnder colour of friendship and salfeconduct he had slayne. But (quoth he) nowe shalte thou make payment thereof. And beyng agayne more straighter examined, they confessed that they had slaine two Spaniards by the aduice and inducement of the greate prince Mutezuma, and the residue were slayne in the warres, and had assaulted their houses, and entred their countrey, wherefore they helde it lawfull to kill them.
Through the confession pronounced by their owne mouthes, sentence was giuen against them, and they condēned to be burned, whiche sentence was openly executed in the market place in sight of all the people, without any mutine or slaunder, and with great silence, terrour & feare of the newe maner of iustice which they sawe there executed vpon so noble a man, in the chiefe seate and kyngdome of Mutezuma, beyng gestes and straungers.
At the time that Cortes departed from Vera
Crux, he left in cōmission to Pedro Hircio,
to procure to inhabite in that place
which is called Almeria, & not to permit
Francisco de Garray to soiourne there, for
so much as once he was driuen frō that
coast. Now Hircio to fulfill his cōmission, sente to requyre
those Indians with peace and friēdship, and to yéeld themselues
for vassals of the Emperour. Qualpopoca Lorde of
Nahutlan, which is now called as aforesaid Almeria, sent
to aduertise Pedro Hircio, that he could not come to yéelde
his obedience, for the enimies that were in the way: but if
it would please him to sende some of his men, for the securitie
of the way, he would willyngly come vnto him.
Hircio hearing this answere, sent foure of his men, giuing credite to his message, and for the desire he hadde to inhabite there.
When the foure Spanyardes came into the prouince of Nahutlan, there mette with them many armed men, who slew two of them, and made thereof a great triumph: the other two escaped sore wounded, and returned with that newes to the Towne of Vera Crux. Pedro Hircio beléeuing that Qualpopoca had done that iniurie, armed out agaynst hym fiftie Spanyardes, and ten thousand Indians of Zempoallan, with two horses, and two péeces of Ordinance.
Qualpopoca hearing this newes, came with a mightie power to driue them out of his Countrey, and in that encounter, seauen Spanyardes were slayne, and many Zempoallanezes, but at the ende he was ouercome, his Countrey spoyled, and Towne sacked, and many of his army slaine and taken captiues. The prisoners declared, that by the commaundement of the greate Lorde Mutezuma, all this vprore was attempted by Qualpopoca: it mighte well be, for at the houre of death they confessed the same. But some affirme, they sayde so, but to excuse themselues, and to lay the fault to the Mexicans. Hircio wrote these newes to Cortez béeyng in Chololla, and through these letters Cortez apprehended Mutezuma (as is afore declared.)
Before the execution of Qualpopoca and hys
fellowes, Cortes declared vnto Mutezuma,
that Qualpopoca and his company had confessed,
that by hys aduice and commaundemente,
the nine Spanyardes were slayne,
wherein he had done very euill, they being his friendes
and guestes: but (quoth he) if it were not in respect of the
loue I beare vnto you, this matter shoulde not in this
sort be shut vp, and then knocked a payre of giues on his
legges, saying, he that killeth ought to be killed, according
to the lawes of God. These things did Cortes, bycause
he shoulde occupye himselfe in his owne griefe and sorrow,
and to let other mens passe.
Mutezuma waxed pale wt countenāce of death, through the great feare that he was in, séeyng himselfe in Irons, a new and strange thing for suche a great King, excusing himselfe that he was innocent of the facte. And as soone as the execution of burning was done, Cortez commaunded to put away the Irons that Mutezuma ware, offering him libertie, and willing him to goe vnto his owne pallace, who reioyced much to sée himselfe out of the Irons, and gaue Cortes most hartie thankes, and refused to goe home to his owne pallace, surmising that the offer was but wordes, or else fearing least his subiects woulde kyll him, séeing him out of the Spanyardes power, for permitting himselfe to be taken prisoner, and so to be kept. Hée sayd also, that if he went from them, his subiectes woulde rebell, and compell him to kill the Spanyardes.
Truly the poore simple soule was of small hearte and courage, to suffer himselfe to be taken prisoner, and after his imprisonment woulde neuer procure libertie, Cortes offering it vnto him, and many of his noble men desiring him. And remayning in that order, there was none in Mexico durst offende any Spanyard for feare of displeasing him, for Qualpopoca came 70. leagues with only warning him that the great Lorde had sent for him, shewing hym the figure of his seale: yea and al the péeres of his realme that dwelte farthest off, were ready to obey hys commaundementes.
Cortez had a greate desire to know howe farre
the Empire of Mutezuma dyd extende, and
what friendship was betwixte him and other
Kings and Princes Comarcans, and also to
gather togither a good summe of gold, to send to Spayne to
the Emperoure for his custome or fifte parte, with full
relation of the Countrey people, and things happened
untill that day. Wherefore he prayed Mutezuma to shew
him where the mynes were, from whence he and his subiectes
had the golde and plate. Mutezuma graunted to his
request, and incontinent appoynted eyght Indians, of the
which four were Goldsmythes, who had knowledge and
vnderstanding of Mynes, and the other foure were
guydes for the iourney. He commaunded them that by
two and two they shoulde goe into foure prouinces, that
is to say Zucolla, Malinaltepec, Tenich, and Tutepec, with other
eyghte Spanyardes whiche Cortez appoynted, to haue
knowledge of the riuers and mynes of gold, and to bring
a moster of the same. The eyght Spanyardes departed
on their iourney, with the other eyghte Indians, with tokens
from Mutezuma. Zucolla is 80. leagues from Mexico,
and the Lord thereof is subiect to Mutezuma, who shewed
vnto the Spanyardes thrée riuers with golde, and gaue of
each riuer a moster thereof, although it were but little,
for with want of knowledge they knew not wel the māner
how to get it out of the riuer. These messengers in
their iourney too and fro, passed through thrée prouinces
full of people and habitatiō, with good buildings & frutefull
ground, and the people of the one of them called Tlamacolapan,
are of good reason and iudgemente, and better
apparelled than the Mexicans.
Malinaltepec is 70. leagues from Mexico, from whence also they brought mosters of golde, the which is had out of a great riuer, by the naturals of that Countrey.
Tenich standeth vp towarde the head of the same riuer of Malinaltepec, who are people of another language, and would not permitte our men to haue relation of the thing that they sought. The Lorde of that place is called Coatelicamatl, who is not subiecte to Mutezuma, nor yet is his friende, thinking that his men hadde bin espyes: but when he was enformed who they were, he gaue the Spanyardes licence to be resolued of their affayres, but straitly commaunded, that the Indians of Mexico should not presume to come into his dominion. When the Mexicans hearde these newes, they required the Spanyardes not to credite that Cazike, saying, that he was an euill and a cruell man, and would surely kill them. Our men were somewhat amazed, fearing to talke with Coatelicamatl, although they hadde his licence, séeyng the people of the countrey armed with Launces of fiue and twenty foote lōg: but yet at lēgth leauing cowardise aside, they procéeded forwards. Coatelicamatl receyued thē curteously, and shewed them sixe or seauen riuers with golde, out of the which graynes of golde were taken in his presence, who gaue the same moster vnto them, and sente also his Embassadors to Cortez, offering his lande and person vnto him, with certayne mantels, and Iewels of golde.
Cortez more reioyced of the Embassage, than of the gold and presents, knowing thereby that Mutezuma hys enimies desired his friendshippe: but Mutezuma and hys counsell liked not the matter, for although Coatelicamatl is no great Lord, yet his people are good souldyers, and his countrey full of wildernesse, of Rockes and Mountaynes. The other that wente to Tutepec, which standeth néere the sea coast, and twelue leagues frō Malinaltepec, returned likewise with moster of golde of two Riuers, and brought newes that the Countrey was fit to buylde vppon, with hope to reape muche golde, finding once an arte to get it out of the riuer.
Cortez hearing these news, prayed Mutezuma to build a house there in the name of the Emperoure Charles, who incontinente sente thither workemen and labourers, whyche within two monethes hadde built a greate house, and other thrée little houses round aboute it, with a ponde of water full of fishe, and fiue hundred Duckes, and a thousand fiue hundred Turkie cockes and hennes, and muche housholde stuffe, so that the gifte was worth twentie thousand Castlins of golde. He gaue vnto hym also twenty bushels of the grayne called Centli, readye sowen, and two thousand stockes of trées called Cacauatl, whiche bringeth forthe the fruite Cacao, that serueth for money and meate. Cortes began this husbandrye, but yet made not an ende thereof, with the comming of Pamfilo de Naruaiz, and the vprore in Mexico, whiche shortly followed. He also besoughte Mutezuma to certifie him if there were any sure porte or harbor on the Sea coast, where the Spanish nauie mought ride in safetie: he aunswered that he knew of none, but that he woulde sende to make enquirie thereof. And forthwith he commaunded all that coast to be painted in a cloath made of cotten woll, with all the riuers, bayes, créekes and capes that were within his dominion. In all the same portrayture did not appeare anye porte, skale, or sure roade, sauyng a gulfe that falleth out of the Mountaynes, which place is now called the harbor of Saint Martine, and Saint Anthonie in the prouince of Coazacoalco. The Spanyards thought the same to be a straight or passage into the South sea, to passe vnto the Maluccos and spicerie, but they were deceiued although they beléeued the thing that they desired. Cortes for this purpose sent tenne Spanyardes, all good marriners and Pylots, in companye of the Indians that Mutezuma sent on that voyage at his owne cost.
They departed, and came to Chalohicoeca, where firste they came aland, the which place is now called S. Iohn de Vlhua.
They wente 70. leagues along the coast, without finding any Riuer, although they mette with many brookes of shallowe water, not fytte for a roade for Shyppes.
They aported at Coazacoalco, the Lorde whereof was enimie to Mutezuma, hys name was Tuchintlec, who friendly receyued the Spanyardes, for he hadde intelligence of them, at their lying at Potonchan. He gaue vnto them boates, to sounde and séeke the Riuer, where they found sixe fadome in deapth, and wente vppe that Riuer twelue leagues, wher they descryed many great townes, and it séemed a fruitefull soyle. This Cazike Tuchnitlec, sente vnto Cortes with the Spanyards certayne gold, precious stones, and cloth of cotten, with apparrell made of skynnes, and tygers, requesting his friendship, and to admitte him tributarie to the Emperour, paying yéerely a certayne portion of his riches, with suche condition, that the Indians of Culhua should not enter into his iurisdictiō.
Cortes muche reioysed with these messages, and was glad of the finding of the faire riuer, for the Marriners hadde enformed him, that from the riuer of Grijalua vnto Panuco, was no riuer to be found, but I beléeue they were deceyued. Cortes returned backe agayne some of those messengers, with a present of Spanish ware for Tuchnitlec, and to be better enformed of all his meaning, with a special charge to knowe the cōmoditie of that porte and Countrey, who went, and in shorte time returned wel satisfyed of their demaund: wherevpon Cortes sente thyther Iohn Velasques de Leon, for Captayne of a hundred and fifty Spanyardes, with commission to build a fort.
The weake courage and stomake of Mutezuma,
caused his subiectes not onely to
murmure, but also to seeke meanes of
rebellion, especially his nephew Cacamazin,
Lorde of Tezcuco, who was a stoute
yong man and an honorable, and one yt
receiued greate griefe of his Vncles imprisonment: and
seeing that ye matter séemed long, he besought his Vncle
to procure his libertie, and to shew himselfe a Lorde, and
not a slaue: but séeing at length that he could not accepte
and follow his councell, he began to stirre in the matter,
threatning the death and destruction of the Spanyardes.
Some said, that Cacama did begin that matter, to reuenge
the iniurie and dishonor done vnto his Vncle. Others
saide, that his meaning was to make himselfe Kyng of
Mexico. Others held opinion, that his pretence was only
to make an ende of ye Spanyards. But let it be for whatsoeuer
purpose. Once he gathered a great army, which he
coulde not want, although Mutezuma was prisoner, especially
against ye Spanyards. He published that he would
redéeme his Vncle out of Captiuitie, and expulse the
Straungers, or else kill and eate them.
This was a terrible newes for the Christians, but yet for all those bragges Cortes dismayde not, rather hée determined forthwith to prepare himselfe for the warres, and to besiege him in his owne house and Towne, sauing that Mutezuma disturbed him, saying that Tezcuco was a place very strong, and scituated in water, and that Cacama was a man of bolde and stoute courage, and had at commaundemente of the Indians of Culhua, and was also Lorde of Culhuacan and Otumpa, whiche were fortes of great strength, thinking to bring the matter to a better passe another way: so that Cortez ruled himselfe by the counsell of Mutezuma, and sent vnto Cacama, praying him to haue in remembrance the friendshippe that hadde bin betwixt them two, from the time that he came and broughte hym into Mexico, and that alwayes peace was better than warre, and especially for a noble man of vassals, for the begynnyng of warres was pleasant to hym that knewe not what warres meante: and in so doyng, he shoulde do both pleasure and seruice to the Kyng of Spayne.
Cacama aunswered, that he had no friendship with him that woulde take away hys honor and kingdome, and that the warres whych he pretended, was profitable for his vassals, and in defence of their Countrey and Religion, yea and before he determined peace, he meante to reuenge hys Vncles wrongs and his goddes.
Also (quoth he) what haue I to doe wyth the Kyng of Spayne, who is a man that I know not, no nor yet would gladly heare of hym.
Cortez turned agayne to admonishe and require hym diuers tymes to leaue off his determination, and wylled Mutezuma to commaunde hym to accepte hys offer.
Wherevpon Mutezuma sente vnto hym, desiryng him to come vnto Mexico, to take some order in those controuersies and discordes betwixte hym and the Spanyardes.
Cacama aunswered very sharply vnto his Vncles request, saying, if you had bloud in your eye, or the hearte of a Prince, you woulde not permit your selfe to bée prisoner, and captiue of foure poore straungers, who with their fayre speache and flatteryng talke haue bewitched you, and vsurped your kingdome, no nor yet, suffer the Goddes of Culhua to be throwen downe and spoyled, yea and the Mexican religion and holy places, violated and troden with théeues féete and deceyuers: likewise the honour, glory, and fame of your predecessors blotted and abased, through your faynt stomacke and cowardize. But notwithstanding, accordyng to your request, and to repayre our religiō, to restore the Goddes to their Temples, to preserue the kingdome, and to procure libertie for you and the Cittie, I will obay your commaundement: But how? not with my handes in my bosome, but lyke a warrier, to kill those Spaniardes who haue so affrented the nation of Culhua. Our men stoode in great perill, as well of the losing of Mexico as of their owne liues, if this warre and mutinie had not soone bene qualified: for why? Cacama was valiant, stoute, and a good souldier, yea and well furnished of men of warre: also the Citizens of Mexico, were desirous of the same, for to redéeme Mutezuma their prince, and to kill the Spaniardes, or else to expulse them out of the Cittie.
But poore Mutezuma remedied the matter, knowyng or foreseing, that warres would not preuayle, yea and beleued, that at the ende all shoulde fall vpon his backe. He dealt with certayne Captaynes & Gentlemen that dwelt in Tezcuco with Cacama, to apprehend him, and bryng him prysoner, cōsidering that he was their king and yet aliue. But whether it were, that those Captaynes had serued Mutezuma in the warres, or whether it were for giftes & rewardes, they apprehended Cacama being in counsell among them, treatyng of his warres pretended, and embarked him in a boate armed for the purpose, and so brought him to Mexico without any further slander or stryfe, and when he was comen to Mexico, they put him on a riche seate, as the Kings of Tezcuco were wonte to sitte vpon, beyng the greatest Prince in all that lande next vnto Mutezuma: and in this sorte brought him before his vncle, who would not looke vpon him, but commaunded him to be deliuered vnto Cortes, who incontinent clapped a payre of giues on his legges, and a payre of manacles on his handes, and put hym into sure Guarde and custodie.
After that Cacama was in this order prysoner, with the consent of Mutezuma was elected Lorde and Prince of Tezcuco and Culhuacan, Cucuzca, Cacama his yonger brother, who was abidyng in Mexico with his vncle, and fled from his brother: Mutezuma did entitle him with the ceremonies accustomed vnto Princes newly elected and chosen. So that forthwith he was obeyed in Tezcuco by Mutezuma his commaundement, for he was there better beloued than Cacama, who was somewhat of a croked nature. In this sorte was remedied all the former perill, but if there had bene many Cacamas, it would haue fallen out otherwise.
Here Cortes made kings, and cōmaunded with as great auctoritie as though he had obtayned already the whole Empire of Mexico: and certainely sithens his first entry into that countrey, he had an assured hope to win Mexico, and to be Lorde ouer the whole state of Mutezuma.
After the imprisonment of Cacama, Mutezuma
proclaymed a Parliament, vnto the
which came all the Seniors Comarcans, and
beyng all together, he made the Oration
followying vnto them.
My kinsmen, friendes and seruants, yée do well know that eightene yeares I haue bene your kyng, as my fathers and Grandfathers were, and alwaies I haue bene vnto you a louing Prince, and yée vnto me good and obedient subiectes, and so I hope you will remayne all the dayes of my life. Ye ought to haue in remembrance, that eyther ye haue heard of your fathers, or else our adeuines haue instructed you, that we are not naturalles of this countrey, nor yet our kingdome is durable, bycause our forefathers came from a farre countrey, and theyr king and captayne who brought them hither, returned againe to his naturall countrey, saying that he woulde sende suche as shoulde rule and gouerne vs, if by chaunce hée himselfe returned not. Beleeue ye assuredly, that the king whiche wée haue looked for so many yeares, is he that hath nowe sente these Spaniardes, whiche yée here sée. Who dothe certifie, that wée are their kinsmen, and that they haue had notice of vs a long tyme: lette vs therefore gyue thankes vnto the Goddes, that nowe they are comen in our dayes, beyng a thing that we so muche desired.
Yée shall nowe doe me seruice and pleasure, that yée yéelde your selues vnto this Captayne for vassals of the Emperoure King of Spayne our soueraygne, I my self haue already yéelded me for his seruitour and friend, praying you that from hence forwardes ye obey him as ye haue obeyed mée. And that yée yéelde and pay vnto him the tributes, customes and seruice that ye were wont to pay vnto me, and in so doyng, ye can doe me no greater pleasure. Hys harte then woulde not suffer hym to speake any more, with the sobbes, sighes, and teares, that fell from hys eyes. All his subiectes there presente fell into a crie, wéepyng and mournyng, that for a good space they had no power to speake: they gaue thankes, and sighings, vtteryng with their mouthes many dolefull, and sorrowfull speaches, yea that it pitied our owne men at the hartes. But in conclusion, they answered that they would obey his commaundement. Then Mutezuma and the Burgesses of Parliament in order yelded themselues for vassals of the king of Castile, promising loyaltie. This acte was set downe by the Notarie, and with witnesses auctorized. Then the Indians departed home to their houses with sorowfull hartes, God knoweth, as you may imagine. It was a straunge thing to sée Mutezuma wéepe with so many Noble men and Gentlemen, yea and with what griefe they became subiects to an vnknowē Prince, but they coulde not otherwise doe, seyng that Mutezuma did commaunde the same.
Also they had a certaine Prognostication and forwarning by their Priestes of the comming from the east parties a straunge people, white of colour and bearded men, who should winne and rule that countrey. Likewise there was a secrete talke amōg them, that in Mutezuma should ende and finishe, not alone the lynage of Culhua, but also the Empyre and kingdome: therefore some were of opinion, not to name him Mutezuma whiche signifieth, agrieued with misfortune. They say also that Mutezuma himself had many times answere of the Oracle of the Gods, that in him shoulde finishe the Mexican Emperours, and that no childe of his shoulde succéede in his kingdome, and that he should lose his seate in the eyght yeare of his raigne: & for these causes he woulde neuer procure warre to withstande the Spaniardes, beleuyng that they should be his successours. Yet on the other side he thought his opinion would take no place, for that he had raygned seuentene yeares: But this should séeme to come from the prouidence of God, whiche giueth kingdomes and taketh them away.
Cortes gaue vnto Mutezuma moste hartie thankes on the behalfe of the Emperour, and for himself, and comforted him, who was very sad, promysing also that alwayes he should be king and Lorde, & commaunde as heretofore he had done, and better, yea and also he should be chief ruler of all the other landes and countreys, that he shoulde gette and bryng to the seruice of the Emperour.
After certaine dayes that Mutezuma and
his counsell had yéelden their obedience,
Cortes sayde vnto him, how that the Emperour
was at great costes & charges in
his warres, wherfore it should be necessary
that his newe vassals shoulde begin
to serue in some thing, and to pay their tribute, willyng
him to sende throughout his dominion to sée what coulde
be gathered of Gold, and that he himselfe should beginne
firste to pay tribute to the example of others. Mutezuma
answered that he was contented so to doe, willyng
that some of his men shoulde goe vnto the house of foule
for the same. There went many, and there sawe golde in
planches like brickebattes, Iewels, and péeces wrought
in a hall, and two chambers which were opened vnto thē.
The Spaniardes wōdering at the sight, would not touch
any thing, without giuing firste aduertisement to Cortes,
who incontinent went thither, and caused it all to be carried
to his lodgyng: besides this treasure Mutezuma gaue
vnto him rich clothes of cotten and feathers maruelously
wouen in figures & colours, it séemed without cōparison,
for the Spaniardes had neuer séene the like: he gaue vnto
him more, twelue shooting tronkes, wherewith he himself
was wont to passetime: some of them were paynted with
birdes, beasts, floures & trées very perfite, a worke surely
much to be commended: and some of them were engrauē
very curiously, with their mouldes and pellets of golde.
He sente also his seruants by twoo and twoo, and fiue and fiue, ech company with one Spaniarde, to the Lords of other prouinces, fourescore, and a hundred leagues frō Mexico, to gather in golde for the accustomed tributes, and newe seruice to the Emperour. Euery Lorde and Seignior payde the quantitie appointed & taxed by Mutezuma, in golde, plate, iewels, stones and pearles.
The messengers returned, although they had taried somewhat long on their iourney, of whom Cortes receyued all that they brought, and caused it to be molten, out of the whiche was had in fine golde .1600000. Castlins, of the value of seuen shillings and sixe pence the péece, and rather more, and also fiue hundred markes of plate, after sixe Ducates the marke.
This treasure was deuided among the Souldiers, but not all: euery man was payde accordyng to his office. The horsemen had twise as muche as the footemen. Also Cortes was payde out of the stocke the money promised him in Vera Crux.
There came to the kings parte .32000. Castlins and a hundred markes of plate, the whiche was wrought there in platters, saucers, cuppes, ewers and other péeces, according to the Indian fashion, to be sent to the Emperour. Besides this, the present that Cortes layde aside, and takē out of the stocke to send to ye Emperour, was worth .100000. Ducates, in pearles, precious stones, golde, and feathers, feathers and siluer, and many other iewels, as the gallant tronkes, whiche beside their value were straunge to behold, wrought with the brauery aforesayde. This present appoynted, was not sent, for that and al the rest was afterwarde loste at the troubles in Mexico, as hereafter shall more playnly appeare.
Cortes seyng himselfe riche and mightie, he occupied
hymselfe in thrée things, the one was
to sende vnto Santo Domingo and other Ilands,
newes of his procéedings and prosperitie, and
also money to prouide menne, horses and armour, for his
owne company were to fewe for so greate a countrey.
The other was, to take fully and wholly the state of Mutezuma,
hauing him prisoner, and also at his commaundement
Tlaxcallan, Coatelicamath, and Tuchintlec, knowyng also
that the Indians of Panuco, Tecoantepec, and Mechuacan,
were mortall enimies to the Mexicans, who woulde ayde
and assist him hauing néede of their helpe, his thirde pretence
was, to procure all the Indians to be Christened, the
which purpose he tooke first in hand, as a thing most nedefull.
On the other side, Mutezuma repented himselfe, hauyng
newes that Pamfilo de Naruaiz was arriued, who
came as enimy to Cortes, yea and after all this he was
at length driuen out of Mexico. These notable things
shalbe rehersed in their order. But now Mutezuma came,
and desired Cortes to departe out of his countrey, aduising
hym that otherwise bothe he and his menne were in perill
of killyng, saying also, that thrée especiall causes
moued him to this requeste: the one was, the dayly
sute of the subiectes, who enportuned him to come out
of captiuitie, and to murder the Spanyardes, saying,
that it was a great shame for them to suffer theyr Prince
to bée in pryson in the power of so fewe straungers,
whom they might vse as a footebal: hauing dishonored thē
and robbed them of their goodes, gatheryng and heaping
vp their gold for themselues, & for their king, who as séemed
by their doings, was but a poore fellowe, and if hée
would not accept their offer and sute, that then of theyr
owne auctoritie they would take the thyng in hande, for
so much as he refusing to be theyr king they woulde also
refuse to be his vassals, giuyng warnyng and aduice that
he should looke for no better rewarde at the Spaniardes
handes, than Qualpopoca and Cacama his Neuewe had receiued,
although they shoulde flatter him neuer so muche.
An other cause was that the Diuell had appeared vnto him, and willed him to kill those Christians, or dryue them out of the lande, threatnyng him that if he did not so, that then he woulde goe from him and neuer talke any more with him, for (quoth he) with their gospels, baptisme and deuotion, they doe muche displease me. Mutezuma answered him, that there was no reason to kill thē being his friendes and honest men, but he would entreate them to departe, (vnto this) the Diuell answered that hée should do so, and therein he would receyue great pleasure, for eyther he woulde goe his way and leaue him, or else that Christian fellowes should departe, for they sow here (quoth he) a Christian fayth ye which is much against our Religiō, and can not dwell both togither. Another cause was, that Mutezuma was not well pleased with the imprysonment of Cacama, whō once he loued excedyng wel: so in fine, secretely hee repented him of all that was past in the Spanyardes fauour, and chiefly by the persuasion of the Diuell, who sayde that he coulde not doe vnto him a more acceptable seruice, and of greater pleasure to the Goddes, than to expell the Spaniardes and abolishe the name of Christians, and in so doyng, the seate of Kings should not finish in the linage of Culhua, but rather be enlarged, & his childrē should raigne after him, wishing him not to beléeue in prophesies, sithence the eight yeare was past, and was nowe in the eyghtenth yeare of his raigne. For these causes, or possible for other whiche we knowe not off, Mutezuma prepared an army of a hundred thousand men so secretely, that Cortes knew not thereof, to the effecte, that if the Spanyardes woulde not departe, being once more required, that then he meant not to leaue one of them aliue. With this determination, he came forthe one day into the yard or courte, and had long conference and consultation with his Gentlemen aboute this matter. This done, he sente for Cortes, who liked not this newes, saying to him selfe, I pray God this message be to good purpose, and taking twelue of his men whych were readyest at hand, went to know wherefore hée had sente for him. Mutezuma arose from the place where hée sate, and tooke Cortez by the hande, commaunding a stoole to be brought for him, and so sate them downe both togither, and beganne his talke as followeth. Sir, I beséeche you to departe from this Citie and Countrey, for my Gods are sore offended with me, bycause I doe, and haue permitted you héere so long: demaunde of me what you please, and it shall be giuen you, bycause I loue you well: and thinke you not, that I giue you this warning in iest, but rather in good earnest, therefore it is conuenient, that you depart. It séemed strange vnto Cortez this talke. Also he saw by the countenance of Mutezuma, that some thing was a working, and before the interpreter of Mutezuma had made an end of his talke, Cortes willed one of his mē to goe forthwith, and to aduise all his fellowes, saying, yt the waight of their liues was in questiō. Then our mē called to remembrance what was tolde them in Tlaxcallon, considering that it was néedeful of courage and help from God to bring them out of that daunger. Whē Mutezuma had ended his tale, I haue (quoth Cortes) vnderstood your meaning, and doe thanke you for the same: also I would know when it is your pleasure that we should depart, and it shal be done. Euen when it please you (quoth Mutezuma) take the time that you thinke méete, and againste that time will I prepare a hundred waighte of gold for you, and fiftie pound waight to each of your mē.
Cortes sayde, you knowe, that when I came into thys Countrey, I commaunded all my Shippes to be sonke, so that nowe I haue néede of time conueniente to builde vessels to carrie vs into oure Countrey: wherefore my request is, that you commaund some of your Carpēters to be called, to cutte downe timber for the purpose, for I haue men that can make the vessels. And this done, wée will departe, so that you giue vs the golde whiche you haue promised, and certifie you the same to youre Gods and vassals.
Mutezuma receyued great pleasure at this aunswere, and sayd, your request shall be fulfilled: and incontinente he sent for many Carpenters. Likewise Cortes prepared certayne of his Marriners for Shipwrightes. All the which workemen went vnto great woddes of Pinetrées, and there cut downe the timber necessarye for the purpose. Mutezuma being a simple man, gaue credite to all Cortez his talke: Cortes likewise aduertised his men of his procéedings, and sayd vnto them, Mutezuma would haue vs departe out of his Countrey, bycause his vassals and the Diuell hathe entised him therevnto: wherefore it is néedefull that we build shipping, and therefore I praye you goe with these Indians, and procure to cut downe the best timber fit for oure purpose, and in the meane season God will prouide for vs, whose affayres we haue nowe in hand, of remedie and succour in suche sort that we lose not this frutefull countrey. It is also necessary, that whē you come vnto the wodde, that you make all the delay possible, giuing a shew that you are busie occupyed, and with great desire to make an ende, that those Indians may suspect nothing of oure pretence. Departe in Gods name, and aduise me alwayes what doth passe in your affaires.
Eight dayes after their departure toward
the woddes, arriued fiftéene saile of ships
at the coast of Chalchicoeca. The Indians of
that coast aduised Mutezuma therof, who
was not a little afraide with the newes, &
called Cortes vnto him, who feared asmuch
some vprore there, and when they shewed Cortez yt Mutezuma
was come forth into the yarde, he suspected that if
Mutezuma pleased, they shoulde be all destroyed. Wherefore
he said vnto his men, maisters and friends, Mutezuma
hath sent me, considering what passed this other day, I
hold it for no good token. I nowe goe to knowe his wyll:
wherefore, whatsoeuer happen, be you alwayes vigilant
and ready, commending your selues to God. Remember
also whome ye are, and who are these Infidels, abhorred
of God, and friends vnto the Diuel, without weapon, and
experience in warre: if we chance to fight, the handes of
each of vs shal shew by déede with sword, the vallor and
courage of our heartes: yea, and although we all die, yet
shall we remaine with victory, for that we haue fulfilled
the thing we tooke in hand, and the seruice which we owe
vnto God as faithfull Christiās, with our duetie as true
subiects to our prince. They all answered, saying, we wil
do all our possibilitie while life lasteth, withoute feare of
perill or daunger, for we lesse estéeme deathe than honor.
With this aunswere Cortes wente to Mutezuma, who
sayde vnto him, Senior Captayne, you shall vnderstande
that now you haue Shippes wherein you may departe,
therefore now at your pleasure make you ready.
Cortez answered, not knowing of that shipping, saying, Mightie Sir, when my Shippes are finished I will depart, nay (quoth Mutezuma) I meane not those Shyppes, for there are ariued eleuen other Shippes at the coast néere vnto Zempoallan, and shortlye I shall be certifyed, whether the people that are come in them, are come a shore, and then shall we know what people, and how many they are in number. Blessed is Iesu Christe (quoth Cortez) vnto whome I giue most hartie thankes for his great mercies shewed vnto me, and to the Gentlemen of my company. One of Cortes his men went to shewe the glad tidings to their fellowes, who then receyued double strength, praysing God, and embraced one another wyth great pleasure and ioy. And Cortes with Mutezuma béeing in communication togither, came another poast, who broughte newes of fourescore Horsemen that were landed, with eyght hundred footemen, and twelue péeces of Ordinance, and shewed painted in a cloth the whole relation both of men, horses, shippes, and ordinance.
Mutezuma hearing the newes that this poast hadde broughte, arose from his seate, and tooke Cortes in hys armes, saying, now do I more loue you, than I haue done héeretofore, and will this day dyne with you. Cortes gaue him thankes for the one and the other, and in this sorte wente hande in hand to Cortes his Chamber, who willed his Spanyards not to make any extraordinary ioy, or alteration, but that they shoulde kéepe all togither with vigilant watche, and to giue hartie thankes vnto God for the comfortable newes. Mutezuma and Cortes dyned togither with greate content and pleasure, the one thynking to abide and to enioy the kings state and Countrey, the other thinking that then they woulde auoyd the land. But notwithstanding all these ymaginations, a certaine Indian Captaine importuned Mutezuma secretely to kill all Cortes his menne, being but few in number, and then should he be the readier to dispatch the others that were newly come, and not to permitte them to ioyne one with another: yea and againe, when the newe come menne shoulde knowe of the deathe of their countreymen, they would not presume to abide in the lande.
With this counsell Mutezuma called many his friends and chiefe estates to counsell, propounding the case and iudgement of the Captaine, whych béeyng among them throughly hearde, there were many of sundrye opinions, but the conclusion was, to permitte the other Spanyards to come, saying, the more enimies, the more gaine, and if we kill but those whiche are héere, then the others wyll returne to their shippes, and so shall we not make the solemne sacrifice of them to the Gods, according to our desire. Mutezuma was occupyed in this counsell with fiue hundred noblemen and Gentlemen dayly, and accordyng to determination, they commaunded to cherish and serue Cortes and his company more than ordinary, saying their ioy was at an ende.
Iames Velasques béeyng sore agréeued,
with desire of reuenge against Cortes, not
only for his expences at the time of preparation
of Cortes his fléete, whiche was
but small, but of méere hatred of the present
honor & prosperitie of Cortes. Wherevpon
he inuented greate causes and quarrels againste
him, saying and alleaging, that Cortez hadde not giuen
accompt of his procéedings vnto him, béeyng Gouernoure
of Cuba, and Cortez his Deputie, but rather without
his consent and knowledge, had sente to Spayne to the
King, aduise of his discouery, as who would say, that was
treason, or an euill facte: but chiefly his fury was, knowing
how Cortes had sent an honorable present, with the
Kings parte or portion of treasure vnto Spayne, yea and
whole relation of the discouery, with Francisco de Monteio,
and Alounso Fernandez Portocarrero, the whiche procéedings
Iames Velasques meant to disturbe, for that he hadde
layde in ambushe a coupell of caruels, to haue taken Cortes
hys presente, and messengers, the whiche his pretence
and purpose tooke no place, so that with the prosperous
newes of Cortes, his furie and madnesse the more encreased,
ymagining still his destruction.
And being occupyed in these fonde ymaginations, it happened that his Chaplin, one Benito Martine, broughte letters from the Emperoure vnto him, with title and letters pattentes, of Generall and chiefe Gouernour of all that then was discouered, inhabited, and conquered in the land and coast of Yucatan. With this newes, Velasques began to triumph, not only so much for the honor, as also to driue Cortez from Mexico. Wherevpon, he incontinent prepared this Fléete or Nauie of eleuen Shyppes, and seauen Vergantines, with nine hundred men, and fourescore Horses, and appoynted one Pamfilo de Naruaez for Captayne Generall, and his Deputie in the regiment of the Countrey: and for his more quicker dispatch, he himselfe wente with him throughout that Ilande, till they came to Guaniguanico, whiche is the Westermost harbor of the Ilande, and being there Naruaez ready to departe for Mexico, and Velasques to returne to Cuba, came the lisenciat Lucas Vasques de Aillon, a chiefe Iudge of Santo Domingo, in name of the whole Chancery, to require Velasques vpon great penalties, that he should not permitte or suffer Pamfilo de Naruaez to procéede on that voyage agaynst Cortes, whiche woulde bée cause of Murther, ciuil warres, and other mischiefes among the Spanyards, yea and that Mexico should be in daunger of losing, wyth all the rest that was conquered, and in quiet to the Kings vse, saying vnto him moreouer, that if there were anye discorde betwéene them for goodes, or poyntes of honor, that then it did apperteyne to the Emperoure to iudge, and determine the cause, and not that he himselfe should be iudge in his owne cause, vsing force against the other partie, praying them for the seruice of God and the King, that if they would goe to conquere, that then they shoulde séeke other Countreys, hauing so good an armye and fléete, and Countreys ynough to séeke. This diligēce, request and authoritie of the Licentiate Aillon, to Velasques and Naruaez preuayled not: he séeyng their obstinacie and little regarde to him being a chiefe Iudge, determined to goe with Naruaez in his Shippe, to lette and disturbe the greate hurte that might follow, thinking there in the newe Spayne to perswade Naruaez, better than in the presence of Velasques, yea and also if néede should bée, to be a meane of quietnesse betwixt them.
Pamfilo de Naruaez tooke shipping in Guaniguanico, and sailed till he came néere vnto Vera Crux with al his fléete, and hauing intelligence that there were a hundred and fiftie Spanyards of Cortes his band, he sente vnto them a Priest, with one Iohn Ruiz de Gueuara, and Alonso de Vergara, to require them to receyue him for their Captayne and gouernoure. But the newe Citizens would giue no eare to their talke, but rather apprehended them, & sente them prisoners to Mexico to Cortez, to aduertise hym of their embassage, wherevpō Naruaez vnshipped his men, horses, armor, & artillery, & wēt wt thē directly to Zēpoallā. The Indian Comarcans being as well friends to Cortez, as vassals to Mutezuma, gaue vnto him golde, mantels, and vittayles, thinking that they had bin Cortez his men.
Before Cortes knew the effect of the cōming
of this new fléete, his head was sore troubled,
for, on the one side he was glad of
the comming of his owne nation, on the
other side he liked not so great an armye.
Likewise he ymagined, that if they came to succour him,
he helde the Countrey for conquered: also if that they
were come againste him, he iudged the Countrey to bée
lost. He iudged also, that if they were come from Spayne,
that then they hadde brought to him the thing loked for,
but if they were come from Cuba, be feared ciuil warres.
He also thought, that from Spayne could not come so many
folke in so shorte space. Finally, he déemed, that his olde
enemie Iames Velasques was come personally, but when
he knew the whole truth, then was he muche more pensiue,
thinking that the thread of his prosperitie was
cut asunder, yea and that they would be meane to stoppe
the gappes of the whole discouery, both of the secretes of
the land, mines and treasure, as also, in the knowledge of
the friends or enimies of Mutezuma. It shoulde be also a
let to inhabite the places which he had begunne, yea and
also to Christen the Indians, whiche was the principall
thing that he pretended, yea & a let or stop of many other
things begun in ye seruice of God & the prince, fearing also
by flying from one inconuenience, to fall into many,
and also if he should permit Pamphilo de Naruaez to come
vnto Mexico, it shoulde be a meane of hys perdition:
if likewise he should encounter him, he feared some rebellion
in the Citie, and the setting at libertie of Mutezuma,
putting in perill his owne honour, life, and trauayle: and
to auoyde all these daungers and inconueniences, he determined
remedy. First, he dispatched twoo men, the one
vnto Iohn Velasques de Leon, who was gone to inhabite at
Coazacoalco, willyng him at the sight of his letter to repaire
vnto Mexico, giuing him aduise of the comming of
Naruaez and of the great néede that he stoode in, of him &
his company. The other messenger he sent to Vera Crux, to
bryng full relation of the arriuall of Naruaez, and what
was his pretence.
The letter sent to Iohn Velasques, came no sooner to his hande, but forthwith he obeyed and fulfilled the same, contrary to the expectation of Naruaez, for he was his brother in law, and kinsman vnto Iames Velasques. Cortes seing his constancie, had him euer after that tyme in great estimation.
From the Vera Crux came twentie of the townes men with certificat what Naruaez had published, and brought with them a priest, with Alonso Gueuara and Iohn ruiz de Vergara, who had comen to Vera Crux to amotiue the towne, vnder colour that they had brought the commissiō from the king. Cortes on the otherside, sent vnto Naruaez seignior Bartholome de Olmedo, with other two Spaniards, to offer vnto him his friendship, & otherwise to require & commaunde him on the behalfe of the kyng & of his owne, as chiefe iustice of the land, and in the name of the rulers and Aldermen of the towne of Vera Crux, who were then in Mexico, that he shoulde enter peaceably, without making any alteration vntill his auctoritie and commission were séene and allowed, and to make no slaunder or vprore to the hinderāce of the king his maisters procedings.
But al this diligence and letters of Cortes and the other rulers preuailed not, he seing this, set at libertie the priest that was brought prisoner, and sente him vnto Naruaez, with certaine riche collers of gold, and other iewels with a letter, wherein he wrote, that he was more gladder of his comming in that fléete than any other, for the friendship and olde acquaintaunce that had bene betwixt them, desiring him that they mought talke and cōferre togither, alone, for to take order to prohibite wars, sedition, bloudshedde and disquietnesse among them, beyng of one natiō and brethren, requestyng him to shew his cōmission from the king vnto him, or vnto the counsell of Vera Crux, and he would willingly obey it as reason did require: and if he had not brought any such commission, yet he would make some honest agrement with him. Pamfilo de Naruaez seing himselfe strong and mightie, did little regarde Cortes his letters, offers, nor requestes, and chiefly bycause Iames Velasques was sore displeased with Cortes.
Pamphilo de Naruaez declared to the Indiās
that they were deceyued with their opiniō
in Cortes, for that he alone was Captayne
generall and chiefe Lorde, and that Cortes
was but a naughty man, and so were all
they of his company which are now in Mexico, who were
all but his boyes, and that his present commyng was to
cut of Cortes his head, and to chasten the others, likewyse
he meant to dryue them all out of the countrey, & then to
departe himselfe, and to leaue them in full libertie.
The Indians gaue credite to his talke seyng so many bearded men and horses, and therevpon began to attende and serue him, leauyng their olde friendes in Vera Crux. Also Naruaez began to flatter Mutezuma, and sente him worde that Cortes aboade in that countrey against the will of his Prince, & that he was a couetous rebell, who robbed his countrey, and that he pretended to kill Mutezuma, and to make himself king. Also that his comming was to set him at libertie, and to restore vnto him all that those wicked fellowes had taken from him. And bicause that others should take example of their factes, he would commaunde them all to be slaine, willing him to take no care, for in short space they would sée ech other. And that when he had set him at libertie with restitution of his goodes, he would incontinent departe his countrey. These treaties were so foule & abhominable, with the iniurious wordes which Pamfilo de Naruaez spake openly against Cortes and his men, yea they séemed odious vnto all his owne hoste & army, and some of his own mē checked him for the same, especially Barnardino de Santa Clara, who seyng the countrey so peaceable and so well pleased with Cortes, he could not let but reprehende Naruaez in his wordes. Also the licenciat Aillon required him diuers times to cease frō his slanderous talke, vpon paine of death & losse of his goodes, & also not to procéede towarde Mexico, for the great hurte that might ensue, with slander among the Indians, disquietnesse among the Spaniardes, and offence to the Emperour his Maiestie. Pamfilo de Naruaez being moued with his talke layde hand vpon Aillon, being a chiefe iudge for the King, and apprehended also his Secretary & an other officer, and forthwith shipped them, and sente thē to Iames Velasques gouernour of Cuba. But when Aillon saw himselfe at sea, and frée from Naruaez, he began to threaten ye Mariners, cōmanding thē not to presume to carrie him to Cuba to Velasquez his power, but onely to Santo Domingo, where he was one of ye kings coūsell in chancery: the Mariners fearing the Kings iustice, obeyed his cōmandemēt and when he was aported at Santo Domingo, he wholly enformed the Counsell there, of Naruaez and his wicked dealyng, whose testimonie and information did much blemishe the credite of Velasques, & exalt the trauels of Cortes. After that Naruaez had shipped away Aillon, he proclaymed warre with fire and sworde agaynst Cortes, and promised certayne markes of Golde to him that shoulde apprehende or kill him, or Pedro de Aluarado, and Gonsalo de Sandoual, with other principall persons of his company. Also he made diuision of his goodes among his mē before they came to possesse it. Surely these thrée poyntes were of a man without wisedome or discretion.
Many of Naruaez his company did amotiue themselues, through the commaundement of the Licenciat Aillon, and through the fame and liberalitie of Cortes. Wherevpon incontinent one Pedro de Villalobos a Portingal, and sixe or seuen more fledde vnto Cortes, yea and others wrote vnto him, offeryng themselues to his seruice, if by chauce they should encounter.
Cortes receyued the letters, but kept in silence from his company the firmes of those whiche had written to hym. Some doe thinke that Cortes had suborned them with letters, fayre promises, yea and a horse loade of chaynes and planches of golde, which he sente secretely to Naruaez his campe with a seruaunt of his, publishing likewise, that he had an army of twoo hundreth Spaniardes in Zempoallan, where he had none at all: these policies mought well be, for he was prudent, carefull and quicke in his businesse, and Pamfilo de Naruaez was slouthfull and carelesse.
Naruaez made answere to Cortes his letter by seignior Bartholome de Olmedo, the substaunce of his message was, that forthwith he shoulde repayre to the place where he was abiding, and there he should sée the Emperours commission & order, wherein was auctoritie giuen to hym to take and kéepe that countrey for Iames Velasques, yea and that already he had made a towne of men onely, with all officers therevnto appertayning.
After this letter and message sent, he dispatched likewise one Barnaldino de Quesada, and Alonso de Mata, to requyre Cortes to depart and leaue the countrey vpon paine of death, and to notifie vnto him these actes by order of law. Cortes layde hande vpon Alonso de Mata, bicause he named himselfe the kings Notary, and shewed no title or authoritie for the same.
Cortes perceyuing the small fruyte that his
letters (presentes) and messengers, obtayned
at the handes of Naruaez, and that in
no case, he woulde shewe his commission
whiche came from the kyng, he determined
to goe vnto him, and according to the olde Prouerbe,
Face to face doth get respect, and likewise if it were possible,
to agrée vpon some good order and quietnesse: wherevpon
he sent Rodrigo Aluarez his surueyor, with Iohn Velasques,
and Iohn del Rio, to treate with Naruaez of many
matters, whereof thrée things were the principalest. The
first was, that they two might méete alone, or else so many,
for so many, and that Naruaez should permit Cortes to
abyde in Mexico, and he withall his company shoulde
cōquere Panuco or other kingdomes, also that Cortes would
pay the charges, and haue consideration to gratifie his
souldiers, or else that Naruaez should abide in Mexico, and
deliuer vnto Cortes .400. of his men, to the intent that with
them, and his owne men he myght procéede to séeke other
countreys to conquere. Laste of all, he required to sée the
kings commission, for that he would obey the same. Naruaez
liked none of these offers, only he accepted that they
should méete togither with ech of them ten Gentlemē for
securtie, bound with solemne othe, and firmed this agréement
with their names. But it tooke no effect, for Rodrigo
Aluarez aduised Cortes that Naruaez had made a snare
to apprehend him, or to kill him at their méeting. Cortes
vnderstoode the matter, or else he had some other intelligence
by some that loued him wel. And this former agrement
taking no place, Cortes determined to goe vnto him.
But before his departing, he declared vnto his cōpany, saying, I trust ye haue in remembrāce what & how much I haue done for you, since ye beginning of this enterprise, yea & also how louingly & friendly yée haue dealt for me: Yée shall now vnderstand that Iames Velasques, in stéede of thankes giuing vs, hath sent to murder vs, Pamfilo de Naruaez, who is a stubborne & an vnreasonable man, one readie to execute our good desertes done in the seruice of God & our Prince, with an euill reward. And the cause is only, for doyng our duetie in the sending of the Kings parte & portiō to his Roiall person & not vnto him. Also this Naruaez hath already confiscated our goodes, and giuen them to other men, and our bodies condemned to the Gallows, yea and our fame and honour plaide at tables, with great iniurious & slanderous wordes proclaymed agaynst vs, which things truly are not of a Christian, no nor yet we with Gods helpe will let the matter so to slippe: yea and though we ought to leaue the reuengment vnto God, yet we will not suffer them to enioy our trauayles & paynes, who are now comen white fingered to spoile the bloud of their neighbours, yea & like madde men to striue against their owne nation, sowing slander among those Indians which serued vs as our friēds, yea & procuring more cruel warres, than the ciuill warre betwene Mario & Sila, or of Cesar & Pompeio, who turned vpsidowne the Romaine Empire. Wherfore I do determine to méete him by ye way, & not to suffer him to come vnto Mexico, for it is better to say, God saue you, than they to come & say who is there? yea & though they are many, a good hart doth breake euil fortune, as it hath appered by vs, who haue passed thorow the pikes since our cōming hither: moreouer, I doubte not but that many of Naruaez his cōpany will come vnto vs. Therfore my déere friends doe I giue you aduise of my pretence, to the entent yt those which wil go with me, may them prepare thēselues, & those that will not, let them remaine to kéepe Mexico & Mutezuma, whiche is as much in effect. At the end of this talke he promised great rewards if yt with victory he returned. His mē answered al wt one voyce, yt they were al at his cōmandemēt, & ready to fulfil his wil, yet some feared the pride & blindnesse of Pamfilo de Naruaez: on the other side the Indians began to be lusty, to sée dissention among the Spanyardes, & that the Indians of the coast were ioyned in league with the new come mē.
After al his talk & answer of his souldiers,
he wēt to visite & to comune wt Mutezuma
for to departe on his iourney, wt somewhat
ye lesser care, & also to proue the minde & wil
of Mutezuma, vnto whome he vttered his
mind as foloweth. Sir, you know ye loue yt I haue, & desire
to serue you, & chiefly the trust againe, that you will haue
to my cōpanions whē I am gone frō this citie. Therfore
I pray you, that it may please you to remaine here in this
lodgyng, & to haue regard vnto these strangers, which I
leaue with you: also I cōmend vnto you, the gold & iewels
whiche is in their custodie, and gyuen vnto vs of your
owne liberalitie. For I doe now goe to signifie vnto those
which of late are comen in the new fléete, how your highnesse
doth commaunde that I departe from this land, and
that they doe not agrauate or molest your subiectes, nor
yet presume to enter into your countrey, but that they remayne
on your coast, vntill we be ready to departe with
them, according to your will and pleasure. And if in the
meane season, any of your subiects be so vnaduised, as to
molest my men, whiche now remayne in your power and
Guarde, that then it may please you to be their shielde,
succour, and onely defence. Mutezuma promised to fulfill
his request, wishing him moreouer, that if any in his iourney
shoulde offende him, then immediatly to aduise him,
and that he would sende his men of warre to chasten thē,
yea and also (if it pleased him,) he woulde giue vnto hym
guydes to salfe conduct him through his owne dominion
to the Sea coast, who should prouide him of all necessaries
by the way. Cortes kissed his handes for his curtesie,
with moste hartie thankes for the same, and gaue vnto
him certayne Spanishe apparell, and other glasen
Iewels, and also other like treasure to his Noble men,
which stoode by at all the talke. But in effect he tolde him
not what he pretended to doe, nor yet the newes of Pamfilo
de Naruaez his procedings was not come to his eare,
or else, it may be that Mutezuma dissumuled the matter
with inwarde pleasure, that one Christian should kill the
other, thinkyng thereby to haue most sure his libertie, and
the Goddes pleased.
Cortes was so wel beloued among hys companie,
that they offered willingly to goe with
him, by reason whereof he chose .250. men fitte
for his iourney, & lefte other .200. in guarde of
Mutezuma and the Citie, with Pedro de Aluarado for
their Captayne. He lefte also with them the artillerie
and foure Foystes readye made, to haue the lake in subiection,
beséeching them onely to haue speciall regard
that Mutezuma fled not from them to Naruaez, and not to
permitte him to goe out of their fort or strong house.
With those fewe Spanyards Cortes tooke his iourney with no more but eyght or nine Horsemen, and certayne Indians for his seruice, and carriage.
Passing through Chololla and Tlaxcallan, he was honorably receyued and lodged, and aboute fiftéene leagues from Zempoallan where Naruaez was abiding, he mette with two Priestes, and his old especial friend Andres de Duero, who had lente him money for the setting forthe of that voyage. These thrée persons came to require him to obey the Generall lately come as Lieutenant to the Gouernour Velasques, and to deliuer vnto him the Countrey, with all the fortes or Castels therein, aduising him, that if he would not accomplish the same, that then he woulde procéede againste him, euen as an enemie and Rebell, to the execution of death. Likewise, if he would fulfill the request made vnto him, that then he shoulde haue libertie, and conueniente shipping to depart, both for him, and as many as would goe with him. Cortes aunswered, that hée would rather suffer deathe, than to leaue the Countrey whiche he had conquered and pacifyed with his handes and industrie, without anye commaundemente from the Emperoure: and (quoth he) if againste all equitie and iustice, he will contend with me in warre, I will defend me as well as I may, and if I haue the victory (as I trust in God and the righte that I haue on my side,) I shall not stand in néede of shipping, and if I be slaine, muche lesse. Therefore I doe require him to shew vnto me his commission and authoritie had from the Emperour, for vntil I doe both sée and reade the same, I will accepte no agréemente: and if (quoth he) that he refuse the same, that then I dare warne, admonish, and require him to returne to Cuba, the place from whence he came, and if he wil not obey my precept, I will then apprehende him, and sende him prisoner in yrons to the Emperoure: and with thys aunswere dispatched the thrée messengers, sending also a notarie of his owne, to commaund him to take his shipping, and to departe without making any altercation in the Countrey, or yt ensuing of further murders and strife, and if not, that vppon Whitsonday, whiche was within thrée dayes following, he meante to be with him at supper. Pamfilo de Naruaez made a mockery and iest at his commaundemente, and tooke Prisoner the Notarie whiche came from Cortes with that order, holding Cortes for madde, who made so manye bragges with so small a company. And before Iohn Velasques de Leon, and Iohn de Rio, Cortes his friendes, he mustered his men, who were in number fourescore Hargabushers, a hūdred and twētie Crossebowes, sixe hundred men, with other weapon, and fourescore Horsemen, saying, how will Cortes defend himselfe againste vs, nay at length he will know his dutie: he promised money to him that shoulde eyther kyll, or take Cortes prisoner. And the same offer made Cortes against Pamfilo, who made a rounde of his footemen, and skirmished with his Horsemen, shooting off his artillerie, to put in feare the pore Indians.
Naruaez signifyed againe vnto Mutezuma with the messengers who carried all the triumph and muster pointed, all his former dealings, but hearing that Cortes was néere at hande, he sente out hys lyght Horsemen to dyscrie his Campe.
All Naruaez his Horses were readye sadled and brideled, and his men armed. Cortes entred so close and secret, that no man almost hearde him, and the firste worde hée spake, hauyng all hys men within with him, was, shut the gates, and strike, downe with them. There were at that time many shining wormes, whiche with their glistering séemed matches of Hargabushe, so that if one péece at that time had bin discharged, they woulde haue bin in a great feare.
Naruaez béeing about to put on his priuie coate, came one vnto him, saying: Sir, Cortes is néere your lodgyng, let him come in (quoth he) for he commeth to talke with me. Naruaez had his men in foure Towers of his lodging, and he himselfe was in the one, with a hundred Spanyardes, and at his dore thirtéene péeces of Ordinance ready charged. Cortes commanded his chiefe Sheriffe Gōsalo de Sādoual, with fortie or fiftie of his fellowes, to goe vp into Naruaez his Chamber, and he himselfe with other twentie men abode at the dore to defende and kéepe that none might enter thereat, vntil he had finished his businesse. The residue of his men besieged the other Towers, so that they might not succoure one another.
Naruaez hearing the noyse, woulde néedes fighte, although he was required to stay his handes, and comming out at his Chamber dore, they strake out one of his eyes with a pike, and then they layde hande vpon hym, dragging and drawyng him downe the stayres by the héeles, and when he sawe hymselfe broughte before Cortes, he sayde, oh Senior Cortes, thanke your great fortune, in hauyng my person prisoner: who aunswered hym againe, oh Naruaez, the hauing of thy body prisoner, is the least thing that I haue done, sithence I came into thys lande. Cortes commaunded forthwith to lay him in yrōs, and to carrie him to the riche towne of Vera Crux, where he abode prisoner certayne yeares.
This combat endured but a while, for within one hour Pamfilo de Naruaez and the chiefest of his company were taken prisoners, and their weapōs & armour taken from all the rest. There were slayne of Naruaez his men sixetéene, and of Cortes his side were killed only two persons with a péece of Ordinance. They had no leysure to giue fire to their Ordinance, with the great diligence and hast of Cortes, sauing vnto one péece that killed the two men. The tutche holes were stopped with waxe, through the great raine that had fallen. By this meane those that were ouercome, did take occasion to ymagine that Cortes had suborned the maister gunner, and others.
Cortes vsed great sobrietie and discretion, for he would not permitte anye of the prisoners to be reuiled or misused with any iniurious wordes, no nor yet Naruaez, who hadde spoken so much euill of him, although many of hys men desired reuengement. Pedro de Maluenda seruaunt to Iames Velasques, who was chiefe Stewarde to Naruaez, fledde to the Shippes with all the stuffe that he coulde gette, without any lette of Cortes. Héere may you sée what difference and aduantage is betwixt man and man, what did eache of these Captiues say, thinke, and doe, seldome time dothe happen that so fewe of one nation dothe ouercome so many of the same nation, especially the greater number béeyng fresh, lustie, and in a strong holde.
After that Cortes had obteyned victorye
against Naruaez, he knew very well the
most part of his company, vnto whome
he spake curteously, praying them to
forget the things past, and so would hée
also. And also likewise, that it mighte
please them to goe with him to Mexico, whiche was the
richest Citie of all that India. He also restored to euerye
man his armour and weapons, whiche were taken from
them in their ouerthrowe. Hée also left very few of them
prisoners with Naruaez. The Horsemen tooke the fielde
with stomacke to fight, but after they had hearde of hys
offer, they submitted themselues. In conclusion, all those
that were come, hoping of spoyle, were glad to accepte
his offer, and to goe with him with faithfull promise
truly to serue him.
He renued his power in Vera Crux, and brought thyther the nauie of Naruaez. He also dispatched two hundred Spanyardes to the riuer of Garay, and sent also Iohn Velasques de Leon with other two hundred men. To inhabite of Coazacoalco. He dispatched also a Spanyarde by post to Mexico, with newes of the victory, and hée himselfe followed towarde Mexico, with the great care that he had of those whome he had lefte there in guard of Mutezuma and the Citie.
The Post that wente on this iourney, in steade of thankes, was sore wounded by the Indian Rebelles, but although he was so hurte, yet he returned to Cortes, wyth newes that Mexico was reuolted, and that they had burned the foure Foystes, also assieged the Spanish house, and throwen downe a wall, and myned another, yea and set fire vpon the munition, taken away their vittayles, and had broughte them to suche extremitie, to be eyther slayne, or remayne prisoners, sauing that Mutezuma commaunded to ceasse the combate, yea and for all that they woulde not leaue their armoure, nor departe from the siege, only they somewhat amayned their furie for theyr princes sake.
These newes were sorrowfull to Cortes, for thereby his pleasure was turned into care, the rather to make hast to succoure his friendes and fellowes, for if he hadde delayed hys comming but a small whyle, he had founde them eyther slayne, or else their bodyes ready to sacrifice: but his greatest comforte was, that Mutezuma remayned styll prisoner. He mustered his men in Tlaxcallan, and founde of his Spanishe nation a thousand footemen, and néere a hundred Horsemen. He procéeded forwardes towarde Tezcuco, where he founde none of the Gentlemen of his acquaintance, nor yet he there was receyued, as in time past he had bin, but rather he found a great alteration in the Coūtrey, and also many townes without people, or else rebelled. In Tezcuco met with him a Spanyarde, whome Aluarado had sente to desire him to come vnto them, and to certifie hym of all the premisses, saying moreouer, that with his comming their furye woulde be pacifyed.
With this messenger came another from Mutezuma, who declared vnto Cortes, that hys Lorde was innocent of all that was done, praying hym, that if he had conceiued any euill opinion agaynste hym, to putte away the same agayne, and that it mighte please hym to goe directly to hys own house, where hée abode hys comming, wyth the Spanishe guarde that he hadde lefte with him, who were aliue and in good healthe as he hadde lefte them.
With thys message, Cortes and hys companye reposed all that nyghte, and the nexte daye, béeyng Midsommer daye, he entred into Mexico at dynner tyme, with hys hundred Horsemen, and the thousande footemen, with a greate companye of theyr friendes of Tlaxcallan, Huexocinco, and Chololla, but he saw but few folke in the stréetes, and small entertaynement, with manye bridges broken, and other euill tokens.
He came to hys lodgyng, and all those of his companye whyche coulde not well bée lodged there, hée sente them to the greate Temple. Mutezuma came forth into the yarde to receyue hym, full heauie and sorrowfull, as it séemed, of that offence whiche his subiectes had done, excusing hymselfe: and then euery one entred into hys lodgyng and Chamber: but the ioy and pleasure of Pedro de Aluarado was incomparable, saluting the one the other, with demaundes and questions howe they fared, yea and how much the one company declared of prosperitie and pleasure, the other againe replyed as muche of sorrow and trouble.
Cortes procured to knowe the principall
cause of the insurrection of the Mexican
Indians, and hauing a generall daye of
hearyng, the charge béeyng layde against
them, some sayd, that it was through the
letters and persuasion of Naruaez: Others aunswered,
their desire and meaning was, to expell the straungers,
according to agréemente made, for in theyr skirmishes
they cryed nothing but gette you hence, get you hence:
Other sayde, that they pretended the libertie of Mutezuma,
for in theyr Combates they woulde saye, lette goe
oure God and Kyng, if you list not to bée slayne. Others
sayde, that they were Théeues, and hadde robbed
theyr golde and plate from them, whyche was in valewe
more than seauen hundred thousande duckettes: Others
cryed, héere shall you leaue the golde that you haue
taken from vs. Others sayde, that they coulde not abyde
the syghte of the Tlaxcaltecas, and other theyr
mortall enimies. Manye beléeued that the mutinye
was for throwyng downe theyr Goddes and Idolles:
each of these causes were sufficient to rebell, how muche
more altogither.
But the chiefest and most principall cause was, that after the departure of Cortes towarde Naruaez, happened a solemne holiday, whiche the Mexicans were wont to celebrate, and desiring to obserue the same, as they were wont to do, they came and besoughte Captayne Aluarado to graunt them licence, & not to ymagine that they were ioyned togither to kill the Spanyardes. Aluarado gaue them licence, with such conditions, that in their Sacrifice shoulde no mans bloude be spilte, nor yet to weare anye weapon.
At this feast, sixe hundred Gentlemen and principall persons ioyned togither in the greate temple: some doe saye, that they were more than a thousande persons of greate estate, but that nighte they made a maruellous great noyse, with cornets, shels, clouen bones, wherewith they made a straunge musicke: they celebrated the feast, their naked bodyes couered with telc, made and wrought with precious stones, collers, girdels, bracelettes, and many other iewels of golde, siluer, and aliofar, with gallant tuffes of feathers on their heads. They daunced a daunce called Mazeualiztli, which is to say, deserte wyth payne, and so they call Mazauali a husbandman. Thys daunce is like Netoraliztli, which is another daunce. The manner is, that they lay mattes in the Temple yarde, and with the sounde of their Drummes, called Atabals, they daunce a round, hande in hande, some singing, and others answere, which songs were in ye honor and prayse of the God or Saincte, whose feast it is, hoping for thys seruice to haue rayne, corne, healthe, victory, peace, chyldren, or anye other thing that they maye wishe for, or desire.
These Indian Gentlemen being occupied in their daunsing and ceremonies, it fortuned that Pedro de Aluarado went to the Temple of Vitzilopuchtli to beholde theyr doings, and whether his goyng was of his owne accorde, or by the consent of his cōpany I am not certaine, although some saye that he was aduised howe the mutinie was there conspired, as after did follow: others holde opinion, that their onely goyng to the Temple was to beholde the maruaylous and straunge daunce. And then seying them so richely attyred, they coueted their Golde and Iewels whiche they were, and besieged the Temple with tenne Spaniardes at each dore, & the Captayne entred in, with fiftie men, and without any Christian respect slewe and murdered them al, and tooke from them all their treasure. Although this facte séemed odious vnto Cortes, yet he dissimuled the mater, for feare least he shoulde hurte his owne procéedings, as time did then require knowyng not, what néede he might haue of them, but especially to auoyde contention among his company.
The cause of this rebellion, beyng well
knowen, Cortes demaunded how theyr enimies
fought, mary (quoth they) after
they had taken weapon agaynst vs for
the space of ten dayes arew, they neuer
seased with great fury to assaulte and cōbat
our house, and we with feare least Mutezuma shoulde
escape and flée vnto Naruaez, durst not goe out of dores
to fight in the streate, but onely to defende the house with
especiall care of Mutezuma, accordyng to your charge giuen
vnto vs. Also we being but few and the Indians many,
who still refreshed their men, they did not onely wery vs,
but also put vs in great feare and cleane out of courage,
yea and if at the greatest brunt, Mutezuma personally had
not ascended to the toppe of our wal, commaunding them
if euer they meant to sée him aliue, to stay and cease from
their enterpryce.
At the sight of Mutezuma they were all amazed, and incontinent ceased the combat and assault. They sayde also that with the newes of the victory had agaynst Pamfilo de Naruaez, Mutezuma requyred his men to leaue off from theyr pretence: notwithstandyng, the Indians calling to remembraunce, that Cortes was cōming with a greater company, at whose returne they should haue the more to doe, began afreshe to assaulte the house, wherevppon some doe thinke, that it was agaynst the will of Mutezuma. But it followed, that one day the Spaniardes standing in greate perill, charged their greatest péece of ordinaunce, and gyuing fire, the péece discharged not: the Indians seyng the same, beganne a freshe with a marueylous terrible noyse, vsing staues, Bowes, lances, & stones that came as thicke as Hayle, saying, nowe will wée redéeme our King, sette our houses at libertie, and reuenge our iniuries. But in the middest of theyr fury the péece wente of, without any more prymyng or touche, with a greate and fearefull thunderyng, the péece beyng great and ful of hayle shotte, with the mayne pellotte, made a straunge spoyle among them, and with feare they retyred. But yet they beganne to say, well, well, shortely shall your fleshe be boyled, although wée meane not to eate it, for truely it is very carrayne and good for nothing. But yet we will bestowe the same vpon the Eagles, Lions, Tigres and Snakes, who shal be the graues for your filthy carcases.
But if forthwith ye let not Mutezuma departe, and restore him to his libertie, yée shall quickly haue your rewarde, for your presumption & pride, who durst be so bold, as to lay hande on Mutezuma being our God and Lorde that giueth vs our dayly foode. And yet yée with your filthy théeues handes presumed to touch him, oh why dothe not the earth open & swallow you which taketh other mēs goodes? But marke the end, for our Gods whose religion you did profane, will rewarde you according to your deserte: & if they do not shortly execute their wrath, then let vs alone, for we will out of hande make an ende of you. And as for those théeues and villaines of Tlaxcallan your slaues, shall not depart praysing their gaynes, who nowe presume to take their maisters wiues, ye and to demaund tribute of them, vnto whome they themselues are tributors. These & such like were the wordes of the Mexicans. But our men, although they were in a maruelous feare, yet they reprehended their folly as touchyng Mutezuma, saying that Mutezuma was no God, but a mortall mā as they were, and no better, and that their Gods were vayne idols, and their religion most false and abhominable, and that only our God was holy, iuste, true, and infinite.
In hearyng the former talke in defense of
the house, and prouiding of things necessary,
the night passed away. And in the
mornyng to proue the Mexicans intent,
Cortes commaunded the market to be vsed
as in time past. Aluarado wished Cortes to
shew himself toward him as agrieued & not well pleased,
makyng as though he would apprehend & correct him for
the things passed, thinking that Mutezuma and his men
would haue entreated for him. Cortes passed not for that
talke, saying that they were infidels, diuelish and wicked
people, with whome suche complementes shoulde not bée
But he commaunded a certaine principal Gentleman of Mexico, who stoode there presente, that out of hande he should commaunde the market to be furnished as in time past. This Indian vnderstāding that Cortes had spoken euil of them, made as though he went to fulfill his commandment: but he wente to proclayme libertie, publishyng the heynous and iniurious wordes whiche he had harde, so that in shorte space the matter beganne to waxe hoate, for some went and brake downe the bridges, others went to call all the Citizens, who ioyned themselues togither, and besieged the Spaniardes house, with suche straunge noyse that one coulde not heare another: the stones flewe lyke hayle, Dartes and arrowes filled the Spanyardes yarde, which troubled them much. Cortes seing this broyle, he with certaine of his men went out at one dore, and an other Captayne at another, with eache of them twoo hundred men. They fought with the Indians, who slewe foure Spaniardes, and wounded many moe, and of them were slayne very fewe with their succor and defence at hande. If our men fought with them in the streates, then would they stoppe their passage at the bridges: if they assaulted their houses, then they were beaten with stones from the toppe of their houses whiche were flatte ruffed, and at their retire they persecuted them terribly.
They sette fire vpon the Spaniardes house in sundry places, but chiefly in one place they coulde not aplake the fire a great whyle, vntill they threwe downe certayne chambers and walles, whereas they had entered at pleasure, had it not bene for the Artillerie, Crossebowes and handgunnes, which were there in defence of that place. This combat endured all that day vntill night, yea and in the night also they had their handes full: our men had litle leasure to sleepe, but rather spente the night in mendyng the walles and dores, and curing the wounded men who were more than foure score, & likewise to set their men in order & readinesse for the fight of the next day following.
It was no sooner day, but the Indians beganne theyr assault a fresh, with more courage and furie than the day before, so that our men were fayne to trust to their artillery, the whiche the Indians feared not a whitte: for if a shotte carried ten, fiftene or twentie Indians at a clappe, they would close againe as though one man had not bene missyng. Cortes came out with other twoo hundreth men, and gate some bridges, burned some houses, and slew many that defended them. But the Indians were so many in number, that no hurte appeared, yea and our men were so fewe in comparison of them, that although they fought al the day, yet had they much a doe to defend themselues, how much more to offende. That day neuer a Spaniarde was slayne outright, but thrée score of them were wounded and hurte, wherby they had inough to do to cure them for that night, and to procure remedy and defence against the hurtes whiche they receyued from the house toppes. They inuented Engines of timber made vpon whéeles, and foure square, couered on the toppe, and with Arte to passe through the streates: there were placed on eache of them twentie men with Pikes, Hargabush, Crossebowes and one double Base. Behinde the Engines wente men with shouels and Mattockes, to throwe downe houses, bulworkes, and to rule and gouerne the Engines.
All the while that the Engines were a makyng,
our men came not out to fight, beyng
occupied in the worke, but onely to defende
their lodgyng. The enimies thinkyng that
they were all sore hurte and wounded, beganne
their warres agayne, reuilyng them with many
iniurious wordes, threatnyng them, that if they woulde
not deliuer Mutezuma, that they woulde giue them the
moste cruellest death that euer man suffered, and came
with great force to haue entred the house.
Cortes desired Mutezuma to goe vp into the sotie, which is the toppe of the flatte roufe of the house, and to commaunde his subiects to ceasse from their heate and furie. At Cortes his request he wente vp, and leaned ouer the wall to talke with them, who beginnyng to speake vnto them, they threw so many stones out of the streate, houses and windowes, that one happened to hitte Mutezuma on the temples of his head, with whiche blowe he fell downe to the ground: this was his ende, euen at the handes of his owne subiectes and vassalles agaynst theyr willes: for the truth is that a Spaniarde helde a Target ouer his head, wherby they knew him not, nor yet would beléeue that he was there, for all the signes and tokens whiche were made vnto them. Cortes forthwith published the hurte and daunger of life of Mutezuma: some gaue credite to his tale, and othersome woulde not, but rather fought very stoutly. Thrée dayes Mutezuma remayned in extréeme payne, and at the ende departed his life.
And bicause it shoulde appeare that his death was of the stripe that they had giuen, and not by any hurte receyued at their hands, he caused two gentlemē of Mexico, who were prysoners, to carry him out vpon their backes, who certified the Citizens of the certentie of his death, that at that presente time were giuyng battery to the house. But yet for all this they woulde not leaue off the combat, nor yet the warres, as some of our men thought they woulde, but rather procéeded on their purpose, with greater courage and desire of reuenge. And when they retyred, they made a pityfull lamentation, with preparation to bury their king in Chapultepec. On this sorte died Mutezuma, who was holden for a God among the Indians. Some say that hée desired to be Baptised at the Shrouetide before his death, and they prolonged the matter, thinking at Easter followyng to haue christened him with honour and triumph. But as it happened, it had bene better to haue done it at that time according to his request. But with the comming of Pamfilo de Naruaez the thyng was also delayed, and after hée was wounded it was likewyse forgotten, with the troubles that they were in. It was credibly enformed, that Mutezuma was neuer consentyng to the death of any Spaniarde, nor yet in conspiracie agaynst Cortes, but rather loued him entierly: yet some are of an other opinion, and bothe giue good reasons to approue their arguments, but the truth could not wel be knowen, for at that tyme our men vnderstoode not the language, and agayne Mutezuma after his death, lefte none to open that secrete.
The Indians affirme that he was of the greatest bloud of all his linage, and the greatest kyng in estate, that euer was in Mexico. It is also to be noted, that when the kingdomes do most florish, then are they niest to a chāge, or else to change their Lorde, as doth appeare in this history of Mutezuma. Our men lost more by ye death of Mutezuma than the natural Indians, if we cōsider the murder and destruction that incontinent did follow. Mutezuma was a man very moderate in his diet, and not so vicious as other Indiās, although he had many wiues. He was also liberal and frée harted: he was estéemed for a very wise man, in my iudgement he was eyther wise in lettyng things passe after that sorte, or else a very foole, that did not vnderstande their doings: he was as deuoute as warlyke, for he had bene presente in many battayles: it is reported that he wanne and had victory in nine battayles, & also other nine times victorie man for man in the fielde, he reygned seuentene yeares and certaine moneths.
After the death of Mutezuma, Cortes sente
vnto his Neuewes, and to the other noblemen
who mainteyned the warres, desiryng
thē to come and speake with him,
and they came, vnto whome Cortes spake
from the wall where Mutezuma was
slayne, saying, that it were méete that they should ceasse
from warre, and to chose another king, and also to burie
the dead, and that he woulde come to his buriall as his
friende: likewise he signified vnto them, that for the loue
he bare vnto Mutezuma who had intreated for them, he
had stayed from the finall spoyle of the cittie, & correction
of them for their rebellion and obstinacie. But now that
he had not vnto whome to haue respect, he woulde bothe
burne their houses, and chasten them, if that they submitted
not themselues to his friendship.
They answered, that they woulde neyther leaue the warres, nor yet estéeme his friēdship, vntill they saw thēselues in their libertie, and their wrongs wholly reuenged, yea and that without his counsell they coulde elect the King vnto whom of right ye kingdome did apertaine. And sithens the Gods hath taken our welbeloued Mutezuma, we will giue his body a Sepulchre, as vnto such a King doth apperteyne: yea and if he would goe and beare his friend Mutezuma company to the Gods, that then he should come forth, and they would quickly dispatch him: and as for the residue, they would haue rather warre thā peace, yea and that they were not menne that did yéelde with wordes. Also séeing their King was dead, for whose respecte they ceassed to burne their houses, rost their bodyes, and eate their fleshe, but nowe (quoth they) if ye depart not, we will not dally long time with you.
Cortez finding them stoute and stubborne, liked not the bargaine. Againe, he knewe well that their meaning was, that if they hadde departed from the Citie, to haue spoyled and murthered them by the way. And séeing that their liues, rule and gouernement consisted in strength of hand and good courage, he came forth in a morning with the thrée engines, foure péeces of Ordinance, and fiue hūdred Spanyards, and thrée thousand Tlaxcaltecas, to fighte with the enimies, and to burne and spoyle their houses. They broughte the engines néere vnto certaine greate houses which stoode néere vnto a bridge, casting theyr scaling ladders on the walles, and so gote vp to the toppe where manye people were, and there combated awhile, but shortly turned to their forte againe, without doing any greate hurte, with one Spanyarde slayne, and manye wounded, and also the engines broken and spoyled, yea the multitude of Indians were so thicke, and flewe vppon the Ordinance in suche sorte, that they had no leysure to discharge them. The stones came also so thicke from the house toppes, that the engines were soone at an ende. And the Citizens hauing housed them againe in the forte and lodging, began to amende the hurt done in their houses, and to recouer the stréetes that were lost: also ye great Temple, in the Tower whereof, fiue hundred principall men hadde fortifyed themselues wyth vittayles, stones, and long Launces, piked with yron and flint stone verye sharp, but truly they did most hurt with stones. This Tower was high and strong, as I haue before declared, and stoode néere vnto the Spanyardes forte, whiche from that tower receiued muche hurt. Although Cortes was somewhat sadde and heauie, yet he ceassed not like a good Captayne to comfort and encourage his menne, and alwayes was the firste man at any brunt or assay, and hys heart coulde not permitte him to remaine penned vp in that fort, wherefore he toke thrée hundred Spanyardes, and went to assiege the high tower. Thrée or foure dayes he ceassed not that enterprise, but coulde not come to the toppe, being so high a thing, and manye persons in defence of the same, well prouided, with fitte munition for the purpose, so that our men came dayly tumbling downe the stayres, flying to their house with broken pates, so that our Spanyardes dysmayed more and more, and many murmured at the matter: you may well iudge howe Cortes his heart was afflighted, for the Indians encreased still in courage, hauing the better hand, and dayly victory from the high Tower. But nowe Cortes determined to leaue his house, and not to returne therevnto agayne, vntill he had wonne the Tower. He bounde his Target to his arme whiche had bin hurt before, and beséeged the Tower againe with many of his men, Tlaxcaltecas and other friends, and many times, although they were beaten downe, arose agayne, succoring one another, tyll at length they gote to the toppe, and there foughte with the Indians, till some of them lept out of the Tower, and stood hanging vpon the listes of the wall, which were thrée in number, the one higher than the other, and a foote broad. Some fell downe to the ground, who besides their falles, were receyued vpon the swordes poynt, and in this sorte they left none aliue. Thrée houres they fought on the top of the Tower, bycause ye multitude of Indians wer great. In conclusion, the whole fiue hundred men there dyed very valiantly, and if their weapon and knowledge had bin equall, the victory had bin doubtfull. Cortes set fire on all the Chappels, and other thrée Chappels, where infinite Idols were, yet those sely Indians lost no poynte of courage with the losse of their Temple and Gods, which touched them at the hearte, but rather began with more furie to assault the Spanish house.
Cortez considering the great multitude of Indians
his enimies, and also the greate courage,
with desire of reuengement: and waying also
how his men were weake and wéeryed with
fight, yet (I may say) with great desire to goe frō thence,
if that the Citizens would haue suffered them: he began
againe to require them with peace, and to desire them of
truce, saying vnto them also, that they should consider,
how that many of their side were slayne, and yet they
coulde kill none of them. They béeing more hard harted
than before, answered that they vtterly refused his offer,
saying, that they neuer woulde haue peace with those
who had slained their men and burned their Gods: yea
(quoth they) and although some of vs are killed, yet wée
also do both kill and hurt, for ye are mortall men, and not
immortall, as we are: beholde ye also the number of vs,
vpon Zoties, in windowes and stréetes: assure youre
selues there are thrée tymes as manye within the houses.
So wée shall sooner make an ende of you by kyllyng
one and one, than you shall doe of vs by
killing a thousande by thousande, or ten thousand by ten
thousand: for ending all these whome you sée, there wyll
come so many more, and after them so manye more: but
if ye were once killed, there woulde come no more Spanyardes,
yea and when oure weapons can not throughly
destroy you, that then we will sterue you to deathe with
hunger and famine, yea and though nowe you would depart,
it is too late, bycause ye bridges are throwen downe,
and the calseys broken, and succoure by water you haue
none. In this communications the daye was spente,
and night at hand, their heads occupyed, and heartes full
heauie, for hunger alone hadde bin ynough to finish theyr
dayes, without any further warre. That nighte, the one
halfe of the number of Spanyardes armed themselues,
and late in the euening came forthe into the Citie. The
Indiās now being not accustomed to fight at such houres,
the Spanyardes burned aboue thrée hundred houses in
one stréete, and in some of them found many Citizens, of
whome they left not one aliue. They burned and spoyled
thrée Zoties néere vnto their owne lodging, whiche hadde
greately annoyed them before. The residue of the Spanyardes
whiche abode at home, amended the engins, and
repaired their houses. As this iourney hapned well
vnto them, earely in the morning they procéeded out againe,
and wente to the bridge where their engins hadde
bin broken, and although they founde there greate resistance,
yet the matter imported their liues. They foughte
with noble courage, and gote manye towers, houses and
Zoties. They wanne also four of the eyght bridges which
were in the Citie, leauing gard in those places whyche
were wonne, returning to their Campe with manye
woundes, beyng both wéery and full of care and sorrow.
The next daye they came forth againe, and wanne the other foure bridges, and dammed them vp with earth, in such sorte, that the Horsemen that way followed the enimies to the firme lande. Cortez being occupyed in damming vp the ditches, and making plaine way of the bridges, there came certayne messengers vnto him, saying, that néere at hand, abode many noblemen and Captaines to treate of peace, requiring hym to come vnto them, praying him to bring Tlamacazque his prisoner, who was one of the principallest of the Diuels Cleargie there, to heare the treatie of the matter.
Cortes wente, and carried the Priest with him, whome he appoynted to require them to ceasse from contention, and to remoue their siege, but he came not backe wyth aunswere. All thys was a fayned fetche, to sée the state of the Christian Campe, or else to recouer their religious Tlamacazque. Cortes séeyng theyr deceyte, wente hys way to dinner, and was no sooner sette at hys meate, but certayne Tlaxcaltecas came running in with an open crye, saying, that theyr enimies hadde recouered agayne the bridges, and wente armed vp and downe the stréetes, and hadde also slayne the most of the Spanyardes that were lefte in garde of the bridges. Incontinente Cortes wente out with the Horsemenne, who were readyest at that tyme, and made way through the troupe of enimies, following them euen vnto the firme lande, but at theyr returne, the footemen that were hurt and wéeried in kéeping of the stréete, coulde not susteyne the force and furie of the infinite number of Indians, whyche came vpon them, yea with muche adoe they coulde escape home to their forte. The multitude was not so greate of Indians in the stréete, but also by water in Canoas, so that stones flewe on both sydes, and galled oure men cruelly. Cortes was hurte in one of hys knées very sore, wherevppon it was blowen abroade through the Citie, that Cortes was slayne, whiche newes dyd greately discourage our men, and much animate the Indians. But yet Cortes for all hys payne and hurt, ceassed not to embolden & encourage hys Souldyers, who set afreshe vpon the enimies. At the farthest bridge fel two Horses, which troubled muche oure men that followed. Cortes made suche way among the Indians, that the Horsemen hadde reasonable passage, and béeyng ye hindmost man himselfe, he was in great peril of taking. It was a maruell to sée what a spring hee gaue with hys Horse, and thereby escaped, but in conclusion, with stones they were forced to returne to their hold, beyng very late.
As soone as he had ended his supper, he sente some of his men to gard the stréete and bridges, and to defend the same againste the enemie. They were somewhat ioyfull of their procéedings and good successe whiche they hadde the same day.
But Cortes waying the substance of the
matter, sawe in effecte that his syde wente
to wracke, wherefore he requested hys
menne to departe from thence, who were
not a little ioyfull to heare their Captayne
pronounce that saying, for few or none of them escaped
vnhurt and wounded. They feared death, but yet
wanted not stomacke and hearte to dye. The Indians
were so many, that if the Chrystians shoulde but onlye
haue cutte their throtes without resistance, yet they
had bin too few for that purpose.
They were also in suche necessitie of bread, that pinched them sore. Their pouder and shotte was spente, and almost all other prouision. Their house was welnigh beaten downe about their eares. All these causes were sufficient to leaue Mexico, and to séeke to saue their liues: yet on the other side, they iudged it an euill case, to turne their backes to their enimies, for (quoth they) the very stones riseth vp against hym that flyeth. They feared agayne the passage of the arches where the bridges hadde bin, so that now they were full besette with sorrow, care, and misery: but in fyne, they all agréed to departe that nighte, for many dayes before, one of their companye called Botello, who presumed to haue good skyll in the Arte of Nigromācie, did declare vnto them, that if they would depart from Mexico at a certayne houre appoynted, that then they shuld escape, or else not: but whether they gaue credite to his sayings or no, they fully determined to departe that night, and like vnto politike and good Souldyers, they prepared a bridge of tymber to carrie wyth them, to passe ouer the arches where bridges hadde bin. This is most certayne, they were all priuie and agréede to the departure, and not as some report, that Cortes fledde away, leauing aboue two hundred Spanyardes in the house, who knewe nothyng of hys departure, and were afterwardes all slayne, sacrifised, and eaten in Mexico, for out of the Citie he coulde not haue departed so secretely, but it shoulde haue come to their eares: howe muche more out of one house, where they were all togither.
Cortes called Iohn de Guzman hys Chamberlayne, commaunding him to open the hall where the treasure was, and called all the officers and others, to sée the distribution of the same. First the kings portion was deducted, and he gaue a Horse of his owne, and men to carrie it: and for the remainder, he willed euery man to take what he listed, for he gaue it frankely vnto them. The souldiers which had come with Naruaez, & now serued Cortes, were somewhat hungry of treasure, so that they tooke as much golde and other riches, as they myghte possible carrie, but it cost them déere, for at their going out of the Citie, with the waight of their heauie burthens, they coulde neyther fighte, nor yet make hast on their way, vppon whiche occasion, the Indians caught many of them, and drewe them by the héeles to the slaughterhouse of Sacrifice, where they were slayne and eaten: yet those that escaped, had eache of them some profyte, for that pray was well worth seauen hundred thousand Ducketes: but beeyng things wrought in greate péeces, they were troublesome to carrie, so that he whiche carried least, escaped best. Yet some doe thinke, that there remayned in that house a great parte of the treasure, but it was not so, for after our men had taken what they would, then came in the Tlaxcaltecas, and made spoyle of all the rest.
Cortes gaue charge to certayne of his menne, to garde with much respecte, a sonne and two daughters of Mutezuma, Cacama, and his brother, and manye other greate Gentlemen his prisoners.
He also appoynted other fortie mē to carrie the bridge of timber, and other Indians to carrie the Ordinance, and a little grayne of Centli that remayned.
The vantgarde he committed to Gonsalo de Sandoual, and Antonio de Quiniones: and the reregarde he committed to Pedro de Aluarado, and he hymselfe remayned with a hundred men, to vse his discretion. In this order, and with good deliberation, at midnight he departed from Mexico in a darke myst, and so quietely, that none of the Indians knewe thereof, commendyng themselues vnto GOD, beséechyng hym in theyr prayers, to delyuer them from that presente daunger, and tooke the way of Tlacopan, béeyng the same way that he came into the Citie.
The firste arche whereof the bridge was throwen downe, they passed with the timber bridge whiche they carried with them at ease.
In this meane time the watche and espies which warded in the hiest temples, had descried their flight, and began to sounde their instruments of warre with a maruelous crie, saying, they flie, they flie: And sodenly with this noyse, they hauing no armour to put on, nor other impedimēt, ioyned an infinite company of them togither, and followed with greate celeritie, yea and with suche a heauy and terrible noyse, that all the lake pronounced the Eccho, saying, let the cursed and wicked be slayne, who hath done vnto vs such great hurte.
But when Cortes came to plante his bridge vpon the second arche of the Cittie, there mette him a greate company of Indians to defende the same, yet with much adoe he planted his bridge and passed thervpon with fiue horsemen and a hundred Spaniardes, and with them procéeded through the Calsey to the mayne lande passing many perilous places, wherein swamme both man and horse, for the bridge of timber was broken: this done, he lefte his foote menne on the firme lande, vnder the gouernement of Iohn Xaramillo, and returned backe with the fiue horsemen for to succour and helpe the residue of his company whiche were behinde. But when he came vnto them, he found some fighting with great courage, but many slaine. He lost also his golde and fardage, his ordinance and prisoners, yea in fine he founde a maruellous change and alteracion of the estate he lefte them in, wherevpon lyke a good Captayne he shewed his wisdome and valour, helpyng and recoueryng as many of his men, as he myght, and brought them into safetie. He lefte also Captayne Aluarado to succour the reste.
But Aluarado with all his power and strength could not resiste the fury of the enimies, wherefore with the Lance in his hande he beganne to flie, seyng the greate slaughter of his company, so that hée was forced to passe ouer the dead carkases, yea and vpon some that were not throughly dead, who made a lamentable, pytifull, and dolefull mone. And commyng to the next arche, whose brydge was broken downe, of necessitie he tooke hys Lance, and therewith leaped such a space, that the Indians were amased to sée, for none of his fellowes could doe the like, although they approued the enterprise, and were drowned for their labour.
When Cortes sawe this sorrowfull sight, he sate hym downe, not to take any rest for his wearinesse, but only to bewayle the dead men, yea and also them that were aliue and in greate daunger, and also to ponder the vnstedfastnesse of cruell fortune in the perdition of so many his friends, such great treasure and lordshippe, so greate a Citie and Kingdome, but also to bewayle the sorrowfull estate that he himself stoode in, seyng the moste of his men wounded & hurte, and knowyng not whyther to goe, for that he was not certayne of the helpe and friendship of Tlaxcaltecas. Yea and what harde hart, woulde not haue relented to behold the dead bodies, who a litle before had entred that same way, with suche magnificall triumphe, pompe and pleasure. But yet hauing care of those whom he had lefte on the firme lande, he made haste to Tlacopan.
This sorowfull night, which was the tenth of July in An .1520. were slaine aboute .450. Spaniardes, 4000. Indian friends, and .46. horse, yea & (as I iudge) all the prisoners which were in his company. If this mishap had fortuned in the day time, possible so many and so great a nūber had not perished. But where it fortuned by night, the noyse of the wounded was sorrowful, & of the victors horrible and feareful. The Indians cried victory, calling vpon their diuelish and filthy Goddes with ioy & pleasure, our men being ouercome, cursed their vnfortunate lot, yea the hower, and he that brought them thither, others cried vnto God for succour, others sayd helpe, help, for I stande in daūger of drowning. I know not certenly whether moe perished in the water or the lande, hopyng to saue themselues by swimming and leapyng ouer the sluces and broken places, for they say, that a Spaniarde was no sooner in the water, but an Indian was vppon his backe. They haue great dexteritie & skill in swimming, so that catching any Spaniarde in the water, they would take him by the one arme, and carrie him whither they pleased, yea & would vnpanch him in the water. If these Indians had not occupied themselues in taking the spoyle of those that were fallen and slaine, certenly one Christian had not escaped that day: but in fine, the greatest number of Spaniardes that were killed, were those that went moste laden with golde plate and other iewels, & those which escaped, were they that carried least burdens, & the first that with noble courage made way to passe through the troupe of Indians.
Nowe wée may safely say, that the couetous desire of gold, wherof they had plenty, was cause of their death, and they may answere that they died riche. After that those, whiche had escaped, were paste the calsey, the Indians stayed and followed them no further, eyther for that they contented themselues with that whiche they had done, or else they durst not fight in open fields: But principally it is thought, that they abode to mourne and lament for the death of Mutezuma his chyldren, not knowing till then their sorrowfull ende. But nowe seyng the thyng present before their eyes, they wrang theyr hands, and made a pitifull dole and crie, and the rather, bycause they themselues had slayne them against their willes.
The Inhabitants of Tlacopan, knewe not
how our men came spoyled, hurte, and ouerthrowen,
and againe our men stoode
in a maze, and knew not what to doe nor
whither to goe. Cortes came vnto them, &
cōforted them & placed them in order before
him, requyring them to make hast, vntill they might
come into the broade field, before such tyme as the men of
Tlacopan should heare of the newes passed, & so to arme thēselues
and to ioyne with fourtie thousande Mexicans, who
after the mournyng for their friends, came marchyng after
them. He placed in the vantgard the Indians his friēds,
and passed through certayne tilled grounde, and continually
fought as they went, vntill they came to a high hill,
where was a tower and a Temple, whiche is called our
Lady churche at this day.
The Indians slewe some of the Spaniardes whiche came in the reregard, and many of their Indian friends, before they could get vp to the toppe of the hill. They loste muche of the golde, that had remayned, and with greate hazarde escaped through the multitude of Indians with life, their horses whiche remayned aliue, were foure and twentie, who were tyred both with trauell and hunger, & the Spaniardes their maisters, with the residue coulde scarsely stirre hande or foote with wearinesse of fightyng, and penurie of hunger, for al that day and night they ceassed not from fight, eating nothing at all.
In this Temple were reasonable lodgings, where they fortified themselues as well as they myght, and dranke one to an other, but theyr supper was very slēder. After their simple feast was ended, they went and beheld an infinite number of Indians, whiche had beset them almost round about, makyng a maruellous shoute and crie, knowyng that they were without victuals, whiche onely is a warre worser than to fight with the enimie. They made many fires with the woodde of sacrifice, rounde about the tower and Temple, & with this pollicie, at midnight departed secretely. It happened that they had Tlaxcalteca to be their guide, who knew well the way, assuring to bring them into the iurisdiction of Tlaxcallan: with this guide they began to iourney. Cortes placed his wounded men and fardage in the middest of his company, the souldiours that were whole and in health, he deuided into the vantgarde & reregarde: he could not passe so secretly, but yt they were espied by the Indian scoute, whiche was neare at hand, who gaue aduise therof incōtinent. Fiue horsemē which went before to discouer, fell among certayne cōpanies of Indians, which attended their cōming to robbe thē, & seing the horsemen, they suspected that the whole army was at hand, whervpon they fled, but yet seing them few in number stāde and ioyned with the other Mexicans that followed & pursued our men thrée leagues vntil they came to a hill where was an other temple with a good tower & lodgyng, where they lodged that night without supper. They departed in the mornyng from thence, and wente through a cragged & naughty way, to a great towne the enhabitantes whereof were fledde for feare, so that they abode there two daies to rest thēselues, to cure their mē, & horses: also they somewhat eased their hūgery stomakes and carried frō thence prouision, although not muche, for they had none to carrie it. And being departed frō thence, many enimies pursued them & persecuted them very sore. Likewise ye guide erred out of his way, & at lēgth came to a little village of few houses, where they reposed ye night. In the morning they procéeded vpon their way, and the enimies still pursuyng and troubled them sore all the day.
Cortes was woūded with the stripe of a sling, and therewith was in greate daunger of life, for his head so rancbled, that of necessitie they were forced to take out certaine péeces of his skull, whervpon he was driuen to séeke a solitarie place in the wildernesse to cure him, and in goyng thitherwardes, the enimies wounded fiue Spaniardes and foure horses, whereof one died, and that was eaten among them for a sumptuous supper, and yet not sufficient for them all, for there was none of them whiche were not vexed with hunger. I speake not of their woundes and wearinesse, things sufficient to haue made an ende of lyfe. But certainely the Spanishe nation can abide more hunger than any other, and especially these with Cortes dyd shewe the proofe. The nexte day in the mornyng departing from a litle Village, and fearyng the multitude of enimies, Cortes commaunded eche horseman to take a sicke manne behinde him, and those that were somewhat stronger, to holde by the horse tayles and stirroppes: he likewise made cruches for other some to ease them, and woulde not leaue one of his men behinde him to be a pray and supper for the Indian enimies. This aduise was very profitable as things fell out, yea also there were some of them that carried vpon their backe their fellowes, & thereby were saued. They had not iourneyed a full league into a playne fielde, when there mette them an infinite number of Indians who compassed them round aboute, and assaulted our men in such sorte, that they verily beléeued that day to ende generally their liues, for there were many Indians that durst wrastell with our men, man to man, yea and layd some of them in the duste, and drewe them by the héeles, whether it were with the great courage whiche they had, or whether it were with the trauayle, hunger and hurtes of our men I know not, but great pittie it was to sée, how they were drawen by the Indian enimies, and what grieuous mone they made.
Cortes that wente with vigilant care comfortyng his men, as muche as was possible to doe, and well perusing the great daunger that they were in, commendyng himselfe to God, sette spurres to his horse and made way thorow the greatest troupe of Indians, and came vnto the captayne generall who bare the Royall standart of Mexico, and passed him through with his Lance, whereof he incontinent died. But when the Indians sawe the standart fallen, they threw their auncient on the grounde and fled, scattering them here and there like men amazed, knowing not whither to fly, for such is their custome in warre, that when they sée the generall slayne, they forthwith leaue the fielde. Then our wery soules began to recouer hart and strength, and the horsemen followed thē to their great anoyance and slaughter. It was credibly reported, that there were that day in fielde .200000. Indians. And the fielde where this battayle was fought is called Otumpan: there was neuer a more notable facte done in India, nor greater victorie since the first discouery of the same. And as manye Spaniardes as sawe Hernando Cortes fighte that day, did holde opinion, that neuer one man did more greater feates in armes, and that he only was the meane in his owne person to saue and deliuer them all.
After this victory obtayned, Cortes with his
company went to lodge in a house planted
alone, in a playne grounde, from whence
appeared the Mountaynes of Tlaxcallan,
whereof our menne muche reioyced: yet
on the other side they stoode in doubt whether they should
finde them their friendes in such a daungerous season, for
bycause the vnfortunate man that flieth, findeth nothing
in his fauour, for all thing that he pretendeth, happeneth
cleane contrary. That night Cortes himselfe was scoute,
not bycause he was more whole than his fellowes, but
like a good Captayne, he deuided the trauayle & paynes equally,
euen as their hurte and damage was come.
Being day, they iourneyed in plaine and straight way, directly to the Mountaynes and Prouince of Tlaxcallan, they passed by a swéete foūtaine of water, where they wel refreshed themselues, and after they came to Huazilipan, a towne of Tlaxcallan, of .4000. housholdes, where they were louingly receiued & abundantly prouided for thrée dayes, whiche they abode there refreshing & curing their weary bodies. Some of the townes men would giue thē nothing without payment, but the moste parte did vse them very gently: Vnto this Towne came Maxixca, Xicotencatlh, Axotecalth, and many other principall persons of Tlaxcallan, and Huexozinca with .50000. men of warre, who were going to Mexico to succour the Spaniardes, knowyng of their troubles, but not of their hurte and spoyle, yet some holde opinion that they hauyng certayne knowledge of all theyr mishappes and flight from Mexico, came only to comforte them, and in the name of all theyr communaltie and state, to offer them their Towne, in conclusion, they séemed sorrowfull for their misfortunes, and agayne ioyfull to sée them there: Yea some of them with anguishe of harte wepte, and sayde, wée did aduise and warne yée, that the Mexicans were Traytours and wicked persons, and yet yée woulde not beléeue vs: wée doe pyttie and bewayle your troubles, but if it please you, lette vs goe thither to reuenge your iniuries, and the death of your Christians, and our Citizens: and if now ye will not, that then it may please you to goe with vs home to our houses, for to recreate youre persons, and to cure your woundes.
Cortes did cordially reioyce, to heare and finde such succour and friendship, in such good men of warre, whereof he stoode in doubt as he came thitherward. He gaue them most hartie thankes for their louing offer, curtesie, and good will. He gaue vnto them of such Iewels as remayned, and sayd vnto them, the time will come, that I shall desire your helpe against the Mexicans, but now presently it is néedefull, to cure my sicke and wounded men.
The noble men that were there present, besought him to giue them leaue to skirmish with the Indians of Culhua, for as yet many of them wandered there aboute. Cortes graunted their request, and sente with them some of hys men, which were lustie, and in good health, who procéeded forth all togither, and in that iourney slewe many Indian enimies, so that after this time, the enimies appeared no more. Then with triumph, pleasure, and victory, they departed toward the Citie, and oure men followed. It is credibly reported, that twenty thousande men and women met them by the way with sundry kindes of meates: I do beléeue that the most of them came to sée them, for the great loue whiche they bare vnto them, and likewise to enquire of their friends which had gone with them to Mexico, of whome few returned. In Tlaxcallan they were honorable receyued, and well vsed. Maxixca gaue hys house to Cortes, and the residue of hys company were hosted at Gentlemens houses, who cherished them excéedingly, whereby they forgate the paynes, sorrowes, and trauels past, for in fiftéene dayes before, they lay on the bare ground.
Certaynely the Spanyardes were muche indebted to the Tlaxcaltecas, for their loyaltie and faithfull friendship, especially vnto that good and vertuous Gentleman Maxixca, who threwe Xicotencatl downe the stayres and steppes of the chiefe Temple, for giuing his counsell to kyll the Spanyardes, meaning to reconcile hymselfe with the Mexicans.
He also made two Orations, the one to the men, and the other to the women, in the greate fauoure and prayse of the Spanyardes, putting them in remembrance, howe that they hadde not eaten salt, nor worne cloth of cotten wooll in many yeares before, vntil now that their friends were come: and to this day these Indians doe muche presume of their fidelitie, and likewise of the resistance and battayle they made with Cortes in Teoacazinco, so that now when they celebrate any great feast, or receyue any Christian vizeking, there commeth of them out into the field sixtie or seauentie thousande men, to skirmishe and fight in the same order as they did with Cortes.
When Cortes departed firste from Tlaxcallon
towardes Mexico to visit Mutezuma, hée
lefte there twentie thousande Castlins of
golde and moe, besides the Kings portion
which was sent with Monteio and Portocarrero.
He lefte there also manye other
things if néede should haue happened in Mexico of money,
or other things to prouide his men in Vera Crux, and this
he lefte there also, to proue the fidelitie of his friendes in
Tlaxcallon. And after he had obteyned the victory against
Naruaez, he wrote vnto the Captayne that he shoulde
sende for the same, for reason required that in all things
they should haue their partes.
The Captaine of Vera Crux sente fiftie Spanyardes and fiue Horsemen for the same, who at their returne, were slayne and taken prisoners with all that treasure, by ye men of Culhua who had rebelled through the comming of Pamfilo de Naruaez, robbing and spoyling sundrye dayes. But when Cortez vnderstoode this newes, his ioy was turned to sorrowe, not onely for the golde and treasure so muche, as for the losse of his menne, fearyng also some other warre or vprore to haue bin in the riche Towne of Vera Crux, wherevpon hée sente a messenger thyther, who returned in shorte time, certifying that all the inhabitantes there were in good health, and also all the Comarcans quiet, and without any token of alteration. This newes and answere pleased Cortes and all his company, whiche desired to goe thither, but he woulde not permitte them, wherefore they began to murmure and to exclayme, saying, what thinketh Cortes, what meaneth he to doe with vs? why, will he kéepe vs héere to dye an euill death? what haue we offended him, that he will not let vs goe? we are alreadye full of wearinesse, our bodyes are yet ful of fresh woundes, we haue spente our bloude, and are nowe withoute strength and apparell: wée sée oure selues in a straunge Countrey, and full of miserye, enuironed with enimies, yea and without hope to come to that hygh place from whence we fell, yea then mighte wée bée accompted for worse than madde men, to come into the perils from whence wée escaped: wée meane not nowe to ende oure lyues so desperately, as he would haue vs, for wyth the insatiable thirste of honoure and glorye, hée estéemeth not hys life, neyther oures. He doth not lykewyse consider, that he wanteth menne, horses, artillerie, and armoure, things so necessarye for the warres, yea he also wanteth victuall, whyche is a thyng moste principall: what shall wée saye, but that, he erreth, and is deceyued, in giuing credite to these Tlaxcaltecas, who are, like vnto the other nations of India, which are light, changeable, and louers of newe things, yea and rather, in effecte of troth, they better loue the Culhuacans, than the Spanishe nation, yea and although they nowe dissemble, yet when they shall sée a greate army of Mexicans come vpon them, they will then deliuer vs aliue, to be eaten, and sacrificed, for it is an olde rule, that friendship dothe not long endure betwixte them that are of sundry religion, apparell, and spéech.
After all these complayntes and murmurations amōg themselues, they made a protestation and request, in forme as it were in the name of the King and all the company, praying him incontinent to departe frō thence, and to goe with them to the Towne of Vera Crux, before the enimies mighte disturbe their way and passage, and then they to remayne both bought and solde, and shutte vp as it were in a prison: also they declared, that in Vera Crux they should haue better opportunitie to make themselues strong, if that he meante to returne agayne vpon Mexico, or else to take shipping, if so it shoulde séeme conuenient.
Cortes hearing this request, and determination of hys Souldyers, was at his wits ende, ymagining that theyr pretence was, onely to procure him to goe from thence, and afterwardes to rule him at their pleasures, and béeing a thing cleane contray to his pretended purpose, hée aunswered them as followeth.
My maisters, I would do and fulfill youre
request, if it were a thing méete and conueniente
for you, for there is not one alone
of you, how much more all in generall,
for whome I shoulde not willingly
aduenture my goodes and life, if he shuld
néede the same: for why? your deedes haue bin such, that I
stand bound neuer to forget thē, or else to shewe my selfe
an ingratefull man. And thinke you not good friendes, although
I do not fulfill the thing whiche you so earnestly
desire, that therefore I estéeme not youre authoritie: but
in not graunting to the same, I do exalt and estéeme you
in greater reputation: for why? in oure departing nowe
from hence, oure honor is blotted and stayned for euermore,
and in abiding héere, we shall like valiant menne
preserue the same. What nation is there, that had rule,
dominon, and Empire in this world, that hath not bin ouercome
at some time? What famous Captayne returned
home to his house, for the losse of one battayle? none
truly, for he that dothe not perseuer, shall neuer triumph
with Lady Victory: he that retyreth, sheweth that he flyeth,
and remayneth a mockingstocke for all men: but hée
that sheweth nobly his face, dothe vtter the courage of
his heart, yea and is both feared, and also beloued.
If we now should depart from hence, these our friēds would accept and iudge vs for cowardes, and refuse perpetually our friendship. Likewise oure enimies woulde iudge the same, and neuer héereafter stande in feare of vs, which shoulde be a greate shame vnto oure estimation. Is there any amōg vs, that would not holde himselfe affrented, if it shoulde be sayde, that he turned his backe and fledde, how much more would it be a dishonor for vs all to haue the same report?
I doe much maruell at the greatenesse of your inuincible heartes in battell: you were wont to be desirous of warres, and nowe that suche iust and laudable warre doth offer it selfe, you doe feare and refuse the same: sure it is a thing cleane contrary to oure nature. What is hée that will prate of harnes, and neuer ware none? It was neuer yet séene in all this India and new world, that any of our nation retired with feare. And woulde you nowe that it should be said, that Cortes and his company fledde, being in securitie, and without perill or daunger? I beséech God not to permitte any suche thing. The warres doe muche consist in fame: why then? what better thyng would you desire, than to be héere in Tlaxcallan in despite of all youre enimies, yea proclayming open warres againste them, and they not dare to annoy vs? Therefore you may well consider, that héere you are more sure than if you were from hence, so that héere in Tlaxcallan you are honored with securitie and strength, and besides this, you haue al things necessary for phisick and medicine to cure youre woundes and obteyne your health: yea, and I am bolde to saye, that if you were in youre owne naturall Coūtrey, you should not haue the like, nor yet be so much made off.
I do nowe meane to send for our men that are in Coazacoalco and Almeria, and so we shall haue a reasonable army: yea and although they come not, wée are sufficient, for we were fewer in number when first we entred into thys Countrey, hauyng no friendes: and likewise you knowe well, it is not the number that doth fighte, but the couragious hearte and minde. I haue séene one of you discomfyte a whole army, as Ionathas did, yea and many among you haue had victory against a thousand, yea ten thousand Indians, as King Dauid had againste the Philistines. I looke dayly for Horses from the Ilandes, and other armoure and artillerie we shall haue from Vera Crux. And as for vittayles, take you no care, for I wyll prouide you abundantly, for they are thinges that alwayes followe the Conqueroures: and as for these Citizens of Tlaxcallan, I binde my selfe that you shall finde them trustie, loyall, and perpetuall friendes, for so they haue promised me vppon their solemne othes, yea, and if they had meante otherwise, what better opportunitie of time could they haue wished, thā these latter dayes, where as we lay sicke in their owne beddes and houses, yea some of vs lame, wounded, and in manner rotten, and they like louing friendes haue not only holpen you, but also serued you with diligence of seruantes, for they woulde rather choose to be your slaues, than subiectes to the Mexicans: theyr hatred is suche to them, and their loue so great to you. And bycause you shall sée the troth, I will now proue them and you, againste these of Tepeacac, who slewe of late dayes twelue Spanyardes. And if this iourney happen euill, then will I followe youre request, and if it please God that it happen well, then wyll I entreate and pray you to follow my counsell.
The Souldyers hearing this comfortable speeche, began to lay aside their desire to goe from thence to Vera Crux. They aunswered generally, that they woulde obey his commaundemente, it shoulde séeme with the promise made, touching the successe of the victory in Tepeacac, and lightly seldome it happeneth, that a Spanyard saith no, when he is required to goe on warfare, for it is holden for a dishonor and shame.
Cortez found himselfe at hearts ease with this
answere, for it was a thing yt had much troubled
him: & vndoubtedly if he had followed his
fellowes demand, he shoulde neuer haue recouered
Mexico agayne, & they likewise had bin slayne in the
way towards Vera Crux, for they hadde manye perilous
places to passe. Eache one of them waxed whole of his
wounds, sauing some which dyed for wāt of loking to in
time, leauing their wounds filthy & vnbound, as Surgiōs
doe affirme, with also their great trauell & weakenesse.
And likewise other some remayned lame and halt, which
was no small griefe and losse: but the most parte recouered
healthe, as I haue declared. After twenty dayes
fully past, whiche they had abode in Tlaxcallan, Cortes determined
to make warre with the Indians of Tepeacac,
which is a greate Towne, and not farre from thence, for
they hadde slayne twelue Spanyards, whiche came from
Vera Crux towardes Mexico. Likewise they were of the
league of Culhua, and therfore were holpen by the
and did many times great hurt to the inhabitantes
of Tlaxcallan, as Xicotencatl did testifye.
Cortes desired hys
louing friende Maxixca, and diuers other Gentlemen, to
goe with him, who forthwith entred into counsell wyth
the states and comunaltie of the Citie, and there determined
with generall consente to gyue vnto him fortie
thousand fighting men, besides many Tamemoz, who are
foote carriers, to beare the baggage, victuall, and other
things. With this number of Tlaxcaltecas, his owne men
and horses, he wente to Tepeacac, requiring them in satisfaction
of the death of ye twelue Christiās that they shuld
now yéelde themselues to the obedience of the Emperor,
and that héereafter neuer more to receiue any Mexican
into theyr towne or houses, neyther yet any of the prouince
of Culhua.
The Tepeacacs answered, that they had slaine the Spaniardes for good and iuste cause, whiche was, that being tyme of warre they presumed to passe through their countrey by force, without their will and licence. And also that the Mexicans and Culhuacans were their friendes and Lordes, whom alwayes they would friendly entertayne within their towne and houses, refusing vtterly their offer and request, protesting to giue no obedience to whom they knew not, wishyng them therefore, to returne incontinent to Tlaxcallan, excepte they had desire to ende their werie dayes.
Cortes innuited them diuers times with peace, and seing it preuailed not, he begā his warres in earnest. Their enimies lykewise with the fauour of the Culhuacans were braue and lustie, and began to stoppe and defend their pretended entraunce. And they beyng many in number, with diuers valiant men among them, began to skirmishe sundry times, but at the end, they were ouerthrowen, and many slayne, without killing any Spaniarde, although many Tlaxcaltecas were killed that day.
The Lordes and principall persons of Tepeacac seyng theyr ouerthrow, and that their strength coulde not preuayle, yéelded themselues vnto Cortes for vassalles of the Emperour, with condition to banish for euer their allied friendes of Culhua. And that he should punishe and correct at his will and pleasure, all those whiche were occasion of the death of the twelue Spaniardes. For which causes and obstinacie, at the firste Cortes iudged by his sentence, that all the townes whiche had bene priuie to the murder, should for euer remaine captiues and slaues: others affirme that he ouercame them without any condition, and corrected them for their disobedience, being Sodomites, idolaters and eaters of mans flesh, and chiefly for exāple of all others. And in conclusion, they were condemned for slaues, and within twenty daies that these warres lasted, he pacified all that prouince, which is very great: he draue from thēce the Culhuacans: he threw downe the idols, and the chiefest persons obeyed him. And for more assuraunce he builte there a towne, naming it Segura de la Frontera: he appoynted all officers for the purpose, being a towne situated in the high way from Vera Crux to Mexico, whereby the Christians and straungers mighte passe without daunger. In these warres serued lyke faithfull friendes the Indians of Tlaxcallan, Huexocinco and Cholalla, promysing the lyke seruice and succour agaynst Mexico, yea and rather better than worse. With this victory the Spaniardes recouered great fame, for they were thought to haue bene slayne.
After all these things were finished, Cortes
cōmaunded & gaue licence to al the Indian
friēds, to returne home vnto their houses,
except his assured friends of Tlaxcallan, whō
he kept in his company for the warres of
Mexico: he nowe dispatched a poste to Vera
Crux, commaundyng that foure of the shippes which Naruaez
had brought, should be sent with al spéede to ye Iland
of Santo Domingo, for men, horses, armour, pouder & other
munition, also for wollen cloth, linnen, shooes, and many
other things: and wrote his letters for the same to the licenciat
Rodrigo de Figueroa, and to the whole magistrates
of Chancery, certifying them of all their procéedings in
that countrey; beséechyng them of helpe and succour, and
that forthwith to be sent by the messenger.
This done, he sente twentie horsemen, twoo hundred Spaniardes, and many Indians vnto Zacatami and Xalaxinco, whiche were townes subiect to the Mexicans, and placed in the high way to Vera Crux, who had slayne certaine Spaniardes passyng that way. This company wente thither, with their accustomed protestations, whiche preuayled not, wherevpon followed fire and spoyle: many Gentlemen and other principall persons came to yéelde themselues to Cortes, more for feare than for good will, crauyng pardon for theyr offence, promising also not to offende agayne, nor yet at any tyme to take armour agaynst the Spaniardes. Cortes pardoned them, & then hys armie returned, with determination to kéepe his Christmasse in Tlaxcallan, whiche was within twelue dayes followyng. He left a Captaine with thrée score Spaniards in the newe towne of Segura, to kéepe that passage, and also to put in feare the Comarcans that dwelled thereabout: he sente before him his whole armie, and he himself went with twentie horsemen from thence to Coliman to lodge there that night, being a cittie of his allied friendes, and there to ordaine and make by hys auctoritie, bothe Noble men and Captaynes in lue of them whiche died with the disease of small pockes. He aboade there thrée dayes, in the whiche the newe Lordes were ordeyned, who afterwardes remayned his especiall friendes. The nexte day hée came Tlaxcallan, beyng sixe leagues distant from thence, where he was triumphantly receyued. And truely at that time he made a iourney most worthie of renowne and glory.
At this season his déere friende Maxixca was departed this transitorie lyfe, for whome he mourned clothed in blacke, after the Spanishe fashion: he lefte behinde him certaine sonnes, of whom the eldest was .xij. yéeres of age, whome Cortes named and appoynted for Lorde of his fathers estate, and the commons did certifie it to appertaine vnto him. This was no small glory for Cortes to giue estates, and also to take them away at his pleasure, yea and that those Indians should haue him in suche feare and respect, that none durste doe any thyng in acceptyng the inheritaunce of their fathers without his good will and licence.
Now Cortes procured that euery man shoulde make his harneys, weapons and prouision readie and in good order: he made also great haste in building Vergantines, for his timber was already cutte and seasoned: he sente vnto Vera Crux for sayles, tacle, nayles, roapes and other necessarie things, whereof there was store remaynyng of the furniture of the shippes that were sunke. And hauyng wante of pitche, for in that countrey the Indians knewe not what it meant, he commaunded certayne of his Mariners to make the same in the highe Mountaynes where was store of Pine trées, and not farre from the cittie.
The fame of prosperitie whiche Cortes enioyed,
was wonderfully blowen abroade
with the newes of the imprisonment of
Mutezuma, and the victory against Pamfilo
de Naruaez, wherevppon there came
many Spaniardes by twenty and twentie
in a company from Cuba, Santo Domingo, and other Ilandes.
Although that iourney coste some their liues, for
in the way they were murdered by those of Tepeacac and
Xalacinco, as is before declared, yet notwithstanding there
came many to Tlaxcallan, whereby his hoste was muche
encreased, beséechyng him to make haste towarde the
It was not possible for Cortes to haue espies in Mexico, for the Tlaxcaltecas were knowen by their lippes, eares, and other tokens, and also they had in Mexico garde and greate enquirie for that purpose, by reason wherof he could not certainely knowe what passed in those parties, accordyng as he desired, for to haue prouided himself of things néedefull: yet a Captayne whiche was taken prysoner in Huacacholla, certified that Cuetlauac Lorde of Iztacpalapan, Neuewe to Mutezuma, was elected Emperour after his Vncles death, who was a wise and valiant man, and hée it was that had dryuen Cortes out of Mexico, who now had fortified Mexico with many bulworkes and caues, and with many and sundry sortes of weapon, but chiefly very long Lances, yea and planted them in the grounde to resiste and molest the horsemen. He proclaymed pardon and frée libertie, without paying any tribute for the space of one whole yéere, yea and further as long as the warres should laste, he promysed also great rewardes to all them that shoulde kill any Christian, or expulse them from that countrey. This was a policie whereby he gatte muche credite among his vassals, yea and gaue them greate courage to play the valiant men. All this newes was founde to be true, sauyng onely Cuetlauac was dead. And that Quahutimoccin, Neuew also, as some doe say, of Mutezuma, raygned at that tyme, who was a valiant man and a good warrier, as hereafter shalbe declared, who sente his messengers through out his Empyre, proclaymyng as great rewardes as Cuetlauac had done before, declaryng vnto them that it was more reason to serue him than straungers, and also to defende theyr olde auncient Religion, and not to credite suche Christians as woulde make themselues Lordes of other mens goodes, yea and make them slaues and captiues as they had done in other places. Quahutimoc encouraged muche his subiectes, and kindled with his talke their wrath agaynst the Spaniards: yet there were some prouinces that gaue no eare to his information, but rather leaned to our side, or else medled with neyther side. Cortes seyng the effect of the matter, determined forthwith to beginne the warres: he mustered his men on Sainct Steuens day, and founde fourtie horsemen, and fiue hundreth & fourtie footemen, wherof foure score were Hargabushiers, and crossebow men, niene péeces of ordinaunce, and little powder: his horsemen he diuided into foure squares, and his footemen into nine: he named & appointed captaynes, and other officers for the host, vnto whom in general he spake as followeth.
My louyng brethren, I gyue moste hartie
thankes vnto Iesu Christ, to sée you now
whole of your woundes and frée from diseases:
likewise I muche reioyce to sée you
in good order trimly armed, yea and with
suche desire to sette agayne vpon Mexico, to reuenge the
death of our fellowes, and to winne that greate Citie, the
whiche I truste in God shalbe brought to passe in shorte
time, hauing the friendship of Tlaxcallan and other prouinces,
who haue as great desire to sée the ouerthrowe of
the Mexicans, as we our selues, for therein they gette both
honour, libertie & safegarde of life. Also it is to be considered,
that if the victory should not be ours, they poore soules
should be destroyed and remaine in perpetuall captiuitie.
Also the Culhuacans do abhorre them worse than vs, for
receyuing vs into their houses and countrey: therefore
sure I am that they will sticke vnto vs vnfaynedly. I
muste néedes confesse their vnfayned friendship, for presente
workes doe testifie the same. They will not onely
be a meane to bryng others their neyghbours to our seruice,
but also haue now in readinesse .100000. mē of warre,
to sende with vs, besides a great nūber of Tamemez or carriers
to carrie al our prouision. Ye also, are now the same
which alwaies heretofore ye haue bene, for I as witnesse
beying your captayne, haue had the victory of many battayles
fighting with a .100. yea & 200000. enimies: we got
also by strength of arme many strōg cities, yea & brought
in subiection many prouinces, not beyng so many in number
as we are nowe, for when we came firste into this
countrey we were not so many as now presently we are.
Agayne in Mexico they feare our cōing: it should also be
a blot vnto our honour that Quahutimoc should inherite ye
kingdome that cost our friēd Mutezuma his life. Likewise
I esteme al that we haue done is nothing, if we winne not
Mexico, our victories shoulde also be sorowfull if we reuenge
not the death of our déere fellowes. The chiefe and
principall cause of our cōming into this countrey, was to
set forth the faith of Iesu Christ, & therwithal doth folow
honour & profite which seldome times do dwell togither.
In those fewe dayes that we were in Mexico, we put
downe the idols, we caused sacrifice and eatying of mans
fleshe to bée layde aside, and also in those dayes wée beganne
to conuerte some to the fayth. It is not therefore
nowe reason to leaue of so laudable an enterpryse, so
well begonne. Lette vs now goe whither holy fayth doth
call vs, and where the sinnes of our enimies deserueth
so great a punishment, and if yée well remember, the Citizens
of that citie were not cōtent to murder such an infinite
number of men, women & children before the idols,
in their filthy sacrifice, for honour of their Diuelishe
Goddes, but also to eate their fleshe, a thyng inhumayne,
and much abhorred of God, and al good men doth procure,
and especially Christians, to defende and punishe suche
odious customes.
Besides all this, they committe that horrible sinne for the whiche the fiue cities with Sodom were burned by fire from heauen: Why then what greater occasion should any man wishe for in earth, than to abolish such wickednesse, and to plant among these bloudy tirants the fayth of Iesu Christ, publishing his holy gospel? Therfore now, with ioyfull hartes lette vs procéede to serue God, honour our nation, to enlarge our Princes dominions, and to enriche our selues with the goodly pray of Mexico, to morrow God willyng we will beginne the same.
All his men answeared with chéerefull countenaunce, that they were ready to departe when it pleased him, promising their faithful seruice vnto him. It should séeme the rather with the desire of that pleasure and greate treasure whiche they had eyght moneths enioyed before.
Cortes commaunded to proclayme throughout his army, certaine ordinaunces of warre for the good gouernement of his hoste, whiche he had written among others: and were these that followeth:
The nexte daye following, Cortes called before
him all the Lordes, Captaynes, and
principall persons of Tlaxcallan, Huexocinco,
Chololla, Chalco, and of other townes,
who were there presente at that time, saying
as followeth. My Lords and friendes,
you know the iourney which I haue nowe in hande, to
morrowe God willing I will departe to the warre and
siege of Mexico, and enter into the land of youre enimies
and mine: And the thing that now I do require, and also
pray, is, that you remayne faithfull and constant in your
promise made, as hithervnto you haue done, and so I
trust you will continue. And bycause I can not bring so
soone my purpose to passe according to youre desire and
mine, without the Vergantines which are now a making,
and to be placed in the lake of Mexico, therefore I praye
you to fauoure these workemen whiche I leaue héere,
with suche loue and friendship, as héeretofore you haue
done and to giue them all things necessary for their prouision,
and I do faithfully promise to take away the yoke
of bondage, which the inhabitantes of Culhua haue layde
vpon you, and also will obteyne of the Emperoure great
libertie and priuiledges for you.
All the Indians shewed countenance of obedience, and the chiefest Gentlemen aunswered in few words, saying, we will not onely fulfyll youre request, but also when your vessels are finished, we will bring them to Mexico, and we all in generall will goe with you, and truly serue you in your warres.
Cortez departed from Tlaxcallan wyth hys
Souldyers in good order, whyche was a
goodly sight to beholde, for at that time he
had eyghtie thousand men in his host, and
the most of them armed after their manner,
which made a gallant shew: but Cortes for diuers causes
would not haue them all with him, vntill the Vergantines
were finished, and Mexico beséeged, fearing wante of
vittayle for so greate an armye: yet notwithstanding hée
tooke twentie thousand of them, besides the Carriers, and
that night came to Tezmoluca, which stādeth sixe leagues
from Tlaxcallan, and is a Village apperteyning to Huexocinco,
where he was by the principall of the Towne wel
receyued. The next day he iourneyed foure leagues, into
the territorie of Mexico, and there was lodged on the side
of a hill, where many had perished with colde, had it not
bin for the store of woodde which they found there. In the
morning he ascended vpwards on this hill, and sente hys
scoute of foure footemen and foure horsemen to discouer,
who found the way stopped with great trées newly cutte
downe, and placed crossewise in the way: but they thynking
that yet forwards it was not so, procéeded forthe as
well as they might, till at length the let with great hugie
trées was such, that they could passe no further, and with
this newes were forced to returne, certifying Cortes that
the Horsemenne coulde not passe that way in any wyse.
Cortes demaunded of them, whether they hadde séene anye
people, they aunswered no, wherevppon he procéeded forwarde
with all the Horsemen, and a thousande footemen,
commaundyng all the residue of hys armye to followe
hym wyth as muche spéede as myghte bée, so that wyth
that companye whyche he carried with him, he made
waye, takyng away the trées that were cutte downe to
disturbe his passage: and in this order, in short time passed
his host, without any hurt or daunger, but with great
payne and trauell, for certaynely if the enimies had bin
there to defende that passage, oure menne hadde not passed,
for it was a verye euill way, and the enimies also
thoughte the same to be sure with the trées whiche were
crossed the way, wherevppon they were carelesse of that
place, and attended their comming in playne grounde:
for from Tlaxcallan to Mexico are thrée wayes, of the
whiche Cortes chose the worst, ymagining the thing that
afterwards fell out, or else some hadde aduised him howe
that way was cléere from the enimies. And béeing past
this crooked passage, they espyed the lake of Mexico, and
gaue vnto God moste hartie thankes for the same, and
there made a solemne vowe and promise, not to returne,
vntill they had wonne Mexico, or lost their liues. They
abode there and rested themselues, till all the whole armye
were come togither, to descende downe into the
playne, for nowe they myghte descrye the fires and
beacons of theyr enimies in sundrye places, and all
those whyche hadde attended theyr commyng by the
other two wayes, were now gathered togyther, thynkyng
to sette vppon them betwixte certayne bridges,
where a greate company aboade, exspecting theyr commying:
but Cortes sente twenty Horsemen, who made
way among them, and then followed the whole armye,
who slewe manye of them, wythoute receyuyng
anye hurte. And in thys order they came to Quahutipec,
whiche is of the iurisdiction of Tezcuco,
where they abode that nyghte, and in that place
founde neyther manne nor Woman: but not farre
off was pytched the Campe of the Indians of Culhua,
which myght be néere a hundred thousand men of warre,
who were sent by the Seniors of Mexico, and Tezcuco, to
encounter oure armye, in consideration whereof, Cortes
kept good watch with tenne Horsemen, and all his Souldyers
were warned to be in readynesse at a call, if néede
should happen.
The next day in the morning he departed from thence towarde Tezcuco, whiche standeth thrée leagues distante, and procéeding on their iourney, foure principal persons, inhabitantes of Tezcuco, mette with them, bearing a rod of golde, with a little flagge, in token of peace, saying, that Coacuacoyozin their Lord had sent them to desire him not to make any spoyle in his Countrey, and likewise, to offer his friendship, praying also, that it might please him with his whole army to take his lodging in the Towne of Tezcuco, where he shoulde be well receyued. Cortes reioyced with this message, although he suspected that it was a fayned matter, but one of them he knewe verye well, whome he saluted, saying: My comming is not to offend any, but rather to do you good. I will also receyue and hold your Lord for a friende, with condition, that hée doe make vnto me restitution of the treasure whyche hée tooke from fiue and fortie Spanyards, and thrée hundred Tlaxcaltecas, all the which were by his commaundements also slayne of late dayes. They aunswered that Mutezuma caused them to be murthered, who had likewise taken the spoyle, and that the Citizens of Tezcuco were not culpable in that fact, and with this aunswere they returned.
Cortes went forward on his way, and came to Quahutichan and Huaxuta, which are suburbes of Tezcuco, where he and all his host were plenteously prouided of al things necessary, and threw downe the Idolles. This done, hée entred into the Citie, where his lodging was prepared in a great house, sufficient for him and all the Spanyardes, with many other the Indian friends. And bycause that at his first entry, he sawe neyther women nor children, hee suspected some treason, and forthwith proclaymed, vpon payne of death, that none of his men should go out. The Spaniards began to triumph in their lodgings and chābers, placing euery thing in good order. In the euening they went vp into the Zoties and galleries, to beholde the Citie, which is as bigge as Mexico, and there they sawe the greate number of Citizens that fledde from thence with their stuffe, some towardes the mountaines, and others to the water side to take boate, a thing straunge, to sée the great hast and stirre to prouide for themselues, at the least ther were twentie thousand litle boates (called Conoas) occupyed, in carying houshold stuffe and passengers. Cortes would fayne haue remedied it, but that night was so nygh at hand, that he coulde not. He would gladly also haue apprehended the Lord, but he was one of the first that fledde vnto Mexico. Cortes caused many of the Citizens, to be called before him, and hauing in hys company a yong gentleman of a noble house in that coūtrey, who was also last christened, & had to name Hernādo, Cortes being his godfather, who loued him well, sayde vnto the citizens, that this new Christian lord, Don Hernādo, was sonne vnto Nezaualpincintli their louing Lord, wherfore he required them to make him their king, considering that Coacnacoyocin, was fled vnto the enimies, laying also before them his wicked fact in killing of Cacuza his own brother, only to put him from his inheritance & kingdome, through the enticemente of Quahutimoccin, a mortal enimie to the Spaniards. In this sort was Don Hernando elected king, and the fame therof being blowen abroade, manye citizens repayred home againe to visite their newe Prince, so that in short space the citie was as wel replenished with people, as it was before, and being also well vsed at the Spaniardes handes, they serued them dilygentlye in all thyngs that they were commaunded. And Don Hernando aboade euer after a faithfull friende vnto the Spaniardes, and in short tyme learned the Spanishe tongue: and soone after came the inhabitants of Quahutichan, Huaxuta and Auntenco, to submytte them selues, crauing pardon, if in any thyng they had offended. Cortez pardoned them, and gaue them licence to departe home vnto their houses.
Quahutimoc, Coacnacoijo and other magistrates of Culhua sente to rayle vppon those townes, for yéeldyng themselues to the Christians, but they layde hold vpon the messengers, and brought them vnto Cortes, of whome he enformed himselfe of the state of Mexico, and sent them backe againe, requiring their Lords of peace and friendshippe: but it preuayled not, for they were fully armed for the warre.
At this instante certaine friendes of Iames Velasquez went vp and downe the Campe, procuring secretly a mutenie among the souldiers, to haue them to returne to Cuba, and vtterly to destroy Cortes his procéedings. This thing was not so secretly wrought, but that Cortes had knowledge, wherevppon he apprehended the doers thereof, and by their confessions the matter did plainely appeare, whervpon he condemned to death one Antonio de Villafania, who was natural of Samora, and forthwith executed the sentence, wherwith the punishment and Mutinie was ended, and ceassed.
Dayly increased Cortes in strength and
reputation, and many townes as wel
of the partes of Culhua as others
came vnto his friendship and obedience.
Within two days that Don Hernando
was made king, came certayne
gentlemen of Huaxuta and Quahutichan,
to certify vnto him, how al the power of the Mexicans
was comming towardes them, and to knowe if it
were his pleasure, that they should carry their wiues,
children, and other goods into the Mountaines, or els to
bring them where he was, theyr feare was so great.
Cortes made vnto thē this answere, saying: be ye of good
courage, and feare ye not. Also I pray you to cōmaunde
your wiues & families to make no alteratiō, but rather
quietly to abide in your houses. And cōcerning the enimies,
I am glad of their comming, for ye shal sée how I
will deale with them. But the enimies wente not to
Huaxuta, as it was thought: neuerthelesse Cortes hauing
intelligence where they were, wente out to encounter
them, with two pieces of Ordinaunce, twelue horsemen
and two hundred Spaniardes, with many Indians of
Tlaxcallā. He fought with the enemie, and slew but few,
for they fledde to the water. He burnt certaine townes
where the Mexicans were wonte to succour themselues.
The next day came the chiefest men of thrée townes to
craue pardon, and to beséech him not to destroy thē, promising
neuer to harbour nor succour, any of Culhua.
The Mexicans hearing what these townes men pretended, with greate yre made a foule correction among them, as dyd appeare by many of them, which came vnto Cortes with broken heads, desiring reuengement.
The inhabitaunts of Chalco sent also vnto him for succour, declaring that the Mexicans made greate spoyle among them. But Cortes being ready to send for his Vergantines, could not relieue them all, and especially wyth Spaniardes: wherefore he remitted them to the helpe of the Tlaxcaltecas, and vnto thē of Huexocinco, Chololla, Huacacholla and other friends, promising that shortly he would come himselfe. But this answere pleased him not, yet for the present néede they required his letters to be written vnto those townes. And being in this communication, there came messengers from Tlaxcallan, with news, that the Vergantines were ready, and to knowe if he stoode in néede of any succour, for of late, (quoth they) we haue séene many beacons, and fiers, which are greater tokens of warre, than heretofore hath bene séene.
There came at that time, a Spaniard also from Vera Crux, with certaine newes, that there had arriued a ship, whiche had brought thirtie Souldiers besides the mariners of the shippe, with eight horses, great store of pouder, shotte, crossebowes, and Harquebushes. The plesent newes reioyced much our men, wherevpon Cortes sente forthwith to Tlaxcallan for the Vergantines, Gonzalo de Sandoual, with two hundered Spaniards, and fiftéene horsemen, and commaunded that in their way they shold burne and destroy the towne where the fourty fiue Spaniardes, and thrée hundered Tlaxcaltecas were slayn, with fiue horses moe, when Mexico was last besieged: and yt village is in ye iurisdiction of Tezcuco, and bordereth vpon the territorie of Tlaxcallan, yea, and for that purpose hée would gladly haue corrected and punished the dwellers of Tezcuco, but time then permitted not ye same, although they had deserued more punishment than the others. For why? in their town they were sacrifised and eaten, yea & the walles painted with their bloud, shewing moreouer perfit tokens, how it was spaniards bloud. They pluckt off also the horses skinnes & tanned thē in the heare, and afterwards hung them vppe, with the horseshoes in their great temple, & next vnto them, the spaniards garmētes, for a perpetual memory.
Sandoual went vnto that place with determinate entēt to follow his cōmission, & also before he came to ye place, he found writtē in a house wt a cole, these words: here in this house was a prisoner ye vnfortunate Iohn Iust, who was a gentleman, and one of the fiue horsemen that wer taken. But the people of that towne, being many, fledde when they saw the Spaniardes approch neare vnto thē. But Sandoual followed them, and slewe many of them: he toke also prisoners, manye women and children, who yelded themselues vnto his mercie, and their bodies for slaues. He séeing so little resistance, and beholding the pitiful mone of the wiues for their husbandes, and the children for their fathers, had compassiō on them, and wold not destroye their towne, but rather caused the dwellers to come again, and pardoned them, with othe, that hereafter they shoulde serue them truely, and be vnto them loyal friends. In this sorte was the death of the Christians reuenged, yet Sandoual asked them howe they slewe so manye Christians without resistaunce, marye (quoth they) we made an ambush in an euil and narrow way, ascending vp a hill, and there as they went vppe by one and one we spoyled them, for there, neyther horses nor other weapon could defend or help thē, so yt we tooke them prisoners and sente them to Tezcuco, where, as is before declared, they were sacrificed in the reuengement of the imprisonment of Calama.
Nowe when the enemies which murdered
the Spaniardes, were reduced and
chastened, Sandoual procéeded forwarde
towarde Tlaxcallan, and at the border of
that prouince, he mette with the Vergātines
whiche were broughte in pieces, as tables, planches,
and nayles, with all other furniture, the whyche
eight thousand men caryed vpon their backes.
There came also for their safeconduicte twentie thousande men of warre, and a thousande Tamemez, who were the carriers of victuals, and seruantes. Thē the Spanishe Carpenters sayde vnto Sandoual, that for as muche as they were nowe come into the countrey of enimies, it might please him to haue regarde thervnto, for daungers that myght happen: he allowed wel theyr iudgement.
Nowe Chichimecatetl, being a principal man and a valiant also, was captaine of a thousande men & desired to haue the vantguard with the Tymber, and hauing had the same charge hithervnto, it should be an affrent for him, to be put from it, and gaue manye reasons in hys behalfe. But notwithstanding his request, he was entreated to take the reregarde. And that Tutipil and Teutecatl captaines, very principal gentlemen, should haue the vantgard, with ten thousand men. In the myddest were placed the Tamemez, and those that carryed the foyst, with all the apparell of the Vergantines. Before those two captaynes, went a hundered Spaniardes, and eight horsemen, and behind and last came Sandoual with all the residue, and seuen horsemen. But now although Chichimecatetl was offended, touching his firste charge, now much more bycause the Spaniardes were not in his company, saying (quoth he) ye take me not for valiant, or else not faithful. That matter being pacified, and euery thing in good order, they toke their way towarde Tezcuco, with a marueylous noyse, crying, Christians, Christians, Tlaxcallan, Tlaxcallan, and Spayne.
On the fourth day they entred into Tezcuco, in verye good order, with the sounde of drummes, snayle-shelles, and other like instrumentes of Musicke, and againste their entry into the Citie, they put on al their brauerye of clothes, and bushes of feathers, whiche truely was a gallant sight: they were sixe houres, in entryng into the towne, keping their array.
Cortez came forth to receyue them, and gaue greate thankes vnto the gentlemen, and all the company, and prouided them of good lodgings and entertaynement.
Manye prouinces of India, came to submitte
and offer their seruice vnto Cortes,
some for feare of destruction, and others
for the hatred whyche they bare
to the Mexicans: so that nowe Cortes
was strong both with Spaniardes
and Indians. Also the Spanishe Captaine of Segura, sent
a letter to Cortez, the which letter he had receyued of
another spaniard, the effect therof was as foloweth. Noble
gentlemen, diuerse times I haue written vnto you,
but as yet I neuer receiued answere, nor yet now doe I.
I thynke otherwise, notwithstanding yee shall vnderstande,
that the Culhuacans haue done much hurte in thys
countrey, but we remayne with victorie. This prouince
desireth to see and knowe Captaine Cortez, for to render
themselues vnto him, and nowe they stande in neede of
our nation, wherfore it may please you to sende vnto vs
thirtie Spaniardes.
Cortez aunswered the letter in suche sort, that he then presently coulde not sende the thing desired, for that he was readye to the siege of Mexico: notwythstanding hée gaue them great thankes, with hope shortlye to sée thē. He that writte the former letter, was one of the Spaniardes that Cortez hadde sente to the prouince of Chinanta, a yeare paste, to enquire of the secretes of that place, and to séeke for golde and other commodities. And if it so happened, that the Lorde of that place made that Spaniarde a Captayne, agaynste the Culhuacans theyr enemyes, for Mutezuma made them warre béeyng farre from Mexico, bycause they had entertayned the Spaniardes. But through the industrie of that Christian, the Lorde aboade alwayes with victorye, and hauing vnderstanding that some of hys nation were in Tepeacac, he wrote so often as the letter declareth, but none of them came to their handes, but only this last letter: our men reioyced muche to heare that the Spaniardes were aliue, and also the Lorde of Chinanta to be their friende: likewise they marueyled much howe they had escaped, for at the time that they fledde from Mexico, all other Spaniardes that were abidyng in the Mynes and other Lordshippes, were slaine by the Indians.
Cortes made his preparation for the séege of Mexico with all hast, and furnished hym with scalling ladders, and other necessaryes, fitte for such a purpose. His Vergantines being nayled, and throughly ended, he made a sluise or trench of halfe a league of length, twelue foote broad & more, and two fadome in depth. This worke was fiftie dayes a doyng, although there were foure hundred thousand mē dayly working, truly a famous worke and worthy of memory.
The Vergantines were calked with Towe and cotten woll, and for want of tallow and oyle, they were (as some reporte,) driuen to take mans grease, not that they slewe men for that effect, but of those which were slayne in the warres. The Indians who were cruell and bloudy butchers, vsing sacrifice, would in this sort open the dead bodye, and take out the grease. The Vergantines being lanched, Cortes mustered his men, and founde nine hundred Spanyardes, of the which were 86. Horsemen, and a hūdred and eyghtéene with Crossebowes and Hargabushes, and all the residue had sundry weapons, as swords, daggars, Targets, Launces, and Halbertes. Also they had for armour, corselets, coates of mayle, and Iackes. They had moreouer thrée great péeces of cast yron, fiftéene small péeces of brasse, and tenne hundred waighte of powder, with store of shotte. All that ye haue hearde, was the prouision that Cortes had for the séege of Mexico, the strongest and greatest Citie in all India and newe world. In eache Vergantine he placed a péece of brasse. He proclaymed agayne all the institutions and ordinances of the warre, praying and commaunding that they might be well and faithfully obserued, and said, Brethrē and my fellowes, now do you sée our vessels readye, yea and also you do remember howe troublesome a thyng it hathe bin to bring them hither with the coste and sweate of our friendes, and one of the chiefest hopes that I haue shortly to winne Mexico, are these vessels, for with them we will burne all their Canoas, or else we will so locke them vp, that they shall not help them, whereby we wyll annoy our enimie as muche that way, as our army shall do by land. I haue also a hundred thousand men of warre my friends to beséege this Citie, who are (as you know) ye valiantest men in all these parties. You haue also your vittailes prouided abundantly, and that which now importeth, is, that you play the menne, as héeretofore you haue done, and most humbly to pray vnto God for victorie, for that this warre is his.
The nexte day following, Cortes sente vnto the
prouinces of Tlaxcallan, Huexocinco, Chololla,
Chal, and other Townes, warning thē within
tenne dayes to come vnto Tezcuco, with theyr
armoure, weapon, and other necessaries, for the séege of
Mexico. He certifyed them also, how the Vergantines were
ready with all other furniture accordingly, and the Spanyardes
were very desirous to lose no time, wherefore
they meante not to delay their pretence, farther than the
day appoynted.
The Indians hearing this newes, and bycause they would not come too late to the beginning of the assaulte, came incontinente, and entred into Tezcuco in good order of warre, aboue sixtie thousand men, gallantly trimmed after their vse and custome. Cortes friendly welcommed them, and prouided them lodgings accordingly.
On Whitsonday, all the Spanyardes came into the fielde, whereas Cortes made thrée chiefe Captaynes among whome he deuided his whole army. Vnto Pedro de Aluarado the first Captayne, he appoynted thirtie horsemen, and a hundred and seauentie footemen of the Spanyardes, two péeces of ordinance, and thirtie thousande Indians, commaunding him to campe in Tlacopan. Vnto Cristoual de Olid the seconde Captayne, he gaue thrée and thirtie Horsemen, and a hundred and eyghtéene footemen of the Spanish nation, two péeces of ordinance, and thirtie thousand Indians, and appoynted him to pitch his camp in Culhuacan. To Gonsalo de Sandoual who was the thyrde Captayne, he gaue thrée and twenty Horsemen, and 160. footemen, two péeces of Ordinance, and 40000. Indians, with commission to choose a place to pitch his Campe.
In euery Vergantine he planted a péece of ordināce, sixe hargabushes, or crossebowes, and 23. Spaniards, mē most fittest for that purpose. He appointed also Captaynes for eache, and himselfe for general, whereof some of the chiefest of his companye began to murmure that wente by lande, thinking that they had bin in greater daunger, wherefore they required him to goe with the mayne battell, and not by water. Cortes little estéemed their words, for although it is more daunger in the water than in the land, yet it did more importe to haue greater care in the warres by water, than on the land, bycause his men had bin in the one, and not in the other.
On the tenth of May Aluarado, and Cristoual de Olid departed, and went that night to a Towne called Acolman, where was betwéene them greate discorde touchyng their lodgings, yea and if Cortes had not sente to take vp the matter, much mischiefe had ensued. The nexte daye they lodged in Xolotepec, whych was not inhabited. The thyrde daye they came vnto Tlacopan, whyche was also as all the Townes of the lake, wythout people, there they were lodged in the Lordes house of the Towne.
The Tlaxcaltecas began to viewe Mexico by the calsey, and foughte with their enimies, vntill the nighte made them to ceasse.
On the thirtéenth of May, Cristoual de Olid came to Chapultepec, and brake the conduites of swéete water, wherevpon Mexico was destitute of the same, being the conduit that did prouide all the Citie. Pedro de Aluarado wyth his company procured to amende all the broken places of the calsey, that the horsemen might haue frée passage, and hauing muche to do in these affaires, he spente thrée dayes, and fighting with many enimies, some of his men were hurt, and many Indian friendes slayn. Aluarado abode in Tlacopan with his armye, and Cristoual de Olid retired to Culhuacan with his men, according to the instruction receyued from Cortes, and fortifyed themselues in the Lordes houses of the Towne, and euery daye skyrmished with the enimies, and some went to the Townes néere at hande, and brought Centli, fruite, and other prouision. In this businesse they occupyed théēselues a whole wéeke.
The newe Kyng Quahutimoc hauing intelligence
how Cortes hadde launched hys
Vergantines and so mightie a power to beséege
Mexico, entred into counsell wyth
the chiefest péeres of hys Realme. Some
were of opinion, and dyd prouoke hym
to the warres, considering theyr greate multitude of
people, and fortitude of the Citie.
Others were of opinion, who tendred muche the common weale, that no Spanyarde that shoulde happen to be taken prysoner shoulde be sacrificed, but rather to be preserued for conclusion of peace if néede shoulde so requyre. And finally some sayde, that they should demaunde of their Goddes what was best to doe.
The King that inclined himselfe more to peace than to warre, sayde that he woulde remitte the matter to the iudgement of the idolles, and that he would aduise them what answere should be made vnto him but: in harte he desired to come to some honest order and agréement with Cortes, fearing the thyng that after did ensue. But seyng his Counsell and subiectes so determined to warre, he cōmaunded foure Spaniardes whiche he had prysoners in a cage, to be sacrificed vnto the Goddes of warre, with a greate number more of Indians.
He spake to the Diuell in the image of Vitzilopuchtli, who answered him that he shoulde not feare the Spaniardes being but fewe, nor yet those whiche were comen to helpe them, for that they shoulde not long abide in the siege, commaunding him to goe forth and to encounter them without feare, for he would helpe them and kill his enimies. With this answere of the diuel, Quahutimoc commaunded forthwith to breake downe the bridges, watche the Cittie, make bulwarkes, and to arme fiue thousande boates, and sayde vnto the Spaniardes, that the Goddes woulde be pleased with the sacrifice of their bodies, the Snakes filled with their bloud, and the Tigres relieued with their flesh, they sayde also to the Indians of Tlaxcallan, ah yée Cuckold knaues, slaues and traytors to your gods and kyng, will you not repent the wickednesse whiche yée haue committed agaynst your maisters, therefore shall you nowe die an euill death, for either you shall die with hunger, or else vpon the knife: and then wil we eate your fleshe, and make thereof solemne a banket as the like hath heretofore neuer bene séene, and in token therof hold take these armes and legges whiche we throwe vnto you of your owne men, which we haue now sacrificed for the obtayning of victory. And after these warres we will goe vnto your countrey and spoyle your Towne, & leaue no memory of your bloud or generation. The Tlaxcaltecas laughed at their madde talke, and sayd, that it should be better for them to yéelde and submitte themselues to Cortes his mercy, and if not, yet it were more honorable to fight than to bragge, willyng them to come out into the field. And bad them assuredly beléeue, that the ende of all their knauery was at hande: it was a world to heare and sée the bragges and crakes on both sides. Cortes hearyng of all these matters, sent Sandoual to take Iztacpalapan, and he enbarked himselfe to méete him at that place.
Sandoual combated the towne on the one side, and the townes menne and people with feare fledde vnto Mexico, on the otherside by water: he burned the towne. Cortes came at yt time to a strōg rocke lyke a tower, situated in the water, where many men of Culhua were, who seyng them approche with their Vergantines, sette theyr beacons on fire, and threwe downe vpon them stones and shotte of theyr arrowes. Cortes wente ashore with a hundreth and fiftie menne, and combatted the forte, till at length he wanne the battlement, whiche was the Indians beste defence, and with muche adoe hée came to the toppe, and there fought vntill he had not lefte one aliue, sauyng women and chyldren. It was a fayre victorie, although fiue and twentie Spanyardes were hurte and wounded, yet the forte was strong, and the ourethrowe a great discouragyng of the enimie.
At this instant were so many beacons and other fires made rounde aboute the lake and vpon the hilles, that all séemed a lighte fire. And also the Mexicans hearyng that the Vergantynes were comyng, they came out in their boates, with fiue hundreth Gentlemen whiche came to sée suche newe kinde of vesselles, and to proue what they were, beyng a thyng of so greate a fame. Cortes embarked himselfe with the spoyle of the forte, and commaunded his men to abide all togither for the better resistance, and bycause the enimies shoulde thynke that they feared, wherevpon they mighte without any good order gyue the onsette vpon the Christians, and so to fall suddenly into the snare. But it followed, that when they came within shotte of the Spaniardes ordinaunce: they stayed abydyng more company, but in shorte space there came so many Canoas, that it séemed a wonder to beholde: They made suche a terrible noyse with theyr voyces, drummes, Snayle shelles, and other like instruments of warre, that they could not heare one an other, with such great crakes and bragges, as they had done in time paste.
And beyng bothe parties in readinesse to fight, there happened suche a poupewinde to the Vergantines which came from the shore, that it séemed meruellous. Cortes thē praysing God, commaunded al his Captaines to giue the onset altogithers, & not to ceasse vntill the enimies should be dryuen to retire into Mexico, for that it was the pleasure of God to sende vnto them that prosperous winde in token of victory. This talke ended, they beganne to sette vpon the enimy, who seyng the Vergantines come with such lucky winde, yea & such a sight as the like vnto them had not bene séene, they began to flie with suche greate haste, that they spoyled, brake, and sunke many of them, and suche as stoode to defende themselues were slayne, so that this battayle was soone ended. They pursued them twoo leagues, vntill they had locked them vp in the water streates of Mexico, and tooke many Lordes and Gentlemen prisoners. And the key of al these warres cōsisted in this victory, for our mē remayned for Lords of the whole lake, and the enimie with great feare and losse: they had not bene so soone spoyled, but that there were so many of them, who disturbed one an other. But when Aluarado, and Cristoual de Olid saw the fortunate successe of Cortes by water, they entered the calsey with their army, and tooke certaine bridges and bulwarkes, and draue the Indians from them, with all their force and strength. But with the helpe of the Vergantines which came vnto them, the Indians were dryuen to runne a whole league vpon the calsey, and where they founde the calsey broken, they procured to leape ouer, and so fel into the middest.
Cortes procéeded forwards, and findyng no Canoas, he landed vpon the calsey that commeth from Iztacpalapan, with thirtie men, and combatted two towers of idolles whiche were walled with wall of lyme and stone: it was the same place where Mutezuma receyued Cortes. He wan those towers in shorte time, although they were defended with all possibilitie: he vnshipped thrée péeces of ordināce to scoure the calsey, which was full of enimies: at first shotte he did greate hurte among thē, and beyng the night at hande, they seased on bothe sides for that day. And although Cortes had determined otherwise with his Captaynes, yet he aboade there that night, and sente to the campe of Gonsalo de Sandoual for pouder and fiftie mē, with halfe the company of Indians of Culhuacan.
The night of Cortes his abiding there, was
perillous, for he had not aboue a hundreth
men in his cōpany, and aboute midnight
set vpō him many Mexicans both by water
and lande, although they accustomed
not to fight in the night, but the Vergantines
made them soone to retire.
In the morning came vnto Cortes from Cristoual de Olid, eight horsemen, and foure score footemen. The Mexicans combated the towers, where Cortes was lodged, who incontinent came forth & draue them along the calsey, vntil he had wonne an other bridge and a bulwarke, and made a great spoyle among them, with the ordinaunce & horse men, pursuyng them to the vtmoste houses of the Cittie: and bycause many of the Canoas whiche were on the other side of the calsey galled Cortes and his menne, he brake downe so muche of the calsey, that he mighte well passe some of his Vergantines to the otherside, the which with few encounters shutte vp the Canoas on that side, within the succour of Mexico: and in this wise he remayned Lord ouer bothe the lakes.
The next day Sandoual departed from Iztacpalapan toward Culhuacan, and in his way he tooke and spoyled a little Citie that standeth in the lake, bycause they came out to resist him. Cortes sente vnto him two Vergantines to passe his men where the calsey was broken. Sandoual left his company with Cristoual de Olid, and wēt to Cortes with tenne horsemen, and when he came he found him in fight with the enimies, and he alightyng from his horse, an Indian persed him through the foote with a dart. Many Spaniardes were hurte that day, but theyr griefe was well reuenged, for from that day forwarde the Indians courage was muche abated. With the paynes, labour and victory already obtayned, Cortes might now at ease pitche his campe at his owne pleasure where he woulde, and also prouide his army of victuals: sixe dayes he ceassed not skirmishyng, and the Vergantines likewise founde out channels that they mighte goe rounde aboute the Cittie, yea and wente spoylyng and burning many houses within the Suburbes.
Mexico was besieged in foure places, although at the first they determined but thrée. Cortes was placed betwixt the twoo towers of the calsey: Pedro de Aluarado in Tlacopan: Cristoual de Olid in Culhuacan: Gonsalo de Sandoual in Xaltoca: for they had aduise that the same way they would flée out of the Citie, seyng themselues in any daunger. It would not haue grieued Cortes to haue lefte a passage for the enimy, but only bycause they should not profite themselues vpon the lande, and prouide the Cittie that way of armour & victuall, yea, he also thought to preuaile against his enimies better vpon the lande than vpon the water. And againe according to the olde prouerbe, When thine enimy flieth make him a bridge of siluer.
Cortes pretended to enter the Citie, and to gette
what he could, & also to sée what stomacke the
enimy had: he sent to aduise his captaines, that
eche of them should do the like, requiring them
to sende vnto him some of their horsemen and footemē. He
gaue speciall commaundement to Cristoual de Olid to haue
regard to the kéeping of his calsey, and to forsée that the
inhabitants of Xochmilco, Culhuacan, Iztacpalapan, Vitzilopuchtli,
Mexicalcinco, Cuetlauac, & other cities thereaboutes
come not that way behinde them and vnwares. He commaunded
that the Vergantines should goe along the calsey
on bothe the sides, if any néede shoulde happen. Cortes
early in the morning came out of his campe with .200.
Spaniardes and .80000. Indian friends: they had gone but
a small space, when they met with their enimies well armed,
keping the gappe where the calsey was brokē, which
broken place mought be a speares length, and as much in
depth. They fought with them, who for a great space defended
themselues behinde a bulwarke, but in fine he
wanne the passage, and followed them vnto the entrance
of the citie, where was a Tower, and at the foote thereof
a bridge drawen, where a good streame of water passed.
This place was very strong to combat, yea and fearefull
to behold the passage where the draw bridge was. They
ceased not shotyng of arrowes and hurlyng of stones, so
that our men coulde not come neare, vntill the Vergantines
came, and by meanes of them they wanne that fort
with lesser paynes than they imagined: for without the
Vergantines it had not bene possible to haue entred the
The enimies being now fled from that holde, our men alanded there, with the Indian friendes, who incontinent dammed vp the broken place with stones and earth. The Spaniardes of the vantgarde, tooke another bulwarke, which was planted in the largest and fayrest streate of the Citie, and pursued the enemy to another draw bridge, which remayned, but with one poste or beame, vppon the which many of the Indians passed ouer, and then toke ye beame awaye and aboue to defende the place: but when our men approched & sawe how the matter went, Cortez commaunded two pieces of Ordinaunce to be broughte, with the whiche, and with their Harquebushes, they did great hurt among the Mexicans, who began to fainte, and lose their courage, the which being vnderstoode, certayne Spaniards swā ouer where the draw bridge was, wt their weapons in their mouthes. But when the enimy sawe them passe ouer, they began, as well from that place as from the house toppes, zoties and bulwarke, whiche they had defended for the space of two houres, to flie. Cortes and his whole army beyng passed ouer, he commaunded to damme vp that broken place of the drawe brydge, with earth, rubbishe and stones, and procéedyng forwarde they came to an other bridge whiche had no bulwarke, but was neare one of the chiefest places of the cittie, and there placed a péece of ordinaunce wherewith they dyd greate hurte, and seyng them now past all the bridges, they determined to enter into the harte of the Citie. When the Mexicans perceyued their determination, they beganne to prouide euery one for himselfe, for some fledde one way and some another, but the moste wente to the great temple of Idols. The Spaniardes and theyr friends pursued after them, and among the throng gotte into the Temple, where they slewe many, and at length they wente vp into the high tower, and there threwe downe the idols, among whome they made a great spoyle.
Quahutimoc beganne to reprehende his men for their cowardie and flight, who gathered themselues togither, and considering theyr ouersight, and that there were no horses, began a freshe to sette vppon the Spanyardes, and with force and strength draue them out of all the circuite of the Temple, and made them truste to their féete. But when Cortes sawe his menne come flying, he caused them to returne and to shewe face vnto the enimy, declaryng vnto them how shamefull a thyng it was to flie: But seing the strength and multitude of their enimies, they had no other remedie but onely to retire to the greate market place, yea & from thence also they were expelled, and lost a péece of their ordinaunce. But beyng nowe in this extremitie, there came thrée horsemen who played the valiant men and made way through the troupe of enimies, who at the sight of the horses began to flie, and our men to follow with suche harte and courage, that in short time they wan the great temple agayne: then came other sixe horsemen who ioyned with the other thrée, and lay in ambushe, where they slew .30. Mexicans. The day being now farre spent, and the nighte at hande, Cortes commaunded his army to retire, and they obeying his commandemēt, hadde not so soone turned their backes, but an infinite number of enimies were at their héeles, who if it hadde not bin for the Horsemen, had slayne many Spanyardes, for they came vpon them like rauening dogges without any feare, yet with the succoure of the Horsemen, the enimie was putte agayne to flighte, and our men burned many houses, to auoyde at their next comming the daunger of stones whiche were throwen from their toppes. The other Captaynes, who were Sandoual and Aluarado, fought valiantly on the other side of the Citie.
In this meane while, Don Hernando of
Tezcuco, wente throughout his Lordship,
to allure his vassall to the seruice and
friendship of Cortes, according to his former
promise: and whether it were seyng
the Spanyards prosperitie in the séege of
Mexico, or otherwise, he broughte almost the whole prouince
of Culhuacan, whiche is vnder the gouernemente of
Tezcuco, with sixe or seauen of his owne bréethren, for
more he could not, although he had more than a hundred
bréethren, as héereafter shall be declared. One of them
named Iztlixuchilh béeyng a valiant yong man, of the
age of foure and twenty yeares, he appoynted generall
Captayne ouer fiftie thousande men of warre, well armed
and trimmed according to their fashion. Cortes dyd
friendly receyue and welcome them, giuing them greate
thankes for their ayde and good willes. Of these newcome
men, he tooke into his owne host thirtie thousande,
and deuided the residue equally among the other Captaynes.
This was a sorrowfull newes to the Mexicans, to heare of the succoure which Don Hernando hadde sente to serue Cortes, and with holden the same from them, yea and also among them were come kinsmen, bréethren, and fathers to many of them which were in Mexico in the seruice of Quahutimoc.
Two dayes after that these menne were come, there came also men of Xochmilco, and certayne husbandmen of the Moūtaines, who spake the Otomitlh spéech, beséeching Cortes to pardon their long tarrying, offering also both men and vittayles for the séege. Cortes was pleased wyth their cōming and gentle offer, for they being his friēds, he was assured of them of Culhuacan, and sayd vnto them, within these thrée daies (God willing) I wil combate the Citie, therefore againste that time I praye you prepare your selues accordingly, and therein shall I knowe whether you are my friendes or no: and with this aunswere they departed, promising to fulfill his request, as they did in déede. This done, he sente thrée Vergātines to Sandoual, and other thrée to Aluarado, for to disturbe anye succoure that mighte come from the land to the Citie, and likewise to defende and ayde the Spanyardes at all times, when they would land vpon the calsey, to combate the Citie, for he well vnderstoode howe profitable those vessels would be néere vnto the bridges.
The Captaines of the Vergantines ceased not night and day to runne the coast and Townes of the lake, where they tooke manye boates from the enimies, laden with men and victuall, and permitted none to come into the Citie, nor yet any to come out.
The daye appointed to the enimies for the combate, Cortes made his prayers vnto God, & then enformed each Captayne what he should do, and came foorth with twētie horsemen, thrée hundred Spanyardes, and a great number of Indians, with their péeces of Ordinance, and where in thrée or foure dayes before they had not skirmished, time serued the Mexicans at will to open al those places which were dammed vp before, and also to builde better bulwarkes thā those which were throwen downe, attending with that horrible noyse accustomed. But whē they sawe the Vergantines on eache side, theyr ioy was turned into sorrowe, and beganne to fainte, the whiche oure men vnderstood well, and therewith alanded themselues vpon the calsey, and wanne the bulwarke and the bridge. Our army procéedyng forward, set vppon the enimies, vntill they came to another bridge, the whyche was likewise wonne in shorte time, and this pursued from bridge to bridge, alwayes fighting, vntill they had driuen them from the Calsey and stréetes.
Cortes for his part lost no time, for he with tenne thousande Indians laboured to damme vp againe the sluses and broken places of the bridges, making the way plaine both for Horsemen and footemen: it was so much to doe, that all those ten thousand Indians were occupyed therein from the morning vntill the euening.
The other Spanyards and Indian friends skirmished continually, and slew many of their enimies. Likewyse the Horsemen so scoured the stréetes, that the enimies were forced to locke them vp in their houses & Temples. It was a notable thing to sée how our Indians played the menne that daye againste the Citizens: sometimes they would chalenge them the fielde: other times they would conuite them to supper, and shewe vnto them legges, armes, and other péeces of mās flesh, saying behold your owne flesh which shal serue for our supper and brekefast, and to morrow we wil come for more, therefore flye not, you are valiant fellowes, yet it were better for you to dye fighting than with hunger. And after all this spéech, euery one of them called vppon the name of his owne Towne with a loude voyce, setting fire vppon their houses. The Mexicans were replenished with sorrow, to sée themselues so afflicted with Spanyardes, but yet theyr sorrowe was the greater, to heare their owne vassals so raile againste them, saying and crying at their owne dores, victory, victory, Tlaxcallan, Chalcho, Tezcuco, Xochmilco, and other Townes: the eating of the fleshe gréeued them not, for they did the like.
Cortes séeing the Mexicans so stoute and hard harted, with full determination eyther to defend themselues or else to dye, therevpon he bethought himselfe vppon two things, the one was, that he shoulde not obteyne the treasure whiche he had séene in the time of Mutezuma: the other was, that they gaue him occasion totally to destroy the Citie. Both these things gréeued him much, but especially the destructiō of the citie. He ymagined with himselfe what he mighte doe, to bring them to acknowledge their error, and the hurt that mighte fall vpon them, and for these considerations he pluckt downe their Towers, and brake their idolles. He burned also the greate house wherein he was lodged before, and the house of foule which was néere at hād. There was not one Spanyard who had séene that magnificall building before, but lamented sore the sight: but to agréeue the Citizens, it was commaunded to be burned. There was neuer Mexican, that thought any humaine force, how much lesse so fewe Spanyards, shoulde haue entred into Mexico in despite of them all, and to sette fire vpon their principallest edifices within the Citie. While this house was a burning, Cortes gathered his men, and retired to his Campe. The Mexicans would fayne haue remedyed the fire, but it was too late, and séeing our men retire, they followed wyth their noyse accustomed, and slue some of our men, who were laden with the spoyle, and came behinde the reste. The horsmen relieued our men, and caused the enimy to retire, in such wise, that before night al our men were in safetie and the enimies in their houses, the one sorte full of sorowe, and the others wearied with fighte and trauel. The slaughter was great that day, but the burning, and spoyle of houses was greater, for besides those whiche wee haue spoken of, the Vergantines did the like where they wente, and the other Captaines also were not idle where they were appointed.
Pedro de Aluarado, would passe his
army to ye market place of Tlalulco,
for he toke much payn & stoode
in perill in susteyning ye bridges
which he had gotten, hauing hys
forte almost a league frō thence.
And again, he being a man of a
haughtie stomacke, thinking as
wel to get honor as his general, and likewise being procured
by his company, who sayde, that it were a shame
for them if Cortez should winne that market place, being
more nearer vnto them, than vnto him: wherevpon
he determined to winne those bridges which as yet wer
vnwonne, and to place himselfe in the market place. He
procéeded with all his army vntill they came to another
brokē bridge, which was sixtie paces of length, and two
fadome depe, the whiche with the helpe of the Vergantines,
he wan in short space, and gaue order to certaine
of his men to damme it vppe substancially, and he himselfe
pursued his enimies, with fiftie Spaniardes. But
when the Citizens sawe so few in number, and al footemen,
(for the horses coulde not passe the sluce so soone,)
they came vpon them so sodainely & fiercely, that they
made our men to turne their backes, and trust to theyr
legges, yea and our men fel into the water, they knewe
not which way. They slew many of our Indias[=a?], and four
Spaniards, who forthwith they sacrifised, and eate their
fleshe in the open sight of al the army.
Aluarado saw his owne folly, in not beleauing Cortes, who had always forewarned him, not to procede foreward, vntil he had made the way sure behinde him: but Aluarado his counsellers payde their counsel with life Cortes sorrowed for the same, for the like had happened vnto him, if he had giuen credite to their counsel. But as a prudent captain, he considered the matter better, for euery house was then an Ilande, the calsey broken in many places, and the zoties or house toppes beset with stones, for these and suche like places vsed Quahutimoc. Cortes went to see where Aluarado had pitched hys campe, and also to rebuke him for that which was past, and to aduise him what he shold do: But when he came and found him so farre within the libertie of the Citie, and the daungerous places which hadde passed, he dyd highly cōmend his valiaunt and good seruice: he also cōmuned with him of manye things concerning the siege, and then returned to his owne campe.
Cortez delayed the time to pitche his
campe in the market place of Mexico,
although daily his menn entrede
and skirmished with in the Citie, for
the causes before alleaged, and likewise
to sée if Quahutimoc would yéeld
himself. And also the entrie could not
be but very daungerous, for the great multitude of enimies
that filled vp the streates.
Al his company Spaniardes ioyntly, with the kings Treasurer, séeing the determination of Cortes, and the hurt already receyued, besought and also required him to passe his campe vnto the market place: who aunswered them, that they had spoken like valiaunt men, but as yet (quoth he) it is not time conuenient, & we oughte to consider better of the matter: for why? the enimies are fully determined to ende their liues in defence of that place. But his men replyed so muche, that hee was compelled to graunte to theyr requeste, and proclaymed the entraunce for the nexte daye following. Hee wrote also in his letters to Gonsalo de Sandoual, & to Pedro de Aluarado, the instructions of the things that they should doe, whiche was in effect, to Sandoual, that hee shoulde remoue hys campe wyth all hys fardage, as thoughe he woulde retire and flye, and that vppon the calsey he shoulde haue tenne horsemen in ambushe, behinde certaine houses to the intent that when the Citizens should espie thē flie, and would pursue after, thē to passe betwixt them and home with the said horsemen, & after the hurt done among them, in this sort, that then he with al his army shoulde come where Pedro de Aluarado aboade, with other tenne horsemen, a hundered footemen, and the Nauye of Vergantines, and leauing with hym his men, should then take thrée of the Vergantines, and to procure to winne that broken bridge, where Aluarado of late receiued the foyle: and if he fortuned to wynne that place, that then he should damme it vp, and make it sure, before he passed anye further: and the like order he gaue vnto him for al other broken places that he should passe.
Vnto Aluarado he gaue commission, that he shoulde passe as farre into the Citie as he myght possible, requyring him also to send vnto him eightie Spaniardes. Hée also appointed the other seauen Vergantines, to passe into both ye lakes, with thrée thousand Canoas. He deuided likewise all his army into thrée companies, bycause they had thre ways to enter into the citie. By the one of these wayes or streates, entred the Treasurer and Auditor, with seauentye Spaniardes, twentie thousande Indians, eight horsemen, twelue labourers with pickeaxes and Shouels, and many other ydle felowes, to cary earth and stones, and to fill vp the broken places, and to make the way plaine.
The seconde streate he commended to George de Aluarado and Andres de Tapia, with eightie Spaniardes, tenne thousande Indians, two pieces of Ordinaunce, and eight horsemen. Cortes himselfe toke the thirde way, wyth a great number of friendes, and a hundred Spaniardes footemen, of the whiche were twentye fiue with Crossebowes and Harquebushes, and cōmaunded his horsemē which were eight in number, to abide there behinde, and not to falow after, vntil he shold sende for them. In thys order, and al at one instaut, they entred the Citie, shewing the harts of valiaunt men, greatly annoying the enemy, and wan many bridges, but when they came neare vnto ye towne house called Tianquiztli, there gathered togither such a number of the Indian friendes, who before theyr eyes scaled, entred, and robbed their houses, that they thought assuredly, that ye same day the citie had bin wonne. Cortez commaunded that they should procéede no further, saying, that they had done sufficientlye for that day, for also he feared afterclappes. He likewise demanded whether all the broken bridges were made sure, in the whych (quoth he) cōsisteth the peril and victorie. But those that went with the Treasurer, following victorie and spoyle, had left a bridge not well dammed vp, but verye hollowe and false, the whiche was of twelue paces broad, and two fadom in depth. When Cortez was aduertised hereof, he went thither to remedy the same, but he was no sooner come, when he sawe his men fléeing, and leaping into the water, with feare of the cruel enimies, which followed, who leapt after them into the water, to kill them. There came also along the calsey manye Indian boates of enimies, who toke many of ye Indian friends and Spaniards aliue. Then Cortes and other fiftéene persons, which were with him, serued for no other purpose but to helpe out of the water those that were fallen, some came wounded, and others halfe drowned, and without armour: yea and the multitude of enimies so beset Cortes, and his fiftéene companions, who wer helping their mē, and so occupyed in the same, that they had no regarde to their owne peril. Wherevpon certaine Mexicans layd hād vpō Cortes, who truly they had carried away if it had not bin for one Francisco de Olea his seruāt, who cut off at one blowe the armes of them that had hold of him, and he by the enemies was immediately slain, so that he died to saue his maisters life. Then came Antonio de Quinionez captaine of the guard, who caught Cortes by the arme, & by force pluckt him out of the throng of enimies, wyth whom valiantly he fought. But thē with the fame that Cortez was prisoner, came many spaniards, among whō was one horseman, who made some roome, but in shorte space they thrust him through the throte with a launce, and made him to retire. The fight ceassed a little, & Cortes had a horse brought vnto him, on the which he lightlye amounted, and gathering his men togither, came to the streate of Tlacopan, whiche was large and faire. There died Guzman his Chamberlayne, giuing a horse vnto his maister, whose death was much lamented among them all, for he was a man valiant, honeste, & welbeloued. There fel also into the water two horses, the one was saued, but the other was killed by the Indians. As the Treasurer and his company were Combatting a bulwarke, the enimies threw out of a window thrée Spaniards heads vnto them, saying, the like they would do with their heads, if they went not from thence the sooner. They séeing this sight, and likewise cōsidered the great hurte and spoyle made among them, began to retire by little and little.
The Mexican Priestes went vp into the Towres of Tlatelulco, and made their fiers in chafing dishes, and put therevnto the swéete gūme of Copalli in token of victorie, and forthwith stripped fiftie Spaniards captiues as naked as they were borne, and with their fine rasors opened them in the breastes, and pluckt out their hartes for an offering to the Idols, and sprinckled their bloud in the ayre. Our men seing before their eies the doleful sight, would fain haue gone to reuēge the cruel custome. But as time then required they had ynough to doe, to put themselues in sauetie through the great troupe of Indians which came vpon them, who now feared neither horse nor sword. This day as ye haue heard, were fortie Spaniards sacrificed, and Cortes wounded in one of hys legges, and thirtie moe of his men: they loste a piece of Ordinance, and foure horses. Also that day was slayne aboue two thousand Indian friends, and many Canoas lost and the Vergantines in great daunger, and the captain and maister of one of them were wounded. Whereof the captaine died within eight dayes, the same day wer also slaine foure of Aluarado his men, that daye was an vnfortunate or dismal day, and the nyght heauy, sorrowfull and replenished with lamentable griefe among the spaniardes and their friendes. On the other side, the Mexicās tryumphed with ioy, and made great bonefiers, blewe their hornes, stroke vp their drummes, daunced, banqueted and dranke themselues drunk: they also opened their streats and bridges, as they were before, and placed their scout and watch about the Citie. And as soone as it was day, the king Quehutimoc, sent two Christians heads, and two horse heads into al the comarcanes there aboute, to signifye their victorie and to require them to forsake the Christians friendship, promising in short space to make the like ende of all those that remayned, and deliuer the countrey from warre, these things encouraged some prouinces to take armour againste Cortes being his allied friendes, as Maliualco and Cuixco. This newes was soone blowen abroade into many prouinces, wherevppon our men feared rebellion among their new friends, yea and mutinie in their owne campe, but it pleased god that it fel out otherwise. The next day Cortes came out againe to fight, to shewe face to the enimies, but he turned again from the first bridge, without doing any great act.
Chichimecatl, a noble man
of Tlaxcallan, (who hadde
brought the Timber of ye
Vergantines, frō whence
it was wrought, and was
placed in the companye
of Aluarado at the beginning
of the siege of Mexico,)
séeing that the Spaniards
fought not as they
wer wont to do, he alone
with ye men of his owne countrey, went forth to cōbate
the Citie, being a thing which toofore he had not attēpted,
gaue assault against those which defended a certain
bridge, and with great noyse cryed and named his City
and lynage, and in short space wanne the bridge, where
he lefte foure hundered archers, and followed after the
enimie, who of industrie fledde, thinking to take
him at his returne, and at length the enemy returned
vppon him, where they made a fayre skirmishe, for the
fight was equall. There were many hurt and slaine on
both sides, so that with the dead carcasses they supped
at will. But they thoughte to ouerthrowe him at the
bridge, not knowing of ye foure hundered archers which
were there to attend Chichimecatls comming, by meanes
of whome, he passed at pleasure, to the greate griefe
of the Mexicans, yea and remayned not a little amazed
to sée the valor and bolde attempte of the Tlaxcaltecas.
The Spanyards likewise highly commended the fact, for where oure men combated not as they were wont to do, the Mexicās ymagined that the cause was cowardize, infirmitie, or want of vittayles: wherevpon one daye at the sunne rising, they set vpon Aluarado his Camp, whiche being espyed by the watch, they began to crye, arme, arme, who came forth as well footemen as horsemen, and put them to flight, at whiche retire many of the Mexicans were drowned, and others sore hurt and wounded. Then said the Mexicans, that they desired to talke with Cortez, who came vnto a drawe bridge to knowe what they would haue, vnto whome sometime they sayd, that peace was their request, and other times they demanded truce, but finally required that the Spanyards shoulde departe from that Countrey. All this policie was but to féele what strength and courage our menne had, and to haue truce for a certayne time, for to prouide them of such necessaries as they wanted, for their determinate purpose was, to dye in the defence of their countrey and religion. Cortes aunswered, that truce was not conueniente for eyther partie, but peace was laudable at al times, the whiche for his parte, although he hadde beséeged the Citie, should not be denyed: therfore he willed them to wey his plentifull estate of vittayles, and their owne néede and necessitie of the same. They being in this communication with their interpreters, appeared an auntient olde man on the toppe of the Bulwarke, who in the sighte of them all, pluckt bread out of his satchell péece by péece, and began to eate, giuing them to vnderstand, that they stoode in no néede of vittayles, and so made an ende of theyr talke.
The séege of this Citie séemed a long time to Cortes, for in néere fiftie dayes that he had begun the same, yet could not he bring his desire to passe, yea and much maruelled that the enimies coulde endure so long a season with dayly skirmishing, and also how they refused peace and concord, knowing how many thousands of them had bin slayne, and ended their miserable liues with hunger.
Yet once agayne he sente this last message vnto them, that if they woulde not yéelde themselues, then he hauing them enuironed by land and water, woulde slea thē all, and not permitte anye kinde of victuall to come vnto them, so that theyr extremitie shoulde be so greate, that they should eate one another: their aunswere was, that firste the Spanyardes shoulde tast of the same cuppe, so that threatning increased their courages, and occupyed themselues in carrying stones to the market place, and many other stréetes, to stoppe the way against the Horses and their maisters.
Cortes, although it gréeued him to destroy totally so beautifull a Citie, yet he determined to bring all the houses of the stréetes that he should winne to be equall with the ground, and to stoppe with them the Chanels of water. He cōmuned the matter with his Captaynes, who liked well of his intente, although it was a troublesome thing. He also aduertised the Gentlemen Indians hys friends of his determination, who highly commended his deuice.
Cortes séeyng the towardnesse of all his armye, he called and prepared all his labourers, with their pikeaxes and shouels, so that in these affaires, and in setting hys men in good order, he spent foure dayes, and then he begā to cōbate the stréete, which goeth directly to the market place, then fainedly the Citizēs desired peace. Cortes stayed, and asked for their King: they aunswered, that they had sent for him, wherevpon Cortes taried an houre, and then they began to reuile him, and to throwe stones, and shot at him. The Spanyards séeing this, gaue the onser, and wanne a forte, and came into the chiefe place of the Citie. They cleansed the stréetes of the stones whiche they had laide to disturbe their passage, and stopped so vp the water stréete in that place, in suche wise, that neuer after it was opened againe, and threw downe all the houses, making the entrance into the Citie an open playne high way, and then retired to their camp. Also sixe dayes arowe they did the like, without receyuing any hurt, sauing the last day two horses were hurt.
The nexte day Cortes laide an ambush with fiftie horsmen, and sent before him the Vergantines, but hée himselfe with thirtie horsemen, abode in certaine great houses in the Market place. They foughte that day in many places of the Citie, and at the retire, one shot of a handgun, whiche was the token that those which lay in ambushe should come forth. The enimies folowed our men, that séemed to flée with maruellous greate courage. But they were not so soone passed the snare, when Cortes came forth with his thirtie horsemen, saying, vpon them, vpon them: By this onely meane were slaine aboue fiue hundred Mexicans, besides the prisoners.
Our Indian friends had a good supper that nyght with mans fleshe, whiche as yet they would not be perswaded to leaue. Certaine Spaniards went vppe into a Tower of Idols, and there opened a sepulchre, where they found fiue hundred Castlins in golde: With this ouerthrowe the Mexicans remayned in suche feare, that all their threatnings and triumphes were turned into mourning: and euer after whē they saw our men retire, they would not folow them, fearing the like danger, so that this was a meane, the sooner to win Mexico.
Two poore soules who were vexed wyth
hunger, came in the nighte season out of
the citie vnto Cortes his Camp, who certifyed,
how the Citizens were in greate
necessitie, and so manye dead with hunger
and sicknesse, that there were heapes
of dead bodyes in the houses, only to kéepe close their extreame
miserie: and said also, that in the night season manye
came out to fishe betwéene the houses with feare of
the Vergantines, and others came out to séeke for wodde,
hearbes, and rootes to eate.
Cortes hearing these newes, determined to knowe the troth thereof, so that the nexte night he commaunded the Vergantines to goe round about the Citie, and he himselfe with fiftéene Horsemen, a hundred footemen, and manye Indian friends, placed themselues betwixte certaine houses, with order to his espyes, to aduertise him what they shoulde sée. It was no sooner day, but manye poore folke came out to séeke for foode, and when Cortes had intelligence thereof, he made a greate slaughter among them, whereas at that time of vnarmed men, women, and chyldren, were slayne to the number of eyght hundred: and the Vergantines on their side made another spoyle. The pitiful noise being heard into the Citie, the Citizens were astonyed, and knew not what to doe, fearing the like ambushe that they had séene and fealt the day before, & also wondered, that at such an houre not accustomed, ye Spanyardes were so nigh. The next day following, béeing S. Iames his euen, Cortes entred againe into the Citie, according as he had done before, and wanne the stréete of Tlacopan, where he burned the riche and faire houses of king Quahutimoc, whiche were motted round aboute: so that nowe of foure partes of the citie, thrée partes were wonne, and the Spaniardes might safely passe from Cortes his campe, to the campe of Aluarado, by reason that all the houses were burned, and beaten downe playne with the grounde.
But yet the poore Mexicans would say to the Indians of Tlaxcallan, goe to, go to, make hast, burne and destroy these houses, for time will come that yée shall buylde them againe at your owne coste. For if we haue victory then shall ye buylde them for vs, and if we be ouercome then shall yée buylde them for these straungers.
Within foure dayes after, Cortes entred the citie againe, and also Aluarado on his side, who to shewe hys haultie stomacke, laboured all that was possible to gette two towers of the temple of Tlatelulco, the whiche at the length he wan, although he loste thrée horses in the cōbat.
The next day followyng, the horsemen walked vp and downe in the greate market place at pleasure, the poore Mexicans beholding that sorrowful sight frō their houses. And as the Spaniardes wente walking in the cittie, they founde heapes of dead bodies in the houses, streates, and in the water: they found also the barke of trées and rootes gnawen by the hungry creatures, and the men so leane and yellow, that it was a pitifull sighte to beholde. Cortes yet agayne required them to yéelde, and they although they were so leane of body were strong in harte, and answered that he should not speake of any friendshippe, nor yet hope of their spoyle, for when no fortune would fauour them, then they woulde eyther burne their treasure, or throwe it into the lake, where they should neuer profite therby, and that they would fight while one alone shoulde remayne aliue. At Cortes his nexte entry into the citie, he founde the streates full of women, children, olde folke, and many miserable sicke persons whiche were perishyng for want of foode.
Cortes commaunded that none of his army should doe any hurte vnto such miserable creatures. The principall folke who were whole and sounde, they stoode in their zoties or house toppes, without weapon, and clothed in mātels. It was thought that they kepte a certaine holy day, peace was againe offered, but they answered with dissimulation. The next day followyng Cortes required Aluarado on his side to combat a streat of .1000. houses that was not yet won, and that he would doe the like on the otherside: for a little space the Citizens defended thēselues, but their defence endured not, but were driuen to flie, being not able to resiste the force of theyr contraries. So that the Spanishe army wan also that streate, and slewe 12000. Cittizens, the murder was so great bicause the Indian friends would shewe no mercie or compassion vpon them, although they were required to the cōtrary. So that now the Mexicans hauing lost this streate also, the houses that were not beatē downe could scarcely hold the people yt were aliue, the streates also being so full of dead carcasses and sicke bodies, that our men coulde not passe but must néedes treade vpon them. Cortes desirous to sée what remayned of the cittie to win, went vp into a high tower, and hauyng well vewed the Cittie, he iudged that of eight parts one remained yet to win. And ye next day following he assaulted the same, with speciall cōmaundement giuen to his army, not to kil any but only such as should resist.
The sorrowful Citizens bewayling their vnfortunate fate & destinie, besought the Spaniards to make an ende, and to kill them all out of hande. Then certayne of the horsemen called Cortes in great hast, who went vnto them incontinent, hopyng of some agrement of peace: and standing at the brymme of the water neare vnto a drawe bridge, the Mexicans sayde, oh captayne Cortes, consideryng that thou art the childe of the Sunne, why doest thou not entreate the Sunne thy father, to make an ende of vs: oh thou Sunne that canst goe rounde about the worlde in a day and a night, we pray thée make an end of vs, and take vs out of this miserable lyfe, for we desire death to go and rest with our God Quetcauatlh who tarieth for vs. After these speaches they made a lamentable crie, callyng vpon their Goddes with loude voyces. Cortes answered what he thought good, but yet could not perswade them to yéelde, truely it was a pitefull sight to beholde.
Cortes seing the great extremitie that these poore
wretched people were in, thinkyng nowe that
they woulde yéelde vnto him, therevppon hée
spake to an vncle of Don Hernando de Tezcuco,
who was taken prisoner thrée dayes before, whom he desired
to go to the king & treate of peace: this Gentleman
refused the message, knowyng the determinate will of
Quahutimoc, but through muche entreatie he graunted to
his request. So the next day followyng Cortes entred into
the Cittie, & sent that Gentleman & certaine Spaniardes
before him. The Indian guarde of that streate receyued
him with the honour which vnto such a noble man did appertayne.
He procéeded forward toward the king, & being
come where he was, he declared vnto him his embassage.
When Quahutimoc had hearde his tale, he was so moued
with yre & choller, that forthwith he commaūded him to
be sacrificed, and gaue the Spaniardes for theyr answere
blowes with stones, staues and arrowes, saying also
that they desired death and no peace, and fought so stoutly
that day, that they slewe many of our menne, and one
horse. Lykewise on their side many were slayne.
The nexte day Cortes entred the cittie agayne, but he fought not, hoping then that they woulde submitte themselues, but yet the Citizens had no such thought. He came néere vnto a certayne bulwarke on horsebacke, and spake vnto certaine Gentlemen with whome he was acquaynted, saying that now within a shorte space he could make an ende of their finall destruction, but yet of meare compassion he wished it not, for the loue whiche he bare vnto them, so that they would in time rēder themselues: wherfore (quoth he) entreate yée the king to doe the same, and in so doyng ye shalbe well vsed, and haue victuals sufficient. The Gētlemen hearing these wordes, fell on weping, and answered, that now they knew well their errour, and felte their losse and destruction, notwithstāding they were bounde to obey their king and Goddes. But yet (quoth they) abide a while, and we will certifie Quahutimoc what you haue sayde, and in shorte space they went and returned againe, saying that the next day without fayle their Lord woulde come and talke with him in the markette place. With this answere Cortes returned to his campe, and thought at their méeting to conclude an honorable peace. So against the next day he caused a Canapie and chayre of estate to be sette in the markette place, accordyng to the Mexican vse, and also a dinner to be prepared. The day followyng came Cortes at the houre appoynted, with many of his men armed, but the king came not: neuerthelesse he sente fiue noble men to treate of the matter, excusing the kyng, saying he was not well at ease. Cortes welcomed those Gentlemen, and was gladde of their cōming, hoping thereby to conclude and make some good ende. And when they had dined and well refresshed their hungry bodies, Cortes gaue them victuals, and desired them to returne agayne to the King, and to declare vnto him that without his presence the conclusion coulde not be certayne. They wente and returned againe within twoo houres, and brought vnto Cortes certaine mantels made of cotton woll, very good & well wrought, with answere that the king would not come in any wise, both for shame and feare. And the next day these messengers came agayn, saying that the king would come to the place appointed. But yet he came not, although Cortes attended his commyng more than foure houres: who seing the mockerie, he forthwith sente Sandoual with his Vergantines one way, and he himself went an other, combatting the houses & fortes that yet remayned, where he founde small resistaunce, so that he might doe what he pleased. There was that day slayne and taken prysoners aboue .40000. persons, & then he retired to his campe. The lamentable crie and mourning of the women and children woulde haue made a stony hart relent, the stench also of the dead bodies was wōderfull noysome. That night Cortes purposed to make an end the next day of the warres, and Quahutimoc pretended to flie, and for that purpose had enbarked hymselfe in a Canoa of twētie ores. When the day appeared Cortes, with his men, and foure péeces of ordinance, came to the corner where those that yet remayned were shut vp, as cattell in a pounde. He gaue order to Sandoual and Aluarado what they shold do, which was, to be ready with their Vergātines, and to watche the comyng out of the Canoas whiche were hidden betwixte certayne houses, and especially to haue regard vnto the kings person, and not to hurte him, but to take him aliue. He commaunded the residue of hys men to force the Mexican boates to goe out, and he himselfe wente vp into a tower, inquiryng for the King, and there founde Xihuacoa, gouernour and Captayne generall of the Cittie, who woulde in no wise yéelde himselfe. Then came out of the Cittie a greate multitude of olde folkes, men, women and childrē to take boate. The throng was so great with hast to enter the Canoas, that many by that means were drowned in the lake. Cortes required his mē not to kil those miserable creatures: But yet he could not stay the Indians his friends, who slewe and sacrificed aboue fiftene thousand. After this, there was a great rumour among the cōmon people, that the king would flie, making a piteous mone and saying that they sorowfull creatures knew not whither to goe: But yet procuryng to goe into the Conoas, whiche were so full that there was no roume for thē, by reason thereof many were drowned.
The men of warre stoode in the house toppes and zoties beholding their perdition. All the nobilitie of Mexico were enbarked with the kyng. Then Cortes gaue signe with the shotte of a handgunne, that his captaines should be in a readinesse, so that in shorte space they wanne fully and wholy the great Cittie of Mexico. The Vergantines likewise brake in among the fléete of boates, without any resistaunce, and euery one sought where he might beste succour himselfe, the Royall Standarte was beaten downe. Garcia Holguin, who was captayne of a Vergantine, had espied a great Canoa of .xx. ores déepe laden with men. And one of his prysoners sayde vnto him, that the king wente in that greate Canoa. Holguin beyng gladde of the newes, gaue chase to that Canoa and ouertooke him. In his foreship he had thrée crossebowe men. And when Quahutimoc who stoode on the puppe of the Canoa ready to fighte, sawe those bowes ready bente, and many drawen swordes, he yéelded himselfe, declaryng that he was the king. Garcia Holguin being a gladde man of his prysoner, tooke and carried him vnto Cortes who receiued him reuerently. When Quahutimoc came neare vnto him, he layde his hande vpon Cortes his dagger, saying, I haue done all my possibility to defende me and mine, accordyng to my duetie, hoping not to haue come to this estate and place where now I stande: And considering that you may doe with me what you please, I beséeche you to kill me, and that is my only request. Cortes comforted him with faire words, giuyng him hope of life and seniory, and tooke him vp into a zotie, requiring him to commaund his subiectes to yéelde and render themselues: he obeyed his request. At that time there was about thrée score and tenne thousande persons, who in seing their Prince, threwe downe their weapons and submitted themselues.
In the order before declared, wanne Hernando
Cortes the famous cittie of Mexico, on tuesday
being the .xiij. of August, An. 1521. in remembraunce
wherof, and of the great victory, euery
yéere on that day they make a sumptuous
feast & solemne procession, wherin is carried the standart
royall, with the whiche the cittie was won. The siege endured
thrée moneths, & had therein .200000. Indians .900.
Spaniardes .80. horses .17. péeces of ordinaunce, 13. Vergantines,
& 6000. Canoas. In this siege were slayne fiftie
Spaniardes & sixe horses, & no great number of the Indians
their friends. There was slaine on the cōtrary side a hundred
thousand, and some affirme many moe: but I speake
not of them that died with hunger and pestilence.
At the defence of the citie were al the nobilitie, by reason wherof many were slayne. The multitude of people was great, who eate litle, dranke salte water, and slepte among the dead bodies, where was a horrible stenche: for these causes the disease of pestilence fell among them, and thereof died an infinite number. Wherevpon is to be considered, their stedfaste determination, for although they were afflicted with such hunger, that they were dryuen to eate boughes, ryndes of trées, and to drinke salte water, yet woulde they not yéelde themselues. But at the laste they would haue submitted them, and then their kyng Quahutimoc woulde not, bycause at the begynnyng they refused his will and counsell, and also with their generall deaths, should appeare no cowardise, for they kept the dead bodies in theyr houses to kéepe that secrete from theyr enimies. Here also is to bée noted, that although the Mexicans eate mans fleshe, yet they eate none of their owne Cittie or friendes, as some doe thynke: for if they had, there woulde not so many haue died with hunger. The Mexican women were highly commended, not onely bycause they aboade with their husbandes and Fathers, but also for the greate paynes they tooke with the sicke and wounded persons, yea and also they laboured in makyng slings, cuttyng stones fitte for the same, and throwyng stones from the soties, for therein they dyd as muche hurte as their men. The Cittie was yéelded to the spoyle, and the Spanyardes tooke the Golde, Plate and Feathers, the Indian friends had all the rest of cloth and other stuffe.
Cortes commaunded greate bonfiers to be made in token of victory, and also to mortifie the horrible stenche of the dead bodies, whome he lykewise commaunded to be buried, and some of the prysoners menne and women he caused to be marked in the face, for the Kings slaues, and pardoned all the residue. He commaunded the Vergantines to bée brought ashore, and appoynted one Villa fuerte, with .80. men to guarde thē, fearyng least the Mexicans shold set fire or otherwise destroy them. In this businesse he occupied himself foure dayes, & then remoued his campe to Culhuacan, where he rendred hartie thanks to all the Gentlemen his friendes, promysing to gratifie their good and faythfull seruice, desiryng them to departe home to theyr houses, cōsidering ye warre was at an end, wherevpon they departed almost all in generall, both rich and iocond with the spoyle of Mexico, and also to remayne in the fauour and grace of Cortes.
Not long before Hernando Cortes came vnto
the newe Spayne, did many nightes after the
midnighte appeare in the aire, and in the
same port and place where Cortes entred into
that land, great lightning of fire, whiche amounted
vpward, and suddaynely vaded away. The Mexicans
at that time saw flames of fire toward the orient,
where now Vera Crux standeth, with a great and thicke
smoke, that séemed to touche the heauen and earthe: thys
sight was fearfull vnto them.
They also saw the figures of armed men fighte in the aire one with another, a new and strange sight for them, and a thing that filled their heads with ymaginations: for when there was a prophecie spoken of among them, how that white men with beardes should come and rule their kingdome in the time of Mutezuma. The Lordes of Tezcuco and Tlacopan were much amazed, saying, that the sword whiche Mutezuma hadde, was the armes of those folke, whose figures they had séene in the ayre, with their apparell and attire. Mutezuma had muche adoe to pacifie them, fayning that the weapon and apparell was of hys forefathers, and bycause they should sée the troth thereof, he gaue them the sworde, and willed them to breake it if they coulde, and they prouing to breake the same and could not, they maruelled thereat, and also were resolued of their opinions.
It shoulde séeme, that a little before these things happened, some of Mutezuma his subiectes founde a chest of apparell and a sworde in it on the sea coast, which came floting out of some shippe that had wracked there about, and broughte it to their prince. Others affirme, that the cause of alteration among the noble men, was, when they saw the sword and apparell that Cortes had sent vnto Mutezuma by Teudilli, séeing it a thing so like the attire of the figures whiche they had séene in the ayre, but howsoeuer it was, they beléeued with these new tokens, that their Kingdome shoulde haue an ende, when they saw those straungers come into their Countrey.
The same yeare that Cortes came into Mexico, appeared a vision vnto a certaine Malli, which is to say, a slaue taken in the warres to be sacrificed, who at the time of his deathe and Sacrifice, bewayled his sorrowfull ende; calling vppon the God of Heauen, who at that instante sawe in spirite a vision, and heard a voyce, bidding hym not to feare that death, for the God whome be had called vpon, would haue mercy vpon hym, willing hym also to say vnto the pristes and ministers of the Idols, that their wicked sacrifice and bloudsheding was néere at an ende, and that there was a people at hand, that should take away all that wicked and abhominable religion.
This Malli was sacrificed in the middest of the market place of Tlatelulco, where at this daye is the place of execution.
They remembred, and noted well the wordes of the Malli, and the vision whiche they called a breath from heauen.
The earth also brake open, out of the whiche issued a maruellous greate streame of water, with many greate fishes, which they iudged and held for a strange pronostication.
The Mexicans did reporte, that when on a time Mutezuma came triumphantly with victory of Xochnuxco, said vnto the Lorde of Culhuacan: Now (quoth he) Mexico is strong and inuincible, for I haue in subiection Xochnuxco, and other prouinces, so that now I am without feare of any enemie. The Lord of Culhuacan aunswered, saying, trust not good King too muche, for one force forceth another, with the whiche aunswere, Mutezuma was not a little offended. But when Cortes hadde taken them both prisoners, then he called to remembrance the former talke, and held that saying for a prophesie.
Cortes pretended to recdifie againe the Citie
of Mexico, not onely for the scituation
and maiestie, but also for the name & great
fame thereof, and also to builde vp that
which he hadde beaten downe, by reason
whereof he trauelled to make this Citie greater, better,
and to be more replenished with people. He named and
appoynted Iudges, Aldermen, Attourneys, Towneclearke,
Notaries, Skauengers, and Seriants, with all
other officers, necessarie for the common weale of a Citie.
He deuided the Citie among the Conquerors, hauing
first taken out places for Churches, market places,
townehouse, and other necessarie plottes to builde houses,
profitable for the common weale. He also separated
the dwellings of the Spanyards from the Indiās, so that the
water passeth and maketh deuision betwixt them. Hée
procured many Indians to come to the building of the Citie,
for auoiding charges, although therein he had somewhat
to do, by reason that many kinsmen of Quahutimoc
were not as yet come vnder obedience.
He made Lorde of Tezcuco, Don Carolus Iztlixuchitl, by the consent of the Citie, in place of Don Hernando his brother, who was deceassed, and commaunded many of hys vassals to labour in the workes, bycause they were Carpenters, masons, and builders of houses. He promised also to them that were naturals of the Citie of Mexico, plottes to build vpon, inheritance, fréedome, and other liberties, and the like vnto all those that woulde come and inhabite there, whiche was a meane to allure many thither. He sette also at libertie Xihuaco the generall Captayne, and made him chiefe ouer the Indians in the Citie, vnto whome he gaue a whole stréete. He gaue likewyse another stréete to Don Pedro Mutezuma, who was sonne to Mutezuma the King. All this was done, to winne the fauoure of the people. He made other Gentlemen Seniors of little Ilands and stréetes to builde vpon, and to inhabite, and in this order the whole scituation was reparted, and the worke began with great ioy and diligence: but when the fame was blowen abroade, that Mexico should be built againe, it was a wonder to sée the people that resorted thither, hearing of libertie & fréedome, the number was so greate, that in a whole league compasse was nothing but people both men and women. They laboured sore, and eate little, by reason whereof, many sickned, and pestilence followed, whereof dyed an infinite number. Their paines was great, for they bare on theyr backes, and drew after them stones, earth, timber, lyme, bricke, and all other things necessary in this sort, and by little and little, Mexico was built againe with a hundred thousande houses, more stronger and better than the olde building was. The Spanyardes also built their houses after the Spanish fashion. Cortes built his house vpon the plotte where Mutezuma his house stoode, whiche renteth now yéerely foure thousand duckates a yeare. Pamfilo de Naruaez accused him for the same, saying, that he hadde spoyled the woddes and mountaynes, and spente seauen thousand beames of Ceder trées in the worke of his own house. The number séemeth more héere than there, for where all the Mountaynes are replenished with Ceder trées, it is a small matter. There are Gardines in Tezcuco, that haue a thousand Ceder trées for walles and circuite, yea and there are Ceder trées of a hundred & twēty foote long, and twelue foote in compasse from ende to end. They built faire dockes couered ouer with arches for ye Vergantines, whereas (for a perpetuall memorie) all the thirtéene Vergantines do remayne vntil this day. They dammed vp the stréetes of water, where now faire houses stand, so that Mexico is not as it was wont to be, yea and since the yeare of 1524. the lake decreaseth, and sometime casteth out a vapour of stench, but otherwise it is a wholesome and temperate dwelling, by reason of the Mountaynes that standeth round about it, and well prouided through the fertilitie of the Countrey, and commoditie of the lake, so that now is Mexico one of the greatest Cities in the world, and the most noble in all India, as well in armes as policie. There are at the least two thousande Citizens, that haue each of them his horse in his stable, with riche furniture for them. There is also great contractation, and all sortes of occupations. Also a money house, where money is dayly coyned: a fayre schole, whiche the Vizeroy Don Antonio de Mendosa caused to be made. There is a greate difference betwixte an inhabitant of Mexico, and a Conqueror, for a Conqueror is a name of honor, and hathe landes and rentes, and the inhabitante or onely dweller payeth rente for hys house. When this Citie was a building, & not throughlye furnished, Cortes came from Culhuacan to dwell there. The fame of Cortes, and maiestie of Mexico, was blowen abroade into farre prouinces, by meanes whereof, it is now so replenished, as I haue before declared, yea & hath so many Spanyards, who haue conquered aboue 400. leagues of land, being all gouerned by the princely seate of Mexico.
In these dayes Cortes was the man of the
greatest name of all the Spanish nation,
although many had defamed him, and especially
Pamfilo de Naruaez, who was in
the Court of Spaine accusing him. And
where, of long time the Counsell of India
had receyued no letters from him, they suspected, yea and
beléeued, whatsoeuer euil was spoken of him. Wherevppon
they prouided the Admirall Don Diego Colon, for Gouernour
of Mexico, who at that time went to lawe wyth
the king, pretending the said office and many others, with
condition to carrie at his owne coast a thousand men to
apprehend Cortes. They prouided also for Gouernour of
Panuco, one Nonio de Gusman, and Simon de Alcazaua portingall,
for gouernour of Honduras. To kindle more thys
mischiefe, and to set this businesse forward, one Iohn de Ribera,
the Attourney of Cortes, was a fitte and an earnest
instrument againste his maister, and the cause was, for
falling out with Martin Cortes, father vnto Hernando Cortes,
about foure thousand Duckates which Cortes had sent
by him to his father, which money the said Ribera his Attourney
kept to his owne vse, and therefore raised many
slaunders against his maister, yea and credite was giuen
to his tales, but on a night he had a morsell of bacon gyuen
him vppon a skaffolde, wherewith he was choked in
the chiefe time of his businesse. These newe officers, and
their prouisions, were not so secretely obteyned, but the
matter was as secretely talked in the Courte, whiche at
that time was abiding in the Citie of Toledo, and the procedings
séeme not iust vnto the friends of Cortes. The
Commendador Pedro de Pina opened the matter to the Licenciat
Nouez, and vnto father Melgareio, wherevppon
they reclaymed of the Counsels determination, beséeching
them to stay for a season, to sée what newes should
come from Mexico. Also the Duke of Beiar tendred the
cause of Hernando Cortez, for that Cortez by promise of
faith and troth, was assured in marriage to his brothers
daughter, named the Lady Iane de Zuniga, who aplaked
the Emperoure his anger, and the saide Duke became
suretie to aunswere in all causes for him.
The matter standing in this estate, there arriued in Spayne Diego de Zoto, with a whole Coluerin made of siluer, and 70000. castlins in golde, the newes whereof was blowen ouer all Spaine. And to say the troth, this presente was ye cause, that Cortes was not put out of his office, but a Iudge of residence was sent thither to take an accompt of him. Now a wise and a learned man was sought for that purpose, yea suche a one as could rule the matter, for some souldiers are oftentimes vnmanerly: whervpō they thought the Licenciat, Lewes pouce de Leon a fitte mā, who had bin Lieutenante to Don Martin de Cordoua, Earle of Alcaudete, & chiefe gouernour of the citie of Tolledo. This Licenciate with power sufficient, was sent vnto the new Spaine, who carried in his company as assistant, the batcheler Marcus de Aguillar, who hadde ruled in time past, in a worshipfull office of Iustice in the Ilande of Santo Domingo.
With prosperous weather they departed from Spayne, and in shorte tyme arriued at Vera Crux, Cortez hauing newes of their arriuall by foote postes within two dayes. And vppon Midsomer day came letters to Cortes from the Licenciate Ponce, with another letter from the Emperour, wherby he vnderstood ye cause of their comming. He returned backe incontinēt an aunswere, and desired to know which way he would come to Mexico, eyther by ye way inhabited, or else the other way which is néerer. The Licenciate replyed, that he woulde for a while abide in Vera Crux, to refresh himselfe, béeyng seasicke, and a man yt had not heeretofore at any time passed the seas, thinking that Cortes meante to haue done iustice on certain offenders, yea & also to haue takē hym by the way: wherefore he suspected, that Cortes had sent, bycause he woulde knowe whiche way he meant to come, wherevpon he secretely tooke post horse, with certaine Gentlemē, and other religious persons that came in hys company, & passed through the Townes, although it was the farther way, and made suche hast, that in fiue dayes he came to Iztacpallapan, refusing the entertaynement and prouision of meate and lodging that Cortes had prepared by his Gentlemē, that wēt both the wayes to méete him.
In Iztacpallapā they receyued him with great feast and maiestie, but after dinner, the Licenciate fell a vomiting, and the most of hys companye, and after the vomite, they fell into a flixe. They thoughte that certayne hearbes was the cause thereof, whiche were in a dishe of curdes. The Licenciate was somewhat gréedie of the curdes, and tooke the dishe, and offered it to father Thomas Ortiz, no (quoth the Stewarde) hys reuerence shall haue another dishe, no (quoth father Ortiz) I will none of these, nor yet of anye other, of whyche wordes there were afterwardes Verses made, suspecting somethyng of the curdes: but truely there was no hurte, or anye euill thyng putte in them, (as héereafter shalbe declared) for the Comendador, Proano, who was then chiefe Sheriffe, did eate of all those dishes, yea in the same dishe that the Licenciat eate of, who neyther vomited nor yet receyued any hurte or alteration. But I thinke, that they cōmyng hoate, wery and hungry, did eate too muche, and dranke also colde water, whereby their stomackes reuolted, and thereof followed the flixe with vomite. On the behalfe of Cortes there was presented to the Licenciat a riche present, but he refused it.
Cortes with al the flower of Gentlemen in Mexico, came to receyue him, and giuyng him the right hand, they went togyther vntill they came to Sainct Frances abbay, where after their praiers made, Cortes demaūded to sée the kings prouisions, who answered, that the nexte day he woulde shew them vnto him: then they accompanied him to his house, where he was well lodged.
The nexte day followyng, all the magistrates of the Cittie mette the Licentiat in the cathedrall Church, and by acte, before the notary, he presented his auctoritie from the Emperour. He tooke the Vares of Iustice from the Iudges and Sargeants, and incontinent restored them agayne, and saide with gentle speach, this rodde of the Senior gouernour, I will haue for my selfe. Cortes with all the other Magistrates kissed the Emperours letters, and put them vpon the crowne of their heads, in tokē of great obedience, saying, that they woulde obserue and obey all that was therein contayned, as the commaundement of their king and Lorde, requyring the same to be set downe by acte and testimony.
After these things done, they proclaymed the residence and account of iustice, of Hernando Cortes, to the intent that all persons who coulde accuse him of any vnrightful dealing, should come and make their complaint, and to haue remedy for the same. There should you then sée the stirre and talke among them, euery officer fearyng his owne cause, with desire to sée the ende of their businesse.
The Licenciat comming one day from Saint
Frances abbay from seruice, fell into an extréeme
burnyng feuer, and lay him downe
in his bedde, where he remayned the space
of thrée dayes, as a man out of his wittes,
and the feuer stil encreasing, so that on the
seuenth day he yéelded vp the ghost. In the time of his
sickenesse he receyued the communion, and made his laste
will & testament. He left for substitute in his office, the bacheler
Marcus de Aguillar. Cortes made as greate sorrow
for his death, as if he had bene his owne father, his funeralles
were celebrated with great pompe.
The enimies of Cortes published, that he died of poyson. But the Licenciat Pero Lopez, and Doctor Hoieda, who were his Phisitions, swore that he died of a burnyng feuer, and shewed a further consequence, that the euenyng before he deceased, he desired them to play the measures vpon a lute, and as he lay in his bedde, shewed with stirryng his féete the compasses and pointes of the daunce. It was a thing which diuers persons saw, and forthwith he lost his speach, and that night towarde the dawning of the day he yéelded vp his spirite. I thinke that fewe men do die daūsing, as this Lawier did. The number of a hundred persons came out of Spayne with the Licenciat, whereof the moste parte died by sea and on the lande. It was suspected to be a pestilence, for one of them infected another. There were in his company many Gentlemen & ech of them had an office. There was a Frier who was a very slaunderous fellow, & reported that Cortes had poysoned the Licenciat, and also that the Licenciat had an expresse order from the Emperour to cut of Cortes his head, as sone as he had taken the Vare of Iustice from him. The subtle Frier, had thought to haue gotten money of the one, and thankes of the other, and at the ende had nothyng.
Where one Alonso de Estrada gouerned the
state of Mexico, as substitute of Marcus de
Aguillar, accordying to the Emperours
commaundement, Cortes considered with
himselfe that it was not possible for him
to haue agayne his office, except he wente
personally to the Emperours court, where he had many
aduersaries and fewe friendes, so that he was afflicted on
euery side: yet he in fine determined to goe into Spayne,
as well for businesse of importaunce of his owne, as also
matters touchyng the Emperour and his new kingdoms
whereof I will reherse particularly some.
As touchyng his owne causes, first he beyng a man of good yéeres, went to marry, hoping to haue children, vnto whom he might leaue the profite of his labour and payne: also to appeare before the King his maister face to face, and to enforme his Maiestie what landes and Kyngdomes hée had wonne and brought vnto his royall crowne: To signifie lykewise vnto hym, of the dissention among the Spanyardes hys subiectes in Mexico, and to answere for himselfe, to any false reportes whiche had bene made agaynst hym: And finally, to receyue a condigne rewarde for hys worthie and faythfull seruice. Cortes beyng in these imaginations, there was brought a letter vnto him, from the reuerend father Garcia de Loaisa ghostly father vnto the Emperour, and afterwarde was ordeyned Cardinall, in the whiche letter he conuited him earnestly to come vnto Spayne, to the entent that the Emperours Maiestie mighte bothe sée and know him, assuring him of his friendshippe. After the receyte of this letter, he made al the hast possible to departe vpon his iourney, ceasing from his voyage whiche he had in hande, for to inhabite the riuer De las Palmas. Before his departure he dispatched twoo hundred Spaniardes, & thrée score and ten horsemen, with many Mexicans for the countrey of Chichimea, to inhabite there, finding the lande riche of siluer mines, as it was reported, giuyng vnto those men expresse order, that if the people of that prouince did not entertayne them with friendship, that then they should accept thē as enimies, and forthwith to make warre, and to take them for slaues, for that they are a barbarous people. He wrote his letter to Vera Crux, to prepare with all spéede twoo good shippes, and for that purpose he sent Pero ruiz de Esquiuel, who was a Gentleman of Siuill: But he wente not on the iourney, for a moneth after, they founde him buried in a little Iland of the lake, with one hande out of the graue, whiche was eaten with dogges and foule: he was buried in his dublet and his hose: he had one onely wounde in his forehead: And a Negro, his slaue, who wente in his company, was neuer hearde of, nor yet the Canao and Indians that wente with him, so that the truth of his death was neuer knowen.
Cortes made an Inuentary of his moueable goodes, whiche was valued at twoo hundred thousande Castlins of golde: he left for gouernour of his owne estate, the Licenciat Altamirano his kinsman, with other two friends: he furnished twoo shippes, and proclaymed frée passage and victuals vnto all those that would goe in his cōpany: he shipped for his owne account a thousand fiue hundred markes of siluer, twentie thousand Castlins in good gold, and ten thousand Castlins of base golde. He tooke in his company Gonsalo de Sandoual, Andres de Tapia, and other of the chiefest of the conquerours. He brought with him a Sonne of Mutezumas, & another Sonne of Maxixca, who was become a Christian, & named Don Lorenso, with many other Indian Gentlemen of Mexico, Tlaxcallan, and other cities: eight players with a cudgell, twelue tenis players, with certaine men & women of that countrey, who were white of colour, and other dwarfes & deformed persons. He brought also wilde beasts, as Tigres, & other strange beastes called Aiotochtli, and one Tlaquaci. Moreouer he brought a great number of mantels made of feathers & Conny heare, Targets, bushes or tuffes of galant feathers, and looking glasses of stone. In fine, he came lyke a great Lorde, & arriued in Spayne, in the ende of the yéere 1528. the Courte being then in Tolledo. The newes of his arriuall was blowen through out all Spayne, and euery one desirous to sée him.
The Emperour receyued Cortes magnifically,
and to giue him the greater honour,
he went & visited him at hys owne lodging.
The Emperour beyng in a readinesse to passe into Italy, to be there crowned with the Emperiall crowne, Cortes went in his maiesties company vnto the Citie of Saragoza, whereas his Maiestie calling to remembrance his worthy seruice, & valour of his person, made him Marques del valle de Huaxacac, accordyng to his desire, on the .vi. of July, An. 1528, and Captayne generall of the newe Spayne, with all the prouinces and coast of the south sea, chiefe discouerer and inhabiter of the same coaste and Ilandes, with the twelfth parte of all that after that tyme should be discouered, for a sure inheritaunce to him and his discendentes: he offered vnto him also the habite of the order of Knighthoode of Saint Iames, the whiche offer Cortes refused, bycause there was no rent gyuen with the habite, but he besought his Maiestie to graunt vnto him the gouernmēt of Mexico, the whiche request the Emperour denied, bycause that no Conquerour shoulde thinke that the office of gouernment and iustice is due vnto hym, for the like demaunde was desired of the king Don Fernando, by Cristoual Colon who firste discouered the India, and also the great Captaine Gonsalo Hernandoz de Cordoua, who conquered Naples. Cortes deserued muche, and also the Emperour gaue him much, to honour him as a most bountifull and gratefull King, who neuer taketh away that whiche once he giueth. He likewise gaue vnto Cortez all the kyngdome of Michuacan, but hée had rather haue had diuers other townes whiche he demaunded, many other great fauours and rewardes he receyued at the Emperours handes, but the principall are those before declared.
When it was knowen in Spayne, that the
lady Catherin Xuares, wife vnto Cortes, was
deceassed in India, by intercessours he was
assured vnto the Duke of Beiar, his brothers
daughter, who was named the Lady
Iane of Zuniga: hyr fathers name was Don
Carolus de Arrellano, Earle of Aguilar. This Lady was
a bewtifull Dame, and hyr brethrene noble personages,
who were highly in fauour with the Emperour. And
Cortes to matche with so honorable an house and lynage
he iudged himselfe fortunate and well maried.
Among many Iewelles whiche Cortes broughte with him, were fiue moste riche and fine Emeraldes, whiche were valued at a hundreth thousande Duckets: the one was wrought lyke vnto a Rose, an other like a Cornet, an other lyke a fishe with the eyes of golde, whiche was a maruellous péece of worke, beyng wrought among Indians: an other péece was wrought lyke vnto a bell, with a great and a riche pearle for the clapper, garnished with golde, ingrauen about with letters, whiche sayde, Blessed is he that created thée. The fifth was made lyke a cuppe with the foote of gold, and had foure little chaynes of gold, that were ioyned all at the top togither, in a great pearle, and the brimme of this cuppe was of gold, with this verse ingrauen rounde aboute, Inter nates mulierum non furrexit maior. For this onely péece the Merchantes of Geneua did offer fourtie thousand Ducates, for to sel the same again to the great Turke. But at that tyme Cortes woulde not giue it for any money, although afterwarde he lost them all in the warres of Argel, beyng there with the Emperour. It was told Cortes that the Empresse desired to haue those péeces, meaning to demaunde them of him, and that the Emperour shoulde pay for the same, for whiche cause he sent them to the Lady his newe wife, with many other Iewelles before he came at the Courte, and there, when he was enquired for them, he answered, and excused himselfe, for then certaynely he gaue suche Iewels vnto his Espouse, that the lyke neuer Lady had in Spayne. And after he was maried to the Lady Iane of Zuniga, he departed with hyr to the newe Spayne, with title of Marques.
Before Cortes his cōming into Spayne,
Pamfilo de Naruaez his old enimy wēt
vp & down in the Court, procuring the
conquest of the riuer De Palmas & Florida,
where at the laste he died, and alwayes
when he saw time conuenient
he made cōplaints against Cortes, yea
and to the Emperours owne hand he deliuered a scrole of
many articles, amōg the which was one, wherein he affirmed
that Cortes had as many barres of gold and siluer, as
in Biscay were barres of yron, and offered to proue the
same: but although it was not true, yet it was suspicious.
He also earnestly procured that he shold be punished, saying
that he had plucked out one of his eyes, & killed with
poyson the Licenciat Luys ponce de Leon, & Francisco Garay.
Through his many and importunate petitiōs, it was determined
to send to Mexico, Don Pedro de la Cueua, who was
bothe fierce and seuere, and Lorde stewarde of the Emperour
his house, and afterwarde made general of the ordinance,
and chiefe Comendador of the order and knighthood
of Alcantara, who findyng the accusation true, should
cut off Cortes his head.
But as God would, in the meane season came the testimoniall from the Doctor Hoieda, and the Licenciat Pero Lopez, Phisitions, who had cured the persons that were reported to haue bene poysoned, whervpon that commission ceased. And when Cortes came into Spayne, Don Pedro de la Cueua would many times laugh and iest with him, saying, From farre places long lies.
The Emperour and his councell of India prouided a Courte of Chancery in Mexico, as chiefe place, where as all controuersies and matters of righte throughout the new Spayne mighte there be determined, and also to correct the mutinies, and partes taking among the Spanyardes: likewise to take residence and accompte of Cortes, and to be satisfyed both of his seruice and offences. Moreouer that they should visite the officers, and royall Treasorie there. Munio de Gusman was appoynted president and gouernoure, with other foure Licenciates for Iudges to accompany him. He departed toward Mexico Anno 1529. and at his comming, he began to vnderstande in his regimente and office, with the Licenciate Iohn Ortiz, for the other thrée Iudges died by the way. Cortes béeing nowe absente, and vppon his iourney toward Spayne, this newe Iudge made a terrible residence and condemnation againste him, and commaunded all his goodes to be solde by out-thrappe, for a greate deale lesse then hys goodes were worth, and in his absence they called him by Proclamation: but if he hadde bin there present, his life had bin in daunger, although face to face some respect is had, and it is an ordinarie rule that the Iudge sheweth rigoure against him that is absent. This hatred was not only against Cortes, but also againste his friendes, for hée apprehended Pedro de Aluarado, who was newly come from Spayne, bycause he spake in the fauour of Cortez, laying to his charge the rebellion of Mexico, when Naruaez was there. He also apprehended Alonso de Estrada, & manye others, doing manifest wrongs vnto them.
In shorte space the Emperour had more complayntes against Nunio de Gusman, and the other Iudge, than had bin héeretofore againste any other, wherevpon he was put out of office in the yeare 1530. His wrongful dealing in iustice was not onely proued in Mexico, but also in the Court of Spayne, with many persons that were come from thence, so that the nexte president and Iudges that went thither, did pronounce Nunio de Gusman and his fellowe for partiall Iudges, and enimies vnto Cortes, and condemned him to pay all his goodes whiche were euill solde. But whē Nunio de Gusman vnderstoode that he was put out of office, he then was afraide, and tooke his iourney against the Teuchichimecas, séeking after the Towne of Culhuacan, from whence the Mexicans descended. He caried in his company fiue hundred Spanyardes, whereof the most were horsemen, and many of them went as prisoners, and against their willes.
In Mechuacan he tooke prisoner the King Caconcin, who was a great friende vnto Cortes, a seruitor vnto the Spanyards, and vassal to the Emperour, and as the same goeth, he tooke from him tenne thousande markes of plate, and much golde, and afterward burned him, and many other Gentlemen, and principal persons of that kingdome, bycause they shoulde not complayne, saying, that a dead dogge biteth not. He tooke from thence sixe thousand Indians for the seruice of his army, and with them conquered Xalixco, whiche is nowe called the new Gallizia. He abode there, vntill the Vizeroy Don Antonio de Mondoza, and Chancery of Mexico, caused him to be apprehended, who sent him prisoner into Spayne, to giue accompte of his office. If Nunio de Gusman had bin so good a gouernour and Iudge, as he was in bloud a Gentleman, he had then enioyed the best plot of all the West India, but he behaued himselfe euill, both with the Indians and Spanyards.
The same yeare that he came from Mexico, went thyther for president Sebastian Ramirez, who was a Bishop, and had in time past bin presidente in Santo Domingo, and the Licenciates Iohn de Salmeron, Gasco Quiroga, Francisco Ceynos, and Alonso Maldonado, for Iudges to accompany him.
These Iudges gouerned well the land, and caused the Citie of Angels to be inhabited which the Indians called Cuetlaxcoapan, that is to say a Snake in water. The reason was, bycause they haue two fountaynes, the one of euill water, and the other of good. This Citie standeth twentie leagues from Mexico, in the high way to Vera Crux. The Bishop set the Indians at libertie, and therefore many Spanyards departed from thence, who hadde inhabited there before, and wente to séeke their liuing at Xalixco, Hunduras, Quahutemallan, and other places where warre was.
At this season arriued Cortes at the riche
Towne of Vera Crux, and when his comming
was published, how he came wyth
title of Marquez, and had broughte hys
wife with him, an infinite number of Indians
came to visite him, and almost all
the Spanyards of Mexico, so that in few dayes there came
a thousand persons of his owne nation, who made theyr
complaintes vnto him, how they were vndone, and that
the Iudges which had bin there, had destroyed both him
and them, and asked his iudgement whether that nowe
they might kill both them and theirs. Cortes hearing their
odious request, reprehended them, and also gaue them
hope shortly to reléeue their necessitie with new discoueries,
and in this order fearing some mutinie, he held them
in pleasure and pastime.
When the president hearde howe Cortes was visited of the Spanyaryds, they commaunded forthwith euery one of them shoulde immediately returne to Mexico, or else, where their dwelling places were vpō paine of death, yea and they were aboute to apprehende Cortes for a stirrer of vprore, and to sende him backe againe prisoner into Spayne. But when he saw howe soone these Iudges were moued, he commaunded to proclayme himselfe openly in Vera Crux Captayne Generall of all the dominions of the new Spayne, and there caused the Emperours letters pattentes to be redde, whiche thing being knowen to the Mexican Iudges, it caused them to wring their noses. After this diligence ended, he departed toward Mexico wyth a great company of Spanyards and Indians, among whom were a good company of horsemen: but when he came to Tezcuco, the President sent to commaund him not to enter into Mexico, vpon payne of losse of his goodes, and hys body to be at the Kings pleasure.
He obeyed the commaundemente with greate wysedome, being a thing conuenient to the seruice of the Emperour, and profite of the land, which he had wonne wyth great toyle and laboure: but yet he abode in Tezcuco with a greater maiestie and court, than the President in Mexico, and wrote vnto him, that he should consider his good will and whole intent, and not to giue occasion to the Indians to rebell, and for the Spanyards he might assure hymselfe.
The Indians vnderstāding ye discord betwixt the President and Cortes, slew as many Spanyards as they coulde get at aduantage, so that in fewe dayes there wanted aboue two hundred of the Spanish nation, being slayne as well in Townes, as in the high wayes, yea and also they had communed among themselues to rebell in déede. But when the Bishop and the Iudges heard this newes, they began to feare the matter, and considering that they had no better remedy, nor other sure defence, but only ye name valor, person, and authoritie of Cortes, they sente to desire him to come vnto Mexico, wherevpon he obserued theyr commaundement and request, & wente toward the Citie, well accompanyed with men of warre, so that he shewed himselfe in estate a generall captaine. All the Citizens came out to receiue him and the lady Marques his wife: his entrie into the cittie was a day of great pleasure among them. Then the president and iudges entred into counsell for to remedie the greate hurt whiche had bene done by the Indians. Cortes toke the matter in hand, and apprehended many Indians, of whom some he burned, others wer torne with dogges, he did such correction, that in shorte time al the countrey was quiet, and the highe ways without daunger, a thing worthy of great thanks.
There hath not bin found letters at any
time in the Weast India, onely in the
newe Spain were vsed certain figures
which serued for letters, with the which
they kept in memorie, and preserued
their antiquities. The figures yt the Mexicans
vsed for letters are great, by reason whereof they
occupy gret volumes: they ingraue them in stone or timber,
and paint them vpon walles, and also vpon a paper
made of cotten wool, and leaues of the tree Metl. Their
bookes are great and folden vp like vnto our broade clothes,
and written vpon both sides. There are some bokes
rolled vp like a piece of flannel. They pronoūce not .b.g.e.f.
Therfore they vse much .p.e.l.x. This is the Mexical
spéech, and Nahual, which is the best, playnest, and moste
eloquent, in al newe Spayne. There are some in Mexico
that do vnderstand ech other, by whistling, whiche is ordinarily
vsed among louers, & théeues, a spéeche truely to
wonder at, & none of our men could come to the knowledge
Ce | One |
Ome | Two |
Ei | Thrée |
Naui | Foure |
Macuil | Fiue |
Chicoace | Sixe |
Chicome | Seauen |
Chicuei | Eight |
Chiconaui | Nine |
Matlac | Tenne |
Matlactlioce | Eleuen |
Matlactliome | Twelue |
Matlactlomei | Thirtéene |
Matlactlinaui | Fourtéene |
Matlactlinacui | Fiftéene |
Matlactlichicoace | Sixtéene |
Matlactlichicome | Seuentéene |
Matlactlichicuei | Eightéene |
Matlactlichiconaui | Ninetéene |
Cempoalli | Twentie |
Euery number is simple, vntil you come to sixe, and then they count, six and one, sixe and two, sixe and thrée. Ten is a number by himselfe, then you must counte ten and one, tenne and two, tenne and thrée, tenne and foure, tenne and fiue.
Then you count ten fiue and one, tenne fiue and two, ten fiue and thrée. Twenty goeth by himselfe, and al the greater numbers.
The Mexicans yeare is thrée hundered sixtie dayes, for they haue in their yere eightéene monethes, and euery moneth contayneth twentie dayes. They haue other fiue odde dayes, whiche goeth by themselues, in the which they vsed to celebrate greate feastes of cruell and bloudy sacrifice, with much deuotion. And reconing after this sort, they could not choose but erre, for they could not make equal the punctuall course of the Sunne. Yea the Christian yere is not perfit, although we haue learned Astronomers. But yet these simple Indians wente neare the marke.
Cipactli | A Spade |
Hecatl | Ayre or Winde |
Calli | A House |
Cuez Pali | A Lizart |
Coualt | A Snake |
Mizquintli | Death |
Macatl | A wilde Hart |
Tochtli | A Conny |
Atl | Water |
Izcuyntli | A Dogge |
Ocumatli | An Ape |
Malinalli | A Brome |
Acatlh | A Caue |
Ocelotl | A Tigre |
Coautli | An Egle |
Cozcaquahutl | A Bussard |
Olin | A Temple |
Tepatlh | A Knife |
Quiauitl | Rayne |
Xuchitl | A Rose |
Althoughe these twentie names serue for the whole yere, and are but the dayes of euery moneth, yet therfore euery moneth beginneth not with Cipactli, which is the first name, but as they followe in order, and the fiue odde dayes is the cause thereof. And also bycause theyr wéeke is of thirtéene dayes, which changeth the names, as by example, Cecipactli can go no further thā vnto Matlactlomeiacatl, which is thirtéene, and then beginneth an other wéeke: and we do not say Matlactlinaui Ocelotl, whiche is the fourtéenth day, but we say Ceocelotl whiche is one, and then recken the other sixe names, vnto twenty. And when al the twentie dayes are ended, begin againe to recken from the first name of the twentie, but not frō one, but from viij. And bicause ye may better vndrestand the matter, here is the example.
The next wéeke following doth begin his dayes from one. And that one is the fouretéenth name of the moneth and of the dayes, and saith.
In this second wéeke, Cipactli came to fal on the eighte day, being in the first wéeke the first day.
And so proceede on to the thirde wéeke, in the which this name Cipactli entreth not, but Macatl, which was the seuenth day in the first wéeke, & had no place in ye second, and is the first in the third. This reconing is no darker, than ours, which we haue in a.b.c.d.e.f.g. For they also change with time, and runne in such sort, that .a. whiche was the firste letter of this moneth, commeth to be the fift daye of the nexte moneth, and the thirde moneth he counteth to be the third day, and so orderly doth the other sixe letters.
These Mexicans had another order to recken theyr yeares, which exceded not aboue foure in number, as one, two, thrée, foure, wherewith they accounte a hundred, fiue hundred, a thousand, and as many moe as they lust. Those foure figures or names are, Tochtli, Acatlh, Tecpatlh, Calli, and do signifye, a Conny, a Caue, a Knife, and a House, saying.
Ce Totchtli | One yeare |
Ome Acatlh | Two yeares |
Ei Tecpatlh | Thrée yeares |
Naui Calli | Foure yeares |
Macuil Tochtli | Fiue yeares |
Cicoacen Acatlh | Sixe yeares |
Cicome Tecpatlh | Seauen yeares |
Chicuei Calh | Eight yeares |
Chiconaui Tochtli | Nine yeares |
Matlactli Acatlh | Tenne yeares |
Matlactlioce Tecpatlh | Eleuen yeares |
Matlactliome Calli | Twelue yeares |
Matlactliomei Tochtli | Thirtéene yeares |
So that the reconing passeth not aboue thirtéene, whiche is one wéeke of the yeare, and endeth where he began.
Another Weeke.
Ce Acatlh | One yeare |
Ome Tlepatlh | Two yeares |
Ei Calli | Thrée yeares |
Naui Tochtli | Foure yeares |
Macuil Acatlh | Fiue yeares |
Chicoacen Tecpatlh | Sixe yeares |
Chicome Calli | Seuen yeares |
Cichuei Tochtli | Eight yeares |
Chiconaui Acatlh | Nine yeares |
Matlactli Tecpatlh | Tenne yeares |
Matlactlioce Calli | Eleuen yeares |
Matlactliome Tochtli | Twelue yeares |
Matlactliomei Acatlh | Thirtéene yeares |
The third vveeke of yeares.
Ce Tecpatlh | One yeare |
Ome Calli | Two yeres |
Ei Tochtli | Thrée yeres |
Naui Acatlh | Foure yeres |
Macuil Tecpatlh | Fiue yeres |
Chicoacan Calli | Sixe yeares |
Chicome Tochthi | Seauen yeares |
Chicuei Acatlh | Eight yeares |
Chiconaui Tecpatlh | Nine yeares |
Matlactli Calli | Tenne yeares |
Matlactliome Tochtli | Eleuen yeares |
Matlactliome Acatlh | Twelue yeares |
Matlactliomei Tecpatlh | Thirtéene yeares |
The fourth Weeke.
Ce Calli | One yeare |
Ome Tochtii | Two yeares |
Ei Acatlh | Thrée yeares |
Naui Tecpatlh | Foure yeares |
Macuil Calli | Fiue yeares |
Chicoacen Tochtli | Sixe yeares |
Chicome Acatlh | Seauen yeares |
Chicuei Tecpatlh | Eight yeares |
Chiconaui Calli | Nine yeares |
Matlactli Tochtli | Tenne yeares |
Matlactlioce Acatlh | Eleuen yeares |
Matlactliome Tecpatlh | Twelue yeares |
Matlactliomei Calli | Thirtéene yeares |
Ech of these wéekes, which our men cal Indition, doth conteyne thirtéene yeares, so that all the foure wéekes make two and fiftie yeares, which is a perfit number in the reconing, and is called the yeare of grace, for from fiftie two yeres, to fiftie two yeares, they vsed to make solemne feastes, with strange Ceremonies, as hereafter shall be declared. And when fiftie two yeares are ended, then they beginne againe, by the same order before declared, vntil they come to as many moe, beginning at Ce Tochtli, and so forwarde. But alwayes they begin at the Conny figure. So that in the forme of reconing they kepe & haue in mēmorye, things of 850. yeares, and by this Cronicle they know in what yere euerye thing hapned, and how long euery king raygned: howe many children they had, and all things else that importeth to the estate of the gouernement of the lande.
The Indians of Culhua did beléeue that the
Gods had made ye world, but they knew
not how, yet they beléeued that since the
creation of the world four Sunnes were
past, and that the fift and last is ye Sunne
that now giueth light to the world.
They helde opinion that the firste Sunne perished by water, and at the same time all liuing creatures perished likewise.
The second Sunne (say they) fell from the heauēs, with whose fall all liuing creatures were slayne, and then (said they) were manye Giantes in that Countrey, and certayne monstrous bones, which our men found in opening of graues, by proportion whereof, some shoulde séeme to be men of twenty spannes high.
The third Sunne was consumed by fire, whiche burned day and night, so that then all liuing creatures were burned.
The fourth Sunne finished by tempest of ayre or winde, which blew downe houses, trées, yea and ye mountaynes and Rockes were blowē asunder, but the lignage of mankinde perished not, sauing that they were conuerted into Apes. And touching the fift Sunne, which now raigneth, they know not how it shall consume. But they say that when the fourth Sunne perished, all the worlde fell into darkenesse, and so remained for the space of fiue and twenty yeares continually, and at the fiftenth yeare of that fearefull darkenesse, the Gods did forme one man and a woman, who brought forth children, and at the end of the other tenne yeares, appeared the Sunne whiche was newly borne vppon the figure of the Conny day, and therfore they begin their account of yéeres at yt day, & reckoning from the yeare of oure Lorde 1552. their age or Sunne is 858. so that it appeareth that they haue vsed many yeares their writing in figures: and they had not onely this vse from Cetochtli, whiche is the beginning of their yeare, moneth, and day of their fifth Sunne, but also they hadde the same order and vse in the other foure Sunnes which were past: but they let many things slippe out of memorie, saying, that with the newe Sunne, all other things should be likewise new. They held also opinion, that thrée dayes after this last Sunne appeared, all the Gods did dye, and that in processe of time the Gods whiche nowe they haue, and worshippe, were borne. And through these false opinions, our Diuines did soone conuert them to the knowledge of the true lawes of God.
In the lande nowe called newe Spayne, are dyuers
and sundry generations of people: but
they holde opinion, that the stocke of most antiquitie,
is the people nowe called Chichimecas,
which procéeded out of the house of Aculhuacan,
which standeth beyond Xalixco, about the yeare
of our Lorde .720. Many of this Generation did inhabite
aboute the lake of Tenuchtitlan, but their name ended by
mixture in marriage with other people. At that time
they hadde no King, nor yet did builde eyther house or
Towne. Their only dwellings was in caues in ye Moūtaynes.
They went naked, they sowed no kind of graine,
nor vsed bread of any sorte. They did mainteyne themselues
with rootes, hearbes, and siluester fruites: and béeing
a people cunning in shooting with the bowe, they kylled
deare, hares, connyes, and other beastes and foule,
which they eate also, not sodden or rosted, but rawe, and
dryed in the Sunne. They eate also Snakes, Lizardes,
and other filthye beastes, yea and at this day there are
some of this generation that vse the same dyet. But although
they liued suche a bestiall life, & being a people so
barbarous, yet in their diuelish religion they were verye
deuout. They worshipped the Sunne, vnto whome they
vsed to offer Snakes, Lizards, & such other beasts. They
likewise offered vnto their God all kinde of foule, from
the degrée of an Eagle, to a little Butterflie. They vsed
not sacrifice of māslaughter, nor had any Idolles, no not
so muche as of the Sunne, whome they helde for the sole
and only God. They married but with one woman, & in
no degrée of kinred. They were a stoute and a warlike
people, by reason whereof, they were Lordes of the land.
Although one brother was heire to an other
among the Mexicans, and after their
deceasse, did inherite the Sonne of the
eldest brother, yet they tooke no possession
of the state nor name of King vntil they
were annoynted and Crowned openlye.
As soone as any King of Mexico deceassed, and his funerals ended, then were called to Parliamente the Lorde of Tezcuco, and the Lorde of Tlacopan, who were the chiefest estates, and then in order all other noble men, who owed any seruice to the Mexican Empire. And béeyng come togither, if any doubt of the inheritāce of ye crowne happened, then the matter was decided with al hast: then the newe King being knowen, he was stripped starke naked, except a cloth to couer his priuie partes, and in thys sorte was carried among them, to the greate Temple of Vitzilopuchtli with greate silence, and without any ioy or pleasure: Two Gentlemen of the Citie whose office it was, ledde him vppe the staires of the Temple by the armes, and before him wente the Princes of Tezcuco and Tlacopan, who that day did weare their robes of Coronation, wherevpon was paynted their armes and title. Verye fewe of the Laytie wente vp into the Chappels, but only those that were appoynted to attire the newe king, and to serue in other Ceremonies, for all the residue stoode vpon the steppes and belowe, to beholde the Coronation. These Magistrates being aboue in the Chappell, came with great humilitie and reuerence, knéelyng downe vpō their knées before the Idoll of Vitzilopuchtli, and touched the earth with one finger and then kissed the same. Then came the high prieste clothed in his pontificall vestmentes, with many others in his company, who did weare surplices: and withoute speaking any worde, they paynted or couloured the Kings person, with ynke made for the purpose, as blacke as any cole. After thys Ceremonye done, they blessed the annoynted Kyng, and sprinckled him foure times with a certayne holly water, that was made at the time of consecration of the God, made of dowe or paste, with a sprinckle made of boughes of Cane leaues, Ceder, & willow leaues. Then they put vpon his head, a cloth painted with the bones and skulles of dead men, and next they clothed him with a black garment, and vpon yt another blewe, and both were paynted with ye figures of dead mens skulles & bones. Then they put about his necke certaine laces, whereat did hang the armes of ye Crowne. And behind his backe they did hang certain little bottels ful of powders, by vertue wherof he was deliuered from pestilence and diseases, according to their opiniō: yea & therby witches, nor witchcrafts could not hurt him, nor yet euill menne deceyue him. In fyne, with those relickes he was sure from all perill and daunger. Vpon his lefte arme they bounde a litle bagge of incense, and then brought vnto him a chaffyng dishe of imbers made of the barke of an Oke trée. Then the king arose, and with his owne hande threw of the same incense into the chaffing dishe, and with great reuerence brought the same to the God Vitzilopuchtli, and after he had smoked him therewith, he satte him downe, then came the high Priest and tooke his othe to mainteyne the religion of the Goddes, to kéepe also all the lawes and customes of his predecessours, to maynteyne iustice, and not to agrauiate any of his vassals or subiects, and that he should be valiant in the warres, that he shoulde cause the Sunne to giue his light, the clowdes to yéelde rayne, the riuers to runne, and the earth to bring foorth all kinde of grayne, fruytes, and other néedefull hearbes and trées. These and many other impossible things the newe kyng did sweare to performe: and then he gaue thankes to the high priest, and commended himself to the Goddes and to the lookers on, and they who brought him vp in the same order, carrieth him downe agayne. Then all the people cried, the Goddes preserue the newe kyng, and that he may raigne many yéeres in health with al his people. But then some began to daunce, other to play on their instrumēts, shewing outwardly their inwarde ioyes of harte. And before the king came to the foote of the steppes, all the noble men came to yéelde their obedience, and in token of louing and faythfull subiectes they presented vnto him feathers, strings of snayle shelles, collours, and other Iewelles of golde and siluer, also mantels paynted with death, & bare him company vnto a great hal within the compasse of the temple, and there lefte him. The king sitteth downe vnder his cloth of estate, called Tlacatecco, and in foure daies departeth not out of the circuyte of the temple, the which he spendes in prayers, sacrifice and penaunce, he eates then but once a day, and euery day he bathes himselfe, and agayne in the night in a great ponde of water, and then lettes himselfe bloud in his eares, and senseth therewith the God of Water, called Tlaloc: he likewise senseth the other idols, vnto whome he offereth bread, flowers, Papers and little Canes died in the bloudde of his owne tongue, nose, handes, and other partes of his body. After the foure dayes expired, then come all the Noblemen to beare him company to his palayce with great triumphe and pleasure of all the Cittie, but after his consecration fewe or none dare looke him in the face.
And now with the declaryng of the actes and Ceremonies that the Mexican Kings are crowned, I shall not néede to rehearse of other kyngs, for generally they all do vse the same order, sauyng that other Princes goe not vp to the toppe of the Temple, but abide at the foote of the steppes to be crowned, and after theyr Coronation they come to Mexico for their confirmation, and then at theyr returne to their countrey, they made many drunkē feasts and banquets.
The Mexicans did beléeue that the Soule
was immortal, and that they receyued eyther
ioy or payne according to theyr desertes
& liuyng in this worlde, vnto which
opinion all their religion did attayne, and
chiefly appeare at their burials. They
helde for an assured faith, that there were nine places appointed
for soules, & the chiefest place of glory to be neare
vnto the Sunne, where the soules of those whiche were
good men slaine in the warres, & those which were sacrifised
were placed, and that all other sortes of euill persons
their soules abode on the earth, & were deuided after this
sorte, children that were dead borne went to one place,
those which died of age or other disease went to another,
those which died of sodden death to another, those whiche
died of woundes or contagious diseases went to an other
place, those which were drowned went to another, those
which were put to death for offence by order of iustice, as
for robbery and adultery to another: Those which slewe
their fathers, mothers, wiues or childrē, to another place
by themselues, also those who slew their maysters or any
religious person went to another place. The common
sorte of people were buried, but Lordes and rich men had
their bodies burned & their ashes buried. In their shreudes
they had a greate difference, for many dead bodies were
buried better apparelled than when they were on liue.
Women were shrewded after another sorte. And he that
suffered death for adulterie was shrewded like vnto the
God of leachery, called Tlazoulteutl, he that was drowned
like vnto the God of water named Tlacoc, and he that died
with drunkennesse was shrewded like vnto the God of
wyne called Ometochtli. But the Souldier had an honorable
shrewde like vnto the attyre of Vitzilopuchtli, and the
lyke order in all other sortes of deathes.
When any Kyng of Mexico happened to
fall sicke, they vsed forth-with to put a
visor vppon the face of Tezcatlipuca, or
Vitzilopuchtli, or some other Idoll,
whiche Visor was not taken awaye,
vntill they sawe whether the kyng did amend, or else die:
But if he chaunsed to die, then worde was sent throughout
all his dominions to bewaile his death, and also other
postes were sent to call the Noble menne that were his
nighest kinsmen, and to warne them within foure dayes
to come vnto his buriall.
The dead body was layde vpon a fayre matte, & was watched foure nightes, with great lamētation and mournyng: then the body was washed, and a locke of heare cut from the crowne of his head, whiche was preserued as a great relicke, saying that therein remayned the remembrance of his soule. This done, a fine Emerald was put into his mouth, and his body shrewded in seuentene riche mantles, of colours, both riche and costly wrought. Vpon the vpper mantle was sette the deuise or armes of Vitzilopuchtli or Tezcalipuca, or of some other idoll, in whome the kyng had greate confidence in his lyfe tyme, and in his temple should the body be buried. Vpō his face they put a visor, paynted with foule and Diuelish gestures, besette with many iewelles, precious stones, and pearles. Then they killed his slaue, whose office was to light the Lampes and make fire vnto the Goddes of his pallayce. These things done, they carried the dead body vnto the Temple: some followed him with dolefull tune, others song the death of the kyng by note, for so was the custome.
The Noble men and Gentlemen of his housholde carried Targets, Arrowes, Maces, and Ensignes to throwe into the fire where the body should be buried in the Temple. The high Priest and all the Clergie receyued him at the Temple gate, with a sorrowfull song, and after he had sayde certayne wordes, the body was throwen into a great fire made for the purpose, with all the iewels that he had aboute him, and all the other things whiche was brought to honour the burial: also a dogge newly strangled with an arrowe, whiche was to guyde him his way. In the meane whyle that the King and dogge were burnyng, the Priests sacrificed twoo hūdred persons, howbeit in this Ceremonie there was no ordinary taxe, for sometymes they sacrificed many moe: they were opened with a rasour of flinte in the breastes, and theyr hartes taken out and throwen into the fire where the Kings body was. There miserable persons beyng sacrificed, and their bodies throwen into a hole, they beléeued assuredly that those shoulde serue for his slaues in another worlde: some of them were dwarffes, monstrous and deformed persons, with some women. They placed about the dead body of the King before his buriall, Roses, Floures and sundry dishes of meate and drinke, and no creature durste touche the same, but onely ye Priests, for it séemed to be an offeryng.
The nexte day followyng, all the ashes were gathered togither, and the téeth with the Emerald that was in his mouth, the whiche things were put into a chest, paynted on the inside with horrible figures of diuels, and the locke of heare whiche was cut from his crowne, and another locke of heare which was preserued from the tyme of his birth. Then the chest was lockte, and an image of wood made and clothed like vnto the Kings person, which was set on the toppe of the chest. The obsequies endured foure dayes, in the whiche the wiues and daughters of the king offered great offerings at the place where his body was buried, and before the chest and his image.
On the fourth day after the buriall, fiftene slaues were sacrificed for his soule, and on the twentith day other fiue persons were also sacrificed, likewise on the sixtie thrée, and fourescore, whiche was lyke vnto the yéeres minde.
The kingdome of Michuacan is almoste as
great as the Empire of Mexico, and when
any king of that countrey happened to be
visited with sicknesse, and brought to suche
extremitie, that hope of life were past, according
to the opinion of Phisitions, then would he name
and appoint whiche of his Sonnes shoulde inherite the estate,
and beyng knowen, the new king or heyre, incontinent
sent for all the gouernours, Captaines, and valiant
souldiers, who had any office or charge to come vnto the
buriall of his Father, and he that came not, from thencefoorth
was helde for a Traytour and so punished. When
the death of the olde King was certayne, then came al degrées
of Estates and brought presents to the newe king,
for the approbation of his kyngdome, but if the King
were not throughly dead, but at the poynt of death, then
the gates were shut in, and none permitted to enter, and
when hys lyfe was departed, then beganne a generall
crie and mournyng, and they were permitted to come
where their dead kyng lay, and to touche him with their
handes: this beyng done the carkasse was washed with
swéete waters, and then a fine shyrte put vpon him, and a
payre of shoes made of a Déere skinne put on his féete,
and aboute his ancles were tied certayne belles of golde,
about his wrestes of his handes were put Manyllias of
Turkies, and other bracelets of golde, lykewise aboute
his necke they hong other collers of precious stones and
golde, and rings in his eares, with greate Turkise in
his neather lippe. Then his body was layde vpon a large
beare, whereon was placed a good bedde vnder him: on
his one side lay a bowe with a quyuer of arrowes, and on
his other side lay an image made of fine mantels of his
owne stature or bignesse with a greate tuffe of fine feathers,
shoes vpon his féete, with bracelets and a coller of
gold. Whyle this worke was a doyng, others were busied
in washyng the men and women whiche shoulde be
slayne for to accōpany him into Hell: these wretched folke
that should be slaine were banqueted & filled with drinke,
bycause they shoulde receyue their death with lesse paine.
The newe kyng did appoint those who shoulde die for to
serue the king his father, but yet many of them had rather
bene without his seruice, notwithstanding some simple
soules estéemed that odious death for a thyng of immortall
glory. First seuen Gentlewomen of noble parentage
were appoynted to die, the one to haue the office
of keper of his iewels which he was wont to were, another
for the office of cup bearer, another to giue him water
with a basen and ewer, another to giue him alwayes
the vrinall, another to be his Cooke, and another to serue
for landres. They slewe also many women slaues, and
frée maydens for to attende vpon the Gentlewomen, and
moreouer one of euery occupation within the citie. When
all these that were appoynted to die were washed & theyr
bellies full with meate & drinke, then they paynted their
faces yellow, and put garlandes of swéete floures vpon
each of their heads. Then they went in order of processiō
before the beare whereon the dead king was caried, some
wente playing on instruments made of snayle shelles, others
played vpon bones and shelles of seaturtils, others
went whistlyng and the most part weping: the Sonnes of
the dead kyng & other noble men carried vpō their shoulders
the beare where ye corse lay, & proceded with an easie
pace towarde the Temple of the God Curicaueri: his kinsmen
went round about the bere, singyng a sorowful song.
The officers and houshold seruants of the Court wt other
Magistrates and rulers of iustice bare the Standartes
and diuers other armes.
About midnight they departed in the order aforesayde out of the Kings palayce with great light of fire brandes and with a heauy noyse of trumpets and drummes. The Citizens which dwelt where the corse passed, attended to make cleane the streate. And when they were come to the temple, they wente foure tymes rounde about a great fire made of the woodde of Pine trée, whiche was prepared to burne ye dead body: then the beare was layd vpon the fire, and in the meane while that the body was burnyng, they mawled with a clubbe those whiche had the garlandes, and afterwarde buried them by foure and foure, as they were apparelled behind the Temple.
The nexte day in the mornyng, the ashes, bones and Iewels was gathered and layde vpon a riche mantle, the whiche was carried to the temple gate, where the priests attended to blesse those Diuelishe relickes, whereof they made a dowe or paste, and thereof an image whiche was appareled lyke a man, with a visor on his face, and all other sortes of Iewels that the dead King was wonte to weare, so that it séemed a gallant idoll. At the foote of the temple stayres, they opened a graue ready made, whiche was square, large, & twoo fadome déepe, it was also hāged with new mattes rounde about, and a fayre bed therein, in the whiche a religious man placed the idoll made of ashes, with his eyes towarde the east parte, and honge rounde aboute the walles Targets of golde and siluer, with bow and arrowes, & many gallant tuffes of feathers with earthen vessels, as pottes, dishes & platters, so that the graue was filled vp with houshold stuffe, chests couered with leather, apparell, iewels, meate, drinke, and armour. This done, the graue was shut vp & made sure with beames, bordes, and floored with earth on the toppe.
All those Gentlemen which had serued or touched any thing in the buriall, washed them selues, and wente to dinner in the Courte or yard of the Kings house without any table, and hauing dined, they wiped their hands vpon certayne lockes of Cotton wol, hanging downe their heads, and not speaking any word, except it were to aske for drinke. This Ceremonie endured fiue dayes, and in all that time no fire was permitted to be kindled in the Citie, except in the Kings house and Temples, nor yet any corne was ground, or market kept, nor none durst goe out of their houses, shewing all the sorrow that might be possible for the death of theyr King.
In Tlaxcallan and many other Cities, was
vsed as a principall Ceremonie and token
of marriage, that the Bridegrome
and his Bride, against the day of marriage,
had their heads polled, whiche was
to signifie, that from that day forward, al
childishe orders should be laide aside, and from that tyme
new heare myght grow, to declare another kind of lyfe.
The chiefest knotte of marriage vsed in Michuacan was,
that the Bride doe looke directly vppon hir spouse, for otherwise
the Matrimony was not perfite nor auaylable.
In Mixteoapan which is a greate prouince, they vse to carrie the Bridgrome to be married vpon their backes, which is to be vnderstoode, that he goeth against his wil, but yet they take hands, in token that the one shall helpe the other, and then they knitte both their mantels togyther with a great knotte, signifying that they ought continually, while life lasteth, to dwell togither.
The Indians called Macatecas, consūme not their Matrimony in twenty dayes after their marriage, but abide in fasting and prayer all that while, sacrificing their bodyes, and annoynting the mouthes of the Idolles wyth their owne proper bloud.
In Panuco the husbandes buy their wiues for a bowe, two arrowes, and a nette, and afterwarde the father in lawe speaketh not one worde to his sonne in law for the space of a whole yeare. And when the husbande hapneth to haue any child, he lyeth not any more with his wife in two yeares after, for feare least she might be with childe againe before the former childe were out of daunger, although some doe sucke vntyll twelue yeares of age, and for this consideration they haue many wiues. Likewise there is an order among them, that no woman may touch or dresse any thing being with theyr menstruall ordinarie.
Diuorcement was not permitted without a iust cause and authoritie of Iustice, among those who were openly married, but the other sort might be as easily forsaken as taken.
In Mechuacan was not permitted any diuorcemente, excepte the partie made a solemne othe, that they loked not the one on the other stedfastly and directly at the time of their marriage. But in Mexico they must proue how the wife is barraine, foule, & of a naughty cōdition: but if they put away their wiues without order and commaundemente of the Iudge, then the heare of the offenders head is burned in the market place, as a shame or punishment of a man without reason or witte.
The payne of adultery was death, as well for the mā as the woman: but if the adulterer were a Gentleman, his head was decked with feathers after that he was hāged, and his body burned, and for this offence was no pardon, eyther for man or woman, but for the auoyding of adultery they do permitte other common women, but no ordinary stewes.
In Mexico were twelue Iudges, who were
all noble men, graue, and well learned in
the Mexican lawes. These men liued only
by the rentes that properly apperteyne to
the maintenance of Iustice, and in anye
cause iudged by thē, it was lawfull for the parties to appeale
vnto other twelue Iudges, who were of the princes
bloud, and alwayes abode in the Court, and were
mainteyned at the Kings owne cost and charge. The inferior
Iudges came ordinarily once euery moneth to cōsult
with the higher. And in euery fourescore dayes came
the Iudges of euery prouince within the Mexican Empire,
to consult with the Iudges of Mexico, but all doubtfull
causes were reserued to the King, onely to passe by
his order and determination. The Painters serued for
notaries, to paint al the cases which were to be resolued,
but no sute passed aboue fourescore dayes without finall
ende and determination. There were in that citie twelue
Sergeants, whose office was to arrest, and to cal parties
before the Iudges. Their garments were painted mantels,
wherby they were knowen a farre off. The prisons
were vnder ground, moyst and darke, the cause whereof,
was to put the people in feare to offend. If anye witnesse
were called to take an oth, the order was, that he shoulde
touche the grounde with one of his fingers, and then to
touch his tong with the same, whiche signifyed that hée
had sworne and promised to speake the troth wyth hys
tōg, taking witnes therof, of ye earth which did mainteine
him. But some do interprete the oth, yt if the partie sware
not true, that then he mighte come to such extremitie, as
to eate earthe. Sometime they name and call vppon the
God of the crime, whose cause the matter touched.
The Iudge that taketh bribes or giftes, is forthwith put out of his office, whiche was accounted a most vyle and shamefull reproch. The Indians did affirme, that Necaualpincintli did hang a Iudge in Tezcuco, for giuing an vniust sentence, he himselfe knowing the contrary. The murther is executed without exception.
The woman with child that wilfully casteth hir creature, suffereth deathe for the same, bycause many women did voluntary vse that fact, knowing their children could not inherite. The punishment of adultery was death.
The Théefe for the firste offence was made a slaue, and hanged for the second. The traytor to the King and cōmon weale, was put to death with extreame tormēts.
The woman taken in mans apparel dyed for the same, and likewise the man taken in womans attire. Euerye one that challēged another to fight except in the warres, was cōdemned to die. In Tezcuco the sinne of Zodomy was punished with death, & that law was instituted by Necaualpincintli, & Necaualcoio, who were Iudges, which abhorred ye filthy sinne, & therfore they deserued great praise, for in other prouinces ye abhominable sin was not punished, although they haue in those places cōmon stewes, as in Panuco.
At the ende of euery twenty dayes, is celebrated
a festiuall feast called Tonalli, which
falleth continually the last daye of euerye
moneth, but the chiefest feast in the yeare,
when most men are sacrificed & eaten, is at
the ende of euerye fiftye two yeares. But the Tlaxcaltecas
and other common weales, do celebrate this feast
euery fourth yeare.
The last day of the first moneth is called Tlacaxipeualiztli, on the which day were slaine a hundred slaues, which were taken in the warres, and after the sacrifise, their flesh was eaten in this order. Al the Citizens, gathered themselues togither in the high Temple, and thē the Ministers or Priestes came and vsed certaine ceremonies, the which being ended, they toke those whyche were to be sacrifised, by one and one, and layd them vpon their backes vpon a large stone, and then the slaue being on liue, they opened him in the breast, with a knife made of flinte stone, and toke out his hart, whiche they threw immediately at the foote of the Aulter, as an offering, and anoynted with the fresh bloude, the face of the God Vitzilopuchtli, or any other Idol. This done, they pluckt of the skinnes of a certaine number of them, the which skinnes so many auntient persons put incontinēt vppon their naked bodies, al fresh & bloudy, as they wer fleane from the deade carcasses. And being open in the backe part and shoulders, they vsed to lace them, in such sorte that they came fitte vppon the bodies of those that ware them, and being in this order attired, they came to daunce among many others. In Mexico the king him selfe did put on one of these skinnes, being of a principall captiue, and daunced among the other disguised persons, to exalte and honor the feast, and an infinite number followed him to behold his terrible gesture, although some hold opinion that they followed him to cōtemplate his greate deuotion. After the sacrifise ended, the owner of the slaues did carry their bodies home to their houses, to make of their fleshe a solemne feaste to all their friendes, leauing their heades and hartes to the Priests, as their dutie and offering. And the skinnes were filled with cotten wool, or strawe, to be hong in the temple, and kings pallayce, for a memorie.
The slaues when they went to their sacrifice, were apparelled in the habite or deuise of the Idol vnto whom ech of them did commende himselfe: and moreouer they decked them with feathers, garlands and floures. Many of these sort of people, do go to the slaughter with ioyfull countenannce, dauncing, demaunding almes through the Citie for their sacrifice, all the whiche almes is due vnto the priestes. When the gréene corne was a foote aboue the ground, they vsed to go vnto a certain hil whiche was appointed for such deuotion, and there sacrifised two children, a boy, and a girle of thrée yeares of age, to the honor of Tlaloc god of water, beséeching him therefore deuoutlye, to haue alwayes a care to prouide them water: these children were frée borne, and therfore theyr hartes were not taken out of their bodies, but after that their throtes were cut, their bodies were wrapped in a new mantel, and then buried in a graue of stone.
The feaste of Tozoztli was, when the fields of Maiz were growen two foote high, then a certaine summe of merchandise was gathered among the dwellers in the towne, wherewith were bought foure little slaues betwixt the age of fiue and seuen, and they were likewise sacrificed to the god Tlaloc, for continuall shoures of rayne. And those dead bodies were shut vp in a caue appointed for the same purpose. The beginning of this sacrifice of foure children was, at the time when in foure yeres space it rayned not, in the whiche season ye springs were dryed vp, and al gréene things perished: wherfore they were forced to leaue the countrey, and went to inhabite at Nicaragua. In the moneth and feast of Hueitozotli, when the corne fields of Maiz waxed ripe, then euery one in generall gathered his handful of Maiz, and brought it vnto the temple for an offering, with a certaine drinke called Atuli, whiche is made of the same Maiz. They brought also the swéete gum Copalli to sense the gods which do cause the corne to growe: and all that night they ceassed not dauncing without drunkennesse. At the beginning of summer they celebrate an other feast called Tlaxuchimcaco, with all kinde of Roses and swéete floures that might be gotten, and thereof they vsed to make garlands to set vpon the Idols heades, and so spente all that day in dauncing. And to celebrate the feast called Tecuilhuitli, al the gentlemen, and principall persons of ech prouince, do come vnto the Citie, on the euening of the feast, and then they apparell a woman with the attire of the Gods of salt, who daunced among a great company of hir neighboures. But on the nexte day she was sacrificed with all the Ceremonies and solemnitie accustomed, and al that day was spent in gret deuotion, burning of incense in the fire pannes of the temple.
The merchants who had a temple by themselues dedicated to the god of gaines, made their feast vppon the day called Miccailhuitl, wherein they slewe many slaues in sacrifice, which they had bought, and banqueted that feast with mans flesh, dauncing al the day. The feast of Vchpaniztli they sacrificed a woman, and afterward hyr bodye was slayne, and hir skinne put vppon an Indians backe, who daunced two days a row with al the townsmen, which were apparelled in their best attire to celebrate ye feaste. The day of Hatamutztli ye feast is kept in Mexico, where they enter into ye lake wt a great nūber of Canoas, & there they drown a boy & a girle in a litle boat, which they cause to be sonke, in such sorte, that neuer after that boat appeareth again: and they hold opinion yt those children were in company with the Goddes of the lake. So that, that daye was spente in feasting in the temples, and annoynting the Idols chéekes, with gum called Vlli. There were some Images that had their faces two ynches thicke with that gum.
On the backe side of euerye greate
Temple, in euerye Cittie was
made a greate Hall or lodgyng,
standing alone, where as manye
women did eate, drincke, lodge,
& leade their liues. And although
suche houses had no orders, they
aboad there sure ynough. These
women which lay in the houses of the Goddes, were of
sundry intentions. But none of them came to abide
there al their life time, although among them wer some
olde women. Some entered into those religious houses
being sicke and disseased, hoping there to recouer theyr
health: others came thither through pure néede, and necessitie,
to be there relieued: other some came thither to
be good and vertuous: and some entered into the religion,
hoping that the Goddes woulde giue vnto them
riches, and long life. But generallye their comming
thyther was, to haue good husbandes, and manye chyldren:
eche of them vowed the time that shee woulde or
ment to abide in that order, and after that time expired
they marryed.
The first thing that they did comming into the religion, was to polle their heads, to be knowen frō others. Their offices were to spinne cotton wool and feathers, and to weaue cloth, for to apparel the Goddes and themselues, to swepe the yarde and lodgings of the temple (for the stayres and high chappels, the ministers themselues did make cleane) they vsed also to let them bloud in certaine partes of the body, to offer to the Diuellish Idols. On euery festiual day they went on procession with the priestes, but it was not lawful for them to presume to go vppe the stayres of the temple, nor yet to sing. They liued on almes, for their kinsefolke being rich, did mayntaine them with almes as a charitable seruice done vnto the Goddes: their foode was boyled flesh, and hote bread, to the intent that they should offer therof to the Goddes, that they might tast of the smoke of that victual: they vsed to eate in communitie, and lay altogither in one dormitorye, as a flocke of shéepe: they lay alwayes in theyr clothes, for honestie sake, and also to be the sooner ready in the morning to serue the Gods, & to go to their worke. And yet I know not why they shold put off their clothes, for they went almost naked. On the holy dayes they vsed to daunce before the Gods, and she that either talked or laughed with any religious or secular person, was reprehended for the same. And if any of them committed whoredome, then both the man & the woman were slain, yea they belieued that all suche offenders fleshe woulde rotte and consume away, and especially those which had lost their Virginity in the time of their religion. So that with feare of punishmente and infamie, they were good women al the while that they aboade there.
The Diuell did many times talke wyth
the priestes, and with other rulers and
perticular persons, but not with al sorts
of men. And vnto him to whom the
Diuel had appeared, was offered & presented
great giftes. The wicked spirit
appeared vnto thē in a thousand shapes, and fashions, &
finally he was conuersant and familiar among them
very often. And the fooles thought it a greate wonder,
that Gods would be so familiar with mortal men. Yea
they not knowing that they were Diuels, and hearing
of them many things before the had hapned, gaue great
credite and beliefe to their illusions and deceites. And
bycause he commaunded them, they sacrificed suche an
infinite number of creatures. Likewise he, vnto whom
he had apeared, carried about him painted, the likenesse
wherin he shewed himself the first time. And they painted
his image vpon their dores, benches, and euery corner
of the house. And as he appeared in sundry figures
& shapes, euen so they painted him, of infinite fashions,
yea and some foule, grieslye, & feareful to beholde, but
yet vnto them, it semed a thing delectable. So this ignorant
people giuing credite to ye condēned spirite, were
growen euen to ye highest hil of crueltie, vnder the coulour
of deuout & religious persons, yea they had suche a
custome, that before they would eat or drink, they wold
take therof a little quantitie, & offer it vnto the sun and
to the earth. And if they gathered corne, fruite, or roses,
they would take a leafe before they would smel it, & offer
the same. And he that did not obserue these & such other
ceremonies, was iudged one yt had not god in his
hart, yea & (as they say) a man out of the gods fauour.
The greatnesse of the newe
Spayne, the Maiestie of Mexico,
and the qualitie of the cōquerers,
required a man of noble
bloude to gouerne, wherevpon
the Emperour sente thither
Don Antonio de Mendosa,
brother vnto the Marques de
Moniar, for viceroy, at whose ariual
there returned from thence Sebastian Camires, who
had gouerned that countrey with great discretion and
worthy commendation. In recompēce wherof the Emperour
made him president of the chancery of Valladolid,
and bishop of Culuca. Don Antonio de Mendosa was appointed
viceroy in the yeare .1534. who carried with him
many artificers verye experte in their sciences, likewise
through his intercession, a money house was erected in
Mexico: he also caused silke to be made and wrought in
that countrey, and planted many Mulbery trées for the
same, although the Indians little care for suche things
through their slouthfulnesse and gret liberty. This viceroy
Don Antonio, called all the Bishoppes, cleargy, and
learned men togither, to consult vpō ecclesiastical matters,
which tended to the doctrine of the Indians. At that
instant was decreed, that the Indians shoulde be instructed
only in the latin tong, which they learned verye wel
and also the Spanishe tong. They learne the Musicke
with good wil, especially the flaute: their voyces are not
good for the pricke song. At that season was also decréed,
that no Indian should take order of Priesthood.
The viceroy Don Antonio built certaine townes with
Romaine pillers, in honor of the Emperour, and caused
his name to be grauen in Marble. He also began the
Kay or wharfe in the porte of Medellin, a costly and necessarie
worke: he also reduced the Chichimecas to ciuel liuing:
he spente muche money in the entraunce of Sibola,
without any profit, and also thereby remayned an enemy
to Cortes. He likewise discouered much land on the south
coast near Xalixco: he sente also shippes to Molluca, for
spices, which were lost: he behaued himself very prudētly
in the rebellion time of the Indians of Piru.
The Emperour commaunded him afterwarde to goe vnto the Piru for viceroy, considering the licenciat Gasca, who gouerned there, was returned into Spain, and likewise hauing vnderstood his good gouernement in the new Spaine, although some complaintes were made of hym. It grieued Don Antonio de Mendosa, to departe from the newe Spaine, where he founde himselfe wel beloued among the Indians, who had cured him of sundry disseases with bathes of Hearbes, where before he was starke lame, and also possessed of lands, Cattel, and other riche things, whiche he was loth to leaue. Likewise he desired not to haue to deale with other newe men, whose conditions he knewe not, although he knewe that the Piruleros were stubborne and vnruely felowes. But of necessitie he was compelled to take that iourney by lande from Mexico to Panama, which standeth fiue hundred leagues distant, in the yeare a 1851. And that yere came Don Luys de Valasco for viceroie to Mexico, who was a Gentleman wise and discrete in his gouernement. The office of viceroy in the newe Spaine, is a charge of great honor and profite.
Oh how greately are those Indians bound to
prayse God, who being seruants of Satan,
and lost Shéepe, yet it pleased the goodnesse
of the Almighty to haue compassion of thē,
who hath giuen them light to come out of
darkenesse, and brought them to the knowledge of theyr
cruell and abhominable life, and hath nowe giuen vnto
them the holy Ghost in baptisme: oh most happie Cortes,
thy paynes was well employed, oh valiant Conquerors,
your names shall liue for euer. I am now bolde to saye,
that all the lande which is conquered in the new Spaine,
the people thereof are generally conuerted vnto the faith
of Iesus Chryste: oh what a greate felicitie is it vnto
those blessed Kyngs who were the beginners thereof.
Some doe saye, that in the newe Spayne onely are conuerted Christians sixe Millions. Others hold opinion of eyghte Millions. And othersome doe assuredly affirme, that aboue tenne Millions are Christened. But in conclusion, I am assured, that within the limittes of four hundred leagues, there are none vnchristened.
The conuersion began with the Conquest, but wyth the diligence in prosecuting the warres, little good was done, vntyll the yeare 1524. and then the matter wente forwarde effectuallye, by reason that certayne learned menne wente thyther for the same purpose.
At the begynnyng it was a troublesome thyng to teach them, for wante of vnderstandyng the one of the other, wherefore they procured to teache the chyldren of Gentlemen whiche were most aptest, the Spanishe tong, and they likewise learned the Mexican spéeche, in the whiche language they dayly preached. It was at the firste a paynefull thing to make them leaue those Idols in whome they hadde euer beléeued, yea and the Diuell gaue them cruell warres in spirite, and manye times, in appearing in diuers formes vnto them, threatning, that if they dyd call vpon the name of Iesus Christ, it should not rayne, and that all their delight and pleasure shoulde be taken from them, prouoking them still to Rebellion against the Christians, but his wicked counsell woulde not preuayle.
Through greate punishmente they haue left off the horrible sinne of Sodomy, although it was a greate griefe to put away their number of wiues.
There are nowe in the newe Spayne eyght Byshoprikes, whereof one is an Archbishoprike.
There was a greate contention betwéene
Hernando Cortes, and Don Antonio de Mendosa,
the Vizeroy, as concerning the prouince
of Sibola, for each of them pretended
a title vnto the same through the Emperoures
gift, the one by meanes of his office
of Vizeroy, and the other by his office of Captayne
Generall, vpon the whyche matter they grewe into such
hatred, that perfyte friendshippe coulde neuer after take
place betwéene them, although at the beginning they
were familiar and louing friendes: but malice grewe to
such extremitie, that eache of them wrote vndecently
agaynste other, to the Emperoure theyr maister,
the whyche theyr doyngs blemished both theyr credites.
Cortes wente to lawe with the Licenciat Villa Lobos the Kings Attourney, aboute certayne of his vassals, and also the Vizeroy assisted agaynste him as muche as hée myghte. Vpon consideration whereof, he was enforced to come into Spayne in Anno 1540. and broughte Don Martin his sonne and heyre, béeyng a childe of eyghte yeares of age, and hys sonne Don Luys, to serue the Prince: he came very riche, but not so riche as the fyrste time. He entred into great friendship with the Cardinal Loaisa, and the Secretarie Cobos, but it preuayled not, for the Emperoure was gone into Flanders about matters of Gant.
In the yeare 1541. the Emperoure personally wente to the séege of Argell with a mightie armye, and Cortez with his two sonnes went also thither to serue him with a good companye of men and Horses, but it pleased God to raise vp suche a tempest, wherewith the most parte of the fléete perished. Cortes then being in the Galley of Don Henrike Enrikes, called the Esperanca, and fearing to lose his rich emraldes and other Iewels at the time that the Galley was driuen by violence of weather vpon the shore, he then bound about him the sayde fyue rich emraldes, estéemed in a hundred thousande Duckates, yet notwithstanding through the throng of people, and hast to escape out of oese and mire, the Iewels fell from him, who could neuer heare more of them, so that the present warres cost hym more than any other, except the Emperoures maiestie, although Andrea de Oria lost eleuen Galleys.
But the losse of treasure gréeued hym not so much, as the excluding hym out of the Counsell of the warres, whereas other yong Gentlemen of lesse knowledge and abilitie were accepted, which was a cause of greate murmuryng among the host. And where in the counsell of warre it was determined to leaue the séege and to depart, it gréeued manye, whereupon Cortes made an open offer, that he alone with the Spanishe nation would presume to take Argell, hauyng but the one halfe of the Tudescos and Italians, if it woulde please the Emperoure to graunte vnto hym the enterprise. The Souldyers on the lande dyd hyghly commende hys courage, but the Sea menne woulde giue no eare vnto him, so that it is thoughte that the offer came not to the Emperoures knowledge. Cortes wente vp and downe in the Courte a long season, being sore afflicted in a certaine sute aboute hys vassals, and also the processe and allegations of Nunio de Guzman, layde vnto hys charge in hys residence. The whole processe was séene in the counsell of Indias, but iudgemente was neuer pronounced, whyche was a greate hartes ease for Cortes. And then hée departed from the Courte towarde Siuill, with determinate wyll to passe vnto the newe Spayne, and to ende his lyfe in Mexico, and also to receyue the Lady Mary, Cortes hys daughter, who was come from India, and promised in marriage vnto Don Aluar Perez Osorio, with a hundred thousande Duckates in dowry, and hyr apparell, but the marriage tooke no effecte, through the faulte of Don Aluar and hys father.
He then fell sicke of a flixe and indisgestion, whiche endured long, so that on hys iourney towarde the Citie of Siuill, he departed thys transitory lyfe, in a little Village called Castilleia de La Cuesta, whyche standeth a myle from the Citie of Siuill, on the seconde of December Anno 1547. béeyng thréescore and thrée yeares of age.
His body was deposited wt ye dukes of Medina Sidonia.
He left a Sonne and thrée Daughters begotten of the Lady Iane de Zuniga his wife, his Sonne was called Don Martin Cortes, who did inherite his fathers estate, and was married vnto the Lady Ana de Arellano, his cousine, daughter to the Countie De Aguilar, by order of his father.
The doughters vnto Cortes were named as foloweth, the lady Donea Maria, Donea Catalina, and Donea Iuana who was the yongest. He had another Sonne by an Indian woman, and he was called Don Martin Cortez. He had also another base sonne by a Spanish woman, who was named Don Luys Cortez, and thrée daughters by thrée seuerall Indian women.
Cortez buylt an hospitall in Mexico, and gaue order for a Colledge to be also erected there. He builte also a Temple in Coioacan, where he willed in his Testament that his bones shoulde be buried at the charges of his Sonne and heyre. He situated foure thousand Ducates of rent, whiche yéeldeth yéerely his houses in Mexico for the purpose aforesayd, of the which foure thousande Ducates, two thousand should be to maynteyne the Studients in the Colledge.
Inconsistent and strange spelling and grammar has been retained, with a few exceptions noted below. Sidenotes have been moved from beside paragraphs to the heads of the associated paragraphs. In some cases this may result in several sidenotes appearing together, between paragraphs.
These have been rendered herein with superscript notation:
ye, yt, and wt, and are abbreviations
for "ye", "that", and "with".
Certain names such as "Mutezuma" or "Vitzilopuchtli" were generally printed in italic type, and sometimes were printed with what appears to the transcriber to be an interior capital Z, like this: "VitZilopuchtli". These have all been rendered with small z in this ebook.
Occasionally commas were printed where full stops were wanted, and vice versa. These have sometimes been fixed without comment here.
This book was originally printed with some incorrect page numbers. For one example, starting at page 32, the sequence of printed numbers was 32, 37, 34, 35, 40, 41, 38, 39, 37, 41, 42, 43. . . . The printed page numbers have been discarded in this ebook. In the following notes, the page numbers referenced are the printed ones.
P. 23: "vergan ines" changed to "vergantines".
P. 47: "crrtaine" changed to "certaine".
P. 50: "Tauasco Cortez" changed to "Tauasco, Cortez".
P. 58: In "of siluer whiche wayde .25. markes", the text between "wayde" and "markes" was somewhat unclear.
P. 100: The word after "Ierome Friers" was unclear, but a different edition had "dame", which is adopted herein.
P. 170: In "as i paynted of the Antikes", changed "i" to "is", supported by a different edition of the book.
P. 179: "butttocke" changed to "buttocke".
P. 209: "crosse stéete" changed to "crosse stréete", supported by a different edition.
P. 218: "officers made a solēpne vowe" changed to "officers made a solēne vowe".
P. 309: "deblared" to "declared".
P. 312: "entefrayned" to "entertayned".
P. 375: "Chicoei Cipactti" to "Chicoei Cipactli".
P. 390: "Diuoremcent" to "Diuorcement".
P. 395: "solempnitie" to "solemnitie".
P. 400: "prudētdently" to "prudētly".