The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Dixie Druggist, May, 1913, by Anonymous This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: The Dixie Druggist, May, 1913 A Monthly Publication Issued to the Retail Drug Trade of the South Author: Anonymous Release Date: September 2, 2016 [EBook #52969] Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE DIXIE DRUGGIST, MAY, 1913 *** Produced by The Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive)
A Monthly Publication Issued to the Retail Drug Trade of the South
MAY, 1913
To meet with big success, one must be sometimes very bold and sometimes very prudent. It is by looking forward that one prevents inconveniences. So arrange your affairs that, whatever storm may sweep over you, you may not be taken unawares or unprepared.
POWERS-TAYLOR DRUG CO. Wholesale Druggists Richmond, Va. |
DR. T. C. SMITH Wholesale Druggist and Manufacturing Chemist Asheville, N. C. |
Send for Rates | Take A Space |
THE DIXIE DRUGGIST Should be read by every Druggist in the South. You will find that there are some articles in every number that are worth the price of a year’s subscription. Send us your name right now while you think of it. THE DIXIE DRUGGIST HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA |
A Monthly Magazine for Southern Druggists.
“Covers the South like the Sunshine”
Blackwelder-Riddle Building
Hickory, N. C.
Vol. 1
May, 1913
No. 2
A Paper Read Before the Baltimore Retail Druggists Association
Monday, March 10, 1913
Mr. President and Gentlemen:
The subject, “Is There a Crisis in the Drug Business,” which your president has unfortunately selected me to discuss, is so vitally interesting and important to each of you that I suppose there may be a great many here who have given much more thought, and are so far more versed on the subject than I, that any feeble effort of mine would suggest no new thought, supply no new theories or give subject-matter with which you are not already familiar. However, as I have been requested to give a personal opinion, I ask your indulgence, particularly if my efforts do supply nothing new and are only in the nature of a review.
The “Crisis in the Drug Business,” referred to and discussed by many, pro and con, seems to pertain particularly to the prescription end of it, and as such will be most considered. “Crisis,” meaning a “vitally important or decisive state of things, the point at which a change must come, either for the better or worse,” somewhat describes the situation, though it has been a gradual evolution, approaching slowly, almost stealthily, until now, aroused, the condition seems acute, apparently a sudden and startling metamorphosis. It may be more properly described, however, as a gradual but decided revolution in conduct and method of business, partly due to natural conditions over which the druggist has no control, and partly to changes which he has been slow to realize and slower to adapt himself.
These changes we shall divide into scientific and commercial. Through laboratory research work, modern medical science has progressed to such an extent that in some diseases the form of medication has changed entirely, while in others medication is reduced to a minimum. Chemical combinations, synthetics, biological products, vaccines, etc., have all in a natural sequence deprived the pharmacist of many prescriptions.
The various salts of mercury and potash have been to some extent replaced by salvarsin and copavia, nitre, menthelene blue seem about to be effected by gonococcous vaccine and anti-gonococcic serum. Your gargles, douches, sprays, external and internal medication have to a considerable extent been supplanted some time ago by anti-toxin, and so on, but the unfortunate side of it is that in cities such as ours much more of these products are supplied through the health department and the hospitals than through the legitimate channel of trade, the druggist, and oftentimes to many undeserving people. Some family physicians, who are nothing more than diagnosing agents for the specialists, and who, when called in to see the sick, immediately consult a specialist, with the result that in about 50 per cent. of the cases the subject generally finds his or her way into the hospital. The great number of dispensaries in our community, with their indiscriminate service and consequent unbridled abuse, is another cause for the falling off in the prescription business.
The surgeon, the X-ray, radium, etc., all play their individual part in the decline of prescriptions. These are a few of the reasons for a more or less elimination of prescription writing, for which we may say that science is either directly or indirectly the contributing cause.
Several times agents for tablet houses have called on me and said: “Dr. So and So has just given me a little order, or intends to increase his line of our goods; of course, we don’t sell doctors direct, so if you will let me send these goods through you I will bill them straight, subject to a 10 per cent. discount to you; this means business for me and 10 per cent. on the doctor’s purchase for you. In other words, I was to guarantee their bill, wait for my money until the doctor was ready to pay, and act as their collecting agent, for all of which the above traveling man most magnanimously offered the above highly remunerative 10 per cent. and this for the worst enemy the druggist has—the dispensing doctor. That gentleman who pays no taxes on his stock and fixtures, needs no traders’ license, is subject to no drug inspection, who is insincere with his patients, and needs but the occasion to discredit druggists, as a whole, in furthering his schemes of diverting from the proper channels that which rightfully does not belong to him.”
Another reason is the mistake made at times by the druggists, as a body, of often plunging headlong, and with the purest motives possible, into any vortex created by a few overzealous men, both physicians and pharmacists, who are more often theorists than practical druggists, and to illustrate my point I recall an incident of more or less recent occurrence that tended to inspire little confidence of thoughtful physicians in them as a whole.
Various medical associations, pharmaceutical associations, and nearly every journal allied to medicine and the drug trade decried the use of hand-me-downs. The committee on revision of the N. F. immediately offered us a number of preparations of varying merit, that were not even good substitutes for the above, and these I have understood at the suggestion of some physicians.
Glycerinated Elix. Gentian, if made according to formula, with its excessive amount of solution of saccharine and its repulsively excessive amount of acetic ether, would never supplant the preparation it was intended to take the place of.
Pulv. Acetanilid Comp. is as dangerous a heart depressent as the nostrum it was supposed to displace.
We were told that Lactopeptine was too expensive to use as a vehicle, and was worth not a continental medicinally; that Pancreatin and diastase were destroyed by Pepsin in the presence of an acid; besides, after the chemists of the A. M. A. were through their analysis, they found there was so little Pepsin that it was scarcely worth mentioning, but if the doctor wanted a good pharmaceutical we could supply Pulv. Pepsin Comp. or Elix. Digestive Comp., either just as good, not quite so expensive, and certainly would do no more harm. Associations printed proprietaries and substitutes side by side and launched this matter as a propaganda of education for the physicians; material that filled no void, supplied no deficiency and appealed to many only as a means to increased profit.
That some physicians did prescribe was only because they had more confidence in the druggists as compounders of the above preparations than they had in the manufacturers of the nostrum; because they were friendly enough with the individual druggist to open an opportunity for a little better profit; because they thought their patients would be more economically handled; but had the revisionists advanced a few scientific combinations, elegant pharmaceuticals or easily prepared chemicals, they would have given the druggist better material for propaganda work and appealing agents to most physicians. It was, however, to a certain extent a wasted effort, lacking in conception, devoid of originality and decidedly wanting in producing lasting results. So much for some of the contributing causes.
Now for the effect. Business conditions have undoubtedly changed. This applies not only to the drug business, but to every line of trades or professions.
Our good old friend, the family doctor, has felt the effects of the surgeon, the specialist, the hospital, the dispensary.
Lawyers, the effect of the title guarantee companies and syndicated law.
The dry goods and notion business has been revolutionized into department stores.
The horse dealers, horseshoers and carriage builders must feel the introduction of the motor vehicle.
Laborers have felt the innovation of the steam shovel, etc.
I could go on almost indefinitely, but these changed conditions are the outcome of science or commercialism, and are inevitable. Now, what is the remedy? I had intended to say nothing on this subject, as it would make quite an interesting paper or be food for animated discussion, but a short consideration of this text is so intimately associated with the subject under discussion that it seems particularly well timed. We are on the eve of still another “crisis”—a “crisis” that partly answers the question, “What is the remedy?” and a close investigation will discover that a pronounced reaction is setting in against many of the products of the laboratory physicians and the faddists who have led their more gullible fellow-practitioners to adopt their experimental novelties and reluctantly have found that practicing medicine without the materia medica is like playing Hamlet without the Melancholy Dane.
The reckless use of biological products, vaccines, etc., is even now being severely handled by both medical and lay journals, and as interesting reading I would call your attention to two articles, one a serious editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association under date of February 22, 1913, page 602, entitled “Phylacogens,” and the other in a lighter vein, entitled “Medicine,” by Cobb, in the Saturday Evening Post of November 30, 1912.
The man who seeks the little things generally gets the little sought; the man who hunts big game, and is persistent, most often makes a good bag, but the old adage, “Everything comes to him who waits,” may have applied years ago, but many theories and much fact disprove it now. There are still going to be sick people to prescribe for and doctors to do the prescribing. Someone must fill the prescriptions. Who is it to be? It is going to be the man who can shape and mold himself to conditions as they arise. Most doctors are your friends. Even now the ties are becoming more firmly cemented. He is dependent on you to a certain extent. Be fair with him, and he will in most cases reciprocate. And last, but not least, just for a suggestion, lend your aid to some concerted action to control the dispensary evil by having all applicants for treatment first obtain pauper cards from the Police Department or Federal Charities, then see that the dispensing doctor is placed on an equal business footing with you, have him pay his legitimate taxes on his stock, take out a traders’ license, let the drug inspector examine his stock for purity and potency, and finally, see if there is not some way of reaching the gentlemen, for to my mind a physician has no greater right to practice pharmacy without registration than a druggist has to prescribe.
Pharmacy is a profession of the highest order, a sort of composite type, requiring the manipulative skill of the mechanic with the technical knowledge of the professional man, and demanding above all other professions at all times a clear head and an immediate and scrupulous knowledge of your subject. There is no profession where demands are so exacting and mistakes more consequential.
Still you have seen your profession tossed and buffeted about like a ship on a stormy sea. You have had your honesty questioned by a certain class of physicians when it suited their purpose; you have been called substitutors in patent medicine literature and advertisements; you have stood endless vilification from one source or another and retained a calm, dispassionate silence, an indifference so intense as to become startling in its apparent acquiescence.
Can you blame the public for believing some of the things said about you when not so much as a word of defense or a syllable of protest is offered in rebuttal?
As individuals you can protect yourself but feebly and accomplish but little; united you must be a power. Every one of you wields an influence, great or small, that in the aggregate will well be worth catering to, if you work as a unit. You have it within your power to do much of mutual benefit if, as a body, you work toward a common goal. Decide in meetings on that which is best; start with a thorough plan; play politics, if necessary, but that politics that knows no party but the one that is willing to prove[4] your friend and help you realize your needs. All the resolutions passed, all the enthusiasm demonstrated in your meetings will amount to nothing and you will revert into a mutual admiration society unless followed up by every ounce of alertness, activity and aggressiveness that your various committees and your massed membership can summon to their aid. Yours is a worthy cause; one that demands justice and equity, and in all fairness to yourselves, you want to enter it with that energy that brings success. You can remain passive no longer; you must be up and doing and your rights cannot be denied you if your demands are honorable, just and consistent, and I am sure they will be.
Every letter, magazine article and trade journal containing short essays from druggists scattered the length and breadth of this great land of ours sound the same note, strike the same chord, and are united in one grand chorus of perfect harmony the summary of whose song is “Corrective Laws and Unity.”
Our great trouble seems to be that we lack union and concerted action on important matters. Laws are enacted and enforced by every line of tradesmen, mechanics, professional men, and even laborers, protecting their individual interests, and which we all must live up to, whether we consider them fair or unfair.
Your plumbing must be done by none, however skilled, but a registered plumber, and the law is positive. Arguments before your law courts can be conducted by no one, no matter how able, unless he be a registered lawyer, and the law is definite. No one dares to practice medicine who is unregistered, and the law is explicit, but where do the rights of the pharmacist begin and where do they end? The unrestrained and indiscriminate sale of medicines by department stores, the corner grocery, patent medicine shops and what not, whose proprietors are not only unregistered, but whose only knowledge is to handle it like the rest of the merchandise they sell, without any restriction, makes us feel like we wasted time in becoming registered at all.
Is antikamnia more potent when dispensed as a prescription than antikamnia sold in 25-cent boxes by department stores?
Does paregoric sold on a doctor’s prescription require greater technical skill in handling than that sold in 5-cent and 10-cent bottles at the corner grocery?
Does the strength, purity or therapeutic value of tablets of asperin, calomel or pills of quinine dispensed by the druggist on prescription vary from those peddled by the dry goods stores in 100 lots?
Does the registration of pharmacists mean simply a guarantee of competency to fill prescriptions?
Should drugs of a questionable degree of potency be given indiscriminately to the public, without someone who understands them to either recommend or advise against their use?
Is not the competition waged in the traffic of medicines to an irresponsible public by houses without registered proprietors in fact considered in an entirely different line of business, as much a hardship to the big druggist as to the little man, simply a question of proportion, and if continued must mean but one thing, “the survival of the fittest?”
Suppose we turn from drugs and chemicals to other forms of medication. What protection have any of you? Only very recently one of the large general merchants advertised vaccine virus, and actually vaccinated his customers.
But the druggist lies supinely by, with scarcely a murmur of protest, while National, State and Municipal laws are made for him. Laws that are definite, made to prosecute, to handle him criminally and contemptuously; that afford no protection, allow not the slightest leeway, are as fragile as glass apparently for others, but for him as unyielding and inflexible as steel, and as positive as the Decalogue; made by men who have no practical knowledge of the business, know little, and inform themselves less on the matter they are legislating. Why does the druggist submit? Has he become callous through long exposure to this condition? Does he hope to win his immortal crown through his great humility and patience, or does he accept as a fact that he is following a well-defined precedent, for as far back as Shakespeare’s time we find Romeo saying to the apothecary:
But, unlike Romeo, I advise obedience and respect for the laws you have. Make the best of them until such time may arrive when we can demand equitable treatment; when you will live under laws formulated by yourselves; when your laws protect, and do not discriminate or oppress; when the dignity of pharmacy is akin, at least, to other professions. It may be at a distance, but the longest road oft-times has many short cuts, so it is with you now to take the initiatory step, for, as the saying goes, “Something attempted, something done,” any movement toward a realization of our ideals should be eagerly sought and accepted.
You have the blood and sinews of the drug trade of the town among you. As an association, don’t follow the paths of your predecessors. Establish an individuality by doing things differently from others. Let every man pledge his moral, and, if necessary, his financial support, and stick to it. Let us prepare a new path and tempt Opportunity, and when that great, but elusive and fickle dame, should appear, make her welcome so sincere and royal that the good lady would not deign to leave.
Unite in your efforts; combine in your legislative matters, combine on educational features; combine on social relations; combine on grievances; combine with your ways and means committee. We have a common cause to work for. Every man is as vitally interested as the other, and has as much at stake, HIS ALL. And I am sure by unity of action on matters well discussed in meetings, much of material advantage can be accomplished, and before the sun sets on many another year many trade defect will be on a fair way to be remedied, and what now appear to be breakers ahead will subside, calmed by the oil of Prosperity, to make easy sailing for the Good Old Ship Contentment.
The Palace Drug Store, Marfa, Texas, recently purchased by Cecil Booth, has been enlarged and remodeled.
The Gwyn Drug Store, Mt. Airy, N. C., is now completed and presents an unusually handsome appearance. Mr. John Marrion, druggist of considerable experience, has purchased an interest in the drug company, and with Mr. Joe Gwyn will give Mt. Airy an up-to-date store in every particular. Mr. Marrion will have charge of the prescription department. The Leader says that Mr. Gwyn and Mr. Marrion make a team that is hard to beat.
Francis & Mackey, Luling, Texas, have made numerous improvements in their drug store.
The Shannon Drug Company, Charlotte, Texas, will occupy one of the new brick buildings recently erected by Roos Brothers in that city.
The new Fallis Building, Pleasureville, Ky., when completed will be occupied by the City Drug Store. The building occupies a very prominent position next to the Deposit Bank. The second floor will be used as an Opera House.
The Owl Drug Store, Temple, Texas, has installed a very handsome electric sign in front of its building, and is attracting considerable attention to the store.
Mr. “Jim” Pearce, who has been in the drug business in Atlanta, Ga., is now connected with Dr. Dallas Williams’ drug store in Folkston, Ga.
Dr. T. H. Aull, Bowling Green, Ky., is making extensive alterations to his drug store.
The firm of Robertson & Law, Gainesville, Ga., has been dissolved, Mr. Law having purchased the interest of Dr. Robertson. The business will be continued at the same stand under the name of DeLacy Law.
Dr. Brown, who has been employed at the L. C. Small Drug Store, Macon, Ga., as pharmacist, has been made manager of the store. Dr. Brown was at one time connected with the sales force of Parke, Davis & Co., and later was in the drug business in Eatonton, Ga.
Cochran & Riley, Jackson, Tenn., have opened their second store in that city. This is known as the City Drug Store, and is said to be a very handsome store. In fact, one of the handsomest in the State. The new store has a metal ceiling and the fixtures are of mahogany. A very large mirror, 78 × 90 inches, occupies a position in front of the prescription case. In the centre of the store is a very handsome fountain, having 50 feet of serving space. This is the only fountain in Jackson that is located in the centre of a store.
The Powe Drug Company, Laurens, S. C., has opened a store in the building formerly occupied by the Dodson, Edwards Co. The store is in charge of D. J. H. Powe, assisted by Mr. James Hill, formerly of Cheraw.
The Boyd Drug Company, Watertown, Tenn., has made an assignment to F. A. Young, cashier of the Bank of Watertown.
R. S. McClaren, for many years with the prescription department of the Nance Drug Store, Jackson, Tenn., is now with the manufacturing department of the Tri-Tone Drug Company. Mr. J. T. Cross, of Memphis, succeeds him.
By F. M. Siggins
Proceedings of Pennsylvania Pharmaceutical Association.
I am not a physician, I am even ignorant of the simplest forms of disease which many druggists are familiar with, and my excuse for the ignorance is, that I have studiously avoided that line of study, that I might have less incentive for the so-called art of counter prescribing.
But if I am weak in the knowledge of disease, I hope I have not spent thirty years behind the drug counter without using my faculties of observation, and in as short a time as possible, I wish to register my emphatic objection to the further open sale and use of the coal tar derivatives, and I follow with my reasons.
My first notice of their danger was brought to me 25 years ago, in the early days of Acetanilid, by a physician, who gave large doses, and was enthusiastic over the results, and saw no harm in its use. A few months later I noticed that the doses had been cut down 65 per cent., and I enquired the cause. “Well,” says he, “I nearly killed half a dozen of my best friends, and I thought it time to stop.”
As the years rolled on, scarcely a month passed by, but what some incident occurred that told me we have admitted into common use the most dangerous drugs ever placed upon the pages of our text books. I have taken 2½ grain doses of acetphenetidin with salol at various times for colds and rheumatism, and thought for years that it did me no harm, but now I am reluctantly compelled to acknowledge the contrary. For after two or three days’ use, with a dosage of 2½ grains three or four times a day I find myself almost completely benumbed and heart action very weak. And as I recall it I have always had these symptoms, though less pronounced, and yet it has taken years, with all my knowledge of the drug, to tumble to its viciousness. A physician very near to me, commenced using the same drug in small doses and in a short time could take as high as one dram, but he has quit. Here are the two extremes in dosage.
Another physician gave a colored woman the well-known mixture of soda acetanilid and caffeine and in a short time she was consuming one ounce every two weeks. The physician and woman are both dead.
Still another M. D. who dispensed about 1000 3½ grain acetanilid tablets per month, died with a bad heart. I do not know how many of them he took himself, but I have always had my convictions, and I am reasonably certain that he died without blaming the acetanilid for his condition. Our sales for one year covering our retail trade and a wholesale account of about 100 physicians totals 100,000 tablets containing some one of the coal tar products. The patent headache and pain remedies, estimated in ten cent packages, total 4000 and the cold cures 700 boxes, while the bulk goods, covering acetanilid, acetphenetidin, hexamethylene, sulfonal, trional, veronal, reaches 15 pounds. The profit on these goods should run about $400, but the public is welcome to our part of it, if they will let coal tar alone, either voluntarily or by compulsion. Now then, with these figures before us, and with the facts plainly evident to druggist or physician who uses any powers of discernment, what chance have the common people against the wiles of the impertinent manufacturer who repeatedly advertises, “Perfectly Harmless.”
I must now give you the cases which aroused in me the antagonism to the open sale of all remedies which contain any coal tar derivative, no matter how strongly fortified with correctives.
A close friend of mine had a young son come down with a cold, the physician prescribed twenty powders, two grains each of acetphenetidin. Some time after this, the box came back for a refill. I said to Jones, “Does the Doctor want you to have these again?” He replied that he did. This happened several times in the course of a few years, and the boy became old enough to come to the store himself on errands, and I could not help noticing how white and pale[8] he was, and finally it dawned on me what ailed that boy. I went to Jones and said to him, “While it is none of my business, I want to tell you with all the force possible, to quit killing that boy.” “Well,” he says, “I told my wife what you said, and she replied, That she guessed the Doctor knew as much as I did about it, so he had dropped it, but now I believe you are right, and those powders stop right here.” The boy today is a fine strapping rosy-cheeked youth. A young man of this town, a perfect giant in strength, who could pick up my 175 pounds and throw me over his head, became addicted to the use of one of our popular effervescent preparations for headache. Some time after he commenced using it, I began to warn him against the frequent dosage, till he almost quit coming to our counter, not relishing my “preaching,” as he styled it. I saw him, however, at all the other stores in town, and knew that he was using it regularly. Several years passed, and some prescriptions containing heart remedies were ordered sent to this man, later a nurse was called. I asked the physician “What ails Brown?” “Heart trouble,” says he, I told him what I knew, and he thanked me, not knowing the cause.
In a few days this perfect specimen of physical manhood died,—died in the prime of life, and with a strength that not one man in 10,000 ever attains, died because we men, druggists, doctors, and scientists have been so slow to recognize the slow, sneaking, insidious character of these vicious remedies. No one can make me believe, when I pick up the morning paper and read the same old story day after day, “that Jones dropped dead in Texas, Smith in Maine and Black in California,” that Coal Tar was not at the bottom of 90 per cent. of them.
For my part I am in this fight to stay, I have decreased our sales all of one-half, by my own warnings against their use.
But how much avail am I to the ignorant young rounder, who comes out of a night’s debauch with a big head, and who still half drunk wanders from drug store to drug store and asks for his effervescent? No one guilty because the busy clerk or proprietor did not know that he had had another just 5 minutes previous. With all this knowledge before me I have been guilty of openly pushing the sale by the distribution of literature lauding these remedies, but no more for me.
And I ask my brother druggists not to put out any advertising which may contain on one of its pages a recommendation for a coal tar remedy. I also hope to soon see upon the statutes of every State a law similar to the one concerning Cocaine of our own State.
For I maintain that Opium or Cocaine are not one-half so deadly as Coal Tar, for while they openly show what they can do, the other works silently till the end is near. For our part, we have quit putting up a remedy of our own, and I have in mind the adoption of a label, to go on the outside of all packages sold, to read something like this:
“All remedies containing acetanilid, acetphenetidin or like product of coal tar are dangerous, and should be used with caution, in extreme cases only, and never habitually.” Considering the effect on myself, on the people I have sold to, the evidence of many physicians who have found out the pernicious effects and have felt themselves compelled to abandon or modify its use, I venture the opinion that, while it is bad medicine for any one for regular use, on those who are extremely susceptible to it, it soon vitiates the blood, and deprives them of their full powers of resistance, when sudden shock or disease o’er takes them.
Gentlemen, if by the reading of this paper, I have converted one person to my point of view I shall feel amply rewarded for the hours spent in its preparation.
Patrick, lately over, was working in the yards of a railroad. One day he happened to be in the yard office when the force was out. The telephone rang vigorously several times, and he at last decided it ought to be answered. He walked over to the instrument, took down the receiver, and put his mouth to the transmitter, just as he had seen others do.
“Hillo!” he called.
“Hello!” answered the voice at the other end of the line. “Is this eight-six-one-five-nine?”
“Aw, g’wan! Phwat d’ ye t’ink I am? A box car?”—Exchange.
By William G. Toplis
Proceedings of Pennsylvania Pharmaceutical Association.
The year Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-one is destined to become known in medical and pharmaceutical history as the beginning of the most revolutionary epoch in all of the experience of those branches of endeavor.
That year brought forth a discovery whose importance is not yet generally recognized. Not alone is it concerned with medicine and pharmacy, but it has performed a most important service in engineering projects of world-wide importance. It may be truthfully said that this discovery and those it led up to, made possible the building of the Panama Canal.
It was a most important factor in bringing victory to Japan and defeat to Russia.
It is banishing pestilence from its breeding places everywhere, and no department of life, either animal or vegetable, is beyond its influence. It has placed the practice of medicine upon a scientific basis, and inaugurated the era of preventive medicine. The day of curative measures, with which we are most familiar, is passing. In most of the cities and large communities of the world, Public Hygiene has become a very important department of government. Observe our own city of Philadelphia; we have there the largest water purification plant in existence. Its effect, in that city is to reduce the number of typhoid fever cases 80 per cent. of the former total, and perhaps 100 per cent. of the water borne typhoid, peculiar to the Philadelphia water supply. A case of typhoid fever commonly runs three months. In money it is worth from fifty to one hundred dollars to the attending physician, perhaps half of that to the druggist.
A similar change has taken place concerning diphtheria. Anti-toxin and treatment are supplied to the patient at the expense of the communities in by far the greater number of cases.
Smallpox is practically unknown, for similar reasons.
Bacterins as prophylactic measures against typhoid, and a number of other diseases, are coming into increased usefulness.
Chemo Therapy. The latest advance has done astounding things. With one treatment of 606, Salvarsan, specific disease disappears to return no more. At least it seems so at this early date.
Much is promised from the same source in the eradication of cancer.
Leprosy, incurable, from remote antiquity, seems about to succumb to the new enlightenment.
The extermination of tuberculosis is within hailing distance. And so on through the whole catalogue of ills that plagued the people, unrestrained, less than 30 years ago.
The transcendental discovery of Dr. Koch, that has made possible all of these wonders, and many others beside, and others yet to come, is the simple fact that microscopic organisms grow in pure culture, upon a piece of boiled potato. This is the corner-stone upon which has been built the whole science of modern Bacteriology. With these facts confronting us and others of like nature to follow, we naturally turn to inquire what effect these changes are likely to exert upon the practice of pharmacy.
Every pharmacist has observed the greatly increased development of the commercial side of the drug business as compared with its scientific side, which rather seems to be accorded a secondary place in the conduct of its affairs, regardless of the fact that this feature is the one that gives it character, and the only one that distinguishes it from ordinary merchandising.
Thirty years ago the physicians whom we knew were high-minded, dignified gentlemen, who held the ethics of their profession in such esteem that they scorned to violate them. We could not imagine any of those, passing out a handful of tablets to an office patient for a fifty-cent fee. And yet the man of today who practices medicine under such conditions is to be condemned no more than his predecessors are to be condemned, because each of them is a product of the conditions of his day. Truly the change is to be deplored and the remedy is not yet ready. Thus we have a dreary spectacle,[10] the most noble calling on God’s green foot-stool, degraded, through its commercial side, into a mad competition for existence. There are some other causes, beside those noted, that contribute to the same effect, such as increased numbers of individuals practicing both medicine and pharmacy. The later causes, however, are self-limiting and not necessarily fatal to the calling as a business proposition, whereas, with preventive measures well established, it is plain to all that both the practice of medicine and pharmacy as now conducted, will come to their end.
This does not mean that both doctors and druggists will disappear completely, but it certainly means that a new order of things is upon the threshold.
This is the year Nineteen-Hundred and Thirteen.
Between the years 1922 and 1932 we may expect to have established a National Board of Health, with a chief officer in the cabinet and an organization similar to that of the Army, in which every physician and every pharmacist will be an officer of the United States Government. Those physicians, under the new order, who remain in the office awaiting the call of the sick will be comparatively few in number. The remainder will be out in the broad domain of practical Hygiene. Every factory, farm, field, forest, stream, mines, and what not, will then come under the watchful eye of this new Army which, with all of the wisdom of science, will guard the health of the country, if anything, more zealously than it is guarded against foreign foes. Every occupational disease will be banished, every case of communicable disease will be promptly isolated.
The men who are to perform this service will be the doctors and druggists of today who survive at that time, together with those who shall be hereafter graduated in those professions; not that all of these men are at present fitted for this work, but their training and experience make them the most available.
They will, however, be subjected to periodic examinations that shall determine their advance and pay, and each one will gravitate into the place that best suits his capacity.
The pay of these men will be suitable to the dignity of their calling, certainly not less than that of a lieutenant in the United States Army.
Under this new order the people will receive their medicine and medical treatment upon the same plan that they now receive their public school education.
To the incredulous, it may be said that the people of Philadelphia alone spend annually fifteen millions of dollars for medical treatment and medicine. Under the new system the cost would be less than half of that sum, and the people will receive better attention than at present.
Schools of medicine and pharmacy will be government institutions, as are West Point and Annapolis, and their various laboratories will be the main centres from which the operations of this Hygienic Army shall be directed.
To the incredulous, again, it may be said, these conditions are coming, not because they are being sought, nor even desired, but they will be thrust upon us through the force of economic necessity.
The United Drug Company, of Boston, has acquired control of the Guth Chocolate Company. The Guth Company makes several confectionery brands. It is stated that the United Drug Company now controls the Liggett and Daggett candy companies and these will be combined with the Guth Company into the United Candy Company.
The United Drug Company will shortly open in the new Grand Central station in New York what is advertised to be the largest drug store in the world, the fixtures alone costing between $75,000 and $80,000. The United Drug Company operates about fifty-five drug stores and sells goods in about 5500 stores throughout the country.
As indicating the growth of this company’s business, it is stated that nearly one million square feet of space is now utilized for manufacturing purposes.—Printers’ Ink.
Dr. J. B. Freeman, of Bridgeport, Ala., has opened a drug store in Springfield, Tenn.
Mr. L. L. Floyd, Plainville, Ga., will build an up-to-date two-story brick building for a drug store, which will be opened soon.
Mr. Will Childdress is opening a new drug store in Monette, Ark. He will occupy the Simon Building.
Mr. C. N. Barnett has opened a drug store in Clarkston, Ga. This has been a long-needed institution in Clarkston. The soda fountain is an attraction for the young people of the town, too.
A new drug store is being opened in Rockwell, N. C., by Mr. H. W. Barnhardt.
Drs. Lipscomb and Hockenhull have installed a drug store in the Bank Corner, Cumming, Ga. The owners will run the drug store in connection with their practice. A waiting room, consultation room and a laboratory will occupy one-half of the building, while the remainder will be given up to the drug store.
It is announced by A. R. Keen, the manager of the Georgian Terrace, Atlanta’s handsome hotel for tourists, that a prescription drug store will be opened in the large room in the north corner of the hotel. The store will be opened this summer, and will be the first drug store in Atlanta to be located inside a hotel.
The new store of Griffith & Wellons, Marietta, Ga., has been opened and is doing a rushing business. The opening day was a very important occasion for the store, a large crowd being attracted by the music and decorations.
Frank A. Delgado has opened a new store at Fourth and Main streets, Jacksonville, Fla. Among the up-to-date fixtures of the new store is a very modern soda fountain.
It is announced that Tarrytown, Ga., is to have a new drug store, which will be conducted by Dr. Culpeper.
Sam E. Welfare has opened a new drug store at Winston-Salem, N. C.
The E. D. F. Pharmacy, Blackville, S. C., has been commissioned. Capital, $3000. Petitioners are C. A. Epps, J. G. DeLorme and J. M. Fleming.
A voluntary petition in bankruptcy has been filed by Sol. Fiegelson, doing business as the Ineeda Pharmacy, 2001 Jackson street, Houston, Tex.
O. L. Bailey, of Ocean Springs, Miss., and R. H. Lewis, Jr., of Gulfport, Miss., have purchased the Ocean Springs drug store, which will be managed by Mr. Lewis. Extensive improvements will be made.
Mr. John B. Blalock, formerly of Marion, Ala., has entered the drug business in Sheffield, Ala.
Robert M. Green & Sons, of Philadelphia, have opened a show room in Atlanta, which is in charge of Mr. J. L. Shipp. There are very many handsome Green fountains in the South, among them being the fountains in the following named stores: T. H. Howard, Augusta, Ga.; Jerry George, Savannah, Ga., and the Journal Building Fountain, Atlanta, Ga.
A Monthly Publication covering the Drug Trade of the Southern States.
Blackwelder-Riddle Building
Hickory, N. C.
Subscriptions | $1.00 | a year |
Foreign Countries | 2.00 | ” |
Single Copies | 15 | cents |
Subscriptions payable in advance
The Dixie Druggist is issued on the 15th of the month. News items and notices intended for any special issue should reach us not later than the first of the month.
Advertising Rates will be supplied on application to the Advertising Manager. Cuts and copy intended for any issue must be in our office on the first of the month for which they are intended.
Vol. 1
May, 1913
No. 2
A great many druggists put too little stress upon the importance of the window display. It is a very frequent thing to see good window space going to waste. Too often the clerk is left to “put in anything” and puts it in just “any old way.” This should not be.
If your window is worth the time and talents of an expert window decorator, such as are sent out by the national advertisers, is it not worth the time—spare time, let us say—of your clerk? It is a mighty poor window that a national advertiser will not jump at the chance to decorate for you. The chances are that nearly every retail druggist in the South has one very good window. Take advantage of it. Make a carefully-planned window display and you will be agreeably surprised at the interest it will attract. That is what your store needs.
Subscriptions to THE DIXIE DRUGGIST are coming in every day. Have you sent in yours? Our next number may have a single article that will be worth more than a year’s subscription to you. You don’t want to miss these good things.
Standing committees of the Baltimore Drug Exchange for the ensuing year are as follows: Legislation, R. A. McCormick, of McCormick & Co., chairman; A. C. Meyer, of A. C. Meyer & Co.; J. F. Hines and Parker Cook, of the Emerson Drug Co.; Dr. A. R. L. Dohme, of Sharp & Dohme; Horace Burrough, of the Burrough Bros. Mfg. Co.; James Owens, of Carr, Owens & Co.; A. E. Mealy, of Gilbert Bros. & Co.; Allen Carter, of the Resinol Co.; John A. Yakle, of the Kohler Mfg. Co., and James E. Hancock, of John F. Hancock & Son. Membership and Entertainment, J. Emory Bond, of Parke, Davis & Co., chairman; George A. Armor, of McCormick & Co.; Parker Cook, of the Emerson Drug Co., and H. A. Brawner, of Swindell Bros. Public Improvements and Trade Interests, W. M. McCormick, of McCormick & Co.; A. G. Stollenwerck, of the Resor-Bisnol Co., and C. Wilbur Miller, of the Davison Chemical Co. Credits and Collections, James Owens, chairman. Publicity, A. E. Mealy, chairman; A. C. Meyer and J. Emory Bond. Auditors, James Owens, chairman, and A. C. Meyer.
On another page mention is made of the difficulty one man has been having in securing good men for pharmaceutical positions, and this is only one instance of many that have occurred during the past year. Employers who are willing to pay first-class salaries to good men have been unable to get them, the supply being not nearly up to the demand. For a number of years all of the best men of the graduating class have been engaged long before they had completed their course in college, the medium grade men have been easily placed, and even the poorest students have had little difficulty in getting fair positions and holding them. The only men who have had any great difficulty in securing satisfactory berths have been those who have been too lazy to work, or who have had other traits of general character that no employer would wish in any of his employes. Never in the history of the College has there been a better demand for first-class men, and it is doubtful if there ever has been a time when there were so few good men available. Despite the pessimism that exists in the minds of some people as to lack of opportunity for a young man to advance in pharmacy, it is a fact that there are still many excellent opportunities for those who are ambitious enough to fit themselves for good positions. There is no room in any business for the shiftless and lazy.—Bulletin of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.
The Alabama Board of Pharmacy does not recognize diplomas from any college of pharmacy or medicine. Has reciprocal exchange with those States that accord same courtesy, provided applicant holds certificate by examination and required experience.
All applicants for a Pharmacist license must be 21 years of age, with four years’ practical experience (two years’ credit given for college diploma), general average, 75 per cent. in all branches, and not less than 60 in any one. Assistants must be 18 years of age and make 60 per cent. general average.
Applications must be sent to the secretary not less than five days before the meeting of the Board, accompanied with affidavit from parties with whom you have worked, showing your practical experience.
Examinations had in Chemistry, Materia Medica, Practical and Theoretical Pharmacy and Prescription Work.
Fees: Pharmacist, $5.00; assistant, $3.00.
Next meeting of the Board will be held on the ninth day of June, 1913, at Talladega Springs, Ala.
E. P. Galt,
Selma, Ala.
The February examinations held at Tulane University, New Orleans, resulted in the following 27 of 42 applicants being passed for registration:
Registered Pharmacists—Mrs. Gertrude Berensohn, New Orleans; Miss Helen C. Bell, Bunkie; Gaspar R. Rosetta, Jos. L. Bernaur, Geo. V. Vlaren, Jos. D. Fossier, Edwood Koffskey, New Orleans; Jos. Ward Cappel, Marksville; F. L. Delahoussay, Lafayette; Eugene Eleazer, Kaplan; W. Mertz Graves, Mer Rouge; Jos. Hugh Goldsby, Amite; Robt. Jos. Hollier, Abbeville; Jos. C. Hanley, Lake Providence; Andrew L. Rachal, Alexandria; N. C. Richard, Donaldsonville; John F. Sullivan, Lake Providence; Alvin L. Woods, Lutcher; W. M. Windham, Sulphur, and Elzie H. White, Dodson, La.
Qualified Assistants—L. J. Maloney, New Orleans; Maurice Broussard, Loreauville; Anthony P. Kennair and Ernest J. Vicknar, John H. Cason, R. H. Donaway and A. O. Lee, of New Orleans.
Send us a photograph of your store; a new idea for a window display; a different way to advertise; anything new you have learned and feel like passing on to your brother-druggist.
The Board of Pharmacy of the State of Florida will conduct its Summer Examination of applicants for registration as pharmacists in the Board of Health Building, Tampa, Fla., commencing at 9 A. M., June 9th, and continuing two days.
It is required that the applicant be at least 18 years of age, and that he submit proof of four years’ experience in the practice of pharmacy, actual time spent in a college of pharmacy to be credited as such.
Fee for examination, $15. Application and fee should be filed in the office of the secretary at least ten days prior to the examination.
D. W. Ramsaur,
Palatka, Fla.
Examinations for registration in Pharmacy, held by the Board of Pharmacy of the Commonwealth of Virginia, April 15, resulted in the following successful applicants:
Registered Pharmacists—J. M. Hord, L. H. Cosby, H. T. Haley, G. W. Hudson, Max Schwartz and J. G. Gilkeson, all of Richmond; W. A. Smith, K. D. Taylor and R. V. Nelliger, all of Norfolk; P. H. Reynolds, Parker; R. J. Borden, Staunton; R. G. Garrett, Lynchburg; H. L. Brown, Roanoke; G. E. Heller, Bedford; R. N. S. Griffin, Danville, and F. J. Stoll, New York, N. Y.
Registered Assistant Pharmacists—J. B. Spiggle, J. W. Wightman, R. L. Miller, T. A. Ligon, G. L. Miller, R. K. Hawkins, G. B. Updike and C. L. Ingram, all of Richmond; F. W. Martin and H. W. Layden, of Norfolk; H. S. Ramsey, Bedford; G. H. Parker, Jr., Franklin; R. F. Parks, Culpeper, and G. W. Woodward, of Charlottesville.
Mr. W. L. Lyle, Bedford, Va., qualified as a member of the Board of Pharmacy, succeeding G. T. Mankin, of Falls Church, whose term had expired.
Former Vice-President Fairbanks says, “The new South is a realistic fact—not an idle fancy.”
One-fourth of the United States entire export trade for over a quarter of a century has been the South’s cotton.
The South produces practically all the phosphate used in the United States, and more than two-thirds of the fertilizers.
During the past thirty-two years the value of the South’s cotton surpassed the world’s entire output of both gold and silver by over $5,000,000,000.
Few things appeal to us and capture our fancy like a bubbling spring. As it comes sparkling out of the cool depths of the earth it smiles up at us in the friendliest way, like some shy, living creature, inviting us to come and slake our thirst. The mere sight of a spring usually makes us thirsty at once, no matter how recently we may have filled up on tap water or well water.
No little of the charm of the soda fountain is due to the rush and bubble hissing and swirling and foaming into the glass. And who can tell how much of the fatal seductiveness of equally effervescent but less innocent beverages, with their crimson sparkle or creamy foam, or “purple bubbles winking on the brim,” may be due to their hypnotic appeal to our fascinated eye, as we “look upon the wine when it is red, when it moveth itself aright?”
Certain it is that the most popular and irresistible liquors, from lowly lager to lordly champagne, are those that sparkle and foam and bite, with the keen, fresh tang of carbonic acid gas. Even whiskey has to be mixed with something sparkling, “soda” or “Polly,” in order to make it attractive to the eye or even to the palate, except of the educated or jaded minority.
No small amount of the charm of “fizzy” drinks, whether innocent or hurtful, lies in the “fizz.” The motto, “All fizz abandon, ye who enter here!” over the door of every saloon and bar, if enforced, would well nigh sound the death knell of drunkenness.—Woods Hutchinson, A. M., M. D., in Everybody’s Magazine.
Mr. J. W. Caton, a 1912 graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy is in charge of one of the stores of the Knight Drug Company, Savannah, Ga.
Mr. H. A. Ross, who was apothecary at the Pennsylvania Hospital, 49th and Market streets, Philadelphia, is located at Okolona, Ark.
A new brick building, two stories, and having a frontage of 50 feet, has been erected for the Teague Drug Company, Teague, Texas.
Mr. Robert B. Melcher, who was at one time connected with the retail drug trade of Louisville, Ky., and more recently called on the Southern drug trade in the interests of a jobbing house, died in Atlanta, recently.
Mr. D. A. Elvington, formerly with Mr. R. R. Bellamy, Wilmington, N. C., has purchased of Mr. Bellamy the store known as the Kingsbury Pharmacy, at Second and Princess, Wilmington. Mr. Elvington has been employed at the Hardin Drug Store. Mr. Kingsbury will go to Washington, D. C., where he will make his home.
Mr. Walton Roberts, of Summit, Ga., has purchased the store of the Brooklet Drug Co., Brooklet, Ga.
N. S. and C. S. Meadows have purchased the Birch Pharmacy, Vidalia, Ga. Mr. N. S. Meadows has been in the employ of the People’s Drug Store at Vidalia, and Mr. C. S. Meadows has been with the Bulloch Drug Co., at Statesboro, Ga. They are well equipped to handle the business, which has been very successfully conducted by Dr. Birch.
Mr. Lloyd Waldrop, a druggist formerly connected with the Jacobs’ Drug Stores of Atlanta, Ga., has purchased the Benson Drug Store, Tallapoosa, Ga. Dr. Benson, the former owner, has retired from the drug business, after having spent a quarter of a century in charge of this store.
The Bunn Building Pharmacy, Waycross, Ga., which was managed by R. C. Scruggs, is now under the management of J. C. Register and Cecil Spear.
Carpenter Brothers, Greenville, S. C., have purchased the store of E. C. Jameson & Son, on Buncombe street. Mr. E. C. Jameson will remain with the store. This makes the sixth store controlled by Carpenter Brothers. They operate their Main street Store, another at Southern Railway Depot, one at Woodside Mill, one at Brandon Mill and one at Ottaray Mill.
The Fulton Brothers Drug Store, an old-established business in Bessemer, Ala., has been sold to J. J. Martin, of Birmingham. Mr. Martin purchased the interest of Mr. T. R. Fulton a short time ago and has but recently purchased the interest of Mr. D. H. Fulton, becoming sole owner of the well known store. Mr. D. H. Fulton, it is understood, will remain with the store.
S. M. Thompson, Decatur, Ala., has sold his interest in the Decatur Drug Company to Dr. E. S. Price, Tom Petty and T. A. Bowles, all of whom are well known and popular business men of the Decaturs.
Mr. F. C. Hodges, of Abbeville, S. C., has purchased the stock and fixtures of the Tate Drug Co., at Calhoun Falls, S. C., and will continue the business under the name of Hodges Pharmacy.
The Watson Drug Company, Augusta, Ga., has purchased the C. H. Howard Drug Company, of that city. Mr. Jacob Watson is at the head of the corporation which has applied for a charter. The Howard store is located at 912 Broad street, and is considered one of the best locations in Augusta. Mr. Watson came to Augusta from Hawkinsville, Ga.
J. R. Berney and F. DeL. Smith have purchased the interest of Mr. P. B. Harrell in the Berney-Harrell Drug Co., Ensley, Ala. Mr. Harrell has gone to Selma where he will conduct a store.
The Jackson Drug Store, at Griffin, Ga., has been purchased by Mr. Forbes, of Newton, Ga., while Mr. Rufus Jackson, former proprietor of the Jackson store, has purchased the Forbes store, at Newton.
The Postmaster General has announced the following amendment, covering the mailing of liquids by parcel post:
Sec. 22. Admissible liquids and oils, pastes, salves, or other articles easily liquefiable, will be accepted for mailing regardless of distance when they conform to the following conditions.
2. When in strong glass bottles holding four ounces or less, the total quantity sent in one parcel shall not exceed twenty-four ounces, liquid measure. Each bottle shall be wrapped in paper or other absorbent substance and placed in a box made of cardboard or other suitable material and then placed in a box and packed in a container made of double-faced corrugated pasteboard of good quality. The corners of the container must fit tightly and be reinforced with tape so as to prevent the escape of any liquid if the contents should be broken, and the whole parcel shall be securely wrapped with strong paper and tied with twine. Single bottles of liquid holding four ounces or less may also be packed as prescribed in the following paragraph:
3. When in glass bottles holding more than four ounces, the total quantity sent in one parcel shall not exceed sixteen ounces liquid measure. The bottle must be very strong and must be inclosed in a block or tube of metal, wood, papier mache, or similar material; and there must be provided between the bottle and the block or tube a cushion of cotton, felt or other absorbent. The block or tube must be at least five thirty-seconds of an inch thick in its thinnest part for bottles holding eight ounces or less, and at least three-sixteenths of an inch for bottles holding more than eight ounces. The block or tube must be rendered water-tight by an application on the inside of paraffin or other suitable substances and must be closed by a screw-top cover with sufficient screw threads to require at least one and one-half complete turns before it will come off. The cover must be provided with a washer so that no liquid will escape if the bottle should be broken.
4. When in a metal container, the weight of the parcel must not exceed eleven pounds. The container must be hermetically sealed, inclosed in a strong box and securely wrapped.
5. All packages containing liquid must be marked “FRAGILE.”
A. S. Burleson,
Postmaster General.
David Strang succeeds William C. Neilly as advertising manager of the United Drug Company, Boston (Rexall). Mr. Strang has been assistant advertising manager. Mr. Neilly becomes treasurer of the Syndicate Publishing Company, of New York. He is succeeded as president of the United Drug Company, Ltd., of Canada, by Mr. J. J. Allen, of Ottawa.
The Guest—“When I asked you if you had given me a quiet room you said that after 9 o’clock I could hear a pin drop, and now I find it’s right over a bowling alley.”
The Night Clerk—“Well, can’t you hear ’em drop?”—Hartford Post.
READY! It’s Park & Tilford’s
Candy factory
Offices and Showrooms
449-453 W. 42nd STREET
Orders taken in any quantity for family use. Standard quality, possessing distinctive flavor. Quick delivery. Fresh strawberry ice cream, vanilla, chocolate. Fresh strawberry sherbet. If you want real good ice cream, ’phone your order today.—Van Smith Drug Store, Austin, Tex.
Summer days are ice cream days, and you want the best cream obtainable. Call us up. You’ll find we have the best and that the price is right.—Boughton’s, Mansfield, O.
Ice cream that is pure, wholesome and delicious, made from fresh, rich cream and the finest of fruit flavors, will be delivered to your home in any quantity. We give all orders our prompt and careful attention.—Bell’s, St. Joseph, Mo.
You should surely serve Milton Ice Cream every Sunday and at least one other day during the week. The dessert provided on these days will be the most delicious imaginable and a continued enjoyment to every member of the family.—Milton Dairy Co., St. Paul, Minn.
At this season of the year, owing to absence of friends, a great deal of stationery is used. One of our most important departments is our Stationery Department. We carry an immense line of all the newest conceits in writing paper, white, in colors and with borders. We are making special prices on fine stationery for summer use and suggest that you place your order now, either for calling cards, monogram stationery, or high-grade writing papers. Let us have your order now; we will fill it promptly.—Jaccard’s, St. Louis, Mo.
Sunburn Is Painful—The disagreeable features of the outing can be prevented by the use of Snowatine. It soothes the pain, prevents the prickly irritation and keeps the skin soft and smooth.—The Modern Pharmacy, Binghamton, N. Y.
This is a world of progress and change and in no part of it is progress more continuous than in pharmacy. Those who fail to advance with it soon fall to the rear of the procession. Our constant effort is to keep abreast of all advances so that our customers may be insured the benefit of the best goods and the latest and most scientific service.—Gillespie and Reiber, St. Joseph, Mich.
When you think of pure drugs, high grade toilet articles, etc.—
When you think of accurately compounded prescriptions—
When you think of exceptional drug service—
And reasonable prices—
Think of Miller’s Pharmacy, “The Quality Corner,” Chattanooga, Tenn.
Prescription economy does not mean to buy medicines where you can get them the cheapest—unless you can be sure of absolute purity, freshness and medicinal activity. Bring your prescriptions to us and we know that you will get the best and not pay too much for it, either. This is prescription economy.—Curtin and Perkins, St. Joseph, Mo.
We may not be the nearest drug store to you, but we will come the nearest to pleasing you, both in service and quality.—Miller’s Pharmacy, Chattanooga, Tenn.
The Pension Office estimates, according to a correspondent of the Public Ledger, that the last soldier of the Civil War will die in 1955. This estimate is in accordance with the results obtained by students of vital statistics. A veteran who survives until 1955 will have lived 90 years after the close of the war. The last veteran of the war of 1812 died in New York a few years ago, after having lived more than 90 years after the close of that war, while the last soldier of the Revolutionary war lived 86 years after peace was declared.
The United States last year imported 153,000,000 pounds of cocoa, the greatest amount on record.
Coffee from the region around Oaxaca, Central Mexico, is said by experts to compare with the best Java.
Olive oil produced in Austria last year totaled 1,609,064 gallons, while the output in 1911 and 1910 was 1,956,921 and 820,787 gallons, respectively.
Honduras has one central university, located at Tegucigalpa, and five normal schools, at Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, Santa Rosa, Comayagua and Santa Barbara. Over these the Minister of Public Instruction at Tegucigalpa, the capital, has direct control.
Reference has been made to the word cyclone as applied to the storms in the West. We are told by authorities that a cyclone sweeps over hundreds of miles of sea or shore, while a tornado, although having the same whirling motion, is never wider than a mile. The Omaha storm, while destroying a territory 24 blocks in length, confined itself to a width of only about two blocks. Had it been a cyclone of equal strength, we are informed, nothing of the Omaha section would have escaped destruction.
The Cigar Manufacturers’ Association, of Tampa, Fla., proposes a plan, so says the Tobacco Leaf, to obtain legislation giving makers of clear Havana cigars the privilege of making their goods under the supervision of the Government. The plan is to have clear Havanas labeled as such by the Government and mixed and domestic goods to bear labels testifying to their “character.”
Awnings. Cannons may tear them, but we repair them. International Tent and Awning Company. Calle Dolores 4.—Ad in The Mexican Herald.
Style No. 269
Why a Torsion Balance
It is accurate and remains so.
It has no knife edges to wear or shift.
It is quick.
It can be operated with an arrest without injury.
It justly has the reputation of highest quality.
Office: 92 Reade Street, New York, N. Y.
Factory and Shipping Address:
147-9 Eighth Street, Jersey City, N. J.
On and Off the Shelves
When you buy CARDUI you shorten the time between purchase and sale, down to the lowest possible point.
Because the advertising behind
and the great popularity of this remedy have been found to “turn” it quickly.
That’s what you want—a quick “turnover.” It’s the only way to make big annual profits.
Mr. E. C. Reese, for many years manager of the Chicago Branch of The Coca-Cola Company, died at his home in Chicago on April 3. Mr. Reese was a well-known and very popular man in the drug trade world. He was 70 years of age.
Coleman’s Pharmacy, Helena, Ga., has made an assignment in favor of its creditors, the largest being local banks.
Mr. Stack Branch, Ludowici, Ga., is the proprietor of a very modern and up-to-date drug store in his town. He is enjoying a very excellent trade.
A drug store was one of the buildings entirely destroyed by a recent fire in Smithville, Ga.
The Staples Drug Company Building, Edna, Texas, has had another store added to it.
Mr. C. L. Rabun, of Thomasville, Ga., is now in charge of the Jefferson Theatre Pharmacy, St. Augustine, Fla. He has associated with him Mr. R. L. Furman.
John P. Cox has purchased the store of C. E. Gillespie, at Hazen, Ark.
G. M. Chatfield has purchased the E. C. Spann store at Dexter and Perry streets, Montgomery, Ala. Mr. Chatfield is well known in the drug trade of Montgomery.
The George A. Kelly Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., announces that the company now occupies new offices and warehouse at Anderson street and Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh.
The Associated Drug Stores Company has leased the building on the northeast corner of Lexington street and Park avenue for its fourth drug store in Baltimore. The building is now occupied by the Hopkins Drug Company and will be altered and renovated before occupation on July 1.
Lawrence Jenkins, of Forest City, N. C., will open a store at Maiden, N. C., early in the month of May, moving his equipment from Forest City.
Articles of incorporation have been filed by the West Gadsden Drug Company, Gadsden, Ala. Officers are; President, L. E. Lokey; vice-president, Louis Lokey; secretary, R. R. Dunaway.
Tom Haralson, Sr., has purchased the People’s Drug Store, the colored store of Jackson, Tenn.
Mr. E. P. Jepson, formerly with Lamar & Rankin Dr. Co., Atlanta, Ga., expects to be connected with Dean, Ely & Robertson Drug Co., Birmingham, Ala.
Druggist Killed by Employe, Who Then Ends Own Life.
(By the Associated Press)
Dewey, Okla., April 5.—A controversy over 90 cents between John W. Ray, a druggist, and G. A. Hillerbert, who was employed by Ray, culminated in the death of both men here last night. Ray was shot and killed as he stood in the rear of his store, and the authorities did not learn the identity of his slayer until today, when they found the body of Hillerbert, concealed in a closet on the premises. After shooting Ray Hillerbert ran into the closet and killed himself.
When you come shopping bring that prescription to our drug store and it will be carefully compounded and ready for you when your shopping is over. Prescriptions here are filled in the most careful manner. We use drugs of the highest quality.—The Wm. Hengerer Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
The Drug Store—the coolest place in town. If we haven’t what you want we will get it for you at once.—Williams’ Drug Store, Folkston, Ga.
At all seasons be sure to bring or send your prescriptions to us, and be sure of drugs of known quality and freshness. Ample and adequate facilities for scientific compounding, knowledge and training in our work. There’s the combination for safety, results and satisfaction.—Rose Drug Co., St. Joseph, Mo.
Recovery Is Doubtful if the quality of the Drugs and Medicines given a patient is not above doubt.
We spare no effort in obtaining the purest and most reliable goods. Efficiency is dependent upon freshness in almost all Drugs, and all Prescriptions are compounded from Drugs which have not deteriorated through age.
Accuracy is the strong feature of our Prescription Department.—The White Cross Pharmacy, Rutland, Vt.
Our Belmont Linen unusual stationery value. Each box of Belmont Linen contains fifty sheets of strictly high grade Linen Paper with fifty Envelopes to match. In all our years of stationery selling, we’ve never seen the equal of this dependable stationery at so small a price. Get a box when you’re in tomorrow.—The Strouss-Hirshberg Co., Youngstown, Ohio.
More Contract Irish Linen Stationery, a pound, 30c. Yes, it is real linen, too, made by Whitting, made for us under contract at certain periods of the year when the making can be done for less, and instead of being in fancy boxes, it is in neat sealed packages. There’s 108 sheets to a pound.—S. P. Dunham and Co., Trenton, N. J.
Send us samples of what you are using and we’ll quote you low prices.
Labels and Advertising Stickers
146 N. Seventh Street, Philadelphia
A Drug Store in a Southern City.
This is an old established business and is a good opportunity for a live man to take hold and make money.
For further information, address
M. V. G., Care The Dixie Druggist
Hickory, N. C.
The Quisenberry-Rice Drug Co., Rogers, Ark., capital $10,000. Incorporators: M. H. Rice, B. W. Quisenberry and W. B. Holyfield.
Kentucky Drug Company, Lexington, Ky., capital stock $10,000. Incorporators: J. Hughes Rice, Lucy Rice Willis and Orpha Scott.
Central Drug Co., Spartansburg, S. C.; capital $12,000. Officers named are: Isaac Andrews, president; G. de Foix Wilson, vice-president, and R. E. Kibler, secretary-treasurer.
Farmers Drug Co., Hemingway, S. C.; capital $5000. Incorporators: E. A. Simmons, P. B. Watson.
Nelson County Drug Co., Shipman, Va.; capital $2000. Incorporators: T. H. McGinnis, R. H. Trice and C. A. Davis.
Covey & Martin Co., Fort Worth, Tex., has been incorporated by J. W. Covey, C. C. Martin and E. J. Brock.
Swannonoa Pharmacy, Black Mountain, N. C.; authorized capital $5000, and $2000 paid in. Incorporators: N. B. Pool, R. L. Boyd and B. C. Carpenter.
The Allain Drug Company, Morgan City, La., organized by Dr. W. J. McClellan, president; Dr. J. C. Berwick, vice-president, and Mr. V. F. Allain, secretary. The new company acquires the stock of Dr. McClellan, and has a capital of $15,000.
Ford’s Drug Store, Jackson, Miss.; capital $50,000. Incorporators: J. G. Ford, R. E. Taliaferro, et al.
Doster Brothers-Bruce Company, Greenville, S. C.; capital $20,000. J. B. Bruce, president; J. T. Doster, vice-president; D. L. Doster, secretary and general manager.
Public Drug Company, Houston, Texas; capital $15,000. Incorporators: G. W. Stolte, George Elrod and Frank A. Forbes.
Taylor-Bennett Drug Company, Louisville, Ky.; capital stock $20,000. Incorporators: E. H. Bennett, T. P. Taylor and H. A. Taylor.
Stephenville Drug and Jewelry Company, Stephenville, Texas; capital stock $5000. Incorporators: T. H. Perry, L. H. Perry, Pattys Perry.
Crighton Drug Company, Conroe, Montgomery county, Texas; capital stock $10,000. Incorporators: O. C. Lang, H. R. Moore, H. M. Crighton.
The Philip P. Cresap Company, formed to manufacture pharmaceutical preparations in New Orleans. Capitalized at $25,000. Officers are: J. J. Weinfurter, president; E. O. Cresap, vice-president; Philip Cresap, secretary-treasurer and manager.
The Consolidated Drug Company, Doerun, Colquitt county, Ga.; capital $5000, with privilege of increasing to $10,000. Petitioners: C. A. Edwards, W. M. Smith, A. H. Fussell and A. C. Fussell.
Coupland Drug Company, Texas; capital $7000. Incorporators: W. C. White, Alfred Albers, A. L. Kimmens.
“Capsules of Cheer”
Capt. Robert C. Warr, about to retire from sea life after 49 years of it, said on the Campania:
“Yes, it is true that sea captains are sometimes annoyed by passengers who think they know more about navigation than the navigator himself.
“I know a captain to whom a passenger once said:
“‘What town is this we are approaching cap?’
“‘Derwent, sir.’
“‘No, cap, you are mistaken. Look at this map here. According to this map it’s Fordham-on-Tyne.’
“The captain said nothing, and a moment later the passenger asked:
“‘What channel is that, captain?’
“‘Egg Channel, sir.’
“‘Why, man, you’re wrong again! The map gives it as Mellins channel.’
“Three or four times this sort of thing went on. Then the passenger, pointing to a gull, said:
“‘What kind of a gull is that, cap?’
“‘Look at your map and find out,’ the captain gruffly answered.”—Washington Star.
It is doubtful if “Uncle Joe” Cannon ever owned a silk hat. Nobody around Washington remembers seeing him wear one. Next to his cigar, nothing is quite so familiar to his friend as the type of black soft hat which he has made famous. It recalls an amusing incident that occurred in the old Arlington hotel a few years ago.
Mr. Cannon strolled into the place one evening with his secretary, L. White Busbey. Now it happened that Busbey was always a good deal heavier on dress than his chief. This particular night he was immaculate.
A man in the lobby was showing a visitor the sights.
“There’s ‘Uncle Joe’ Cannon,” he said, nudging the stranger.
“You don’t tell me,” exclaimed the visitor, looking at Busbey. “Who is that old slouch with him.”—Kansas City Star.
“You drank too much punch at that reception yesterday.”
“Who saw me drink too much?”
“It wasn’t necessary to total up. When I came in you were holding an animated conversation with the piano lamp.”—Washington Herald.
A German shoemaker left the gas turned on in his shop one night, and on arriving in the morning struck a match to light it. There was a terrific explosion and the shoemaker was blown out through the door almost to the middle of the street.
A passerby rushed to his assistance and after helping him to rise inquired if he was injured.
The little German gazed at his place of business, which was now burning quite briskly, and said.
“No, I ain’t hurt. But I got out shust in time, eh.”—What to Eat.
The christening party consisted of the proud father, the baby—a girl—the grandfather and the rest of the folks. The grandfather stood nearest the priest during the ceremony.
“What’s the child’s name?” asked the priest of the grandfather at the appropriate moment.
“I dunno,” the grandfather replied. And he turned to the father and whispered hoarsely: “What’s its name?”
“Hazel,” replied the father.
“What?” asked the grandfather.
“Hazel,” repeated the father.
The grandfather threw up his hands in disgust.
“What d’ye think av that?” he asked the priest. “With the calendar av the saints full av gur-rl names—an’ him namin’ his after a nut!”—Saturday Evening Post.
State | Place of Meeting | Date | President | Secretary |
ALABAMA | Talladega Springs | 1913 | C. T. Ruff, Montgomery | W. E. Bingham, Tuscaloosa. |
ARKANSAS | Hope | May, 1913 | J. Ward, Hope | Miss M. A. Fein, Little Rock. |
FLORIDA | Tampa | 1913 | Mason Thornton, Ormond. | J. H. Houghton, Palatka. |
LOUISIANA | 1913 | W. E. Allen, Monroe | Geo. W. McDuff, N. Orleans. | |
MARYLAND | Ocean City | June 24-27, 1913 | D. P. Schindel, Hagersto’n | E. F. Kelly, Roland Park. |
MISSISSIPPI | Gulfport | 1913 | T. H. Holcomb, Greenwood | H. M. Fraser, University. |
NO. CAROLINA | New Bern | June 11-13, 1913 | J. G. M. Cordon, Clayton | J. G. Beard, Chapel Hill. |
OKLAHOMA | Lawton | 1913 | C. A. Dow, Ronk Creek | A. W. Woodmancy, Ok. City. |
SO. CAROLINA | Glenn Springs | 1913 | O. F. Hart, Columbia | F. M. Smith, Charleston. |
TENNESSEE | Memphis | 1913 | E. C. Finch, Waverly | T. J. Shannon, Sharon. |
TEXAS | Galveston | 1913 | H. C. Jackson, Austin | E. G. Eberly, Dallas. |
VIRGINIA | Old Pt. Comfort | July 8-11, 1913 | C. D. Fox, Roanoke | E. L. Brandis, Richmond. |
GEORGIA | Columbus | June 10-11, 1913 | J. W. Ridout, Macon | T. A. Cheatham, Macon. |
A. PH. A. | Nashville, Tenn. | Aug. 25-30, 1913 | W. B. Day, Milwaukee | J. H. Beal Scio, Ohio. |
N. W. D. A. | Jacksonville, Fla. | Nov., 1913 | Albert Plaut, New York | J. E. Toms, New York. |
N. A. R. D. | Cincinnati | Aug. 25-29, 1913 | H. W. Merritt, Plains, Pa. | T. H. Potts, Chicago. |
ALABAMA.—L. C. Lewis, President, Tuskegee, ’14; S. A. Williams, Troy, ’16; W. E. Bingham, Tuscaloosa, ’14; W. P. Thomason, Guntersville, ’15; E. P. Galt, Secretary, Selma, ’13.
ARKANSAS.—J. B. Bond, President, Little Rock, ’15; J. A. Gibson, Little Rock, ’14; R. A. Warren, Clarksville, ’16; S. J. McMahon, Batesville, ’12; J. F. Dowdy, Secretary, Little Rock, ’13.
FLORIDA.—E. Berger, President, Tampa, ’16; Leon Hale, Tampa, ’14; H. H. D’Alemberte, Pensacola, ’14; W. D. Jones, Jacksonville, ’13; D. W. Ramsaur, Secretary-Treasurer, Palatka, ’12.
GEORGIA.—H. C. Thuptrine, President, Savannah, ’12; W. S. Elkin, Jr., Atlanta, ’16; S. E. Bayne, Macon, ’14; R. H. Land, Augusta, ’13; Herman Shuptrine, Savannah, ’12; C. D. Jordan, Secretary, Monticello, ’15.
KENTUCKY.—J. H. Martin, President, Winchester, ’12; R. H. White, Mt. Sterling, ’14; Addison Dimmitt, Louisville, ’15; C. Lewis Diehl, Louisville, ’13; G. O. Patterson, Hawesville, ’16; J. W. Gayles, Secretary, Frankfort (not a member).
LOUISIANA.—C. W. Outhwaite, President, New Iberia, ’13; Gustave Seemann, New Orleans, ’13; Peter Rupp, New Orleans, ’13; E. L. McClung, Natchitoches, ’13; W. E. Allen, Monroe, ’13; Paul Eckels, Crowley, ’13; M. M. Bradburn, New Orleans, ’13; E. H. Walsdorf, Secretary, New Orleans, ’13.
MARYLAND.—H. L. Meredith, President, Hagerstown, ’13; W. C. Powell, Snow Hill, ’17; J. F. Frames, Baltimore, ’16; D. R. Millard, Baltimore, ’15; Ephraim Bacon, Secretary, Roland Park, ’14.
MISSISSIPPI.—H. M. Fraser, President, University; P. J. Fife, Jackson; S. C. Lindsey, Europa; T. O. Slaughter, Waynesboro; W. W. Ellis, Secretary, Fayette.
NORTH CAROLINA.—E. V. Zoeller, President, Tarboro, ’12; J. P. Stowe, Charlotte, ’16; W. W. Horne, Fayetteville. ’15; I. W. Rose, Rocky Mount, ’13; F. W. Hancock, Sec., Oxford, ’14.
OKLAHOMA.—W. F. Dodd, President, Caddo, ’13; L. D. Brunk, Nowata, ’16; F. B. Lillie, Guthrie, ’12; J. D. Humphrey, Bristow, ’15; J. C. Burton, Secretary, Stroud, ’14.
TENNESSEE.—F. W. Ward President, Memphis. ’12; M. E. Hutton, Nashville, ’13; W. A. McBath, Knoxville, ’16; O. J. Nance, Jackson, ’15; J. B. Sand, Nashville, ’14; Ira B. Clark, Secretary, Nashville (not a member).
TEXAS.—J. A. Weeks, President, Ballinger, ’13; J. R. Crittenden, Teague, ’13; W. F. Robertson, Gonzales, ’13; H. C. Jackson, Austin, ’13; H. V. Schumann, New Braunfels, ’13; R. H. Walker, Secretary, Gonzales (not a member).
SOUTH CAROLINA.—C. A. Milford, President, Abbeville, ’14; J. M. Oliver, Orangeburg, ’16; H. E. Heinitsch, Jr., Spartanburg, ’12; D. P. Frierson, Charleston, ’13; L. P. Fouche, Anderson, ’15; D. T. Riley, Florence, ’17; F. M. Smith, Secretary, Charleston (not a member).
VIRGINIA.—H. S. Arrington, President, Norfolk, ’17; C. P. Kearfott. Martinsville, ’16; W. L. Lyle, Bedford; J. E. Jackson, Tazewell, ’15; T. A. Miller, Secretary-Treasurer, Richmond, ’14.
Druggists should stock
Dr. A. C. Daniels’ Home Treatment for Horse, Dog and Cat
Free Cabinets, Signs, Window Displays, etc. Best advertised, best sellers and warranted to give satisfaction.
Write for particulars to DR. A. C. DANIELS,
172 Milk Street, Boston, Mass.
Catnip Ball
For Sale By Druggists
Trade Mark
Pat. Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.
The Toy for Cats
The big novelty for 10c. Catnip, the real kind in ounce packages, cartons, bags, ton and car-load lots.
Dr. A. C. Daniels, World’s Headquarters for Catnip.
is reaching a trade that you need to get in touch with, Mister Manufacturer and if you are thinking of covering
you will be pleased with the results that we can bring you.
It will cost you more to send a postal card to these people than it will take a page of space with us.
Put an ad in The Dixie Druggist and listen. If you don’t hear anything you need to change your business. You haven’t anything to sell.
Your Opportunity
Is knocking at the door. It answers to the name of
If you are wise to your business, you will take advantage of your opportunity to reach through this journal a prosperous trade—the Southern Druggist.
Remember what we said about the South last month—“it is more prosperous every time the sun comes up.”
Has Character
This is no ordinary “drink-it-just-to-be-drinking-something” beverage. Coca-Cola has distinctive, individual qualities that you will recognize. Just to look at a glass of it tells the story—bright, sparkling, clear.
Delightfully refreshing—completely thirst-quenching—absolutely wholesome. It’s worth repeating.
Demand the Genuine—Refuse Substitutes.
Send for our free Booklet.
Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola.
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