museek+: museek+ (file-sharing application) museek+: museek+: Museek+ is a file-sharing application for the Soulseek p2p network, museek+: written in C++. It's an enhanced version of Hyriand's original Museek museek+: ( It supports chat, transferring files, museek+: searching, user-management, sharing, banlists, interests and more. museek+: Museek+ consists of museekd (daemon), muscan (shares scanning tool), museek+: muscand (automated shares scanning tool), musetup (command-line museek+: configuration script), musetup-gtk (PyGTK configuration app), museeq museek+: (QT GUI client), mucous (curses python client), museekcontrol museek+: (command-line python client) and murmur (PyGTK client).